Joseph's path to unravelling the subconscious

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good afternoon and good morning to everyone in America the last several months we've dedicated each of the classes to me one of the central figures of the Torah we speak of the seven gifts of so called the seven shepherds halls of the of the Jewish people or Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses Aaron Joseph and David we actually contemplated all of these except for the last toll at one this month in a mere assertion the last one the coming month which is yourself in our honor so this month were devoting ourselves to contemplation into the unification with the soul of yourself at Sadiq Youssef of all of the souls of Israel's considered the deed Sadiq our excellence of the Torah the righteous all who stood in the trial of temptation and I was able to completely conquer his yetzer Hara evil inclination and because of that he merited the connotation the eternal connotation of hatzadik deeds addict of all times and the reason that [Music] meditating on jobs of this month is because this month of Tammuz is explained to be the month Joseph there are actually four different opinions of the rabbi's when Joseph was born his birthdate and all four are in this month this month of tamos the first opinion is that it was born of no Scottish numbers and other stones Tom but always has two days of Rosh Hodesh but the first thing is the thirtieth of season of the last month and the second day is the first of Tamils so opinion number one is that Joseph was born on the first Atomos opinion number two is it was born on the second the next day the following day Beth Thomas opinion number three is that it was born on the 7th of damos scientist which was just this last yesterday actually Shabbos and the fourth final opinion is it was born of the twenty-seventh of Thomas so we have we have a very beautiful well ordered the cubic series of four numbers so I hope that try to follow now we'll begin with a a mathematical gem and Joseph is a very wise saw the other wisest of all of the brothers for sure and maybe the wisest person in a certain sense of wisdom in the whole Torah so we can also say that of all of the souls in the Torah yourself has a very strong affinity to mathematics he's a mathematician so if he made made sure to be born on four different days in this month of the thumb was he certainly had some very good reason behind that so now let's say let's learn how one calculates based upon the what's called finite differences in mathematics how one calculates a series what will be the following number and the day all following numbers to infinity so let's now consider this series as one two seven twenty seven the four dates that are given to be the the birthday of Joseph taking finite differences from one to two was one from two to seven is five from seven to twenty seven is twenty meaning that the I hope that you'll be able to show this yes that beneath the the original four numbers we have a second line of numbers which is one five and twenty and then under that as I already have on the underbar in front of us we have for the next is 4 and 15 and the final which is called the base of this series is 11 if we would have become just with with 3 numbers not 4 or we would have a quadratic series meaning that when it's translated into a how to break formula it has N squared in it but since we began with four different numbers we have a cubic series that when written as a algebraic expression there's an end to the third in this in this series so know that let's see what will be the next number in the series awfully obviously the next number cannot be a date in the month of thumb moves because it's critical well over the 29 and days of thumb ones so how do we calculate that we add the 11 to the let's go back to look at the the form numbers we have the 11 to the 15 which is actually adding valve Katie okay and we get 26 shims name then we had the 26 to the 20 and we get 46 which the the filling in of blossoms name the highest of the filling ends just called the filling end of the name which equals 72 then we take the 46 and add that to the 27 and then we get the next number in the series what is the next number in the series let's go back the next number 73 73 the word hokhmah wisdom and is there something much more very wise about this series that from the foreign dates that are given for the birthday of yourself the next is always theoretic number it's implied implicit it's not explicit it's implicit is 73 the value of the word wisdom let's now summarize the numbers all four numbers that we began with one to seven the first three equal 10 actually 10 is very often divided into 1 2 & 7 like in the 10 she wrote the first few are scattered in the next row she wrote her pokemon be now wisdom and understanding the 1 is the crown income wisdom and understanding that come the seven emotive attributes of the heart so one two seven is a very well recognized triplet of numbers the deep or ten together when that 10 is added to the 27 it then becomes 37 the researchers are also the value of wisdom in ordinal numbering when I add the 37 to the 73 so I get the sum of the first five numbers of the series is 110 37 and 73 actually it's the same two numerals reversed what hundred and ten this as the our audience here what is a hundred and ten have to do with Joseph that's his lifespan the lifespan of Joseph is 110 so we already see another another beautiful phenomenon that relates directly very simply to Joseph let's go one step further let's calculate the next number in this series go back to the beginning but in order to calculate V you have to remember the numbers that we added so if you could okay we have with you so it's 11 plus 26 is 37 that's the number of you already saw that's actually different the four original numbers then it's 37 and 46 how much was that that's everybody helped me add the numbers the word how do I know that Joseph is a mathematician because his name means to add yourself so he obviously the mathematician he likes add so so we have here 37 and 46 is 83 I believed and then we take the 83 and we added to the 73 what do we get the next number in the series we get 156 but what who recognizes that number what is 156 156 is yourself that's his name so this already has becoming more and more phenomenal in in beauty and as we know we're Hassidim we don't try to prove anything we just try to show the beauty of the Torah and all of the phenomena of the mathematical and the beauty is what arouses our heart to believe and to be drawn towards the truth beauty draws you to the truth of the Torah I'll just now say something more if we go another two numbers two numbers down after yourself is 477 when Yosef was born his mother Rachel called him yourself and said at the moment that you called him yourself yourself Hashem and he'd been out there but small yourself needs to add may Hashem may God add for me another son so that is the ration now it's rock heavy metal kids for calling her son yourself if that phrase is calculated its game RTO it equals 477 1 Morris - exactly - numbers down in this series or just like one more thing about this series and