The 5 Biggest WINNERS Of Phase 3 Changes | Season of Discovery | WoW Classic

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since the phase three announcement we've had tons of information drop about what is to be expected with the patch on April 4th with each passing phase we're getting closer to our class's full toolkit of abilities through runes and we've already seen both new class identities and existing specs come so far and it's going to be super exciting to see how things play out to join the future of the Season today though we're going to be delving into the realm of data mining to check out what runes have been found for phase three and trying to make some guesses about which classes or specs we'll be gaining the most from this update these very well may not end up being the best specs by any stretch of the imagination but they're just ones which I think are set to improve of course word of warning as per usual day to mining isn't final there can always be Buffs and Nerfs and if you don't want spoilers for the upcoming content in terms of the runes this may not be the video for you for everyone else however let's check out the runes and see which specs I reckon are going to be the biggest winners in Phase 3 now I was hoping last phase that the new runes would bridge the gap towards making Rogue feel as though it's a more desirable option and whilst there were improvements in some ways I've often heard this phase that people are struggling to secure raid spots largely due to a lack of utility and not providing enough throughput to make up for it it's the same scenario Rogues had early on in TBC now I think about it but anyways I think Rogues are set to get one of the most powerful runes we've seen this phase by far and this one is confirmed and that Rune is honor among Thieves when any player in your party crits you gain one combo Point against your current Target and this can't happen more than once per second I mean simply just doing the maths in an optimal scenario that's 30 more combo points over 1 minute duration of combat than you would have had before or in other words potentially six more five combo Point finishers in reality with things like RNG the gcd and not always being able to instantly spend these combo points it's probably going to be more like 20 or something extra but that's still four more five combo Point finishes than you can do at the moment and that's without you actually doing anything yourself to generate combo points you're going to be getting combo points at such a rapid rate this is going to feel crazy to play both a tank and DPS DPS rowes are also getting Carnage which makes targets afflicted by one of your bleeds take 20% more damage from abilities between Gat and throwing on a rupture thanks to your newfound combo Point generation this is not going to be hard to keep active but I think tank Rogue stands to gain the most here on top of Honor among Thieves they can take unfair Advantage which instantly strikes back at a target for 100% mainhand weapon damage when you dodge every 1 second I've put together an example type build here it's not going to be perfect but it's just to show you what I'm talking about thanks to honor among Thieves you may also be able to move away from mutilate as a combo point generator this opens up the possibility to go back to saber slash alongside having a very slow mainhand weapon then you can benefit from the likes of wind fury sword spec and unfair Advantage I still think mutilate might be a bit too good but this should work in theory now you may have also noticed I've taken improved exposed armor in the assassination tree instead of going down and picking up adrenaline rush and this is another thing you might not have heard about this phase for Rogues but Rogues have utility now they have a reason to be brought to the raid other than just damage from data mining Rogues seem to be getting three new poisons now it does appear the versions which have been data mined are what we will be getting at level 60 and they're showing stats at that level however we can scale down the value of the debuffs and we can compare them to homonculi to see how good they're going to be and if the math works out I believe next phase Rogues will have the best attack power debuff the best attack speed debuff and biggest of all the best armor debuff in the game so let's go through them and compare at trophic poison reduces attack power at level 50 it should reduce attack power by about 170 which is 10 more than Huli this is the smallest deal out of the debuffs though so this one's probably optional numbing poison decreases a tank speed attack speed debuffs typically don't scale with level or rank or anything they always just do the same value and the tool tip here says it reduces attack speed by a massive 20% hunchul 10% and the other best option is a warrior running the Furious Thunder Rune which will be 16% so if there's a really hard-hitting melee boss this poison will be a big deal assuming it is 20% at level 50 that is but here's the biggest one it's called sebaceous poison at least I think that's how you say it at level 50 it should reduce the target's armor by around 1,4 100 rough estimate there but it also benefits from improved Expos armor so you multiply that value by 1.5 and that's a 2,100 armor reduction debuff hully 50 should be 1,900 so Rogues numbing and sebaceous poison and that's your raid spot secured pretty much everyone will want to bring this ah but of course using poisons on your main hand and offhand means you won't get instant poison anymore from deadly brew and you have to spec into improved expose armor a small price to pay for an invite though surely next up is another class I had which I expected to see big improvements from Phase 1 to two and they're making a comeback so I think they're going to be great in phase three