Squad Car Tour

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[Music] hi I'm community resource officer Kruger with the Ames Police Department better known as croc we're here today to give a tour of an Ames police squad car so come on along as we tour the police car so we're gonna start at the front of the police car here and you're always gonna notice one of these big metal looking things it's called a push bumper what officers can do with this is if a car's broke down or involved in a car accident we need to get it off the roadway safely officers are able to pull up to this and they can touch the vehicle in front of them and we can push them out of the roadway and it doesn't really leave any damage to our vehicle or their vehicle so it's a very handy tool that is used we'll go around the side of the squad car here as you'll see another big thing that you're gonna notice you always see these on the police cars this is a giant spotlight that officers can use from inside which we'll show you in a little bit here but officers are able to turn this every which direction they want to go and it's just a giant spotlight that they can use on the side of the mirror we're all about being visible and being seen these are little lights on here for our emergency lights so these are red and blue lights when we need to have them going of course on top of a police car you'll see our giant light bar up here this has lots of white lights that we can just use and it also has all of our emergency red and blue lights in here so that we can be very visible on the roadway so people can see is coming on the back of our police car we have several different items you'll always notice you'll see Ames Police Department in reflective tape it helps us to be more visible our vehicles are the Ford Explorer the hybrid model all-wheel drive they are extremely eco friendly very great for the community up top you'll see more lights more of our emergency lights right in here that we can turn red and blue so the lights keep us safe and it keeps you safe if we're dealing with you because we want to be as visible as we possibly can so that everybody can see us and nobody gets hurt indicate call 9-1-1 if you ever have an emergency if you think that your life is in danger if someone else's life is in danger don't hesitate always call 9-1-1 right away again you see more of the emergency lights same as the drivers side we also have the emergency lights on this again we want to be as visible as we can when we're out there streets making sure that we're safe and this you're safe as well if we're dealing with you come on along let's get into the inside so as you can see it's a lot like a regular car that you would drive at home but it also has features to help us do our job so as we talked about before here is where the handle where I can run that spotlight and it rotates it all around as I'm driving up top in here if you swing in a little closer you can see our radar machine right here so this can tell us how fast people are going and their speeds will pop up here on our actual little dashboard right up here and it tells me how fast I'm going how fast the person is going if they are speeding or not we'll keep going right in the front up front here you see this little device right here this is actually a camera system it has multiple different angles on it which we can look at from our display screen up here next something that we use quite often is our computer this is how we run all of our systems we can communicate with other officers other agencies within storey County or dispatch it would also show us our calls for service when I have up our application that we use due to the confidential nature of some of the items on that I can't show you some of that screen but it would also show us where all the officers are in case they want to respond we needed to get to them so you'll see officers on the side of the road often on the computer looks like this you know they're not playing on the internet we are using this for to do our jobs there's a lot of typing that goes into our work so we've always documented what we do so it's very common you see officers parked in parking lots alongside the roads and they're looking up information about calls for service people that we're interacting with or we're just trying to get our work done for the day next little item you see on here very common that we will use if this is our radio system so this is the microphone that I would push down just like any kind of walkie-talkie that you would have or ever see we can talk to dispatch or other officers through here our computers do shift and slide around so that we can use them a little more efficiently now when we were talking about the radar machine up here this detects how fast people are going this shows me how fast they're going and this allows me to control that so I can check speed that our traffic that's coming at us I can check traffic that's coming behind me going the same direction all done on a remote kind of like a TV remote this kind of controls my radar system as you see it's like a normal car where I've got my radio system it would show me what music I'm playing if I need to turn the air conditioner on the heater on all very common to everyday vehicles now I was talking about our microphone that is attached to our radio system this is our radio system here so I can adjust the volume up if I need to change the channels to talk to different agencies or talk to somebody different I can flip right through all those channels however I wanted to do or whoever I was needing to a talk to down below I'll turn this car on so you can see the some lights will switch up but this is my control system for all of our lights I have an air horn which is very loud in case I'm trying to get someone's attention if I need to turn my lights on I can turn lights on just behind me so that way oncoming traffic if I'm on the side of the road doesn't see and get super distracted we have both front and back so now every single light on my police car is gonna be going and when the car is in gear my last option this is how I turn the siren on so we have multiple different options that we can do with our emergency signal as I talked about before if you look up top here of our emergency lights there'll be a left alley light I can turn on and off so with the giant spotlight and then in front now I can turn on all those white lights that I was talking about before [Music] I can also if you go on the back side of our emergency lights I can also make there an arrow so I can change directions that say I want cars behind me to get over to the left I keep it like that if I want cars to move over to the right I can turn it like this and if the roads kind of blocked we just want everybody be aware that we're here we can make the arrows go both directions kind of at the same time or just a caution so those are just some of the great features that we use on a daily basis all right and just as I talked about before like a normal car our police car has two cupholders often you have a water bottle and if you need a little caffeine somebody laughs coffee or pop or whatever there are other choices we have different electronics to plug in so if you need to charge your phone or other adapters to charge items we can our police cars have cell phones in them so that in case we need to call people reference reports we can we have a printer in our cars so if we need to print something out or if somebody got a citation for speeding or not wearing their seatbelt we use that on a computer when we print it it comes right out of this machine or right here right in front of us very quick and handy we like to keep a lot of cleaning products on hand to keep our vehicles clean Kleenexes you never know when you need to blow your nose we have emergency kits with tourniquet kits and medical kits