The Moon : Mystery of consciousness

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[Music] good evening everyone Saro organized this class this evening is dedicating it to the family of her parents names a little ticking gonna do Robbie said that we have to live with my shears all the talk talk about Nishioka love maja see this is about the Michele thingy-majingy Redemption to the world redemption is consciousness divine consciousness everything that we see and everything that we do is infused with with energy with the light trans light is the Messiah since when she attended Redemption subject general topic it can be discussed from many different angles and the particular point that Berkeley tried to make the see it now this evening is is the much of the allegory the parable of the relation between the Sun and the moon that one of the one of the things this was all saying based on the person insulting to the Mayan bit 72 it says that he you know who I am cherish that the people that we the Jewish people in the whole world of children started off to Furio with the Sun you know became too much meaning with the appearance of the Sun as the sunrise in the morning everyone must stand in awe of Hashem you know who I am shemesh and then the continuation of the process with his name Yahweh our daughter diem and before the moon for generation after generation in meaningful Reverend Reverend Apple so there are the has all say and that the Shemesh represents Hashem as in another perhaps more well-known person in teething themselves Seamus from again a viaduct in the Sun and the shield is the are the two names of Hashem Hashem you tear up a is the Sun itself and the shield that prevents the light of the Sun from blinding us is as OPM traumatic image MOT atever that's well known to us because it's explained at length in sharra equivalent on the second part of Tanya so the Shemesh represents symbolizes Hashem and what word about the area was important for us today array of the the moon symbolizes emotion not he says explicitly in his commentary on tier theme that URL is sin Marcia so in this particular verse mushiya that ricotta is the moon very often with the Jewish people as a whole is called the moon but if Hashem is symbolized here by the Sun and the Messiah who comes to redeem us into to a materialize Hashem said desire and creation which is too happy 20 a spell or symbolized by the by the moon so we the Jewish people as in many other verses our symbolizes the earth actually because there are two symbols from my uncle's the Jewish people is not the last of the 10 shuttles that can either be music or towards the earth or can be referred to as the more so as a luminary just once more as a source of light and a source of consciousness in this particular context the moon is the Messiah he shines light to the earth which is us I just hope the chart literally all inhabitants of the earth and the Sun was and created two great luminaries because the the beginning of creation because the moon said it's two Kings cannot this serve with one crown Shem said to the more that diminish yourselves so it became the small Dominator initially there were two great luminaries and then the moon diminished itself and became a small pulmonary that reflects the light of the Sun and that relationship once more here in this particular context is that at oceanic to the Messiah and both shining to us to the to the earth to the Jewish people to the garage now very often the relation between Sun and Moon is a male/female be layer so the whole topic of the Moon is a feminine topic so even though the whole Jewish people is likened to the moon in three respects it says that we resemble the moon and we calculate time based upon the moon and we will in the future be renewed as the moon that is the quotas our dome image an aspect this in this context the monist as with the Jewish people that we are like you could look like the moon resemble than one and we have to understand what that means and we and we count according to the moon and we will be in node in the future as the moon is one of the most promises in the future as well it will not have to go through the cycles of of appearance and disappearance every month yeah or Havana Cora Hamada Severson Isaiah the delight of the Moon will be just like the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun will be Sevenfold more than the light of the seven days of creation so there were all the moon so either the son of the moon in one place it's a shame in the Mashiach another place the son of the moon were the moon so there still had the Sun would be then Hashem the relationship between Kucha brilliant a feminist divine presence which is the Jewish people but within the Jewish people themselves it's very clear that the sun/moon relation is a male/female relation that women especially shall identify with the with the moon and since it has to do with my Shiraz and sincere we have a group of women that want uplink russia-us that's why we thought of talking about them on every every one probably not because they a delta to be hood at the beginning that in popular literature last several decades one of the most best-selling books his men are from Mars and women are from Venus which has some basis to with in Kabbalah a little bit but but but definitely the Sun Moon relationship is much more so a man-woman relationship what's what's special about the the moon reflecting light if there's some mother some advantage in reflect reflected light from the Sun which is even more than the indirect sunlight what says yes there's something actually more intellectual about the moon than the in the Sun that's why the moon is a basis of calculation and not only there's something more intellectual about the moon in the Sun if were related to men and women so the moon is like it says about women that benighted only can be shy of my issue say a woman has an extra measure of of understanding more than more than a man actually the very word live and has in it the letters bina understanding but in kabbalah Marylebone are one of the pairs of terms for Sun and Moon I'm very like the words of Kama be nervous amah is almost a