Fire Engine Tour!

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hi welcome to station seven one i'm firefighter mccabe the mystic firefighter bowen we're going to give you a tour of the fire truck here at station seven one this is where the operator driver operator sits he gets us to the call in a safe and efficient manner there's numerous buttons and switches that he has control of to activate the warning lights and we also have radios and anything else we need for communication in there as we work around we'll take a look in the back seat real quick and there's three seats in the back and typically we just have three firefighters on on staff but we have all our all our equipment that we need to access along with air packs and any other electronics NOAA is up there on the the pump panel and what he does as the driver operator is he controls with these levers the valves that give us water so we can put it on the fire he also has a deck gun up on top that can shoot a lot of volume up water a very far distance so each one of these levers controls a different valve out of a either a intake or discharge and that allows us to to flow water through hoses so those valves will control these this is an intake these are discharges and there's multiple intakes and discharges of around the fire truck this is the engineers compartment it has all the appliances that we need to be able to supply water to hoses moving along we have a high elevation hose back so any building if you think of the parking garage at Kadlec they have stand pipes we would use this hose and actually take it up there so we don't have to we can't get our fire truck up there so we would need to take this up this is our tools for getting a patient out of the vehicle that's been in a wreck or has any type of damage these are the spreaders they they look like giant scissors but as you can see at the tip here it has extreme spreading force so we're able to pull metal apart or push metal apart and we could also pull with that if we need to crimp something to be able to bend the top of a car back we can use it with that to the other tools you see here we have a ram and then also cutters so these cutters can can also cut metal to assist us in getting a patient out of the vehicle in the back we have cribbing and we'll use this to stabilize vehicles or any other piece of equipment if we need to work safely around it and then this is the hydrant bag the person sitting in the back seat will get out and intake the hydrant hook up to the hydrant and that has all their tools to do that up top you can see all the hoses that we have in the hose bed from our large diameter hose to our two and a half inch and then our attack blinds this is a nozzle that we can take away from the engine further but it acts almost in the same fashion as the the deck gun where it can move a lot of water a lot across the long distance so in this compartment we have more tools that assist us to do our job we have positive pressure ventilation fans which help us clear smoke out of a room or a building so we can get cleaner air and invisibility and then those those toxins decrease we have an electric that fan and then we also have a gas-powered that that can run a move a little more air and and run a little longer we have a chainsaw to use to to then a house for vertical ventilation cutting a hole in the roof or on the gable ends and we can also use this in any other function that we we need a cutting saw it has a very sharp blade on it and so it's a very handy tool for us over here we have our hand tools these are the the tools that that take no gasoline it's just person power to operate these these are called the irons they assist us in opening doors through forcible entry it's kind of a multi-tool that we have at our disposal behind here as this door comes open we have a couple more tools we have the bolt cutters to help us get through chains locks fences and then we have a piercing nozzle and what we could do with that piercing nozzle is drive it into a room or an attic space hook a hose up to it and water will come out this in and that does a couple things it lets us get into a difficult access place and then it also keeps firefighters out of a harmful environment so it is a functional tool that that we often use in this compartment we have fire extinguishers for different types of burning material and then we have this silver one is is compressed water in the can and that can be very functional in in a room that has fire in it it doesn't take a to much water to to cool that environment so this is very handy if we're we're going into the room and we need to get it done in a quick fashion we can use the water can instead of holding the hose through there right here we have lights because we have have to do our job at night too and we're not always next to a street play or close to the engine where we can use lights off the engine so these are portable battery operated lights that we can take to the scene of the accident and apply the lighting that that's necessary to help us do our job thanks for setting that up now we will use this ladder rack this ladder rack does come down and we're able to access the ladders to get to roofs to get to second storey buildings this is a hose reel it's a an inch hose they we can take and use in rapid fashion for a wildland fire or maybe a car fire that's pretty small we can deploy this and since it's on that reel we can take it out and reel it up in a quick fashion it moves water not as much water as the other hoses but it's still functional in its own way so when we get dispatched to a structure fire we have a lot of gear that we need to put on and able to keep us safe so Noah here is going to put on each one of our pieces of equipment and and we'll identify and talk about those and we get calls throughout all times a day so we could be doing this waking up just getting out of bed so these are his pants he's putting on and they're not fireproof but they're fire resistive they'll keep us protected from radiant heat while we're in the fire next he's going to put on his hood and what the hood does is it protects our neck from that radiant heat within the fire because we want full coverage and no skin showing when you're inside a structure fire the jacket is the same material as the pants and so we're still working towards that goal of getting full protection and then our hard hat with our shroud to to protect our head and our neck as well so when we're responding to a fire this is one of the seats that we sit in and as you can see that seat has a pack built into the center of it and Noah is is currently putting on his pack his air pack while we're responding so once we get on scene he'll get direction from the commanding officer it may sound like Noah take tools to the the door and I'll meet you there and so he'll come out of the the truck that pack just just pulls out he'll exit he'll grab the the piece of equipment that he was instructed to grab which this case this is the irons and now we're going to simulate him going to the the front door and that's where he'll get down and mask up to get that full protection so he puts his mask on he pulled the straps to make sure it's tight and then he checks his seal to that's what he did with his hands right there he checked the seal to make sure that no outside air was getting into this to his mask he's turning his air bottle on and then that's the activation of the pass device which tells you your air until you give you a low air alarm and then if you stop moving or you get trapped in that it has a motion device in there that it will start beeping to help identify where you are so we put his regulator on now he's breathing air out of that air bottle out of the air pack and then the final steps he'll put his gloves on so now he has full coverage and full protection there's not any skin showing he's got breathable air coming from the air pack and so now he's ready to go inside a structure fire of it of any type so thanks for joining us on the the virtual tour hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot stay safe this summer and if you have any questions please visit the website below and from me and Noah thanks for joining us [Music]
Channel: Richland CityView
Views: 12,390
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: richland, pasco, kennewick, Tri-City, Tri-cities, CityView, fire department, engine, fire engine, fire tour, engine tour, hose, wildfire, structure fire, tools of the trade
Id: dJtcZpvY_ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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