PARASITES🦟🦟🦟---THINGS you should know!😲

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welcome back this is Dr Jin sung we're at clinical Excellence meets excellent results today we're going to talk about parasites what are they how do we get them how do we treat them and how do we prevent them okay so on the board behind me we have a list of different parasites but basically a parasite is anything that is living in our body that is detrimental and has no benefit to us okay so let's go ahead and look at the list we're looking at round worm hookworm pinworm Giardia tapeworm enter amoeba lice bed bugs Lyme disease H pylori infections right all these infections that can create a detrimental effect on our body with no benefit right how do we get these types of parasites right before I even talk about that is people don't realize there's so many people who actually have infections right as high as probably 60 70 80 percent of the population will have some sort of parasitic infection and they really they don't realize they have one so how do we get them water right usually this is more of um countries that are of poor sanitation poor water supply Etc uncooked Meats pork even fish so forth you can get parasitic infections oral fecal route basically run off water that you drink or that's in your food um that has fecal matter in it right from animals pets people don't realize that pets can transmit parasites anything from round worms to h-pylori infections so oftentimes these let's say dogs uh are brought up in these kennels with other dogs and maybe the conditions are not quite sanitary and oftentimes they will pick up things like roundworm and that's why they test new puppies right they do a stool pathology test to make sure they don't have any parasites so pets are a big transmitter of parasites okay if you let your dog run around and they sniff everything lick everything and then you are saying oh the saliva is really clean let them lick your face your mouth your eyes Etc right parasites can be transmitted by pets polluted waterways Lakes overgrowth Etc fee I've had actually one patient who got a parasitic infection through the feet through the skin right they're on some beach remote island and there were parasitic bugs in the sand and it transmitted a parasite through the skin which it would open up cold sores sores in their legs and so forth so it can be a transmission through the skin and insects right obviously you know a lot of different viruses and and things like the Lyme disease which can be transmitted by insects or bugs right so these are all different things that can happen um in terms of modes of trans transmission when we look at our symptoms right there's so many symptoms related to parasitic infections and oftentimes what happens is you go to your physician and you complain about a symptom you end up with a medication they don't put one and one together and say huh this could be a parasitic infection sometimes so look at the symptoms right so the obvious one is things like acute vomiting diarrhea nausea right or it can be a change in your bowel movements a sudden change all of a sudden you're constipated all of a sudden you're you have loose stool and diarrhea right unexplained fatigue or malaise constantly tired no matter what you do got 10 hours of sleep I'm still tired right sleep disturbances you toss and turn right you might wake up in two in the morning at three in the morning can't go back to bed now that can be a symptom of blood sugar but it can also be a result of a parasitic infection itchy skin or rectum pinworms are notorious for itchiness around the rectum right especially with kids so they'll get a pinworm the pinworms tend to come out at night in the middle of the night they start to scratch and the rectal itchiness can be related to pinworms uh unexplained itchy skin is very common with parasitic infections unexplained health conditions things like fibromyalgia pain I don't know why I have pain right fibromyalgia can be inflammatory it can be as a result of an infection causing inflammatory response causing pain people who grind their teeth at night right like they never used to grind and all of a sudden they're grinding their teeth sugar Cravings or even uncontrolled appetite of food cravings constantly hungry right parasites are feeding off of you making you uh calorie deficient basically so you start to crave sugar you start to Crave food all the time right I'm hungry all the time another one is anxiety and depression psychiatric disorders right things like lime and other infections that can create an inflammatory responses affecting the brain so anxiety and depression is one this is another one autoimmune disease now I have many videos about autoimmune disease autoimmune thyroid Etc so I want you to go ahead and and watch those videos but essentially autoimmune disease can be triggered by a parasite why because parasites create an inflammatory response a cytokine storm it creates an environment where the body is immune response is robust and sometimes it can trigger an autoimmune disease where your immune system starts to attack your thyroid or it can start to attack your joints like rheumatoid arthritis right so there are many