From Frankenstein to Rectification : Light, Dark and Mashiach

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Brook Lima by him welcome everyone here in Yerushalayim era qodesh and people watching all over the world hopefully everyone had a great poem everyone's seeing straight at this point walking straight I see some people are questioning if that's true yet we welcome everyone a few important announcements and we'll make them at the end of the sheerer also first of all this class tonight is being dedicated to two people two Aliotti neshama Louis Matt Esther but yourself she should have a Aliotti neshama and outer naka but I am Netta should also have a Aliya to neshama thank you very much for dedicating and people should know that if they want to dedicate as she or just let us know beforehand and we'd be happy to do it the book of the month so don't mean a seder this just came out I believe it was last year so a lot of people do not have this book it is incredible it is absolutely an incredible preparation for the Seder and the Rob really goes through shot remiz juice and soda it's not just so don't but he but it covers every level and it is incredible incredibly helpful for the Seder so it's for the people who are here it's available in the back 460 shekel and for people who are watching around the world there's still enough time to order it online and get the special discount and have it get to you by pacer it's highly highly recommended another important announcement when will the next class be because the first Sunday of April comes out during a column o head of Pesach so it has been decided that we are not going to have a she or then but it will be the next Sunday which is immediately following Pesach which is the 8th of April Sunday the 8th of April the Sunday after Pesach in the Hebrew calendar it's the 23rd of Nisan or to the 24th day so everyone please mark your calendar bro Hashem the Roth has just arrived okay I was in the middle of explaining that the next class again is to Sunday after Pesach which is really the second Sunday of April and then in May we're going to return to the regular Seder first Sunday of the Gregorian calendar okay so so we're ready for the Sunnah good afternoon here and morning in in America we're just coming out of that forum the holiday of pouring so today we'll devote ourselves to to continue thinking about Mordecai and Esther and the other figures that appear on me get out they're still the young resolves is a very amazing thing about Esther Queen Queen Esther that that one she had to to go and be together with our traders taking a so how could she possibly do that as a good Jewish anchor all so it says actually space of all the tourists the other easel explains it in depth what happened is that she had tremendous spiritual power the power to split herself into two to take her her nefesh about me to her animal soul HRO and to embark it alone and to disassociate her own good side from her from her not-so-good side and after disassociating the two sides of a personality to enclose the the other side of the person off to the dark side as we call it the good side is the light side and they they're not so good side is the dark side and to be able to enclose in the dark side of the personality into up into her own body but appearing to appear that exactly the same way and that's the Esther that she sent to the tree but the coolest air scent this has to be together with the king of our trailers together king of hospitals and this Esther has there to walk over had a son together the solitary Amish the king that reigned after after AHA Pharaohs and in his times it isn't the Prophet Haggai in the second year of his regime the baton be charged the second temple was only built meaning that he had this hole to allow to permit the construction of the second temple the original permission had been years before by the king chorus but it didn't actually come to be and the coming to be of the construction of the second temple was once upon the beginning of the reign of Darius who according to resolve was the son of Esther from Mahavira but is the son not that the completest arose every person has a gate to token either Otto and we know that to be a Jew the definition of the truth is that he has a Jewish mother so the mother also has the two sides everyone has two sides to the personality but if you're if you're a dishonor the daughter of a Jewish mother with her golden that side here at you 100% but if you're the son just of the bad side by itself which is enclosed in a body so on the one hand you are son of Esther but this that does not yet entitle you to be to be a full-fledged Jewish soul so it says according to the arezzo that he wasn't really Jewish but nonetheless within himself being the son of Esther he was also a bad side or a dark side but it's still the dark side to be the dark side of a righteous woman is also something very very good her dark side is also good relative everything is relative so since he was the son of the dark side of Queen Esther that's why he had this great merit and and permitted and it allowed the temple to be built and gave the command actually for the temple to be rebuilt so he had the source of the temple because he was the son of of Queen Esther so actually what we just have described as a several stages of disassociation and that's going to be the topic that we're gonna discuss this evening in modern psychology there's a a psychological disorder which is called di D this is the most update updated the connotation of this disorder is called it's a short dissociative identity disorder di D it used to be called multiple personality disorder MP d but that psychologists have now changed the terminology and the word the association is the proper word because it means that it within the personality a person dissociates from one personality and then becomes the second distinct personality modulus is very very important and relevant to the topic that we discussed also last month if whoever was here last month you'll remember remember that we talked about King Solomon of our mana and we said that he all side to side to his personality and that the bad side actually was a sham and I was the king of the demons who took over his regime at a certain point of his life the sages even questioned whether the good fumo returned to the throne or not as one opinion says yes one opinion says no in any event there where the collector Casals pictured as those two different entities on the scheme Solomon and the other is this the king of the demons who appears to be King Solomon it takes over the throne because of the other seems actually of King Solomon but as we explained last time based upon many sources we can understand it definitely in modern psychological the context is being actually two sides of the same person and two extreme sides on the manage this Great King Solomon built the temple on the other on the other side is the Medaille the king of the demons the word Ashman ty has an in it within it the the root of the world that appears of our root that appears in the Tanakh on the bottom of our diamond which is Shindou that shed as part of the war - Medaille but also hurting amazingly that's a motive in doubt it if you just suddenly argued to it it becomes one of the names of our college baroque was things that she was retranslated essence the almighty Sheen Dalit jeweled it's also the name that expresses the thought as the sages say the char Marlowe the more died that he said to his beloved enough is that it sets limits to reality it also sets limits to personality change it limits you limit is a good thing because if you rat have no bounds and all they met you just can go way where you're off so that power that divine power that puts you in a proper gives you your proper borders of that defines your personality that is the name she thought that you'd which actually is just much more just I think at you today this the two-letter shield of it which by itself means a demon now if you oppor decide this will all speak about a little bit about the etymology and this is one of the classic examples that the etymological experts who do you who delve into the relation between English and and English and related languages and Hebrew or some Semitic languages say and that the world shade which means teaming is exactly the word shade in English because the shadow figure a shady character so everybody has his shady side to him his shadow appearance together with his light illuminated appearance there's also something very feminine about about demons because it also means press is very same word and evil actually if we analyze the world Ashley died the king of the demons so I will write it in here oh we have to see it in Hebrew in order to understand what when I'll say much from the dying he was all this all this knowledge halogen members who have seen men dadadada feud let's see it's an evening [Music] six letters as let's contemplate