Paper Terraria 64, The Complete Adventure Map! (2018)

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hey everyone my name is James and welcome back today we're doing a chore Oreo adventure map this one's gonna be done in full so this is called Super Mario terraria and apparently it's based on the storyline from Paper Mario 64 which is a game unfortunately I didn't get to play when I was younger so I'm kind of excited for this because it's all gonna be fresh for me today so this was actually made by a community member by the name of lieutenant Lawrence and I'll leave a link to it down below we're doing it all in one sitting so sit back relax I'm gonna take you on a little adventure today so let's begin so it does say to take only half of the items from the chest when you begin as you can see you can even pick Mario or Luigi I'm a little bit taller than Mario so I'm gonna pick Luigi right do you guys remember a year of Luigi that's essentially when Nintendo is like hey remember our friend so yeah I'm gonna be bright green today I'm going to equip that I've also got a boomerang and essentially you have to get rid of you styling items I mean that's just a given right so let's put all these down here and then we actually get some shine potions and two wormhole potions ah that's kind of cool oh I get it teleports you to any member on the team so you can play this with one or two people but I'm just playing with myself and you guys so please throw away any starting items only bomb the gold and silver bricks double items in chess only for multiplayer if you are a single player don't take the double items cheating with bricks is your choice but if you want to have more fun don't do it last off follow the rules and enjoy the map cool I kind of like that one chair is red and one is for Luigi like Mario's like don't you sit in my chair mate don't you dare imma kill you Princess Peach has invited Mario and Luigi to a pie at the castle there will be drinks and food but ahead there quickly okay alright to Mario's castle but actually what Peter's castle first off though gonna have to oh you can't get up there as good say I want to check if there's anything secret so down the warp pipe OOP okay so here we are in the castle maybe or is this the courtyard Bandon house closed oh it really is closed okay toad town shop closed oh no what happened to all the toads I hope that the toads are simply just little plant is mushrooms that would that would kind of make my day I'm looking a lie so what's this building then let's have a little look at this one last time I saw princess's castle was in a Mario Odyssey so I don't remember it too well it's been a while since I've actually played that game let's turn this off let's keep heading right that you do in Mario games wizard shop close oh my god everything's closed Princess Peach's castle stand on the teleporter and hit the switch oh hey nice little welcome there thanks guys looks like there's a party that is already stired enjoyed the food while you can ah it's the oh you're gonna be careful adults they can break the whole thing this is locked what else is there locked oh my god everything's been locked away I feel like this is gonna be a nice length for adventure map I'm looking a lie lots of Secrets I like that the animals were the party guests as well that's that's kind of special very beautiful kitchen feel free to snack on anything in there Oh what you got to eat anything good oh-ho-ho that's a clever looking freezer Zess tea is gone for lunch but maybe she left something behind in the kitchen did you leave anything behind in the kitchen well nothing in there oh there is something in here there's honey fins nice so that gives you 120 life that's the most healing you can have in pretty hard mode cool all right then very nice see you later thank you for the food all there's also frogs I didn't see any frogs oh look Ludo the painters arrived the over Italian member of the terraria community he's here Princess Peach is waiting for Mario and Luigi in the next room oh there she is I'm surprised didn't use senex is closed because they're based off of peach right are they not I feel like they are nice to see you finally made it Mario and Luigi did you enjoy the food zesty said she left some in kitchen anyway I've got some things to talk about follow me as mario luigi started following Princess Peach a violent shudder shook the castle oh no Aurora you hear the sound of explosions and toad screaming enter the teleporter to continue whoa Jesus all right Bowser run into the back room you can't beat him while he's holding the star rod oh my god cool all right see you later Bowser I'm sorry as Mario Luigi ran towards the door Bowser shot a flaming fireball towards them it pushes them through the window and they start flying through space oh my god enter the teleports continue through space really chapter one storming Cooper Bros fortress this is so well made okay marry Luigi awaken Sully remembered what they had happened they look around and realize that they are in a strange forest and have to get back to tow town somehow better start looking around for a path well I always always always like to go back at myself in these kind of games because you just never know oh look there's a switch okay there's a crimson chest that gives you a live crystal and a mana crystal oh hell yeah that's it always try and find secrets you never know what what people are gonna sneak into their adventure maps i don't think of like the best one I've ever had in an adventure map this is probably coming pretty close it's kind of like looking behind the waterfall in a Zelda game it's been like that okay so this is like asleep and it heals you that's kind of cool and you get a wand of sparking probably not the best weapon in reality hatreds it's pretty bad I'm not the biggest fan oh cool there's something over there as well that's pretty cool you got a little healing station let's check out this oh it literally use the other side why the Turtles which they obey hammer bros so they're gonna hammer me to death hopefully not all right we've got some Queen I've got a gold coin nice got some silver coins more silver and another silver one so Mary is probably pretty happy with all of your silver Queens let's head back the porch seems to be a little unstable maybe you should test it out to make sure it's okay step forward and tap one of the levers oh my god oh oh I have a lucky horseshoe I even realized I just kind of acquitted it without thinking okay so let's head to the right then I hope this is the correct path and then I haven't just you know completely botched myself by taking the house early but I imagine is probably right okay so it's got a pearl wood sword nice that does eight this does 11 this is cool how you probably get up there what's this looks like the path is blocked once again by one of those strange blocks maybe there is something around it'll help you destroy it huh maybe I think this is maybe something that you have to blow up later on something like that this is cool you know choosing your own little path I guess activating them when do you want to activate him oh that's gonna add some of these jumps are actually a little bit trickier than I thought so what do you do when you get to here do you try and Oh jump over oh that oh it actually turns it off okay and it gives you a little bit help in case you need it let's get a nice mmm I thought that was gonna be like a teleporter door then I took a little bit more power core I mean to be honest this wouldn't really be a Mario map without like just a little bit of parkour what it really I do really like Mario games oh let's see there's a switch here ah there you go so now we can grab that Crimson chest okay so we got another life crystal and a mana crystal but yeah I really do like Mario games I started with a Mario and the six coins when I was young that was the one that was on the Gameboy I played all the originals I really liked Mario 64 that was always my favorite when I was a kid I really liked the bit with the with the bit with Bowser where you have to kind of like fling him around by his tail that was always really good and that the Penguins lines I was like that I really liked Mario on the 3ds that one was really really good the new super mario bros stuff there's been so many Mario games it's reality I could probably go on and on and Miriam Odyssey was a bomb calm it was really really good you haven't played Mario want to see yet or I recommend it if it never goes on sale and you get the chance marieve a very good game let's see what we can do here let's see what the Wonder sparking actually does because if I yeah oh it's not bad actually all right I kind of take one of what I said back a little bit I think because this is normal notes a little bit better when you're in expert mode though it's literally like the worst thing going okay out on the other side actually I'm gonna zoom out just a little bit more so this is where we started right oh okay got some logic sensors there some a both player ones clever clever well it's not fall through and let's try not heal it's always my instinct to heal in these adventure maps