Book of Ruth - English class

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thank you thank you very much first of all welcome to everyone that's here in Jerusalem and around the world he's participating in this field this is a month the month of Devon of Matan tour of the giving of the Torah we celebrated a few weeks ago tuckshop world a few weeks ago we celebrated the festival of weeks cogs award which commemorates the giving of the Torah to our miss Webb together with the reading in the Torah the Ten Commandments and the story around the Ten Commandments we also on the day of Shabbat read the scroll of Ruth we give out a boot which is one of the 24 books of the Bible the Hebrew Bible the reason that we connect the scroll of Ruth to the giving of the Torah is because the same day that the Torah was given to us many years later King David was born and also passed away on the same day and even the name Ruth is short if it's spelled backwards it's short for the word toga because she was the archetypal figure of a righteous convert a devoted woman that came from a very foreign background and became a full-fledged Jewish and not just she became a full-fledged a Jewish but she became the great-grandmother of King David and therefore the great grandmother of the house is David till the coming of Messiah it says that all of the souls of all the kings of Israel couple of are thought all of the kings of Israel present he's contained within her soul she's an all-inclusive soul of MalK worth of the kingdom of David the king toward David is an oratory to real lives the reason that God gave it to about Israel which is that God's kingdom which is a kingdom of hazards of kindness children should be President rule over the entire world that is through the kingdom of David so we connect on Shabbat the giving the tebab to Israel and the lineage of Davi medical staff I became David the king of Israel is alive eternally so that's why I thought that the very appropriate thing to address and to try to expound upon is the is the message of the of this probables the archetypal saw both as the righteous comfort to the Jewish people and that Kingdom derives in this sense from her there are several the readings of her name the sages teach about the name of Ruth that what the name means in the revealed part of the table which is he the Kabbalah of the Midrash so Ruth has to do with quenching thirst the Chi gave birth to a halt to King David which once more her great grandchild that quenched God first for song for song can praise because King David not only is a king but he's referred to the presence of singer of Israel and the most important to think the decomposed is the book of songs and every Jewish person and every every person around the world you cannot change Jewish people this is this is the book of the Bible that expresses the outpouring of the heart to to God and if we pour out our hearts to God he desires for our songs to you so what what the expression is that King David the pleasant to single of Israel quenches the thirst of God for song and praise and because of that he is called booze cause Ruth means she self now say to people only benefit Eva at a college bottle for is she wrote with each report the function comes first for song in praise that's one one explanation of the meaning of her name's a second explanation is that rules has to do with sight if you had an average to do that you come to the altar the route that she saw the words of her mother-in-law and follows in her footsteps it's the one that actually performs the conversion process was not the greater rabbi or sage it was her mother below not only now me and rules go together another reason that we wanted to speak today about it's pretty relevant the whole day this whole year is because because these two hero wins undisclosed of our booth which are not only the one with the the daughter-in-law when India mock you add the names together and not only not only and the booth it equals 776 which is the number of this year in the Jewish calendar so there's something about this year especially tough team I involve that we should contemplate and our contemplation is over to emulate these two great personalities which are to women not on menus that they are a pair and the beginning of the Book of Ruth that says that with cling to her mother and the other daughter-in-law left or pas but Ruth claimed to know me and ami taught her the way the army actually the one that performed the conversion right so one reading of what Ruth means it that she sees words of truth and she follows and devotes herself to lead a life based upon what she sees such as an inner I says in the heart that an inner eye that sees the truth and she sees the truth and follows the way of the truth that's a second explanation of what Ruth what our name means a third explanation of what Ruth means is stated in the zohr the most esoteric text of our tradition she was written by repeating bar Yohai in this all it says that the the name Ruth are rules to the port Ruth when read backwards as Ruth is a very simple the world name in Hebrew three letters Rachel tars if you spell it backwards its spell supported Gabor we already said it Torah short for Torah but what is torn mean by itself Torah by itself is a bird it's a doubt it usually translators at turtledoves there are several species of doves in the Bible it says that there are actually three different species of does one of the Turtledove another it's called a home does a poem dubbers also referred to as a laughing stuff because the voices it makes is like a is like left to us for the laughing does already palm the wiser because it has an affinity to palm trees it likes to make them make its nest in palm trees whenever we have a palm tree in in