letters Hawk my wisdom in the bana has in it bina and even more than that if you calculate the value of the deep air so a mother by night but exactly equals Hawk Mabini the numbers 142 pairs did exactly for one another so the the vana has some additional bina to it just like a woman but even more than that and this is actually paradoxical in a certain sense there's no internet no call it ap intuitive in tonight the when I has more than the hammer but also that the Phenom represents faith above reason something totally super rational about the moon that the Sun is the reason is rational and so a man would say well now that I know that women are not rational but super rationally the man can't understand the woman because the woman is has more understanding than him but at the same time not only is she absolute Vantage he's a V understanding but the real origin of the woman at the moon is a Moana is simple faith that's why in the narrative women we were redeemed from Egypt and the narrative women will be redeemed now speedily in our days what's wrong with Messiah because the coming of Messiah depends upon faith on a moon a moon up shooter how do how do we know that there's there's something totally above reason about the moon another verse in Psalms reads that Seiya rathnamala team Hashem made the moon for more Adam or the seasons and for the holidays because we calculate time and the holidays based upon the months of the year and that calculation is based upon the movement in the appearance and disappearance the cycle of the Moon then the the continuation it says that the Shemesh Kadam ago that the Sun knows its exit or its appearance and the sages imply from this from the second part of the verse that the son knows means that it's we can calculate exactly the demotion the movement of the Sun but you're really Adam there's something in the physics it's called it a three body problem I've been lost a little bit of physics the relationship of the motion of the earth and the and the sum of the moon is a three body problem and that's why it's not it's impossible to exactly calculate where the moon is going to be that's why it's such a complex problem in in the in the Torah for the rabbis every month to to check the witnesses that come to testify as to the new moon in order to to sanctify the new moon and they thought it'd be as it should be has been ship will come her photo shows that a famous philosophy and that people sanctify the months based upon eyewitness the calculations are so complex it is impossible to exactly know like there are many things even in mathematics that we can't know exactly like the value of pi a transcendental number other things that simply they're coming they reflect such a such a source which is impossible with the human mind to know exactly so the saviors actually say that's the difference between the Sun and the moon there in simple terms the Sun is knowable and the moon so once more if we correspond the Senate the moon to male and female so there's something notable about the male and their son the unknowable at the female unknowable means that it's coming from a place which is called the rod LA which was a day it was important tournament cabo da roca 0 the unknowable head of the crown which in the soul is experienced or reflected as a simple faith much more there's something about a woman that she is the essence and the the power the in Hebrew the word faith is one of the synonyms for strength for strength of character faith is strengthened that's strength of faith of perfect and complete consummate faith in a Sheehan is a female property so in the in the intellect she excels in understanding and in essence she kind of her origin it is the unknowable high just like the moon is unknowable for a culture okay so after this beginning of this introduction I just wanted to turn States for now we're not confer sync in English and the future membership will come so the universal language would be they shall not call it all the docs but for the time being and in order to this is obviously Africa are parties that before the English here comes the most universal language is exactly English and bash gotta party to be we came from from America from wherever that the english-speaking countries and scene and since our task definitely is a Fatah was it's clear that we we have to be involved with the hot zone which is spreading much more spreading consciousness messianic consciousness so it's the vessel the vehicle that we have to do that is the air language one of the great early mokuba diem his name is written maybe Abraham Abulafia so we said that one of the signs of my chef is that he will be able to use all the foreign languages in order to spread the word of the word of redemption actually the three they correctly said the same thing that the see this has to be translated into other languages this is a way to bring mushiya's on the radio Rebbe said you know one of the famous heroes of the Rebbe that even in Pryor he said that now the Tonya's been translating to trial for for the blind this is like the last is the final translation it's a sign of a sign of the coming of Messiah much more the most universal language to spread the world is is English alright so then that was all in order to justify but we're not going to not going to say also a little bit Madera MIDI hooter which means with humor let's let's think about the Portland in Hebrew there are three words for the moon-god they asked about now those are two frequently appearing words in the Tanakh and a less frequent word is Saur Saur is the root of the aramaic turn to the moon which is sahara but in hebrew it also appears song so the three jars for the more Gabrielle LaVonda and saw saw the same word that means prison-like better saw in direct parallel a correspondence there are three terms for the Sun they go in pairs you're way out of the moon is your day off so what is the Sun shemish Steven a verse in the Prophet that says shemesh Yasuda an idiom chemistry I better stand together in the heavens if this moon is livin now so what is the Sun oh yeah horrible Abunda caught us on that that's what we said before it's a multiple know exactly what's