but you always run out of health pots really quick this is cool I like this I really like these got like a bunch of happy clowns as well pretty cool so that's the house where we were earlier are so you would have got blocked by the um by the yellow block okay that's cool if they're called mystery blocks they probably are called mystery blogs Goomba Road beware danger or do we go down or do we go right man I'm in games where they offer you two different directions I'm always so torn I really really am let's see what's this way to put the butter let's go right got chest and it's got an angler in it and what is this bedrooms are used as checkpoint throughout the game make sure to right-click and set your spawn point okay cool set my spawn point let's grab some health up ahead a couple of goombahs block on your path time to fight right I'm gonna go back the other way and I'm gonna go down and see what I could see what I can find because I feel like you should probably go where the game wants you to go instinctively like instinctively I want to go down here because I've opened that up first and then maybe try go different paths I don't know is there a science to it oh I think it oh it literally just froze you out here okay that's not too bad there isn't too much of a waste of time either but it's good to know we go oh we go right we've got some goobers to face off against I think we're gonna be all right honestly I don't I don't think goombas are gonna be too bad for plenty of them here were these blue ones let's see okay open it up BAM oh the skeletons oh okay let's get them all on fire even at one at the back oh there we go all right they're all on fire now and then we'll use the sword as well okay nice I really like how you've you switch to make switches and like stuff like app to make like to make pathways essentially so it kind of like forces you into an area that's good Goomba king castle tow town and goober village okay oh oh I really like the pixel art in the background that's a good idea okay what we go yeah that's cool I really like that little stuff like that really makes an adventure map like having different like having I don't know like having different stuff like that like adding a little bit of art to your map I go such a long way I don't know why it gives you another oh this one's legendary ah right okay so this one does 13 nice little difficulty spike there that's cool or like a little bit of like a progression Roo that's that's pretty chill oh I think it's what to do you pull this way pull the switch the next area opens up oh my god there we go I wait around until it was daytime anyway but sounds like it's it's a little bit dark it's looking a bit dark alright that makes a lot of sense the funny thing was is I don't know why I didn't see the switch that's youtuber logic right there you see everything it's chests wise and loot wise but you don't see anything else so I really got it went back anyway yeah oh man that's a youtuber logic only looking at the good stuff right mera Luigi arrived back in town they both wonder how bad it got the star rod Merlin should know what to do okay head towards the wizard's house toad town one male oh so I'm close to toad town okay but this area is all sealed off so I'm thinking maybe later come back or ah look at that cool what do we get go an anklet an anklet of wind yes to make us faster right that's the abandoned house this is now open oh that's really clever I love maps that do this this is a recreation of the other town some rail are that's clever I love stuff like that no you cannot get into this room until you have risk rescued free star spirits okay we'll do that soon Towton shop open Oh shop toad that's cool I like that see you later I sister Wizards house lever chests room open note that you can only get to a higher lever to use here at the end of chapter 4 right I've got a few chapters to go right secret reward all right okay so they're the leaders okay so is this the Wizards house with his house open the stars communicated with me they're in trouble Bowser has stolen their power and hidden the Seven Stars away in different places you need to rescue them there are four suspicious toads on the street that way now look them over in the meantime I think you should head to the shooting star summit Thank You Grand Wizard is this - star summit princess's Peach's castle so we'll leave that post office now open okay that's the tavern keep hello friend oh I will take your point I'll take this Queen and this coin oh my god I'm gonna be so rich I guess this is so you can buy like arrows and maybe a bow maybe some shuriken maybe oh no we got Queen though so good save save point hotel nice hello nurse oh and you can like dump some stuff in it I imagine but I'm gonna take it a girl see you later although I took it with me as it's alright the 4-toed smoke it Mario in Luigi and say nothing butch gangsters maybe you should get some help from Merlin the wizard yeah maybe we should should we go back to milling the Wizards I mean we meant to go to the star summit aren't we so is that it princesses Peach's castle maybe the castle has been taken over by Bowser's Flying Fortress you know it went up into space but you don't know how to get there ah shooting star summit a shooting star house okay as Marian Luigi travel along the crystal path they saw something appear in the distance heading towards them fast and firstly thought it was just a star but then they looked closer and realized it was a horde of Bowser's old minions snarling and ready to fight all right boys come and get it yeah Bowser's old minions ain't got nothing on me get outta here at cave bats what's this shooting star house shooting star submit right own house first is the low one down I'll go to the house first very beautiful looking area really like the blocks Merlin's luxury vacation house 500 coins per night Sparky will guard the house if you do not pay 500 coins to Merlin Sparky will do something to you something terrible he is upstairs so watch our every move ding Oh God I don't know where you meant to deposit the 500 coins but I will take that wisp in a bottle thank you very much see you later out of here this is maybe something I would get if I'd actually managed to play Paper Mario 64 but you know I'm not gonna get the chance to you for a little while so the terraria Edition will have to do and hopefully it's a faithful recreation I don't know if it is a recreation is it inspired I won't know all the stars are gone Bowser has taken them all there is still a start shadow through distill star shadow though it's telling you to come near hit the switch the star is not actually here it is trapped somewhere else but it can still talk to you here I met the Koopa Bros fortress to the east never eat are okay I'm at the Koopa Bros watch the East head back to the left side of town where the toads are all right let's go talk to some toad gangsters I wonder if we've if we've eliminated them by by activating the star this is kind of cool I imagine we're gonna go to a quest to retrieve the comet styles something like that put them in the rightful place find a pathway up to up to thingy I can't remember where we're gonna go up to Bowser's little fortress in the sky maybe alright let's head back to the town let's head to the right okay they're gone Oh Cooper Bros fortress Cooper village toe town well that's where we're off look the nurse is already out here he's already she's already vamonos she's gone what's this this is five healing potions that's not bad because I actually I accidentally took one a minute ago they at one of my honey fish so happy to have these foods a secret area let's go let's go get a secret I'm not very good at jumping what oh man Oh can you actually get to it because oh I don't think you can because it's got blocking the way anyway what's all right I imagine that's something for later I need to start like writing a juggle down of where all this stuff is there's a lot to it Cooper Bros fortress Cooper village optional let's go to the Cooper village let's see what it's all about ah right now I can open up the full thing but I still gotta open this chest here maybe that's something for later Mario Luigi finally caught up with the Goomba it had stolen the staff and quickly showed you where he had put it after that it quickly ran away oh oh it's a slimy boy nice alright so we should be on the path now the way we need to go good a bunch of scallywags no way there you guys worried um I don't know how you get up here is it like because this one block there that needs actuated I don't know old is a switch there's a switch I should just always look out for the switches whenever I've got a dumb little question I swear it's a switch that can solve it alright let's go this way it's a lot easier if a slimy boy isn't it slimy boys gonna work nice right let's take this path up here what got be careful because we could get knocked off with those bats right so there's a a switch there and a little secret switch whether you've got these got levers and neuticle switches okay I don't know what we did but we must have done something so this area down here is open I'm guessing that's