then we'll go on if this here it is calculated through 13 places it's a very significant number we just heard before that now we're at the 13th class you should calculate the 13 places its correspond to the 13 principles of mercy version so the sum of all the first 13 numbers apparently mathematics it must be a multiple of 13 but more than that we don't know if we sum the first 13 numbers of the series the number that results is nine thousand one hundred and ninety one hundred which is thirteen times seven hundred meaning that the average value of each of the first 30 numbers is 700 this number is five times 1000 deta 820 which is the number of all of the times that our chains name appears in the hotel ah it equals 70 times our shame shame 70 times 26 times five is this number that we now write that in this very very special series the average value here being 700 mothers that have to do with with yourself matter you'll say 556 at 6 times 26 6 times at Ram's name this number as we saw is actually 5 times 70 which is 350 times that reminder but the average father once want to say exactly 700 what does that have to do with her yourself so the many different points that were not just in order to pass on to the next thought this Fira that he corresponds to even though today were going to try to go through all of his 10 she wrote all of his 10 powers of his soul when she corresponded at the 7th to the 10th lights and channels of creation but his special Spira is called your soul Foundation which is the breed the Covenant his trial his temptation was will he totally guard and purify his breached his covenant and he stood the trial the work his sword is a very interesting word foundation because it reads a huge salt you understand you did it that it's called a a formed that a form point but it's like a does that includes the kernel essence of all of the 10 she wrote and hewed is then followed by the 3 letters which call the first Sol Sol de niro means secret or mystery meaning that there's an illusion in the name you sold foundation to ten mr. Reaves ten secrets what are the ten secrets the ten secrets are the ten she taught themselves the ten secret concealed powers of the soul that we have to manifest and reveal now service about him I'm going to see if if we want to summarize honors of the usage of the word zone summarize all of the qualities and all the stories about Joseph and what he means but each one of us has a sparkle Joseph what that means for each one of us our Sadiq inside America daunted Hakeem for all so they came by all of us Parker you're safe you know what does that mean the very essence of yourself is the ability to reveal become the diverse region become there I'm caught mini Horus to reveal the depths of the sub conscious and the unconscious to bring it to the fore of consciousness so once for his whole Joseph is all about revealing the secrets one the one point of Joseph is the power of the soul to reveal sequence everyone has a secret and everyone has ten secrets and here's the foundation which much more of those two the ability to reveal all of the 10 secrets were secretly for 70 how much is 10 the secret 10 secrets of 700 that's the number that we were trying to to explain that in the series that we presented the average value of the first 13 numbers is 10 times secret 10 sequence which is the sphere our foundation you thought the light and essence of the I'm Joseph certain ha sido that if you fall in love with something it's very hard to leave it so hard for us to leave this series that we just just just defined every year series if one knows the role of how to translate a spirit of this is called discrete calculus what we're doing now this was studied and defined by Newton how to translate this series into our algebraic expression which is a cubic expression it's not easy and it's not too hard so I'll just say what it is afterwards whoever's interested how how one arrives from the series to the outer break expression can ask Moshe the algebraic expression here is 11 times n cubed minus 21 times n squared plus 16 n plus 6 all over 6 so if you enter into this can you write that on the board I said don't don't bother it's hard it's hard he said I can't it shouldn't be too hard if n is zero so most obviously it's 6 over 6 which is 1 if n is 1 so you can also very clearly very easily see that it's going to be 12 over 6 which is 2 if n is 3 and that's a little bit more difficult to figure it out but you can also see very clear very delete it at 7 and if n is 3 is 27 and it's fall it's 73 if n is 5 its yosef if you put the number 5 into this expression then the result is 156 which is yourself if n is 7 and the result is yourself a Yemeni been out here may Hashem give me another so when smarty words that Raquel said one yourself this one if we have four possible dates for the birthday of yourself it also must be a structurally and in and of itself or are always of those two the four letters of our gems name you'd give up game how can you be born four times four different days of the month of Thomas a Luther a delivery of Okemah claim whenever their different opinions all of them were true with at some level of reality so it must be we must say that the first of them was his wisdom is born which is the unit of his soul every soul is a daily kavaja it's a part of your key buffers and the central name it has four different levels so it appears as though the wisdom is wisdom is born on the 1st September was his understanding which is the hay of a ship's name is one of the second why are these two days consecutive it says about wisdom and understanding that the tool their two companions that never separate choice one and two but then the third level devolve which are the emotive levels of the soul that's seven that corresponds the number seven that's one on the seventh day of Dumbo's but then finally his mark which we're going to go on to see Joseph never today to be a king even though his essential property is his sole foundation but he became the first of all the viceroy of the king of egypt of the pharaoh and then after that farrell passed away he became this is not explicitly torah but this the sages teachers he became the full 100% king of egypt so from eight sadiq was what yourself one of the very important things that he represents is that at sadiq becomes a king king david is just a king but yourself is a santak that becomes okay that's exactly what what we're looking forward to right now that it's Adak becomes a king so that birth every birth is after a state of pregnancy in the womb one of the very important things about Joseph Joseph he is the one important sort of the Torah that spent twelve years of his life in prison all tsadikim that married to be imprisoned are definitely related to Joseph and it says about Joseph in verse in the book of ecclesiasticus go ahead it'd be better for him had him law from prison he came out to rule and the fact that he became a king of what the transformation from Sadiq to King was in the merit of his being in prison the prison is just like the the Exile of Egypt in general that he represents in person in his in his person he represents the x.i of the whole Jewish people on a whole land of