Painting a Portrait of the Mashiach

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started broadcasting and something has to be said otherwise people leave the broadcast last time we had over a thousand two hundred people watching worldwide and we tonight so I'd like to welcome you to rub Ginsburg's monthly English class which is apparently being held every time in a different place News live I hope the next month we'll be back to net Sophie sled the show that we were at an ibanez run run ban just to remind you that every month we have a special and one of the books one of the English books I have no idea what the special is this month nobody bothered to tell me so I guess we'll just have to wait an anxious anticipation to hear what's on sale oh and we have our regular host year which allows me to go back to my comfortable seat rabbi avraham ari Tuckman [Music] okay okay welcome everyone huge - limeira kodesh and people all over the world we're waiting for the Rob will be here any minute okay okay I just found out the Book of the Month here's a book of the month called The Wandering Jew this is a compilation of tweets from the Rob it is the sweetest book in the world short and sweet and profound this is the book of the month everyone can get it on inner gorg in the bookstore The Wandering Jew it's real it's really a great great book also I've been asked to announce a couple of reports llamas that we can have in mind for the learning tonight slumber gets Ben Esther figa Schwartz for those who are in Los Angeles everyone knows slow motion for its schwartzie he really needs a reforged Leymah everyone should have him in mind for the learning tonight and also razo bot hava should have a refers to Leymah and i'll take the opportunity because i have a feeling that many people either here or around the world are aware that a very very precious soul left the world is today the cavora was just a few hours ago Brooke art but Hannah Yoel just went to the other world and she should have an alias and neshama Ali authen Asuma while we're waiting for the rod I just want to say that today we know from the alter rebbe that we're supposed to live with the times and today is a very very special day in the Jewish calendar especially the Chabad calendar this is the beginning of huge slot and this is the yurt site of the feeder Carelli the previous Rebbe Rabbi Academy in 1950 he left this world on this day huge spot and ever since it's been a very very important day in the Habad calendar because exactly a year after the passing of Africa Rebbe the the Rebbe became Rebbe on the same on the same day and if anyone wants to see there's actually a YouTube of the Rebbe giving his my Maha siddhis Posse Logan II which his father-in-law the Furyk already had actually started and he continued with this Mimer and it's actually on YouTube and the amazing amazing thing I was talking about huge spot the amazing thing if you didn't notice the bothers here is that in the room with the Rebbe there was there were no more than twenty or thirty people you could see it on YouTube and it was on that day that ready became ready and 40 years later they're literally all over the world there's Chabad everywhere and that first mine recetas there were like 30 people there absolutely incredible but it was really the feet of Rebbe that paved the way all of the most don't all of those foundations that the Rebbe built was really in the merit of the feet occur OB and everyone knows that the Rebbe went to the cover of the feet occur every every single week for decades every we can spend hours and hours there the the Cassiar between them was was so strong anyways without further ado the monthly English shirt with Rob Ginsburg [Music] good evening here in Israel and good morning and afternoon in America as we just now heard here in Israel either entered are already the the 10th day of shot which is the earth site that all of the previous Rabi Ichabod and and thereby the beginning of the sealed the [Music] last ready in every generation there is a figure who is the Rebbe of the generation just like mashallah be know who taught in the Tsar that he's partial to the DiMaggio Hotel of adhara the soul of Malta spreads and appears returns and appears in every generation and as soon as one appearance of Nostromo shadow banal our sins and gives us so immediately that very moment at the same moment the new appearance the male mecon the the successor to the to the revving appears and continues to lead the generation towards towards Redemption and mushiya we thought that that leader that Moses of every generation actually is the potential Messiah of the potential Messiah of the generation and as soon as the generation merits so the time is absolutely right that we cannot foretell ourselves but God knows we have to do our utmost to be to be ready and worthy of the revelation of the the Rebbe of the generation has the mushiya's not only of our generation that were all time for all history so with this in mind we thought that the most appropriate topics to discuss this evening is the very idea and concept of of the mushiya's of the generation and so to contemplate as much as we can the different properties that together form in our consciousness a picture of what we would expect what we do expect the machine to be and as always we the model that we use in all of our meditations is a lot of this revolt of the divine lights and channels of energy through which Hashem God creates the world as those lights and channels manifest and reflected our own souls because each year soul has its ten zero to ten powers and ten lights to it and each one has a characteristic of its own they all obviously blend together and form one one personality so hoping that every one of us has some familiarity with the with this funeral the names of the spirit and how they unfold so proceed to to discuss to to contemplate each develop by itself and how that reflects itself and the ideal personality of the Messiah as it appears in the Bible that presently in the writings of the our sages the total bellperre the written Torah the Oral Torah and especially in the capital the first level is the crown the crown is the super rational level of the soul it has three super rational heads to it which in Hasidic language of referred to as faith and pleasure or serenity and will the power of we'll all super Russian speaking of the crown in general one of the words is always used in the governor of US adults in Hebrew the word is half half law which means Wonder to look at a person and to see an aura of wonder of this individual of this person that sense of wonder crowns his soul and crowns his personality each one of these pillows that we're going to discuss now we could say that the mushiya that were trying to picture in our mind today and this is a meditation that we can pursue every day of our lives praying for Machir to come and reveal themselves praying also to reveal the spark of a chef in each one of us so in a little little way all of the things we're not going to discuss actually are in us if we manifest and reveal them sufficiently in ourselves and we reached some a critical mass