Paramedic Ambulance Tour ⎮2020⎮

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hey guys my name is Sam and welcome pragmatics in this week's video I'm giving you a walk round of our brand new Horton ambulance [Music] so guys one of the most requested videos I've had over the last couple months is to do a walk-around video similar to the one I did while I was at Mary Greeley of the new rigs that we got at my agency up here in Colorado so this video we're going to be going around the outside going to the inside and I'll show you the cab of this ambulance going through it piece by piece all right so starting out with the ambulance itself we have a Ford chassis this is a van chassis with a Horten box on the back so pretty reputable brand for ambulances this is a gas rig it is not diesel and it is two-wheel drive so we're still trying to figure out how that works it does handle very well on the highway and has pretty decent acceleration for us so coming over here to the driver side cabinet up here we have the placard that shows what unit were in it just identifies the rigs we have about 30 to 40 rigs on the road at any given time so those are identifiers 'he's coming into this cabinet we have a large inline o2 tank so this supplies the entire ambulance with oxygen and it lasts for quite a while even with continuous CPAP down here we've got two life preservers so we have these we've got a lot of water in our territory so we use these not a ton but if we need them there they're down in this cabinet this is really quite empty we've got some triage tags and then we have some road flares over there along with the fire extinguisher and really we just use this for storage of the crews individual gear so if all crews are issued bunker gear and helmets if you're on a special team you can put some of that gear back here for your shift down here we've got the router for all the Wi-Fi all right come into the back here we've got the gas cap in this compartment we've got our vacuum splints and our c-collars down here and we've got a ton of different sizes of c-collars everything from the adjustables to the pediatric sizes and we have an extra o2 tank here in case we run out of arcot o2 or a bag o2 all right coming around to the passenger side rear compartment in here we have all our back boards and mobilization stuff and some splints so we have our striker stair chair right here which is a manual stair chair it's got treads on it that keep somebody from going down the stairs too fast it can be operated by two people with very little effort really good good tool if you need it then we have a old CAD board that's never opened we have a traction splint here we're carrying the hare traction splints so they're a little bit older but they're pretty widespread use through northern Colorado then we've got a split board here a backboard and behind that split board we actually have what's called a Reve stretcher which is a yellow soft stretcher that allows us to roll somebody onto it it works a spinal immobilization but is a little bit more comfortable and easier to carry somebody on all right over here right behind the passenger seat this is an interior cabinet that can be open from the outside so you can see we'll go through these in a second we've got our med box o to bag and suction that we can grab from the outside of the rig pretty easily so it's a nice cabinet to have for if we're going on a cardiac arrest or something we're taking everything in the kitchen sink open this up grab what we need and go in all right let's go to the inside of the ambulance and take a look through all the cabinets so as we come in the side door we have this cabinet immediately to your right this is one of our main cabinets and in the top section of this cabinet we have most of our IV supplies so up here we've got seven bags of saline now this seems like a crap-ton but these trucks are actually street-corner posted which means they do not have stations crews pick them up in morning and then they go out into the city and they respond to calls all day so everything in this truck is stocked to last them all day long in here we have the bin system so each of these Tupperware bins is sealed it's sealed with a shrink wrap we have vehicle service techs that stock all these ambulances for us and like I said they should have everything the crew needs to function for an entire day on the street there are some exceptions with that once they come back to the station at the end of the day they take these bins whatever is broken or used they give to the vsts and they switch them out for bins that are already stocked so they have a pretty quick turnaround it's very efficient for the fleet so in here we've got some patient restraints spit hoods if we need them we have larger leather restraints back here this one we've got IV tubing so these are both the micro drips and macro drips for our infusions one floor lower we have all the other IV supplies so our needles so our 14 16 gauge 18 20 gauge 22 24 gauge the IV start kits saline flushes IV supply bin which is essentially tape and some tubing and then you have emesis bags right here always important to be able to get to the emesis bags in a hurry down here we have our bob so it's a big orange box this is a Pelican case and I'll be completely honest four medications it does not work very well at all if this thing tips over our meds