what we've activated well let's see what this reward is this reward is a ruby staff and it's also a mana crystal oh my god I love the Ruby staff nice it is actually pretty decent stats okay alright we should be here I'm guessing this is it because of all these little fancy archways okay I'm guessing these are areas where you have to bomb in the future so I've got to make sure I actually go back to them because I'm probably going to forget them in reality let's heal up okay wow this place looks ominous I'm not gonna lie this looks like it could be a Skeletron fight to be honest let's see if it is most er adventure maps' always include incorporate some of the original to re bosses so I do you think this could be it Oh God everyone out Nana know any more mana alright this sword will have to do I love these big dungeon doors like it is so good for built like this like dungeon builds look amazing with dungeon doors okay well I'm out to pick up a hawk I don't know if I'm avoiding anything if I'm missing out and stuff I think this might be a secret area down here oh my god there is a lot of stuff coming at me hot lights as well those things are pretty deadly okay alright this is not too bad though they're now slimy boys up there getting rid of that pinky for us it's alright we're gonna be in the money soon Oh nicely dodged way okay so is this another secret oh hell yeah think it might just be alright so this gave us a temple key so we can now open the door with the temple I'm trying to think there was a temple locked somewhere else in the map I obviously don't think it's meant for this one oh that's cool so once you get to the other side there's actually blocks that stop you from getting hit by the darts it's really cool there are some really good things about this map this is probably like one of the best Maps we've had in a while as well like I played pretty much all of the terraria maps that come my way because I just love terraria map so I really appreciate it when there's one that's really good alright I'm gonna go up here just to see if there's anything unique there's another temple key door press this lever to gain 999 platinum coins I cannot believe you marry a bros fell for it what's this oh you got bombs nice a bomb seemed to be like hanging around you you said he would help you escape the cell if you helped him escape the fortress note only use bombs on gold and silver tiles do not use bricks that are destroyed well if I can promise that boom out of there boy out of it got baited into 999 platinum got some bombs instead just like that boom and is this gonna have a temple key yep there we go pretty sick right I like how this is working this is this is actually a really bangin map I don't I don't know the connection to Paper Mario but I'm appreciating it in different ways okay right let's go up here and let's open this door up boom the only thing I would say is maybe you could have some more decorations to the backgrounds of this like when we were playing The Legend of Zelda map the background art had like Zelda pixel art inside of it just like you did with the goombas I think that'd be really cool here because this area looks a bit like a classic terraria like too much going on the back wall but that's my only ask my only thing so far other than that it's been pretty spot-on and I can tell it's gonna be a long one as well all right we've got some healing pots nice let's keep going oh okay so you've got to jump over these at the right time I'm guessing yeah there we go oh my game liked let's turn them off let's heal up okay spawn point set swords to say boosters for the boss fight oh okay cactus armor so like if you hadn't got any arm if you hadn't done all the side quests why do you need cactus arm doesn't make any sense all right let's see if we can do this alright it's fully nighttime let's give it a go let's begin this is probably it's not gonna be too hard of a fight I don't know though I feel like the Ruby staff is really good for this because it's obviously piercing pretty chilled it doesn't give you a grappling hook so I guess that's the that's the downside well use a few javelins as well why not okay oh my god could you imagine losing this fight oh oh but then again it spawns right there I've gotta say could you imagine how annoying it would be actually yeah let's use something I've never used before keys how do you target with a staff I've never actually done it before where's my staff gone right oh there you go like that I've never actually done it before that's interesting and it does it just a little it nice I think it does that's really cool I've been playing model for so long and it's not a featuring modded there we go right let's use the demonite to build out I should probably go round this way I'm guessing this any worse maybe right there we go alright well done wahoo right you have rescued elder star take the diamond back to the shooting star summit and place it back in the gem lock right lever a teleporter takes back to Towton left lever walk back to toad I would rather teleport to be honest because teleporting seems a lot easier goddamned it with my head so right telephone nice Oh a little area in the sky okay here we are right so I guess the goal now is to stick this star in so which one's the entrance to Peach's castle okay let's Bosh that in there oh you can tell I don't play a lot of PvP okay well done rescuing elder stop I'm trapped in some ruins in the desert go back to tow town and into the pipe system get to the other side of toad town and take the train to the desert head to into the tow town sewer pipe go to the right that alright okay cool alright I got it the first time right so we're gonna go take the train so we're gonna go take the warp pipe get there it's gonna be good alright let's go okay cheat sheet show a list of all the items you can get in each chapter for people who like to 100 percent things oh well I don't want to do that just in case I miss out on something pipe to the toad train town yeah I feel like if I cheat cheated it I would feel a little bit like good if I'd missed out and if you guys haven't played this mod yet or this earth this map you guys don't know what I've missed either so don't look too bad looks like there's been a cave-in better explode the way Hey oh snap there's a lot of zombies okay let's hop over here activate this okay there are even more things now and then hoplites get outta here get outta here what was a clown outfit this always reminds me of to re 1.1 when it was at it one way win a game pick the right way after the little quiz okay one plus two is free minus one that's too quick mass now two's the right pathway I love that it's based on a meme but why hey we did it you are the winner very nice I know my memes right um hmm I guess we'll put it in their inventory but I'm gonna leave it for now I don't feel like I need this one stone okay challenge house number two beat the challenge win a prize wow there is a lot to this map okay beat the water challenge you will need a clown to the ball if you don't have these items come back later in the game oh I don't have a clown the ball no mine see later we'll do that some other time train to dry dry desert help need it train cannot take off until the path is cleared huge rock blocking the path hit the lever or go on foot to check it out right chapter 2 the mystery of the dry dry ruins okay you have arrived at your destination mount rugged hot and dry be sure to bring some water there are a lot of dune Raiders out in the mountains be careful safe wish to travel a day there are even more generators out oh my god alright well let's head off we're in the dry desert I'm sure we can survive oh let's actually get some health and I'm also going to set my spawn again there's a lot of these I like these so I had a little break when I reached that checkpoint because the back of my throat is quite swollen it's a youtubers curse I mean it happens to pretty much every youtuber but I remembered while I was having a break that we actually passed out on a little secret puzzle because we didn't have bombs yet so I'm gonna go back there now and actually find out what we were missing out on because if it's something very important like say I don't know like a cloud and a bottle or anything like that this could be a bit of a game breaker well a game changer it's probably a little bit better so it could be a bit of a game changer so let's find out let's stick that sticky bomb there okay cool I was worried for a second because I thought it might actually destroy the platform but nope okay what do we get it's a live crystal and a mono crystal okay so on my way back I noticed that there is an aqua scepter in here so may as well take it so that's kind of cool I guess we would have missed out on that if not ah and then there's a big arrow going back alright here we are back in the desert which for you guys is like a second ago for me it's a couple of hours right let's see what is around and I go up there I can't remember if I did maybe I did maybe I didn't I do not remember okay I'm gonna need a cloud in a bottle for that that's kind of cool a little bit of cloud at the bottle at the bottom