Terraria TOP 15 Farms / Tips You Need BEFORE HARDMODE

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hey what's going on you're in the secret level here with gern's and here's a list of my top 15 things that I think are absolutely key to have in your world before starting hard mode all right so with that being said there aren't going to be any real details or instructions on any of these things on the list here so if you want that feel free to check out the description below I have a bunch of individual videos there for all the different farms and such as well as you can check out my channel for that too alright so yeah here we go number 15 is the home barrier here and you're definitely gonna want to set that up because as soon as you unlock hardmode a whole bunch of extra corruption or crimson whichever one you have and hollow will start to spawn and you definitely don't want that creeping into your your base basically so you definitely want to have some sort of home-based barrier whatever you want to call it and this is mine here you can see them right there so essentially you want to just build kind of like a tunnel surrounding whatever you want to protect I have it around more or less my eye base in some of my farms as well as some other areas to some my other farms that I want to protect and so forth so yeah definitely really importance and as far as the dimensions go the hollow as well as the crimson and the corruption can spread to any spreadable block excuse me like stone or dirt with grass on it within a three-block radius okay so you'll basically want to make it so that there's at least three blocks of space in your tunnel and I made mine six actually just to make sure because I keep screwing things up like that and somehow it just gets in somewhere where I messed up so yeah I made it six just to make sure and as you can see here right here is the hollow and right here is the crimson and they cannot spread into my little farm areas that I don't want them to spread into lastly I very important guys because again once you unlock hard mode it will spawn a whole bunch of extra either corruption or crimson whatever one you have and as well as the hollow and it will spread a lot quicker too than it normally does so it will spread pretty fast and it'll creep up right to your base before you know it if you don't have this barrier set up alright so yeah there you go guys number fifteen on the list is the home barrier number fourteen is your skybridge and your battle area if you want to kind of start that out too but definitely these skybridge here and the skybridge is basically just some platforms you can use more than two layers if you want but some platforms kind of spread out fairly long so you can run across and fight a whole bunch of different bosses so yeah and you're you're probably not gonna want to build a little tree example farm area here I did this for a separate video because I don't use my sky bridge as often anymore since I have my battle area set up now so but yeah you'll definitely want to have some sort of sky bridge set up with platforms so you can kind of jump up and down and fight different boss fights as well as the different invasions and events that will start to pop up once you unlock hard mode and before you have your battle arena set up so if we just take a quick look at my little battle arena here here it is so you obviously won't have access to any of the temple traps yet but what you can do and this is up to you is kind of just you know kind of dig out an area that you want to set it up so essentially you do the least amount of building as possible in hard mode while there's hard mode baddies there it makes it a little bit more difficult to set it up so yeah you can kind of set up more or less everything except for the traps and I guess teleporters if you want those there too but yeah so that's up to you guys if you want to kind of start that I just kind of recommend it because it the least you do in hard mode the better basically because there's more but harder baddies kind of you know bothering you alright guys that's number fourteen on the list is the sky bridge slash battle arena and tene is your hell bridge guys so the helper just pretty important obviously I guess because it's more or less just like your skybridge except it's set up specifically to kill the wall of flesh who once killed will on long heart mode all right but as far as the hell bridge goes ideally you're going to want to make it out of ice blocks because what you can do get these patties that are here go away is you can you get the frost spark boots before you kill the wall of flesh and what that will do basically is make your mobility on ice much much faster and just more convenient basically so it makes the wall of flesh fight a little bit easier and more in your favor more or less so the also the other bonus to ed up making it out of ice blocks like this is once you do kill the wall of flesh and unlock hard mode as I just said a little bit earlier a lot of Hollow will spawn and that will turn some of your hell bridge into pink ice and pink ice as you can see will start to spawn these little crystal shards here which are great to get a whole bunch of especially earlier on they're used for a couple different things as well as on the top of it as you can see it spawns chevre thorn if you ever need any more shiver thorn like I know I never harvest you earth or whatever because of this for my herb farm there but yeah anyway that being said you can also set it up to be some sort of like horrified farm afterwards so it has more conveniences after hard mode but that being said you definitely want to set this up be for hard mode in order to make the wall of flesh fight pretty much doable to be honest otherwise it'd be pretty tough I think alright guys so there you go number 13 on the list is the health bridge 12 is your hell evader and your mind card pack so just in case what I mean by elevator is basically a direct vertical tunnel that starts somewhere convenient like your base and goes all the way down to the underworld because you're gonna want consistent access in the underworld threat and hard mode and it's not very convenient to be going you know down there on a jagged path taking forever to get there