Saturday Morning Service, Central Synagogue - September 11th, 2021

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in the rising of the sun we remember in the blowing of the wind we remember in the opening of bugs we remember we remember [Music] remember we remember [Music] [Music] when we're lost and sick at heart we remember when we've choice we yearn to share we remember we remember [Music] they are now a part of us they are now a part of us as we remember we remember we remember [Music] we remember i [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] penis [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] hush [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] guard all us [Music] things [Music] keep us night till we wake with morning's teach us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you [Music] do [Music] shabbat shalom everyone we begin with the words of hine matov how good it is to be together as a community today [Music] um [Music] how good it is [Music] how good it is [Music] um [Music] it is so good and sweet to be together on this crisp september shabbat morning with with all of you here and all of you here that are joining us through live streaming shabbat shalom i'm maurice salf so pleased that i'm helping to lead the service with my friends and my colleagues rabbi sauer berman and our cantorial intern jana macmillan and we are conscious that today is a special shabbat it has a special name shabbat shiva the shabbat of return it's the shabbat in between rosh hashanah and yom kippur a very sacred time for all of us who are celebrating these high holy days a time when we've been asked to continue the work of looking at ourselves trying to figure out what we want to continue what we want to change so we can go forward with blessing into the new year and in days of old this was one of the few sabbaths where there was a sermon and a very wise sage would stand and teach and i have good news for you this morning we have two wise sages that are going to be standing and teaching us and i want to introduce them ben can you stand and alice can you stand take a take a look at everyone in the congregation just give them a wave if some of you know some of these beautiful young men others you only won some of you don't know either of them and we're thrilled that you're going to be helping us lead the service as you become bar mitzvah today you can take a seat we have been tested pcr tested and are negative so that's why we've taken off our mass we're grateful for those of you in the congregation to be wearing masks just as an extra precaution we have wonderful filtration systems and a big sanctuary but obviously we want to be extra safe and careful uh this morning so thank you thank you for that um it's it's an it's a a sensitive time in in our congregation um because 20 years ago we rededicated this sanctuary i i uh i think some of you know that we had an accidental fire about 23 years ago we rebuilt this sanctuary we rededicated it on september 9 2001. by the way if you have this prayer book in your in your pews on page 51 this is what this is the picture of of the sanctuary after after the fire i mean it was it was a devastating fire although thanks to a very heroic group of firemen and women the the sanctuary did not completely collapse we actually celebrated them when we rededicated the synagogue we closed off closed off lexington avenue the governor was here and and many other dignitaries and uh as you can imagine it was a super special day i was not actually here but i know the legend of that day when we rededicated the sanctuary and then of course horrifically two days later our nation and our city was attacked on september 11th and then just a few days later some of those firefighters we honored we buried and we we had the funeral services in this sanctuary which still stays with us as a community a synagogue community a city community a national and even global community and so we we know and recognize this as a sacred day as well the 20th anniversary of those attacks and we'll particularly pay attention to remembering those who had died at the time when we reached the cottage section of our service i'll just say um one more thing about those just because uh the thing one of the things i remember about that day i remember the terror i was in the city at the time but i also remember the heroism i'm not just of uh the the police and the firefighters but just regular people who who chose to be heroes that day to stand up for each other and and really show the best of their humanity for all of us and and i try to remember that on this day as well so that's that's in my head as uh we head into the service this morning too there's a prayer that we start our services with it's called uh is it called elohide shaman is that what we're starting with oh yeah good we're on the same page um and our tradition teaches that within each of us is a soul that is pure and you may you may think of during the high holidays we talk about things that aren't going so well things that we might be improved which is true for each of us but at the fundamental level judaism teaches each of us has a soul that is pure and we begin our services with that reminder to give us some little extra comfort maybe maybe remind us that even if things have been rough even if we've been rough we can dig down deep in and get to that purity so we will open what page is that page 17 page 78 [Music] everything hello [Music] i wanted to uh to mention that i'm wearing a special keepa today this uh is a keeper colored by one of our bananas but alex colored this when he was young and there's a you're the first student alex that ever gave me a keepa that was designed uh with your own hand and i i've kept it i use it and i wanted to wear it