Egypt is like one big prison it says they no one was able to escape from the prison of Egypt and have a lama thought that the prison of Egypt in general is like a womb the Jewish people as a whole wouldn't that over too ten years before the the exodus that's the birth of the Jewish people but Joseph was in his room for 12 years before it was born and transformed metamorphosized from exotic to King the room is the foundation of the mother in the terminology of Kabbalah I know that the fact that Joseph is the soul of the Torah that experiences imprisonment and it's very important even in prison his spirit he keeps his spirits high and he finds favor in the eyes of everyone so the extent that he's given over all the other prisoners of the prison to her don't they care up by this our Bettis or the officer of the prison or go long to explain where he gets his special graces in from but in any situation of his life he has been to have can also have to be happy even in prison is happy he believes it's all hush-hush a party that's all the divine providence washing what's more his spirits Joseph is a figure whose spirits are always I that happiness even in prison that also comes from the mother figure because the inner dimension of motherhood is happiness as actually the meaning of the womb of mother earth so that's also a trial his first prior was the temptation of the wife of Potiphar but then he had a trial how are you going to be ahead to being in prison for 12 years that trial he also stood successfully we said that if we want to to state in one statement what your joseph represents the power to reveal the depths of the unconscious in the consciousness ten secret the ten secrets of the soul now after this introduction will begin to go through the different levels of the souls and how they're represented in the life of the Joseph after Joseph was called by Pharaoh to interpret his dreams and he interpreted them with truth with the genius so Pharaoh first says that my name sarkozy shall head akimbo can we find such a man who possesses the spirit of god or the Spirit of God athenian each our share Rula hello Kimball those are the five words his first described as a man whom the Spirit of God resides in him then he goes on to say Pharaoh that Joseph had said that you have to look for an understanding and wise person to to control the event during the seven years of the Association in preparation for the seven years of famine so the next thing that Pharaoh says is resting directly addressing Joseph in the presence of all of his advisors and ministers is in born Kamal sir Warburton evil there is no more understanding and wise soul as you then after saying those two prices Joseph he hands over the the is ring the royal ring and the points Joseph is to be the vice free there actually everything that takes place in the land of Egypt will be in the chorus with his world then it says that Joseph went out to the people and they all called him by a special name which is alpha rare this name which appears here was the first and only time the total of rare is now that things used to be to be any young man who devotes himself to Torah study of rare but one small heroes has a very special meaning usage to it and the broschi was the most the classic a commentary on the table I actually gives three different interpretation but this mysterious sounding name means I'll be first the first interpretation that Rashi says about a flare is he quotes the tongue Combe the translation to aramaic which we sustain our bother marker this is the father of the King which means that this is the counselor father is one hero in this sense that gives council advises the King because he advised the King Pharaoh but they do how to save the land of a trip from the seven years of the famine so this is the father of the king then Rashi goes on to quote two other opinions of the sages that one divides the word operation to two small words each one of two letters of rod once more the first two letters of means father but the second tool that is Rock means soft in Ebro so what does that mean it means that he is a father of wisdom because the father principle throughout the Tehran especially in Kabbalah as you know this wisdom and we have a definite origin for that that he was the father of wisdom although he is solved in years he said he's a young man from this interpretation comes now the the present usage the modern usage of this word of Prayer it's a young man who was a total scholar studies Torah our prayer so first of all every I've left now maybe we have here several hundred in that study in the Nicolo so they should know that their title the name of prayer is actually the name of Joseph me that she tried to emulate Joseph Joseph was that the he's the one that's called the area that's the second interpretation that he is thought that contrast of two properties that he has is a father of wisdom that a father a suitor in the health or person though he's a father he is young he's young in years rah-rah-rah fish are named as the expression in April then there's another opinion that he that please that a simple root I want to try to understand this world by by identifying its roles in the April so the fruit is better better either means to bless but what a blessed are you but it also means an evil and me to needs of the legs or the pure Caillou so what does that mean I've read that means a person that everyone in the country kneels down to in submission so that's the third reading of this special word once more it either means the council to the king or wise and young or the one to whom all kneel that's the order that Rashi relates these three interpretations this three can very easily be seen to correspond to one of the most important fundamental teachings of the Baal Shem Tov which we probably all have heard of what's called submission separation and sweetening it's in the reverse order obviously most obviously the third reading which that all kneel to Joseph that's the meaning of our participation in the also duty that he radiates to all a sense of submission to his regime the fact that he is so special unique wise and young very wise and still very young very soft when a breath according to this I can have been means a soft father people think that father's just need slightly different context that her father is stringent though he's a soft father just as was I'll say that the word soft means young young in age so that said that definitely separates him from everybody else there's talking and that's referring to him himself not to eat the function that he performs in the country just that he himself is very wise and very young but what actually defines his function which is what he's here to do he's here to give advice and to tell us how to save our lives to save the lives of the whole world actually them not just the land of Egypt the famine extended to all of the ancient world so he is here to to save the world that's actually that's the first interpretation that he's the counselor to the king to tell him and also us what to do in order to save ourselves that's called sweetening the sweetened hardship the hardship and the severity is the family what to do in order to alleviate