especially with all the hard mode baddies and you don't really want to be constructing this during hard mode for the hard mode batteries as well that'll be kind of bothersome so yeah and what you can also do if you want is you know wall off some little holes and such just to prevent some baddies from getting you you might do all of them if you don't want to have left some open to for access but baggies can potentially jump in and hit you as you're falling and knock you off course and get you killed from the pole damage and you don't want that so in speaking of fall damage what you can also do is at the bottom here just about to get there but at the bottom you can add in like a little pool of water so that's just in case you kind of forget where the bottom is like me and you don't want to just suddenly hit it and die and have to fall all the way down there again so you can add in a pool of water just above the edge basically where the underworld starts cuz otherwise the water would evaporate but yeah just above the edge like a braid around this area here so that way you don't die from the ball you'll land in a safe level of water basically uh yeah well go back up now any minecart path just go over here is essentially the same thing as your elevator but from left to right basically because again you're gonna want easy access to you know places like the dungeon or places like the jungle or maybe the ocean and whatnot so yeah you don't want to be taking forever to get over there so it's very convenient to already have a minecart path set up so that way you're not you know inconvenience too much whenever you need to go too far out of your way to the left or the right so yeah this number 12 on the list guys is your televator and your mine cart path remember is your mimic slash souls farm and I know mimics and souls only spawn in hard mode guys but basically the reason why I have this on the list is because you're gonna want to farm those mimics and those souls ASAP into hard mode because they drop a really good loot if you get it really early on in hard mode it's very very strong so yeah it's definitely something you're gonna want to start farming ASAP so if you basically have this place set up and ready to go then you'll get that loot rate at the beginning of hard mode pretty much and that'll be nice and convenient for you as well as again you don't really want to be setting this place up during hard mode or at least as little as possible again because those hard mode baddies will do a lot of damage and it will just be a much more difficult process setting it up all right so yeah at the souls and the mimic farm definitely convenient to set up as much as you can basically kind of build the area or like hollow out the area do as much as you can pre hard mode so that it's you know as close to good to go once hard mode is unlocked and again you can farm it just as easily with just lava you don't even need the traps release you can farm it right at the beginning of hard mode or before hard mode if you want to and get all that nice loot so yeah there you go guys number 11 is the mimic slash souls farm ten is the dungeon farm guys and this one is pretty important to set up before hardened or at least before you kill plantera I should say because once you've killed plantera some extremely difficult baddies will start spawning in the dungeon and you definitely don't want to be building any farm while those things are there trust me I built this one while they were there and I probably died twenty or thirty times during the process it was not easy it was a very difficult time so yeah and it's a very small area and yeah I died a lot so the more you can set up at least before you kill plantera ideally before hardmode though just you know just so it's there yeah the more you can set up the better because again it is a very difficult area but again those monsters here they drop amazing loot that you're really going to want so it's very convenient to have a far more or less already setup so that you can just kind of add in the traps or the lava and whatever else you need to once you are ready to come here and farm it so yeah number 10 on the list guys is your dungeon farm number nine is your different fishing farms guys now I know you probably hate fishing at least if you're like me so but those buff potions that the fish are used to make are extremely important in hard mode there are very very strong buff potions and very useful against the hard mode bosses and different events and invasions and so forth like I've had some very rough times with different fights before I started fishing and utilizing those different buff potions that you can get with them so yeah now I have a fishing video you guys should probably check out because it makes fishing much more tolerable and much more efficient so you can get tons sometimes above potions very quickly without having to do very much fishing all right so with that being said though number 9 on the list is the different fishing farms eight is your antlion farm and this is one that you're probably gonna want to set up ASAP because that's basically cuz you can start farming it as soon as it's setup don't need traps or anything like that you kill everything with just lava I just added the traps in there for extra damage so now just in case antlion mandibles are used to make mining potions and mining potions speed up your mining obviously so you bind so much quicker so much faster and that's something you're gonna want throughout the entire game basically and the sooner you set it up the better because obviously your mining is even slower earlier on so yeah they really really help out quite a bit and also just a little tip to once hard mode is unlocked there will be all these extra monsters that start spawning that don't drop aunt Maya mandibles so you actually don't get as many antlion mandibles as you as you would per given time I guess as you would normally in pretty hard mode so yeah it's a little bit more efficient actually pre hard mode at least for antlion mandibles specifically so but don't worry if it's already hard mode for you and you want to vote this farm it's fine it's to look great farm I still get tons and tons of antlion mandibles more than enough to supply me so yeah but I just