of that just to show you I like it it's so but I like it okay I've already been to this area have already checked out this bit and then went into there and had a a little I camera what item at how that had the night a minute I think it might be it was healing potions okay that's back when I decided that I needed to go back so I didn't include it and I've been to here have I got what no I have not been I've not got that yet because I don't have a clown the balls so gotta basically just walked my way back in a minute to get all the little things we're gonna miss out on oh there's another canoe key suit let's go and check this out I think it's the canoe key suit right I can't remember the exact name of it maybe I'm getting my Mario not a troll' can you not reach that I guess if we had a cloud in the ball we could reach it but let's give it one more go whoa now okay right can't do it that's fine ba hoplites get out of here I like it because it gives you kind of like an unlimited supply of javelins a bad yeah let's see so I'm guessing Oh whew okay I'm gonna say I'm guessing this area needs to climb in a bottle as well but no I like the use of a minecart as well it's kind of clever don't usually see that in an adventure map no I don't know if you actually can do this probably not okay um we go and away we go nice after switching the lever to the right head to the right and go across the now available bridge oh very fancy there we go oh it sends you backwards I don't know they could do that oh this dropped me off let's go find this bridge get out of here get out of here hoplites ah so this is the bridge nice I wonder what was hurt the bottom I won't have you meant to go to it a big bird swoops down in front in front of you blocking your path it looks it's looking for Mario and Luigi are you Mario and/or slash Luigi if you are hit or less lever are you a filthy liar if so hit the right lever right I'll hit the left we won't lie about being Mario what happens if you hit the m1 oh it just does it without the the birds really that's coming okay okay why but I guess okay sure I guess that works out okay let's see what happens here also it is an alternate path if you were a liar then too bad if you were Mario enjoy the reward cheaters and Liars never prosper not true of life most of the time sadly also the path is is taken away from us because I deactivate the thingy oh that's my fault for messing with it haha no I broke it I think I did oh man well I you know I I think I deserved it it's reality I think I deserve it I am gonna cheat my way there hashtag cheat and chippy coming out in full force cuz I I do think I deserve this I think I was I told the truth I told him who I was my reward as a Hornet staff nice I deserved that I deserved that curiosity got the better of me I had to act like I was a lawyer I was more like a double agent an agent's are cool right dried I desert caution do not enter desert without taking too many bottles of water very hot okay I'll take that in mind let's see oh okay hey I know who that is I think that's me we are on that we are the ruin explorers we are looking for old relics of ruins tell us if you find any legend says that there is a huge ruin around here somewhere be careful out there it's a maze out in that desert you should try and make it to dry dry outpost make sure to walk in a straight line and you will make it okay so if this is going to be one big maze I don't know what what to do I mean is there a reason behind any of it oh I'm guessing it's all got a bunch of loot right so we're on gold armor now what's better oh yeah sorry I thought it was platinum for a second there this seems right I kind of I going to get it and then go along again and then up and then along and then a long R and then down okay cool I'll go do the rest and and I'll let you know how I get on oh it took a tana okay barrel barrel nope what's this there's a teleporter with a man on it okay okay poke I'll tell you where to find a guy who can help you out just jump on the rooftops to the tall looking house in Stein inside you will find him man I want to search all of these barrels but I know that they're all probably oh okay I would say they're all probably useless but I guess they're not good right see if we can make this yeah we did okay you are looking for the dry dry ruins well I can tell you how to get there look for a single rock in a part of the desert place the lever in the rock find the dry dry ruins also too this rock you will need to follow the science at hidden yeah I kind of get it I figure I know where to place it I think we're all right all right I'll go place that lever now and we'll head off all right here we are let's place down that lever and it opens up cool and that explains it right there's no way to get it up to left or to the right so we'll head there now a loud booming voice echoes through the temple thou shall not enter all thou shall perish very cool let's see what's actually in this desert hopefully it's nothing too serious oh oh not spiders all right okay I really don't like spiders if you could just no give me any more spiders I'd be alright with that okay we've got a temple key and you can't get out that way right so to another little maze kind of cool right Oh chop up here okay so we'll hop along one two three okay and that's opened up this bottom path let's go check this out okay so there's one area here with spiders oh my god even more of them I really do have serious like fear of spiders these creeped me out so bad okay alright so I know there's a path down below but I kind of want to take this path just to see what it is so I'm guessing flicking the switch it's gonna activate something later on Oh opens up a chest area very nice very bright and very nice let's see what's inside of this chest and healing pots maybe Oh an oval temple key okay so this one's a little bit more simpler than the last one I like this not too much walking around I feel like the first dungeon one had a lot of walking around when it any I'll probably cut a lot of that out just a bit long Oh wall crawlers not nice not nice at all there's a secret chest up there if I can stop jumping like I'm on butter whew okay for the next thing this kind of reminds me a little bit of how Starbound do their dungeon temples it reminds me a bit like that do you guys get that vibe where like you arrive at the temple you search around a little bit try and find the end maze secrets good look Wow alright I always like to go for the switches if I can see a switch because I feel like that's gonna open up something later on it opened up a secret chest so let's check out what the secret chest is pop along a little bit we got for us find the secret Brown treasure chest and you will be able to open this okay so that's what at the end so essentially go yeah alright well too bad not too bad of a maze at all alright so Oh up here up there again how could you mess this up this is like the simplest maze in the world this should help you get one of the no oh okay so we finally got this so you need to find find the secret Brown chess and you'll be able to open this huh I don't know where the secret Brown chest is that's a lever I just want to double-check that I am left it behind or anything it might be like down here that's a chest that's a shadow chest it's this area blocked off yeah it's blocked off right now but this is cool alright let's head down way ok so I got another slime staff but I don't really need it but they've already gone one I do like that though I like that you give like like if you didn't get the slime stuff earlier on through doing the secrets then you've got a second chance of getting it later on that's kind of cool so we've got a temple key kill these hot lights whoa here we go alright so that has nothing in it faked oh man why fake me all right got a golden key as well so I'm wondering if what we've done down here is opened up the path over there we'll see oh oh okay I get it there's a temple key got here that's the temple keys for that path oh snap okay up here and let's grab this okay so it's platinum armor and a Muramasa so far this map has given you like it gives you a lot of upgrades as you're going along but I feel like this is like a limit of terraria and a lot of adventure maps we play have this where like they give you upgrades but you don't really need to use them for a little while like we only just got the katana like just over there so it feels weird to get this oh my god can you guys leave me alone please fears of spiders please leave me be okay so we activate that so I'm wondering if the shadow chest area is opened up maybe that would be my guess yeah it has nice okay alright certain of a temple key more hot lights there's aqua Sept is great I mean these demon arrow shots these were really good until I got the echo scepter now I could just spray through everything right so whatever the spider met so we don't keep spawning them whew there you go that's opened up push this lever and it lights everything up cool I wonder when we'll get the secret chest that's in the sand over there though and wonder if that's something you get when you like pass back through the map okay