Anti-Aging with GlyNAC (Glycine + NAC) to make Glutathione

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welcome back this is Dr Jin sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results today we're going to talk about the anti-aging effects of glutathione in particular coli neck or glycine plus NAC so let's get right into it glycine plus NAC is called glynac in August of 2022 they did a study on glyinec they took 24 older patients whittled it down from about 241 subjects with inclusion and exclusion factors and 24 older patients meaning 61 to 80 years old the trial went for 16 weeks and they also had a kind of control study with 12 young adults that went for two weeks in this group they did not see much change in the glutathione levels because young individuals tend to have higher glutathione levels in their system but as we age glutathione will start to drop and glynak had a significant impact on these older patients so what they did was they took 12 of these patients and they gave them Climax and 12 they gave them alanine okay the the amount they gave was 100 milligrams per kilogram of weight for Glycine and 100 milligrams per kilo gram of weight of NAC the reason they use Glycine and Knack is because Glycine and cysteine the C are precursors to glutathione okay so they give basically 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight in the control subject they also gave 200 milligrams per kilogram so if you look at it and you calculate it 66 kilogram person is about 145 pounds multiply that by 200 milligrams you're getting 13 200 milligrams of glycine and neck okay or 13.2 grams which is quite a lot of supplementation okay so what kind of effects did it have Glycine and NAC will glyinec combine together have profound effects so what they did was they did muscle strength training the ability to walk a little bit faster hip to weight ratio they did a bunch of different testing along with blood work and other markers to determine this and I'll link the study below so you can read the study and look at all the different variables and different markers they did however in a nutshell it helped improve muscle strength their speed and walking hip to waist ratio or weight body fat and blood pressure right and in within that you have improved oxidative stress improved glutathione improve mitochondrial function and energy and mitophagy meaning cleaning up of dead debris or cleaning up at that mitochondria improving efficiency reduced inflammation it had nutrient sensing um a better nutrient sensing and insulin resistance Improvement endothelial cells which would impact the blood pressure genomic Health stem cells as well as cellular senescence basically it reduced all the different factors that happened with aging and improved function such as strength blood pressure gate speed and blood pressure right and uh if you look at this as a whole it has a great anti-aging effect okay so the dosages that they use were quite high and I'm not sure how they uh came up with using 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight however that's a lot of supplementation what I recommend is about 18 to 2000 milligrams per day in divided doses maybe 30 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal basically on an empty stomach and that would have a profound effect basically if you take this supplement you will utilize it and improve glutathione levels as needed okay it's not going to all convert to glutathione it's going to convert to what you need now there is some controversy of using let's say direct antioxidants like liposomal glutathione or an acetylolytic glutathione where you're just increasing glutathione levels the idea is to balance things out you need oxidants that signal and have different Pathways as well as antioxidants like glutathione so you need a balance of that so using glynac can help balance that out because you're using what you need to convert to glutathione rather than just having direct glutathione so it's a different concept however in my office we have a lot of patients who are sick they're under severe oxidative stress so we do use liposomal glutathione along with NAC but the use of glynac or glycine plus neck is pretty novel in terms of studies there are not a lot of companies who actually make them right now but I'm pretty sure they're all going to get on the bandwagon and start making this combination of glycine and neck to have that effect of this anti-aging effect obviously they need to be bigger studies done other than 24 subjects they had a lot of inclusion and exclusion factors so it might not apply to the whole population but it looks very promising okay my name is Dr Jin sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 67,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glynac, GlyNAC, glycine and NAC, NAC and glycine, anti-aging with GlyNAC, anti-aging and glutathione
Id: owmE9lJf-hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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