the Bible this is full of nests of doves of palm does the most famous verse of a dove in the whole Bible is in the song of songs it has to do with redemption and the whole Book of Ruth also has to do with retention because she asked her was to be timur the word redemption appears mostly in the whole Bible in the Book of Ruth it's a book of redemption and there's a verse that refers to the voice of redemption which called the voice of the Turtledove in the songs of songs that we have called hot Amish mafia Latino and evil the voice of the Turtledove is heard in our land and that voice of the Turtledove is the voice of the the tidings of the coming of the Messiah of redemption it's called Colorado so once more the Torah says that the truth should be read backwards and she herself is the tall which brings the voice and the tidings of redemption dogs and he brothers another word for davao Jana a more common word which is also a symbol and a parable for the Jewish people we've also referred to as you'll know you're not evil ugly I said other many in the song of songs in other places throughout the Bible that we are referred to symbolizes adult within several special places much fewer than the Yaya we are referred to that tour one of the most important verses that that King David himself refers to himself as at all and he has Hashem to to save him as as you would save a big turtle dog that's in in danger he says an insult Psalm 74 there's a very famous verse that says LT 10 the Hyatt nephesh dobrica do not give to a wild beast the soul of your total does referring to himself was more a King David in addition to all of his kingdom and all the worlds that he fought and all of his preparation to build the temple in jerusalem which he did not merit of it himself at the Sun Ashla marmella Kings King Solomon he asked he pours out his heart in Psalms and in this verse is one verse only that refers to himself as pure Doug your total tour ever obviously alluding to his great grandmother which is what it's supposed in English there's several boards which are more or less anonymous anonymous if there's a dog there's also a pigeon some of the same speech the same family the reason that I mentioned the word patience for a pretty good reason it's over now there I'll explain of all of the 24 books of the Bible the book of Ruth is the smallest it has only 85 verses to it it's called blue at amethyst I get a little bear it is something small that contains large the very largest content that can be purchased once more the lineage of King David King David is now called the kingdom of amuse of the people of this law and the Kingdom about him the kingdom of God God's kingdom on earth no Lafayette forever and ever as we said before the the world koel and Lula Redemption and Redeemer appears most in this very small text there are many many different motifs that we could address and try to analyze and discuss today but the one that we're going to choose is is a very important idea and model that is talking kabbalah that one of the all-inclusive features of this Book of Ruth is that it reflects God's name that's essential named tetragrammaton you'd give of G and it reflects God's name in the figures the persona that appear in the text the God's name is called the Tetragrammaton which means of the four-letter name because it has four letters and even though Hashem Erhard that is absolutely one but these four letters represent four different stages of revelation of emanation of creation so the four estate or meditation in Kabbalah all jewish meditation is based first and foremost see on the structure and on the floor of these four letters of Hashem stay and perhaps the most important appearance of a model that is based on good caves of clay that's the four letters yield and hay and Bourbonnais is is the scrolls of Ruth why so long because it appears with the family and then the family members change and transform that one transforms into the other but there are always four persona together how does it begin the text begins with the fact that the reserve here he a very important family an aristocratic family in Judea from Beth van from Bethlehem that have it it was a father and a mother and two sons the father's name was ethic meth and the mother's name is not on me and the two sons their name their names are Maha lon and Killian so in Kabbalah it says that this is the original four-letter model of our son's name as the four letters in addition to being the structure of the revelation manifestation of light and a creative process a very simple way to understand the four letters in God's essential name is that they represent a family the very first commandment in the Torah is to be fruitful and multiply to have a family north ever family there has to be a father and a mother and children they're just a question in hollow hearts of what is the minimal necessity of children the minimal number of children that you must have in order to have fulfilled the commandment the first commander the first and foremost commandment of the Torah to be fruitful and multiply that Shama Shama the elder says that in order to fulfill the commandment to be fruitful multiply you have to have a two sons but that hill there was the opposing opinion says no you have to have a son and a daughter if you have two sons you have not yet fulfilled the commandment you have to have a son ah-ha-ha-ha decides in this order in this realm in our world we decide the other hunnic in accordance with petty Adele there has to be a father in a mother and a son and a daughter means that there has to be a male and a female and one smaller male in the Vietnam and that's the way the four letters of our trenches name are understood the T the first letters that you will des the Father and the