INFLAMMATION-Ultimate Guide. Lab markers, supplements and lifestyle.

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welcome back this is Dr Jen sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results today we're going to answer the question am I inflamed what three laboratory markers can you utilize to see if you have inflammation in our body this is meant for more acute inflammation so let's get right into it acute phase reactants are inflammatory proteins that are elevated when there is stress to our body stresses can be tissue stress like muscle tissue breakdown infection viruses and bacterias psychological stress PTSD food stress such as dietary food proteins that cause inflammation in our body and create damage to the gut lining right so any type of stress can create an acute phase reactant elevation so what is an acute phase reactant CRP or C-reactive protein is produced to the liver when you process some of the cytokines through the liver and CRP will rise within four to six hours from exposure and it will Peak within 36 to 50 hours now the half-life is only four to seven hours therefore you can determine whether someone is getting better as well as determine if someone has inflammation lab range for CRP is zero to three now most cardiologists and even functional medicine practitioners will like to see that lab marker below one so there's very minimal or no inflammation so we'd like to see it below one so another acute phase reactant is ESR or urethrocyte sedimentation rate okay so this is another marker that you can utilize ESR increases within 24 hours of exposure and can remain elevated for days or weeks Half-Life is 100 hours and the reason is ESR or urethral sedimentation rate is dependent of fibrinogen and fibrinogens Half-Life is approximately 100 hours the range for ESR is 0 to 32. we like to see that below 10 . so that's another marker so this doesn't show that immediate uh rise in inflammation like CRP does but it's a good marker to see if you have inflammation that's long lasting ferritin okay ferritin is considered a storage iron so you're supposed to have certain levels of ferritin in our body to determine if we have iron deficiency anemia and those types of things however when ferritin increases so there's more ferritin in the blood that means there could be acute inflammation Half-Life is six to eight hours and lab ranges go from 12 up to 300. now we like to see that lab marker below 150 so we want that storage iron or ferritin in the blood below 150 right if the if that person has ferritin of like two they can have iron deficiency anemia now do not take iron if your ferritin is elevated so if your ferritin is elevated and you're supplementing with uh oral iron supplements it can create more inflammation or something we we call a Fenton reaction so when ferritin is high we do not want to take iron supplements right so you want to make sure of that here's a clinical Pearl if your ferritin comes above a thousand right like I said the lab ranges is 12 to 300. if your ferritin is above a thousand and you have an acute reaction going on but albumin is a marker of protein and albumin goes way low right that's an ominous marker you need to be evaluated for any malignancies and so forth so ferritin being very high above a thousand and albumin being low you want to be checked to make sure you don't have any malignancies going on today we're going to talk about acute inflammation and quenching the fire putting that fire out last video we talked about the inflammatory markers that you can utilize to see if you have inflammation today we're going to talk about supplementation and dietary recommendations so number one NAC or n acetylcysteine you can utilize 1000 milligrams two times a day to decrease free radical activity as you know NAC is a precursor to glutathione and is a very important antioxidant quercetin also known to quench histamine reaction can use it for inflammatory processes 1000 milligrams twice a day helps to decrease leukotrienes Resveratrol 1000 milligrams two times a day two to three times a day decreases NF cap a b turmeric or curcurement you can use 1000 milligrams up to three times a day also decreasing NF Kappa B fish oil EPA DHA in the acute phases you can use two thousand milligrams three to five times a day it will increase anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and decrease inflammatory carcinoids so it helps the inflammatory process by dampening it these supplements you can utilize also for people who have chronic inflammation in smaller doses so if you if I recommend 1000 milligram twice a day on on a supplement if you have chronic inflammation or chronic issues or even maintenance doses you can use 1000 milligram once a day or 500 milligrams twice a day so you want to reduce the dosages but if you do have chronic health issues and you really have a lot of problems you probably want to work with a health care provider who can you know kind of fine-tune the dosage for you for these types of supplements okay so anti-inflammatory what about diet definitely want to reduce sugar or carbohydrates because sugar will Spike insulin and Insulin spikes can create inflammatory processes partially hydrogenated fats you want to reduce shellfish temporarily red meats and obviously processed foods what you want to increase is increases water fatty fish and high antioxidant Foods okay cold showers or cold ice plunges can increase endorphins increased growth factor increase circulation and decrease inflammatory cytokines so you can use this combination in a very short period of time maybe up to two weeks and then go down into what we call maintenance Doses and that maintenance dose will be dependent on your health needs on the supplementation I've actually made videos on each one of them explaining what it does so you want to watch those videos I'll link it below so you can watch those and give yourself an idea of how those things work in combination today we're going to talk about my favorite top five anti-inflammatories that you can utilize to impact your life so let's get right into it top five anti-inflammatories number one diet there are a variety of different diets AIP paleo carnivore keto Mediterranean diet FODMAP diet essentially all these diets what they do it really is it reduces the inflammatory load on our body so let's take an example of an AIP diet it eliminates the top five category of foods that causes or most commonly causes inflammation in people things like gluten dairy soy lectins and nightshades let's take an example of a carnivore diet so basically eating meats and organ Meats Etc but what does it really do it eliminates other food proteins that can be inflammatory such as gluten dairy soy right so at the end of the day you can't stay on a specific diet forever but what you can do is do a anti-inflammatory what we call a Elimination Diet and then try to