N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and Glutathione-Comprehensive Guide

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foreign clinical Excellence meets excellent results today we're going to talk about NAC or n acetylcysteine is a very potent antioxidant as well as a anti-inflammatory so we're going to discuss some of the foods the benefits of taking it what can it affect and some of the dosages that you can take to benefit from taking NAC so the food sources are onions and garlic NAC will go and convert to El cysteine and with some sulfur containing foods it will convert in the liver and make glutathione now glutathione is a very important antioxidant right it's one of the most potent ones that our body can produce so the benefits are that it helps the detoxification Pathways right improves insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance or diabetes right so it helps blood sugar management also it's an anti-inflammatory it affects cytokines so things like tumor necrosis Factor interleukins or NF Kappa B it helps balance your immune system right so oftentimes we give patients glutathione for people who have autoimmune processes to help calm the inflammatory process and help calm the immune system the other one we talked about was PCOS and that relates to the insulin sensitivity right brain it affects dopamine centers as well as excitatory centers for glutamate right dopamine is basically the pleasure neurotransmitter so if you can affect dopamine it will help with addiction bipolar disease depression OCD as well as anxiety and there are quite a number of studies on this how NAC can benefit patients who have OCD and the anxiety level that comes with it glutamate the benefits of glutamate for some patients is that it will prevent or slow down Alzheimer's as well as Parkinson's disease over here okay another thing is it helps to thin out mucus in the lungs so if you have pneumonia or if you have um pulmonary obstructive disease right it can help thin the mucus and help the breathing aspect of these diseases as a matter of fact in the 1963 it was classified as a drug and they used it for lung disease right and they still use it for acetaminophen overdose or Tylenol overdose because it can significantly impact the liver so they use NAC as a drug basically now recently they've had issues with the FDA and Amazon basically removed all NAC Products off their site however it is still commercially available and can be bought through nutrition stores and nutrition shops okay so about dosages when we look at NAC you can take anywhere between 600 to 1800 milligrams a day in divided doses is best taken on an empty stomach however if you get things like nausea or loose stool then you might want to take it after your meal okay things that will enhance an AC is things like selenium cordyceps and go to Cola so with these combined nutrients with NAC you can basically help to recycle glutathione and improve your antioxidant levels and improve overall health right because when you have a lot of oxidation and stress to our body what happens is tissues break down every cell in your body will take an oxidative blow and glutathione is what that protective shield is it helps you protect against oxidation as well as the inflammatory process so NSC is a very important nutrient for a lot of different patients so with respect to let's say covid and you have lung issues or breathing issues or mucus in your lungs and a NAC can be of benefit for those patients who have a lot of lung and mucus built up within within the lung structures right obviously they use things like prone positioning to help release some of the mucus but as well as NAC being utilized it would be the added benefit okay today we're going to talk about Knack or an acetylcysteine last week's video generated a lot of questions about how glutathione will work and what is the mechanisms and what are some of the supplements you can take to improve glutathione levels so let's go into it so the main purpose of taking Knack or endocetylcysteine is to improve glutathione levels glutathione is a tripeptide so it's made up of three amino acids glycine l-glutamic acid and l-cysteine right so NAC or endocetylcysteine will convert to l-cysteine and help convert into glutathione so one of the most important thing is that you have to understand is it's one of the most potent antioxidants that our body can produce right so it reduces the effects of what we call reactive oxygen species right so reactive oxygen species Ros that means is that our body is under constant stress right oxidative stress so what happens with reactive oxygen species right it's produced in the mitochondria right and if it's produced it starts to damage some of the structures as well as the pathways right in order to produce energy and that damage will cause inflammation and inflammation in turn will produce more reactive oxygen species so this kind of a vicious cycle that can occur when we have oxygen reactive oxygen species so glutathione is a very important antioxidant to help recycle some of the glutathione as well as improving or reducing the oxidative effects okay so what we know oral administration of glutathione gsh right it does not adequately restore glutathione right if you take orally glutathione it doesn't restore glutathione to an adequate level it rapidly breaks down uh in our body by the liver and the intestines right so the glutathione is broken down before it can be ever utilized if you take it orally it does not cross the cell membrane so glutathione needs to be kind of taken apart going to the cell and rebuilt so it will not cross as a whole structure and also in some studies glutathione the half-life of it is only about 90 minutes so it's short-lived so the question is how do we improve that right you also have to know that glutathione will decrease as we age so the older you get the glute ion stores will go down creating more reactive oxygen species more inflammation and basically aging right so let's go ahead and look at some of