second letters are hey he is the mother and the third letters evolve evolve is like taking the yield if you we imagine and contemplate the way the letters are written so a vow and begins with the unit's just a line that takes to your damned entity and makes it descent into reality so to speak that's the son but then there's another hey but the lateral hate repeats itself twice as first as the mother and then as the daughter the verse says key marvista as mother so daughter so those are the two haze of a French name but originally once more the the final rectified state of youth KPFK is male or female male female father mother son daughter and daughter being the last has actually had a who would even above the father it says the very end is rooted even above the beginning but that's the final rectified structure and model but first the first model is as in accordance with the opinion of bed my that his father mother sons son so that's what it isn't cover on that that's the way it was initially in our in our case in this photo booth that you have a father in the mother er which was having medica Nami and then you have two sons Madeleine Killian once more this UT Buffy is not stable yet it's still in a relative state of chaos is the word in Kabbalah and it has to be rectified and it is becomes rectified through several or many stages now what we're going to explain now is is something that would take something now even a mathematical principles principle that use not in our modern physics which is called the pigeonhole principle since we're talking about this is the reason we wanted to to talk about pigeons pigeons and doves because there's a very important principle in mathematics and it's now become an innovative concept in quantum mechanics in non-local quantum physics as proposed by a very important Israeli physicist at our lives and Orange County's a little bit south of La of Los Angeles maybe somebody is is from there right now you can try to look up here on of who is famous for the key run bomb effect the are one of bomb effect he's all the oppressed professor emeritus but he's a very very important physicist in this in our times and one of his innovations in physics is that the seemingly obvious pigeonhole principle does not apply or is violated in quantum states what is the pigeonhole principle the pigeonhole principle is the abstraction of the game that is played in kindergarten by almost every child around the world which is called musical chairs so everybody knows what musical chairs are musical chairs are that you have say five players and you only have four chairs and the gun the kindergarten person sings a song he has to sing a song and the children of the players walk around the chairs sometimes the chair is placed in a different direction and at that moment that dissolve ceases ends at that very moment everybody has to toe face had to catch and sit in the chair but there are five people know me for chairs meaning that one is gonna be left out so that one is left out and then you start seeing again take take away one's one chair you only have about four people and three chairs and the same thing every time one person will be eliminated until in the end there will be one person remains with one chair and here's the winner of the game that's called musical chairs in Hebrew I believe they just caught a key so they missed the basic word which is musical yeah when I asked people they said just use yourself so what's more it has to do with the chairs that chairs are thrown it also has to do with King David King Solomon has to its music the greatest musicians of the Jewish people's King David we have this game you know that's called musical chairs how's that obstructed obstructed into what's called the pigeonhole principle that's the term that is used in in physics what is the obstruction if you have two numbers n is greater than M not just like one that can be greater by many more than M you have n objects or entities but you only have M places for them to go so the principle stays the most obvious is seemingly the most obvious statement that if there are n things that have to be placed in M average which is less then either summer can be left out or you're gonna have to push two or more pigeons into one hole let small you have so many pigeons the hole is called Shobha he has so many pigeons so many holes so many places for the pigeons ago but you have more pigeons in places so so the principle says it's either one small either some pigeons are gonna be left out or you can have to push some more than one pigeon into one place in our musical game you can't sit two people on one chair this one person can occupy one share what did you Corrado olive is si what is he what did he say he's still saying it what does he say about the the pigeonhole principle much more when this principle it seems so obvious that it's like a truism but it's not when applied to a set theory when applied to infinite sets its most profound becomes more profound this principle but and it supplies but it does not apply and says yaki Rehana for quantum states why because in quantum states one object one entity are not with the objects as the famous phrase in physics that an electron is not a thing but it's an empty we'll call it an entity one entity can be in two places I'm not a initially or very engli two entities can occupy one place so the the principle does not apply in the quantum world there's something even more important in modern physics that is attributed to this is called the r-1 of arm effect his teacher his mentor was bound David um was David Bohm also an important tourist has one of the most important purchases of physicists in general in the bomb vo atrium born yeah ironic boom effect what does that effect say is even