wrong B now if the soon if the moon is Saha so the Sun has a name of similar name Cheverus they both share two common letters saw in reverse order Harris is high tablature son and that's the name of the son indie indie Tanakh and the corresponding name of the moon a song why are there three Paraguay in the initial Nicole - Why should there be three pairs of names for the son of the more so the epistle explains in couple doubt that the day and he resemble the three perilous because he's one of the Paris is the Sun in the morning a different world that in the world of their three created Rosie one of them butcher's todo divine consciousness but to burn a bridge is a salute to blows of emanation but in the three lower worlds where there is self consciousness which we want to be liberated from by Mashiach so the Sun and the moon in the world of the Briard creation which is the growth of self conscious intellect is shemesh Correa in this few notes pres every borough has all tense few Dawn's terms of this fear also since the relationship people in the son of the moon is male/female so Julie t favorite and Marcos meanie that in the world of Riyadh that the ferret is Shemesh and ah who is Correa and in the next rule of the law which is water formation which is the growth of of emotion feelings heart have inclinations why that's why zero which means formation also was like the 802 Monday took a bra in that world so the D ferret or the Sun is his comma and the moon is the banner and in the Loess world which is the world of action world of deed there the Sun is service and the moon is so right but in English so we just have we don't have to have all these three pairs just up one pair Sun and Moon and multiple now we're or contemplating the moon so what does what does more mean where where did they come from if one studies as a mother G so most works in English or come from India European air source close to German but goes all the way back to Sanskrit but there are many studies especially recent studies that they discover hundreds and thousands actually of English words which to derive relate to Hebrew table roots one of them one of the most important examples exactly is the moon so that we're talking about the moon and we're talking about targets for speaking on English so so this is a very interesting interesting point once more another verse in solves verse that reads the trades that we read every morning in our prayers says my name is Bhavik offer him the hood am JMO tigre God counts the numbers of the stars to all of them he he calls by name that word Monday means in Hebrew in Hebrew miss account in the saying of the sages that we put it before it says that we the Jewish people don't mean Levana be simple the morning and we count by the moon meaning that we calculate the calendar we count our days and we counter months in accordance with the moon so much for the modern scholars say that the prophetic word moon comes from this called sub root of men known like man which in Hebrew means to count and it's the very poor that is used by the sages to refer to to our relation to the moon as it appears especially in this verse and hear them what happens if you if we put a out of the letter harvest before the word no no this is like the Rebbe said that if we want to convert exile into Redemption so you just have to a dinner others into the world goal and then it becomes gula maybe the raw material of the redemption is the exile itself you don't have to nullify or annihilate the X i we just have to shine to project into the Exile the light of the others and then it automatically becomes transformed into into redemption so what happens if I take the word this word born there which means account and I put a other before that so then it it becomes a muna faith so this is this this was actually the beginning point that the that we wanted to to make an emphasize that the in English is actually a variation of the world omona which which means faith so Indian much more this effeminate consonant that women especially our faith and they have to project faith to count put it at me to count count is also a type of intellectual projection I project my mind to some some set will call it and I count this head that's why mathematics there are comfortable sets and there are uncountable sets to count as the is the basic function of the mind so actually the the same discovers that that examiner analyzed the demography of words where they come from were they mean and did were that were related to one another they actually say that to Littman air and Moon is related as cognate to mind one of our books is called body mind and soul in in modern thought in philosophy and in culture the world and the concept mind is very very central thoughtful there's something about the moon as we said before the desert that it has to do with understanding but the additional measure of understanding that's given to women but there's something about the moon is close to mind I don't like that close to mind but there's a man in the moon this one's of this is I just opened the book of etymology so the moon also was very close to men it's cause the men it was across the world but it says man maybe Thursday it's one source in every culture there are different different stories about the men at the moon from time immemorial people have seen a man in the moon and there is one source and at him in the in the Talmud that actually the appearance of Jewish consciousness if you look hard on the moon you can see that the music on the resemblance and the appearance of Yaakov you know which is the origin that revolve your sauce so the definitely is a man in the moon and that man the moon will be mushy l okay I'll call one of the terms in the Torah commercial commercial commercial of the god of Drake we said before that then in the process they arrested the demon the aware is much higher so now that I say a few words that physically about the physical mimetic but we can learn about about ourselves and part countries and said something mind mindful something man like in the moon more than the Sun and yesterday was mushy in a Latin and is also presenting the different variations different