Waffle structure - Grasshopper Tutorial

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in this video tutorial and grasshopper tutorial I'm going to show you how you can make a waffle structure from a solid so first I'm going to make the solid and then I'm going to show you how we can make this waffle structure and use it and use the technique to make the two way slits on the solid and then you can just simply make that for your own you can just simply use a CNC or a laser-cut file to produce the results and just set it up so basically we're going to talk about the waffle structure how we can just change the number of the okay and we're going to talk about how many sections we need in the height and in the length we can also change the thickness here so we're going to talk about the thickness and we also will at the end have the curves out of this you can see that I just have the output of the curves and then you can just make that and have a CNC machine or a laser cut to make the waffle structure so basically this tutorial we'll be talking about then I will show you how you can use a tool a sweet waffle structure and grasshop [Music] you [Music] okay to start from scratch I'm going to draw a rectangular surface here in Rhino so I'm going to have this here then we can just cut copy and pasted control-c control-v and move this one up okay and now I'm going to remove this surface and easily have a soft edit surface here and we can just deform the surface with the soft that the surface tool and here we go okay then I'm going to choose both of these surfaces and use the diplucate border tool to have the border okay and now I'm going to connect these two borders together with the loft surface a loft tool and then okay and now we can just connect all these three surfaces together with the join and let's just turn this up okay I'm going to move this to the corner zero and now we want to make the waffle structure from this model so I'm going to first import this into grasshopper as B rep and let's just set this okay and what I'm going to do is to connect a box to this so this box will help us to define the direction we want to make the sections from this model so this will be the first direction and this will be the second direction so then we can just have a deconstruct ear up here and have the edges so now we can just pick this with list item and the edge number zero will be this one okay so now we need the sections to the first direction and then we make that for the second and then we can make the waffle structure come out so I can I'm going to use the contour tool here and see here you can find it also in the intersect mathematical and the contour tool I'm going to count use this as the shape the starting point will be okay we need another list item here and pick the vertex okay the first vertex will be the point of start the direction will be exactly this direction or we can also use the X direction so I'm going to give this X direction and distance is we can simply divide the length of this line into the number we need so I'm going to connect a number to this and we will have the length of the line so if we divide this into the math and division let's divide this by 12 we will have exactly 12 section but for being always right because sometimes you can see that some of the contour sections will not come up exactly like at the corners I'm going to slightly decrease the distance so I'm going to right-click an expression and say X minus 0.1 and this will allow me to always have the section at the end so you can just have maybe 0.01 so it just gets them to the near okay so the next one will be for the Z direction so I can just have another list item here and let's just find the height of the box okay here we have it eight so this will help us with the length again so I'm going to use another number division to find the lengths of the sections in the Z direction and now I'm going to use another contour the point will be exactly that point we started here the direction will be the Z direction and here we go we have the length here okay so we can have this eight by eight and we're good to go now we can just start this okay first of all we don't need the okay we have a problem here perhaps you can see that the section is not coming up from here so we can simply just move this point okay we used here let me see we have the vertex the starting point of the Z direction and I'm going to slightly move it up so we can also have to be sure we don't have problems with the section so I'm going to move this point in the Z direction and just a little bit and give this as the starting point and you can see that it will just be okay and we have the end okay so now we need to delete these sections we don't need this one we don't need this one we don't also need this section and the last section in the x-direction so what we can do here is I use the call index tool and it just deletes the number we need so I'm going to use the technique here and you can always use this to delete the first of the mass so first we can just delete the first section and if you check this out you can see that we have nine curves it here so I'm going to first of all flatten this because if I just give the index zero to this you can see that all of the curves are gone and we have nothing here and that is because it will just delete the first index of the first group and there will be nothing and first in the next group till the end so remember we need to flatten to have all the data in one group so we can just delete the first one so if you don't know what about the flatten and the graphs inputs and outputs feel free to check the video we talked about in the question part and your questions number one okay so we just flatten this and delete this zero now again we just copy-paste this and what we will do here is just right click and reverse the data so this is the technique you can always use to delete the first and the end so let me show you you can see that the first and the end section has been deleted and that is because we first delete the list the index number zero then this will be just the zero one two to end okay then we just reverse this so when we reverse this this will be the 0 1 then we will have one till the end and then we delete the zero here again so this technique will just delete the first and the last data you need to with simply using the column next with rivers in the output so we can just copy and paste this and use this for the next sections okay and remember to flatten the data and here we go ok now I'm going to just turn this off okay and now we need to find the intersection between these two curves so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to let extrude this okay we can have a thickness of maybe 2.5 we need the thickness here so I'm going to move this to explain that if we need a thickness of 2.5 first we have to move this back by minus 2 point 5 divided by 2 and then we can extrude this totally by 2.5 so you can use this technique to make an extrusion and put the section at the center of the extrusion so I'm going to move this in the x-direction and give the factor an expression minus X divided by 2 and then I'm going to simply connect the surface to this and extrude that in the X direction and now going to give it completely to 0.25 so you can see that the extrusion will make the exactly at the center of this and you can also use this technique to have another 1/4 here and we're going to use a Z Direction here so perhaps this will be a Z we have exactly the same thickness here so this is just type this is a thickness and have this minus X divided by 2 and now we can just give this the whole complete 2.5 in the Z direction and have these at the center okay so we have two set of solids here and what we're going to do is to find the intersection between these two ones and make a box on this so I'm going to make a bounding box on the intersection and move this if we have the length we can move this at the half of the length back and subtract this from this and move this