Hardmode Boss Themed Houses! | Terraria

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greetings torian's kiss here before I jump into today's video I wanted to quickly announce that I have launched a patreon account due to some drastic and sudden changes in my life I will be having to move from Japan back to the United States at the beginning of November and I'll be needing to find a stable source of income I've been encouraged to launch a patreon account to help me get me on my feet sooner I do plan on creating videos for the foreseeable future either way but if you would like to help support the channel you can find a link in the description below a massive thanks to anyone who chooses to take a look but even if you don't I cannot express how much I truly appreciate you just watching these videos and leaving a like or comment also the channel has some new amazing art thanks to the very talented artists things who Cleese I absolutely love it and I hope you do too she's currently taking commissions so if you're looking to have some custom art mate I'll leave her info in the description so a couple of weeks ago I built a comment or suggestion for boss themed houses but there wasn't enough time for me to complete them all so I just did three hard mud bosses I asked you all if you'd like to see more in the future and the answer was a resounding yes if you haven't seen that video yet there is a link to it in the description below and to make up for a mistake that I made in the last video I'm going to start off by finishing up the early game bosses by introducing the one that I forgot the queen bee and here it is so I wanted to go with a kind of different route again with all of these houses then something I would normally do which might be like a beehive or something of that nature so I wanted to make a gigantic be sitting on top of a rosebud that hasn't bloomed because I couldn't really build the roads that had been opened up in that 2d game at least from this perspective and at least not with my skill and so the rosebud has been closed up and the gigantic bee is sitting on ha and then we have a house coming out of the bottom of it so frizzy be itself I have a bunch of different blocks here as you can see by my bounciness so there's some silly balloon here that's been painted gray for its wing with some yellow stained glass it's also been painted grey and then for the bee itself I decided to use leaf blocks because I figured that beads kind of look a little fuzzy and they wouldn't look natural to me to use something like more silly balloon that's perfectly smooth I just wanted to make it look a little bit rougher room a little bit fuzzier so I have some deep yellow and deep orange painted leaf and jungle leaf block and then for the eye I have some black painted hype like just because it kind of gives that hexagonal eyes shape that you see in most insects and then for the background parts of the bees the black stripes and the underside and whatnot we have some silly balloon wall that's been painted black as well I believe that balloon is green for the rose itself we have some deep red painted hardened sand and some deep red painted marble which is kind of the lighter shade over here and in between the gaps between the tube because I didn't want it to be blocky so I sloped everything I have some deep red painted leaf wall of living leaf all specifically then with some deep line paint I combined some living wood with some living mahogany and just created the stem of the rose and then out towards the bottom of it I created a branch that's coming out to the side with some leaves on top and the house inside with some wood and ebony wood painted brown and just a kind of overall combination of a simple house with an elegant flower and a giant bee I have no idea what the mechanic is doing up there but we are on to the next bill so after the wall of flesh obviously we're gonna move on to the mechanical bosses and I built the mechanical bosses in order of ideas basically whatever came to me first I built it so the first one as you can see here is Skeletron prime which I'm pretty happy with overall I decided to make kind of a I guess workshop area on where the mechanic might be building Skeletron prime because according to the new law that's been released for terraria the mechanic is behind the creation of the mechanical buses so here we have a lot of tin and copper plating that's been painted gray it's not only the metal accents for the support beams but obviously it's the two arm bits and the skull for Skeletron prime I decided not to do the actual length ly the lengthy arm segments and the other two the saw and the shooter parts as well because I wanted to make it look like this was only partially completed and then I have gigantic chains here which I've covered in a few different videos as well the only difference between those ones and this one is the bottom link here is not a block it's actually a fence that way I could sit it behind the skull and the arm attachments rather than have it collide because these are half blocks right here you can see if I am er this five times it comes up to a full block and Hammer it again that comes down to a half so in order for me to actually have the chain connect to the arm bits and to the head which are also half blocks right here I had to use fences which is just a rich mahogany fence painted grey rather than the rich mahogany block for the chain-link itself and then obviously I have some more shade wood and rich mahogany fence painted brown for these support beams and then just some living wood for the cross beams this hook here is pretty fun I've seen a lot of people use this technique and I've done it a couple times to myself but not too often but this right here is a lantern that's a the flush Lantern didn't paint it gray it looks really it looks a lot like it like when it's been painted gray and then on top of that is just a 10 plating block painted gray chain and then we have this nice-looking wooden and steel crane right here and then the house itself is fairly simple with some spooky wood painted Brown for the roof and these little bits here these rivets that you see are just the tops of lead fences that have been painted white just so that they can better match the color of all of the metal that I have going around and then this great area down here as well as on the inside is purple rain' wallpaper that's been painted great and that's pretty much all there is to this build next up I took on the destroyer so I started that off by going up here into the sky and building the three segments of the destroyer just kind of so I could see what I wanted to do and how it would look and I'm kind of pleased with how it looks so obviously we have the tail segment the head segment and I'm facing it this direction for a particular reason and then the body segments which obviously there'd be multiply of these just chained together now this destroyer is clearly massive wave bigger than the original one but I wanted a