the tool letter skips so the first letter skip is a live man outlet which spells the word EEMA mother and the second letter of skip is she in da the jute which is Hashem's name shock i but also it can be read breasts of heights - can be read mother's press stay what does that imply there's one of the things that we want to try to understand this sees me whilst on our topic this evening is the original term even before multiple the personnel disorder was simply to call it split personality when any when any phenomenon becomes extreme or exaggerated then it becomes a problem than the person sigh host else is sick house for sure but it would explain every human being has the potential of split personality because as it's explained in the telling the average person has to actually to weigh souls and eyeshadow Keith inertia parameter device on an animal so she already has a split personality and the two personalities actually in battle one against the other has explained it's the whole safe return in the whole basis of the Hasidic philosophy let's see another beautiful gear macho the Terman he go for split personality which is a much more ooh the word that appears the word for split is a boot from the Bible is called Pete's fooled if you'd sold on a he both Braves in the important April face today just the word people if it's written according to the grammar properly so that they can take out the youth there are many many hints of illusions in this rephrase pit solely few between the Spurs personality in the world pitch school itself to last letters of the boot its electrometer itself which means a shadow the whole phrase be told if you'd equals 933 which if divided by 3 or 3 times 311 a prime number doesn't divide anymore and 311 is each man I would think that split personality just means that there are two little men playing around inside you inside but this guy Macchio appears to lose it split personality implies actually three little men inside me my soul this is one of the phenomena that ballroom discuss one of the continuation that just inevitable meaty animals all self has explained at the end of the first chapter of safe Latanya is called soul it's a dot overall is the secret of the of the tree of knowledge of good and evil so being that it's the secret tree of knowledge I wouldn't even eat it's in itself is a dual personality that's why we said before that even when when Queen Esther sends her she'd uh her demon cells that's the term we didn't say the term before that dark Esther which appears to be as to 100% as King Arthur Farish cannot distinguish between the real Esther and the demon Esther but it's called she - Lester so he said that her son from King Ahaz parish is half good even though it's not the fight as a joke it is half go why is he half good because her demon itself is the demon of clipart Anoka to determine carbonara it's called the translucent shell or husk that has in itself good and evil we need it just in the lower bowl say that now that the two personalities it was finding according to Dan you know the other classic types of Kabbalah ha sido it's a lower personality and a higher personality but that lower personality itself also has to Sgt it's altogether there are three men just your lower man also is two men but you have a higher man with a unified it's considered to be one that's the meaning the interpretation of the gay mafia that pizza leave shield split personality actually equals three times man three men three little men what a split personality became from my zit mile it's something that even though the peers and manners and women alike but there is definitely something feminine about split personality because it all begins from the primordial sin in the Garden of Eden and from the players took part and that's in three players they are Adam and Eve and the primordial snake the Natasha so it says that the the detail of three participants in the story split into two and the the manifestation of that split is pouring just that we understand even better why this it's all related to put into the holiday of pudding this is one of the reasons that there is a custom in Israel to to put on masks to dress up as some other person altogether so you're pretending to be some other person altogether what you're actually doing when you're putting on a mask and putting is that you're trying in in a context in a holy context of performing a custom of Israel to show that you have this other personality that you have a 'they will call it your dark side we hope that all year long here at the light side even though each of those three original personalities which I'll to add them and even the snake of the split it all has to primarily to do with the split of Eve she's in between and her split is the more all-inclusive sublet who does Adam split into but for the manifestation of the splitting of the primordial personality that the Torah is what happened important that the original pattern splits into his good and bad and his light and dark side that his light side is more the higher you woody and his dark side is King Ahaz favor which actor to rivals for Esther his mother hi and the one hand was Esther's uncle on the other hand it also says it it's order hi was Esther's husband at a certain point in Meritor so after that tremendous total absolute problem of who she married to with many ramifications that has all talked about an indifferent made regime based upon the verse that when she for the first time I had to go to a fart fetish wilfully she said Coggeshall about the ability that up until now when I was taking my scores to go to Oshkosh I was not forbidden to you order but now for the first time that I go for they have to point out harsh I don't actually you're sending me to a trailer you modified so now I will become forbidden to you so this is the this is the inner drama of this daughter Esther what's wrong these two figures who take claim to Esther on macaques the two sides of Adam what about the Eve's herself so it's clear who was the good side of the you the good side of after her so who was the bad side of you the other Queen the first queen of our her who he actually killed vashti vashti a mocha what about the serpent in our hearts the primordial snake so he also split into two but both of them were birds and they're a couple the two splits the man split into two men in the woman the woman is presented to woman women but the snake split into a couple the couple is Aman and savage amen and his wife is Eva wife Zahra at a certain point as we'll explain the two sides of Adam also become a couple they become Mordecai and Esther and the two sides of Eve by yourself also become a cup of the South Australian charity when does that when does this change happen first and once more the man's present two men in the the woman's but two women but the snake split into a man and a woman that becomes evident when it becomes clear that all three figures there's a figure above all three which is an even more primordial Eve a combination one of the yet unsolved problems in biology and evolutionary ecology is why does nature need men in the first place ever know that threatened drop a biology and those that it's it's possible the nature that procreation can happen just from others from women in order to continue these species there's no need in nature for males so this is one of the riddles maybe the greatest freedom of of nature but those that believe in nature why did nature choose to have two different sexes they'd have to unite in order to procreate women are enough Aimco mothers are enough mothers pair daughters and the daughters bear more daughters and the species continues forever and forever Adam and Eve and the snake her are actually the brain and the heart and the liver of the yet primordial Eve above all the aim koi when that becomes a parent then the Adam was actually Eve with just her brain splits into the pair of mother hi master and the heart the emotion in and of itself splits into the pair of a hospital generosity much mother snake initially is placed into a pair the couple which is among and there when we speak of of the different personalities that everybody has at least two at least two two sides to him yes not more so in modern psychology there are actually three different disorders that's what everybody has all of these it's just a question of how al extreme the the poles are one disorder is called bipolar manic depression second is called schizophrenia the third is Fault dissociative identity disorder and the psychiatrists psychologists are very very stressed the need to distinguish and differentiate between this this always not to confuse these three different things for the for just a break a little diapers and all three have a common denominator that there are drastic extreme personality changes so it means it's of the one smaller to all three different examples of maybe I'm not just one person maybe I'm two people at least what is the difference