as well and that's the elemental shaman I do think though Ellie Shaman super hard at level 40 because of their talent tree and there will be less power coming from talents moving forwards so the new runes they're going to be getting are going to have to be good and I think they are first stop on your Helm is burn which causes flame shock to now hit three targets aside from being some extra damage on multi-target fights this is now also going to give power surge a much better proc chance so you can get a free lava burst or a chain lightning depending what you need you also get rolling thunder as one of your new bracer runes if you've played Elemental in a later expansion this is fulmination so your lava burst and chain lightning have a 30% chance to add a charge to lightning Shield up to nine Stacks total Earth shock will Bend all of those charges to instantly deal damage and restore some Mana back to you and it should be worth investing into improve the lightning shield for this to now alongside overload this should stack up pretty quickly though I do wonder if hitting multiple enemies can generate more than one stack also this will convert your lightning shield stanks into a spell which can crit which is great for Elemental at least I'm assuming it will be able to do so so now you'll always want a nine stack Shield built up before you drop an elemental mastery and you'll be doing massive burst Elemental will be globing people with this for sure I mean they already were but they will in the future too another run which I'm super interested to see in action is overcharged if this ability works the way I think it might do this is the best Rune this phase by far now I put together a build here and you're probably looking at this and saying what is this mess this looks terrible and we'll do zero threat but I'm speculating that overcharged will carry tank Shaman very hard the Rune itself saves a lightning shield never loses charges has a 1 second cool down and Deals damage to all nearby enemies within 8 yards it already sounds good but what gives it potential is snapshotting in brief snapshotting is using an ability when you have many different Buffs running at the same time and that ability will keep dealing damage as if those Buffs were active so typically Buffs do crit percentage damage percentage and spell power are all snapshot though I'm not expecting lightning Shield to crit so we can ignore that but flat damage increases and spell power should snapshot on a shield which lasts forever which is going to get pretty crazy so lightning Shield has a26 spell power coefficient at least according to wad I went and tested in game and this seemed about right so let's say with next phase and mental quickness you can get 300 spell damage total I think this is lowballing it by the way also you might be able to get a mental quickness buff and then swapped away plus Nature's raft set and doubled it from both spell damage Buffs I want to say at the upper end if this works you could be looking at over 500 spell power anyways lightning Shield rank six does 154 damage by default if we snapshotted 300 spell power that'll add 78 damage per tick so we're already up to 232 damage to everything around you every 1 second this is getting pretty insane now but then we get the flat percentage d damage increases so we add on 10% from Dark Moon faur 15% from talented lightning Shield this probably only affects the base damage not the total damage I haven't tested this but we'll just say that for the time being and we add on 20% spell damage from Power infusion and suddenly our lightning Shield is doing 336 damage to everything around you every 1 second with an infinite duration this can of goes without saying would be extremely overpowered that's just over 10,000 damage to everything within 8 yards of you just for existing over a minute this is why I put such a weird looking Build Together which takes all the utility stuff I think lightning Shield has the potential to hard carry tank Sharman and imagine Sharman tanks in dungeons or just on AOE gold farming they're going to be absolutely S Plus tier priests can start selling Pi snapshot in oramar like their Majors for portals or something we'll see how this ability plays out maybe I'm wilderly overestimating but this could be a big deal for shamans next up I have affliction warlocks so if you didn't know destruction and specifically Lake of Fire is getting nerfed or changed depending how you look at it now you have to fully Channel rain of fire to get a 50% damage debuff on enemies the still other good Rune options but this change may open up people to consider Affliction a little bit more here's our talents pretty much taking all the key damage over time improving effects in the affliction Tre and notably we're going to be using drain life as our filler spell because I'm going with what I believe is the intended way to play the spec on our headro we of course have Pandemic this is going to make our dots crit and is a big deal this Rune alone opens up Affliction as a consideration in PVE on the wrist we have unstable Affliction a powerful damage overtime effect which deals damage and gives afflictions dots some dispel protection in PvP and it should have good base damage and a low Mana cost if it's anything like runes usually are I've gone with soul siphon for the drain life filler here though to be honest I think improved shadowbolt is going to be better because when shadowbolt crits with that Talent targets take 20% more Shadow damage and that debuff isn't consumed by dots if Soul Cipher made Nightfall procs improve drain life in some way such as reducing its cast Time by 50% or making it hit only near by targets for half damage or something that would go a long way to help this Rune but it'll be worth a go either way we'll see how it plays out I just hope fights will last long