fair bit of detail to go into this build and what I wanted to do with this build was make it look like the destroyer had been killed and then the player had or I guess the NPC that moves in had assembled a house using the fragments of the remains of the destroyer so down here I took the concepts that I built up above and I applied them so we have the head over here and then we have the tail segment down here just kind of trails off into the floor and the body segments right up here on top of the roof with some wooden support beams and the reason why I went for a wooden interior is just because with the same concept with crime it just adds a lot more variety to it I tried to do Skeletron crime with then endure of a kind of industrial looking Factory and it's just far too great so all of these wooden accents look really good with the gray so again same with Skeletron prime we have a lot of tin and copper plating painted gray all of the augments these red glowing bits our deep red painted silly balloon with some deep red painted rubygem spark to actually make them glow and then we have some dynasty wood for the floor and the ceiling which is also providing the support beams and the cross segments are just more living wood and the furniture I decided to go with meteorite because the kind of mimics the probes that would come off of the destroyer and I figured that it might look like you kind of converted the probes into some light sources and a chest from there I thought about how I wanted to do the twins and I already had too heavily mechanical themed built and I had considered doing another one where you made houses out of the remains of the twins but it was just feeling a little too repetitive for me so since they're giant eyeballs I thought it might be fun to make a haunted house out of them and just have them coming out of the sides of the house and so we have one at the top in one of the corner and we just have a spooky haunted house here I have not done a tutorial yet on how to build this style of house but October is right around the corner and it is a tutorial that I'm planning to do so keep an eye out for that but for the most part I'm going to go over the materials so we have red and blue dynasty shingles up here some have been painted gray some have been painted lime and they've been alternating so we get these hard lines in between them rather than them blending together and then we have some more palladium column with some Evanston brick to create this side brick better which I have covered in my medieval tutorial builds this pillar right here however is just a palladium column with some living mahogany wood and they both been painted white and actuated I think it makes for a really interesting looking pillar design it also looks really good and wood if you replace the Palladium with say living wood the eyes are the same that I did in the previous video so they're mostly silly bloom that's been painted so they're colorful like the eyes so we have the red one and the green one I always forget which ones which because I'm bad at terraria and I rarely kill buses and so I don't remember the twins names yeah any right the background wells within this build our green tiled walls are no they're green slab walls with some green tiled walls around the windows and all of that's been painted grey the horizontal support beams are brown painted rich mahogany while the vertical ones are Brown painted shade wood the floor is spooky wood because it's spooky and because I like it to look a little bit more older and run down and then for the foundation we have some white painted blue tiled wall with some grey painted rich mahogany fence the next bus will be plantera but she's also going to be the last bus for today this video took around 15 hours to complete and adding four more buses on top of that was just not a realistic option so if you're wondering if I'm going to be doing the last four buses the answer is absolutely yes there will be a part three to this but for now let's take a look at plantera I wanted to go for a really jungle theme and something I've never really built before it's very rare that I work with lizard brick in general and I think the only time I've ever done it on the channel was when I was collaborating with cheesy panini and trying to just build off of techniques that I've never really used before so here we have some white painted lizard brick with some white painted Dynasty wood accents for the floor and ceiling and then we just have overgrowth everywhere some line painted living leaf wall which looks really good against any of the jungle textures and I have a lot of mud with some jungle grass growing out of it and these vines took forever to grow in fact I just went afk for a couple of hours to let them do their own thing the strange plants have been painted lime as well just to add a splash of color and then all of these interesting jungle plants thankfully grow naturally I didn't know any of the ones down here within the false foundation would grow but they actually do most grasses don't grow in front of walls so I'm surprised to learn that jungle grasses do so I guess he learned something every day even if you've been building for the past six years like I have so the pillars are palladium column painted gray and then we have some rich mahogany fence painted gray and then as far as the background walls go we have some white painted hail stone brick for all of the crumbling segments and then the majority of the walls here are going to be gray painted pink dungeon brick just because the lizard brick wall is just far too dark for my tastes even when painted white it was just far too dark and I thought that the pink dungeon brick wall was a really really nice match and that's gonna do it for today we've now covered eleven different bosses for these custom themed houses if you would like to check them out for yourself in-game you can find a link in the description below I hope you enjoyed the builds again I just wanted to thank anybody that chooses to help support the channel by checking out my patreon page and a massive thank you to everyone for watching these videos in general especially if you made it this far thank you all very much for watching check back next week for part three of boss themed houses I'll catch y'all later happy building [Music]
Channel: Khaios
Views: 406,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, Terraria Timelapse, Timelapse, Terraria Map, Terraria Build, Khaios, Terrarian Khaios, Terraria Khaios, Khaios Requests, Khaios Build, Commenter Day, Khaios Commenter Day, Terraria Boss, Bosses, Pre-Hardmode, Pre Hardmode, Boss, Boss House, Boss Themed House, King Slime, Eye of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds, Brain of Cthulhu, Skeletron, Wall of Flesh, Queen Bee, Skeletron Prime, The Destroyer, The Twins, Retinazer, Spazmatism, Plantera, Haunted House, Jungle Temple
Id: i2lK99xfTwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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