this morning because on this special day so so thank you for that and it's really quite awesome to have you i'm sitting in the pews at a different stage and it's been so great to study with you and ben as you've uh taught me now as bar mitzvah lessons from the torah lessons for me to live with so it's kind of nice to be together for these different milestones of our lives and i just wanted to thank you for this and thank you both for being my teacher as we head into this special morning rabbi salth is really reminding us all that even on such a solemn day as shabbat shiva and september 11th this is still shabbat which is a day we are commanded to find joy so we continue with songs of joy mismoor on page 22. [Music] me [Music] is [Music] the last of all of our psalms psalm 150 which we're about to sing invites us to give god all we've got as we pray bringing in instruments of all kinds and most importantly bringing in the instrument that is inherent in every single person that's in the sanctuary today and that's the instrument of breath so we're going to learn this song together um and there's one word that's going to anchor us throughout if you don't know hebrew don't worry this word is going to be hallelujah so can we all say that together hallelujah that we've reached this day and we're going to use that instrument of breath to sing this song together let's learn it [Music] together [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] from the beginning we got this [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] as we turn towards our ark for our call to prayer we turn to page 108 and if you are able i invite you to rise [Music] my [Music] i foreign [Music] i foreign [Music] please be seated we are told that in the beginning god created god created light and darkness the heavens and the earth but god also created humanity in order to create we create every day when we sing or dance or draw or paint what will you create today what will you bring into the world yoter or our prayer of creation is on page 110. [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] god is one let's try together hero is [Music] is [Music] our god is is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we continue with our song of freedom and redemption on page one hundred and twenty-two michael moja [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the words of our tradition the words in our prayer book are sometimes exactly right but sometimes we need the words that are carried only in our own hearts whichever is right for you i invite you to take the next few moments for a silent prayer okay so [Music] be [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] who you are [Music] we now rise one twenty four [Music] did [Music] open up my lips [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] [Music] um [Music] there are so [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] is [Music] me [Music] the [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] a light of the torah shines forth from zion autonomized teachings flow from jerusalem this scroll has nurtured our people from sinai to today it teaches us love justice hope and peace [Music] i am [Music] foreign so here we go one more time we're going to invite everybody to come in front of the podium at this time stand next to their parents and their grandparents that are here and the remainder of the congregation may be seated [Music] and alex you stand here next to beloved members of your family we also think of all the generations that have have come before you that have helped you arrive at this day and also uh dear ones that are close to us that we were lucky to know that we wish were here today but uh we feel their presence your grammy barbara your grandpa harold they're with us this day as well we're about to pass this tour into your arms it's uh it's a big idea to think that this is your responsibility now to embrace this story we talked about what that might mean as we prepared in our last rehearsal i want to tell you a quick story of of one of our great teachers right by hillel who once was asked by a rambunctious teenager who was not studying at his academy he asked rabbi hillel hey rabbi hello i'll join your academy if you can teach me everything that's in the torah while standing on one foot and the rabbi could have shoot him away and say get out of here this is really serious but instead rabbi hillow stood on one foot and said whatever is hateful to you do not do to another person that's the entirety of this torah everything else is commentary and the young man was stunned by the clarity of kindness and goodness that rabbi hillary was able to explain was in the torah that he signed up immediately to be a student of rabbi hilas but uh ben and alex we know you are already a student of kindness and goodness you embrace that within your own lives how you treat your siblings how you treat your friends and your family and we hope that as you go forward as a bene mitzvah you'll continue to embrace that lesson and all the other commentary that's within our tradition we're going to pass these scrolls now to you from generation to generation with tremendous love [Music] you are gifts and your blessings you are historians [Music] you are learning to be strong [Music] the dwarfish is [Music] his lips will praise [Music] [Music] oh i'm sorry the israelites were traveling to ancient israel after being enslaved in egypt moses is leading the jews through the exodus moses is 120 years old at the time when they reach the jordan river god talks to moses adonai says to moses that he is 120 years old and will not lead the jews into israel then god explains that joshua will lead the jews into israel instead of being upset or discouraged moses embraces the passing of power