something more rare and mysterious and miraculous it says that the events of the future effect present states of being the future affects the present we'll see now in our analysis negaduck lost at both of these principles are important for understanding the story of this growth applause so now we'll say an intestate but have we have here four places the four places like the four pigeonholes the four pigeon halls are the four letters of our shams named yogi bogey the first occupants are four pigeons the first four pigeons are Alima there and Normie in makkah zone and killed young what happens then the very beginning of the book it says it because of the matter took his family from arity straw from years fell to hotels because it was a family here in Israel but he was the leader of the generation and he was responsible to take care of the generation and he left he abandoned the ship so to speak so he was punished and he he Perry passed away every method the father meaning that the that the patron in the first in the top position disappears flies away like pigeons by eyes away so who now occupies that that position now what will be may move only three but three players three pigeons remain know me and maka Vaughn and kill you so it says there are two things that happen now one is it not only ourselves which is one entity one pigeon occupies two positions simultaneously which once more that's the that's breaking the pigeonhole principle at the quantum level another explanation is that even though that first pigeon flies away which is having matter but nonetheless he leaves an impression and that impression actually also exists within and the person the body of no army is called the spirit that he leaves within the womb of normy so that spirit is still present it's like a LD method one not not part of a call to a a mystical or a or a phantom reality you have a phantom reality of Eddie medic presence still in the top position of the youth giving a third and this is the most important of all explanation is the tenth position which once more the Dove flew away that now becomes possessed by the future figure in that the future influences and becomes present in the present now who that future figure is that the bull soon see who it is but once more we began with a youth wave of K which was a bet shean my youth give out the of father mother son son and then at the father on a flew away and we were just left with the mother and the two sons what happens then the two sons marry two more bites women attend names are in accordance with the way they said in the in the Michaela truth and the truth force adventures the not good woman which is all parfait Mahato polish a machine eat and the good woman is mentioned second truth once more chaos precedes rectification that's the principle darkness precedes light so first her name is mentioned Orpah the dark name and then ash Emma she need the second name to be mentioned is Ruth which is the allah the name of light the name of the kingdom of David to be what does this have to do not with our patrons of the pigeonholes and the chairs and the music being played now we have trans entities in one position a union of man and woman of husband and wives is one body they become one like two people two souls in one place he that Mass alone and muth alone as the son that married Ruth they are now devolved the third level we have one two three four positions position number three are now occupied by mufe alone together with through the position number four is now occupied by Killion and Orpah what happens is in the two saunas fire away much mother also punished there are two explanations why they were punished either for the same reason that the father was punished because they left Israel and they could have influence it says that they could have had positive influence on the father not to leave Israel and they didn't so they were also responsible for abandoning the Jewish people in the time of stress and a hardship in the time of famine or the other opinion said that the reason they were punished is because for the very reason that they married more by climate and did not convert them that's one opinion cause all they did not convert them in this or that says that they did convert them then the question becomes if they already converted them so why does not owe me after once more convert with a second time that's why there are two opinions whether when they marry the two the two more about women were they converted or burden of converted in any event we have here to Paris that were punished that the husbands were punished and they indict so they these pigeons flew away so know what has become once Barbara were playing musical chairs so what now becomes we have we're not taking chairs of way we always have four chairs so what now becomes the the four chairs once more the half the first chair chair number one is not clear who's occupying that chair chair number two is is constant as we're going to see there's only one chair that is continuously from beginning to end occupied by the same person and that's not only which is also very deep tea tree in itself that the only constant presence is the mother presence which her name means pleasantness the very same word that used for King David the image Marathi saw is the pleasant singer of Israel that pleasantness that Pleasant mother is the only constant figure it does not change all of the others change all the initial three males leave died and are all substituted there are two females one female remains as soon as few enters the scene which is Ruth the other female enters but leaves she doesn't tie between leaves also fuzzy it's oppa it's one for theirs now we have a state that we have our empty chair number one which is not empty according to