Paramedic EDC (Updated)

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welcome back guys my name's Sam and in this week's episode of pragmatics we're going through my updated paramedic EDC [Music] so as many of you guys know I switched agencies and I moved out to Colorado so a lot of the stuff that I'm using now as a paramedic out here in Colorado are different from what I was using in Iowa this is kind of the updated everyday carry of the things that I have on me so in this video I'm gonna go through all the basics everything that I carry in my pockets on my persons but I'm also going to talk about my uniform my belt and my boots if that's something you're curious about getting right into it the first items that I'm going to go through really quick because I've showed them in every single EDC video that I've had is my watch my wallet and my phone so I'm using the Apple watch series too because it's waterproof I like it it's a little bit tough because of the second hand but you can program it so when you pull your wrist up it will stay on for the time period you need to take a pulse the wallet I'm carrying is the Magpul docket it's just a superswim EDC wallet I really like it because you can put it in your back pocket you don't even feel it and then my phone is the iPhone 7 so this has worked really well for me I've got it in an otterbox and it's protected it pretty well over the past couple years alright moving into some of the more interesting material that I carry with me every day so the first thing that I have to have and that's super useful to me is my ID card so this usually has a card in it I'm not going to show it just because it has some personal information on it but essentially this card gives me access to the hospitals that we go to and then behind it I have a key fob for our rigs which have kind of a nanny system in it they record who's driving I have a key for our restraints if we have to restrain a patient you know then this is a way we can easily get them out of it when we have to and I just like carrying one on me and then last but not least in this setup I've got a SanDisk USB port and this is to import all my vital signs from the monitors we use to our reports my old agency we used to just do it via the cloud but because we have so many rigs and there's only so much online storage we just transfer it directly to USB Drive stick it in our computer and away we go with all the vital signs CPR results EKGs that we do on a daily basis I have that all attached just a steel cord I don't even know what you call these things but this just allows me to put it up right on my Apple it and I can pull it down and use it whenever I need to okay so moving on on my other epaulette while I have my ID and everything over here I have the guardian angel so this is a device that was sent to me quite a while ago and I've actually really liked it its primary function what was designed for is kind of a light on your shoulder it flashes white and red and it's supposed to make you more visible to people that's okay I like that feature and I've used it once or twice on a highway where I'm afraid I'm going to get smoked by a car but what I really like this device for is the fact that it has a light function so it sits right up on my epaulette I can turn on the light during you know low-light operations or anything like that and then the other super nice thing it has for your night cruise is it's got just a really low vis red light so if you need to read a document in front of you but you don't want to light everything up you can just turn this little guy on and it works super well it has a bunch of other functions on it you can turn just the rear light on to flash whatever you need but you know primarily I'm using it for the two forward-facing lights and that's mounted to my shoulder with this magnetic clip it just goes right on there and I usually just take that light off and I put it in my pocket for the day because I am a day shifter I'm kind of a princess I really hate working nights but if I'm working nights or if it's a dark house or something like that then I'll take this out of my pocket throw it on my shoulder and away we go this does have a bunch of different mounts you can use it for so you can mount this on like the handlebars of a bike you can put it on Molly attachment I like keeping it up on my epaulette and that's really the only way I've used it since I've received it so that's kind of a neat little tool that I've been using a lot more always have sunglasses with me right now I'm using the oakley flak jackets I think these are the 2.0 just all in black work really well really stable this is my second pair the first pair went missing and then I bought this pair and then I found my other pair so now I've got two of them which is awesome but I would highly recommend Oakley for sunglasses and if you are a first responder military law enforcement EMS fire you can sign up for their pro deals and you can get their glasses for a lot cheaper I think these ended up running me about $100 for a belt I am using an HSG I Rigger's belt now this is kind of overkill I'll completely admit that I don't need this d-ring I'm not repelling off anything anything like that but what I really like about this belt is it's a little bit thicker it's pretty sturdy it fits through my belt loops and then I really like Cobra buckles for on duty because you can just size it once the beginning of the day and you don't have to worry about it at any other time so if you unbuckle your belt then your radio all stays in place it doesn't fall over or like unthread your belt so I really like the riggers belt and I really like the hsgi product this is the same belt that is on the inside of my battle belt actually on my belt I am carrying the olight seeker too now this is a pretty powerful flashlight that I reviewed earlier on my channel why I carry this and not one of the other ones is because this has a battery and intensity indicator and it remembers your settings so since I got this light a couple months ago I've charged at once and it's held its charge remarkably well tells you right on the side where it's at so I never have to guess very very bright but it also has low moonlight settings so if I don't want to blind people with it I can just pull it out use it like that for our