Paramedic Ambulance Tour โŽฎNew 2019!โŽฎ

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So much thought put into everything on the truck, and yet they call the ALS bag a "dead man's bag"...

Should have thought a little more on that one.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NovelAndNonObvious ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I really like my chase truck, but if i had to be in a box, this is really nice

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If it makes you feel any better, it seems like their service also got them snazzy new uniforms, ballistic vests, and has progressive protocols.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I wonder why they carry 2 scoop stretchers- it's not like they can transport 2 supine pts at once since they don't have a bench seat.

I do think that the modular pouch system is a cool concept, altho I would want bigger pouches than what I saw in the video.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TRM_Strikes_Again ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is this strictly a service for a gated community in Nantucket?? Mood lighting for the storage cabinets. Jesus!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/xterrabuzz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Those PRPs are kind of annoying to use and keeping all of your ALS interventions in them would suck.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Gewt92 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I follow this guy on YouTube it seems he works for a pretty awesome company they got some sweet gear

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Our sprinter shat out its driveshaft in shame after seeing this. Thanks.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/humespork ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Jesus Christ that intro

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/weissergspritzter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey guys my name's Sam welcome back to PrepMedic. In this week's video I'm going to give you a tour of our brand new ambulance alright guys so this is one of our brand new ambulance, we just got three of them but we only have one in service just so we can work out some of the kinks that come along with getting a new vehicle and having a new system to work out of You will notice this is more of a European style, the truck itself is made by Freightliner which is also owned by the same company that owns Mercedes so that's why there's kind of a similarity there and then the box was actually mounted by crestline so for this video I'm going to start in the patient compartment and walk you through everything we carry back there we're going to walk around all of the exterior doors and what we carry on the outside of the ambulance and then I'll show you up in the cab and kind of go through everything piece by piece so coming over to this door.. alright so coming in the side door you'll notice right away we carry our stair chair on the inside of the door for those of you that don't know a stair chair is a device that you can seat the patient in and then it actually has treads that can climb down the stairs it keeps us from having to lift a patient and ultimately saves our back looking into the ambulance you can see three shelves and these are made to be easily accessed from the outside of the ambulance so I'm standing outside right now and I can easily grab one of these bags on the top shelf we have our vacuum splints which are a special kind of splint that has the air evacuated from it and then there's foam beads that will conform to an injured extremity they're pretty comfortable for patients all things considered next that we have our portable suction device so if we're going in a cardiac arrest or another issue where we have to manage an airway this is something that we can easily grab and then we have our protocol books and our refusal forms and some other paperwork in here in case we need them in case our electronic recording fails below that we have our Lucas 3 device which this is a compression machine for CPR this was actually the first video I ever did on this channel so if you're curious about this machine and what it does go check out that video and then the last thing on this shelf is our dead man's bag so this is our blue bag and essentially with this ambulance you'll notice later that there's not a whole lot of cabinets we don't carry a lot of supplies in the ambulance itself so we're trying to function almost exclusively out of this bag for ALS interventions and that's because one it keeps us from having to stock two of everything so it saves us a little bit of money and then it also gives all of our paramedics just one thing to know one thing to memorize it's a lot easier for us to operate so I'm not going to go in detail because I do have another video with everything in this bag that really details stuff but essentially in this bag we have our IO our airway roll a IV kit a set of BVM's we have cricothyrotomy equipment King tubes for a backup airway we carry tourniquets chest seals needle decompression and then we also have some diagnostic equipment on that side and another refusal form in case we need it so I'm going to step up here and we're gonna close this door so it gets a little bit quieter in conjunction with our dead man's bag we carry this slinger which this is our BLS bag and this comes in with us on every single call no matter what this has your basic diagnostic equipment and then it also has your sharps container pulse oximeter tourniquet some minor wound care and a splint right above the shelfs i just showed you we have our medication cabinet now generally this is locked but I've unlocked it for this video and like the name implies this carries all our advanced life support medications we carry on this ambulance once again I've got a video detailing everything in this box we have over 70 different medications we carry that we can give in the field so I'm not going to go into detail on this video because it would take forever so if you're curious about that go check out that video down below we've got some bags of fluids we've got lidocaine we've got some different size salines and d5w for certain kinds of infusions we mix our dopamine and some 60 drop tubing we also have the duo tote auto-injectors for the potential nerve gas exposure we have a cyano kit for our firefighters if they get trapped in a fire for an extended period of time and then we have our nitroglycerin or nitrile for infusion nitro right next to the medication cabinet we have another kind of airway cabinet in the top we have our CPAP which is a positive pressure airway device that's really good for CHF congestive heart