of enough people that are revealing these properties in themselves then the musci of himself the the full-fledged mushiya would appear so the first property that's when all the picturing and try to experience his wonder his sense of wonder that we have here a figure a person was just the most wonderful and wonderous person I can imagine what more can we say about wonder that we said before the Rebbe is the Messiah of the generation a whole season in relation to his Rebbe feels that on the one hand at the Rebbe is the farthest person away from me imaginable and simultaneously is the very closest person to me in the world there's no one shall be moved so distance so distance from me as this wondrous individual at the same time there's no one that is so close to me and if I identify with as much as this wondrous into that itself is the greatest wonder how can it be far and close simultaneously it's every Jewish soul especially the the soul of the Messiah more than all perfect divine properties we all have a divine soul and one of the things about the divine about God is that is both transcendent and imminent simultaneously so as much as a human being can emulate God that person who is that one at the same time transcendent and also imminent which are just two other words were saying far away and very very close at the same time that's the the ultimate revelation of that is the Messiah and that's the Wonder because true Wonder is a paradox is two opposition's exist simultaneously the two opposites are transcendence means they see infinitely above and beyond what I can fathom and at the same time he's my closest relative they have no his closer to me that my father is my mother father and mother are the two coming the two next Sphero in the Tree of Life wisdom and understanding but there's something about the crown that is even closer the closer relatives and even than my father men can we say anything more about the the wonder of this person the mushy earth if we turn to - huzzah to the sages based upon the verse and Isaiah the satyrs say that the machine has a very special property and actually it's all it's so essential with regard to the Michele that is the way that we know to identify who is the Messiah and that property is called Mourdock of Italian that he judges my smell as the verse says not by sight and not by hearing does he charge he judges by smell means that he has some news once more super rational sensitivity to the other individuals and to individuals coming to be judged before them and they just buy in as it for this is an idiom of course my smell without having to look at them without having to hear what they have to say he he recognizes who identified the truth and judges oh so the house outside that if an individual appears and he is able to judge by smell that's the side that he must be the moshav in kabbalah the different senses that we possess that every human being possesses also correspond to the difference you don't the sense of smell is the sense that corresponds to the crown sight is wisdom the next one hearing is understanding the next one the following Suba but the highest fira which is the crown the super rational level of the soul and all of the channels of creation relates to the sense of smell so it's clear that this this property that we're taught that the mishio possesses is a cat or a crown property which means that this is a sense of it radiates to us projects to us this sense of wonder which is actually the crown of the Messiah and obviously it's a clearer that's the exactly the wafers are presented that is the most wondrous thing that a human being and can express that is able to judge to relate and to what - to feel just by a smell so to conclude the Kathryn Cather is the sense of wonder of this soul that appears to us the next three all together they're called Habad about its hokhmah beam and that wisdom understanding and knowledge so they have something in common they're all intellectual properties but each one is something individual about itself and obviously we could say that the that the machine must be the wisest soul on earth he must be the most understanding soul on the earth they must be that must be the most knowledgeable soul on earth but we have to try to not accountably understand that a little bit better but that means the wisest person in the world the most understanding the most knowledgeable to be wise is to possess a very deep sense of insight into reality into other people to be wise is to be ingenious to be able to see the source of a given problem and to know how to solve it a problem so a very ingenious person a very insightful soul these are properties that pertain to to wisdom and these are properties that we would expect to appear and to exist in the inner heart ideal person that will now try to outline to picture a good doctor must not know how first to diagnose the situation of the patient sometimes a person has a problem I can go to many doctors like good doctors but they don't know how to they don't find the problem as soon as you find the problem that itself is half of the remedy in Kabbalah wisdom is called the beginning of Revelation it's compared to a flash of lightning on the pain of the consciousness the person is wise there's another word a simple port in English that you call a wise person and bright a bright guy bright person so once father would expect that the Messiah would be the brightest person on earth to be bright music to have your flashlight sure and you can immediately shine it on what needs to be revealed once wallops the question is a is an ailment so you can shine it on the salt of the ailment as soon as it's illuminated then it's already as we said before it's called the half of the remedy it's half healed the other half of healing will reach in the continuation once fatima she must be someone was the property of illumination you can illuminate reality what's the next one the next few was called understanding and bina if I say that someone understands me people search for a soulmate to get married what would you like to to have in your soulmate the first thing I do but very much and this desire is that he or she understands me what does it mean to to understand me there's another word which is called to contain me in Hebrew it's called her along her body to understand another individual is actually a mother or concept because understanding is called the mother you can cover though we used him is called the father the father is the source of insights of light he's the bright saw the ultimate bright soul but the mother who embraces her children her she embraces to the children in her womb and then she embraces the whole family and she embraces her husband as well in the home the woman herself is called the home and the mother as the home in the home is a context containment much what to understand is to contain one thing about the mushiya says that the word mushy is a permutation of two different forms of the board to be happy either he's smart which means that he shall be happy or use a month which means that he shall make happy that he makes other people happy in Capilano kasi told the power to