Rhino Paneling Tools tutorial

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in this right now paneling tools tutorial I'm going to show you how you can use the paneling tools in Rhino to model these panels as you can see here first I'm going to explain to model a simple surface in Rhino and then I'm going to talk about the panels we can make this can be a panel like a 2d panel as you can see a diamond panel then I'm going to explain the attractors we can use point attractors to attract our grid or panels then I'm going to explain about 3d panels which you can use the default panels in paneling tools or also also you can use your custom panel as you can see here my model is here and then it's going to be on to that two surfaces which I will explain later and at the end I'm going to talk about giving custom patterns that is let me show you you can see it here and I'm going to produce this pattern on the surface using the manage pattern tool so basically this tutorial will show you how to use paneling tools in Rhino [Music] okay to get started first I'm going to explain how to produce as you can see this surface in Rhino so but to get started I'm going to start with a simple surface and draw a line in Rhino and we can also draw a curve I'm going to use the control key to bring this up and down here so we can simply make a surface by lofting these two curves that's just loft and okay and I'm going to bend this on a curve simply by using the flow command so we can simply draw a curve and now what I'm going to do is to put this surface from a base curve which is a line into this line and that is the flow command so what we can do is to draw a line here and connect from the middle of this by using the oh snap to the middle of this and this will be our base curve to the target curve so we can now use flow the object we want to flow as you can see here we have to use stretch to yes because we want to stretch this okay because we want to stretch this line so the lengths are actually the same so we're going to say stretch yes and then the base curve and the target kill okay and as you can see we can produce this so we can just simply make this a little bit bigger and then flow that some way to objects and here we go we can rebuild this in two thirty two thirty and have a new surface you can see this is going to move from a straight line on the floor up to this and we can also deform this if we want we can simply deform this surface okay so now we're going to explain how we can use the panelling tools so let's just move this here and what I'm going to do is when you install the panel tools we have menu here as you can see the panel tools here the first step in to producing panels it doesn't matter it's a 2d or 3d I'm going to explain more about parenting tools in the course but for now this tutorial is going to show you quick how you can use parenting tools in Rhino so the first part we need is to create a grid so first we need to create a grid we're going to the panel includes create a grid and as you can see here we have different grids as we can make with the array polar array extrude along a curve and so on so the best thing you can use is to simply use the surface part and dismiss the other techniques because if you have a base surface this is the best and the most easy way you can use to create a grid so we can use this of the surface part and in the surface part there are those who are really important or the surface to main number we will use this to define how many number of grids we need in the U direction and how many points we need in the V direction so this is going to be the domain number we can also define a surface 3d distance this is also useful if you want to have panels which are exactly based on a distance so if we define this may be a 10 will have distance between two points which is exactly 10 okay so you can also use this surface 3d distance and we'll also use surface demand wearable because we a wearable grid I'm going to explain these things but for the cord or the length you can also check it out yourself it's not really important it's the cord is basically the distance between those on the surface and that's a cold one and the length is the length of that so now I'm going to okay go to the paneling tools create grid and now I'm going to use the surface domain number so this is the best one we can choose you can see that we need the surface to be selected now I'm going to select this and right click or enter and then you can see these points appearing there okay there's a number of spans for u and V and be sure to check the group to yes so we can group those points okay and as you can see we will have 30 we can change that to 10 maybe 15 and we can change the V number of spans to 10 or crease that decrease that okay and you can see how simple it is to define the grid of points and after accepting you can see that those points will appear on the surface so this is the first step in panel notice you have to produce a grid after producing the grid we can go to the patterning tools and use the paneling from grid which is basically using the grid to panel is to use these panel 2d and panel 3d thing you can also use the Orient but Orient and the panel planar quads but we will not use this in this tutorial so we're going to talk about panel 2d and panel 3d okay so if you go to the paneling tools grid panel 2d grid you can see that you have to choose those Greta's ok the grid is chosen and then enter then you have to choose the base surface and now you can