Parents in Islam [Juz 8] - Nouman Ali Khan

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Asalamu alaikum Qur'an Weekly, Today in the 8th juz I want to share with you one small reflection from ayah 151 that has to do with our parents. And I know Sūrat Al-'Isrā', surah number 17 has just beautiful advice about parents, probably one of the most comprehensive passages in the Quran dealing with the rights of parents. But there is something about this ayah that really gets me. The ayah begins 'قُلْ تَعَالَوْا أَتْلُ مَا حَرَّمَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَيْكُمْ' (Qul Ta`ālaw 'Atlu Mā Ĥarrama Rabbukum`Alaykum) -- tell them, the Messenger is told, come on, let me read on to you, recite on to you what your Master has made impermissible for you. Let me tell you what is made impermissible by your Master, by your Rabb. So the ayah is supposed to be including things that are impermissible, that is what you are expecting because the ayah begins, "let me read to you what is impermissible. Make a list of these things." 'أَلَّا تُشْرِكُوا بِهِ شَيْئًا' ('Allā Tushrikū Bihi Shay'āan) - and that you won't do shirk with Allah -- number one. I'm going to skip one and say 'وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلَادَكُم مِّنْ إِمْلَاقٍ' (Wa Lā Taqtulū 'Awlādakum Min 'Imlāqin) - That you're not going to kill your children because of bankruptcy 'نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ' (Naĥnu Narzuqukum Wa 'Īyāhum) -- we provide you and we provide them, don't kill children because of bankruptcy. That's number two. 'وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ' (Wa Lā Taqrabū Al-Fawāĥisha Mā Žahara Minhā Wa Mā Baţana) -- stay away from all forms of shamelessness, whatever is obvious of it and whatever is hidden of it, any form of shamelessness and lewdness and indecency, stay away from it. That's number three. Just to review: don't do shirk with Allah, don't kill children out of bankruptcy and don't engage in any form of shamelessness. 'وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ' (Wa Lā Taqtulū An-Nafsa Allatī ĤarramaAllāhu 'Illā Bil-Ĥaqqi) -- don't kill a person without justification, don't engage in murder. You have no right to engage in murder without 'الْحَقِّ' (Ĥaqqi)- without the right and the right is executor by the court of law. So there are major, major things that we are stopped from in this ayah and at the end of it 'ذَٰلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُم بِهِ' (Dhālikum Waşşākum Bihi) -- that is what He counsels you with, 'لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ' (La`allakum Ta`qilūna) -- so you can apply your intellect. Allah is applying this, giving us this counsel but in the middle of it all He said, 'وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا' (Wa Bil-Wālidayni 'Iĥsānāan) -- and I am literally scratching my head because it says 'وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا' (Wa Bil-Wālidayni 'Iĥsānāan) -- be the best you can possibly be to both parents. I thought the ayah is not able commands its about prohibitions. Everything in the ayah was a prohibition. Everything was don't do shirk, don't kill a person, don't kill your children, don't go near shamelessness, don't kill a person without having justification, everything is a 'don't'. The only do in the ayah is goodness to parents. You know why that is rhetorically so powerful? Because Allah is now saying, anything short of the best to your parents you better not do. There is no other commandment in Islam where we have to do our best for it to be acceptable and that if we don't do our very best then we are actually in sin. There is no commandment in Islam except parents. Except parents. Allah doesn't say you have to have 'إِحْسَان' ('Iĥsān) with Allah. That if you don't have it then you're in the haram. The ayah is what is haram. The ayah is what is impermissible. And Allah says 'وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا' (Wa Bil-Wālidayni 'Iĥsānāan) -- both parents, you better absolutely be the best you can be. You better be good to them under any circumstance and the other awesome thing in this ayah, and by the way anything short of your best you're in the haram -- you're in what Allah forbade. If I don't have the perfection in my prayer I am still not sinful technically, I should work towards perfection but I am not sinful, I'm not in the haram at least. If I don't have perfection in how I speak to people I could be better but I'm not sinful at least. But with my parents, what about my parents should be perfect? What verb is it? Speak to them in the best way. Deal with them in the best way. Give them the best kinds of gifts. Be the most patient with them. You show patience with them in the best way. Which action is it? Allah did not specific a verb, He just said when it comes to your parents the best. 'إِحْسَان' ('Iĥsān). The best what? You know what that means? Don't think of a single thing that shouldn't be the best. There is not a thing you can think of that has to do with the relationship between you and your parents that shouldn't be the best. Your speech, your thoughts, your patience, your attitude, your body language, your gifts, your time, they should get the very best. And this is the form that is used in every language virtually when someone is really giving you instructions and they are like, 'I don't want any discussions OK?'. So if I tell my children "silence". One word. Done. Then I don't want any discussion. End of discussion there is no exception. I don't want to hear, "I'm a special case" or this doesn't apply to me because I hate my dad or I can't stand my mom" it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter 'وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا' (Wa Bil-Wālidayni 'Iĥsānāan) -- when it comes to both parents 'إِحْسَان' ('Iĥsān). That's it. There is nothing else and it is made 'نصب على التوكيد' (Nasb 'ala al-tawkeed) -- I am telling you it better be the best. It is like Allah is saying, "I'm telling you it better be the best. Nothing short of it." And that is in this remarkable ayah. In which everything else was forbidden. And by implication what is forbidden with our parents is anything short of the very best. May Allah help us live up to this incredible standard and really give us the strength and the patience, really the patience, to deal with our parents when they become hard to deal with, when they become angry, unnecessarily, when they make inappropriate demands from us and be sometimes even un-Islamic demands from us, how are we going to navigate that? We're going to navigate that with 'إِحْسَان' ('Iĥsān) -- in the very best way we possibly can. May Allah give us the courage and wisdom and patience to be able to deal with those difficult situations with our parents and may Allah forgive our parents for the mistakes they make. بارك الله لي ولكم Wasalamu alaikum Quran Weekly.
Channel: Quran Weekly
Views: 364,472
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Keywords: Quran weekly, quran, islam, allah, prophet muhammad, Muhammad, quranweekly, juz, juz 8, nouman ali khan, bayyinah, quranic gems
Id: 6NFo35g7zo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2013
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