the three ways we explained it before why it's not empty and then we have chair number two which is occupied certainly by Nami yourselves we have chair number three which is now booths because she's left over from her husband her husband off long passed away so Ruth is there at level number three and at level number four is now Orpah the wife of King Leon the two brothers that they died the flute flew off so what's what's what's unique about this this you Tversky that both the valves and the yield are feminine or or women it's all women now we only have three women not only and root and/or power so there's one stage of your que vas game that the entire youth give off he is feminine that's a very a very amazing gift phenomena but again that can't remain that way this is only a passing this is a stage of development what is the next you cave of K which even becomes more condensed less letters than before or palms normies speaks lovingly tour two daughters in law says that I I have no more children that you can marry I have rough melissap have compassion upon you that you should be able to establish your own homes and marry again so you should so I advise a dog with a cried but go home go back to your zero it's your first homeland so after much crying once more kisses her mother-in-law and leaves afterwards were taught that she becomes the mother of coeliac life the David the great grandson of Ruth had to battle and kill the son of the other of the other woman that was married to kill young so when she flies off she is not a hundred percent good Ruth says don't speak don't try to force me to cause me to leave you are not and never gonna leave you wherever you go I will go wherever you see if I go see if you your people is my people your God is my God where you die I will die where you will be buried that I will be buried do not speak with me more so when the Omni herd for absolute devotion and will and she stopped this is that from here from her we learn how to address he convert a potential convert when you see that he is a hundred percent sincere then to not try to push him off while pushing off is only a little test just to test his sincerity as soon as you see this sincere 100 percent and then just you mean me kind of you have to embrace him and bring him into into the fourth that's what we learned from Normie and Ruth so now we only have to assess the root of carbon the expression is that truth cling to her to normally and would not leave them so know what has happened to our youth give of K at the revealed level we now only have two places occupied but it's also very it's strange because the place number two is occupied by Normie and place number three is occupied by booth his place number four which was occupied by our power two years left and place number one once more that was le method the father that he was the first tool to leave so once more just as we said before that you know army-like at the quantum level can occupy two places simultaneously the G can be both in space number two as well as in place number one so the same thing we have to say for both know that at this stage of development rules can be in two places simultaneously both in place number three and place number four but revealed Li and we only have these two Namie who knows what happens then Norman in North Country Israel Ruth goes to into to look for someone that will allow her to gather grain and sheaves in the field just as poor people gather sheaves and she by heart by Providence she found the field of was was more than cooperative and very very helpful to her own two together and this is the topic of the chapter whole chapter two discusses how she went to the fields and brought back rain to just sustain herself and her mother-in-law then comes chapter number three of the book of the public booth that the Army says knobs come to time that I want you to become independent I want you to come to your true destiny of building a home for yourselves and then she tells her own exactly gives her a very very precise instructions of what to do or how to how to go to bars and to lie by his feet and to say to him that when he wakes up at night say to him that you are the potential Redeemer of our family and I am I beseech you to to return to redeem us so what does Boston say one says that first of all he praises him very much that you didn't go out after the young men he just came after me to do a meat saw it was it was an old at the time just exactly how all the balls are different opinions in India of the sages baby was an old man so he praised the story says that with my daughter on whatever you ask me to do I will do for you and the even swears he he makes an oath hi out phlegm by the light of God I will do what you would ask me to do and and and then he does but what do you say he said to her that you should know that there's a closer relative than I am I am a nephew of Elling mother but the father of the passed away was our position number one his name is Adam Adam I am a son of his brother but there is one of his brothers in his syllabi his brother who is still alive as a closest called koel Carruth me many he's a closer Redeemer than am I mean if there are two Redeemers here in this story one is called the co l carros the close redeemer and the other is boss himself who finally is the redeemer but he is a distant a relatively distant redeemer ago era hawk now the source is an amazing thing it says that was even though he now begins the lineage of King David but he as the distant redeemer is referred to as the Messiah of ben Yosef the messiah the son Joseph even though he's from food and our embryos but spiritually a soul as an archetype of soul he is the co arikok and he is mushiya Messiah the son of Joseph were as the go el Carlos