Magnesium----Comprehensive Guide. Forms of magnesium, benefits, dosages, impact on Vitamin D.

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[Music] welcome back this is Dr Jin sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results today we're going to talk about magnesium the Forgotten mineral oftentimes when we talk about minerals we often think about calcium calcium from bone health osteoporosis and so forth magnesium is kind of a missing piece when it comes to Mineral uptake so let's go into how we discover if we have magnesium deficiency now when they look for magnesium in your regular blood work it says magnesium that's serum magnesium and that's not a great indication of what your Maxi magnesium levels are if you're going to check for magnesium you want to check it in the red blood cell magnesium that would give you a better read of what's going on also with magnesium there are a lot of little subtle clinical signs that might indicate you have magnesium deficiency so we'd like to go over some of the signs and symptoms and then we'll go into what forms might be the best and what I use in my office to help patients okay so essentially mineral essential mineral which is a cofactor in over 300 enzymatic processes or reactions right it's involved in protein synthesis muscle contraction nerve function blood pressure hormone binding and other things that there's a lot of them right because there's over 300 enzymatic processes that magnesium is involved in now some clinical signs and symptoms of deficiency muscle cramping usually at night sleep disturbances Stress and Anxiety right you feel wired and tired and you know highly stressed right high blood pressure is also another clinical sign and then you're going to have constipation for some people because you need magnesium for muscle uh motility and contraction in the colon and then you're going to have some people who have fatigue heart palpitations or some people who have afib or atrial fibrillation cognition and then headaches things like migraine and so forth so there are a lot of little clinical signs and tips here of possible magnesium deficiency now when we look at the different forms of magnesium there are a lot of them and let's just go into some of what the research says okay in terms of magnesium so this magnesium aspartate is 42 to 45 percent absorption right and absorption primarily occurs in the small intestine and partially in the colon or the large intestine so magnesium aspartate has 42 percent to 45 absorption rate the reason I don't use it is because aspartate is it excitatory neurotransmitter so the purpose of magnesium is to kind of calm things down to rest to relax and so forth but if you combine it with aspartate which is an excitatory neurotransmitter then you kind of having the um push and pull of an opposite effect when it comes to magnesium another one is magnesium lactate it's 42 absorption magnesium citrate is 30 absorption and usually very good for people who have constipation right magnesium citrate does magnesium glycinate which is a 24 absorption rate and the reason I like magnesium glycinate is because glycine is a precursor to Gaba right and Gaba is an inhibitory neurotransmitter so it calms things down so you have a calming effect of glycine and then you have the calming effect of magnesium which has a profound effect not just the effect of 24 absorption but a clinical outcome effect you have magnesium chloride is 20 absorption we like to use that when we have people who have low stomach acid issues because chloride is used in hydrochloric acid so you can use that for people who have maybe some low stomach acid issues or reflux issues and then you have magnesium sulfate it's only 47 absorption rate right they've actually used magnesium sulfate and studies for atrial fibrillation and they actually have pretty good outcome with it and they use the form that's not even highly absorbable and it still had some clinical outcome that was positive they also use magnesium oxide which is a four percent absorption rate and some other studies and even magnesium oxide which has a four percent absorption rate still has some positive outcome in the studies so the half-life of magnesium is about a thousand hours so you don't have to necessarily take magnesium every day right you can dose up in two three days a week but um what's important is how do we use it right how do we use it in our office we have all this all these numbers and statistics of how you can use magnesium or the absorption rate but in clinical practice how do we use it in my office we like to use magnesium glycinate like I said glycine has a inhibitory effect on Gaba right so I mean glycine is a precursor to Gaba therefore you have a inhibitory effect on your nervous system along with magnesium so if we wanted just a general use in our office we'll use magnesium glycinate right it's it's a great way to have a calming effect magnesium citrate is for patients who have constipation so let's have some constipation issues until we can work some things out to help improve constipation we may use magnesium citrate to get the bowels moving right the one we like to use for brain or sleep is magnesium DNA right in here this has a great effect on the nervous system right particularly The nmd receptors for the nervous system because magnesium DNA can cross the blood-brain barrier right it doesn't just work on muscle tissue or Etc but it crosses the blood-brain barrier and has a neurological effect so magnesium threonate is a great one for that so I tend to use these three in our office now there are other forms that are good also like magnesium malate you can use magnesium chloride but at the end of the day you know we don't have you know 50 different supplements for magnesium but we can use these three in conjunction to help patients with their health conditions now there are companies out there that will use a combination they'll use magnesium theonate glycinate and maybe malate to help or even citrate so you can use a combination of formulation for magnesium which can have a pretty good outcome now we use a lot of magnesium DNA for people of anxiety maybe even depression or even ADD ADHD so it's a great form of using to help calm the nervous system