contain others to reach out and embrace other souls which is not just physically one supposed to understand the other soul is dependent upon a certain sense of an inner sense of joy joy contains and a person is joyful all of the guests that get a wedding so he is just so happy to embrace and contain and actually understand everyone where he is where he's at another way to say containment and understanding is to say that the mushiya of the figure that will now try to hotline is someone who takes me for what I am and then he accepts me as I am you can't be understanding and very critical at the same time to be understanding and to be joyful until my embrace me and joy is because you accept me as I am the father figure wants to correct me the father wants to correct the children so he has to have the power to to shine his flashlight is right on the problem in order to solve the problem but the mother accepts the family each family member as he is and both properties are necessarily the property to illuminate the problem and the property is a simply tool to understand it's what to understand someone I really understand you I must accept you as you are it doesn't mean that I don't want you to improve there's something about the mother principle also in Kabbalah that mother has to do with the improvement with continual improvement but that improvement begins and depends upon my first accepting you as you are which is understand you where you're at the next property of the soul is that knowledge what for just like are the Messiah that we're trying to contemplate this the most wise and insightful there's another word that we didn't use before an English creative vision was also creativity ingenious is like creative the most ingenious soul and he's also the most understanding soul so he's the most knowledgeable so not not at all - just in the sense that he knows a lot of items mushiya was not just a giant supercomputer it knows everything he knows what a computer cannot know what can a computer not know he cannot know you knowledge in Hebrew means to connect two souls that connect together before we mentioned the concept of marriage enable the actual act of marital Union is called knowledge as it appears at the beginning of the Torah Genesis that Adam knew his wife Eve knowledge is empathy it's the origin the basis of the that state of being that is necessarily volatile through compassion another individual to know you is to project myself into you and to receive you into myself as our just to embrace sure they're close they just say that God knowledge and understanding or interdependent but each one has its own character to it but my understanding is to contain but the knowledge is to know you but to know you is to unite with you to connect with you if I said before that to understand your means to take you to accept you as you are ultimately in a sense in a state of joy to know you is to connect to you from where I am to where you are and that connection can be so strong important that it can bear fruit can bear children if I really connect with you we unite just like in a marital Union and the result is offspring so just try to imagine a soul weathers the solid mushiya it knows each one of us well many of these properties that were now trying to to feel to experience thought that were very close to the Rebbe felt these properties the Rebbe knows me it's not just that he contains me each one is important that he illuminates me he contains me but know me is something more much more to know me is to impregnate me with himself to put a piece of himself into me he has the ability to inject a little drop of himself into my heart and thereby I become pregnant with his presence in myself there be nothing used to say that they that when he told stories he put impregnate the people that heard his stories this was a truth truths are they can ultimately the Messiah with his words his teachings the insights he's not just teaching Torah which is theoretical he's looking at you on the eyes and what comes to his mouth is actually words that are intended to penetrate your heart because he knows you first he knows you who you are and then he knows you in the act of Union once more he's the most knowledgeable knowing soul on earth obviously he also knows a lot of people the Rebbe knew thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of people individually he remembered everything about them sweetly you have a a but probably a superhuman mind but how did he know the people because he really was concerned about the people as my knowledge is the basis of knowledge is empathy so we would expect that that machine will know all of us know all of us individually as much as a human soul will come to to explain that the humans who must be limited but the machine has not God is not infinite but to the extent of these limitations as a human being he still goes away far and beyond any human achievement to date especially in this sense ability to know many many souls about Moses but the machines the ultimate Moses it says that he can do all of these 600 600 thousand souls of these four of the solutes he was able to sing the individual song of each of the source of Israel to sing your song is is the ultimate expression of knowing you every soul has its soft mushy rough is also super musician that he knows the song the melody of every soul and he sings to that soul his song is individual song so these were the three faculties of the mind now we turn to thee to the heart the three primary emotions of the heart called loving-kindness and might and beauty in Hebrew hazard wouldn't affair that they correspond to the three patriarchs Abram Isaac and Jacob the first is the most straightforward that the Messiah must be the most loving so he loves all of us the previous three faculties once more they all have something really deeply they do have an intellectual power to them this is just pure emotion simple pure love does not do something besides just loving you obviously if he has the ability the possibility even because he loves you all give to you whatever do weatherbury had he has to give you but just the the energy power of loving another soul what is that energy produce what does that do so before we were talking about wisdom in the Tree of Life loving-kindness is the pseudo that appears just under we used among the right axes of the of the Tree of Life 1/2 of healing and the element of the soul is by shining light at it that's wisdom and we said that that's half of the remedy what is the other half of the remedy the other half of the remedy is simply the power of her loves love heals all I know that love heals because this what were taught about Abraham one of the properties of a Brehme is that he was the first soul on earth that they had the power to heal by loving and praying but here's a love for all humanity even people that weren't so nice to him have him ever the king of the police team at that time he wasn't go to him but nonetheless and he was ill and sick in the whole kingdom became heaven's sake because he took suffer at the end when he returns hurrah Abram once power symbolized the epitome of love played for