that clothes well who did not agree to redeem as was explained he is the origin of mashiach ben david a very amazing thing the ultimate mystery of the calm is that soul of the ELCA rove of the close reading if there's much much to discuss and we don't have now time to discuss it in in detail but we'll just now say but that there is a person here a mysterious unnamed person in this story that all the time he was really from the future present as the first position in the UK above came model and his name is not mentioned he is referred to as lonely almani the translation of that phrase Cloney armani is is kasi victim mere he's concealed covered up and he's nameless his unnamed clone the Armani is also very amazing you Macheath at the Berloni equals exactly not only and the world our money equals exactly any method means there is something about him that he includes both the first and the second positions of our youth Cavalli and he had once maracanĂ£ two days or he this planning Armani this mysterious unnamed hidden concealed sole is the Moshe up and Binta be but in at that particular stage of history in the book of rules is the time has not yet come for him to appear at the manifests himself remains hidden he even refuses to redeem at this point and he says that you boys you have to read in first cuz you are much easier than yourself and beside the son of Joseph and you come first before me for me you have to wait for the future so again what happens as soon as no only since Ruth to do something to build herself unknown but she's actually doing she's pushing a booth down from position number three to position number four which is her real place because she's motherhood and there she has to marry someone new and that new person that she marries will now become the third position so what's more there's another stage here that they were two together but they were clinging to one another the mother-in-law and the daughter not were clinging to one another and they were stage two and three but now when she initiates this act that rules the does to lie down by boss and to procedure much smaller that he must be deal and marry her so she's preparing her now for her new future to become the the great-grandmother of King David and she's she's so to speak pushing it down into molecules it in the level of motherhood in order to do that she herself has to raise up a little bit to the level says it to be like a fun set of a mother to a to the first she was a daughter which was like a son there's inversion of other of the gender here first she was like a son now she has to she nor me after a little bit go up to be a father figure and she and move that to descend to be a total daughter figure the Ariza himself says this explicitly says that first Ruth was only the mcpoot of determine couple are seventeen the market as the valve of Hashem stay but she has to descend in order to marry boys justice center become Malcolm proper and then what happened then was enters the picture and Baz now becomes the the vows the position number three and Ruth now is position number four not only is still position number two but we have now already met so to speak that soul was to assume position of the one which is the flow Neil Molly there is another amazing thing the but this will book include that resolved the the sages teachers that was was an old man and that very same day that he married Ruth and they had integrals animals became pregnant that very same day passed away he also flew up another pigeon flying off so the end is that we have at the revealed level we have only known me as the first day and boss was there but it was there for just one day was there and the officer flies away and now we have rules but in their proper position of Marquart and that what happens but then we have the lineage as the way it ends that we have a theater son and then you shy or grandson and then we shy all theater to target so with this we this is check this will call up Erik others of the beginning to understand what what is happening in this fall of those there are many many other right things and the topics to to contemplate maybe we'll leave that for the next time but first of all this class now Russians it belong here altogether we also have to the seat of German play to attended for the whole Jewish people every month a teacher yuxuan is a GU longs to be redeemed at the personal level and especially this class is dedicated to everybody love it friends was he's in Los Angeles right now and his name is ash normally its class been asked to figure so you should have enough flash they love and all armies so should ever the flush they mom and now we're gonna see if we can take the top we're here live from Jerusalem and around the world on the internet and Rob Ginsburg's monthly shear I'd like to remind everyone that this class is gonna take place on the last Sunday of every secretary month before we take questions from the audience here in Jerusalem and from that we're receiving from all around the world via email we'd like to have a short musical interlude during that interlude you can use the broadcast homepage to do a few things the first thing you can do is sign up for a summary of this class and a reminder about upcoming classes the other thing that you can do is use the link to go to the gala and I store and buy one of the Reb begins one of the many of our Ginsburg's interesting and the throttling books about Kabbalah and could be the mystery of marriage the anatomy of the saw books about almost every topic you can think of and what the Jewish cabbalistic viewers about those topics so now we're gonna cut to a music interlude and we're gonna be back in a few seconds a few minutes with questions if everyone could please sit down we're gonna take the