that that hardship that's called sweeten once more this is a very beautiful example of submission and separation between the three interpretations of a flesh but as one of the sphere OTO said himself it obviously corresponds to his father which is his wisdom his father property that's where it begins argue then this very amazing it's not enough that if you read the verse it's he called him as though the people called him out there but then a few verses later it says that Fabri himself gave him a special name a royal name in order to make him worthy to marry a royal woman and the name that he gave him is just not Pandya now the whatever is an ovulation the caught in the kollel here knows that one of the greatest sages of the last century perhaps the greatest of all his proper name is Joseph in the name of his book is it's all snot Barnea the rogachev oh what a soft not burn out man sort of that means concealed hidden just like we're talking about that the essence of Joseph is to be able to reveal and to interpret and solve the riddles of the unconscious that's exactly what its name means because the first it's a name that has two words to it the first word is thought not which means concealment it's a form and the second word Pinilla actually doesn't have a similar name in the whole Bible and that's why we just had to suppose B guess what it means but the educated guess it's were given is to solve he's able to solve all of the problems or all of the mysteries of the unconscious what is the simple manifestation of that in Joseph's life that he was a premature but that's the reason that he caught him by this name Pharaoh because he interpreted his dreams all of the other interpreters all of the of his wise men were not able to to interpret the dream properly only Joseph so because of the interpretation of the dream he gave him this name so it's not pawn there that he is able to unravel all of the depths of the unconscious just as the phrase that we caught it before Mecca they are called mini horses it reveals all the depths from with the ended this of the unconscious mind the continuation of that person job that it reveals the depths from the darkness is by out saying the horrid some of it that it brings to life to light even the shadow of death we know that when we study geometry we said that Joseph probably is the most important figure of the tore out the day that loves geometry oh it loves the adding numbers and playing with numbers the ultimate revelation of Joseph is the machiya ben Yosef the Messiah the son of Joseph we know that everything has an ant like in in physics are these every particle and that Eichmann has an anti particle positron particle and it's antiparticle need to touch the annihilate one another mushiya who is his anti particle so this is a principle in geometry that every number has something very very good in it that equals that number has something also very very bad in it which is the anti manifestation of that of the good thing so one of the most important examples of this wall is mushiya that his anti is not hush reserved the primordial serpent that seduced Adam and Eve just like the I was like the wife of Potiphar is trying to seduce Joseph when Joseph stood the trial he rectified in a very very great way I damn Adam the first man the of resource says that actually Joseph is the Sahara the Adam edition is the splendor of Adam Sahara allowed the supreme this full splendor of Adam and what's more he stood the trial that Evan didn't stand so he was given this name so if not palm they are to solve the riddles of creation to solve the riddles of the soul let's calculate this the first Ward's off not it's how they've been on top ever knows how to calculate the amount equals 620 is act Li the value of what it represents because it represents the concealed mysteries of the subconscious of the unconscious what is that there's one of the things she wrote that's the first the highest fee let's call care to the crown so the first word solves not equals capital equals crown 600 money in the hotel rather 613 commandments and other seven commandments of the sages all together 620 because they all ultimately derive from the unconscious supra-conscious of the of the cloth of soft not the next word paella which again if it wouldn't be in this context we wouldn't even know what it means because it's not a rule that appears anyplace else in the Torah if we calculate its value it equals 208 208 is one of the patriarchs Isaac its Huck here we have an affinity I would explicit affinity between Joseph between yourself in its hot before we mentioned the great Sadiq in the revealed that they mentioned the Torah the rocket rover was name was Joseph I will want to mention a very very great Sadiq as he taught in the more concealed the dimension of the Torah a previous wrapping up about yourself he thought by are those two names juxtaposed what is the rationale be behind combining those two names together means as explained yourself actually has a direct relation not just through his father Jacob but a direct relation to his grandfather Isaac in a sort of way I think is the one that gives him his inspiration all of his ability to solve mysteries and riddles and to interpret dreams he gets that wisdom from you talk that's what to go into the subconscious and to bring it to light as we said before Joseph is six times twenty six six times 26 is three times 52 52 is the word Ben son so we have three sons Julian just like has six names of Hashem to him he has three sons one of those three sons explained a class he taught the just as he added we just now said he has a direct relation to his grandfather I mean it's not just a grandson it's hog he's a son a 100% son of it's like Joe psyche is a 100% son of his father Jacob there are many things that connect Jacob to eat shocked to see Jacob to yourself the most important one is the first that reads either to thought you called yourself these are the generations or the lineage of Jacob Joseph the unite together and were taught that all of the power that Jacob has to procreate give bro to give birth to all of his 12 children all comes from the power of the sole root of his one child Joseph that's a direct obvious relation between father and son but he has a direct relation to his grandfather as we're now explaining that's the ability to solve riddles that's his ability to create a divine play with his brothers concealing his identity and then at the proper moment revealing his I didn't perhaps the most intricate and beautiful story in the whole Bible is the story of Joseph in his brothers and what's called the Tarkio the exercise at the proper word the play that you created the play concealing himself and putting his brothers into a into a very very dramatic movie to use the proper word and in English a tremendous sense of trauma if you're looking for a a drama teacher since I want to turn to Joseph these two properties everything go together his dramatic sense and his and his ability to solve riddles to solve problems both of those properties come from Isaac from each work was them also means to play to create a play at the end of the play the fear of all the brothers in one moment transformed into a