half of the length towards the front and delete this from this set of solids so let's do this in grasshopper we're going to go to the intersect and we can use the b rep b rib tool and let's just have the intersection okay what will happen here is that the first one will be calculated with this first set of the solids the second will be the second and the third will be with the third so what i'm going to use to have all the intersections here you can see we just have a flat intersection based on the first the first the second the second and the third and the third so we're going to use a cross reference here and we can use the cross reference to make everything go and connect to each other so a cross reference tool i will make a tutorial about cross reference but for now they will make all of the possibilities between the intersections of these two solids and here we have them okay now we're going to have a set of curves we can go to the bounding box in the surface tool and connect these okay and there's a point here if i just bake this box you can see that sometimes it's okay we can find this it has a problem okay you can see that there's two set of box here and that is because when we want a box from these intersections it has two set of intersections so this is the first set of intersection and the second one is here so it would make two set of box one for this and one for that so we can easily fix this by right-clicking on the bounding box and using a union box to be sure we have a union box in the groups and here we have this you can see that we have all the box a simple on a single box for each of the intersections okay so now we have to move these boxes backwards I'm going to okay we can just flatten this so we have all the boxes 49 boxes in one group and you can see them here and groups doesn't matter so now we can just go and deconstruct again these boxes and use the list item to extract an edge here so this is the first edge we need the length here so I'm going to give this a number okay we will be lucky if we had the five okay you can see that the five is the length of the box and if we connect a curve here we can see that it's just happening okay and now we can just move this and let's just move this box in the X direction or the Y direction I think it's a Y direction backwards okay I think that we don't need the flatten here because all the data will be in one group so if you even flatten you have to fix this with another graft here and I will explain that further okay so let's get back if you just hit and take that flatten off and it will be okay but if you just flatten this I'm going to explain what we should do so it's just going to be an exercise on the groups okay let's go back and assume that we just accidentally have unused flats in here okay so now we have the lengths of these boxes and we have to move them in the y-direction but at the half half of the length so I'm going to just divide this by two and give this okay look what happens and that is because of the groups that the first input the first input is not in groups and the second half is in groups and that is because the first is just being flattened so we can just fix this with grafting this input or you can simply just take out the flat in here and everything will be okay because all of the inputs are just in two groups and the inputs will just be exactly for each group so you can see that I have moved this about half of the length we can just have this in another direction that will be minus y so it's going to be minus X here so just go forwards forward and now we can have two set of boxes so we can just take YZ or from the solid so I'm going to go to the intersection and use the solid difference and that will be the end so I'm going to make a difference between this extrusion and for tip always flatten all the inputs because grasshopper will just calculate B reps or the solids which inter have a difference or have an intersection so I'm going to give this to the first set of solids and let's just flatten all of these and we need a difference between the next one and this okay and that's finished now we can simply bake this in the first layer and bake this in the second layer and you good to go you can see that we have the waffle structure and let's just move this backwards so you can see this okay so that's it now you can simply make this by giving this number so let's just do this okay I'm going to have another to construct Europe on this and let's just make the first face of the first face maybe is the usually it's the biggest one you can see it here we just use this again for the next set of curves and the solids and here we have this so you can see how easily we just make this work now we can connect a curve to this and connect the curve this one has and we just extract the boundary so we can make it and use it for a cincy machine or for a laser cut file so you can see easily how I just made this you can just orient these on the surface easily I'm going to show you how you're going to make you can simply do that with Rhino if you want you can go to the transform orient and use the three points this will be the first and the second direction and then I'm going to give this the first the second direction so you can easily orient this on the surface I'm going to make this a full video in the grasshopper course so how you can use plugins and easily put them on the ground and make them in numbers but that that's okay you can see that we have the results and it's just a matter of times you can easily produce the results okay let's just turn this off turn this on you can see how simply I can just change the thickness okay I can change the number we want we can just change this to maybe five and to five sections and we can also simply deform this by cage edit going to give form this okay and let's just check this out we can't this okay and just trying to show you that you can use this technique for whatever you want okay turn this off me you can see that this will just be an update for that so this tutorial you just learned how to make a ruffle structure based on a solid remember you have to have a solid structure have a solid model so you can easily take out the box and go to this I'm going to put this example into my website so you can download this and then we will have okay let's just bake them you can see that you can make the structure simply by this step-by-step tutorial and have them in sections and we can also have the curves easily by using it to construct Europe and here we go so this was the most simple way you can use the box but we can have this in many many different ways just let's let me just show you okay we can make this in another direction maybe and have another sections we can just have this in a curve situation I'm going to explain these in advanced grasshopper tutorials in the course so stay tuned and check the course in the website but for now you can see how simply we can just have the output easily on the model and make this with the thickness we want we can simply just change the thickness okay we have this thickness thing here okay just do one and you can see that the thickness will just change okay and here we go we can just maybe bake this solid difference so you can see the result of a thank you for watching and comments underneath this video what you think about it and if you have any questions feel free to ask and subscribe to the channel hit the bell button so you can just get be informed about new video tutorials and thank you for subscribing to the parametric house website and our YouTube channel we will just upload daily grasshopper tutorials in our channel so be sure to subscribe thank you [Music]
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 26,469
Rating: 4.9741378 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper tutorial, waffle structure, grasshopper3d, grasshopper 3d, rhino3d, rhino 3d, parametric design, architecture
Id: KtKNuogoYKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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