forms but how the same morning yet we don't know that and so well but some words we should know who knows what what moon is in that no no no that's why we have the adjectives loonette's owner the donor calendar on the counter the counter based upon the moon what kind of as an adjective it appears in English but how else does it appear in what other context because according to to believe that this is not necessarily true believe it could be superstitious believe there's some relationship between lunacy and the moonlight especially the full moon as many gory more afraid of of whom we liked it from home on the CL about a month after this there's one source in the also on capital theory saw it said that the difference between the word area and Levana even on he broke comes from the word Levon Whyte it's also very important advantage of the moon even over the Sun sunlight is not white it's yellow but moonlight is white white is is higher than yellow right so so in one place their bezel actually says that when the word nirvana appears in the Bible it means a former that it's all white but when the world yeah Brea appears it's a crescent which means this puckum the word for Crescent in Hebrew is the gun which is like a blemish meaning if the moon represents part of our state of consciousness Urrea means a consciousness which is not full it's only partially light right here is like conscious of Hashem and partially and dark another P which means are not conscious Habashi so and this is also very interesting because we said before and another place they have resources here B outlets in a higher world it's the border of the creation and the burners in the world of formation in the in the world of creation which is the intellectual world there the moon is a crescent and in the in the world of the heart of the emotion world of its era of another did the moon is for there is a high devotion to said that are at the heart the Jewish artists is always complete even though a machine avocados even if I'm asleep it in excel with my always awake and full my mind not necessarily so what's important about that one what what what is the simple reason that the moon is a feminine symbol because because of its monthly cycle the word month in English also obviously it's a derivative of the word moon month is a moon and woman has a monthly cycle but just called the 28 different campsites or times the periods the 28 periods of the book of qohelet Ecclesiastes timed to be part of the time what piece to bother to hate the time beside that the time to be there 28 times 14 pairs of times those 28 times would at time the different portrait I believe the word for time is Edie Edie called HEVs iron tough equals 470 maybe somebody remembers when when the Rebbe said but you're the Rebbe said to that everyone should try or the the whole about community to try to establish 470 different institute institutions spreading spreading Torah educational institutions adoption member had the oddity that the rabbits in passed away why did he added upon this number because this number equals high emotional 170 the most important word that in the Torah that equals that numbers at high interest simple to the world and there are 28 of those eh that that is that is the one of the origins in the tinactin in the bible for the for the monthly cycle and the multi cycle is the feminine cycle instead so many conscious consciousness is conscious of the monthly cycle one of the mothers I go the moon diminishes them is so disappears then becomes reborn appears reappears grows waxes and wanes that the epitome of its regrowth it reaches its fullness that bonus is the in the heart the fact that the moon has actually two phenomena in the moon of light and darkness one is the whole month except for the for the high moon for the formal so part of the moon is illuminated and parts of the blue moon is dark but there's something even more essential about lightness and darkness the moon has two sides to it and this is not the same thing the moon physically is synchrony altogether it's rotation with her theater revolved around its axis exactly in one month as it revolves around the earth and that means what that produces this is a there's several amazing things that Hashem created where the scientist doesn't speak in terms of the wonders of creation house and play of the world but our purpose one of our purposes is to contemplate and meditate and to teach the wonders of creation who was involved with that see Houghton or the Rapids in ourselves it's high emotion one of her greatest things in the Rebbe was very proud to spread this photo katni flow that ever in see Houghton or to contemplate the wonders of pleasure and the unfortunately this is one of the greatest science of exile that science teachers things without making a point of the wonders of creation but there are many but maybe not speak up to wonderous for entropic phenomena about the important one one of which is the synchronous rotation of the moon with the earth that there's no necessary reason for that at all that since the moon completes its cycle very slowly first the cycle the the the Earth revolves around its axis every day but the moon is once a month and there because of that reason there is always the same side of the Moon facing the earth and the rocks are always the other side of them Warner the fuss called the faster than the other side of them one which always is facing the earth the same side and there is the far side of the Moon which was always not pacing which is home which is sum total unconscious but is the moon represent the moon represents consciousness now in that in decide of the moon that always faces the earth so it itself goes through phases of the 28 phases of the Moon of the crescents are all phases of the nearest side of them meaning that the near side itself has relative states of light and darkness to it which in consciousness the light side of the Moon is called sod are it's like every personality every character also has two sides to to our personality and which come from two sides of our consciousness one is the illuminated side we have a sin side who are called illuminated side we have