PADI Dive School Signs Forces Covenant | Daily Deco

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[Music] hi everybody welcome to daily deco it is monday hopefully everybody has survived friday the 13th um yeah let's sort of jump straight into the news so today's episode of daily deco is sponsored by our very own teespring store uh but more about that later because we've got a sneaky little uh discount code for you uh so stay tuned for that uh the only real uh sort of simply scuba news that um that we could find was that uh momentum watches are back in and one thing that i really like about momentum watches is that in their description they say that the um the the like sort of rubber elastomer straps um they're vanilla scented um and they actually are which i've never seen on other watches did they like find watch toy story three where you've got lots of hugging bear who always smells like strawberries and like let's make our watches smell like vanilla yeah because i was writing the description and you look on there um uh on the manufacturer's web page and it states like oh yeah vanilla scented and you're like watch and i actually went and i sort of got one out and you're like oh they smell really nice instead of that like sort of plastic rubbery smell uh yeah they smell all uh sort of like vanilla um yeah which is new uh i think that might just be the ladies watches to be honest without exist i i didn't sniff one of the men's watches they smell like wd-40 yeah sawdust yes sandy wood lovely uh so jumping straight into scuba diving news so the first news story uh comes from the united states um where sort of veterans uh celebrated veterans day which was last week um and they did a honors dive um and this was held by uh patriot scuba i believe and um yeah so they're a paddy five-star instructed development center in uh okakuan and um and yeah so they um they had a whole bunch of scuba divers uh in one of their nearby lakes and they did a bit of a a clean up um to um to yeah sort of celebrate uh sort of veterans both currently serving and uh sort of former um sort of active duty military personnel um so yeah they um yeah yeah it's one of those things it's quite a common thing for um sort of retired uh military personnel to get into scuba diving uh either as a um just activity something to do or something that they used to do in the military they they end up doing it recreationally um or as a uh as a therapy for either sort of physical or sentimental um problems so um so yeah and um yeah obviously last week was um was veterans day over in the uh the states so um yeah they did something to uh to celebrate that's cool well done guys well done that's awesome that is awesome yes um and across the pond uh in the uk over here um a um one of the dive centers is it's uh ocean turtle diving um they've just signed up with uh the um the british armed forces covenant um which basically means that they are um sort of offering their services to uh to the military uh to offer sort of scuba diving courses for um i believe it's both uh serving and uh sort of former armed forces personnel um so that's um yeah they can get this kind of scuba diving therapy um so yeah everyone's yeah everybody's kind of getting involved and um yeah sort of using scuba diving as this kind of therapy um um yeah which is very very cool yeah it's amazing i think um that sort of growth in therapy and scuba diving especially in the military and like i said in previous videos like with the state of the world is at the moment more people need some sort of therapy that's escape and scuba diving is going to offer that so yeah the fact that yeah ocean turtle diving they're uh they're signing up for it that's absolutely fantastic that's really good news very happy to hear that yeah i also read that they're working with the uh the cadet force as well so um so the kids kind of growing up as they do sort of army cadets and air force cadets um they're offering yeah scuba diving training for them as well that's brilliant which is basically how i learned to dive so um yeah it's a a good thing all around nice work well done guys well gone as a otd as they have abbreviated apparently ocean turtle diving that's a cool name for a company as well yeah ocean turtle it's cool man it's cool what's next mark stop drinking your drink i know i'm thirsty so the next bit is is our sponsor which is of course our very own teespring store um so if you didn't know teesprings is basically a an online digital uh sort of merchandise creator um so basically what happens is uh sort of sean and myself and some of the other designers at uh simply we basically come up with these designs and then we upload them onto teesprings um and then they're kind of this like digital incarnation of t-shirts and hoodies and socks and hats and you name it and um and yeah as soon as you uh sort of place an order they make that specific uh sort of t-shirt for you then and there so you get to pick the color you get to pick the size you better get to pick the uh the quality of the t-shirt they have a whole bunch of different t-shirts from like really eco-friendly ones to uh sort of premium ones long sleeve short sleeve um all sorts different uh so necks and all that kind of stuff and um and yeah as soon as you place an order for it they make it for you then and there and they uh sort of ship it directly to you um so it's a great way to get sort of merchandise and uh sort of scuba diving apparel uh and right now we're offering 15 off your order um so all you need to do is uh sort of go shopping find what you like pop it into your shopping basket and then at checkout uh you'll get one of those uh discount code boxes just type in daily deco as all one word and you get 15 off of your offer uh so yeah daily deco all one word for 15 off our teespring store there'll be links down in the description uh if not just go to sort of teesprings and search for simply scuba or dive dive or something and um yeah go shopping that was beautiful mark it's almost like you've done this before it's good though yeah but i can't believe how how many years have we been what two three years or maybe two years maybe not three years you know we've established with tea springs and it's only ever really occurred to me obviously the the environmental value of obviously them not printing a million t-shirts or like what we used to do so obviously a lot of the designs that are on t-springs are our older designs that we've kept the um we kept the work for it and whereas beforehand we would go to a printer and print it out like you know or you know get it printed on t-shirts yeah but just uploading it just environmentally it's amazing like yeah it really does produce the waste which is really really cool yeah yeah yeah instead of us printing off 50 extra small and then 70 small 100 medium and all that kind of stuff and we've got all these t-shirts um they don't do anything until someone places an order so yeah it's it's clever it's only just never really only ever occurred to me that that happened i'm like yeah that's actually really good i mean the only pain for that sort of thing is that