thought I'd throw that in there because we sooner you build it as soon you can have more or less an unlimited supply of those mining potions and that's awesome so yeah number eight on the list is the antlion part number seven is your cobweb flower guys so I know some people can overlook cobweb I know I did at least for quite some time but exactly pretty important because it's used to make dangerous sense potions as well as silk and hsn's potions just in case what they do is they highlight traps on the map for you so it makes farming different traps like the jungle temple traps where guys are trapped underground much much easier otherwise those traps are very difficult to see so yeah very important you're gonna need tons of tons of cobweb to make all those different farms for and putting in all the certain traps for them yeah but also cobweb is also used to make silk too and silk is used for a number of different things and that tons and tons of different furniture items if you like to make different furniture and it was like me but also the Noddy present the Noddy present is a summoning item to summon the Crossman event and you're gonna need a whole bunch of those because you get a ton of great loot from that event so yeah it's very handy to have this place already set up so you can start farming cobweb because you'll need a ton of cobweb like the the cobweb ingredients like whenever you need to use it it's you need a lot more than just what you need like 10 or something so you run another cobweb pretty fast and you don't want to be running around with those very difficult hardmode baddies building a cobweb farm and trying to find it all right yeah number 7 on the list is a cobweb farm number six is your glowing mushroom and truffle worm farm so I know the truffle worm won't become useful until a fairly late game but nevertheless it's great to have a bunch those saved up because they are rare to find and the glowing mushrooms you're gonna need a ton of those because they get can fairly consistently use throughout the entire game like you'll need them initially to make a ton of health potions so it's great to have more or less an unlimited supply of those obviously so but they're also used to make shine potions which are very handy to have as well as shroom I'd bars and just in case you might bars are a fairly late-game bar and they're used to make a very nice range set and you're gonna need a ton of glowing mushrooms to make that set like a thousand so the last thing you want to do is get to that point where you're ready to make the set and have like 10 glowing mushrooms available because even if you know of a bunch of glowing mushroom caves it will take a while alright so very handy to have a glowing mushroom farm setup this is what actually one of my favorite farms because it's also an afk truffle worm farm as you can see there's a little there falling and kind of getting stuck in that hole there it looks funny when they fall so anyway a glowing mushroom and truffle worm farm pretty important and it is number six number five is your home jungle farm guys so ideally you want some sort of jungle farm slash arena not too far away from your base basically I'm not too close to a - either so yeah but it's very useful and what if for basically is spawning those plantera bulbs and basically you'll have a nice safe arena style that you've designed to fight plant air in as opposed to the regular jungle which would be a lot more difficult so yeah that'll be there when you're ready for it as well as it will start spawning light fruits as soon as hard mode is unlocked and life fruits are very very essential they take your max 400 life to a max of 500 once you've collected enough of them I think 20 so yeah so every time you come here you'll get a couple live fruits and get to that max 500 life in no time without having to go around the regular jungle looking for them nice and convenient as well as you can start farming jungle bait pretty hard mode too and jungle bait is stronger than regular bait so you're going to want to have a lot of that especially to get a bunch of those awesome awesome fishing potions all right so yeah there you go guys number five on the list is your home jungle farm slash arena number four is your mushroom and bait farm now I know the baits not as important because you get grasshoppers and worms here what with the jungle bait but nonetheless you still do get a golden grasshopper or a colder and warmer every now and then so that's pretty convenient but to be honest the main thing is the mushrooms now these mushrooms here they're used to make regeneration potions which are pretty important for all the different boss fights and invasions and events in hard boom so you'll want more or less an unlimited supply of those an easy way to farm them basically and mushrooms but they're not very common as it is as well as once Hart mode is unlocked what with the biome starting to spread regular grass becomes less and less common and thus regular mushrooms become even less common so yeah you'll definitely want to set up some sort of a fishing place to farm them so that you don't have to worry about running out of those things because they are pretty important alright so number four is the mushroom slash bait farm number three is your tree farm guys so it's definitely a farm you're going to want to have set up because you've probably noticed as you've been cutting down the trees you have to go farther and farther to find them assuming you haven't replanted any but nonetheless it's nice and convenient to set up a tree farm nice and close to your base so you can basically have a consistent supply of wood and not have to travel very far also once hard mode unlocks what with the spread of the different biomes the regular trees will become fairly uncommon like I don't have any as aside from like a couple at the very edges of my map so you'll probably want to set up some sort of isolated area close to your base so you can grow regular trees and have a consistent supply of regular wood so yeah I also grow a palm wood to actually just because palm trees only grow naturally by the ocean biome which is also very far away yes although I grow them inside my house actually you can grow them indoors kind of if you want so yeah but