overall magnesium is needed right at the end of the day we are deficient uh I believe the RDA is somewhere on like 350 um but for most people who take in magnesium from diet Etc they're significantly deficient even for RDA so what we like to do in terms of dosing for patients is this we know most patients are deficient and rdas are just under 400. so we would like to those at between 200 to 400 milligrams at night so it has a calming effect at night deeper sleep better sleep means overall health Improvement and healing right so we can use this as a starting point and sometimes I've gone as high as 1 000 milligrams of magnesium especially things like magnesium thionate when we're trying to affect the brain and have a profound effect but you have to kind of play with these numbers right because you can't just go ahead and say I'm going to take a thousand you might have loose stool even if you're taking like magnesium glycinate right you can still get loose stools so you got to be careful overall you don't have any many many side effects with this you could use it with a lot of these medications heart drugs and so forth I think there's some cardiologists out there who would agree with that um so you can use magnesium with even some of these medications out there but you know always ask your physician you know if you're on you know 10 different medications you always want to ask your physician uh whether it's safe to take okay today we're going to talk about my top five magnesium forms that we like to utilize in our office so let's get right into it so let's recap signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency muscle spasm sleep issues Stress and Anxiety hypertension constipation fatigue heart palpitations atrial fibrillation or AFib cognition issues headaches especially with migraines asthma and preeclampsia so you can utilize it for hypertension during pregnancy cofactors magnesium is a cofactor in over 300 enzymatic processes so it's very important for a lot of different functions so let's give you an example when you have vitamin D which is the inactive form of 25 hydroxy vitamin D magnesium is a cofactor to make inactive to active 125 dihydroxy vitamin D so it's an important cofactor in the conversion of inactive to active forms of vitamin D once 125 is is made 125 hydroxy vitamin D also helps with the uptake of magnesium what kind of foods have magnesium avocado almonds dark chocolate pumpkin seeds spinach Swiss chard quinoa sunflower seeds flaxseed Brazil nuts bananas and salmon so a lot of different foods are out there and you can just go and Google the list of different foods that have high magnesium but essentially what happens is with magnesium deficiency there's so many things that can happen that's why it's so crucial to have enough magnesium in our system so what are my top forms of magnesium let's get right into that number one is magnesium citrate now it's not in any specific order so of importance it's just we're listing it magnesium citrate magnesium is bound to citric acid basically found in fruits and it's a good form of antioxidants it's highly bioavailable and absorbs very well in the GI tract okay it's utilized migraines and constipation okay now all my uh magnesiums will have impact on migraine and constipation but magnesium citrate is especially good for constipation magnesium glycinate because magnesium is bound to glycinate used for protein synthesis so glycine is an amino acid which is utilized to make protein good for athletic performance and recovery and general body and muscle health glycine is also a neurotransmitter so it's good for sleep and depression okay number three magnesium l-theanate it helps with brain function and cognition and memory so it's an excellent magnesium form that crosses the blood-brain barrier blood-brain barrier and makes an impact on function of the brain magnesium toroid is very similar to magnesium l-theanate crosses the blood-brain barrier it's good for migraines it's also been shown to help with diabetes or insulin resistance and some rat studies it also shows that it reduces or slows down the process of cataract disease in the eyes which is a leading cause of blindness number five magnesium sulfate basically Epsom salt you can absorb it through your skin so if you can't tolerate magnesium supplements you can take an Epsom salt bath and you can increase your magnesium levels in the emergency room they'll also use it as an IV and it used it there for like acute issues with breathing asthma and pre-eclampsia so magnesium can be utilized in many different forms and it can be utilized very effectively if you know which form makes the most impact for certain conditions okay today we're going to talk about magnesium and vitamin D how does it work what does it do and what kind of dosages should we take in order to enhance our vitamin D now I've made videos on vitamin D before as well as magnesium so you want to go back and watch those videos but today we're going to talk about why we would use magnesium to enhance vitamin D metabolism so let's get right into it vitamin D and magnesium magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D it's involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in our body right magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral behind calcium potassium and sodium now when you look at Vitamin D there is a inactive form called 25 hydroxy vitamin D right in order to convert the inactive form to the active form of 125 hydroxy vitamin D you will need magnesium because it will enhance the enzymatic processes that occur to get it to the active form of vitamin D that can be utilized now when you have increased levels of 125 hydroxy or active forms of vitamin D in our system it will also increase the absorption of magnesium in the GI tract so it has a multi-fold effect they're synergistic right they help each other magnesium in food is declining by over 25 to 85 percent compared to the 1950s what that means is that our soil is being depleted of its nutrients right it should be rich in minerals and so forth however it's being depleted over the years due to farming practices the most important thing here is how much do we take right that's the main question that a lot of people want to