Revisiting Terraria's Most Ambitious Mod

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earlier this year we took a look at the First full alpha build of Starlight River and is someone who plays a lot of modded Terraria so much of it blew my mind but unfortunately that day one build was full of bugs and since then the developers have released a couple of updates that have added some new weapons to the mod and so today I'm going to be revisiting this mod and figuring out was it all hype at the time or does it hold up and since a lot of the new weapons a Summoner I'm going to be playing as a Summoner okay so here we are it's been about four maybe 5 mon since we last checked out the mod and weirdly it all feels nostalgic I just want to draw your attention immediately to the artwork like look at these bushes look how they Sway in the breeze look at these light rays look at the atmosphere yeah Starlight River really knows how to make an impression straight out of the gate now thankfully since I last checked out this mod somebody has gone ahead and made a Wiki so my plan to play as a Summoner might not be awful and I'm really happy about that and also since I do know a little bit more about the mod than when I last played since I played blind I now know the progression of the bosses so that little squid boss say little it's quite large uh he's well you meant to do that around the eye of culu so first Terraria craft and now this why am I always getting gnomed what is this about I thought these were meant to be rare now I believe the first summoning weapon we need to go for is made with some of this Pale Stone and then also silver bars so I'm going to be on the lookout as I explore this initial cave but any kind of ore and I also think there's a whip as well that's made of copper or tin but I am really excited to play as a Summoner because I think when I made the initial video I only really stuck to the range weapons since uh they're kind of like the Old Reliable aren't they and I've been on a real Summoners kick recently ever since learning that 1.4.5 is adding new whips and the mushroom boy I want to experience as much as I can about Summoner today so that I can appreciate Summoner in the future does that make sense does anybody play terrari like that now since the first modded boss isn't until the eye of Gulu my initial plan is to try and check out any of the new weapons I haven't already seen before then but then also just explore get her's boots a ban of regeneration all that good stuff what is this oh wait I think I might remember this okay there's a whirlwind like ability that you get at a certain point in the mod and you can break these which I don't think I showed in that first video now I will admit this threw me off for a quick second because I don't think I actually saw one of these in my video but I think they are little Gauntlet rooms because if I remember right I think I saw python do one of these it's like a a trial by enemies so we'll come back when we've got some loot okay so the first weapon we want to make is the pale nail which is 12 tungsten bars and some of this block which we already have we are prepared and then I think the other thing we want to make is a whip that it's made from copper bars here it is it's the copper coil so this is made from Seven bars and five cobwebs which is really cheap and as well you don't even need like an anvil to to make it so that's probably going to be our first summoning weapon then five summon damage 10 Critical Strike damage strikes nearby enemies with static electricity which sounds really cool okay let's give it a go we got some enemies here oh that's quite neat oh I quite like that just like everything else in stylight River uh very visual like the electric bolts are just they're not terrari like but they're just cool 20 summon damage 40 Critical Strike chance summons the pale Knight oh look at that it's it's a little Hollow Knight oh that's quite cool look at his little like sword swish I haven't played a lot of hollow Knight I'm just going to be honest with you fake fan all right but I like the design that's cool I love how it how it pounces on their head oh that's actually golden and you know what combined with this whip it's a good little Starter Set you know if we were playing Just vanilla Terraria would' have to walk across the world and get a Fin staff or we' have to die a bunch of times and get like a an Abigail flower no no no right we we're getting started with this the snow ball is definitely one of my favorite enemies that they've added I just think it's really neat um also I could see a little twinkle down here so I'm going to check what that is if I remember right this this might be the thing that like leads you to the boss or something like that uh no it is not it is something else what is that um please you can go into my inventory if you'd like oh there we go uh aquamarine pendant plus 15 barrier losing all of your barrier releases ice shards so when we initially played the mod we couldn't use anything like this uh because the barrier system or like the UI the way it warps around the player was broken so I just ended up turning it off oh yeah okay right this is the thing that leads you to the boss uh you're meant to like interact with it and then I think you mine down and follow it something like that me horn equipable potions last 50% longer wow that is actually quite cool oh okay all right uh flurry boots and you can pick two of these that's quite cool I don't think there was chests here last time we played uh so I will will take healing potions and a diamond why not that's so cool so it's like you don't even have to to really go hunting for accessories you know this mod just like got the hook up suspicious looking offering drop impr Prismatic Waters to summon the one the squiddies worship that's cool as well I don't remember getting one of these I