conditions that can be autoimmune conditions that can be related to I mean maybe a parasitic infection anemia iron deficiency anemia is notoriously common in parasitic infections things like h-pylori but you know worms larger worms tapeworms Etc can create issues with iron absorption and iron depletion right because they are using your iron right to fuel their body so iron deficiency anemia can certainly occur which causes what fatigue so these are all things that we look at when we look at parasites right so when we look at it we have all these symptoms so how do we test for it right we can test it in a variety of different ways we can do an endoscopy a colonoscopy you can do a swallow of a camera that can look at your your colon Etc right and this is not going to be the best test because oftentimes these microbes are small or these eggs are very small of these parasites so therefore the colonoscopy endoscopies and these cameras um are not the best way but sometimes it will pick those up the best possess for us is stool testing right we have a company called GI map it's called diagnostic Solutions and they provide a DNA analysis of your stool looking at all the different parasites looking at all the different microbes in your body looking for blood looking for inflammatory processes so a GI map would be a good test or a good starting point you can do another test called GI effects through Genova labs they have a three-day test where you can look at the three-day collections of stools so you don't miss anything so these are different tests you can do you can also do a blood test to see if you have an immune response or an antibody to a certain parasite so blood testing is also a viable way to check for these in terms of dietary changes low carb low sugar no milk or dairy no gluten right basically parasites like sugar right so you want to kind of starve that out so you want to minimize the sugar intake gluten and dairies are all inflammatory anyway so we want to eliminate those so dietary changes and then eating things that are high in things like garlic ginger and those types of things can also be an anti-parasitic way of doing things remedies so in our office what we like to do what I like to do in our office is when we have a confirmed case of a parasite we want to do two weeks of a GI support and bile salts or gallbladder support so many times when patients have a GI parasite it's already doing damage to the gut and they can't tolerate the anti-parasitic herbs and so forth so I like to do two weeks of support for the GI tract along with the gallbladder followed by a anti-parasitic regiment right so a GI support can be things like glutamine aloe vera extract right a probiotic and maybe digestive enzymes right prepping and then a gallbladder support because you want to make sure that gallbladder is functioning well and it's dumping the toxins when you have a kill off of the bacteria or the parasite so we wanted a two-week support followed by antiparasitics which can be wood worm black walnut garlic clove oil of oregano so these these would be my top five right oil oregano there's a company called biotics research that makes it great um emulsified organ uh organ or oregano oil which is Time released so it gets down lower into the GI tract this is a fantastic way of doing it and then you obviously berberine Olive extract it does a lot of antimicrobial type of supplements out there what I suggest is most patients who do this is to take a combination pack not just wormwood or black walnut but a combination of things to really go after a parasitic infection and the time frame is really a minimum of four to six weeks I'd prefer six to eight weeks in terms of trying to kill off a parasitic infections so how do we know it's going to work you can re-test down the line maybe you do a regiment of six to eight weeks wait three weeks and then retest or you look for symptomatology Relief right all those symptoms of anxiety itchy skin Etc right so what I'm going to do is I'll look link some of the supplements below different companies Etc you can go ahead and do a search on those but it's important to make sure to prevent that from coming back we talked about you know the sanitary issues with pets and and water supply and Etc right in other countries parasitic cleanses are done probably once a year that you often use medications right it's a very common thing in Asia and some other third world countries is to do a parasite cleanse because they know between raw foods and water supply Etc that parasites are inevitable so you want to go ahead and make sure you do those things to help yourself so if you have unexplained symptoms right and instead of ending up with an anti-anxiety medication uh something for your diarrhea something for itchy skin Dermatological cortisone creams Etc think parasites sometimes that is the underlying mechanism okay my name is Dr Jin sung we're at clinical Excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 208,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parasites, wormwood, tapeworm, pinworm, giardia, hookworm, roundworm, lyme
Id: 99YtKAe2daU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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