another side which was called sod off fill the dark sides everyone is is so much he dominated and so much done and obviously our task his tool is to conquer more and more of the dark side and transform it into illumination which should be conscious conscious of our sham consciousness of our purpose and just a premature sibling googled out of the to the world so even if say will be successful in making the hole near side of the moon light illuminated we haven't yet touched upon the far side of the law which is like some other world altogether since the human eye never sees the far side of the moon until recent time that there's travel to the moon but means that there's something that the far side of the moon represents some other world altogether some empty world now even physically there's another very important phenomena about the moon about the difference between the near side of the moon on the far side of the Moon that the the surface of the Moon has a crust to it a hard crust and from what is now known in science the crust of the far side of the Moon is 30 miles thicker than the crust of the near side of them which in simple terms means that it's in either says about grub that the the far side of the moon is tremendously margrock Rob than the near side of the moon as well if the Mun is our consciousness so we are near side also is the potency is the near potential to illuminate ourselves but we still have back there are the fossa between there's no way to reach us as we invent a psychological spaceship so to reach it but there's no direct way to read it and that far side is totally dark and it's it's it's very very drop to the extent that scientists don't understand why and by other soul so they the hypothesized scientists like to hypothesize hypothesize it may be originally the moon is is actually a Harkavy composite of two different celestial bodies this one is a little bit more able and the other is more Grob and they somehow someone which is a shell pasted these two together which is the near side of the moon of the far side of them but all this is in order to to contemplate our own consciousness that we but what this is the meaning of what we said at the beginning the house has all say that will resemble the moon first we resemble the moon then we count we calculate according to the moon and then we will be renewed as the moon will be Pinos in the future that the obvious is is our faith but our consciousness resembles them our mind are active intelligent what is consciousness consciousness is not yet active intelligence is just what we're aware of my awareness everyone's state of consciousness which is a state of awareness Hashem has created this symbol to perfectly reflect what our consciousness is like because our consciousness resembles the moon but we also have active intelligence which begins to begins by this by this function of counting and we calculate and to by our calculation to to establish holidays and so forth in the course with a total live in accordance with the Torah we know now what will be distinguishing between the distinction between consciousness and mind we're here using the word my we said it Mona we like scouting to mind mind in the sense of active intelligence of doing something with your manda just what you are aware of so we resemble the moon means that there are awareness is like the moon the moon is the perfect replica of human consciousness and we count according to the moon is that moon also has this power of mind to calculate in order to live according to the cycle of the total then we power in the future we're going to be renewed like the moon that that represents our faith our perfect faith which is actually the ultimate origin of the Moon that our faith is the future the futuristic which is the completely consummation that ours we said before watching play that the world to have a dwelling place below in us in this physical world in our families in our homes that all should be full of the light of a shame just like through Noah and the beta Prakash that were reading about on the Torah portions but I'd like to try in the house and from the house to the into the whole world this is our for this surface the renewal the ultimate renewal of the more others another amazing phenomena about the moon and its relation to the Sun that also has no physical necessity behind it just this is one smaller one perfect wonder of nature the moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun physically approximately 400 times smaller why one we should look at the moon in the heavens like a formal one it appears to be almost exactly the same size as the Sun they why is that so there are other planets in the solar system that have moons but there's no other planet nor the moon that is so big in proportions of the planets as the moon is in proportion to the earth but still on the moon is very very small than proportions of the Sun so why should they appear to be exactly the same size in the heavens subjectively they appear to be the same I was like in the beginning of Sudarshan created two great luminaries why is that so because the distance of the Sun from the moon of the earth is almost exactly the same as the proportion between the size of the Sun and the moon if the Sun is 400 times bigger than the moon the Sun is also 400 times farther away from us as the moon and because of this husband no reason at all for this to be the case but because of this Hashem was the tool to appear to our eyes as the same as the same size what is that sighs how many degrees are there in a circle this is one of the reasons of the 306 is an approximation of the days of the year because a longer year is 354 and a solar year is 365 so the means is approximately 360 that's why the 360 degrees to a circle the size of the Sun and the moon which are almost exactly the same is one half of they could have degree in the in the sky way that this this size of the Sun of the moon is one over 720 of the full cycle the of this of the sky around the Earth one habit of a degree that is the width of the Sun and the moon in the sky does that number have any significance to it one over 720 the very first word of the Torah