obviously you've got to get it printed so it's not like you order it they ship it you get it the next day there is obviously a longer wait but i'd rather wait for it to be longer and it'd be more environmentally friendly or less wasteful than yeah than having something the next day so yeah that's good anyway sorry sorry carry them uh so moving on to the um the rest of the news so these are two new uh sort of world records um that i discovered uh only yesterday um although one i believe occurred in october uh i didn't really hear about it until uh until recently so the first one is captain wallace and um and he was a uh sort of former military um but tragically he was uh he was injured in a traffic accident um which left him uh quadriplegic but that of course didn't hold him back uh he's now uh sort of earned the title of the maker of miracles because he just keeps one of doing stuff and um he wanted to break a world record for the longest underwater dive um and he spent uh as a quadriplegic i think it was so he was prepared um to die for six hours um but after five hours his um his doctor basically said no get out he he wanted he wanted to stay down longer but his doctor was like i'm calling this sorry i really want to get you out of the water um so yes he spent sort of six hours uh sort of underwater which which is a long dive i don't think i've ever done a six hour long dive um i believe this was in shamal shake so um sort of somewhere nice and and sort of warm and uh sort of fairly shallow but um but yeah well done to him that's amazing um six hours yes yes six hours underwater um just kind of chilling out and uh just sort of breathing and um yeah i think he's broken the sort of the world record um sort of unofficially because i couldn't find it like a guinness worldwide i think yeah i think obviously guinness they're not really traveling around anymore to um to witness these kind of things so so um getting the actual sort of titles is a little bit uh sort of awkward for me um but um they can send it off they can't they so it's all being done they can just send the work over to guinness about right we've done this can you just check it make sure that you're happy yeah yeah use the evidence cool what's the next one uh the next one is the um the the basically the non-quadriplegic uh version of that and um and this is it by another egyptian diver uh except he has spent 143 hours underwater which is which is around six days underwater uh you can see where they built him this kind of uh sort of platform this like sort of bungee bed just to sit on and kind of lay down on basically whilst all these uh other like tender divers that have come to him and uh like sort of swap him over make sure he's okay check his vitals and uh sort of give him some um some sort of food and drink um but yeah so the previous record was held and that was about 142 hours and like 43 minutes um so this guy got to 143 um uh hours uh his name is uh sorry sedan alkalini and um well done um yeah 143 hours yeah six days underwater um i mean he he was pretty shallow um by the picture he looks like he's only a few meters probably about three meters under the water um but yeah doesn't matter man gee he must be so i would be so bored yeah yeah i'd get like an ipad like in one of these bags and just kind of like watching movies for six days oh my life it's not like it's moving around because again he's in that framework so everything's yeah yeah he's in a dry suit because i i mean years and years ago a friend of mine he wanted to um uh to try and do a um one of these like endurance tests uh i forget what it was for um he wanted to do like so many hours uh sort of even days underwater and and we looked into like all the uh the logistics of like how long you can be under the water for and we're like right well first off we're gonna have to put you in a dry suit with uh sort of dry gloves uh so the water doesn't just saturate your skin um and then the the water temperature in the pool was about 31 degrees celsius um so it was warm but for extended periods yeah that's not so good and um yeah just trying to come up with all the logistics of sort of feeding you and uh and everything and usual bodily functions um we we're just kind of like we're happy to kind of be here and uh sort of offer you the swim pool but um but yeah the logistics are just a nightmare um but yeah this guy did it out in the open ocean um you can see his kind of dry gloves he's wearing a full face mask as well to try and keep his um uh his sort of face as dry and uh away from the water and i presume so that he could sleep in some way um but yeah hats off to him well done um six days that's amazing that's that's the longest three meter deco stop uh yeah imagine if you had to do that and then you had to do live safety stops at like two meters and then one minute and his poor dive computer is like are you kidding have you dropped me off something oh no yeah so obviously this show is called daily deco he's uh he's he's weekly decoy oh yeah he yeah he does it for like six hours uh sorry six days yeah um i think that's amazing that if i was to do that the only thing i would say is that food wise i'd want to put a noodle and i want to open it up in front of me underwater i think they already contain enough salt let alone put them into salt water now and yummy it's amazing quite quite squidgy things aren't too bad because you can get it through the like feeding tube but um but yeah you couldn't really have a steak or anything or you do it where you got one guy no no you have a steak and there's a guy the other chocolate he chews it for you and then he like just spits it into the there's a lady in the oh dear um and um yeah on that note that's um that's it so um so obviously well done to both of them breaking new uh underwater um records obviously if you're trying to um or if you're thinking of doing a an underwater record then obviously do look into all the thermodynamics and the safety issues of it um but yeah very cool if you do have any um sort of news stories that you want us to cover in tomorrow's news story pop them down in the comments below and um if you have any uh just basic questions uh again pop them down in the questions we'll answer them on friday when we do a big sort of q a every single friday um any corrections obviously yeah sort of pop them down and we'll address those uh yeah thank you for watching and of course safe diving bye guys i was going to say a catchphrase was that what we're going to say and you've got too many of them i'll go for the classic stay classy scuba divers you
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 2,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, Internet Fusion Group, Scuba Diving, Scuba Advice, Advice Videos, 16/11/2020, PADI, Dive, School, Signs, Forces, Covenant, Daily, Deco, PADI Dive School Signs Forces Covenant | Daily Deco, Daily Deco, Daily Deco Podcast, Daily Scuba News, DSN, Scuba Diving News, news, list, top 5, list video, scuba diving, scuba diving - topic
Id: X7Vues28Q5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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