uh want to know they want to know how much should we take so vitamin D and magnesium so recommendations if you're not testing for vitamin D levels you know it's you want to be on the lower end if you're testing properly you can take higher doses of vitamin D and have more of a profound effect so my suggestion is always to test your levels of vitamin D and it's best to do it on blood work now if we're not testing I would keep it on the 5000 IUS or international units so you can take maintenance dosages of vitamin D two to five thousand units per day you can take magnesium up to two to four hundred milligrams per day now I've used up to a thousand milligrams of magnesium on patients however magnesium can create loose stool Etc so you want to go ahead and understand how magnesium works like I said I have another video on that so you want to watch that one so that would be a general basic recommendation now in order to enhance or make sure that we're not creating problems with calcium and so forth you can also take K1 or K2 K1 is from plant extracts and then k2s from animal products also other fat soluble vitamins should be taken to into consideration vitamin E and vitamin A now other considerations for absorption of vitamin D you should take it with a fatty meal because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin so it enhances absorption in the GI tract you also have to make sure your gallbladder is functioning or if you had your gallbladder removed because of gallstones Etc you can supplement with oxbile or choline and there are other things you can do like milk thistle and so forth to enhance your gallbladder there's a separate video on gallbladder so you go ahead and watch that one and now vitamin D Target levels what is our Target in our blood work when we take vitamin D now the lab ranges can vary from company to company so it can be anywhere from 3 30 nanograms up to a hundred I say our Target should be between 60 and 80 nanograms per milliliter so when you check your blood work go ahead and look to see if you're in this target range because it's it's very important to get your levels to a a good level in order to help viral replication and enhance healing after if you do catch viruses right so it's very important to do that today we're going to talk about magnesium and high blood pressure or hypertension and what is the stance by the FDA regarding food labeling regarding hypertension and magnesium so let's get right into it magnesium is good for moods migraines premenstrual syndromes it's involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions therefore it's important for protein synthesis nerve and muscle function sugar regulation and blood pressure okay what types of foods have magnesium things like avocados nuts seeds spinach whole grain legumes yogurt salmon what is the RDA recommendation for magnesium ages one through eight eighty two hundred thirty milligrams per day nine through thirteen 250 milligrams per day an adult male 430 milligrams per day an adult female 320 to 360 milligrams per day now most adults do not get the minimum requirement or the minimum RDA requirement of magnesium what that means is they usually will need to supplement or change their diet in order to get the proper levels of magnesium into their diet now I have a separate video on magnesium itself all the different forms dosages Etc so I want to link that video below so you can watch that video so this would make a little bit more sense to you now what does the RDA or the FDA say so there's extensive research on cardiovascular disease and magnesium especially with hypertension so the FDA came out in January of 2022 and it basically says it will not it does not intend to restrict claims of benefits of magnesium and hypertension so this the the statement really says if the food that you're eating or the whatever packaged food has more than 20 percent of the RDA or 84 milligrams up to 350 milligrams per serving then they can make the statement of it may have potential benefits to hypertension they can't claim that it reduces hypertension but they can claim the likely benefits or potential benefits of magnesium and hypertension that's big in a way because they're starting to recognize that there's extensive research out there for magnesium and they're acknowledging that but they don't want to come out and say that it cures or or takes care of hypertension now there are other studies right they've used 240 milligrams per day for uncontrolled hypertension what that means is a person who is on a medication for hypertension can take 240 milligrams and it will reduce their systolic and diastolic blood pressure now for the untreated hypertensive patient they can use up to three 600 milligrams or more to help manage hypertension right so these are the studies out there and I'll link those studies below interestingly enough they say dos matters more than the type of magnesium so it's not the type of magnesium that you're taking that's going to lower your blood pressure it's the dosage that's more important right although one can argue that certain magnesiums have benefits like magnesium citrate is important for let's say constipation magnesium glycinate is a good form for General Health and magnesium absorption magnesium l-theanate can be great for nerve function or brain function or calming the mood and sleep so there are other benefits to these types of forms but the basic idea is that the dosage matters more than the actual form of the Magnesium to reduce hypertension all right my name is Dr Jin sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 829,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnesium and vitamin d, magnesium and hypertension, magnesium and high blood pressure, RDA for magnesium, Magnesium, Magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium threonate, magnesium malate, constipation and magnesium, muscle spasm and magnesium, headaches and lack of magnesium, best magnesium, magnesium and sleep, magnesium and constipation, magnesium and brain, magnesium asthma, best forms of magnesium, magnesium L-threonate, magnesium taurate, magnesium chloride
Id: Z4ohSzChgII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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