spreadsheets he the classic text of Kabbalah which is called tikkun they also are there is disorder sequiny Asura is completely devoted to examining and interpreting a number of permutations of the first word of the Torah if you have six different letters how many permutations how many different ways can you order the six different letters so it's called six factorial six our torii of six times five x times 4 times 3 times 2 times 1 equals 720 meaning that it's the basis of the optical nerves or that the first word of the table sheet has 720 different permutations to it so one of those permutations if we'll consider this to be the whole the whole measure of the of the cycle of the sky the universe around the earth exactly one out of 720 that's the size of the moon and the end the Sun why how does this how does this reflect itself in nature interfaces by a very important phenomena which has also been studied from time immemorial from the beginning of human consciousness and active cultures calculating the emotions of the heavens is eclipses if the sum of the moon wouldn't be the same size so there could not be a solar eclipse I focus on not that many things like even the Einstein's general theory of relativity have been proven more or less because of of studying the phenomenon of a solar eclipse and what does that mean that if the what what is the difference being so little clips and our other motives what time of the month a solar eclipse means that the moon is now directly between the Sun and the earth hey boomer clips is the opposite that the earth is between the Sun and the moon so when does this other one can a solar eclipse appear that the moon is between the Earth and the Sun it can only appear on Rosh Hodesh or the day before Rosh Chodesh because if the moon is between the Sun and the earth so it means we don't see anything our nearest side is dark that's when a solar eclipse you don't see the moon moving just all of a sudden you see the Sun disappearing because the solar Clippers are always on Rosh Chodesh or the day before it has to be when the three bodies of the three body problem is the three bodies already in line is usually the moon is either a little bit above a little bit below so below yet it doesn't produce a Eclipse but if it's exactly in line then the Arnold hole - for the noon the moment exactly cover the Sun others are made there no reason for this for the fact that the - I have two of the same size but if the other is the case that the moon is behind the earth in relations of the Sun to the earth city in between and there are exactly in line so that's a lunar eclipse one can point it can that happen which can only happen from if it is more common than the solar eclipse a lunar eclipse can only happen on the fifteenth of the month or they want to see how about stomata because if the mooners is the other side of the earth it means that it's receding that's also very important when the near side of the moon is dark that's the time that it's closest to the Sun that it itself are much for us is the far side is receiving maximal light of the Sun when it's far side is receiving the maximal amount of light it's near side but we see has no as dark but meaning the new moon is much closer to the Sun than the formal the form alone it's the farthest from the Sun but we see the side that is being illuminated by the Sun so we see a full moon the dark side is very far away there's another important thing about the moon which also has to do with supporting it the the moon is very cold it says that there are there are certain vegetables and plants that grow by moonlight it's called ghettoes shyrokyne so we said one thing in the difference between moonlight and sunlight that sunlight is have some cover to it some huge wit but light is white another thing that sunlight it has heated to it sunlight as template as warmth to it moonlight is called in that verse that the etymologists identified with the with the origin of the word moon in english which is more NER miss Pollock Okabe me counts the number of the stars the kizomba Srimati crowd there two verbs the first version word of the verses a verb and Lazarus the last part of the versatile verb versus the Monett account that is ikura from mister call meta comes from the two letter route car called and that's actually the the last of the four before experiences of the great experience that we have on Portland which is called lady might our rhombus in common so many car the Jews had light yet light and joy and exuberant joy which was a song and get car colors dearness that were the car also has also come is related to the work to call and also the work car there's something so cold about there about the moon the surface of the moon that even though it's much closer than say faraway planets he says that the moon is cold or even in Pluto but I gather one is very very cold it approaches absolute zero it's so cold so you have to wear a really warm coat if you want to travel today to the moon but but there must be something good about also about that coldness something here something valuable to work yet a car was moon is value those four words about pouring correspond to the four meats for that people follow important that the light is the reading of the megillah is called the Torah yes'm positive festive celebration apparently drinking and low yadda this a song is giving gifts to friends instrument and the ik are the value is giving charity stuck out to the to the poor to ever puts out his hand to examine if he's really appointment or not whoever puts others hand to give him with generosity with great generosity something that is very valuable about that year car the word for light in that person for him like he might ah hold on he's in the feminine because throughout the hotel knows the word light is all and only here it's old ah the light that poor imagery is called reading the makita of the McKenna's called by the name of astera maka not more the highest are called McGee that mother has come we cannot Estelle what does that starin come from in person personality we have to live with the times so this the discuss that we're not having about the moon it's most appropriate