the supplements that we can take but before we even do supplements what kind of foods can we eat right to help improve glutathione levels so you want to increase sulfur containing foods right onion garlic broccoli kale now I know whey protein can also improve glutathione levels and certain weeds however for most patients that we treat in our office they have some sort of autoimmune condition so whey protein or milk protein and wheat is really a No-No in our office so if you want to go after sulfur-containing Foods I would suggest going with these okay it's very important to improve sulfur containing foods the other one is exercise exercise in itself will improve glutathione levels right and thirdly is coffee enemas now coffee enemas are known to help with cancer treatments right the Gerson Therapy and so forth however does it improve glutathione levels now that's questionable right there are some studies they say that you know taking oral caffeine as well as coffee enemas really don't improve glutathione levels however coffee does have a lot of antioxidants so there are some benefits of drinking coffee however in terms of actually improving glutathione levels it's questionable right so you can give it a try but there are other ways that you can improve glutathione levels at this point right one of the supplements that you can take is s acetyl-l glutathione right basically what they did was they attached an acetyl group to the glutathione and then it helps to protect the glutathione as it passes through the gut or the stomach and it also helps improve cell membrane transmission or transport so an acetyl group attached to the glutathione will help preserve the glutathione and get it to the cells that need it another way is to do liposomal glutathione and the way they do that is they bind glutathione to phospholipids so if you add it to a phospholip lipid it can kind of protect the glutathione so it can get absorbed in the gut as well as through the cell membrane right so it has that effect so you can do it s acetyl glutathione and a liposomal glutathione okay now there are other precursors that you can take to help enhance what we call recycling of the glutathione because glutathione is produced in our body but if you have some raw materials that help build glutathione or recycle glutathione it can be quite beneficial and quite powerful in terms of health benefits so some of the precursors or what we call regenerators right recycling glutathione is selenium okay and then alpha lipoic acid and Knack which is an acetylcysteine cordyceps extracts go to Cola extracts milk thistle extracts and L-glutamine so if you took this on let's say an empty stomach and you followed it with let's say an omega-3 or an EPA DHA fish oil you can enhance the absorption of glutathione into our system having a more profound effect now there are many companies that make you know combination packets of this right I'll list some of the supplements that we use in our office Below in the description so you want to go ahead and read through that but there are a couple of different delivery methods that we use one is the um oral glutathione where we do s acetyl-l-glutathione and liposopylchonathione but we will also use a combination of these to enhance the recycling properties so you can take two different types of glutathione support and third way that we can also improve glutathione is through transdermal transmission so if you took a cream that has glutathione in it and some cofactors and you apply it to the specific area that you want to treat so let's say we have someone who's got Hashimoto's thyroiditis or inflammation of the thyroid you can take a glutathione cream and apply it to the neck and that will help reduce the inflammatory process as well as reduce maybe TPO and TG antibodies in our body so it's very important to do combination therapies for some patients or some people will be on a maintenance dose and all they need is some recycling nutrients like this right but in our patient population where they come in pretty sick we may load them up on glutathione in three different ways to help improve that so it's very important to understand the mechanisms and understand how we can take it to improve glutathione levels in our body all right today we're going to talk about the different delivery methods for NAC or n acetylcysteine and glutathione before I get started on the delivery methods let's just recap what NAC is and what glutathione is and the benefits and so forth I've made videos on this topic before so I'll go ahead and Link the video below so you can watch those videos and get a little bit more in-depth view of what NAC and glutathione is so let's get right into it an AC delivery method okay food sources first so NAC or an acetylcysteine you can get from cruciferous vegetables garlic onions meat fish chicken turkey eggs and whey protein basically it's prevalent in animal products and garlic and onions and cruciferous vegetables [Music] exercise also will increase glutathione and because glutathione is so important for reducing what we call Ros or reactive oxygen species benefits of NAC and glutathione improves detox improves insulin resistance PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome important for brain because it helps dopamine and glutamate it's important for things like addiction problems bipolar OCD obsessive compulsive disorders depression and anxiety also it's very important for anti-inflammatory effects so it dampens inflammation by impacting some of the cytokines helps to thin out the mucus of the lungs so if you have lung infection or cough it can help definitely clear out some of that in the lungs now in 1963 glutathione or NAC was classified as a drug okay and they used the four lung problems right chronic lung issues and they also used it for acetaminophen overdose they still use it to this day now enhancers and regenerators of glutathione things that enhance glutathione production are things like selenium alpha lipoic acid Knack or NAC cordyceps gauticula and