him it's the first time the Torah that the word to heal appears that God healed a bee medic his whole household because of Abraham but for love is the power to heal Messiah comes to heal humanity all the ills of humanity the physical deals in the spiritual deals and he does it through his power of Abraham his power of love the next power of the soul the attributes of the heart is might Buddha another word in a synonym for might in English which is the most appropriate to from trying out a picture of the ultimate ideal or so the idea where be the Ashiya so the word is courage courageous everything up to now were just very nice ideas now we're already getting to us um a word that means is strength strength of character but courage meant you have to be courageous you have to be courageous if there's some opposing power this it's fighting against you and you have to overcome it when the field curves are still will be opposition in the world the machine will still have to be in battle until he succeeds in in killing the evil serpent responsible for the primordial sin of men of mankind and that serpent will manifest in all a myriad of waves in society so the mushiya parob viously has to be the most courageous soul on earth to to overcome his enemies this is a very very simple the simple thing that the Rambam my mother D says that the mystery of money appears the first thing he'll do is he'll heal the ills of the Jewish people which means arouse and inspire the Jewish people to return to garden to the way of the Torah the second thing I'll have to do is his fight and be victorious over on my leg the archenemy of the Jewish people they are our enemy of good in the world and that he does with his part with his courage with his might that he possesses so the Messiah will have to be the most courageous person and if you see a person that's very very courageous so that's right for good things so that must be a spark a messy a messianic spot the next one is beauty the ship must be the most beautiful soul what does it mean to be beautiful it's not just handsome physical beauty it will be beautiful but that's not the essence of beauty of what Beauty means beauty is the ability to integrate all of the positive elements that are not the same not all between a form but to integrate and to blend together all good huge and colors thereby creating the most beautiful array and in Samba top befall of music of sounds and hues all plenty together and the most beautiful whole there's an explicit verse that refers to the beauty of the emotion that says nether and be off your tears nae never the king referring to Kingma Messiah the king in his Beauty shall your eyes see you need that the prophet says that were all praying and waiting the aspiring to be able to envision to see the beauty of the king the beauty of the king is what inspires us in Kabbalah Beauty bridges all the way up to the craft of the super rational crown which is the wonder of Messiah when the Wonder appears display it is the source of inspiration inspires all of us to be like him Beauty attracts people are drawn to beauty and beauty inspires to emulate just like we said before that is mushiya emulates God's in the crown in the favorite in beauty the mushiya for browses in the house a tremendous desire to emulate him once more a person that you see in UI you say I would be but love to just be a little bit like this soul this great soul that is the beauty of the soul another thing about pewdie is the T favorite in Kabbalah has to do with with the Torah in general and teaching the Torah in particular one thing that the sages say about mushiya conditionalities also explains about my fear that he will be the greatest in sure of all times the ultimate teacher that property being the ultimate teacher of humanity where does that belong to in the tree of this field that belongs to this fear of the ferrets of beauty when we say and we wish ourselves that the king appears in his beauty that our eyes merit to see the beauty of the king in what context in particular does that pertain to the context in which we see the beauty of the king is when the king addresses and speaks and teacher especially teachers the people well there's something that I saw see that it merited to be children to see the the Rebbe or a great Sadiq teach in his teaching that's when all of his beauty appears that's because house party ferret beauty there's the the middle pillar and axis of the Tree of Life that's what the Torah is and since it's in the middle of it it blends together all the hues and and the tones as we said before and the beauty is especially when he teaches Toba can be saved something more about beauty as we said before my shield is not guards all of us heavy heavy godly spark in ourselves is here to get out coming on my gosh but we can't say about the machine is the machine especially to use the term from biology from evolution theory the Musharaf is definitely in a certain way a positive mutation of mankind just like a quantum leap of humanity to a new place how much to say that a new species of mankind is appearing on the scene of the of reality how does the evolutionary theory explain positive mutations positive mutations are mutations which are beautiful what does it mean that they're beautiful it means that they attract mating a [Music] positive mutation is so beautiful that the other sex wanted to marry it that's the sign of the positive mutation to prepare offspring so this is a way to imagine the mush here mushiya is that positive mutation that all of mankind is gonna fall in love with this is so beautiful and want to unite with him and to have children from him to be like him it's all of these properties of properties of beauty of different the next two properties of the soul of the heart are apparent they always appear the para and he put a light up in the hold which is usually translated as victory and acknowledgement but there are those emotive properties of the soul that appear in action the previous three emotions are simply emotions of the heart per se there's one of personal begins to actually take action he also has to have different motivations emotive motivations and the primary are these two that always work together like two legs that can't walk one without the other they're called natural and hold victory and expenditures some people like to to picture the messiah as once more we just now said that he's like a new mutation of humanity but together with that is not just simply a superman before we said he's not God now we're saying that he's also not Superman the Messiah what I mean by that it mushiya forever a great years he does not rely on miracles mushiya himself his crown his wonder that he himself is like a miracle walking miracle walking one time but in his he's rectifying the world bring redemption to the world building the base amethyst which is the most beautiful thing on earth said that the three things that the Rambam outlines atmosphere does first he heals ourselves and then he fights and his victorious over llamada can that he builds the base on me touch the temple in Jerusalem all those three are the three first and motive