once more the psychologists don't try to tell you the common denominator they just tried to tell you the difference don't don't mix them up bipolar disorder eyes is simply this not that you're two different people you're one guy with extreme moods you're extremely moody that sometimes you're very very high and sometimes you're very very low but it's not as though you have two different identities it's still your tits to woods but we always used to explain we always explained that that take a simple [Music] physical phenomenon like temperature heat and cold so according to Aristotle and all of the earlier three modern scientists so the two states are two different states and modern science comes in says no it's all one state and so it's one thing it's one phenomena it's called temperatures either high or low but not that heat is something by itself and cold or something else like the opposite the actor that called it the anti heat like a particle and antiparticle no just one continuum one coordinate of temperature so the same thing the psychologists will tell you about manic and depression it's not two different things not two different people's one personal chef studies either hot or cold they just high or low the second the second thing is called schizophrenia what does that mean so this is the one that is usually misinterpreted by light people to think that it means split personality but once more the psychologists say no it does not mean split personality desserts it's not a dissociative identity disorder or a multiple personality disorder it's something else altogether it means that there's one one spot is one person just that he has a rooster he does elucidation and delusions or to make it simple he's either in reality or out of reality he's in communication with reality or he temper of the illusions communication is really forget absorbing this person from the outside you can think it's two different people because one day he's with you and the next day he's not with you he's someplace else so for you is two different guys that's much part of the psychologist will tell you psychiatrist will tell this just one person it's a friend it's not a dissociative identity disorder or as the third case is what we're really talking about in order to understand it better that's why be part of these other tone these other two disorders which is the D ID that this he really at times is dr. Jekyll and at other times she turns into mr. Hyde to different people in the same in the same body but what it has to do she was able to solve this so she ate that she also was able to enclose each have in deep body of its own both bodies resemble one another completely each half had its body this topic is related to what's called possession a person becomes possessed by a debug everybody's heard t book what for in English the orders to become possessed that sounds really really bad and it's not great to be cool to come and take out the D book to extract the depot but once for everybody has a debug because he hates Aurora's also a debug now sometimes to be possessed it's not even a bad thing at all let's say a person was so connected it's worth Tzadik like a hostage already that he's possessed by his rapping i stoppeth let's talk about the lubavitcher rebbe he was also possessed he was possessed by a messiah by the mushiya he so possessed by but the messiah the develop about to become the Messiah Pizza mushiya took over his personality was when they cycle this can be the greatest thing maybe this is what we're waiting for for Michelle they come for Michelle that actually possessed somebody totally and then LP them become the Messiah for every another but we notice said is that the dark side the ones personality has infinite potential to it they become even greater light infinite light even more than the initial light side of the personality just have to be transformed it's called Keith Ron Harmon ahora the advantage of light when the darkness itself transforms into light if we said before let's go back to the three the three dual dual disorders because each one is is a different state of duality and we said that now duality although out even rdid which appears to be two different people is also in some respect it's one coordinate so these three different disorders can be considered to be three chord in the second three-dimensional space the bipolar disorder can be envisioned as the coordinate of up and down you're either high or you're low this schizophrenic disorder means you're either in you're either in it or out of it can be considered to be the front back coordinate I'm either envisioning reality or I'm just in the back which is not in contact with relevant content with the hallucination the the ID in dissociative identity disorder is a right-left syndrome that's why the way that we portray the light side and the dark side of the personality is two profiles sure actually a the suggested mask an ideal mask for Purim is a mask which is half light and a half dark is that mask is not just your dark side it's portraying the fact that you have two sides the two sides are my right and my left once more the left is also has tremendous potential to it just for the time being it's dark so from this simple analysis actually these three different since these three different disorders are three different syndromes that can be seen to correspond to three different coordinates after using the three-dimensional space this may also suggest possible remedies what to do if a person has a problem was when an exaggerated State one of these three states to come back to relative stability and equilibrium one of our most basic a teachings is that the Torah gives us six continual Commandments to have in mind is to contemplate continuously twenty-four hours a day actually there are three pairs which correspond to the three coordinates of reality this is a book that maybes right here called living individuals how to put yourself into an orientation as a psychological state of orientation that I'm always contemplating always aware state of awareness of consciousness whatever God above and God below justly correspond to the first two commandments of the Ten Commandments each of which is a continual commandment the first commandment I am God was taking you out of Egypt is up and and have no other gods besides me that is down the front back to Commandments advantage rights are lost hey motoki not a Mahad hero he is our God is a God God is one the unity of God the is about to allow foreign thoughts to enter your mind so now we can understand you've got a little bit more about foreign thoughts my thoughts means thoughts which are non real every foreign thought that a person has is a type of hallucination or delusion and if you have too many foreign thoughts so you really enter into a state the psychological state of hallucination but what's now the essential people called the right-left syndrome the pair of the continual commandments the correspond to brighten left is love and fear love of God and fear of God love of God includes within itself also the love of other souls other physical of your neighborhood yourself centric over consider to be the epitome of loving God that you love who God loves so what does this one suggest that the actual two personalities is the remedy is to work on Levin trio especially your mr. Hyde side you have to work on fear on home the bipolar ax coordinate which is up and down his the re-experience of the giving of the Torah at Sinai and hearing these two first commoners we heard directly from God that contemplation which is also one of the things that we are commanded to remember every day they give me that or that contemplation the hearing those two those took first commandment of the ten commandments that is a stabilizing factor visa fee by Paul dalla contemplating in God's absolute unity and trying to control one's thoughts that I am can in control of my want my thoughts that's overcoming schizophrenia so there's much more that we can talk about this but let's leave it at that that we already have now the she speak defined to come up with a very very beautiful way to understand these three dualities in in personality let's go back to the essential point that we're trying to make which is that the basis of split personality with ace actually to hover to give to the person we mentioned a a term which is a book that every english-speaking person and maybe also nothing too speaking though about that's the Strange Case of dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson at the end of the 19th century it immediately became a tremendous bestseller around the world that Strange Case of dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde was based on an experience that he himself had that his best friend was a doctor that was convicted as though to be a murderer murdered his wife poisoned his wife afterwards it was revealed that he poisoned many patients so we're so overtaken by this