joy does that their phrase that used in reference to Isaac pahud the eats Huck this fear and trembling becomes laughter that's exactly what the Joseph did in reality in his play with his brothers hiding himself and then suddenly revealing himself says in this or that that sudden revelation of Joseph is a forerunner of the revelation of God at Mount Sinai so we said that the second part of that names of not pan they are equals Isaac its hug if we take the name Yitzhak and we write it in full in that the hood is written you would have doubted and the exotic is Sadiq dad acute Cruz and that the head is had your table in the co-pays confort Bay and just the fielding letters the feeling that is called the pregnant letters were the unconscious level betters the unconscious letters within the name is Huck itself amazingly equals source not ghetto I mean that this phrase was not Parnell that Pharaoh gave to Joseph if the first word is the unconscious feeling of its in the second boy a like himself how much does it equal together 620 and 208 equals 828 are divided by 4 it's four times 207 207 is the word or light the whole name is a very dark sounding name piece of snot is concealed me to actually like doctors and pan therefore the very dark work as I have no inkling of what it could possibly mean if it wouldn't be in this context I just have taken educated guess what this word means in this in this context once more it's a very very dark unconscious name and it equals 4 times light one spot representing the Joseph is the ability to transform darkness into light that's what is ability to interpret dreams come from but for all the visible it is power to enter into the depths of the unconscious that's the power of his crown to have the flash of the insight to find the proper interpretation of the dream that's all the wisdom let's go back to be said what we said before that the Pharaoh before before he appoints him to be the Viceroy he he says two statements of praise regarding Joseph the first is he calls him a shadow a shadow Kimbo a man that possesses the Spirit of God and then he says n-now phone - come over there is no one so understanding and wives as you in another place while she says in the Torah did hello Kim Aloha College the Holy Spirit he's a property of the dot when the when the Torah speaks of the of the properties of this about the artisan of the tabernacle so he was keeping the wisdom understanding in the heart and now she said that that means were Hakodesh so in the if we take that and put it into this into this text into this context so we also see that the first thing that he sees about you about the about Rosa states about that Joseph is that the Ezra Hakodesh which is the Spirit of God dwells within him then he goes on to say and that there's no one so understanding and wise as you so actually what is your saying saying that three properties of the mind in the the reversed order dot college which is Oaxaca the Holy Spirit and then understanding which is the mother principle and then haha wise which was the father principle let's calculate those two phrases together each eye shadow King boom plus and Nirvana Hunca munca the man of holy spirit and there is no one so understanding and why did you he comes out to be seven times of light says that his name scoffs not pan there is four times of light and these phrase are seven times right in this context the seven relation the seven years of the soul of satiation and seven years of famine but what otherwise would be total darkness the darkness is like a person that walked in the dark they didn't doesn't know where they go and he'll probably stumble and fall and Joseph was the one that appears with a with a flash light and shows us the way to the soul and to live not to die is that the deal go back to a point that we were in the middle the opposite the anti matter the anti particle of Micheel is not harsh but what is the anti particle of mashiach ben yossef beside the son of joseph so it says that his anti power is called some of it the shadow of death and equals exactly mashiach ben yossef a messiah and once that first breathe because a hammock open the Christine reveals the depths from the darkness the continuation the brings to light the shadow of death which is like resurrection shut off there's like the fear of death light is joy like it says value will he might know whatever simcha light goes together than the Torah with joy he's able to transform the shadow of that which of the funeral death into light into joy who does that Mashiach Ben Yossef the Messiah the son of Joseph once more that is anti is some moment when Joseph was released from prison on that very night the angel appeal before he was about to appear before Pharaoh to enterprise says he already prepared him for his to be appointed as king in order to be appointed as king into Egypt you had to know all of the seventy land which was of the seventy peoples on earth so the last the angel Gabriel came and taught him all 70 languages that one night and he obviously knew one language that Errol didn't know which was the holy huncke Sweden was one more than Pharaoh at that moment he also added a letter to his name which actually only oppressed one time the whole pipe on the Book of Psalms not in the table nothing the five books of the Pentateuch he had at the hey between the yield and the balm of his name and he became your whole self so the whole your whole self that hey is being taught the certainty languages that here's the way of is they hire a about shams name you'd keep of K which is the have be enough understanding to understand languages when the person knows the language is called unleash Omega in Hebrew he hears a language that the ability that's very important in the in education also language talent where does that come from it comes from the mother the one language that you're most fluent in and most liked the talk is is called mama lotion the language that you get from your mother his language has to do with motherhood that's a much more that hey which was the hair of the mother that's the power it says in theory so to be taught over the 17 languages to be able to assume leadership in Egypt so it says that from that hey he was able to reach down to the lower hey of our MC is the higher hazed understanding mother and the Lord he is daughter which is Kingdom because of that hey and is being taught over 70 languages he was able to assume leadership that was the tonight the condition very often in Kabbalah as he wrote the mother principle is called a condition Adonai for something to be fulfilled so the tonight to become a king is the 70 languages which he had to understand in one night so actually what we have now said all together we talked about his character his ability to reach the unconscious his wisdom which is to bring it to light and then it's understanding to understand all languages means to understand the psychology of all peoples and what is of language a language is the psychology of a people as expressed by the language that's his understanding his thought as we said before as his Ruach Hakodesh which also is the ability to bring this the unconscious into consciousness because that is the conscious