Painting Henry Cavill's dream Warhammer army!

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I traded my way from a tiny night Goblin step by step through a couple of smaller Miniatures to a couple of bigger Miniatures to entire armies and a massive fortworld Titan to even more insane bigly armies to finally land where we are today [Music] as you might remember from the last video in this series we traded a ducori army for the warbringer Titan the little brother of the big warlord Titan but not only that we also traded a set of pretty freaking amazing nights four what we all know is Henry cavill's dream Army as this person pretty much have become synonymous with adeptus uh custodies and it's not a small one it's like freaking two thousand dollars worth of Henry cavill's dream Army and the end goal is simple to get from that Knight Goblin all the way to warlord Titan build a massive diorama or paint that up make an epic video series and then auction that off and give all of the proceeds to charity so let's start with a big plan this is the warbringer Titan let's just put that aside for now and instead focus on painting the adeptis custodies Army this week because I'm thinking if you have a pretty freaking awesomely painted adeptice custodis army who wouldn't want to trade a warlord python for that Mr Carroll if you're out there you know that the offer still stands if you want an Adaptive custodius Army this one will be pretty awesome for you so Lucas what do you want to do I want to be finished so let's start cleaning them yeah so we're going to start removing all the paint from the custodis and maybe when that is done we can figure out what to do with the wordbringer and paint up the figures okay since we want to get a little bit Fancy with this custodes Army and maybe even be able to trade it with Henry Cavill himself we thought we need to clean these meanings of all of the old paint and what better way to use the green stuff World paint remover we've seen reviews it's supposed to be the best paint remover out there so hopefully it works [Music] foreign [Music] cleaner have worked quite fantastic from a few of the figures that were left in for like six hours they're getting soft see oh I just cracked the weapon don't leave wrestling in for six hours we're gonna cut them up and add some other bits plastic card and stuff maybe maybe a metal rod yeah that's a good idea let's see how we can solve this problem because I feel like it's a big one foreign [Music] [Music] looks amazing but we have another problem out of the bikers there's about five of them missing the spare tips we're gonna have to cut these off and we've been given a gift from openscan for another video project so we're gonna try the 3D scan the spear tip and just make five new ones with the 3D printer and scanner I'm looking forward to trying this out yeah and while we're at this incredibly dangerous task of making brand new spears let me talk about this sweet sponsor into the am you've seen me and Lucas wear their shirts pretty much exclusively over the past six months because in today I'm makes some of the coolest graphic t-shirts on the internet but not only that I've also fallen in love with their full print shirts like this one I think it's amazing and right now they're getting into Black Friday sales meaning they have 30 off the entire website and this will go on from November 18th to December 4th so make sure to go to their website link in the video description check out some t-shirt pick some up for yourself or your dog because there have never been a better time to wear awesome shirts than today let's see how the printed ended up looking so we just got the first scan and honestly I feel like it looks quite amazing it's lacking the hole in the center that the original have I think we're gonna be happy with this we're just gonna glue everything together and then it's painting time [Music] [Applause] I guess we're ready to start painting and we have a solid plan because yesterday we did a few pain tests I think five in total all of them look quite good but we still want to be able to do it somewhat fast so we figured out a good recipe to use the green stuff World gold pigment powder through the airbrush so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna start off though with priming everything black foreign [Music] Lucas just sitting here and painting as much as we can as fast as we can it's big army [Music] foreign painting red for quite a bit now red and black actually so I'm just gonna take a break from that and paint with some metal color gunmetal gray on all of the weapons because uh yeah I'm gonna need to do something else for a bit and it's gonna be nice [Music] I want to take a break just like this guy so I'm gonna start painting all the power weapons and cover them with a really cool blue non-metallic metal icy Sheen thingy Winnie foreign [Music] so the minis are starting to look really good once they have like the black the metal and the red on them I really like it but I'm hyped about painting some faces so while Lucas is doing the sword so I'm gonna do some face highlighting because uh I think I deserve doing some highlighting now our time schedule of uh painting the whole Army in two days now I think we can forget about that I mean just look at the ships over there about all the meanest that's over in the kitchen what are you hiding all the means in kitchen Lucas there's a lot left to do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but we have all the gold on the main characters not the bikes and the ships and we have almost all faces and weapons done and the rest of the big guys hello I think we're gonna need like two three more days maybe maybe [Applause] so while m is doing the rest of the faces I'm gonna start painting all this gold so that we have a big gold army [Music] I've been painting black for so many days all the faces are done though so I'm happy about that but we're missing some bases so I'm going to use the FTM printer from 3D and print a few bases and luckily it's a super simple print a few so I'm just gonna press print and hopefully in five hours we have the bases foreign we're gonna make marble bases like a turquoise marble I think we can make it look amazing in quite a short time as compared to like making super Advanced bases because we don't really have time for that so we're just gonna start by gluing all of the bases onto plastic card and that is to give the base a plain surface and if you got black plastic card that is definitely preferred over the white one because then you don't even need to use a primer to make it black we're not going to do something super simple we're gonna use cotton Buds and we're just gonna drag these apart and then add them on top of the base and spray with an airbrush with a regular white paint and this gives us a really nice random white texture patterns on the bases in all honesty I feel like they really look like marble foreign [Music] [Music] the other day and I found something pretty cool this is called marble spray and it just shoots out like strands of marbled black stuff I think this is going to be quite cool to add some details to the base so we're gonna try spray a few and hopefully the marble bases are going to look even more amazing foreign [Music] fantastically terrible news Lucas is looking like [ __ ] not in a literal sense because he's very pretty but he is getting really sick so I just sent him home so he can get some rest and feel better he decided to bring saminis because he's like super passionate about us finishing this project for the whole charity thing so a big Applause to Lucas for that but it also puts us in a little bit of a pickle because we have to finish this video this week because otherwise we don't get money from sponsor and we don't have money for salaries so I'm just gonna keep painting as much as I can and uh hopefully we have something to show you guys meanwhile if you're super kind just press that like button because that helps a lot and makes me painting mean is what I'm saying so much more worth it [Music] foreign [Music] really hard so now I have the red base coats almost everything we have pretty much everything a black base coated as well where we're gonna highlight metal stuff there is obviously quite a lot left to do but we got the bases done as well and we're gonna have to do a lot of work on the big ships and these guys but yeah I'm feeling really confident about us being able to make something Epic from this because these guys are looking pretty damn fine I feel like especially the swords and the faces looks so good that it's just gonna bring everything up to like a really nice level Lucas is still down and out like quite bad I'm gonna let him rest for a few more days but you should really consider subscribing because I feel like the conclusion of just painting this Army and especially this whole video series trading up to the world or Titan is going to be so epic that you don't want to miss it out and being subscribed is the best way to get a notification when it's done hopefully the next video in this series is gonna be the one when all of this is done and we've find a good trade partner for it I'm freaking hyped the whole auction for charity is like I think it's gonna be so much fun massive thanks to all the patrons that's it have a good day bye
Channel: Squidmar Miniatures
Views: 1,442,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniature painting, painting warhammer, age of sigmar, squidmar, warhammer 40k, dungeons & dragons, d&d, how to paint warhammer, space marines, squidmar miniatures, emil nyström, airbrush, vallejo, citadel color
Id: 2UIKgFC9uaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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