and does not complain he acts as a supportive and important figure to joshua as he becomes the new leader of the jews there are many important i many important ideas and lessons that this torah portion teaches us one main lesson is that we should be supportive when someone overtakes us or passes us we should not be rude or mean and we should perform them provide them with words of support and encouragement moses also realizes that it is not only best for him but is best for his people if joshua becomes the new leader of the jews moses was very old at the time and would not have lived much longer after he entered israel moses also puts his trust in god and knew god would make the right decision moses also shows us a good example of how to be peaceful and non-violent when he passes power to joshua this example of a peaceful passage of power reminds me of how my favorite football team the dallas cowboys had a sort of similar passage between two quarterbacks going into the 2016 season tony romo moses was set to be his starting quarterback in the second week of the preseason tony went down to an injury dak joshua was then thrown in and had to start he led the cowboys to a great start before tony was cleared to play tony was a gentleman when the coaches told him that dak would finish out the season deck led the cowboys to a 13-3 record and the second seed in the playoffs tony was like another coach to dak he mentored him in every way on and off the field after that season tony decided to retire completing a successful career which also included a successful passage of power for those of us who are sports fans or just regular citizens aware of how power works we know this is a rare and positive transfer of power when i think about how this compares to my life it reminds me of an annual ritual at my school columbia grammar and preparatory school called moving up day every year on the last day of school each grade passes a sign to the grade below and receives a sign from the grade above passing the sign symbolizes that we are passing the knowledge we have learned during the past year to the grade below and receiving knowledge from the grade above it is meaningful to me because it allows me to celebrate what i've learned and be excited for while lies ahead next year i may never be a moses or a tony but whenever i get the chance to be able to transfer power i hope i do with as much respect and support as they did i'd also like to thank rabbi mo my parents and my sister for helping me and supporting me on my journey i don't know ben you sound like a moses and a tony to me today thank you for that wonderful teaching my torah portion is taken from parshat vayla from the book of deuteronomy chapter 31 and verses 1 through 9. for my first dahlia i call upon my grandparents stephen norley foreman donald and susan ginsberg and laura ginsburg and tom cera for my second aliyah i call upon my parents hillary and justin ginsburg and my sister caroline ginsberg so we're going to call all of you honorees forward first group is going to come stand next to me first group come over next to me one two three [Music] hello i mean [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] one step back you're not leaving here one two three [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] um ben we are so proud of you for all the beautiful chanting that you've already done today and that you're about to do we are just so proud it's so evident that you really care about this moment and that you've put so much hard work into it and it's just been clear from what your tutor has said our check-ins like you this moment means so much to you as it does to your family as well they're so proud of you so in a moment you're going to be called up to the torah for the very first time by your hebrew name which is so special and before that happens we get to brag about you as i've already been doing to your loved ones and it's just so evident that you bring such a passion to everything you do ben you shared with me your love of all things sports as we have already heard today your love of basketball it just shines through and what we were when we were talking together and when i asked ben what he looked uh forward to the most on this day he told me that conquering and finishing this huge task is first on his list and as well as sharing this beautiful moment with all of his loved ones here today so we are beaming with pride for you in this moment as we call you up by your hebrew name for the very first time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me you can sit over there hold on pages i will continue with chapter 31 verses 14 through 23 for my first aliyah i call upon rabbi mo salth for my second elia i call upon my parents nancy and justin put you guys up [Music] okay [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean when you're ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we'll get it don't worry it's just gravity come stand up here facing jenna she's gonna talk to you alex in a moment you will be called up to the torah by your hebrew name which is xander lev it's such a special name because it contains the hebrew word for heart within it and from the moment we met it's been really clear that you put so much heart into everything that you do um whether it's teaching you in hebrew class or are just a couple check-ins that we've had it's just so clear that your heart is really in this and so we thank you for that um and it's true i told you this in rehearsal you sound like you've been chanting for years uh you put your heart not only into the learning for today but also into your passions you shared with me you love swimming you love tennis you love reading countless books as you're an avid reader your mom said one summer you read 65 books which