Parametric Bench (Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial)

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Nice thanks for sharing. Can you section a mesh in the same way?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TiDoBos 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
in this one a grasshopper tutorial I want to model a parametric bench in grasshopper and we're going to model this from scratch from a box and control the number of sections as you can see I can decrease the number of these sections and also I'm going to define a single point on the project which we will change that and produce the holes on the sections which you can see here that's going to change the overall of the project we're also going to extract the curves of the parametric bench and put it on the ground and also Abbe number on the sections for fabrication so be sure to watch the video till the end as we modelled that from scratch make the sections and finally put them on the ground so if you can see here I have little solids to make the biometric bench and then bring it inside grasshopper and produce a series of sections so I'm going to just hide this and first of all I'm going to use a box so the box is going to be the base of the biometric bench and we're going to make a box the first point the second point for the corners and the height of the box okay if we want to control the box further we can just select it and type Sol which is the use for the solid point on tool and I'm going to select this you can see that we can control the corners if you draw a window from left to right you can see it's going to select only the points but if you drag it from right to left it's also going to select the box so be sure to drag it from left to right and then we can just bring it up to make it a little bit I do a more height selected down points and then scale it in the y-direction I'm going to give the scale in the y-direction and make the base of the our metric batch here we go we can also select these four points and move it in the x-direction to give it more length here okay so this is the first part the next part is that you can click right click on this show points or control points on and off and turn off these points okay now the next step is to use the Caged edit tool I'm going to type cage edit you can see that we have this tool and the reason we are using this is because we can edit the solid with a bounding box I'm going to select the bounding box because it's going to give us up series of control points on the box and the coordinate system is the world that's okay and now what we have to do here is to define the number of x y and z counts of the points okay because we wanted to give this a smooth deformation on the solid what I want to do is in the x-direction I'm going to give this five points the three points is going to be at the start and the end and the middle and these two additional points is going to be defined here so I'm going to define them by giving an x-point count with five in the y-direction we only need two points because we don't want to mess around with the y-direction so just two is enough and in the Z count is also two because two is enough to deform the points at the top in the bottom so I'm going to give this also to okay we just hit enter and again you can see the bounding box you hit enter and you can see the control points okay again I'm going to drag a window and select the points down here move them up in the Z direction be sure that you have the gumball on so you can move these points and the next part is to move these two points also a little bit up so I'm going to just select this and bring it up to give it a smooth look if you want to select these two points you can use the shift key again to use these two points and give it a better look maybe something like that and again hit the right click on these show points off and on and get rid of this cage edit so we can just delete that okay that's the first step the next step is to give that a little all extrusion in the x-direction and the reason we are doing this is because we want to put this power metric pitch on the ground so these some of the section has to be on the ground we can use the control shift and click this and in the x-direction you can see this small circle I'm going to click on this and say - because the direction is going to be minus maybe 15 that's okay and again control this time plus 50 and now we'll have the base of this model to use it in grasshopper okay let's go into grasshopper and bring it inside so first of all we have to go to the parent section and in the geometry I'm going to use this B rep or boundary representation which can import a solid then we put a bifocals plug in and here we have the B rep I'm going to right click and set this to the power metric bench and now we will have that in grasshopper let's just select it and turn it off so we don't see it in Rhino okay that's the first step of in putting this in grasshopper the next step is to produce a series of sections on this right because we want to fabricate it you can use two methods to do that the first one is in the intersection and physical in the mathematical excuse me you have two options one is the color contour tool which produce a series of sections and the second one is the be rep plane I'm going to go with AB Europe claim because I'm going to use a line to use a series of perpendicular frames to do that you can also use the contour if you want to produce the sections but the problem with the contour is that when you want to produce a series of sections you have to give this a starting point a direction and a distance or contouring and then it's going to produce a series of sections at the end it's going to either miss this or it's going to go outside that okay but when you use the B rep plane we can simply okay we want to section this spirit we have to give it a series of plane the reason we use that is that we can control the planes here with this technique I'm going to use so let's just turn back on this I'm going to draw a line a simple polyline or a line and draw it from here be sure that the oh snap is on and you have this end near and point these things on going to select this from end to end you just move this in the y-direction so you can see it that's the line we want to make the section so for now we have two parameters to control you have to make the solid in Rhino you have to make the line of the section let's go to the poems and import that as a curve so that's a simple or a line set this to occur and we have this a grasshopper okay now I'm going to go to the curve section and there's a great tool called perpendicular frames we have also another two particular frames are going to put that in the card section up there you can check it out for now you can use this perpendicular frame to produce a series of perpendicular frames on a curve let me just go to the display and preview plane size put that to maybe eight so you can see those planes okay and if you give it to a curve you can give it a count so we can just say from three to twelve and we can increase that even by double-clicking the number