see that a set of panels will appear on the surface so basically the most important thing is the pattern so you can just change that we can have a box X you can see this we can have a triangle we can have three basic dance you can see here diamond is really cool you can see that you can produce diamond panels and angle box wave and brick so these are the patterns you can use okay let's just use I'm going to use diamond now now you can define which thing you want the first thing is to the panel shape is straight and that means that it those lines those are lines not curves but if you just put the panel shape to pull or project it it means that projector will project that in the Z direction and pool will pull that into the surface so these are little bit different and but for now we're going to use the straight okay you can define which thing you want by these things okay these inputs are going to be edges are you wanting the edges as as the output the face borders the face border is a polyline defining this border and the edge is simple edge line a face you need is face you need a flat face if you wanted or mesh so you can see that I'm going to use set edges to yes and everything to know and the group and the layer you can just set this to diamond okay and here we go so you can see that we have a layer here diamonds and I can just choose this group and you can see how easy it is to have this okay if you have if you want to have a complete diamond here we can simply just change the number of the panels in the U direction so let's just do this again paneling tools create a grid surface to make number and I'm going to give this may be 16 so be sure to put a number of an even number in the you span and now let's check this out to the great panelling points the surface and now you can see that this is going to be a complete one okay so I'm going to use this and have the edges and also has we can also have faces okay here we go we can turn off the surface and we will have the surfaces and the edges so we can simply just move this in the Z direction by using the control key I want to see I want to show you how you can simply produce the borders as the edges extrude okay and we can go to selection a last created object and just change this to layer one and we can also change this to layer two and let's just delete these points we can simply just give a material to this so you can see that this is maybe a blue just a transparency here we go to render that you can see this is a simple tool you can use how it's really cool you can give any surface a NURBS surface and produce those panels okay for the next step is how we can use the patterning tools - lets just go from the surface here and for the next step I'm going to talk about how we can use point attractors so for now we can also use a simple rectangle surface okay and I'm going to reboot this and use the soft edit surface to simply move the center a little bit up maybe we need a 70 and a 70 here okay let's just move the corners up I'm doing this to tell you that you can also have NURBS surface and not a flat surface okay so here we are we have this surface have to put a point attractor or a curve attractor on the surface to deform the grid so basically when you give a grid the parent of tools will divide the U direction okay into numbers and divide the V Direction into the number you give so we can also have a grid that will be distorted by the point attractor or the curve attractor so let's give a point here I'm going to use the control key angle on surface and put this up okay on the panel tools are going to did go to the create panel grid and now going to use the surface domain wearable okay and as you can see you have a distance method here so if you click on the distance method you can choose between the Gaussian curvature is the surface curvature the mean curvature will have point attractors curve attractors a vector is based on a line or a vector a random can be just a random attractor and a bitmap is used as an image so you can check all of those things out this can be an infinite combination of point attractors and using the away method okay so for now I'm just using a pointer attractor and you can check out others yourself so let's go to the point attractor the number of the U and the V division what happens to the grid is it's going to be attracted away from the point attractor or towards it you can just check this out okay towards the magnitude is going to be one the distance of the magnitude of the attractor method towards okay we can just put this 2.5 and the group PS so we can select the surface and then select attractor points you can choose between different points and then when you pit inter you can see that the grid okay you can see that the grid is attracted towards that point so now if I go to the panelling tools and now let's choose costume 2d so you can understand this okay we can simply go and maybe ctrl-c ctrl-v scale this a little bit and put this into the panel so paneling tools a panel from grid accustomed to D select the panel main points okay select the base surface and now you can select multiple curves as the panel this is better if you want to panel your surface based on multiple curves okay you can see that this is going to fit on your surface you can change the length and the width here so what will happen is that there's there's going to be a gap you can give this a shift a shift means that when you give a shift of three and a tree you can see that these are going to be black and then each