properties that we said before but you might think that them Shia realized when he himself is a miracle a Superman no mushiya together with how crazy and how wondrous he is and all the properties that we discussed up until now at the very same time the machine is the most practical soul on earth he's the most industrious person there is as we witnessed in therapy the machine has a hard worker what's more some people would like to see the miss year as a Supra we'll use another term not not as a Superman as a magician Bashir is not a magician he doesn't do things by magic if you're a magician you don't have to work hard you just do things by magic it's not mushy the chef is a hard worker all he got up early and he goes to work and he goes to sleep late and he's working hard all day long what are the two sides of a hard worker the two words we used before in English he's industrious and his diligence the be industrious is to use all of the potential that he has the machinery cognizes his own limitations and the limitations of society the he has come to to help recognizing his own limitations and doing his utmost to overcome obstacles through the maxim extent that he is able to do to his limitations that's Nessa that's victory recognizing and what's what that's been as industrious as he possibly can be recognized as limitations that society as it existed present places upon him and coping with those limitations that's the sphere of hoped of acknowledgment and Thanksgiving so once more you might expect that mushiya piece paap immortal individual according to the ramen is not invertible resurrection is a is a further stage in the development of the world in Redemption according to my model t is the simple Charles is it mushiya his mortal lives and he dies his legacy remains eternally and the rule that he corrects is corrected the eternal day but he's a mortal individual he's also a fallible individual he's not totally infallible that's why he's not God he's not a Superman and he's not a magician and the fact that it was very very practical are these two most fields of nets of an old after these two comes his fault foundation foundation in the heart is very similar to dart to knowledge in the mind because it's a power of connection but the property of is sold in relation to our ultimate ideal individual is that your sword is the property of loyalty it's both loyalty just like loyalty to one's spouse and it's both devotion devotion to one's cause and purpose and devotion obviously the cause and purpose of the mushiya is the is to redeem mankind so he is just as he's a very very practical industrious and diligent those was abused before when it comes to you sold so it becomes the the epitome of devotion to the cause and loyalty and now that he knew each one of us in your soul he's not gonna let any one of us down because he's loyal to each and every one of us she can be reassured that the Messiah is not gonna let you down that reassurance is a property or is recognizing in the mercy of the property of his sort his foundation that he possesses the last of this village Markov kingdom obviously mushiya his kingdom is the King King Messiah but what does that mean in our picturing of the person of Michelle kingdom is is his affinity and similarity to King David and the most essential property of King David that he was lonely by et shuffle being I am very lonely in my own eyes my whole kingdom to that of this feudal to reflect the very first the crown because a crown is for a king in crown we said that there's a paradox that is revealed the paradox of simultaneous transcendence and imminence that's what's produced the sense of wonder and Kingdom the king is most charismatic the king you have to be a leader that's a charismatic leader I might think that charisma is actually a property of beauty and comfort our Beauty does connect to Kingdom but there's some special charisma and Kingdom which is not simply you not even all of those properties appeared that we mentioned before and that's the charisma that comes with existential loneliness there are two verses in Proverbs one says that the the woman of graves supports glory and the second says that the that a lonely of spirit supports glory and from these two verses we see that the the lowly of spirit is himself the woman of grace as well the krishna of of mahute of Kingdom is called Jane grace the beauty of the bharatas / air or your feet metope of fuel in hebrew there are different synonyms for a beauty the beauty that we discussed before in t farad is either your fee or para but the beauty of ma holt is the beauty of kind of grace of finding grace and the Torah teaches us that the true holy grace comes with a sense of loneliness what is the paradox that appears in the hood similar to the paradox of of the crown on the one hand the king in his holiness is transparent what do I mean by transparent that he reveals to himself that the kingdom is not mine but the kingdom is his there's a commandment in the Torah to appoint a king that we the Jewish people appoint a king that commandment reads plays she sure plays upon yourself a king why does a place who shall place twice so the surah says that the first place means first place God is the king and then place a a human being the Messiah has the king his first God has to be the king and that human being with the one worthy to be a king of the one who knows more than anyone else in the world that on that only God is the king he's totally transparent to that truth and to that realization the true king is the one of who's just not there as a king through him God reigns forever and ever he said that he's not immortal but since he's transparent to the kingdom of God God reigns through him Lord on the head for ever and ever at the same time it says about my food it's in a sense it's transparent to God because of his holiness holiness also love his image humility and modesty at the same time the mouth kingdom is called a mirror when you look into a mirror you see yourself reflected in the mirror says that a true king is one that everyone looks at actually sees his own reflection in the King one of the souls in the Tanakh and the Bible that represents Kingdom is Queen Esther the heroes of the holiday of Purim the people approaching it says about her about yesterday yesterday macao the deposit she concealed her identity no one knew what nation she was from everyone that looked at her saw her as a member of his nation he neither actually everyone that looked at her and saw himself these are property of a king of a true King that everyone actually sees himself in the king the king is just a mirror so he has these two properties of her pain which I click to different even opposing opposite properties simultaneous no one hand is transparent to God on the other hand is a mirror but each one and every one of us sees herself in him and that's His grace that is ultimate charisma that we all see ourselves reflected in his person so now we've discussed in short the outline of the character of the picture of the Michelle that we're all waiting for may he appear speed of the in our days but I think Robert Ginsberg another very