slider or increasing the maximum number okay so that is going to produce the frames and those frames or the planes are going to intersect with that and we will have a good intersection at the start and the end we will have the results that's it the next part is also going to define the pipes but for now let's just turn everything off and also turn this off preview off and now we have these curves okay to make them a little bit smoother I'm going to go to the curve section and use this fill it to make them a little bit smoother so I'm going to give this to the curve and let's just give this a radius and by increasing that you can see that you can smooth that by turning off the sections you can see the smooth results not both of them and then we can increase that even if you want to make that smoother like that so that's how we can use this for the pivot so now we have this smooth results let's go to the next stage and that is to produce the series of pipes which is going to be let me show you here you can see that we need those pipes for the intersections and then it's going to give us the final results so let's go back to the curves and reduce the pipe I'm going to go to the right section and you can see it here like that let's define two series of points so I'm going to go to the farms menu and select a point and one point is going to be the location of one of those pipes that's the reason I'm doing this another point is going to be if we go to the perspective and control C to bring that back the next point I'm going to set this at the middle of here be sure that the mid is on and I'm going to set it here the reason is that if we select this and give it an X Z plane it's going to be the mirror of that second point we need doesn't matter where it is in the right section we can just make a mirror of this point so let's just type this Empire our a mirror of this point with this plane that is how we can control the location of the pipes and make it symmetric and give it a symmetry so when we change this the second one is also going to move okay that's the way we are going to produce the location of those so let's just turn this off okay how can we draw the lines if we put that point on the first section it's going to produce that points and then we can just define it based on the line okay so how can we do that we can save projection so I'm going to type protection and use this project along because we want to project that on a plane or you can use this a project point so if you want to project that you can do that no so now we have to draw a lines that goes outside these occurs to make that possible I'm going to use the curve and type and use this STL start Direction length to produce the lines and we can use a point tool to bring the first one and the second one inside a container and then give it to here that's it the direction is going to be in the X direction and in the X direction we can give the length of that base line which we have used this is technique you can use you can give it a number from the pause menu and give it here to the black okay that's how you can make it happen then what we need to do is to extend it in there also minus X direction so I'm going to just type extend curve extend the line the type of the extension is going to be line that's okay and we have a start and end so if we wanted to we have to increase that in the start so I'm going to keep that also number to the start the end doesn't have to be increased we can just double click two forward slashes and 0 to give it a number of so even if that point comes inside one of these curves it's going to increase and go outside the sections and make it possible to make that okay so we can go to the right now and obviously by changing the point it's going to give us a freedom for choosing the location of the pipes and now we can just say pipe you can find it in the surface and here in the pipe section give it to the pipe and a radius that's it that's how we can do that and now when we have the pipe we have to also find the intersection of this pipe with these planes that's going to be obviously like this let's just copy this ctrl-c ctrl-v bring it forward and give this to the pipes and it on you can see beautifully let's just turn the pipe off extended curve oh you can select all of them and turn it off and then you can have this it's the pipes you know all those sections that's it so now we have all of them in the sections we want to make and let's just bring this also with a curve I'm going to put them in a container and bring it right here we don't need anything I'm going to turn everything off and have these two okay if you want to make a surface from these we can just select the surface and use this boundary surface to make it the boundary surface if I put this curves and use the shift key to add this up you can see it's going to make it but there is a problem if I bake this you can see that we have the surface one or one of the holes are working is working and the second one is not so how can we get rid of that we can just right click and flatten this so all of them are going to be applied once turn this off and you can see that we have these surfaces in 3d if we want to show them and I'm going to also extrude that so you can see them in treaty the technique I'm going to use is that assume that we have this curve and we want to give it a extrusion and the thickness is for example it's T okay what I want to do is to move that in one of the directions for example in the X direction I'm going to move that like XI divided by two and then when I have the surface here I can extrude it back by Chi and that's going to give the curve exactly at the center of the solid so if we have the solid here the curve is going to be exactly at the center let's do that by using the move in the X direction and now let's define a thickness so I'm going to say maybe two point two and in the motion and we can right click and use this expression and type X divided by two x means the input is divided by 2 and then we can extrude that by XT extrude or you can find it in the surface freeform and extrude and we can extrude that in the X direction exactly but in the same direction we move that so doing to go to the direction expression and type minus X that's going to put that in the opposite direction and that's the way we can put that curve and the surface exactly at the center and it's better for visualization the fabrication is more accurate and then we have the results okay let's just turn everything off and we can see that we have this solids like that okay the next part is to let's also go to the pipes and make the pipes visible for these lines so what I want to do here is to make this splint let's go to the intersection region and split it with a be red that means I wanted to split those curves let me just turn them on and split it with the box which is like that so that's going to be easy the our metric bench is going to go to the B rep which is going to split it and bring it here in the curve turn everything off and now you can see that these curves there are two pipes each of them has three different parts that means the first part the second part