think I actually I think I I crafted it last time I played that's what that's what I remember at least all right that's that's my narrative gosh it's so cool I don't know when they made these changes but it it's so streamlined like I don't remember the mining buff and I don't remember the chests and I feel like it just I don't know it guides the player a lot quicker to where you want them to be whoa what is this Soul nibblers what what are they oh they're horrible horrible Soul nibblers what a name so I'm just working on some houses and I've also done a little bit of reading now it took turns out there is actually a Summoner set in Starlight river that we can get you get it from the King Slime so my plan is we're going to go underground I'm going to get some gems I'm going to make sure that we have a hook so that we can do the fight I'll probably go back to the ice biome get a flinx coat so that we have a little bit of summoning armor and then uh we'll put Hollow Knight and our whip to the test and we'll get that armor WoW take a little look at this look how cool this is what even is it it it's like a a little hot springs it's a little sauna you know if I take a dip in that water I come out rejuvenated refreshed I'll be very pleased am I am I rejuvenated is my health going oh I actually am refreshing dip the hot springs restores your body and mind the way the background music just disappears as well and it's just the sound of water why did they make this why is this like weirdly wholesome I'm hoping that we'll just kind of wing this and then we'll get a free set of armor it's very optimistic right this is expert mode uh King Slime at the end of the day but we are using uh modded items what I do like is this gives us a real chance now to see just how powerful the pale nail really is and it seems like to be completely honest it's kind of holding its own so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to keep working my way to the right hoping the enemies on the left despawn and maybe if I am lucky we will make it through to the very end okay there we go all right okay cool so I wonder if it's just uh it's in the Treasure bag then I kind of thought it just drop on the floor all right so let's see we got some gelatin that is for uh for cooking uh let's open it up then bam what do we get I got nothing ah okay right so it's just rare right okay that's good for a moment I was like well this has derailed everything so we have the piece which gives two defense and 10% increased summoning damage we have the chest piece which gives four defense and 5% increased summoning damage and you can summon an additional minion and the leggings which gives free defense and it says minions inflict 5% exposure press up for more info uh okay exposure multiplies the amount of damage a target takes by their exposure value before consuming the effect so moving on over then uh we have 19 defense so the exact same as um look at the little slime oh it's amazing it's the same as ninja set um set bonus a slime Prince followed you around double tap down to fuse with the prince you can control the prince during this time the prince takes damage instead of you during this time oh that's Ace that's so cool now in terms of progression I'd say we're about ready for the IE of culu which means we're about ready for our first modded boss fight but before we do that let's check out these gauntlets because I never got the chance to actually check these out and I'm quite excited all right how do you activate them I think that was it it might actually be that simple okay so obviously we do have this armor and we do have our little tail Knights let's actually test what it's like to merge with the actual PR slime it's quite cool you can see it's got its own little health bar uh and you get get a good bit of Mobility I feel it's quite genuinely quite powerful yeah it's good so this little Gauntlet so far is uh is not too bad oh and there we go oh is that easy wow you get good stuff from that uh so we got a du blade it's a material ancient and heavily worn but still solid you could Forge this into something useful uh a spear and a cloud in a bottle place blocks on Blue squares now I'm going to try and remember this because when I last fought this I didn't really pick up on the fact that that's what you're meant to do during the fight so here it is and this for me is what makes Starlight River like completely next level like look at the artwork look at the presentation sense the vibe you know this is it's actually wild it genuinely is wild this like I've played so much Terraria this this isn't like Terraria that you've seen before it's so cool okay so I think we throw that into there and then it begins oh nice I almost already died because the camera kind of messed me a little bit it's fine don't worry about it well I almost fell into the water and listen I'm not a very confident swimmer okay so we are relying on summons for this fight which might be a little hard because as you can see uh the little tentacles that come up you got to make sure you're actually hitting them so you don't take contact damage uh from the I don't know what would you call this the head the head of the squid okay this one's the one we need to attack pale Knight please get on it this is honestly so cool this for me when when I started this video and I said was it was it all you know was the height Justified when I see this I'm like oh yeah yeah it was you know I almost came into this video kind of knowing the answer really oh I've got into the water get me out of here I love the I love the swimming animation it's so I don't know it just so weird it doesn't feel like Terraria but as I've said like a million times that's what makes it cool okay uh how do I do this uh oh I kind of get it I kind of don't I don't know I'm winging it a little bit so I have got low Health which isn't aideal before we go back