is just insane that's amazing um and you bring so much to everything you do alex so it's our honor to call you up to the torah for the very first time for your third aliyah by your hebrew name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i asked the congregation to please rise in honor of the torres strait for a second holy that is incredible i love your message i'll take this [Music] is [Music] i [Music] in the torah portion that i studied the key characters are god moses and joshua god is talking about how moses is going to die and the israelites will soon be led by joshua god is instructing moses and joshua how to lead the jewish people to the promised land god is warning them when the israelites get used to the promised land they'll become corrupt and start worshipping other gods god is also saying that it is joshua's job to remind the israelites of the teachings of god and the torah so they don't go astray something that i am wondering is why god chose joshua to lead the israelites moses has his own sons who could have the power but god chose joshua what traits does god see in joshua that convinces god to hand joshua the power of leading the israelites the answer is that years earlier joshua was optimistic about entering israel when many other leaders were not he unselfishly volunteered then to take the lead in helping the israelites safely go into israel even though this meant he might be in harm's way some of the traits that god saw in joshua remind me of the book once by maurice gleitzman this book is about a boy named felix and his story about the effects of the holocaust on him and his newfound german friend zelda one important part of this book is when felix has to go out into the ghetto streets to find aspen for zelda who is very sick he has to risk his life to try to help heal his friend this is especially dangerous because felix zelda and many other jewish kids are hiding in a cellar with a dentist that is jewish the reason that they are safe is because barney the dentist works for hurt nazi soldiers felix has to avoid many nazi soldiers and patrol cars to keep the seller a secret he finds aspirin in a house but doesn't settle at that instead of going back to the cellar he finds a carrot to remind zelda of the story he always tells her about a magic carrot a magic hair represents hope and the belief that things would get better for the jewish people since cats were very rare during the war this care may represent a sign from god that things will improve and the war is going to end soon just like joshua felix was willing to put his life in front of others so that they were safe from danger and the enemy this trait is a that is this is a trait that is still important in today's society and is looked for in good leaders we have seen this through the many health care workers during covet they have put their lives at risk to make sure we are safe from the virus the actions of joshua felix and today's healthcare workers all represent the willingness to put others interests ahead of their own i hope to be someone who will always try to support those who need help and guidance and what they're looking to achieve i can start now by being a reliable resource to my fellow classmates who may need help with something they're struggling with i can also be supportive of my sister abby when she goes through some of the same challenges i had to face i could not have prepared for my bar mitzvah without the help from rabbi mo who guided me through my learning about my torah portion the support of my sister abby as well as my mom and dad was an enormous help in my studies of the torah i want to thank my family and friends for joining virtually and i hope to see everyone in person soon well thank you alex for that very moving teaching and uh your beautiful leading of services today very very moving and we're going to continue as we uh have a chance to hear about the blessing for the half torah and then the blessing itself oops sorry there we go the hof tour for this week is taken from the book of isaiah i'll be reading from chapter 55 verses 6 through 8. and we join in the blessing together alex is going to lead the blessing sorry oh so sorry okay no no it's good [Music] [Music] m [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] of [Music] [Music] is i will continue with chapter 56 and verses three through seven from the book of isaiah veil honeywell [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean beautiful beautiful job we're going to invite alex back up here right there i just want you guys to let's take a breath together you did it oh my gosh everything you've been working towards you did so beautifully today and we're all so proud of you i'm proud of you your rabbis are proud of you and your families are just beaming with pride right now so we want to celebrate you as we rise and sing simon tov together let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] you may be seated wow you're you have me filled with uh sports metaphors uh ace uh touchdown grand slam these you guys are uh remarkable i i promised you at the beginning of this shabbat shiva service two sage remarkable teachings but it was easy for me to promise because i knew i knew i was coming you both have led us and taught us so impressively thank you so much i want to add a few words to the important words that you both have shared with us i actually want to want to add two words those are the hebrew words english a few more words translates to be strong and courageous or be strong in resolute which means to be unwavering in your values both of you this is very rare actually this happens um at central when we read the portions both of you have those words in the torah portion that you chanted so here's the torah quiz part of the uh the service