mountain calls if we're looking for a house or something this thing is basically a spot light so it's been very useful for me the guardian angel is more for documents in front of me and this is more for my operational tasks that I'm performing as a paramedic so I would highly recommend this light this case I have it in is what it comes with it's just a pretty simple belt loop there it will work well for you it doesn't slide around or fall off next to that on my belt I've kind of given up carrying a knife in EMS just because it was annoying putting it in my pocket I know you can get like belt holsters and stuff for it but I found a lot more utility with a simple multi-tool this is a Leatherman I think it's the Leatherman kick so it's just a really simple multi tool it has pliers some knives screwdrivers bottle openers things like that it's just very useful to have on duty for the little things you might be doing throughout the day doesn't have much application patient care but we all know when an ambulance breaks or when there's a piece of equipment that needs to be dislodged multi-tool is really good to have and once again the case it comes in is just the leather case that the tool came with fits on the belt works really well all right coming down to my pockets I have also given up carrying the Raptor trauma shears and I am now carrying the X years not that there was anything wrong with the Raptor trauma shears they were just kind of big bulky I already have two things on my belt and if you've been in EMS while you know that the more things you have under your belt the more new you're gonna be perceived as so I prefer to keep these in the pants pockets of my 511 pants which we'll talk about a little bit later and I like these because they're lightweight they're super high quality and they're really easy to clean and simple so instead of having to explain to somebody how to unfold my rafters if they need to have them handed to them I can just throw these to somebody if they know how they work I don't have to fold them up to put them in my pocket anything like that so I really like the extras they're really quality piece of equipment I do have a review exclusively on these earlier on my channel but I would highly recommend these right next to the X tears I'm carrying two things one is a locking set of hemostats this is a lot of different uses whether that's you know pulling a splinter out something like that or if it's locking a blood pressure cuff as a makeshift tourniquet or walking off a pressure bag for a rapid IV infusion these things have a ton of uses I've gotten a lot of utility from them so I would recommend you pick up a pair of these most of your hospitals will have these that they're throwing away because they opened up the kit and now the entire kit shot so they'll usually have a drawer of these just make sure you wipe them off before you get them and using right next to the hemostats I'm carrying a carp eject for those of you that don't know a lot of our medicine comes in either prefilled syringes or it comes in draw up vials the car project is for a third kind of medicine that comes in this really long cylindrical packaging and it needs one of these to be administered so you slide that in there you lock it down and then you use this as the plunger for the medication not many are coming like this anymore however I've been burned on scene when I've gotten there and I've had one of those car project vials and I haven't been able to find this what's supposed to be in the kit so now I've kind of learned from my mistakes I just carry one with me and then if I need it I have one within arm's reach on the opposite side of my body I am carrying a right and rein notepad and a pen I can't stress how important these things are you know if you're taking notes vital signs marking what time you do something pen and paper is something every paramedic EMT police officer you name it should have on their persons at all times these right and rein note pads are pretty cheap you can get them off Amazon you can get big packs of them me and my wife both use them so we just order them in bulk and then go through them pretty quickly for a stethoscope I'm carrying the Lippman master cardiology this is a super great stethoscope it is a little bit pricey but I've had this for almost eight years and if you are working professionally in healthcare I would highly recommend picking up a really high-end stethoscope I don't know until you get into the more electronic stethoscope this is one of the nicest ones you can buy and I would highly recommend it so you guys know me anywhere I go I have a tourniquet on me I have things for stopping bleeding and usually a chest seal of some sort I carry the dark angel medical ankle trauma kit with me everywhere I go whether I'm off-duty on duty and in this I've got a soft key wide flat folded I've got a - chest sealed twin pack and I have a little bit of our NAR compressed gauze this thing is awesome I just keep it right above my boot and I'm not using this for patients like if I've got a patient I've got my bag on me you know I've got our equipment but this is for if me and for my partner gets injured or if we walk into a scene and we're not ready for it to be what it is and we haven't brought the right supplies in then I have this and I can intervene rapidly but I would recommend everybody carry one of these when I did this video before I didn't actually have this or I wasn't wearing it so I was just keeping a tourniquet in my cargo pocket but that was getting a little bit tiresome this guy I throw on at the beginning of the day I completely forget about it it sits right above my boots super comfortably and nobody even knows I have it so highly highly recommend this product for radiocommunications I do carry a radio I don't have one at home with me because they're kept at work they're just signed out for the day we operate with pack sets so I've got my radio and then the I'll mic up here but because we are street corner posted and I'm right next to my partner all day and we don't use the truck radio we're using our pack sets I opted to carry a earpiece so this is a custom molded earpiece have it on me it's not because I don't want the patient to hear the radio traffic or like there's warrants or anything like that I'm carrying this so that when