questions now we will have questions that from the audience oh this way if everyone could please be seated here in Jerusalem and everyone around the world could please tune in we'd like to start with a question that we received from David from London England David asks during the rub the rub talked about meditating using God's name can anyone do this what are the benefits and how can one start but that's an excellent question it's definitely everyone can ensure that should meditate upon such gems name that's why Shem has a name because if he wouldn't have a name nothing to meditate upon because that much about physics are no thought to grasp the essence of God at all the only way that we have some hold or some grasp is because there's a name the name is composed of letters and first and most basic text in Kabbalah I see Judas got sold Hashem living of which is the secret and mr. Abraham's name with those it this fear and Stenton or god they're endless examples and topics just like today we had a topic this based upon our gems name and meditating about the school of wolf realizing that the persona in the store applause occupied the very same positions and meanings of a chance name this gives tremendous significance was called a richness of understanding obviously in order to do its ability to be able to really meditate you have to have a lot of knowledge that's why if you simply have a whole paregoric big book and to understand the significance of each of the letters of our campaign what it means in our buyers will see a very very very simple thing that the person that that's all--that's as we spoke before occupies the first level of attempts named so contemplating that soul and realizing that he corresponds to the first letters that brings out the property of selflessness in the soul b2 because the first letter offense name is wisdom and it's inner experience in the soul means in my psyche is beauty the selflessness meaning that invisibly and what we just has talked about contemplating and the matter which one for the first man that are three become selfless and disappears from the scene contemplating his soul is will help me realize in my soul in a state of selflessness before God the second letter must aid in short the second lever destroy the ohmic pleasantness he said that it was only once or that's constant no army the pleasant mother sees her represents in my soul reflects itself in my soul as joy in the service of god he performed an aquatic government about God and praying to God joy in service of God you see its position number two position number three is compassion on other human souls position number four is is loneliness in the state of a change that not knows that everything that I have and everything I do comes only from above I have no power to act and to do anything alone by myself everything that I possess is from above so that for very basic states of consciousness that's what comes from meditating upon a ship's name what's more we have to learn more and more what is all rivers topher any questions from the audience our national she's in order to the the question was we actually mentioned this in the class that the the initial diversity in the in the in the book of brought the family the initial family is father mother son son that's the opinion of better my that in this way one once fulfills the commandment of being fruitful multiply by two parents having two sons but you do not that's not the way that we decide to hahaha in this in this world and we made a point that then this will be democracy in the futures that we both passed in the Buddhist article it's a better armor because better themselves well they will decide if a little better on the simple reason we mentioned that every year this the first stage is immediately changed just you be the first first a few a few verses from the beginning so you see that three of the the all three males live fly-off meaning that it's still a chaotic state relative to what it's gonna be meaning that it's not ah that's exactly the meaning that this first state is the like that the mother is a well-studied that a moon there's a cancer called that happen in a first thought but it's not the final conclusion so the first thought is is like better my actually we didn't mention that there are many of the greatest figures in the Terron cells that we see that inch in in actuality their lives they performed the opinion of a traumatic Moses himself the giver of the Torah did he have a daughter no how many songs did he have he had two sons exactly so we see that Moses themselves maybe I've shown just that's the way I shall made a ticket may be good what's the wasn't didn't have the good fortune to have a daughter but he had some sons what about the day it's hot and we've got two songs what about yourself obsolete two sons so we see that the many of the most important figures in the in the Torah that in actuality their family their Yuki both gay each one had is you give up a and there you keep of cables of father and mother to heart nonetheless let it all says that the inaugural that is not a rectified stated name it's not yet complete the two sons much more importantly if you have two sons it's break that both sons occupy the same quantum state and in order to get to the real fourth level you have so it's good that two sons you can have a better sense that if they're all at the level number three of the vote but mouths hoot you have to have a daughter that's what Betty loves us after that we'll be on my food maybe maybe it says eat refuel on bars or something also it because without that information in the future when the male and the female figures will be equal to one another so in a certain sense all we become men so then it's okay than even better it's better