experience if you have this good friend or appear to be a good guy and he was a hideous character under ground so that's what inspired him to the two brightest for the Booker R P is fiction but it was inspired as traumatically inspired by unexplained experiences the with the trend of his hoody members let's see if somebody know who who is white eve and black heels there we go okay that's in the 50s and 1950s two psychiatrists had a case study of a woman is all this already a real story is not a fiction based upon based upon experience it's a real story and it became the best best-selling book and film in Hollywood immediately it was sold the book to Hollywood this are two such psychiatrists who dealt with the case but the life case they helped write the write the script of the of the of the film it's called three phases of use but is what it 20 years later the real woman revealed the right entity and afterward she lives also for him for several decades after that and she bought books she was already stable she has children alive the real ears [Music] so how are these the story whoever doesn't remember the story so there was a call a timid housewife who suddenly turned into a overexcited play-play woman which resulted in her almost killing her daughter and resulted in divorce from her husband but then under psychiatric treatment by these two psychiatrists attended gave her therapy a third for sometimes she was Eve white sometimes she was Eve black that's the end what they called her if we call it light and dark I thought I was the same thing waking white and black this is an example of a story with a happy ending the happy and it was once a true story the happy ending is after ITA's years of therapy a third Eve emerged our third person a higher personal that these two original persons were the two sides of the lower ears and therapy helped did a third if she renamed herself to the coach in the fields called change it became Jane the Jane is Eve's number three and she was a normal person and the more that this third Eve became strong and present the two other use the white youth and the black cave disappeared and what remained was only Jane Eve's number three I suppose if there's the third there's already three people dr. Jack only size two three faces of Eve is three either something and once more three phases were usually is that is a progression it's seventy years after dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde there's something about seventy years before dr. Jack Thomas or attacks the debating beginning of the whole process there is a book which became the most famous book there of that period written by a girl from London with a tomato then went to a friend's it's called Frankenstein I got all 18 years old I had a dream to compose a horror story very talented girl obviously aristocratic girl and it took her some time but she she accomplished what she wanted and I'm here about it it sounds to us something similar to the to the Golem of Prague a mouse called him and in our literature there are other examples of gave us even at the talmud the sages were able to create items one of the great rabbis after the model Prague if I thought she said that his grandfather created a golden and that even addresses a lot like a question whether that column can be can be counted as one of the ten for a quorum of a minyan appears to pray the final at the end II poskim snow but to say involved a lot like a question regarding ago I mean is that it's it's a real thing but her little golden Frankenstein was just chemists who who created a monster at the end the man who killed him what Kabbalistic model can be used for this but my disability in modern non-jewish literary history three stages one two three a person creates a monster the monster is also must have come from his black side but the monster takes him over altogether but that is just one then already the print is already much more involved evolved evolution evolved state that it's one person goes back and forth back and forth from dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde then the final stage is already three at the beginning of this duality versus a little bit similar to dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde but then the true the true source of the the true good soul manifests at a certain point and the two lower souls disappear the best the best Kabbalistic model for these three stages is called Ybor in the camel he knows the terminology in in Kabbalah it's a state of mind whilst in pregnancy as a fetus the state of mind whilst nursing which is the youth and the state of mind whilst mature maturity but beginning from the highest level in maturity there is the possibility to reveal the third higher level of the soul in immaturity there's only the back and forth the pendulum between and Jeckle denied in pregnancy there's only the imagination was formed the first story is total imagination of this core serving it's a what is the imagination take place in the womb the imagination is is to create this this monster a higher psychological level once more is the split personality of Jacob a knight but the ultimate is to be able to overcome not now say through psychotherapy but called classic psychotherapy which is learning Tonia and being able to reveal the higher the higher soul until the effects definitely the negative effects and the pendulum but back and forth of the lower soldiers disappear into the experience of the higher so exactly is explained and Tanya that in the beginning a person is not identified talking about identity disorders not identified with his high resolve at all just identified with this loss and that's where really but the split takes place across when it becomes truly identified with the higher so that this play disappears and perfectly stable go back when I'll go back to the essence why do we say in the real split after two with Eve more than Adam in the snake and all of the splits come from from this primordial Eve figure because we're taught in couple though that there are actually two years from the very outset of creation there is Eve one and Eve - which is exactly like our three faces of Eve black here and white exactly supposed to explain this all Andy it doesn't say anything similar to add them in this lake there's just one snake is bad a bad guy was just one Adam means he's okay just his wife citizen see from the repentant foot joy seems there's just one of him but from the very outset there - Eve's the first Eve is black she becomes a demon figure whose name is llama dude llama do tell she has a name Torah a derivative either of warning hora flight which relate to one another she's a dark figure a dark hue and that there's a light that lied to you they both hear the second ear how do they return in the time of Adam that was once part of the black and the white to you but in a later generation the time of Jacob they returned as his - righteous wise because a layer whose name also is like this name of the of the demon here she cried so hard not to fall into the fortune of wicked pissah as a corral her fortune that she transformed her darkness into great light and Moses comes from her the Messiah comes from her even though Yaakov hadn't love with racquel who is initially the white Eve yes she was beautiful and Joseph comes from her but all of the enduring eternal great figures as we said Moses and King David and the Messiah they all come from there because this is the greatest example of potential energy being in the dark her whole union with Jacob was a dark union because he didn't know he thought it was Rachel it was all in the dark because she represents the dark he did not understand her but all of the potential was in her for ever and ever what is the final story of the bear importing that the bad side of a hill means the black Eve becomes who becomes a varsity and the white ear becomes asked let's go back for a second term as Esther is the good side of Eve but then asked her herself splits into two sides split personalities place in several stages stage after stage is the greatest example the first there's Eve but evil selves is too so we could say that the bad side which becomes Vashti is coming from black youth and the good side which is Esther's comfort of mighty or we can say that actually it's a split in the goodie for herself it she also has two sides the good becomes as and the dark the relative term becomes oddity with this simple explanation of the first explanation but from the second stage of splits and the Thursday just split we see that each side all also has two sides to it if the second splitted that the s that was the good side aveer now splits into two into her light side in or bad side nur her demon side and redeem the Rasheeda side and her shady side she sent south of arrows and they have a child but that shady side itself has two sides to it that's why the child that come child was very Amish the King has his relatively dark side