kind of dump everywhere in here we've got our basic complement of both ALS and BLS medications we are looking to actually switch this to a con Terra bag in the near future because of those issues we are having with it now right behind that you can see we've got a portable suction unit and that suction unit can be brought into calls we can also use it to supplement the truck suction and then one below that we have our Oh two bags so this is a stat pack and in there we've got a Oh two tank we have a CPAP nasal cannula non rebreather and then we also have some nebulizing treatments and a nebulizer in there as well so easy to grab throw on the back of the cot if we need it but generally it just stays in this cabinet here all right right up here we have our narc box so these are an RFID monarch box they're hooked up everybody has their own ID to open it so all the controlled substance substances aren't actually kept in this box they're kept up here for security purposes and then it tracks whoever logs into it we have to check these and log these every day and every time we give them as well you'll notice because of kovat 19 we have the front compartment completely sealed with tape so that nothing can get through there when this truck gets ready for deployment we actually do a plastic drape over there as well in this front seat this is what we call the captain's seat so it's got these really big shoulder harnesses and these are meant to allow you to move around the back of the ambulance as much as possible while staying seated and safe in the back of the rig kind of a nice feature these chairs are actually pretty comfortable and then in the back of this seat it actually has a child's car seat so if we are transporting a kid and we don't have the item for the cot the PD mate we can put them in there or if they're coming with their parents that are being transported we can put the kid right there in the seat and not worry about them make sure they're completely safe over here in this cabinet we have all our main airway adjuncts so we've got our oxygen supply bin which is like tubing and whatnot you've got nebulizers pediatric nasal cannula standard breathers adult non rebreathers new adult nasal cannula z' and then we also have adult end tidal co2 nasal knose which we use often behind there we've got our bag valve mask s-- so these are the big bags that you breathe for a patient with and then here we've got our CPAP so this is the continuous positive airway pressure that's really good for your COPD patients and asthma patients and CHF patients down here we've got our main control so we can control everything in the back of this truck this is on the climate control screen so you can turn it to on/off it's all touchscreen on here but that also has hard buttons on the outside activate the o2 for the truck and then you can alter the interior lights as well so kind of nice one of the weird functions on here is you can actually change the color of the screen so not entirely necessary but kind of a nice little feature there we have 202 Christmas trees so one would be for your main o2 supply or for your CPAP and then you could run a nebulizer or something else off the second one if need be this service we are still using the SOL X series I don't have a problem with stool I've used these almost my entire career but I'm still waiting to get my hands on a life pack and try that out because everybody that's used and tells me they're amazing coming down to this cabinet we have our advanced airway stuff so we've got our NPA's so nasal pharyngeal Airways OPA is oral pharyngeal Airways et tubes as well as some side stream cap nog Rafi for that and then we've got our nasogastric tubes and our suction catheters and then back here we've got a bunch of extra suction catheters for the truck right here we've got our truck suction this is just controlled by that panel up there and then we can use that to section out patient's Airways one thing I didn't mention about this monitor this has the capability of doing 408 EKGs 12 lead EKG s it can take blood pressures it checks pulse it pulse ox it also has a co monitor in that and that can defibrillate pace and cardiovert so very very functional for us up in these cabinets we like to say if you can't find something it's probably in one of these hidden so in here we've just got extra batteries and then we have a co probe for the soul monitor as well as an extra battery here the other side of that same cabinet different things we've got some extra defib pads some extra blood pressure cuffs stickers for the twelve and four lead EKGs and then we have our glucometers supply bin with all the extra components for a glucometer and then right here this is called the CPR seat still has these big straps here pretty comfortable and this is where most paramedics or EMTs are going to sit to care for their patients just because it's so much easier to access them down here we've got a pediatric bag and this has all of our pediatric sized equipment so everything for airway for n tidal co2 IV starts it's got an OB kit and at small B VMs and we can just grab this throw this on the cot and go from there we are kind of using the broselow system kind of using the hand heavy system we're kind of somewhere in between but we're working on kind of looking at these and looking at our pediatric system as well all right in this cabinet we have