inspiring she or I don't the rock wasn't here when I announced the special book of the Monty The Wandering Jew so look how much ash Guvna divine providence is is that the Roth began discussing machine the idea that he will be wonderous and wonderous soul so incredible ishka so this is the book of the month but with the Roth's permission I have a purpose to telling this story very short story the robbed seven in the aspect of net side the soul of in the Shia but also it means the spark of the musci up within us works very hard so it's a very very short but important story that once says to the ariza he says how did you merit to reach such spiritual Heights and so that our result said I worked very hard so Rebbe finding Tahu is genius of geniuses and way up there himself in wonder said to the ariza I also work very hard and the ariza looked at him and said that I worked harder and the reason I thought to tell that story is that the Rob also said that this idea of the Mushaf is not a magician so I just want to let everyone know rob a Ginsberg did not write over a hundred books without a lot of hard work it was not magic it was a lot of hard work and I know for the people here right outside books for those we're watching around the world you can go to in org and if you don't have the Rob's books you are missing something very very very important obviously if you're listening to me means that you are very connected to the teachings of the Rob but there are over a hundred books out there that need to be read and studied and given over to other people so this is an invitation for everyone to start to complete their library of revit Ginsburg's books if you now will start with the questions [Music] this is from doesn't say from pool or from where it says should we need to deal with discovering the Messiah the actual person if yes do we need does it need to be someone from this generation or the past generation we can obviously understand what this person is asking in the term what we find that the sages say that if seen mushiya's from the living he's a massage massage and if he's from the from the dead he also resembles ourselves in such and such from the dead is the prophets or the the great Daniel figure of Daniel the prophet the person to potentially fear from the president is ready Robin I adore such what it says in the Talmud in that they say just leave it open obviously we're looking for someone that is alive and in this generation so we have to keep looking hard with hard work we look for the mo find it this is from Leia and fat could the Rob please talk more about the courage the popular teaching is quote feel the fear and do it anyway how do we tap into the courage that is in potential in each one of us the courage is usually the ability to go against the trend to swim against the current to think out of the box all of these idioms and symbols require courage to be able to differ for the sake of God of the truth to get up and say the truth that you understand the truth to be we learn Torah in order to give us courage one of the reasons that we learn study deeply and work hard at studying the Torah is to give courage because the Torah is in order to teach us the truth and the truth is usually not but what is held as common coming in their knowledge and come in the agenda of the of the populations at large and a person that speaks the truth has to have a lot of courage so the the essence of the quorum of share was actually speaking the truth the the machine has got the leader the word leader in the Hebrew exactly speaker mushy offers the ultimate leave Ramiz as the elder the speaker of the generation and to speak the truth is not always to say what is politically correct so that's the very simple meaning of courage to have the courage to say and to lead not just to say but actually to lead people towards the truth the truth is the end that word we want to reach and it's not always the politically correct thing to do and to say and for that you have to have a lot of courage so just think about it and and I wish that we all do we all have that necessary courage they do it as the rebels say for often even though you're saying things which are not commonly accepted and politically correct but the Rebbe would always say but often omit Cobell nonetheless in the nicest possible way that does find favor in the eyes and the ears of the public that the Messiah will be someone that you would least expect this idea despite the fact that we just went through a whole aspects of what we could expect from the Messiah there's also a complimentary teaching that the Messiah will be so wondrous yeah you just answered the question the answer that the question is the is the ketta as all the things that we expect that we can actually a little bit try to define are the properties from wisdom down but the katha which is the true Bundoora is going to be a surprise this is the question of the very very appropriate good questions was asked now in fact I even thought that we would begin the class with this question that the alter rebbe the first relative about would say that the atmosphere that everyone is expecting is never gonna come and the true Messiah that nobody really expects is gonna be a total surprise so that's a plot that is the property of the crown and that's that itself as the window okay this is from Abraham in Los Angeles [Music] today and how okay so we have answered this question before because we said that the the courage of the material is to be able to get up and say things which are not politically correct that's the phrase that we used meaning that the quote unquote politically correct that itself is AMA that's the enemy what does that express itself that express itself in in the media of the generation the primordial snake is the essence or he who is in control of the media right now the controller of the internet and of all media and all news that is the primordial snake well yes the primary state does chuhwa he can also do true that it becomes a great that says that he would have him not have sinned the preneur a snake would have become the great servant of humanity so he has the potential has the potential to become the great servant of humanity but that's that's what has to the best but we have to have the courage to - to fight in a in a way it have to be ingenious I have to be wise to fight you have to be wise in caba daba thought that the origin of cavora of might is in wisdom so the question there was that how do we do it in order to do it right and and that it should work besides being industrious and hard-working we have to be ingenious so that's one small prey to a shame that he gives us that that wisdom that ingenuity that is necessary in order to to fight the primordial serpent but before we do it just in case anyone needs to leave or tune out the next C or is the 5th of March which is the first Sunday of March and it is I don't think we have to be prophets and prophetesses to wonder what the shipper might might be about and Zion a dark that is the birthday and the New York state of motion of a know so everyone stay tuned and also there's a good for those people here especially there's