and refight the boss I wanted to get a little more Health but I have found a new item this is called a sliver ring a small snake occasionally attacks with you when you use a whip so this goes with our summoner build let's try not die this time although I've already kind of butchered that hopefully my summons can do the rest for me though uh it seems like genuinely this little combination with our Whip and our summon and our extra snake thing it's it's good it's actually it's doing us pretty good uh I am not good at dodging that at all okay so less than 500 health to go uh can we survive I will say that attack where it it spawns the the little white specters I don't know what to call them it's really hard to dodge or at least that's what it is for me and there we go wow the artwork in this mod is just incredible I feel like my conclusion on Starlight River having now replayed a good chunk of it is it's perfect it's actually perfect the thing is it doesn't add a lot yet because it isn't done but everything it adds is a 10 out of 10 it is so polished and such detail and love has been given to this mod I'm an awe oh uh okay uh we we're doing the eye of culu everyone that's right it's a naturally spawned eye of culu well this is all right um yeah I think if we can take down a big squid we can definitely take down the eye of culu now I can't remember and we meant to do the Goblin Army me before we do the next boss and we meant to get like proper accessory upgrades I think we probably are oh yeah this is the way to do it yeah the Slime print armor is actually so sick I love that little X from ability okay there we go well that was uh that was all right it's pretty easy not going to lie all right so let's see what we got in the Treasure bag um also what is this what are you why do we have a big giant Banner just floating around it's fine it's gone uh so opening it up bam what do we get we got the plated mantis technique uh material teaches you the art of the sword graning all sword weapons a new combo attack uh right click to Parry reflecting projectiles pretty cool oh okay so we got the tank likee Aurora Crown 49 summon damage 84 Critical Strike damage uh equipable combat Mount summons and Aurora Throne lashes out with whip like appendages right click to summon explosive auror Lings uh okay oh it's a mount interesting what is what is that oh it's wild it's like a little squidy hover car oh what is this and these are it its two attacks so this is the rightclick one and uh yeah it it is what it is so we also got the squid fins uh equipable allows you to swim like a jelly squid very cool uh and we also got the talance oh okay right I get you now so if you have nothing in your inventory this is the weapon that that fires out oh gosh that is wild let's make our second summoning weapon this one is apparently called the man eater pot it's made with jungle spores and Vines and I think that's it oh there it is man eater pot so eight summon damage 14 Critical Strike damage causes maneaters to sprout from your head these maners will consume heart pickups to empower themselves consumed heart pickups heal you after a delay wow that's really neat it's a very it's a strange concept uh so let's give it a go let's spawn it actually let's get rid of pale Knight let's spawn it in we can have two oh look at that that's amazing he have a little pot on your head and that and that's it and they just eat hearts and and enemies now that's really cool quite like genuinely I quite like that so I just read on the wiki there's another whip that we can make but you need to get an item from ghosts I think and I think the easiest way to spawn ghosts is to make a graveyard so 12 summon damage 22 Critical Strike damage chains enemies together sharing summon damage between them hold and release right click to snare enemies near your mouse to the ground chaining all effected enemies uh I have no idea what it really means by that but it sounds very cool we'll give it a go uh so this is wow now that looks good that looks very good so yeah oh okay so when an enemy is near you you right click I'm guessing there's a charge on that that's so cool so we have one boss remaining but if I remember right we have like a little Gauntlet that we're meant to do before we get to do the boss and it's going to be really cool because we've got our new summon weapon we have our new whip that chains enemies to the ground like this how cool is this yeah we are going to absolutely crush this Gauntlet it's going to be sick we've found the custom area underneath the desert and if you haven't played Starlight River before prepare to have your mind blown look how cool this looks oh it's amazing in so just a little bit of history back in the day uh this was like the little demo level so it's a it's a pre-made structure uh there's an area to fight a boss and there's also like an NPC to talk to he's called the glass Weaver and he is going to give us uh like a trial to do so I'm going to skip over the story a little bit only because I've already done it essentially to beat the boss over there we need a key for the temple balone and to prove that we can get the key uh he is going to give us a trial but look at this look how cool this is it's not Terraria it's not it's amazing it it makes me so happy playing this mod like if somebody who's just played a lot of Terraria seeing fresh things like this it's just so cool um I might need to get rid of these I think these guys are just really sluggish and slow okay let's spawn into of these instead and see how my pale Knights do yeah I think they're going to do loads better yeah they are I think I can spawn in the second one now there we go oh look at that I really like this though I really like the fact that the whip just Chains Them Down to the floor I think that's kind of sick so if I remember right this little trial that we're doing right here does genuinely