Parametric Architecture (Schüco Parametric System)

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in this grasshopper tutorial I want to model this superpower metric system in grasshopper so first of all we're going to talk about this system show you some of the pictures and videos related to this and at the end I'm going to model this in grasshopper as you can see here I can change the model so be sure to watch the video till the end and let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay in this part we're going to model the schuko biometric system in grasshopper so let's get started from scratch and what I want to do is to make a surface for the facade so you can make it anything you want and what I will do is to simply just draw a NURBS curve let's just put the third control points in a straight line and extrude this up here okay so before we import that into grasshopper remember if you extrude these things and if you look at the information and I click on this you can see it's an open extrusion so if you want to import that into grasshopper you have to explode it so it's going to be a surface and you can also rebuild it if you want to make it a smoother surface and make more control on grasshopper so let's just go to the palms menu and put the surface on and boy vocals inside and set this to the surface and what we want to do is to produce these panels here so the first step is to if you look at this you can see that this is a mirror up here so if I just draw this line you can see we have a series of panels right here and then the mirror will be up here and up all again we have this again and again so what we have to do is to just control these two parts and then we can make all of those panels at the end so what I want to do is to go to the surface utility and use the ISO trim we have talked about this in different tutorials so if you don't know about it I will put a tutorial up here which you can watch so let's just put this to the ISO trim it's going to divide the surface based on a domain and those tutorials we talked about using the divide domain to which I can just give to the surface it's going to find a domain and divided beta based on you count and V counts so let's just give this as here and I'm going to make one of those divided by one if it's you you can see it's going to be in this direction if it's B it's going to be in that direction so let's just put it into you and give this maybe twelve we count and we have to make this even because we have to divide them into two different panels up to the end so I'm going to make this an even number so here we have these surfaces and you can bake them and have them in Rhino if you want each of those strips and now what we have to do is to control one of those strips and mirrors in the second one and also there is a tutorial we've talked about dispatch I'm going to put it up in the cart section and you can simply just type dispatch and connect it to the surface why default if I just turn this off you can see that it's a true/false and that means that's going to be true false true false true false up to the end so these are going to go into one group and the falses are going to go in another group so if we just put a surface to the list a you can see this is list a and this is the list B so we're going to write an algorithm on the first sets of surfaces and then just copy this and use it for the list B so if we want to make those panels there are plenty of ways you can do it but to make it a straight surface of panels dividing it easily I'm going to use launch box so you can also use either trim again on this so I'm going to go to the launch box plugin you can download it on our website and I'm going to use this quad panels so if I give this to the surface again what we have to do is to make one of the divisions one so if I give it to the new division it's going to be this which is wrong so it's going to be per B and then we can make 25 maybe panels right here and turn this off and you can control the number of the panels you want on those surfaces okay so what we want to do is to move a line in the middle of these panels let me just zoom in and show you what I mean assume that we have this panel here okay we want to pick up one of those edges and this edge can move up and down right so let me just draw this better so you can understand this so this line is going to be move up and down on the edge it's going to be in the normal direction going forward so it's going to be something like this and then we can connect it from the starting edge to the ending edge and we will have the surface so the most important thing is that to move this edge up and down so let's just make this happen what I want to do is to use the ISO curve components in the curved line and here we go the ISO curve tool you can use other techniques you can just deconstruct this use the edges connect a line and move it up and down but I'm going to use this one because it's really simple so I'm going to connect this to the panels and remember because we have to give this a UV Point and the best way is to repair matter eyes it if you know don't know what about the requirements right surface I'm going to also put another tutorial up here in the collection about evaluate surface and those things so you can understand why we will require motorized this okay so now what we have to do is to give this a UV point the best way is to go to the vector section and use a point construct point tool going to make this you be and put the Z coordinate nothing because you can name the XYZ to UV and don't give anything to disease that's going to be a UV because we just require motorized this to 0 to 1 and 0 to 1 now if I give this a number let's just check this out if I give this to you you can see that it's going to move from 0 to 1 which is in this side and if I give it to be it's going to move up and down right ok so what we want to do is to make three set of curves so I'm going to copy this two and three times one is going to be at the top which is this edge the second one is going to move and the last one is going to be at the end right so you this is zero which is here something between zero and one and then one so we have these u curves and remember you can just simply give them to the curve section if I connect the U you can see it's the right one because if you connect it to be it's going to be it's going to be the next edge so we have this you copy this so it's going to be easier to understand and we have this three set of edges and here we have it so now we have these three curves and what we want to do is to move this curve in the normal direction and before we use the normal direction what we want to do is to play with this number and produce that sine wave on this panel so we have to work on this number and find a complete a sine distribution what I want to do is to use a range and we have talked about range in graph mapper so again if you don't know you can watch a tutorial up here which I will put about graph mapper and remaps so the domain is