reflection of the crown of the unconscious it's just under it in the middle line of this field has taught in Capernaum but I will say if something more very important about his thoughts something that we haven't yet touched upon when Joseph became the device read one of the first things that he did was to circumcise all of the Egyptians what was that for Joseph had a passion to convert the whole world it's an existential total passion that everyone should be Jewish but it was a passion sometimes passions go wrong so his passion that everybody becomes Jewish right now like my fear now but a little bit too much but the original teachers is a very deep thing why does it say later on the table before the Exodus it Moses took the bones of Joseph with him out of Egypt so usually interpret to be in that Moses took the power of the leadership from Joseph within that he be able to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt but the Ariza says that something much deeper than that a resources he took the desire to convert the Egyptians because Moshe also had that very same passion he was stage number two of Joseph's passion to convert the world and it says that all Egyptians that Joseph circumsized 210 years later at the time of the Exodus they became their descendants were the anklet crowd the mass multitude that Moses tried not a hundred percent successfully to convert me that the son of a common passion between yourself and most motorists considered to be the dot the knowledge the under the the as we said before has a with raha college but it's now that also means the the contact to contact our Sharon to be one with our community they thought of all of the souls of Israel and the common thing that he has together with Joseph is listed deep passionate desire to convert all people sometimes when you have a passionate desire to do something you don't even ask God whether to do it or not because you just have to do it what what is the end of of the story of the aid of loud they they made in this month of Thomas this is their month and this month of their tunnels they were responsible for the golden calf my 17th of Tammuz according to the source of the holy saw the the tabernacle was commanded God commanded to construct the tabernacle to Moses during the first 40 days that he ascended to Mount Sinai before the sin of the golden calf but because the sin transpired he waited to tell the Jewish people to construct the tavern I call only after Yom Kippur after the end of the third period of 40 days that it was on on the mountain only after God forgave listen then he conveyed the commandment Rashi says different well she says that he himself was commanded only after Yom Kippur but according to the surah Kadosh he was commanded to construct the tabernacle before the sin of the golden calf but the his tapping at home were giving it over to the Jewish people's only after the Day of Atonement how does his arm wound this because at the beginning but he was instructed at around the beginning of the power which is called trauma it says called if every man that wants to contribute to the tabernacle shall contribute but afterwards when he tells it over to the Jewish people it says who may eat them take only from yourselves only the Jewish people house their results and how's that so actually understand that that originally the aid of robber included before they were responsible for the sin of the golden calf they were also considered by God to be an integral part of the Jewish people and they were also given the commanded by God at that point to donate together with everyone else to the tabernacle but after the sin because they were responsible they were then left out but what does Moses have to do was motive still in the middle of his mission to convert everyone that's why I has to be toilets as in every generation in order to continue and until he ultimately fulfills his what we call work of now calling passion that all of the aid of Rob become full-fledged Jews and obviously had he been able to he would have accepted all of humanity that's definitely what he wants to do now right now in any event that common desire to convert what we said before a Jew has done that is the ability to unify his soul with God says an actual does not possess that power of death the passion that Joseph has it that Moses has is to give God that all people know God just like the ramp on my mother is conclude that it when the ship will come the whole world will be all of the knowledge I've got and that's what they wanted to accomplish as we said last month all of the seven attributes of the heart would just say the now but just maybe in one sentence because in Surat home but the sixth week of October we went into them in detail nothing not in this class but it's it's written for everyone wants to to see just to say it in short the love of Joseph which is especially is the way that he related to his brothers they even though they hate them they want to kill him and then they sell them into slavery he still continues to love very very deeply the might is called covet he threw his able to conquer his inclination and resist to resist something is not resist the temptation of his mistress that's his food his the fabric which means beauty is his own beauty he's caught you say Taulbee of a mother just like his mother Rachel this inherits from his mother as you fat to be a fat mother beautiful of form and beautiful of appearance so as he called you faint or you think that means it's the most handsome person on earth that's his tea ferret his Nets of property Nessa means active self-confidence after reinterprets the dream for pharaoh he goes on without being asked he goes on to say the Pharaoh that now I'm going to tell you what you have to do and what we have to do actually he obviously brings it to a point this federal will have to break that I'm the only one that can do it that self-confidence he's a slave is Allah prisoner he's now being taken out of prison and he I asked me just to interpret my dream not to tell me what they do that were taught that is the ultimate expression of self scope and it's of holy self competence holy self confidence means taking initiative even if you're not asked the end of the story of his play that he stages with his brothers is that suddenly as we said before he reveals himself acknowledges his identity he can actually confirm one of the meanings of the others filled up hold it religious means acknowledgement also means confession Annie or self all of a sudden I am Joseph is my father still alive his your salt principle and so everything is you thought about it on the tool primaries filled out of yourself as he thought as he received from Katherine from the unconscious and reveals it but one special thing about your soul your sword is the drive to fulfill her to realize self fulfillment self-realization the Nets Aquos is taking initiative but the authority has continued throughout his life his drive to make his own dreams come true that's called cool hahaha gamma which has to do with the inner meaning of yourself which is a met to verify to make it come true that's why yourself is called a met that his his sole power and his king power the final is that