failure COPD and asthma among some other issues this is a great device and we all really like it down here we've got our bag valve mask s-- and those are for providing artificial ventilations to patients that are not breathing on their own now coming over to the right of the captain's chair this is kind of the most unique feature of this truck these are what replaces the cabinets here and these are pouches made by Ferno these can be rearranged any way we want on the wall there's mounting brackets and then the individual pouches can be removed and put on different mounting brackets as well so kind of a unique system it saves some space in the truck and it also keeps us from having a cabinet that becomes too cluttered so everything has its space the thought of this truck is that we're operating out of the dead man's bag like I showed you before so there's not a whole lot of supplies in the ambulance itself although we do carry some backups and then some of the really high stakes devices as well so in this top pocket we carry our most common sizes of our endotracheal tubes so it's mainly like 807 fives that kind of thing and then below that we have everything to secure a tube and confirm placement so we've got our adult tube tamers pediatric tube tamers a end-tidal sensor and then we also have a rescue pod which is not used very much but the hospital requires we have it so we still carry it next to that we have our quick trach so we've got an adult quick trach and a pediatric quick trach this device has some mixed reviews in pre-hospital setting I've tried to use it once and it was not very effective unfortunately in Iowa we can't do surgical crike so we have to settle for this for a emergency airway down below that kind of tucked behind the captain's seat we've got our respiratory PPE so some dust masks and 95s we also carry goggles and then some biohazard bags for the messy cleanup periodically coming down all the way near the ground we have our suction for the truck so that's connected to tubing here and then we've got our tonsil tip and our soft tip sections for suctioning both just a regular airway or somebody that might have a advanced airway in place you'll see here next to all of that we've got a series of controls for lights turn on and off the oxygen on and off the suction we have our O2 stack here or at least one of them and then we can also see a readout for the inline o2 to see how much is left in that over here as well continuing on the side of the ambulance this bag has everything we need for emergency trauma so in here we've got two chest seals we've got a cat tourniquet a SWAT T and then two needles for Needle decompression you'll notice that all the seats in this ambulance are forward-facing it's a new safety initiative in case we got in a crash it's a little bit different taking care of a patient like that but we've all kind of gotten used to it and then there is a table that can be folded out to use as a workstation if need be right there we do carry IV pumps we mix a lot of drips in the field and then we take transfers that have infusions going so this is actually really nice it's a great tool for us in this cabinet we kind of have some odds and ends so we've got our OB kits here our soft restraints for a patient that's either combative or more often they have an advanced airway in place and we're trying to protect them from pulling that airway out so we will use soft restraints to keep them there we've got a razor and then an extra Lucas battery in the back below that we've got our fluid warmer so this has just normal saline on it that's being warmed we've got 15 drop sets and then we've got some normal saline that is not being warmed along with a pressure bag for our IOs this is a thoroughly underwhelming cabinet this has all our linens in it so our blankets and our towels and then our pillows don't really need to explain that and all the way down there we've got a portable o2 tank and PD mate for pediatric patients if we have to transport them we can secure them to the cot similar to a car seat it's a lot safer for them coming to the other side of the ambulance this is our basic trauma supplies so in the top we've got our Sam splint our gauze koban some abdominal pads trauma shears things for the not quite as emergent trauma that we'll deal with this one has our diagnostic equipment in it so we've got our blood pressure cuff a stethoscope our temporal thermometer a Doppler 4 hearing the really low blood pressures or the faint blood pressures they're also great for fetal heart tones and then there's some other uses for them below that cabinet we have our ootds these are traction splints for a mid-shaft femur fracture they're essentially a tent pole that unfolds and it'll provide inline traction of the femur and realign things and really help with the pain of the patient and help prevent further orthopedic injury below that we've got a c-collar bag with series of c-collars and some head blocks and then you'll notice a scoop stretcher there this cabinet can be accessed from the outside of the ambulance as well we don't actually carry any long backwards any more on these new ambulances all right so this section of the ambulance is kind of where the attendant is meant to sit so the theory is is they can sit for the entire call and have everything they need within reach to a certain extent so right up on this wall we've got hot and cold packs pretty self-explanatory we have spit hoods and emesis bags we work in a college town sometimes kids drink a little bit too much and they don't know what they're doing they've got a nasty taste in their mouth and they'll spit on us or I try to spit on the floor and miss so well sometimes put a spit hood on them if we have to just to protect ourselves from that but that's a pretty common occurrence and then vomit bags I don't need to explain those those are useful all the time for what we do and it's really nice to have them in easy reach for us so next to that we have our basic O2 administration sets so in this top pocket we've got a non-rebreather mask regular nasal cannula and then we have an end-tidal co2 nasal cannula and this is a great tool we use it a lot below that we have all our supplies for the nebulizer so we've got a basic nebulizer we have a device to hook it to an endotracheal tube and bag in albuterol and atrovent that way and then we've got a pediatric and adult nebulizer mask in there as well one lower we have our electrodes for our EKG so we have both sets of four and six and together they'll make the 12-lead and then below that we have all our kind of random stuff for the monitor so we've got our pediatric pulse oximeters we've got extra paper for the monitor among some pediatric electrodes as well the