who says to someone else who says it's a who do you think moses says it to joshua god also says it like a few times in the portion but the point i want to focus on is when moses says it to joshua and what's the setting do you remember you have some of the help here too moses says to joshua be strong and courageous what setting does moses say that to is it in moses's tent is it somewhere else remember by chance and take a guess can i take a guess it is not his tent it it's a good you would think that's what happened right they were good at moses 10 they would huddle up it says okay you're the new leader here's some advice no he says it moses in front of all the israelites he says to joshua khazakh vi emaaz now i know this story and i've i've i've read it and it it all made sense to me and didn't really pay much attention to it you know transfer of leadership this is the way it's supposed to go moses is in front of the people he says to joshua vermatt great but this year i was struck by something i've never really thought about it kind of came to me you know this this is related a little bit to what you taught us alex joshua was already a successful leader he had already shown proven he can deal with stressful situations because he he had scouted the land of israel he had come back he had said with caleb this is a good land let's go and the other scouts at the time this was 40 years ago before the story of your torah portion um said oh it's nice but it's too scary we can't go and the israelites wait 40 more years so joshua's already seen leadership for years decades even so you would think that uh he wouldn't need this advice to be strong and courageous but it struck me that moses did it in front of him and in front of everyone because moses was being vulnerable at the time he was sharing something very intimate with his successor that even if you're as accomplished as you are joshua the job you're about to take on will be so tough that it might cause you a lot of fear and anxiety you don't say to someone be strong and courageous if you don't think they're going to need to be strong and courageous it's kind of obvious right like i didn't say to you before the morning like oh you know don't forget to put on your shoes because obviously you're going to put in your shoes you're coming to synagogue but but with this moses says to this this great leader already because he knows himself moses actually knows he's experienced the stress of what it's like to lead these people so he's passing the torch to joshua and he's explained to him that these tough challenges will be part of his life as a leader but nonetheless joshua you can be hazak vehmas you can overcome these difficulties so just to be clear it's not when you're strong and courageous that you don't have any anxiety and fear it's when you have anxiety and the fear that you need to tap into what's inside of yourself each of us has this it turns out the the strength and the the courage the resoluteness to go forward through that fear and anxiety it's it's a key quality of of leaders and moses tells us in front of all the israelites because he doesn't want this to be a secret he doesn't want the israelites to think oh we we've got it joshua he's done this before we don't have to worry no he wants the israelites to know this guy is going to have struggles you need to help him be strong and courageous and actually guess what people you too are gonna have these strains and stresses and fears and within you is the ability to be strong and resolute and go forward so he he's actually helping everyone kind of learn this this truth of of life that that we know that we can get through tough times but it's going to take some strength and courage and and resoluteness so i i appreciate that moses is doing this um and making it clear to to everyone that that this is this is part of life and and we unfortunately if if we hadn't experienced in our lives already these past 18 months have shown us that this is going to be true for us and yet we've found a way most of us even though it's been hard to still go forward during these these very very difficult months of this pandemic we have a teacher uh us clergy at the hebrew union college in new york his name is rabbi norman cohen and he's fond of saying to us students the the day before we enter shabbat he says i have a shabbat gift for you and he then he teaches us a little bit of torah so your your shabbat gift ben and alex is is these two words this khazak it's in your your torah portion just like moses used this wisdom just like joshua used this wisdom you can use it as well when it's hard when it seems extra terrifying or intimidating it's not because you're weak it's not because you don't have it it's because you're a human being and it's going to be part of what you're going to face during life at times and you have the tremendous capacity to be strong and resolute in the face of it all you can honor the challenge and find a way through it because you have these abilities inside of you to do so bonus gift on the day you become bar we know this is the 20th anniversary of the attack on our city an attack on our nation that occurred on september 11 2001 and it's clearly a day of mourning and and memory and more rabbi joshua davidson was the assistant rabbi here at central synagogue he's now our friend and colleague up the street at the synagogue we know as temple emanuel and 20 years ago he tells the story of someone who was a congregant here a 15 year old young man he went to high school at stuyvesant high school which is still downtown it was then in the shadow of the world trade center and the school immediately evacuated and told the students go home so this 15 year old way downtown started his way home he didn't walk home he mostly ran home