my partner Keys up there Mike it doesn't squelch or provide feedback and plus when we're running lights or sirens it's really easy to hear with this instead of trying to turn your radio volume all the way up so I've opted to carry one of these this one's made by arc and then there was a local guy that did the custom fit for the earpiece all in all this was pretty pricey it end up costing about 150 bucks but I would highly recommend if your street corner posted or operating off PAC sets this makes things a lot easier especially if you're a law enforcement officer and you're running warrants you don't want somebody to hear it this is a lifesaver literally so as promised let's talk about uniforms a little bit so the shirt I'm wearing is a true spec VDU I'll be completely honest I don't like this shirt at all it's got some functionality it's got two breast pockets with zippers you'll have these buttons down here are a zipper so it's really easy to take off put on but it does not fit well it's just a little bit too bulky I'm gonna have to get all my uniforms tailored to me which I'm sure all my complaints about the shirt will go away once I do that but it is some expense out of pocket that I really didn't want to have to pay usually on the front of this shirt we have our department badge and we have a nameplate they're just identification for us makes us to look a little bit more official now I know there are people they're gonna be like man you look like a cop and you are absolutely correct that being said people are not looking to only target cops and not paramedics you know if they want to start shooting they're gonna shoot all of us regardless so I really see the risk as fairly minimal plus we have paramedic plastered across our back on our shoulder on the badge so there's a lot of places that can be read and hopefully defuse whatever situations might arise now under this shirt I am wearing body armor now usually when I go on the truck I'm not wearing body armor all the time I've got an external carrier that I throw on if we're going to a violent scene or it's a place where there's large crowds and might be violent I'll throw the external carrier on because plain and simply if I can avoid wearing armor all day I'm going to and I realize that could cause some problems because those situations aren't are always known beforehand but for me that's a risk I'm willing to take now under this shirt when I'm at like say an event where I don't know what's going on if we're downtown it's a college town things get out of hand really quickly I'm gonna throw this on so this is a under the shirt concealable vest by safe life defense it's three A+ body armor so it's stab rated and it will stop almost any handguns and even some rifles so this is super great protection it does have the option of upgrading to plates but that's kind of overkill for my from my position in my opinion it works really well though and this is some of the highest quality armor you can get for soft armor in my opinion for pants I'm wearing the 511 tactical EMS pants these things are the most common EMS pants on the market I've worn these on every single job I've ever worked and I've got a huge stack in my room a little bit pricey they do fade over time but their pocket layout is perfect and they do come in a variety of different thicknesses and fabrics so you can get some for winter months summer months and they work really well plus they look professional and they have a lot of functionality so I would highly recommend those pants if your department allows you to wear them I think they're the best on the market for boots I have been wearing high X Black Eagle athletic boots for the last three years and these boots have seen me through a lot I've been wearing these summer winter you name it these have worked really well a little bit more of an athletic styling I work out on duty so these work fine for running short distances and doing sandbag workouts things like that the one problem with them is is they're very permeable so you know in winter or if you get some bodily fluids on you they'll soak right through to your feet they are nice because they've got a zipper on the side so you can just slip your foot into it if you work a 24-hour truck or just lazy now I got super lucky because high X reached out to me and offered to do a wear test and they sent me the same boot it's the Black Eagle but it is the tactical version so this is the same as that boot accepted as gore-tex which means it's waterproof a little bit heavier but it still has that athletic styling I've been where testing these for the past couple weeks couldn't be happier a little bit warmer so in the summer months I'm still going to wear these and I'll probably get another pair of these these are getting kind of worn out but for winter months I'm definitely going to be switching to these just because of their waterproof and the fact that they're a little bit more insulated so really great boots if you're looking for a new EMS boot I would highly recommend going with these guys I think the one thing I don't like about Hayek's is their tag line is something about heroes but that's pretty much it these are great boots and I would highly recommend them thank you so much for watching guys that's all I have for this video if you have any questions please leave them in the comments down below and also leave links to all of these products down there as well so if you want to buy one just click on that pick one up I'll also leave any discount codes I have although I don't think I have a ton for the products I showed you today additionally if you want to support this channel I have an affiliate link down there it's too skinny medics store and if you use that link it'll give you 10% off medical equipment as well as giving me a little bit of a kickback on this channel so I really appreciate it and I will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: PrepMedic
Views: 232,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, Everyday carry, Every day carry, EMS, 911, paramedic, Paramedic edc, gear, equipment, Paramedic kit, first aid kit, ems bag, pocket dump, what is in my pocket, emergency, stop the bleed, first responder, firefighter, emt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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