three of the grids will have the panels so this is going to be one and one and you can also say that say that the curves are pulled on the surface okay and now when I just hit enter you can see that this surface is produced by this panels okay so there's a little bit bug here but you can just fix that by extending the surface so and that the problem was with the pool of the surface so let's just check this out without using the pool so custom 2d let's choose the grid the surface and custom points and now I'm going to put the pool curves to know and here we go so you can see that this is really important and you can see that the pool curves sometimes we'll just have some problems on your surface so sometimes he can just dismiss that okay so this is the way you can use this and you can simply extrude that okay I'm just going to give you a sense of this custom to the panel okay so the next one which I want to explain is let's get back to our surface and it's just so mean the parallel tools is also you have 3d grid to produce it the 3d grid you can use different methods here but for now I'm going to teach you one method you can use and that is to use the offset variable so I'm going to use the variable offset here and one will offset surface will give you different thickness so we're going to put what happens is that when you have two surfaces okay assume that this is a front view of that surface so this is going to be something like this and this is going to be something like this what happens is that the panel will just go between those two surfaces so you can define define different thicknesses on that and let's just do the variable offset surface select the surface and you can change the direction by using the flip and now I'm going to work on those handles that's just bring this up okay bring this up a little bit so the thickness will just increase at these at this corner and will decrease at this corner so then we can just hit OK and have two surface here and let's just rebuild these surfaces to 30 and 30 okay now we're going to go to the grids and surface domain number I'm going to click this you can see that the corner is here and the number is just defined let's just increase I'm going to change the 10 maybe it's better to change this okay 16 to 16 and again you can see that this corner is now here and that will just make problems with your surface so if I choose this you can see that this is the first corner and this is the first corner of the second surface and this will not give you results let's check this out you can go to the panelling tools go to the grid and cost to the panel 3d grid and let's just you can choose between patterns here I'm going to choose partition maybe what do you want from the output so you can have edges faces solids meshes I'm going to give this solids and group yes okay so the first point of grades the second points and as you can see there's a problem in the modeling and that is because the U direction of this is here and this one is from here how can we fix this okay let's get back to this parent tools create a great surface domain number and you can see this is the corner okay now I want to fix this so I'm going to go to the analyze direction here and reverse the you because the you will just be from here to there okay so I'm going to reverse the U direction and check out if it's okay okay so first domain number and you can see that this is okay so this red one is the U and the green one is the way so check this out and reverse the U or reverse the V or even swap UV you can play with those and fix the panel in grid okay so now we have the right to use that so let's go to the paneling tools to the 3d grid and use the partition and let's just choose the first one the second one and here we go and you can see how simple panel tools will produce the panels on the surface let's just put this to the rendered or maybe technical artistic and you can see how simple it is to produce panel tools or the surface and let's just change this to a custom one so maybe we want to put something like this on the surface [Music] copy-paste this skill this little bit and go to the solids and use extrusion okay I want to use this panel so let's go to the panel to read it great okay now I'm going to use the panel through the custom 3d treaty and the 2d wearable you can give different to the panels you have to have pointy attractors and the custom 3d is also like that so let's just do this have a 3d costume and the first grid okay second one and now we just asked for the two surfaces this these are the two surface okay the object that's what's happened okay just hit the enter and now we will have the results so having to see is really easy to work with and you can see okay we can just delete this surface and have this results here okay so this is how you can panel a surface you can use this in jewelry you can use this for architectural modeling and many many other applications so the last thing I want to teach and talk about is to okay let's just delete those things wendy is great too the last thing I'm going to talk about is how we can manage the library patterns Parenthood's has many tools you can have great utility you have panel utility let me just explain a little bit about this you can maybe trim a grid you can come to Diamond or diagonal so what happens when you convert diamond let me show you if I put a grid on this surface domain number okay we have a rectangle grid here so let's go to the grid utility and use convert to diamond and choose this and as