nonetheless guys number three on our list is a tree farm number two is your herb farm and your pumpkin patch so pretty important to have these places set up guys ideally as early as possible and the pumpkins with their four just in case the first thing at least is pumpkin pies and pumpkin pies are a great blue buff item guys they give you the well-fed buff which gives you basically an increase to a bunch of different stats and overall makes your character stronger and a bit quicker as well so it also lasts for 45 minutes at least on PC and that's the nice long-lasting food buff that you get pretty early access to as well you just buy a couple pumpkin seeds from the tree ad and plant them so pumpkins what they're also for as well as making the pumpkin medallion and that's a fairly later game item that you get that summons the pumpkin Moon event which is a great great event during hard mode it drops a whole ton of awesome loot so you're gonna want to save up a whole bunch of pumpkins to farm that event and collect all the loot yeah it's a ton of great loot so anyway next here we have the herb farm and again the herb farm is also very very important so what these herbs are for just in case is making a whole bunch of different great buff potions and those buff potions are very very important for all the different hard boat boss fights and defense innovations as well as they're very convenient to have be for hard mode as well and also you can set this thing up quite early too so you don't really need anything too elaborate either like so you can set it up pretty much immediately so you can probably tell I've built a bit of a conservative set up a bit more efficient setup in my opinion and that's for a couple reasons actually likes in some other worlds that I've already built I have some setups where I've done things with like traps and conveyor belts and actuators and stuff like that and I just found that it wasn't really more efficient to be honest it was actually less efficient than this set up here my opinion at least and that's because number one at least it took up too much space in my home and I want to build this place in my home for easy access right so ideally I'd like it to be as small as possible to save you know room for other places that might need a bit more space as well as ideally I want to be able to use the staff of regrowth to get a little bit more out of my gathering and does make my farm even smaller so also when I believe netting the Seas doesn't take as long so yeah overall I just think it's a little bit more efficient and a little bit quicker and also it doesn't require as much to set up so there's other things you can do too little tips to make it even more efficient if you want to check out my herb farm video so but nonetheless it really is up to you guys it's your world you can build it however you want but either way it's important to have some sort of herb farm and pumpkin patch set up and that's why it's number two on the list number one is your liquid farm and mixing room so a very important farm to have guys very very convenient and that that's because honey and water and lava here you'll find that you need quite consistently throughout the entire game and for a number of different things as well so you'll find that you'll have to gather it quite quite often and the last thing you really want is to be running around the world especially during hard mode looking for different pools of liquid when you find that you need it it's nice to have an area set up in your home to supply you with unlimited amounts of honey water and lava and then also an area to mix them together whenever you need the different materials that you get from mixing them and you can set this up pretty early as well you just need to have access to the mechanic so obviously before hardmode you can start building this thing and yeah very very convenient guys and when I would highly recommend so that being said if you're not uh you know too sure how this setup works like how you keep these tanks full all the time so it stays unlimited just feel free to check out my liquid farm video it's not too difficult guys it's a very easy setup and it explains everything there for you so but there you go guys number one on the list is your liquid farm and mixing room alrighty guys so that was my list of 15 things that I think are key to have set up before you start hard mode and again I know there weren't any real details on any of the things on the list here so if anyone wants any instructions on any of the different farms or anything like that be sure to check out my channel I have a ton of different videos there on all those different farms as well as other great farms too that go through the different benefits how to set up the farm as well as the awesome loot that you get too so yeah you might want to check those out but anyway I hope the video did help guys so if it did be sure to leave a like that way I know I'm helping some people out and you know not just wasting people's time so yeah that would be nice and also subscribe here to the secret level and you can join me currents always coming up with more videos like this as well as other types of videos like different how-to videos different tip videos as well as videos where you could see me fail and those things you'll be coming out more and more frequently so yeah but anyway I hope to catch you next time guys and happy hunting in your terraria adventures and this is gern's exiting the secret level take it easy guys
Channel: The Secret Level
Views: 1,915,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, 1.3.4,, 1.3, how, to, lets, let's, build, building, farm, farms, top, 10, 15, list, easy, setup, tips, tricks, loot, guide, help, best, key, important, gear, item, items, before, hardmode, home, base, barrier, biome, skybridge, battle, arena, hellbridge, wall, flesh, underworld, minecart, soul, souls, light, night, mimic, dungeon, fish, fishing, antlion, mining, potion, cobweb, silk, naughty, glowing, mushroom, truffle, worm, jungle, plantera, bait, life, fruit, tree, trees, herb, herbs, liquid, mixing, mixer, honey, water, lava, afk, expert, underground
Id: XwzF2W-yk0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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