a very good chance that the Shearer will be here again but it's not a hundred percent so everyone's been getting the whatsapp and emails make sure that you check where it is it could be here and it could not be here okay [Music] [Music] okay I want to repeat it for those people one point Moshe defines himself as being uncircumcised lips expressing that he can't speak but the question was it seems that the uncle is the targa is maybe explaining it a little bit different but the killer mom knows not a difference just that's the aromatic way of saying that the that his lips are uncircumcised yeah kill means heavy he's heavy of speech that's the literal translation of uncle-ish calculus heavy so Moses is so spiritual is what we're taught that he's more soul than body Elijah's the opposite that his body is refined to the utmost it says that Moses was pregnant only for seven months and Elijah was 12 months and pregnancies with body came out perfect that you be find Moses his soul was very powerful to the extent that the body was unable to accept it for thee so anything that was physical from Moses was heavy so the reason that he could to speak was to think you don't need to use your physical limbs but to speak you need to use your physical body and the read that for that very reason it was he was hard for him to speak this is the soul did not totally penetrate the body and his lips his speech was heavy that's what tells us okay question [Music] [Music] they just repeat the question I hope I understood it correctly is after going through ten aspects of the soul of the rejected idea of Messiah and the spark of the ship within each person the question is should a person tried to activate or realize all ten soul aspects or pick one or two that they're most natural to them and try to develop those and from there go to the others okay certainly if you feel affinity to one of these properties more than the others you can definitely work try to work and manifest that more the a great principle kabab ah is that rectification has to do with the balance and for that reason of balance and equilibrium the Tree of Life is is based upon three axes that we mentioned before right left and middle if the property that you choose is at the middle is on the middle line the middle axis of the psuedo then definitely you can emphasize that by itself and then go on from one to the other if the property that you feel closest to or want to develop is on the right you should sit simultaneously try to balance it by the property on the left as if you have if something is on the right it should by the lift if something is in the middle initial date then that's okay by yourself have to fight the final words so the question is how we fight so there's an explicit verse in Isaiah that it says that over rocks vltava meet Rashad that he will fight with the spirit of his lips faster as it actually has to do with the question was asked before about Moses being being uncircumcised of lips mushiya after have very good lips and he fights and he kills the enemies and the the serpent with the spirit of his lips that's the as the worst of the Torah happy Nachman says it will not have to shoot one bullet just the spirit of his words [Music] we're out some trimming that is a passing ability the question is that it seems that different aspects of spirituality in the world in general meditation and mindfulness the fascination with Kabbalah and jewish meditation and the question is is this a passing fad or phase or is this actually a forerunner of the messianic era so we definitely believe that this a forerunner of the Messianic era this just we have to get and get it right not go after yoga and similar things which are not not from us and that's actually for anyone because ultimately the whole world will fall in love with the Torah and the beauty of the mushroom and all spirituality is there that says that there are point different points of wisdom that we can learn and incorporate from foreign sources with no spiritual way of life a special zone it's all in the Torah and we just have to beat this as a beginning what we're experiencing now is a beginning the beginning has to gain more and more momentum so that's how the purpose that's the reason we're here to give this more momentum and we used a phrase before and that way it has to reach some critical mass and then I started to reaches the momentum which is the critical mass and I were just to snowball by itself again hopefully I understood this correctly but I'm sure the question is many of the different aspects that the Roth talked about we're very proactive having a vision of where we want to end up because as a people and as an individual and then there are also aspects that are more receptive trying to be in tune with Hashem as will so what is the right balance in revealing the inner spark within ourselves and bringing the ship to the world between being proactive and more receptive okay so that's exactly what we you mentioned before that there has to be the balance equilibrium between the right and the left and the essential equilibrium is called the scales and the scales in Kabbalah are the two Sphero of the two powers of that second one that you mentioned nets off the edge of the productivity and hold of the receptivity says that some things were able to initiate ourselves whatever a person can initiate and do this is what we meant by recognizing one's own limitations just your limited time limited everyone is limited mushiya house was limited there's certain elements that limitation to a certain extent can be overcome with Edison sure that's an S of property of victory' property that's called active trust the two properties of NASA can hold that go together as a pair of called active trust and passive trust the verse in the Bible is but too hot hokhmah they both have or the wisdom of the kidneys and that wisdom of the kidneys is called two forms of confidence one is active confidence music I have confidence that our Shem gives me the power to get up and do things to work hard and accomplish things and when my limitations say to me well this I can just can't do by myself at all I must be by totally on God on a shame so that's called passive cognizance and that's the street alcohol that's acknowledgement of Thanksgiving the two souls that exemplify these two forms of of confidence are King David in his Wars and the king is Keauhou in his war against some heavy the King David got up and pursued his enemies to the very end he did it all himself with the power of God he was transparent but he got up and he thought was totally acted with a hundred percent active and the very opposite was his skill that he recognized he had no power to fight and to overcome a son he drew his enemy what did he do it says he went to sleep and he just relied on God it's God will take care and that's exactly what happened once morning he said I can't do it and he knew he was he it was true and sincere only God can do it I'm just gonna let God take over so those are the two extremes they have to work this part is called NASA and Hogan was all to practicality we said to being practical sometimes practicality