another health station and little bet okay nice oh nice lot of time is set up there that's cool you can hear the arrow actually working that out okay what boss is this then so the second star spirit is here and a guardian with it the thorough after ruins with his chomp-chomp body summing the brain of cthulu summon the eater of worlds after beating the bosses hit the switch and head to the right that's cool I can't like that you can do both I didn't know you could spawn both though [Music] eat your world is awoken do they get both I did get both cool yeah this is like a nice little twist I like this I like that there's a this both that's cool I don't see the eater of Oasis slowly slowly arrived in I should probably wait until he gets here though I kind of don't want to do it without without him whoa what is that little particle I've never seen that before oh now they're both gone I'll do you have to stand in like a certain area we'll get rid of a go I feel like I might have balked it a little bit okay it's coming up very slowly let's try stay in the center of this well here are no where are they I don't get it oh man I feel like I've I've messed this up oh well am I gonna get the ear world's I hope so eat your world is my favorite boss so I know where we go nice nice and with the AK receptors well like one of the best weapons to do it with just gets so fun such a sick boss and it's gone right well we'll leave that behind I don't feel like we've done anything to wrong there alright flick this switch what do you do after you flick the switch after beating the bosses hit the switch and head to the right oh it's just on a timer okay they're gonna come back up probably not well can't feel too bad go into the teleporter if you want to teleport back hit the lever left if you want to walk your way back return to the mama start to the shooting summit okay well guys I'm gonna take this take the topaz gem back to shoot that okay so I'm gonna take this and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna walk back and collect all the loot on the way back all the ones that we couldn't get and and I'll bring it I'll cut you guys back in when we get the shooting star essentially and and I'll do all the rest of this but this is cool little secret area so yeah I'll see you guys in a sec so I realized now that we have the cloud in the bottle we could do the water temple area which is like oh my god all right that is disjoint I can't show it but essentially it was a jumping puzzle I didn't include it ah okay I'm almost dead oh don't die I didn't include it fully because it's just a simple jumping puzzle and we'd kind of like make the episode super long but here it is here's the reward at least so we've got cobalt and an arc Alice Oh a callus very nice very cool okay so there we go that's that done and I'm gonna continue walking back now and and I'll meet you at the star bit all right let's stick this jewel in let's see if we can get it right this time in my inventory and then pop it in okay power is slowly returning with just these two stars rescued but to make the star pathway into space you'll need to rescue all of us all I remember is that I was taken for a place called the forever forest head back down into toad town pipe and go to the left you should pop up on the other side of Towton find the forest for a forest wait head back down to toe town pipe and go to left oh man even know where that is how many of these do we have left one two three oh you're for left oh my god this map is long they definitely give you the length here oh I don't want to ruin the rest so the restaurant of science I'm wondering if the rest are like bonus stars maybe or something like that or maybe one gives you a few something cool like that we'll find out right I'm gonna go find that area I've no idea where it is if I'm being completely honest toad pipe down I mean I don't know they mean the pipe was just taken I can't can't remember is it this pipe here no we'll find out okay I found the way it's down here and to the left also I don't know if I showed it but I did steal the red claw fier hat I kind of had to it's it's in my nature right let's see what happens here then I'm guessing yeah a bunch of monsters and a pig run okay they were serious about making this harder so on we go I wonder what's gonna be at the end ooh okay another puzzle can you remember what chapter is next that is the right pipe to take right so we just did chapter two so we must be on to Chapter three oh hell yeah Chapter three it's really vain of me but whenever I come into this bit right I see C H and then if you can imagine that as an eye and then a p.m. like oh it's going to say chippy but no the invisible tuba Bluebird kind of cold but every time I see it I'm like yeah that's that's me challenge house free beat the challenge win the prize oh there's no worm no sign I don't know whether I'm allowed to do this or not we'll see I have set my spawn point and let's begin oh okay maybe I can do this maybe I'm a wild what I'll do guys is whoa okay oh my god I'm actually making some of these okay I think I've done it man that was so oddly satisfying I really enjoyed that so that's the end want to give me a nice reward well done completing the fire challenge reward is in the chest Wow on to molten armor oh man I feel like I know this is better but I feel like the hour callous just looks so cool look at it it looks something like out of an animated show really good right so let's go to the right now let's find out there's a bunch of teleports hmm suspicious I wonder what that's gonna be I don't actually know Dover glue forever forest okay maybe it goes on forever who knows well we get stuck here forever which path looks different than the others well let's see these two have got the same type of sunflowers these have different types very clever I could appreciate that and this map I'm sorry for gushing about this map but it really is so well made all right this one's different cuz got a different style oh okay fire fire and ice maybe what I'm gonna go with I'd say this one's hmm I don't actually know because there are all different types of mushrooms this one's got fewer this one's got 1 2 3 4 5 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 two three four five all right okay I'm gonna go with this one did we do right okay and this one's different too but I'm not sure how these are colored these are white maybe one two three four five six one two three four five gonna go with this one at the end just a guess be honest oh oh okay that's what that's where it boots me out I'm gonna go with this one then yeah we did it all right well this one's clearly different so we'll go with this one oh we got chest it's a trap chest no it has a live crystal and it has a mana crystal in it okay cool all right so you can't go that way but I'm guessing what you can do is like jump around these trees yeah okay so I'm very confused where you go next I've kind of scouted around I think you're meant to like jump over these trees but I can't seem to get it right unless I'm just completely wrong so what I'm gonna do is to dig through and check out what's over here because I don't want to mess up the map but I feel like and just might have to boo Mansion hahaha if you're playing Luigi you are very scared yeah I don't get how you meant to get through here maybe you lose a wiring thing to it I don't know I'm going to actually look we're gonna if we are gonna cheat let's cheat all the way if there a wiring thing around here oh okay so there's a teleporter that brings you up here and it's up there maybe oh okay so you I meant to get on top of the tree oh okay that's interesting yeah so apologies for that I didn't mean to break the map always it up there no so confused I apologize for breaking the map though guys alright let's go here boom ancien I don't think I've done anything out of order honestly in terms of like out of order is in terms of progression let's get a heal heal up okay boom ancien this is this cool I've actually never played Luigi's Mansion either I'm pretty excited because they're actually remaking the first game but they're gonna re-release it on the the freed es I've got a couple of fruity asses I'm kind of happy for that I do have a Gamecube but the only problem is is I can't afford Luigi's Mansion because it's such an expensive game to buy on GameCube now and and I like playing all my games you know just as they are I don't really like to emulate or anything like that okay so I'm excited for the remake because then I can play at Luigi's Mansion - immediately after all right some jumping puzzles here I'm not very good at than no but I do have a good understanding of what Luigi's Mansion is it's essentially like a game of a game of walking around a mansion sucking up ghosts and stuff like that alright I'm gonna die oh my god I'm just gonna stay here for one second and chill out oh oh okay so there's now a pathway back and there's something over here as well I almost missed out on this ah it's a temple key I kind of needed that all right let's see if I can make this jump oh no oh that's my first death right this is the door the temple right yep okay