you can see that grid will go into diamonds so you can also convert your grids to diamond by going to the grid utility you can use tools for grids and going to the panelling utility you can extrude edges unify face Direction offset face borders now this is also good so I'm going to show you now okay let's go to the manage library patterns I'm going to show you how you can manage a 2d pattern so a 3d pattern is exactly the same but with a little bit of a twist so let's go to the 2d patterns and now we can have a 2d pattern new one okay new just click whenever you want and whatever you click you can just define okay let's go here we can define distance it's not really important but for now the most important thing is this one so a 2 and a 2 grid is exactly the same as the parenting tools grid but now I'm going to give this a seven and a seven grid so when we have a seven and a seven grid the shift has to be 6 and 6 and that means 1 minus the number of the height and the weights and that is because when we have 2 okay and perhaps we have a grid here when we copy this we just shift 1 but when we have 7 we have to shift 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 to put this point to this point so this is really easy you can just put this 6 and 6 and name this as star I'm going to show you how we can simply draw a star on this grid okay this is going to be and polygons star here you can see how simple it is to okay right-click to finish to connect those lines so now I'm going to right-click and then again right-click and that's it so now when we just produce the grid surface 9 number let's just put this to maybe 10 to have best results when you have seven grades you have to have a multiplication of six in your spans so we will have a six multiplied by something to have the you numbers and the V numbers so let's just give this a 32 30 maybe and that is because each of those six will have a star in it so let's just group them and go to the panel tools and use paneling from grid and now I'm going to use the panel two degrees so for the three D is going to be panel three degrade but for the 2d and the library patterns we go to the manual panel two degrees so now I'm going to go to the panel to degrees select the grid select the surface and now you can see that in the pattern section we will have a star so you can also add some patterns in the library and here we have it we have the starry earth okay so you can see that this is just produced on that and you can produce that on the surface and we can also split the surface with this so I'm going to just use split and use these curves to split that surface into sections and okay so you can see that this will just split your surface into the sections you can delete these things maybe you want the patterns in the middle okay and we can simply use that to produce surface okay and then we can also it's just ok we can also go to the parent tools and use the panelling utility and use the offset face for this so when we go to the parent tools and the offset face borders you can have a distance method it's fixed so you can change that to point attractors go about tractors but let's go to fixed and then the distance is important and then make hole so if I just put this to know make all to know and maybe a distance of 2 let's check this out on one panel and so I'm going to put this maybe 21.5 okay so you can see that the distance was 0.5 you have to control that and you can see that if you don't have a hole it's just a simple curve so now I'm going to again run this but put this make hole - yes the distance is okay and now I'm going to select all of them and here we go what happens is that this will just make the clear a curved border of that panel offset on the surface and then just delete the inside of the panel so this is a really good tool to produce borders based on your grid as you can see here ok let's just check this out ok and here you can see that this is the results remember the panels are important so this is the problem with the panel it can't offset that so it just gave all the panel here so we can just delete this maybe if we don't need that we can delete this let's just change this and delete this one so you can see sometimes the offset is really important and can't produce on that surface ok and now what I'm going to do maybe delete those at the corners and ok delete these ones it's not really important but I'm just going to use this and then ah let's just delete these two okay and now we can select them and connect them join them together there are going to be a simple single surface on that okay and what I'm going to do is to use the offset surface to produce a solid so let's just use the opposite surface and put a solid on it I don't know the distance is one is okay but let's just see so you can see this is the offset and let's just go to the artistic one and you can see this is the results of that surface okay so you can also use panel tools to produce a structure on the surface as you can see here or on this one and maybe we can also have those panels as Windows or something like that okay thank you for watching if you have any comments about this put below the video and thank you for subscribing to our Channel [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 187,759
Rating: 4.9598818 out of 5
Keywords: rhino paneling tools, paneling tools, rhino paneling tools tutorial, rhino3d, rhino 3d
Id: jEsn12tqtkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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