that he's a he's a guy he's not to find it a true but he had his good side that he built the temple so responsible for the building of the temple so a very very good sir so we see that this split continues that the bad splits into good and bad and the good splits into good and bad it's called two different types of devil hahaha clarification which means splitting things into which good and bad takes place within decode and within the bed each by itself they could have the good and bad to attend the bad also and the greatest example is here in indicates of Esther now let's ask the question what happens to what becomes ultimately the middle which combines the two couples is our first version Vashti that on one side of these two there is more - hi - - and on the other side of these tool there is Amin and Suresh of this is maybe the most amazing geometry of the whole Megillah tester if I calculate that middle couple which is our Hodge favorite and Vashti the number that I in get is 1537 but if I take the two pairs at all the two sides that one Paris Mordecai and Esther will see on the right side and the other pair is our man in Zurich on the left side there are no medical value is exactly what they exactly the same once more Akash federal chapatis 1537 more the highest among savages are also 1537 ethic the middle phenomenon in a certain way contains the two extreme the extreme good and the extreme bad all in the middle - so the final question that theories is is how are we going to be me talking or when did at any point in history was the reticle a rectification of King Ahaz Pharaohs and Vashti but how do I know that why she was such a bad figure in her carnation as Queen Vashti because she for one of the things that she did she Forest Jewish girls to desecrate the day of Shabbat the resources an amazing thing there's a inlaid rush at the I started that the years they just really recall that once there was a crew called the determined the met Rogers is rather hard there was one choice all his rather at one is robot that he had a cow he para para was like pudding same two little wood and a cow and he became so poor Porter's also pudding he became so poor that he had to sell his girl and he had no Jewish a client to to buy his girl so he fell he finally discount way koi king sharpest the day of shoppers the cow just put himself down put herself down to the ground I was not willing to move the Chavez hot you cannot work with his cattle Chavez the cow has to rest just like the Jewish - Reza's commandment in the Torah the koi started beating the cow all week long you were plowing my fields for doing a good job all of a sudden comes a day that you're just lying down and you're not moving at all no matter how hard he hit his cow the cow did not move so he called this true the is rather hard assaulting the cow and he said they tell you per have that they have to give my money back and take back your cow cuz the colors not is not functioning the colors either bipolar or something else some problem one of these one of our three problems the scale definitely has because it's not acting normally at all some of the to the Israel of had he immediately realized that this is not the reason the DeKalb was not willing to work on Shabbos colored Shabbos and say I said the cow must be a great topic to the nose of the Esther breast on Chavez so what did the quality what did the proto he went to the Calvin he whispered into the ear of the count he said cow cow para para you should know that so long as you were you know my pal my cow so that's how you had two breasts I'm sure about this it's fun the Torah that you rest just like languages you have to bless also but now unfortunately itís so I had to sell you and I so I had to show you to avoid on our Joe I know you were no longer have this nice ought to read so you have to get up on work this is your face a better sort of faith but this is your faith it's not nothing to did nothing we can do about it that's what he whispered into the year of the of the cow so what the cow heard that reluctantly they Cal got up and was willing to accept to begin to plow the field when the boy saw it he not you saw this amazing thing happened so here this first thought was this one was my speech he sure must be some a black matrix here that the truest and magician so he burned her was the Jewish says well what did you do what did you do that the guy I hit the cut a million times it didn't help at all so the Jews just told him the truth he said I met you and resident robot our cows also after present shop the cut was used to blessing ultrabook so he's not willing to work on some pants so I whispered into his ear it's cow cow he used to pee in my car but now you're the you belong to somebody else when the boy heard this audience awwing he said he said to himself he thought at this car it doesn't speak it doesn't have a human consciousness that's the term the truth doesn't he doesn't speak and doesn't have human consciousness he keeps the will of his creator I cilantro i that speak and have human consciousness should not keep the would look like creator and it says me yard is the terminabro me hard bobbin et al he immediately came and converted to Judaism and he began to learn a study tour and he became a great sage and his name was rabbi Yochanan Ben Torah and maybe often been taught armies it is revealed on the son of the cow sort of the car was his mom was it was his father or mother both together because the cows who was responsible who gave him a spiritual growth as a Jew the original says that this is also a repeat of the story that we read yesterday after Rama there the owner of the brothel cows Mount Carmel wonder the the priests both of the idolatry should try to sacrifice that fire to the centrum heaven and mother evil sacrifice the cow that was given to the to the the via Baal was about putting two there were nine hundred prophets of idolatry altogether they could not budge the cow he wouldn't move because he didn't want to be sacrificed to idolatry so ADR Navi had to come the prophet Elijah had to come and whisper all into it and he said how I should know that just like the cow that I'm gonna sacrifice to God through him God's name would be sanctified through you also God's name will be sanctified did the prophets of the idolatry modern not be successful in having fire descend from heaven so what the caliber that you also will sanctify God's name bye-bye as though being sacrificed to idolatry in the Kaaba create so there's another replay who was that that cow and the carrot said echoes name is Olivier amien been told so theory selves with a diversity in a harsh way Roger that Vashti who forced the Jewish girls to broken Chaves she reincarnated as this righteous cow poured into you it was not willing to work on Shabbos and because of her this boy who saw this miracle happen he converted and he was actually office favors himself so we see that every one has the the bed the two sides and what part of the teaching is that in the the dark side there is great great potential and this whole thing with the books that we require books that we mentioned before is to show that even in modern psychology with tremendous progress of mind of consciousness from from imagination in the womb to immature personality split to more mature personality split which results ultimately in revealing your true higher person so this is the the teaching of today which is the continuation of reporting just in case anyone was yangtze the Mitzvah of the Lord on Purim you could be guilty on this class okay before we have questions we're gonna repeat a few announcements first of all this class is dedicated to gluing the Shema of ester but yourself and Ulta nefra but I am NOT a the next class as we announced at the beginning will not be the first Sunday of April it will be the second Sunday of April because of pace off so will be the Sunday immediately following pace off April 18 the 23rd of Nisan Orla Huftalin and then in May we will return to the first Sunday of the Gregorian calendar the book of the month again is this book on Pesach so dogged mean a seder it's the proper it's gotta of Mesa and as we said before it is highly highly recommended it's available here for 60 shekel and people from around the world you have plenty of time to order it but do it quickly so it gets to you in time it's on the website [Music] I'm gonna take my prerogative to ask a few questions so the first question is something that I I don't feel I've ever gotten an answer that satisfied me everyone knows this idea of when Esther says abided to you bada team she's saying as you he said now that I'm going to office parish from my own will now I'll be forbidden to you the truth is I've never understood this because she's still not going from her own will she's going first well to save the Jewish people she's going to talk to akka sparrows and even so her overall context is still not of free will whatsoever but added to