right totally not a trap easy chest in the middle of the house and two statues right beside it nope totally not a trap laughs what do you care you have to see what's inside oh it was a trap god damn it it was a trap who would have fought through the fourth all right it's just clearly my room I've got my I've got my little paint in there of me very nice that was a few of them and much loved okay let's work our way through all right another trapped chest yep oh god I ain't got the mana for this this is cool though adding a hard mode enemies obviously rapes a hard mode that's cool they're like early tea yard birds oh so it's not too bad alright secret chest at the top we've got a mythical Ruby staff but why I've already got a ruby staff even though mine's not mythical I don't really need this one as much all right let's flip that switch I love the wiring in this map you've done a really bang-on job of it you really have I like that you can hear all the mechanics in the background of it working as well I think that's like a nice added feature you could nail out all the dark traps and stuff okay I'm guessing this is gonna be one of those things where oh oh I thought it's gonna be like a timed event so like disappearing floor timed event man they're really yeah they really get you with some of the cobwebs as well in this part of the map Oh God Games slowed down okay so it's like a passage back through that's cool it's good for later all right this way okay okay so it's a proper proper jumping puzzle now oh oh my god oh my god this is gonna be tricky this is gonna be so frustrating to watch I might have to skip this out but trust me you're gonna be okay it gets a little bit easier they're all that way I think it's just those first two jumps that really suck okay okay I'm good oh all right I made it this far we meant to go from here are you literally meant to light land on that I don't make any sense does it oh my god Wow I know you guys may think I'm overreacting at this but I really am I really am that please I actually managed to do it that far okay I've made it to this part I'm guessing this is gonna be a drop-down area you hear sounds of a stairway opening check the second floor okay here they are nice and actuated very nicely done as well leaving that one section out that's kind of cool I like that alright let's see what else this this mansion has for us oh okay so this might actually be the boss fight queen ghost room it's got a double door I heard what you are looking or sorry I heard that you are looking around for star spirits well I would be very happy to help you I actually have a star spirit right here but I need you to return something the Queen ghost goes on to explain that a big guy called tub of blubber has been causing a lot of trouble he eats ghosts for food and it's destroying our villages if you could somehow stop him then I would give you the star spirit that's in the back room okay take one of my best minions to help you hit the lever to open the gate outside the mansion oh I'm on to the the IMP staff now okay what's that say hit the lever to open the gate outside the mansion so let's see what's behind then I'm guessing it a bit oh yes it literally is over here okay let me get my staff out I had a little bit of a break okay let's see what is behind here I'm guessing it's gonna be end of a boss fight or something like kind of crazy like that oh it gets better gusty Gulch you suddenly see a little red guy jump out of a bush and slurp up a ghost and then disappear into the wind email oh my god slippin on dudes leave them alone okay into the wind you know we go the red guy has given you the slip well maybe you had better ask the ghost for help oh the ghosts are over here right no huh maybe I meant to carry on I don't know how's it goes here okay alright ghosty boy what you got for us nothing to say there oddly quiet okay let me out all right it's never a station here so we will heal up or whatever none of these ghosts have anything to say why are you all so quiet alright there's one here he wants to talk all the ghosts are in panic towba blubber has just came into their village and sloped up a lot of ghosts thankfully one of them can still talk he tells you to head east towards Tama blubbers castle you will probably find the key to down to the windy mill there oh my god can you imagine what that would be like if people rock top into your town and just started eating people like that's going to be one of the most disturbing things you can actually have a witness so I do feel sorry for these ghosts they can make it a little bit easier though it may be go and get the key for me but then again they are shy right shy shy ghosts so that's a thing can't look at them they don't say anything okay man I know I've said it many times today but they are callous Oh beautiful alright let's go over here and avoid the logic Center nice I don't know though that's definitely in range table blubbers castle oh my god right tubbo blubber reminds me of like like fat you like body fat and this looks like body flat body fat oh okay I don't know what's going on here I just got instantly teleported right this is a temple key happen if you do that it opens on that side okay maybe this is a hint that we're gonna do Skeletron I think it is okay do we go with the skull or to the goat the old man or do we go with this pain I'm gonna go with the bones I'm gonna tell you why actually I don't know what I meant to do let's find out this clues down below well it's got its got a nice atmosphere to it this one I just can't believe how much work has probably gone into this like this is the best Rory map we've we've covered on the channel and years like actual years I just can't explain how happy I am I hope you guys take the time to maybe play this one yourself maybe play it with friends you know a friend who hasn't watched this maybe you know you've won complies Mario if one can play is a green mario okay so there's a switch and a chest chest is a tab I I'll take that and I don't know what the switch activates but uh oh I thought it was gonna right-click some dart traps okay back we go all right so I'm kind of glad I grabbed that oh man that actually just give you such a speed boost right here's my fault process right and why I'm gonna take the thing because here you can see a bone in a frame right now a bone Commun Skeletron visits the smelter on statue so it could be this one it also could be this one because that's the old man you have to defeat the old man don't you but then I also think it could be the end one because that's got a bone in the picture you get what I mean hopefully I'm not flawed in thinking that maybe it's really obvious I don't now these rapes are really annoying feedback colleagues let's see okay so there are four here and four there so I like to make that activate this activate that and that okay so we're almost there oh okay oh there we go got it I actually don't know what I was doing there now it's just kind of winging it to be honest so we got a golden key and we'll head back oh so there is locked oh I don't see it figure out the lever test to get the chest above right okay so maybe there's free trials oh my god I'm kind of sick of killing these Rafe so I'm just gonna leave them okay I can never remember the name of these enemies so I do apologize I got I got actually tell you what they're referencing oh I hate hate when it takes forever to like jump over these like some time to activate the double jump sometimes it doesn't super annoying right mana potions and what are these health potions okay right I think it's time we probably clear out some of our inventory real quick so I'll get rid of all of this stuff I'll get rid of this get rid of the rope a turkic the mushrooms because they are hell well we'll go with that Oh God oh my god why so many enemies all right let's go with this one now okay there's another bed that's interesting a teleporter as well so I'm guessing so known if you cannot - you should turn back Oh Oh clever ah I love that I absolutely love that only my activated one again yeah let me through I probably messed that one up I really messed that one up I'm so glad there's a health station that was so bad it's so good at the same time that's really clever unlike puzzle making I love it why I removed my spawn I'm gonna go set my spawn again just in case I die an unfortunate day okay so temple key this side give it a go oh god I'm kind of getting sick of the race I'm just gonna start jumping over them soon oh love that double dash which is the name of the Mario game so kind of cool right I can't heal for four more seconds so got to get out of there I really love to jumping into paintings aspect I think that's really cool that's obviously like a mechanic in Mario okay who is the true bad guy this chapter the right tunnel is to pick of the the right tunnel is the pick of the true bad guy tawba Bubba topper Bubba's heart kami Cooper right it's clearly Tubba Bubba right what how is that wrong that was right it was his heart I'm so confused maybe I wasn't reading correctly or maybe I'm a simpleton but I don't get it oh this is very ominous well we're not turning me quite