all of our trauma supplies and some of our med admins so we've got some needles up here as well as some hot and cold packs saline rinses down here we've got a SAM splint a SAM pelvic binder which is awesome a couple major dressings some cling and krill X and then some 4x4 pads down here we've got a bunch of extra gloves and then we have mega movers galore we have a PPE bin and then some translation books nose clamps kind of miscellaneous items there and in the far left of this cabinet we are carrying a PD mate which is to secure our little ones to the cot and transport them safely to the hospital you're going to notice all of these have kind of a gunk on them I'm not sure if you can see it on the video but that's actually from our decon process from the kovat stuff that's all virus and we just lay it on there make sure everything is dead it doesn't look pretty but it's super safe for us and our patients coming to the side here we've got our bench seat so there's two large straps here you can actually strap a backboard or a patient laying supine here with these seatbelts attached down here which is kind of a cool feature no cabinets up here you'll notice and then we've got sani cloths they're in these seats we've got women's in one and we've got kind of our miscellaneous so body bags Oh two tank chucks and our urinals things like that just for if you need them you can grab them quickly all right coming up here this is our first out bag so this should look relatively familiar from my mary greeley video same bag in here top pocket we're carrying our glucometer blood pressure cuff stethoscope thermometer along with some trauma shears emesis bag spit hood so it's our quick access things are things we're going to have to get to assess our patients coming down we've got our IV kit IO pressure bags one more down to that we've got our b vm our airway roll which is a stat pack airway roll and then we also carry a king vision which is our video laryngoscope in there as well and our stylet for our untracked King on one side we have all our trauma supplies so this is our tourniquets quick clot gauze our chest seals everything like that and on the other side we actually have a small Tupperware box that has our basic medications the medications we use the most as a service so we have them when we bring them in and then that also has like our narcan d-10 for our infusions and some PPE and biohazard bags so altogether this has almost everything we need in it we supplement that with our med box and our Oh 2 bag as well but it works very well for our service we are using the Stryker autoload cots these are super nice you saw them in the last video these have the ability to load 700 pounds without the provider expending any effort so they're super nice we really like them and they're in every single truck we have on our fleet really reduce workplace injuries on the back of the cot we've got an o2 tank that can be hooked up to the patient and then we have two bags usually there's PPE there's a shortage so we've kind of regulated where the where that stuff is we've got some spit hoods and some emesis bags just in case alright now that we covered the back of the truck we're gonna go up front and we're going to show you everything in the cab alright so here in the front of the ambulance the first thing up here is we have our CAD system so this computer we use this a lot for our dispatches we're a pretty busy system so we can't be on the radio a ton so we go to this we get the dispatch we can see all the call notes go and route clear and we just have very minimal radio traffic there so kind of nice this is a Dell laptop down here we've got the control panel just like you have in the back except this also has your emergency master which allows you to turn on all the emergency lights it automatically switches the screen there below that we've got our siren so it's got three main sirens that we use these also all have air horns in them so that is super nice to clear some traffic we've got our truck radio now we use most of our pack sets we don't use this a whole lot until we're going up in the mountain and we need that extra boost of signal we have a Panasonic laptop up here this is for our report writing everything like that and then back here we've got our gloves and some administrative stuff so these are our action plans for The Cove it's tough right now it's changing so we released that every day kind of nice to have up in the cab of the truck these trucks also have a nanny cam system for lack of a better word they just log when you're going too fast too slow making turns hitting bumps anything like that they log it take a quick video but those are not sent anywhere regularly thanks for watching guys if you have any questions please leave them in the comments down below I really hope to do some walkthroughs of some of the other model trucks we have as well as our Special Operations Trek if they let me do that so stay tuned for those and I will see you next week [Music]
Channel: PrepMedic
Views: 138,571
Rating: 4.9321198 out of 5
Keywords: EMS, Paramedic, Vehical, CAR, Ambulance, EMT, Firefighter, Police, Sheriff, 911, Emergency, Ambulance tour, ambulance walk through, 911 ambulance, Colorado, ALS, Advanced life support, Prepmedic
Id: 18KAOiGVhhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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