what you described tonight according to the areia of the shadow side of Esther who is going to office parish the whole time and the other side was going to Mordecai the whole time how did she become forbidden to him okay so this question actually the one of the MU Kabbalah match exactly the same question the last part of the question that on the one hand it's she sent just her shadow side so why is the issue forbidden the fact that according to a la Hache is forbidden his because she nonetheless she did in order to save the Jewish people she went out mentality she was not caught no she didn't just talk to talk did she talked to him but behind talking to him if she walked away to a party to drink there's a continuation to this she didn't just talk with him so and she did it and she initiated it up until now she was not the initiator only buddy he called her to come did she come but now for the first time she initiated or so as we called that's the simple chart but these question is of what you were asked at the end is that according to Kabbalah she just family grew shadow size of why should she be and I should be should be forbidden to modify that's modifiers her good side as to this the disassociation is total okay and the the source that I asked the question has no answer you if you have no answer you're in good in good partnership but the the passport answer that we can say is that when hidden truth when she went back to mother hi after sending her shadow side 12 Oshkosh and so she obviously reunited meaning that together was mortifying she was the whole Esther because as we said in the shadow side there is also been gentle and good and that could will be revealed in generations to come as soon as her shadow side becomes forbidden it's also another file with a little shadow side becomes with her her nephew shabam need becomes forbidden to modify and that's not good the true union between men and women has to include both sides especially in the case of the woman so if you can now only be unified with Mordecai or good 100% good side it could be the daddy there's no potency in that the true potency is one she was a United as two so let's leave it it is a second question is you mentioned about a d book and then you mentioned it possession could be a good thing but if I'm sure I'm not the only person who thought of this can you explain more the relationship between what's called Ybor and deep location so I also thought to try to explain the Ybor is usually used in the case when a person merits that son great sadiq enters into his psyche in order to help him and to a meat saw a mitzvah which also is a rectification for that sadiq didn't did not merit in his lifetime to perform that means for completely and now the enters into someone else to help you to help me perform that meats out completely so it's good for me and it's good for him that's the usual interpretation a couple of people music it's a good phenomena a debug is usually in the sense that there is a soul that is in kappa kara kappa kara the host english kappa kappa no nobody in the English world slave suspended no there's a word for the in bonuses family there's another one that I saw that is left the body it is not yet found rest either in in heaven or in the opposite forgiving / - that's it purgatory that's purgatory the state of purgatory and now he enters into a body as it's a rescue just in order to read someplace and the influence that he has on that party is usually very very negative that's the usual uses you the deeper of the word from the book and that's why he has to be exhorted from the from the body usually some it's not accustomed to it but as we said before to abstract these concepts the deeper can just be your own nature logo and the the Ybor if it's a goodie border it can be your urea chotto that comes to you or it is reinforced but that's the usual difference between the people with eternity for them to be okay here's a question from Angela from Rock Island Washington and she's asking if your explanation of split personalities or any of the three disorders that we talked about could this be somehow the answer to Yakov an ace of the inside the womb the inside personality that is actually split into okay so definitely the whole controversy personality and that a person has a good side and a bad side has to do with these twins that everyone has a his Yaakov they serve the initial millions of your cabinets over our Kanan and he and able the to first sons of Adam and Eve so we talked about Evan even the sake we didn't talk about Kenan even the we did have in mind to mention Kennedy bone reference to these three books that we mentioned the first book that Frankenstein book is is creating Cain like giving birth decade and even if Lee gives birth to Kane came by himself then the second stage the Jekyll Hyde stage which was a scald nursing an infant of an infantile Iranian for a minor psychological state of being is when you have these two brothers Kanan and evil and they fight with one another and ultimately what happens is that Cain kills Abel actually a savant they kill the alcohol so it just wasn't successful but there's one that was successful and killing his brother was the original case of two anti brothers which is Kanan enable the third personality that appears is the after one hundred and thirty years went by and during that time it says Adam remarried his first dark Eve Eve black was initially created then came Eve to and at the very beginning of creation after the seen her actually during this primordial scene if black inside Eve white was responsible for the sin then after the sin 430 years he just had Eve black but then Eve white also had her third came back at the higher level and she gave birth to the third son shed who become the became the foundation of the world so this whole this whole development process of one two three is actually the the greatest might the exact model of the Torah is Cain by himself he's came by himself as Frankenstein then came and an evil who is Jekyll and Hyde and I kills Jekyll at the end that's what happens and then finally there was a third person that has more thoughts on this and he reincarnates as it were like resurrects as it were evil but the other two disappear exactly is it like in this story the three phases of the Avene the other to disappear from history and the one that remains in history is only the third he become he's the origin of of the soul of Moses I said listen this is this fraternal relationship okay a lad from Melbourne Australia even though you didn't mention these words are very connected to what you were teaching so he's asking can we access super consciousness consciously if yes how can we not lose it so we cannot say super consciousness is these considered to be the crown and the crown has actually three levels to it which we call faith pleasure and women so our service of our shame through meditation definitely these three levels today can become conscious bring down the squat to bring down the surrounding like Cinemark if you are Markieff into the inner conscious lights obviously and there is the it settle matter there's the counterpart which is like the the in Freudian psychology is called the the black abyss of the unconscious of the subconscious so even he through psychoanalysis try to bring out the black subconscious since we have a principle which is Madhubani dot over that the code is always better than it's always more and stronger than they evil so if freud can bring out the black subconscious so definitely the witch who are spiritual service can also bring down the positive supra-conscious bring into our consciousness okay and eita from vancouver british columbia in context with the different psychological terms that you were explaining she's asking where does a psychopathic personality fit into this and how is it identified so it can be a a extreme form of schizophrenia that much for me is is defined as losing touch with reality as we become a psychopath okay Darius from Los Angeles California I think it says are you another gilgul she's asking how can one be exercised or unpossessed if he or she is possessed by dark spirit and knows it okay so the best thing is to be to connect to a topic and either consciously the topic will take out the bad spirit horror and just by being connected beyond Pizza become possessed by it other than your other possession will will disappear both inertia okay since we're talking about this is there are certain authorities that said despite the fact that it's talked about in the magician with Amara and we say that these kind of spirits and deep oakum do not exist now what would you say about that I would say that they exist and it says that even the llama verbs are the key we know that in every generation there are 36 so they can get receive the presence that we experience the presence of the turbine arena everyday so that over the over history in every generation they appear in totally