milk thistle you can use also L-glutamine and some fish oil to help enhance absorption and recycling what we say enhancers and regenerators glutathione is produced in the liver and it can be recycled and improved for reuse so basically glutathione is the most important antioxidant or most powerful antioxidant in our body it takes the blow the oxidative stress NAC is the precursor to glutathione again I'll link those videos below so you can watch those and get a better understanding of what NAC does and what glutathione does okay so let's get into delivery methods NAC and glutathione first of all this oral delivery methods you can use I use a product called glutathione recycler so here's the product okay I don't know if you guys can see that but it's called glutathione recycler it's made by Apex energetics now I don't I am not sponsored or I don't get any funding or anything from these nutritional companies I find that if I get funded by nutritional companies my opinion might skew as to what might be best for my patients so it's just a product that I use I really like it it's called glutathione recycler from Apex energetics this has all the precursors for glutathione so all the things that we talked about things like the cordyceps goldacola milk thistle NAC it's all in this one little product it was formulated by Dr corazian or Dr K some of you who watch my videos might know of him he's very big into the functional medicine uh teaching World he's an excellent clinician as well and he formulated this okay so this is one we can use as a precursor for Knack or NAC you want to use between 600 and 1800 milligrams per day in divided doses on an empty stomach is usually best however if you miss your dosage go ahead and take it after the meal it's better to take it than not take it at all so there are ideal time to take supplements but not everyone can do those times so if you miss it and if you can't do it on an empty stomach just go ahead and take it after the meal okay so that's one oral delivery method the other oral delivery method is I use a product called tumero active and this also has the L glutathione it has um acetylchlorathione so it had the the trisomal has this it has an AC which is the precursor for producing glutathione it has liposomal glutathione and S acetyl-l-chlorophyone all in one so it's a great delivery method because glutathione breaks down very easily in the gut the idea is to use different forms of it to bypass the gut and get it absorbed better in the GI tract so that's why they came up these formulations where they use liposomal and an acetylated version of it so these are the two products I would use in my office that helps with glutathione and chlorothiaone recycling okay now number one number two is called transdermal we use a product it's a cream called oxycell and what you do is with this cream you can apply it to the skin it has a great local anti-inflammatory effect as well as antioxidant effects so you'll apply like a small amount of this cream so let's say you have a thyroid issue you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and inflammatory process of the thyroid or autoimmune process you can apply a little bit of that glutathione cream right into the area that you want to infect uh effect and dampen the inflammation in that local area so transdermally you can use it in soft areas any vascular areas or areas that you want to Target so we have a product called oxycell we can also use a suppository for glutathione so this is a product that we can use it's called xenaplex and this this is a suppository and in that suppository it has organic coffee extract and glutathione so after uh having a normal bowel movement or evacuating your bowels you can do a suppository to help uh boost glutathione and bypassing the gut okay so that's another delivery method the final delivery method is nebulizing glutathione I use a product called l-glutathione Plus right there and it's from a company called Vera Naturals and I'll like to link the product below for you okay and what you do is you open up one of the capsules so you take a glutathione capsule like this like this product right here and you get a nebulizer and this is just the apparatus I would use for the nebulizing portion of it so you open up a capsule and let's say you drop it in here you open the capsule throw it in there right you can use a little bit of saline solution that you can use for like nasal rinses or you can use distilled water and you put a little bit in here and you close it up you'll use a little nebulizing machine that you attach to the bottom of this and you take it and you breathe it in now there are different ways to do this with different machines out there you can use kind of something to mystify or Mist uh the the product and you basically can gently breathe it in right if you have a lot of sinus problems you breathe in through the nose out through the mouth if you have lung problems you want to breathe in deeply and get it into the lungs a bit so you can use glutathione to help in multiple ways it has multiple delivery methods that you can utilize and when you're sick you can use probably all of the delivery methods to really boost your glutathione levels and to recover from health issues so those are great different methods I'll go ahead and Link the products below also unfortunately unfortunately some of the products are prescription only from a physician so you have to find the physician who's willing to prescribe it for you but I'll try to link equivalent products there for you um in the link below all right my name is Dr Jin sung we're a clinical Excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 220,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine, glutathione, liposomal glutathione, transdermal glutathione, nebulize glutathione, GSH, covid and nac, covid and glutathione, virus and nac, virus and glutathione, s acetyl glutathione, glutathione precursors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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