love will agree to a bedroom like this one well this has to be explainable but that's a that's an answer to the question okay on the same commandment to being fruitful and multiplying ritual from New York asks that the RAF talked about the commandment of being fruitful and multiplying what is the rugs view from the halacha and Kabbalistic perspective on using birth control to space children there are obviously certain health issues that which are exceptions to the ball when there's there's some real health problems that children can just be spaced but they say just say that from a prime ahem that in relation to children and one should be country one should be like a simpleton not think just leave it to God God as the Creator God gives the blessing of children that says having children is the power of the Internet one it appears indeed the only way that infinitely appears in our finite state is in bearing children so don't play around with infinity unless there's some real health problem just let God take over and be sure everything will be so because every child that you have is one is a source of the internet person this is the mushiya when all of the souls all the children are born all potential source of born into this world that's the sign of being mature for every additional tribe that you'll hit one bearers were bringing in the shear also it was do you have any questions from the audience every transaction he says it the question is is the way that we now attempted to analyze the a basic model in the poker booth can that same process of method be utilized for any parts of the turnout of the piper so in a limited say if you find explicitly something which is you to keep up its obviously that's why the whole Bible is full of beauty but everything is can be analyzed into UC Berkeley but this particular phenomenon of what we call the musical chairs of it this is the same set changing over and over again that is something which is unique to the Book of Ruth so that's why I would call the Book of Ruth the musical chair text of the of the Bible that alludes once more to this pigeonhole principle which is not a vague and quantum in the quantum world but again the dissented positions are constantly being turned over and over again and inverted male-female everything being ever untold funny comes to its final rectifier okay just like to remind people that on the broadcast home page you could there's a spot to fill questions you can send the questions and now to Jerusalem you can also take the opportunity to buy the book the Hebrew letters which is on sale this month it's Jewish Book month here in Jerusalem so we're expanding it all around the world and you're able to buy the book the Jewish letters the Hebrew letters for 1250 we have a question the question is asked is it good to get married next to the to the tomb of Joseph in Iran so now it's not so simple to be there for security reasons but in the past there were definitely there reflection weddings it's the video system it's it's the most appropriate and beautiful place to get married the most important things that the PES our mission is definitely is when you give a name to your child is it okay to give it more than one name that one name should be after a wealth of like your grandparents and the other efforts are Deeks and simply to Raphael and so forth so the most important thing is that they're giving the name comes from the depth of the hearts of the parents you just now talked about the African church and his name the shrimps angels are father and mother the children that's God's name so the father the mother they should definitely be the ones that decide by their inspiration of what the name is about to be in in specific traditions like in about tradition sometimes it's said that if you give a name after one of the Grevy's it's better to just keep it by itself but once when I go back that the general rule is that that name that constant as we find in the Bible itself that the mother usually the mother was inspired at the at the moment of the birth she saw sort of just resented goodness to see she saw the name of the child oh Jesus so that's the way it should be the parents both parents together ship seasons the real name of the child from his soul root above okay we have one final question from Antwerp our friend in Antwerp ASUS where we can take from this class because we have a whole month now before the next class what we can take from the first chapter of the Book of Ruth and work on until we meet again next month one thing that we can take is that the souls join together the no one is by themselves and if we say like we have this basic model of four Souls and even though that they're changing but but it's obvious it's not just one twist by themselves the simple thing that we have to take is that we should think in terms of family it's like the whole Jewish people is a big there's one big family so the whole purpose of the of the Hasidic movement even it says that we should feel the whole Jewish people fear ourselves one family one family Barbara in love with one another living in the currents with a good of love the world of love is the word of the Torah person it is just one point that we made it to sometimes of changes in the family that loop people that come into the family but it always remains that one family is a reflection of the very essential name at that so that thought and that realization to live in terms of family is the point the the basic point that we made today
Channel: Harav Ginsburgh's English Channel
Views: 6,882
Rating: 4.9006209 out of 5
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Length: 74min 57sec (4497 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016
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