any particular feminine persona in the pipe on the Donna the one in Kabbalah all women I have to do with the woman especially about having men because my hood but there's one woman whose name means more she is the moon as tell as there was a star in the collage with a stout someone's like Sarris the third words they worthy of the moon in the world of us here and her light of Mickey not the stairs a feminine light that light is called Bora with the hey so it begins in these four of the four words that the Jews had or dancing hasta sonic are the two middle worlds at different forms of joy but the first word is the last word is econ value but there's a very important verse in in the the provenance ahaaa that reads that in the future the light of the future we call Orion car boat freshen especially the word year comings like also precious valuable precious it also means cold in value and pleasures it also means to call after you count in call by name as in the person we said before so if idiom is or eager otters precious light the light of the children that precious light is the light is this moonlight that sunlight moonlight the consciousness the consciousness of the soul the Messianic soul that actually there's a spark of mercy of each one of us and with that comes to the fool that's the Messianic conscious of the future that is called or occult was actually a a union of aura and here come the first and the last bullet which was the mix water pooling is reading the nakida and giving charity to to the poor which is more than the whole year should be the amount of the charity I hope podium just likes it all teams okay so now let's say after all of these different things about the about the moon the most important vote that we said is that more now can we like English pickup for this race that moon it comes from the word Emunah and when I was taking this word more near to count and putting it out up at the beginning one of the readings in couple of the Emunah itself is that all this only the one counts to infinity how does a sham create vanish Emma Swan but the world of this plural how does plurality and the virtual the infinite morality derive from total singularity and unity one of the excellent deep I promoted this this is the essence of faith all this one that the one the absolute one counts to infinity and by counting to infinity creates plurality the creation of plurality from unity and singularity is the mind the active mind could say haha well the act of mind counting just like in this first one there is probably no promote equal he counts by Counting he actually creates the reality and then he in order to establish it - well establish but it's called the key bit key you lasting existence he names it what is the difference between mind and heart one of the simple differences is in the Italian says that the mind is like water the heart is like fire and water is essentially cold and Fire is essentially hot so when we said light pictures cold light is actually very deep intellectual light is a bad like light in her mother's literature only spiders don't the consciousness should be aware it should be so cleared of something that it doesn't overexcite because to overexcite to become excited means that it's a it's something unexpected but first we should be so connected in our current area and to redemption that it should be called beefeaters as determined as it oh it's simple it's obvious that's called that's positive coldness positive coldness means when the mind takes something as relates to something as absolutely obvious that is the way it must be nothing to get excited about this is it alright so now that this conclude all of this with within another and just purely Hassid us about the moon and how that relates which the woman was by the woman in the horn is the basis of our faith and how we can try to apply this in relation to everyone around us but if a a couple men and a wife have an with the wife kids gives me the essential input of the faith but the man also has together with his wife a face obviously that will reflect itself in the education of the children that the whole home will be a homeland of faith and will go on to shine just like the nerado from the inside of the home to the outside and to everything that that that the couple and the family accomplishes to bring you the coming of Messiah when I say faith what do I mean Satan in what sort are classy daughters faith actually can have five different objects to it who I believe in now this last part is based upon a principle that the Baal Shem Tov teachers and supported throughout how about hot cheetos a femtocell sandwich which really is a finish when you at the first time you should get excited just that when you when it becomes implanted in your consciousness so then it becomes just becomes thing I give them then you can positively be called about it because it's a given truth it's an absolute truth and that is the just as we believe in God so that we have to believe in every true I mean the potential of every true now how is this all going back to our moon image because we said the moon actually has two different phenomena of the darkness truth it has on it the near side it has also happened throughout the month it's half a dark and abyssal right then it has the far side but just for us just totally unknown the unknown side just totally dark Emunah is the power to take down potential and transform it into the Navaho they take darkness is called the fork of a solid in order to cleanse trance transfer and transform darkness into light that's the power of faith so once more the question is who do we believe in so here we have the statement of the Baal Shem Tov it's just like you have to believe in Hashem you have to believe in average of whatever who believed in the truth to believe his darkness believe in his likeness that's know what's more no healer to believe the officers did who is he who if you see that she was like using the a dark moon with that darkness will become light it has the potential to be light there is darkness that doesn't have the potential to be light but darkness in it jus he's potentially light and it partially at least