right in here real handy so in case somebody had a severe injury that needed to stop the bleeding this is our tourniquet kit [Music] you have gloves lots of lots lubber gloves to make sure that we're safe and keeping you safe as you can see here these are our long guns the squad car is outfitted with a police shotgun and a rifle in case we need to get into an emergency type situation we would have those these are all locked up they are a secure code to try to unlock them so that if somebody broke into our vehicle they couldn't just get in here and actually take these out so there are some special features that need to be done in order to unlock the guns so if we are transporting somebody and we have somebody's transported in our back seat we can see them through the plexiglass screen that we have and we can talk to them we just have to be a little louder since they're on the other side of a screen so the plexiglass back here that we have this kind of keeps anybody that we are transporting in the backseat so that they cannot get out for any reason if they're not supposed to be able to get out now we'll take a look and see what it looks like back there as you can see in the back seat again it's similar to everyday cars we have two seats we have seatbelts that we keep up here at all time so it's easiest if we have to sit down and transport somebody they sit down and we can just get them buckled right in super easy and quick they are made out of plastic so it's not gonna be as comfy as your vehicle at home in case there's any thing that needs to get cleaned up back here and you spills it's a lot easier to clean this up in case you've ever spilled something in the backseat of your car so that makes it very convenient as you can see again there's kind of a cage here in the back so that way if we're transporting someone and they're not supposed to get out we can keep them in here if you look at the windows as well there is that plexiglass on here so that the window couldn't get broke for any reason assholey as you notice the other difference is there are no door handles so if we are transporting somebody back here obviously we don't want someone to get out so we make sure that they would be locked in here we'll go to the back and take a look at some other fun rules that we have all right now we'll take a look at the back of a squad car I'll show you some of the great tools that we use on a regular basis we'll start out we have a first aid kit again with more tourniquets gauze badges [Music] bandits any kind of simple first day that we need along with some severe first aid kit trauma kits so what a hazmat we have a hazmat suit gloves goggles in here so in case an officer gets on scene and then you need to make sure that they don't want to get any thing that's there on their clothes or their person they can put the suit there's an actual suit that they put on so it covers up their arms it's just like putting on a giant coveralls to go sledding so to speak so that would cover this up and it would keep you safe from getting anything that's dirty on ourselves or any kind of chemicals next we have here is our a IDI I'll show you so all of our police cars have one of these because in case you have to call 9-1-1 we don't respond to just crimes that are in progress if someone was having a life-or-death medical condition we show up and since we're out on the streets we're gonna be the first person they're typically in a life-or-death situation so if someone's having a heart attack or any other kind of medical condition we show up and if their heart is stopped and we have to do CPR with this we also have a DEA D so we can do CPR and shock their heart if it needs to be done so that's a great tool that we have in here [Music] we also carry in here some narcan so these are special little tools in here that allow us in case someone has had a drug overdose we can help them overcome that drug overdose and get medical attention [Music] next all police cars are going to have in there is a bagful of paperwork all sorts of different papers that we need to use for doing our jobs and documenting different things so every police car is going to have one of those we have most of that on our computers as well but a paper copy is always great we keep in here this is our police shield some case officers have to make entry into a building to make sure that they're safe we can have one of these in there so all police cars are gonna have one of these as you can see we'll put that back we also have an extra plate carrier best so if you had another person that was with you or you had to slip on extra protection it's basically a bulletproof vests that you could put on over top of you or if you had somebody else with you that didn't have one for some odd reason we could put that on them as well to protect them a couple things up here we use officers yuji's on a regular basis this is a sound meter that every vehicle is gonna have so in case we're doing a noise complaint we can pull up and we can get out and we can actually check to see exactly how loud somebody is being to make sure that they are over the city of Ames noise ordinance or not [Music] we keep a sharps container in there officers do fine and people do fine needles and other sharp objects on the street that we want to make sure they are taking care of safely we have window tint meters so if you need to check a window tint because your windows can only be so dark in the state of Iowa so this allows us to check that to make sure that you are not breaking the law with that when we got in the next big drawer well show this one real quick these are our stop sticks so in case a vehicle was trying to run from police and we were trying to get it stopped we could use these and officers could station up ahead of him down the road and they would unwind it throw this all the way across the road wind some of the Rope up and then when a car would go right over the top of it it would pop their tires and hopefully slow them down so that they could be apprehended later so in the last store we got here we've got if you want to come in here this is an officer's patrol roll up to a let's say a burglary or they need to get any kind of fingerprints or footprints potentially for evidence of a crime as to who the suspect is this was kind of what a mini kit would look like so there's different evidence bags they collect things they can put them in different kinds of bags more gloves always again more bags and there are different types of fingerprint dust collectors so essentially we can use the tape there are different kinds of powders different types of colors that she could put and it's just a little powder on there I could sprinkle that powder on there and I could try and collect fingerprints rub it all over and see if there's any prints on there and that there was prints then we simply get out some tape and we can put some tape over it and try to collect those fingerprints we keep more batteries in here in case we have cameras there's different size of tapes depending on how big of an object you're trying to pull prints off of there's little stickers that have measurements on there so we know how big something is we have little swabs like q-tips swabs if we need to collect evidence we also keep on hand like a little fingerprint card so in case we found fingerprints I would want to take your fingerprints to make sure that the fingerprints I found weren't yours so that we could try to get the suspect thanks for coming along and the tool of our Ames police car hope you learned something and hope it was fun for you we'll see you next time you
Channel: AmesTelevision
Views: 46,386
Rating: 4.8942919 out of 5
Keywords: City of Ames, Smart Choice, Ames Iowa, Channel 12, Ames Channel 12
Id: WGhZgxQGJbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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