different form that's the same type of hidden sadiq him that or at the time at the Baal Shem Tov has described in the you know the story that's now they can be just simple people the same is true about everything that the book as we said before cannot just in other days a deep book is a some mental or psychological disorder period another question that I thought of during this year and please correct me if I do not remember correctly but I remember once at least I think you're teaching that the split that happened with the knowledge that the good side of the gnosis is carvanha it could be that you remember better than me so carvanha was one of the advisors to he is mentioned twice in the making of procedure name just one of the advisers of king of Haris any as as one of the advisor he's the one that says that the Herman constructed this this true fifty cubits high and all these he appears to be going against the king so he was actually responsible for having Herman hung on the on the tree so we say that at that moment he also became possessed what does he become possessed by by the audio layer they are Navi because of both of them we say the same terminology they are no visa for that of the Prophet advisor we spoke about before we read in the after I yesterday the prophet Elijah may be remembered for good the same terminology is used in reference to carvanha the GAM carvone as a whole atone so he was definitely possessed by a by a good figure whether he is the good side of the naväge hood it could be okay Avram from Los Angeles who exactly is Lilith and how did she come to exist and what is her ultimate purpose I thought that Lilith was the wife of his son of man am I mistaken which is a fine she is considered to be that she is the first Aboriginal that's determine Kabbalah and and part of her who says returned to the dust part of her was divorced from Adam she also has a potential for positive potential and that became Leia the matriarch who's the mother of Messiah another very very great figures in the continuation what for the whole point this evening was that even the bed has good you could also has bad and there's some there's a rectification process in splitting this plane can also be a good phenomena can be a not such a good for them it can be a disease with an illness split personality because it'd be big be a part of a rectification process and even the worst also has it's much more it's good so it I'd like I just want to go over this because I think he's also asking just like maybe shot of the Miss aura so we say cava came distorting the tour from the side of artists he's that where didn't do it okay so the when Havel was created it first says that that God took one of the of the limbs that actually is one of the sides the word Sava which is usually in interpreted in the translated in English as who really means sighs he took her side is usually considered to be the back side which is the UH the relative unconscious side of Adam and he is called basalt Dana said that he he took this side which which afterwards becomes a bone or we'll see and then he dresses this on this side with flesh and that bone dressed with flesh becomes Havas of the every solid occur based upon this or says that the initial side which is bone which is skeleton without flesh that is the initial table whose name Islamic ulama this name that was was just me the flesh is the second haha that's why we said that very often the first hug was actually inside factly the skeleton of the second ha ha ha ha - I know that there - that is gathered that the bone and the flesh are two different people like this already a new thing we didn't go into this with is a very important to think that these the originals to harvies are the bone and the flesh because afterwards Adam says or top of this now but I was born a sham and God brought Eve to Adam II said that now this time she is the bone from my bones and the flesh from my pleasure add some yet so mayabazar me clapping so the Kabbalah says that the bone from my bones that is the first hover and the flesh of my flesh that's a South neighbor but the simple of literal interpretation is of one person just everybody has a skeleton that flesh was now saying that in the table are the initials - ha bizarre the difference between skeleton it if you just have a scattered by itself it's relative like a master is not a beautiful thing but if you have already flash it becomes beautiful just like a difference between they are not have there something more essential about bones word bone means essence at smooth enable so if we already have this this deed the demon figure being the bone that shoots up this demon figure to a very very high in essential place and the most important thing is that it places the demon inside the flesh the flesh and policy what happens when I add those two words together right Sinan ourselves the bone in the flesh this time you were born of my bones and the flesh of my flesh also very good a full gay mafia that the every song explains the anthem is 200 Basava 500 in two together it's 702 abut Shabbat is the day of the woman but is before the six days of the week of the men about as a wonder Shabbat has to be for creation that's the Eve who's before Adam the Shabbat before creation is the Eve before Adam since she has two sides to a bone and flesh abdullah you're done [Music] first I just want to usually we take a lot of questions from here if we have time but this this a lot of times you only have two or three questions from foot starts and then so we depend on questions here but this time we just have a lot of questions so you'll pardon me if we don't get to everyone she's impossible so well as West one more and then we'll take maybe one or two and one or two and then we'll call it an evening this last one because I think a lot of people were probably wanting to know more about this Sahaba from Borough Park he said the Rebbe was possessed with Messiah he said one who is possessed with Michelle can be the potential Michelle in another she or he stated a convert and related person can join to the Messiah please clarify more I think what she's asking here you you said the Rebbe was possessed by the Shia yes she remembers rightfully or wrongfully that you said in another Scheuer I guess that the soul of mashiac would come from a convert and she just wanted clarification okay so if we said that we meant that King David or mishio say the sentence of King David he came from root from both the convert so Michelle definitely comes from [Music] okay we have to go back to the first being reminded that we said that Marshall has three three that's probably what she's referring to three images and the first images they care so that the girl image comes from the fact that comes from this fact from the fact that David is the descent of the girl that's the girl figure okay so the question is what is the meaning of the name cumin which is very connected to the the mana the Mon in the desert ha Mon what spiritual level did he have that he merited that kind of a name good first of all any name in Hebrew has beautiful meaning to it one of the things that the the Rambam explains in motorable him and the guy to the Perplexus that the holiness the sacred sacredness of the holy tongue is that it has no bad words everything is beautiful and water so he all names and all words are good no no dirty words in Hebrew that's a very important thing that the problem says the relation to the man is that first of all Fazal themselves the sages asked the question a man me natural romanian what is the origin of a man what is his name appear worth it alluded to in the Torah and the answer is I mean Hyatts that they read Herman I mean did you eat from the forbidden probe meaning that they took us ages place actually the origin of a man in the context of the primordial sin the help with eating if we take the jejemon they put it at the end of his name then it becomes manna so actually when we send we hamantaschen as years of a man in mishra man note we sent portions wanted to another to a friend so the word month mana is the singular of my note which was muddled so actually what presenting back and felt that something but there's something about a man that he's like a nowadays are in the physics are bosons which our force particles is a particle that that connects two different two different things so the potential of a man is actually this menardes portion of food which could be the manner itself in the desert that connects souls like what's more by giving portions one to the other by exchanges also in physics changed particles force particles [Music] [Music] okay so the question is we talked about one two or three personalities but Esther we're told didn't reveal her identity and everyone thought now that she projected a type of face that everyone thought that she was connected to their people so the question is kind of like how does that work and especially the example was given in the