means if you're practical and you work hard and you do something and sometimes to be practiced is recognize that right now I can't do anything that's the opposite extreme means that only God can do it's the betta hump I heels of active security confidence and passive competence okay so I gotta read the next two questions together because they go together the first one is from Robin in Los Angeles asking the Rob if he could explain what it means in the tumbler that mushiya is a bar not flow and as it were an aborted soul or soul that is in a constant process of being aborted and the next question is very important lest anyone doubts that people all over the world are watching this this is from actually a good friend John in Abu Dhabi who the Rob actually answered this already but I think he wants a deeper explanation is will the Mushaf be immortal or will he die we will start from the air from that from the end we said definitely that according to the Rambam it will not be immortal it says that it will live and die if we merit as a question of merit to the resurrection happening in the beginning of the appearance of Messiah then he will be immortal and not many others will also be immortal and ultimately all souls will be revived gun bang college but the simple chart is that the machine will not be a more it was hit the indica Mirage says that he he will brain his son or brain his grandson mograine after them for three generations so that's the simple the simple thing the the fact that my ship is called a miscarriage bomb a flaw that's a expression a symbol of what we refer to in mal code in the kingdom aspect of material as being his existential state of loveliness that is not here what does it mean to be in Hebrew abortion or miscarriage is called Agnetha left mr. fall there's something about mushiya the right is here he's always falling what does it mean he's falling he's falling out of the picture don't take me seriously I'm just falling away then he has to come back in order to fall again so he's always a feeling it's always father picture and always be said before to be able to see through him where it's really coming from who is the real kid 74 thudding the communism okay okay so the question is the apart suit in the picture that the rock painted tonight of Messiah so the question is is that referring to me chef Danielle chef or mashiac Mondavi or both of it is referring to both of them but in particular on the Mafia vinyasa mashup and David are the two last as two separate individuals or or persona that the loyalty of the sword and the devotion of the assault that we spoke about the foundation the one before the last that's the property of Mashiach Ben Yossef and the lowliness transparence and also the mirror and the chain the the grace of the mullet themselves that's the property of Marshall and the reason I believe there was a question okay let's take one more yes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so the question is it's actually dealt with at least in part in the Gemara the Itza Hashanah you know there's what do we have to mirror it to bring Messiah or does Michelle come in it's time or is there a possibility if I understood correctly that Messiah himself will actually pushed the time yo he'll make it happen whether we married it or not I think that was the question the Rebbe said in his last years that the most important thing for us to do in order to promote and to speedily helpless feel calm is to think about him to do exactly what we did this evening to meditate upon him to try to find him in ourselves and ourselves in him and to be ready and to pray to God that we that we merit this is the merit if we remember we have to pray that we know but objectively were we merit meters of Messiah Kadokawa kiss him all of the air all of the ends of time have already passed and now mushiya should be here and we just have to desire him much more the opposition to Machaerus we said before is that that serpent of that media simply does not want him to come it's very very simple that the beloved large is not interested in the machine come coming for whatever reason so to over that the battle to overcome that and tumeric Nishioka mister very very this that's what the Rebbe said to cry out at masa how long do we have to wait and to want with all of our hearts mushy and part of that desire is the ability to to picture but what you're asking for if I pray for something I have to have some something in my brother what I'm praying for that's what we tried to do tonight in order to give us some meaning to what we're praying for and if we're praying hard enough and that that's what we can do that's my machine ok one final question before the question though is I just want to remind everyone again the first Sunday of March March 5th Zion Aadhaar will be the next class [Music] [Music] okay so the final question of the evening and I'll also remind everyone who is here right when we finish redundant Myra's everyone's welcome to stay and cover my rib with us the question was in Ithaca Eliyahu that goes to the different spirit and gives names or descriptions it talks about the enclose meant of the spirit and the question was what does this mean exactly and how does that fit into helping us activate the Mushaf in the world and in ourselves well a description is a closed a an enclosed into clothing what we did this evening the meditation this evening was to on each different picture of the difference should also be severe the ashiya that was keep clothing this fee wrote we've got the description itself which was a many of the things are or even new words like if we for instance famous for Nelson hood we said to be industrious and diligent so we have many books just as we said before Baruch Hashem Hashem there are many many books and in English also about 100 in English there is several books and each book the model is always this few volt and there are different names as far as I remember the people here that can ask that many of the words that we use today to describe the mushiya are new words no in English that words that we did not use in the past to define that to describe the history wrote so using those new words and those new thoughts those are giving new clothing from time to time have to go to the euro men's store and to buy a new suit so every time we every class from month to month that we have a new class and we have some new parts off and we use new words so that's a that's a news a new suit and no clothing for this video I just want to say the Rafah going I believe very much in the 8020 formula we've heard about the 8020 formula approximately 80% of the ROVs books are in hebrew and approximately 20% are english so there's plenty for everyone I should also mention there's booked their translations in Russia Spanish French look she is Portuguese am I missing something Chinese Chinese okay thank you everyone for coming Bible
Channel: Harav Ginsburgh's English Channel
Views: 11,215
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Length: 109min 39sec (6579 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2017
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