but in between that he tried as many of us did that day those of us that were in the city to get in touch with his parents using pay phones cell phones were not as common texting wasn't as common those days and and the phone lines for many of us were jammed everyone was trying to call at the very same time and he could not get in touch with his parents and he didn't want to go home without knowing they were there so he came to his other home he came to this home he came to central synagogue first and he found his rabbis and he found his cantors and they embraced and they stayed together until they could contact his parents so he could go to his family home and go forward from there through the disaster that was that day so this bonus gift is one which i hope you already know that that we want this to be your additional home a home where you can come when you're scared when things are hard when you're when you're sad but also when you're happy when there's something extraordinary going on we want to celebrate with you and also just on normal days on a shabbat when it's friday and you want to just end the week or saturday morning we have some congregants here who came just for services not because they knew you they came because it was shabbat and they wanted to be here today we we want this to be a place for you and um a place you know that you can come and be safe and where we we can stand by you through all those variety of life's times and and i also know that when we have you here you'll stand by us you'll stand by me we'll talk football we'll talk tennis we'll talk about your families and how you're doing and we'll we'll be together in this sacred community and take a deep breath and find our way to the next step this is a this has been a spectacular morning and we we we're we're just that's clearly just looking at each other and looking at you it's like it's like we're levitating off the bema with with the energy and the inspiration that you both give us and and i'll just say you've given additional meaning to this day of september 11th today you've given us joy and hope and and boy do we need it and thank you thank you for that you as you know are the first bar mitzvah of the fall and because we've had to suspend what we did for so long here at the synagogue you're actually the first pair of banane mitzvah to lead this congregation in over a year and a half that we could not have better people than you to start us off back into our our regular system again i know we're in mass it's not we're not there yet but we're able to still do what we're able to do today and um and so this is a this is a morning i will always remember and um grateful for the blessings that you've brought us today and i'm going to share with you now some additional blessings some private blessings at the ark and i know i'm not the only one who has blessings for these beautiful young men all of us here do and so as as we open the arkham and invite you to rise think of the blessings you have for these beautiful people in your heads and in your hearts and then afterwards you can share them with them personally please rise [Music] may you be blessed as you've gone your way [Music] may you be guided in peace may you be flessed with health and joy may this be your blessing amen [Music] may this be your blessing amen [Music] may this be your blessing i mean may you be sheltered by the wings of peace may you be kept in safety and in love may grace and compassion find the way to every soul may this be your blessing [Music] [Applause] amen your blessing amen [Music] [Applause] your blessing my [Music] [Music] to a place [Applause] [Music] on your journey i will bless you and you shall be your blessing you shall be your blessing you shall be your blessing [Music] and i shall make your name great [Music] to the place that i will show you [Music] [Applause] you shall be [Music] heard you shall be [Music] then i'm going to invite you forward we're going to conclude our services on page 282 with allen [Music] um [Music] when [Music] foreign uh we're preparing we're preparing to say the mortgage cottage and before we do i'll read the names of dear ones who have died in recent days loved ones who are close to this congregation arlene august gary cohen paul glasser michael b gordon doris gross ephraim kamara cynthia levine morgan l miller and jeffrey newman and unnamed dear ones to these beautiful families barbara foreman and harold mandel and invite anyone here who's saying kaddish for a loved one be they recently deceased or perhaps this is their yard site or perhaps you're just remembering them to to think of their name in your your head or if you'd like to say their name out loud at this time i'll invite you to do so and on the sacred anniversary of the attack on our city and our nation we met we remember the too many lost 20 years ago page 294 kadisha tome warner's kaddish [Music] amen [Music] [Music] the is [Music] this evening at eight o'clock if you go to the central synagogue facebook page we are having a memorial abdallah in remembrance of september 11th cantor macmillan will be leading that service along with other members of our clergy are welcome to join us i'm going to invite up a name it's a forward we're going to conclude our beautiful service this morning it was one of those services i really don't want to end but we're going to conclude with a song of peace and celebration as we end this beautiful shabbat service with osei shalom [Music] [Music] hello [Music] shalom [Music] you
Channel: Central Synagogue
Views: 3,191
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Id: CfTc5Z46_JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 49sec (7129 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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