depends on me how I had observed him - even him to manifest to bring out that light I was like I said I see those that if you're Muhammad SAW some someone if someone have you see something doing something that you can interpret it into the opposite ways either good or bad so by interpreting it for the good you're actually bringing out that you're realizing that good interpretation just like a dream such that that dream goes after the world as you interpret the dream that's what really comes about so we actually interpret every Jew for the good and even the dark we have to realize that the dark has the potential to be to be light and it will become light and become essentially because such great light that it's greater than light which is initially right that's called believing in it Jews once more that they the Baal Shem Tov says that just like we have to believe in Hashem such awesome what it means were the imagine that he's here even if I don't see him simplest meaning even if I am NOT always don't see how feminine in my life but if I believe in him as it says in Tania and different places like I can gather that quarter who the other than special tea if I believe the belief itself will Hashem will appear through the power of the faith in the same way I have to believe in that ritual but did not these two levels are subdivided into five it but the being a shame is one and believe me an average Jew attack is for also because believing every Jew there's a special believes that we have to have for Siddiqui called Imran Siddiqui the believe in the Saudi King of the generation especially deep Shaikh that you're connected to is the hotbed or oh my not Sadiq him women are best at belief that's the fourth day so the best for believing in a sham and they're also best for believing in the Totti and what else but articles a true it's part of the living in every - it's just the highest level there's level number two which is believing in cloudiest war which is the potential of the Jewish people as a whole this is it it's our dick of the generation the hospital and the whole to which people are way exactly the same you also have a relationship like the son of the moon that they appear exactly the same size in the sky school deems they can negative some people tend to like in moments of weakness of spiritual weakness to give up on the potential of our people as a show because our p.m. look at what's what's happening in the world and you see that when we're not getting our act together for some reason not so you see if you can say the topic the webinar is hundred percent out of the potential mushiya but but the people will have to get their act together they're not even not doing it so it's going the opposite direction and there's everybody is tough and user stuff so if you stubborn anti mushy out or you're stubborn just like yourself maybe out it's good stuff but so much but there could be a tendency and to to give up believing in the people in our people as a people the potential of the people then there's the next level of faith which asserted the faith and every individual Jewish additional actually begin with your own spouse in your home that maybe you're disappointed with the with the behavior of your spouse maybe you're disappointed with anybody but let's begin from the home don't give up that's exactly what the baal shem tov sally said that believe believe if you believe in him you'll bring out his good is is like kya illuminates his darkness by believing in this potential and was for this leave its strength what's the final level of believe is believing in yourself which is harder or should be harder and then believing is anybody else because if there's tendency to give up so it's most in relation to oneself because ya da English but not sure everybody knows himself the best anything else his shortcomings and the shortcomings are very very short and very very very dark you never give up on yourselves if you have to believe in yourselves I'm also I drew this once for believing in the other Beauchamp said we'll go back to Bostrom's it's just like we have to believe in Hashem have to believe in in in the tree in in every true but I believe in every Jew has these four levels - at the four levels of I could give up you the believer and the server for beautiful and perfect model I what's called the code so shield the crown or the the tip above the hood of a ship's name you'd give up handle four letters over gently there's one you would you dislike here that's module which is the perfect example of how that you should be at all a sham created hundreds of it that's the Chaddock I have to believe in him much more even though he's already inside think I have to believe very strongly but by believing to connect with him and by but the meaning he might also reveal his own mckee phim it's called in our seasons as everyone has inner light and has outer surrounding encompassing light which there's an infinite amount of which which can and should be incorporated and brought into his inner light by me believing saying the Rebbe that's coronating the Rebbe what does it mean to colony someone the bribe himself said the VSP coordinate both by us and by god passion canonic bring means bringing out the crown down on the the crown is called the mock if the surrounding light I very faith the strength of my favor this Adi is is bringing to him himself his mock give him his crown to him but the same is true in relation to all of the of the adduced levels of the Jewish people that we have to believe in to believe in the people of the people and to believe in every individual every other individual and also to believe them in my selves so all of this is the moon that the moon is a moon upon their throw this message a message we should merit in the in the merit that they have the of the women who symbolized the moon to the Google Omni tea party my dear Michelle see Tina there from Edmund and everyone must ask a question it's
Channel: Harav Ginsburgh's English Channel
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Length: 87min 12sec (5232 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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