a bit can you actually get on there yeah okay so we're on to crimson greatly increase life regen but is that better I mean nineteen defense 25 defense with extra melee damage I don't know I'll take this thank you and I'll also yeah and seem like a big upgrade so now that I've done that what happens now I don't know I actually don't what do I do oh that was just one painting oh okay sorry I was really confused us like am i at the end now or hmm nicely done we got a horn chakram huh okay you asked around again I'm happy with the phone chat room these are pretty good right we're a little bit the slowing down my terraria quite a bit that's just a double - I'm out of here yeah I don't think I'll use the phone chat room I kind of like the the AK receptor you also like using my sword okay did I take a set of armor with me or do I leave it I left it i I might grab one actually now that I'm now that I'm here I actually might grab one because I could probably use the extra life regen for like situations where I just want to sit down chill out for a little bit okay okay yeah go on then I'll take that and we'll go to left right jump over here go into here what's gonna be this way there's so many who the Sony rapes I'm getting annoyed of rapes rapes get out of here you bothersome Falls but I do like it because they are like ghosts right let's open this one up okay another a - puzzle kind of cool for jumping - puzzle like that oh that's a little bit close for comfort oh snap I don't even know you could do that that's so cool right what's inside of here we've got a temple key and a ah uh-huh that's cool God can this map to stop impressing me please like I'm just giving it way too much love it's so good though it really is so good I hope it's good for you guys at home I hope you enjoy him watching along because I'm having a blast like I really am I feel like it should get rid of some of this junk I feel like it's so much junk now like I could probably get rid of that too probably get rid of that probably get rid of both of those like I've got so many stats and stuff like I've just got so much junk I can get rid of the rally I don't count the rally huh man I never took a shine potion for health it's probably should have done you made it to table Bubba's room you had better hurry and find the key before tub of Bubba comes back oh he's a giant ah with a big bouncy bed love it you have found the switch to open up the windy Mill pathway right if you click it you suddenly hear the pounding of the feet of top of Bubba charges in the room quickly you start running towards the exit oh you hear it you hear it we could it was only for a very second oh wait kick me out kick me out the ghost room alright let's go oh oh you go down it's really confused then oh my god there's so many enemies hey I don't really need a magnacube I mean this already sets them on fire immaculate stone rather warning do not go any further danger ya know it already feels very dangerous oh man such a good sword love it alright you didn't take my warning extreme danger will fall onto if you do not turn around now oh snap got some pigs wrong boys that's all right already well-equipped his minions have protected him but they are only slowed you down you can charge into a hole in the K bathroom okay oh is it scallywag time I think it might be I think it might be I don't think of what I'm gonna use the scallywag I think yeah aqua scepter in a bit more okay the old man should be in the middle wait until dark and summon Skeletron oh oh he's there okay well I'm gonna get on with it because I don't want it to waste my time where is he oh man it broke I'm so good by that I really wanted to fight Skeletor Arden but I guess we can't I guess that doesn't make the video a little bit shorter though once again I'm trying to like make sure it's not insanely long booster for the boss fight find the old man and curse him at night oh I'm really good by that I really wanted to to give you guys a good fight oh man you meant to er geohot I want to go over here because I want to see if there's anything down here the risen okay once again I love the pixel art in the background this build is amazing just can't praise this map enough if we had awards for terraria Maps you'd be getting number one buddy let me tell you you caught up with him you called with the no good Hubba Bubba Hart he's in a smaller form wait till dark to fight him when he's weak after you have beaten top of what was Hart hit the switch head to riot oh man I'm so sorry it broke though I'm go ahead table Bubba's heart has been beating the heart had been causing trouble but to get really hungry hungry enough to eat the ghost in their home it's time to return to the boo munch and get stars for it nice we did it boys we did it oh and it teleports you here thank God all of that okay it's on the second floor oh my god you get rapes when you actually spawn here I didn't even notice okay let's go get my star spirit whoo nice okay here it is take the amethyst gem back to the shooting star summit very nice hey this way well done another star spirit rescued head back to the shooting star summit okay cool I meet you guys there all right we're here let's open it up okay I see you have rescued mr. grump star well doing it but you are nowhere near done the last place I remembered being taken to is in to a house in Towton all right with a green pipe by a shy guy okay cool okay so I'm guessing this is the house here no you cannot get into this room to be rescued free star spirits okay we've done it chapter 4 trials in the toy box oh my god what is this wow this is really bright but beautiful at the same time very creative blue station the conductor has agreed to transport you to the shyguy gang and has been causing all the trouble around Toyland but the train tracks are down do you have to find a way to open to the next station okay so look around then shyguy train can't shop so maybe this is where we fix it oh my god we're in an actual toy box that is amazing I'm sorry this is this it's gone next level people need to see this map poor we go hitting the switch opens a pathway to the next station after hitting the switch two shy guys step out no hay groms get out of here so we've opened up the next station now so what I can do is I can go back and actually ride the minecart track now that's cool okay I'm on the car let's let's check out what touch this way I didn't ride it before so I'm pretty curious and this is the the direction to the next area okay so I'm guessing it's a similar deal like one's gonna be cut off the one isn't okay so what's this pink station okay this is pink station more well known as the food stop you can stop here or you can go on to the next station of your choice recommended to stop here helps with boss fights okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna like start like looking back then because I saw some stuff over here they didn't grab anything oh wait you meant to go down here shy guy train cart shop I don't know I'm gonna look around I'm just gonna see what I can find this is quite a large area though so what's this the shy guy is so hungry he cannot move if you get him some food you might move Oh from the food shop that's clever okay I got a molten fury and some Hellfire arrows because what I did was I started taking the top track above where we just went holy why okay I did do it I unlocked the the food area and I also got a bunch of stuff as well I pressed R to try and attach myself to minecart tracks and as you can see I'm just grappling away so hopefully that goes after a little while because it could be pretty annoying that bug actually it might just go yeah when I get on here right so I've done all that I got a golden key for the next area and I also got some life crystals I got some more stuff we've got a Sun fury I think the game just like wants to give you so much loot for the next boss fight honestly so let's find out what this next station is so we've done blue and pink I imagine this one might be green let's see what it looks like so there are four gem locks here Oh put one large gem into the gem lock hitting the switch once the gem locks there in the opens the railway railway is open when the green block lights of the railway is open leave the gems in the lock shyguy gang message I've hidden the railway keys away in fact threw them away in a place no one will ever go if you happen to find them the rail will be open if not you'll be stuck here forever do not keep the gems okay right so it's my goal now to go and find them Green station the train track is down once again the shy guys have shut it down find a way to open the tracks again be careful though the shy guy gang is at the next station okay cool well I'm gonna go find them this might actually be a little bit tricky but once again this one over don't want this video to be insanely long so I'll go and do this because I imagine this is gonna be like a big jumping puzzle and stuff and then we'll open up the train station alright I have to give a shout out to this area of the map this is the toy factory meant to go through to get one of the gems I believe oh my god this area is a rock solid it's