and the third part and now we have to pick up the second one so I'm going to go to the selection set and list item or selecting and give it to the list and the index is going to be so it's going to be like 0 1 & 2 I'm going to pick up 1 turn this off you can see that we have that inside it and now we can give it a pipe you can also download this example file from our website so be sure to check it out and we're going to give this radius here and that's how we can make it that's it now we can also use that for visualization okay the last part which we wanted to produce the section for fabrication is to put the surface as the boundary surfaces on the ground what I want to do is to use the orientation which is the oriented tool and the Oregon tool you can also find it in transform here you can find it include Ian orient it's going to put an object or geometry from a source plane which is the plane of these surfaces on a target plane which is on the ground so what I want to do is to say these surfaces the source plane is obviously the plane we had here or the perpendicular frames I'm going to say okay this is the source turn this off and now we have the target which is the ground the default is XY and you can see that they are all sitting on the ground obviously for fabrication but let's just go one step forward we wanted to stack them on each other I'm going to give you a simple technique we can use we can go to the Palms menu select the box and now what we wanted to do here is to put and move these based on the height of this box okay that's the height of the box so I'm going to explode the box going to the surface and use this deconstruct you construct the Burrup we have to also pick up the edges so again the set list item and we are lucky the first one is the edges that we need then what we have to do here is to find the lengths of these edges so I'm going to go to the palms menu and select this number so it's going to find the length of these and then with a cool technique in the math math and use this mass addition I'm going to give it to input but be sure to flatten this because we need these numbers to stack on each other for the partial results and if you don't know about flatten or graphed I'm going to put up a video up here so you can check it out and learn about flattened graph those things for now we have a partial result that means 3366 and up to that we're going to move them so for example if i say move these oriented curves or surfaces in the x-direction give it to the partial results that's kind of turned yourself in see that's beautifully sitting on each other that's really great you can use other nesting plugins or techniques but for now this is also a small technique you can use okay now we have to also add a little bit of a gap to these things so what I want to do is to give this partial results a little bit of addition so I'm going to go to the math and add this up so I'm going to go to the partial results and multiply that with a multiplication the reason I'm using the multiplication is that it's going to give this a little bit of addition like 1.2 is going to increase the distance if it's smaller the one obviously is going to collapse so we can just make this from 1/2 fitting those curves on together and maybe two or more of the gapping so you can also use that for a gap and now we have those curves on the ground we can also go to this surface analyzers and use this B rep wireframe to make the curves extracted but you can see that all of them have ten all of them has ten curves so what I want to do here is to join them together going to go and select this joint curves okay now we can see that we have like three which is like one two three bye big that you can see that we can have this results okay now that we have them we have to number on these things what we have to do is to just again select a box on these curves it's going to give us a box and another technique we can use is go to the surface and in the analyzers we can use this evaluate box it's a little cool thing you can use give it to the box and now be sure to produce a box from all of these section you can see that each of these three curves has the box so I'm going to delete this box go to the surface and select this bounding box bounding box right click and union box Union box is going to make a box from all of those three and then give it to the evaluator okay the U and the V parameter is between zero and one we don't have a W because that is going to go with the thickness or the height so I'm going to just change the you from zero to one you can see that it's going to go up and down it's at the center so the V parameter is 0.5 you can put that to the 0.5 so it's the center but you can change it also if you want to but for now we just want to use the U parameter to move the location of the numbering so we'll have that and then what we have to do is to number that with the display and use this text tag 3d okay the location is going to be here what do we want to write remember to flatten this so all of those planes be inside one group because the text has also to be in one group I'm going to make it a series and make it from zero starting the step is going to be one and the count is also going to be the number of these sections we had on the orient let's find them by going or you can use this number 18 which is going to give you 19 frames so I'm going to just also use this number and go to the expression X plus 1 ok that's going to give us the numbers and we can give it to the text you can see it here if you wanted to rotate the plane it's really easy just type rotate plane and give it an angle of degrees and set number 2 maybe 90 degrees or minus 90 degrees based on your project our direction you want to put that and then you can also go to justification and select the middle center you can see it's at the middle Center we can turn this off we need the curves you can see that we have them in numbers let's increase the size of the text and you can see that we can increase that that's how we can put the numbers up like this ok that was the tutorial of how you can make the sections you can see that by increasing or decreasing the number of the division is going to also update the number of sections here it's really obvious you can increase the radius of the pipes like that you can increase the thickness like this and then you will have this parametric bench with the section sitting on the ground I hope that this tutorial was useful and be sure to subscribe to our channel like this video you can see more of more of our videos our channel videos and thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 23,727
Rating: 4.984436 out of 5
Keywords: Parametric Bench, Rhino grasshopper, grasshopper tutorial, parametric bench rhino, parametric bench grasshopper tutorial, bench, parametric, grasshopper3d, rhino grasshopper, parametric design, parametric design grasshopper, parametric architecture, parametric architecture rhino, parametric modeling, 3d modeling, architecture, grasshopper definition, rhino3d, algorithms, design, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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