about zero to one we have to take that to zero to one because we want to connect the graph and the steps is important here we have five set of groups if I just simplify this so you can see it we have five set of groups which is basically those strips and each strips has 23 panels so the number is 23 and what we want to do is to use this number and give it to the steps of the range and if you see here the 23 is going to be 24 numbers because basically the range is going to put divide the domain into 23 steps which will produce a 24 number so here we have to just type X minus 1 because we have to make it 23 and I'm going to make this X minus 1 and here we have the range between 0 and 1 now we can use a graph and make a sine wave so I'm going to use the sine graph something like this and now we have to bring that 0 to between the numbers we want so you can use the remap you can download it from a website or you can make this remap from the remap numbers it's going to take a while that it's just made in our website so you can download it okay so now we have to connect it to it here and I'm going to put this between 0.1 and 0.9 and that means that the edge at the center is not going to go to zero and not to one it's between zero and one so it's going to start from zero point one to zero point nine okay before we connect this this is a really important thing and if I connect this to the V you can see that this is producing that wave we need here okay and we can just make it more which is really easy but the most important thing is to work with this and bring it in the normal direction we have to make this come out from the surface of the panel so here it is a little bit tricky and I'm going to try to explain this so if I connect a surface to the panels it's going to find the surface which is fitted into that panel and trick you can use this to connect a vector to the panel a plane excuse me and it will extract the Z direction okay the plane and the Z direction now what we wanted to do is to move this curves in the normal direction but let's just take a look at the groups here we have five groups of twenty three data and here we have let's simplify this you can see it's more complicated and they are all in one groups right so when you just reach something like that you can work with groups and those things but what I prefer to do is to destroy all the groups and make it into one group so if you want to know about flattened graph and simplify those things again I'm going to put another tutorial of Q which is related but for now what I want to do is to flatten all of these datas so it's going - put some 138 and all of these are into one group so now we can just simply get a move to that we want to move these curves if I give this Z direction you can see it's going to move in the Z direction and if I don't give this flatten to this look what happens it's not really related because we have another group by building the ISO curve it's a little bit complicated but for now to make it as simple as possible it's going to be flatten and make this happen we also have four or five complete videos about groups and data management in our course so you can also check out our course if you want to know more okay so now what we want to do is to multiply that one vector with the number so we can also control the movement and you can see that we are moving this in the normal direction okay so let's just bring these curves the top to the bottom the middle and the top now what we want to do is to connect them with this loft thing okay so it's going to be groups of three and what we need here is again let's just put another curve tool because we just flattened this I'm going to make another group of these curves so we can just control it and understand it more easily okay now what we have to do is to make them groups of three again we're going to right click and graft so each of them is he can you can see it here 138 lines when we graph them will have 138 groups okay now if we put them into one curve it's going to be a group of three and we're good to go so we're going to love them three by three and let's just type loft this is the tricky part if you want to make it something like that that's fine but we have to go to the loft options and put the normal into straight okay commit change so it's going to be straight and also we want to we just turn everything off we want to close them at the bottom so I'm going to go to the loft options and put it as a closed loft and here we go so I bake this you can see that we have it they are a little bit open here at the top and their bottom so now we can go to the surface and put the cap on so it's going to close them bake this so you can see now we have those solids easily and produced here okay so that was the trick you can use to produce those panels now we can play with those graphs we can also use another graph maybe a busier graph you can see want to put it like this and you can also combine graphs so remember you can combine two or more graphs together so now we have this happened for the let's just bring this a little bit forward so it's going to clear it that was for the first set of surfaces now we have to make this a mirror so I'm going to copy this all the way down for the next set of surfaces which is list B and I'm going to give this to this input okay the problem here is that we have this 23 which we can control and make it more or less than the list a so we have to connect that 23 here to this one again so we are sure that we have the same numbers again we have this one into the range to the steps and we're good to go we can delete this and this will just control the panel numbers as you can see here okay yeah this graph is going to be replaced with this graph if we just want to make this a mirror so I'm going to go here and put this graphs handles a little bit up with this a little bit down and we're good to go you can see it's going to be a mirror and made it okay so you can also change the distribution of the upper part and the lower part so it's going to be non symmetric and you can see that we can also give it another graph maybe you want to make this graph for the bottom and produce another pattern so you can see how we can control that alright so this is the way you can make it in grasshopper you can also play with this you can work with point attractor it's going to be a good exercise if you want to learn more about grasshopper and use a point attractor on this surface and attract those panels you can watch our tractor tutorials in our course if you want to complete series of attractive things you can go to the course thank you for watching remember to like this video and comment and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 29,455
Rating: 4.9801588 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper tutorial, Parametric design, Architecture, tutorial, 3d modeling, Schüco Parametric System, parametric architecture
Id: YpElf4nc9Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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