add in foods every three to five days to see if it has a effect on you so if you did a anti-inflammatory diet or AIP diet for let's say six weeks at that time you should be adding Foods back in so you can add in foods that you think are safe and add only one type of food every three to five days and note any symptoms that you may have related to those Foods so the best way to do a diet is to eliminate and then reintroduce so your gut diversity doesn't suffer you need to have different food varieties for your gut to really thrive number two sleep you need deep restorative sleep cannot work on three hours of sleep four hours of sleep you need to sleep at a certain time wake up at a certain time you have to think about sleep hygiene make sure you're not on your computer or your phone immediately before bed I would suggest a very dark room a cool room also will be helpful for a lot of people one of the major things that impacts sleep is Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar oftentimes these patients will eat dinner and because they don't want to gain weight they won't eat anything from like seven o'clock until the next morning however hypoglycemics will get up around two or three in the morning and can't fall back asleep and the reason is their blood sugar will drop around that time and when that drops cortisol will go up it will signal the liver to produce sugar okay when cortisol goes up it wakes you out of a deep sleep so those are the people who will fall asleep okay but will get up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep for half an hour hour or sometimes it will go to the fridge and eat something so they can fall back asleep the other is diabetes or insulin resistance where you have high blood sugar those are the people who will fall asleep on the couch watching TV after dinner and then they have a hard time falling asleep afterwards so they have interrupted sleep also they'll have frequent urination so they will get up multiple times throughout the night in other words prostate issues all right so if you have prosthetic issues in terms of hypertrophy you can have some problems with sleep now there are many others but those are your basic ones that impact your sleep cold plunges I had a separate video on coal plunges or cold showers and really it could impact your life significantly so it'll improve immune function speeds up your metabolism decreases pain improves mood and anxiety and exercise recovery is also very good with cold plunges so you see a lot of high level athletes will go into a cold plunge after a very vigorous workout okay number four Stress Management it's very important to manage the stress levels so things like meditation deep belly breathing alternate nostril breathing okay exercise is very important because it helps to manage the stress so some sort of vigorous exercise would be great planning so people also perseverate about things that they have to do they have so many things on their mind that they think they have to do and then they go through the day thinking about it but never really accomplishing it so planning is very important for Stress Management so the night before you jot down all the things you think you have to do for the next day right and it keeps it on the paper not in your mind get up in the morning read your to-do list and you'll be surprised how quickly you can get through your to-do list if you have it on on paper and written down and you have a plan so what you think is many things that you have to do and it's just you know wearing on you if you wrote it down and the plan for it you can get it done pretty quickly most times half day of me time per week what does that mean you should take half a day no matter how busy you are you have children you have work you have your spouse you have business you have whatever it is but you should make half a day of me time available that you can utilize for whatever you want to do that could be catching up on some sleep some people it could be just working on their car some people just going to the movies or just doing nothing so you need half a day of me time per week in order to reduce your stress load obviously there's other stressors that you can't control out of your your hands but you still have to build up your resilience to the stress so you have to do something to help manage that number five intermittent fasting you have eight hour eating window and a 16 hour fast or you can do a six hour window of eating an 18 hour fast four hour and a 20 hour fast you can do a one day fast per week you can do a three day water fast if you like you can also do what we call the lemon lime fast for three days this causes autophagy okay it's important it also prevents those frequent insulin spikes which can be inflammatory so every time you eat or you're eating multiple times a day sometimes it causes insulin spikes and causes inflammation so having intermittent fasting or three-day fast gives you a break from those insulin spikes these you have to be careful if you have severe hyperglycemia you have to be more keto adaptive before you can try to do intermittent fasting if you have hypoglycemia so you have to be careful if you have very low blood sugar bonus laughter you have to laugh okay when I make my videos I have a pretty serious demeanor right but outside of my office and outside of making videos I'm usually laughing and playing around with the kids and really enjoying life because laughter is very healing increases endorphins and encephalines it makes you feel good the good hormones it's also anti-inflammatory watch a funny movie every day okay watch a 30-minute sitcom that you really like you need to laugh in order to heal okay so if you look at my top five anti-inflammatories it actually doesn't include a supplement right supplements are easy right this is good for me I'm going to take some more I'm going to take curcumin for my inflammation I'm going to take my quercetin I'm going to take more vitamin D right that's easy to do however lifestyle management which are truly anti-inflammatory and can have true impact on your life is more difficult it's hard to go on a diet it's hard to do intermittent fasting it's hard to do a cold shower right but things that are a little bit more difficult can have a bigger impact on your life it's not just about supplements okay you have to make the lifestyle changes in order to impact your health in a profound way after you do your lifestyle changes that is when you incorporate your supplementation and can have a bigger profound effect for Optimal Health okay my name is Dr Jen sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 17,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inflammation, neuroinflammation, CRP, ESR, ferritin, inflammatory markers
Id: Cpr3n41-XpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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