just get harder and harder it's not easy at all so it definitely makes sure that you are prepared for the boss because the boss itself is quite a tricky boss I would say obviously if youve played a lot of modded Terraria like I have it's it's not too bad but it definitely isn't easy like I died on it a good few times also I really like how these enemies make a a big shielded wall while this one tries to snipe you it's so class I actually love it so much oh yeah we should uh we should use this as well and uh and experience uh the little like thingies oh well all right might have been bad timing to do that earlier I was saying I don't know if I need to do the Goblin Army and get the Goblin tinkerer and whatnot but I feel like The Gauntlet is pretty much answered the question for me the thing is I think I just need better movement I think if we had better movement our summon and our whip could handle it uh but until then this is what the plan is now I won't lie glass Weaver Gauntlet was a bit of a let down to show off this weapon so let's see it an action oh my gosh I love it it's great all right so Tinker Workshop rocket boots I think that's it uh I probably could have done with getting some reforges actually do you know what demolition it's time to get the boot all right we're moving the Goblin in yeah I really think once you can actually move around properly this uh Gauntlet isn't too bad like I was taking a lot of damage just by you know essentially just walking into shots especially with this whip because this whip basically binds them all together so if they have like a nice Target to aim for like that if you can't get out the way you you're doomed now I think yeah at the end of this you actually have to fight the glass Weaver themselves I don't think we're going to do very well during this if I can Wing my way through this I'll be very very happy pale Knights do your thing okay it's sending blue orbs here's the thing right I think and I might be wrong about this I think when I did this last time as well I think this fight was broken I don't think this fight was actually uh working correctly it was either that or I had like a very very flashy weapon so you couldn't really see what was going on cuz I remember blue balls being thrown around you know there's nothing of the sort oh my gosh yes I wanted to see if that would work if the whip would actually pull the glass Weaver down this is a really cool little mini boss fight I'm really growing to appreciate this mod on on the replay I mean I loved it anyway but I love it even more now I really do here we go glass Weaver congratulations you destroyed many decades of my finest work I should have really fought this RoR I was going to have those help you clear out the forge but I'm sure you'll figure it out okay cool so he's going to give us the entrance to the great Forge uh and we're we going to sort that out we have a key I think my four maybe 5 month break from this mod is going to revitalize this area for me because I know if I was playing staright River all of the time I think this is the area that wouldn't hold up as much only because it's like a little puzzle room and uh and once you figured out how the puzzles work it probably loses a little bit of its like uh its luster so if you've not played Starlight River before this first little puzzle involves these uh blue cogs so you can right click on them and uh and change the size and you need to get all of them the right size to get the uh the machine running it's quite cool I do like it the thing about the cogs is they'll only spin if they're the correct size so it's not too hard of a puzzle so once you've got all the cogs spinning uh the door opens I'm not talking about this too much only because I did this in a video recently but out of the two puzzles I think this one is my favorite especially there's a little like Al path here where you can bounce this sword to here then to here and then you get stuck and you need to go oh I've got to go down here I think that's quite clever like I like this puzzle a lot it's actually not as fiddly is I remember it being like when I first did this puzzle I found it a little broken like a little annoying okay well it's done I don't know when I finished it but I finished it it's complete so what do we get well the the forge is working which means we can descend down here we we get nothing yet but I think this is where we get our first ability there are some enemies around but let's grab it it's called The Forbidden winds it's so so good isn't it like look at it they've gone all out of this mod so this is my little Dash ability that you get and then you use the dash ability to like break crystals and that so you can um like Dash through this wall for example like that and you can do it midair as well you got to wait for it to to charge up I think once we break through this door uh that is literally it I don't think there's anything else to do here oh this is cool Crystal slimes so I'm assuming to actually fight them yeah you need to uh Whirlwind into them okay so we break this and then this spawns in the Altar and this is the real real flashy part of the mod this is something which you will see in no other terrari mod that's why I call this one the most ambitious because it's just it's just so extra like it's so cool okay right so uh we need to put something here to actually summon in the boss yeah so we need an anient ceramic and vitric shards and the vitric shards you get from uh breaking the crystals with the uh the little uh Whirlwind ability ah okay right cool I was just about to Google this where do you get the uh ancient ceramic from you get it from enemies are spawning around here I think let me kill the sand Viper did we get some more we got some more all right how many do we need well we only need five oh it's it's very cheap it's not an expensive recipe oh oh that's what you do