he has been said before they actually becomes king he's at Sadiq which becomes a king right up with this will include you know went through the all of the of the properties of yourself Authority and yourself a mother [Music] [Music] first question is from Angela I think I've answered this but we're the ones that Moses took with him the ones that Joseph had circumcised so the robber Eddie said that there were their descendants so the question was why does there need to be a messiah the son of Joseph before mushiya the son of David especially in the context of what the Rav explained tonight we said that Joseph is a Sadiq that becomes a king nonetheless his primary property is the exotic and David is a hundred percent it's a tick from the from beginning to end it should be a hundred percent a king from beginning to end a matter the big medical fabric I am very often does explain constitute that just like we said before that you said is called a prayer which nowadays is meant as it is used to mean a youngest Torah scholar yourself corresponds to the study of Torah and to implement that study in reality when you successfully implementing that study in reality then that that is element of kingdom of kingship but David when I say you're certain David I mean the two machines David is masa is action from the beginning he says and in this world study is great means that in a certain sense greater than action because it brings that you can't do without first knowing what to do which is to study but when Michelle kadhi she opened Ovid says ma said the act will be great greater than the study because the Act will inspire you to understand deeper and deeper strata of the Torah that you wouldn't understand ever just by studying so the relation between the tool is actually Talmud Torah verses on master Hawaii that's the way it's usually explained in class II do it and nonetheless since you asked according to the Rambam there's only just one not two so we hope and we pray and we believe that these two figures can actually be united in one person if there's a first stage which is a mushy upon yourself stage and the second stage is the Moshe opened up its so the question is why is it that even though Joseph and Rachel seem to be the central figures of the Jewish people later shifts and transfers to Yehuda and the tribes that come out of Leo the you would as the tribe that comes out of lay out as it doesn't really change a transfer out so that the two kings to meet that's about a shot by II gosh in the Torah the truth comes to to yourself and they meet into your night just like we were talking about when we talked about King David that he had a companion a deep deep loving companion Jonathan you're not done and Jonathan was the was the son of the king with the Prince the they came to be and David was just a relatively a simple person but they connected so strongly together in the they cried over one another at this odd WD deal the David raised her rose higher than Jonathan and Jonathan willingly who received the leadership of David means that he relinquished his own that leadership in favor of David so the same thing exactly this relationship was between Yosef and you would you also didn't his time in history generation he's above you though definitely above you without that the Johnson is the one that provides for the for the whole family of Jacob mushara avenues well arvo been a bob on him he provides for the father and for the sons there's another diet property that we didn't say before about Joseph that he bridges the generations he provides for both father and sons alluding even to what every our not be Elijah the Prophet Walter in the future that he will unite and bridge the generation gap in Kabbalah Joseph is considered to be at the level of the patriarchs but that he's brother of his brothers which is already a lower world in Kabbalah but he's able to bridge the two but the bring what's called absolute the world of divine unity into the key into the consciousness of the Lord well that we that we live in so once more the huge generation and Joseph was above but when Messiah will come David will ascend higher and this is actually a very important prophecy of your Hasker by Ezekiel this is the prophecy of the two sticks one stick of the stick of Georgia and the other stick of David and he puts them together and they become one stick and then the one stick the leader is David but they unite together for this reason we had there were two the kingship or the kingdom abyss was divided into two four for many many centuries the northern kingdom was the kingdom of Joseon and the southern king was the King W Buddha but that was an unfortunate phenomenon of savage serve between the two but the ultimate vision is the unification of the top Squatch but each one has something to over the other you set in in you any other questions yes [Music] so the question is who can we trust today to solve the riddles of the unconscious and what are the safe parameters for doing so all right we need a Yosef Yitzchak which as we said before the name of the previous Rabiya this is his month another few days is you'd bet tumbles which is his birthday and that day that very same day of you better tell Moses his Redemption from also from prison was the first Rebbe of Chabad was in prison but he was actually in prison seven times so the most prisons Rebbe is actually the previous regime and his release and also even did the the miss party judgment against him was more severe than the in the first tribal club where the communists a definite opposite of life verdict and the miracles were it's also based because he decided from the first moment not to give in to anything that he was told to do you had to make a decision at the first moment that he was arrested and he stood by that even at the very end when they told when they told him that he's released they told him to stand out to receive to hear that we're releasing you he also didn't agree because he from the very first moment he said the only way to conquer the Communists and I was they were Jewish people there that were behind it is not to bend the knees just the opposite of yourself you said everybody bends kneels to him not to kneel to them at all suppose what if you have it in many of our even our books that we write the psychologists are excellent before these choices so we have to have it Joseph and we do have it there must be a topic in our generation of the today's show so that Sadiq and other psychologists be wary of we have a question from the internet they are asked at what level should we be opening our hearts to teaching and encouraging conversion and she says it generally and specifically because she has two friends with sons dating non-jewish women okay this is a topic a very sensitive topic that we've been addressing much over the last few years and even though it's clear that they are are tested our first initial test of the world is he teach them and the non-jewish brought to us to observe the 7 Commandments of North and it's be good people he was called ha sido moto alarmed in the side you say that they I could Gentile ever has a portion in the world to come so that's enough nonetheless the more we come closer