enough for Dots to feel impactful you'll also be able to put together a functional Nightfall ruin spec at level 50 that you could have as your offs spec for dungeons or trash this is going to be very good on AOE when you're dealing lots of damage grimoira Synergy should have a good proc rate and that's going to be a 25% damage buff on your pet it's also very important to know which version of felg Guard we're getting it's already going to be the best in for grimoire of synergy because it just attacks more than other demon so it has more chance to Pro it but if for example we get the cataclysm version of Fel guard which has Fel storm which is just blad storm but on your Fel guard then that is going to basically guarantee procket that would be incredible but from the data mining I can't tell which version we have yet so we'll have to wait and see but locks overall are looking pretty great next up I have the Marksmanship Hunter so Hunters who enjoyed that typical traditional ranged play sty found themselves lacking behind their new melei identity in Phase 2 is this going to change in Phase 3 um yeah probably not but at least Marksmanship is getting cool stuff either way so let's check that out so here's the talent Tre and runes I put together on the head we're taking Lock and Load this makes it so your next shot is free and doesn't incur a cooldown whenever a trap is triggered of course we're going to need trap launcher alongside that and to weave in different traps around our big shot cooldowns on our wrists we have Focus fire which is kind of just 15% more ranged attack speed just make sure you have a slow weapon this phase because we're trying to take steady shot here too and that's been buffed to 75% weapon damage and you're going to need to weave that in around Auto attacks by the looks of it sniper training is also getting a mini rework now you get 2% crit when you haven't moved for the last 2 seconds stacking every second up to five times but when you move you lose one stack per second so it's less All or nothing and should just generally be better to use now true shot Aura is also just straight up being buffed and it will now give the hunter additional ranged attack power corresponding to the rank you have so at level 50 it's going to give 75 attack power to all party members and an additional 75 ranged attack power to the hunter as well I have to say I'm not sure how you fit aim shot into the rotation still it feels as though we need a rune to make it a bit more usable or to just reduce the cast time or something either way marks ship is seeing improvements hopefully the ranged Hunter enjoyers find it playable last but not least we have Warrior so just so you know I spent a while messing around trying to find a way that gladiator stance would be playable in PVE and I came up with nothing I just don't see this spec doing damage there needs to be a short cooldown ability which deals damage that scales with how good your Shield is on a rune or something but next phase I think arms is going to keep getting better and better and that's good because it's already doing well in raid and it's okay in PvP as long as you're not getting one shot that is our new runes on the helm would be taste for blood this makes it so your Ren can proc overpower once per 6 seconds and we also take wrecking crew on your braces this makes your melee crits en rage you increasing critical damage of all attacks by 10% for 6 seconds Wrecking Crew is a much bigger deal than it looks melee abilities get a 200% crit damage modifier by default and with this Rune and impale you're now doing 2.6 times normal damage on a crit that's a big number the talents are going to be pretty similar to what you always play as arms there's not a huge amount of leeway here the big difference will be what weapons are good at level 50 as to whether You'll Play axes or swords I also think you might not even go into zurka stance anymore playing this you're going to be spamming a lot of abilities and unless you're activating recklessness you just sit in battle stamps or risk wasting range maybe that's part of a new skill ceiling for warriors where they have to manage stance dancing but think of all the stuff you're going to have to use you're going to have to be keeping up Ren you're going to have overpower procs you're going to have slam procs you're going to have to keep mortal strike on coold down too and Wrecking Cru there's on its tool tip it's an IM rage so maybe raging blow is also back on the menu and your glove room will either be quick strike or endless rage depending on whether you need to spend more Rage or generate more this sounds pretty great overall for arms Warriors though and and as a general point I don't think bz are going to put as much armor on bosses after how Phase 2 and Nan went so maybe Warriors are really back in Phase 3 but those are just a few of my picks for the most interesting class and specs heading into phase 3 definitely let me know what you're playing whether you think any of these will work out and what you're looking forwards to trying in the comments down below and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you all on the next one very soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: WillE
Views: 92,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery, seasonal wow, classic wow season, sod runes, sod runes guide, wow classic runes, new season wow, wow season, classic hardcore, hardcore wow, wow hardcore, hardcore deaths, wille, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, icc, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2023, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmo 2023, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, gaming, pc, console
Id: qOB1d3kGDNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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