with these you just charge into them so we got the defiled ank cursed your barrier protects against 25% less damage plus 100% inoculation while barrier is alive immunity to most debuffs while barrier is active plus 40 max barrier and we also got a flying carpet as well that's cool I've been walking past this chest for uh you know a couple of hours now not really knowing what to do I was like you know what I'm going to do I'm just going to I'm going to dash into it and see what happens and there we go that's cool so here we go now this will probably be the first attempt of many uh bear with me SOS for me is a pretty hard boss fight although I'm quite excited to see what it's going to be like with uh with summons mainly because it's the summons that are going to be doing the bulk of the damage now uh just in terms of this fight uh what I mostly remember is that there's a phase where we're meant to destroy uh a crystal so these little crystals will will kind of yeah there you go it's one of these you're meant to dash into them using the uh the Whirlwind ability other than that that's all I really remember and I just remember it being hard so I don't know if I can even use my little like whip abilities I don't think I can so I think this is going to be a case of uh definitely learning to dodge a little better um oh gosh well like I say it's the first of many so I didn't even realize the materials we use for the Echo chain they can also be used for a new summoning weapon which makes a lot of sense because I feel like my pale Knights are not quite cutting it with a SOS haunted dagger staff so it's 13 summon damage 24 Critical Strike damage summons haunted daggers embedding themselves in your foes change summon targets or whip them to violently tear the daggers from their flesh that sounds Grim but also very cool uh I shall be making it so let's give this a go with our new summon now I did test it on an enemy on the way down here and it seems like you have to be quite involved with it so what it will do is it will stick in the enemy like this but you need to whip the enemy for it to actually do like its full maximum damage so what I've done is I've got one of the daggers and then I've also got one pale Knight as well and then I'm hoping I can like synergize them okay I think this is the one I think I'm doing it SOS be prepared I do think damage wise uh a combination of these two summons is actually doing us pretty good so we're doing a lot better on this fight I actually feel like my damage is there obviously you know I had to dodge a little bit better I was never going to win until I could uh Dodge this properly but it is nice to know that my summons are actually doing uh you know a good bit of damage while I'm doing all the work Zip Zap and about this is a God it's so cool this video and I'm going to have to be really careful with how I edit this because this could easily be 5 hours of me just like gushing over staright River cuz that's all I've really done all I've really done is go oh this boss this boss is really cool I know it's not my it's not my top tier commentary but that's how the mod makes me feel it's just it's so refreshing and um and yeah replaying this has genuinely been such a treat and I also think it's been special because my favorite part of Terraria by far is preh hard mode and starlight River only takes place right now in preh hard mode so this has been a really good reason to just be like James we're playing preh hard mode today there's no expectations to do anything else okay uh phase two I kind of forgot it had a phase two so what is this there's a crystal up here do I need to smack the crystal I I think I I think I butchered that a little bit I thought I was doing all right until now now I don't think we're going to beat this at all I love how it's like a a vertical wall of flesh like somebody actually made it possible I don't know if I meant to be smacking that Crystal I probably am listen I'm overwhelmed I'm troubled by the fact that this fight is quite hard okay here's the crystal there you go yeah you are meant to break it there we go oh I did it I don't know how survived this one oh gosh this fight is just so good isn't it that was not too bad I'm actually pretty proud I did that one so we are getting close to the end here just got to remember to maybe move around and oh gosh no I'm butchering this I've got to learn to avoid that attack cuz that is brutal oh oh my gosh for a prehard mode boss a laser beam is is wild isn't it but I do love how you just forced to to move around in this Vicious Circle in this Arena you don't get a lot of time to oh my gosh we got so close then okay I think we're almost done oh no it's sit please don't kill me there we go wow that fight is brutal it's it's brutal Starlight River if this is a sign of things to come this is going to be a hard hard mod in the future very cool oh I loved it I have had such a good time today uh yeah I'm so glad I I chose to revisit this mod it's it's class it's so good what do we get in our treasure bag it's it doesn't really matter too much uh but I will be back in the future when they update this I will definitely be back uh oh we got a we got a summoning weapon the magmite VAC pack 35 summon damage blasts out magm mites that stick to enemies and increases summon tag damage okay let's see it oh here we go oh very cool very very cool yeah thanks for uh joining me today that was a lot of fun Starlight River uh definitely worth the hype I can't wait to see what sort of Updates this team is going to do and that's it thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: ChippyGaming
Views: 338,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria mods, modded terraria, starlight river, slr, terraria modpack, chippy, chippygaming
Id: 96TFIT6H8fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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