close to the Messiah this passion that we spoke of our Joseph and Moses resurrects and there definitely is a passion to make it to make easier the way for all potential Congress not to mission eyes as missionaries but to make it into to help and to enlighten that everyone who has an I feel they need to do to become part of the Jewish people to be open and it welcome him if of course he has to do it a hundred percent right which is a total European ahah conversion according to the other ha s be sincere have to learn from Ruth all since your compares member of perform and were much more positive about the showing that to the non-jewish world than ever before so before we field any more questions we just wanted to mention again the sheer is uh for the success and Bravo for a strobe and service Raisa and I want to remind you again that we're having a special I got a numbers wrong but it's living in the vine space is the book that's on special this month and it's available for fifteen dollars instead of the usual 2895 you can also find it by clicking on the exclamation point I guess exclamation mark on top of the YouTube broadcast I don't know if the same thing is this in Facebook but if you go there or you can go to our online web store which is a store is on in org you can find it there any more questions from here yeah so the question is why were the faculties that the Rev review mostly from the time when Joseph came down to Egypt until he revealed himself before his brothers and they didn't really include things on the surface from before that time and after the brothers had come down to Egypt and discovered Joseph okay so first of all the Torah doesn't say too much about about the Eman before and one very important thing that it says that we can add to our partial to the structures that we contemplated is called the Benz chronium of his father which means the son Barnett at all the age of his father and the tar gone did translation tribes like bedrock been vacuumed as we said before that he's the wise that's why his father loved him so much it showed more love to him than the others we could have gone in more at length to their special dress that his father gave him in preference above all of his other brothers which was called the tolet passing the dress of stripes and there are many many secrets about that dress but that dress actually caused them to be jealous of him and to hate him so it had a very negative effect but it has many deep secrets behind it that relate to the personality of Joseph himself one of the resources that the word passim is an acronym for or different name's the Joseph possesses mysterious names of angels that have to do with this or the two of which of the first two letters pagan some which read pattern segrin the opener and the closer which also has to do with his ability to open up the unconscious to open it up when you have to open it up and the closet when you have to close it so that says we're just saying in order to add a few that's that's one just a few things that are definitely significant in what happened before he was taken down to Egypt but from the moment that was taken down Teja was called yourself who rod meets rhymer that's the verse that he was taken down to a jet from that moment on at siedel's is oil food all in the terminology of the market the successor of the Baal Shem Tov that his level of at Cedars was taken all the way down into the lowest of the lows and that's essential leadership unlike the patriarchs the patriarchs were unable to bring the revelation of absolutes of the world the consciousness of it all God into these into our Lord consciousness that's where they were at but they couldn't bring it down into the lower ones and Joseph was actually forced because I was the power of us all to bring down the consciousness and the revelation of our 0/3 emanation all the way down into me trying that's called yourself cool atmosphere that's something very unique from that moment on he begins to perform as a central desk after Bri reveals himself everything is good God is like the world to come we don't well on that well on things that teach us about the about the trials and tribulations of this world and that's the story of Joseph and his brothers another question from the internet from Los Angeles Abraham asks Joseph is a gifted with the ability to properly heal malfunctions of the mind to retie wrongly connected wiring how can one retire his own wrongly connected wiring so again we have to connect the others this article's your suit the true healer of souls to the true love psychologist which is Joseph and also as we said before you also have a spark of Joseph in yourself the climax of that story of the play that he creates with his brothers is placing his silver cup into the sack of Benjamin his brother as luring him over having stolen this seal his own cell cup this is one of the ones also one of the deepest and most important symbols of the whole Torah and it has to do with Alberta the question was just never asked in very short the sack of Benjamin called taka Pina mean is the phrasing April equals here archer mine in sack will explain why his sack is called the field of heaven and the give er kesef the silver cup of Joseph that he places into his sack is it is there to teach him it to show them that you have concealed love within your innate fear of heaven that's what the caviar Castle is called the odds on missile turret you concealed love that every Jew has for God and every dress for every fellow Jew and for all of God's creation that's called the silver cap because silver in the Hebrew means love the property of love and the silver cup is the hidden love mostly in your another example most important example of revealing what you possess in your unconscious and watch the thing that every Jew has in your unconscious is this silver cup of obtrusive in order to manifest that you have to have the sack of Benjamin also and Benjamin are two brothers from the same mother from Rachel they're called the hired Sadiq and the Lord take the map that may also Deacon the female today Joseph six times 26 equals see own Zion the design is called the assault of my coats it's not the same level Zion is Benjamin but the depot's yourself the central Union of souls in the Torah between the higher Sadiq the Lord Sadiq Joseph and Benjamin that's placing the revealing the presence of your hidden love within your feminine state of fear a fear of evidence of feminine consciousness you shall your Arthur shall meet each other within that feminine consciousness you have this male seed Joseph gives seed the male seed of the loves the Joseph manifests within you well there's one the most most important teachings about about you also Jocelyn and Benjamin together so it's 8 o'clock now here in Israel
Channel: Harav Ginsburgh's English Channel
Views: 13,537
Rating: 4.9134197 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Ginsburgh, Torah, Torah class, Class, Light, Love, Judaism, Chassidus, 770, Mossiach, משיח, גאולה, Redemption
Id: Zyai2GA7zF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 54sec (5874 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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