like a um it's like a treadmill a parkour map essentially and like it's so cruel I love it the cool thing about this design is that the flames activate every one second in spheres activate every five seconds I don't know timings that well and it's good dark through it whoo oh I get it I get it run straight through oh my god this is insane like but it's such a cool part part all right I got everything I needed I actually broke the factory and very sorry map crater I took a little bit of a break cuz it was frustrating me just how hard it was and when I got back on I couldn't activate all the wiring to turn it on again but I got so close in my original run before I rage quit so I was pretty close anyway but here we go and just for those who are very interested in this sort of thing so at the minute this should be like an hour twenty minutes into the video I just checked my playtime and I've been playing for three hours in a half so kind of cool right okay it doesn't seem like you can do anything here yet magic missile oh okay that's clever I didn't get a magic missile while I was in the factory so put the large stems into a gem lock hitting the switch once the gems are in open surreal way okay the railway is now open so green I guess we're off to the purple section maybe I just kind of guess the color last time okay they've got a slime king fight this is just off to the often left so I'd give it a go may as well act receptor doing good work I bloody love the Aqua scepter it's such a satisfying weapon to use and there we go right and I also got a slime Hulk I'm obviously not gonna use it because I want to break the map but that's cool okay I got given a flame lash very nice I'm just going to posit some stuff at you I've got some real junk going on what am I not allowed that that oh my god I got so much junk I really should just get rid of all this this is the power plan to surprise toy land with its electricity there is too much electricity to make it through solve the puzzle and turn off the electricity to get through hitting the white switch in the top middle will fire the dart the dart needs to hit the press a plate at the end okay let's zoom this out a little bit let's see what we can do here so you do this and then this lets you through and off the mini-map real quick I don't know what to do oh oh okay so you do blue first and then do you do green Red's Oh red turns it back on our red was already off okay this is kind of unique I like this sick of all the little things that are coming at me though right so turn a purple hit green again maybe hit red again maybe oh wow okay oh and there we go huzzah oh my god that was so difficult okay as the power to the power plant shuts down a group of shy guys walking toward to you and then they realize you are Mario they break into a run attack oh my god get out of here I am sick of you harpies okay let's see what we can find a little bit further on shang-chi gangs hidden head cause wow this is really trippy to look at I feel like we've got a vortex away whoa okay oh my god alright let's check it out you walk in just in time to see two shy guys go behind a wall and close it behind them well we actually get to blow this wall up which is pretty cool this area is like it really strangely lacks out your game I don't know what it is maybe it's all the colors I don't know because usually terraria is just fine as you walked into the room there leader general die quickly orders something to his shyguys and then jumps down into a hole as you rush up to investigate you hear a tick tick tick sound there is a bomb right beneath you and you have to defuse it before it's too late okay got a defuse it before it's too late oh my god I'm so terrible this kind of shoot an arrow down that work oh oh okay all right I kind of wasn't expecting this to happen I'm looking a lie and we're going all the way down to hell there's the big boss there's the big bad boss booster they're really nice they do give you a lot of good stuff this our this the bow of amazing accuracy oh my god only boss boosters I need like every booster been in hell hellstone oh no no no oh my god I'll even see the lava I was too busy focusing on functioning as a person it's all right when we're all right general guy has taken up the posse of shy guys ready to fight till death he starts chasing you down the road in a huge tank after you be general guy keep going to the left until you make it to the end okay so we're gonna do the wall of flesh now I believe yeah okay general guy can you actually get up into there why is there a house I don't I don't really get it we'll find out in a second okay let's wait for this to it come along will kill that actually that'll kill that I change from the hell wing bow because the hell wing bow has such bad accuracy it's probably not worth using in all honesty oh my god all right here we go okay right we're gonna buff up because we do have a few a couple of buffs I'm gonna throw this in no my god what is going on with me today right let's zoom this out okay here we go man I wish I was playing Terraria overhauls iraq receptor button would have been really good here because obviously does a water damage I should probably go through this eye considering I'm not actually getting to any of the eyeballs actually I'm just gonna I want to spray a couple of these eyes because we always I need to kind of get them out the way not eyeball hungry whatever you guys know what that all about gotta be really it gotta be super careful Phyllis anything if you do explode your self using these arrows you'll be really bad Oh God I've just realized something if we don't we don't be in first time then we're gonna have to warn we won't be in hard mode which I imagine is like essential to the rest of the mod and then we'll have to wait for the guide spawn in maybe that's it maybe that's what the house is for to get the guy back in I'm not doing very well I've got molten armor on I think it's just me being bad right let's swap that with with that for now because if it is daytime which I mention it might be we've got a little bit of extra damage now I ain't really got like much room to maneuver from the lasers to be honest okay so then well well well we're all good okay right it's down to its last bit of health and kind of getting low though myself so I could kind of do a bit just maybe just touring up the fight a little bit okay oh my god no no no okay okay come on oh my god right there we go it's done oh my god don't get anything for it I can't actually reach the stuff thank God watch out for that oh man the series getting really chaotic it's kind of hurting my own still a little bit I don't like you guys but all this bright light it looks amazing they're really fabulous honestly alright well that's done we did it well I'm pretty proud of us I'm gonna swap those over now so don't dive for damage later on I forget I have the tabie oh we use that okay well done you have rescued free over star spirits including me your Joanie is only halfway done now keep up the good work nice and we got some hard load items we got a laser rifle we got a Warriors emblem looking a lot of items and we got a large sapphire as well okay so I'm guessing I go put this in now and oh okay working on chapters five to eight they'll be released with super mario 2 until then thanks for playing my map that was amazing seriously that was amazing no keep your character for the next four chapters also if you want an extra booster for when you start again or a challenge do the next challenge in the teleport in front of you that was really really cool I'm kind of glad it came to an end now though because it was such a long map it was very fun like a really amazing experience but it was definitely very long so I'm glad then it's come to a close now so that when it's done I can enjoy it again if that makes sense like I feel like if I'd had done everything in one sitting I've done this over the couple of a course of a couple of days but I think if I had done like another half of map on top and had been like yeah you know I got burnt out that was really really good like hats off to you map crater that is the best terraria map I have played in such a long time like not to discredit any of the maps but that was really really good it had creative creative builds in it it had fun puzzles it had challenges it had a nice progression there were no game breaking bugs every time I cheated I cheated because I did something wrong it was amazing it really was hats off guys that's gonna do it for today's video I hope you enjoyed I know it's been super long I hope you've enjoyed spending this time with me this this was just great it was really really great and that's gonna do it thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: ChippyGaming
Views: 145,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, Terraria 1.3, Terraria 1.3.5, terraria pc, terraria adventure map, terraria full adventure map, paper mario 64, paper terraria, chippy, chippygaming
Id: cYL35YQpoCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 29sec (5369 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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