monitor we are using is the Seoul x-series now the Seoul x-series isn't so much new to us anymore we got about two years ago and we moved from Philips I personally like life packs having used all three but we've all gotten used to the x-series and honestly it works pretty well for those of you that don't know this monitor can do a four lead EKG 12 lead EKG which helps us look at arrhythmias in the field that we can correct it also has a full set of vitals equipments so it can take a blood pressure it can take a pulse ox and then we can actually download all those vitals into our report automatically after we're done so it saves us a lot of time on the other side we've got defibrillator pads and those can be used for defibrillation and cardiac arrest they can be used for a synchronized cardioversion in certain kinds of tachyarrhythmias and then they can be used to pace a patient that's having bradycardia so a really useful machine and we really like it one of the really cool things about this truck is that this mount can actually be taken off this platform here if we need this workspace or if the monitor isn't in the right place and we can actually put that up onto a wall so either this wall over here that wall over there and kind of rearrange things how we need it it's not something we do a lot but it's nice to have that option you'll also notice on this side we've got and tidal co2 sets or nasal canula and then the one for the ET tube just in case we need it alright so in this top drawer here we use this as kind of a desk area or workspace if we need a platform to do some work on we have a start kit in here for an IV a loop and a flush it's just really easy to grab right here and then we've got a notepad in case we have to take some quick notes coming down we've got half of our IV supplies to some of the uncommon sizes of catheters sort of syringes for administration of medications blunt tips for drawing up medications and then we have our MADD device which is an internal medication delivery system and then we have a three-way stopcock for your pediatric patients in micro dosing the third drawer has our most common IV supplies so we've got our loops and our flushes we've got 20 gage 18 and then our Start kits and tape and then your 22s and your alcohol swabs down there so you'll also notice in the tower it's not super exciting but we've got a trash can and a sharps container down there and then we have another Christmas tree for our Oh too right here for administration up above we carry three main sizes of gloves so we've got our medium large extra-large there's only a couple staff members we have that carry the small gloves so we kind of decided on these three and then they just stock gloves in their pocket when they go on a call one of the best features of this ambulance is the cot this has a Stryker autoload system on it so I'll cut to some b-roll and show you guys that but essentially this will lift somebody up I believe it's up to 700 pounds and we don't even need to lift them into the ambulance now unfortunately we still have to lift them onto the cot alot of times but it is a really great system it's definitely a back saver it's just really cool how it works on the cot we have an o2 tank for your oxygen administration out to the truck and then underneath it we carry a blanket mega mover a soft cot and a series of masks and emesis bags and extra gloves in there alright so stepping out of the ambulance we'll go through the exterior compartments alright so in the back this is one of the shared compartments that also opens into the ambulance itself we have a new scoop stretcher in here that opens up both ends really nice like to use it we use this mostly for carrying patients or educating them from a car but we're really not doing a lot of spinal immobilization anymore we've got the c-collar as I showed you before some head beds and then we have a second scoop stretcher kind of broken down in there just in case we need it on this side it's another shared compartment so we've got our linens our Oh to tank and then we also have a Packers unit and essentially hazmat suits in there for your infectious patients or potential miner hazmat incidents we have a fire extinguisher and then some urinals and bedpans and crime tape just in case and the last exterior compartment this just has our inline o2 and our headboard which is never used we carry some kitty litter for traction and icy environments and then up there we have our mass casualty kits and right here is just a bunch of circuitry that will never touch ever all right now to the cab of the truck all right the cab of the truck is pretty standard to other ambulances in the center console we have our mutual aid radio which is used to contact helicopters or services requesting an LS intercept or as we call it in Iowa a tier here's our main radio this can contact all three of our dispatch centers that can send us out we've got a map light here siren module microphone and then our lights module for control of all the exterior lights of the ambulance have a trash can some cup holders which are a must and then behind each seat I don't know if you can see it but we have our ballistic vests hanging on hooks now I have been using my safe life defense vest to test it out for a review that I think I'll actually be releasing next week so I've been using this but we are issued vests that kind of stay in the ambulance all right in front we have a GPS unit just in case we get lost which does happen periodically but pretty rarely and then in each side door we carry reflective vests and don't let me forget we do have gloves up here for gloving up before we get to a call it just saves some time thanks for watching guys if you have any questions about anything I covered today please leave them in the comments down below overall I really like this ambulance it is very different from what we've had in the past so there's been kind of a learning curve but it looks really professional it's very functional you just have to adjust how you operate as a paramedic slightly I've got a lot of great videos coming up I'm going to be doing a review of my safe life defense vest for EMS and other applications next week I believe and then past that I've got some tutorials and then some other videos I'll be releasing so stay tuned for that and I will see you next week
Channel: PrepMedic
Views: 480,941
Rating: 4.9198804 out of 5
Keywords: Prepmedic, Ambulance, EMS, EMT, Paramedic, Tour, Walkthrough, State of the art, ER, Emergency room, Stop the bleed, New Ambulance, ALS, Advanced Life Support, Tactical Medicine, BLS, Basic Life Support, Skinny Medic
Id: mRjY4oREB-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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