in the Holocaust when different people to escape and say their lives he had to pretend to be someone else of his a non Jew and he had to take on that personality how does how much of that personality actually is connected to their real personality all right so first of all this is this was like very similar to a question that was presented many many years ago that we have several clauses about has to do with with acting a an actor in a in a play or a film also has to assume a a different personality and in an actor and actress can into hundreds and thousands of maybe hundreds a films in their lifestyle and each time there are different person so this is a very very important psychological question the value of the they couldn't the bad in enacting also obviously it has to do with the the masquerade of reporting if we'll go back to our three faces of Eve so the real believed when at the end of the story in the end of the film is that the the third Jane appeared and the two years decisions that was the happy ending but the true story is and she herself tells it that after the after the or a good Jane appeared so it didn't stop there she went on having phenomenal experience of different personalities of the these psychiatrist had treated her afterwards therapy afterwards actually said that she had over twenty different personalities this woman in this area woman but at the end there was still was a good ending they all they all became she became a staple in several and everything was good but she didn't just leave it at three she had over twenty different different chains so definitely a person could have many many a whole spectrum of different shades to his personality and the more shady the more shady I just want to mention that it's very topical because some consider Daniel day-lewis the greatest actor of this generation he's won three Oscars is up for another one now and he just announced his retirement he just announced his retirement when they asked him and people collaborated this is that he would get so much into the people that he was playing each time it got harder and harder for him to separate from it and he just announced his retirement he so like he he couldn't take it anymore he was he became almost possessed by the people that he was playing and that's why he's considered the greatest because he like it was real for him you like you keep totally real let's take something from this side yes and then I think we're gonna call it an evening [Music] [Music] someone who okay okay okay so the question is since we all have these two sides what is the most that what is the essential thing that each person can work on in order to unify their being so they're not constantly being torn in two different directions okay so one thing we said that even if we have actually six sides is we have three coordinates in each one has to or two sides to it so the total rectification and becoming a one true Torah soul is the civil here's the six they continue on we thought that the Torah because well they may be the most important practical thing that we said it don't be a little bit too long to discuss in the human body there's something that we've done in the past that these the three coordinates appear in the in the face in the mouth and in the body so say that a person has a bipolar problem which is an up/down problem so if we would be able to expand upon this this topic one advisable remedy for him is to every morning say half an hour ride a bicycle because the motion of the feet in bicycle riding is the same as correcting that is psychologically the coordinate of up and down there's something similar in the mouth or something somewhere in the head and this is a each one has it's just as we said that there are these Amit's fault they're also actually three sets of practical physical things that actually can be tested or we can cycle just want to become a wanna become an exact science the only way that they can matter to be an exact science is by making you surveys and and testing so there are a lot of actually nine different tests physical test that theoretically can come out of this class of how to see for instance if bicycle riding helps people with by bipolar disorder and there are another two things so we do Yahtzee with speed walking okay one one last one I have to do this because we've mentioned many times that literally people are watching all over the world right now and and we've taken quite even tonight we took from you know all over but tonight we have from Zambia so Lambie Tashia from Zambia s doesn't mean a great Sadiq is one who masters the darkness in themselves and turns it to light and create the truth is I don't 100% understand what he means her but he says and creates a pendulum as it was with the three days created in darkness so we're trying to decide if he's talking about the three days of darkness in Egypt or that it wasn't into the fourth day of creation that the Sun and the moon it's not clear to me what he means by creates a pendulum as it was with the three days created in darkness but the question is is it Sadiq the one who can take his own darkness and turn it into life so exactly those exactly bulletins and azar that he's able of hope of hosh a hole in the hole they can take his darkness and transforming it to light that's the exact words that's what we meant that the dark side has infinite potential towards and the truth Adak transforms it into great light as the worst reason I said that the people that walked in darkness suddenly saw great light as the one of the verses of do we have more time here that's your calling the so do one more one question and one question in that we'll call it the evening [Music] [Music] okay so the question I lost my concentration was that I got the gun the question is that all those that fight on my leg is the satyrs the sages say right right the sages teach us that the etomidate is it's only turned over to the hands of the children of Rachel and the reason for that is has very simple explaining the result that Joseph is the Messiah the son of Joseph there are two messianic figures and his function is to be victorious over Arabic so it has to come from Joseph in also started in the case of the modify Nestor it was from his brother also from Rachel always from Binyamina mortifyin ester it has to come from her that's what she has been yourself but afterwards Moshe happen to be which comes who comes to bring peace to the overall the - to build the temple and to - to regather all the exile and so I have all of humanity serve one God together that's from that's Moshiach Mondavi that he comes from there he comes from the dark side so that actually this with this a very good potent point that it's the light side that has to fight the initial darkness of Moloch what is the dark side it has to be converted into light in order to convert the whole world intellect becomes becomes illuminated without destroying them the trauma like has to be destroyed but we need the messenger okay so the question was that Rob mentioned that Malaya was in a sense destined for a sub Dakota but because she cried so much she was able to change that destiny and then there was there's the the teaching that that maybe Dena should have been given to ace if she could have fixed him and so the question in the end is so how do we go about fixing the ace of in ourselves in the world okay so in a certain level the objective base of outside and the rebbe said that he's already ready he's waiting for us to just come in and redeem him which we say is through spreading the light of the Torah to the whole world that's as far as the objective the ace of his concern now is the time to spread the light of the Torah to everyone a so just waiting and ready to receive the light and to undergo a existential transformation to the right the inner face of the same thing we have two meditations we'll go study and learning and meditation we enlighten and that inner own a stock and it's a teak marriage to transform the doctors until itís basically okay thank you for everyone for coming thank you everyone I just I would like to end with a very very quick teaching from the ROVs that is very shia and we'll end with Abraha is it says in the Torah chef's spoke to Moshe Pelle Pelle and the robbed once taught that have is poram the first letter of forum l have the pair of Pesach and the word L to mouth to mouth is 31 and there are 31 days between poor Amanda pace on so right now we're in the right now we're between Purim and Pesach from guru Allah - gugu Allah and we should have the merit that this pace up even for four we should see the goulash Leymah oh man oh man there's a car
Channel: Harav Ginsburgh's English Channel
Views: 6,863
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: RP3rIeuVocg
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Length: 127min 33sec (7653 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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