Troy Springs Incident "DON'T PANIC"

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hey guys it's Brian again from Ikea or scuba marina I'm fixin to show you a video that I'm not very proud of now it's very difficult for me to show you this video because as a diamond professional I feel that I hold a certain level of credibility that I must maintain because diving is my livelihood I feel that as a dive instructor I am a role model now let me give you a quick background of Who I am the diving experience I have and I'll give you some background to the video you're about to watch I've been diving for over 28 years I have a little over five thousand dollars under my belt I'm a dive instructor for five different training organizations I hold a course director title and two instructor trainer titles for two of those five agencies I'm a master instructor for another one and I'm also a master scuba diver trainer for the last I dive an all types of environment every March I'll go up north and I do I stop and I take students up and teach them in overhead environments and ice diving certifications I'm also a public safety diver and public safety diving instructor I teach students how to deal with blacked out conditions how ohne working dive how to remain calm relaxed also am a salvage company owner meaning my company does underwater salvage we give boats cars airplanes you name it out of the lake so I'm constantly on working dives being in blacked out overhead environments is not something that's new to me however the environments that I dive in I'm very used to and I have a lot of experimenting or experience in any time I not dive a new location I try to get as much information as possible about the dive site I'll look to site up on Google Maps I'll look for underwater maps or I'll check with my the local divers of that area to see what they can tell me about the dive site I do my very best to make sure I'm adequately prepared with redundant air systems or redundant scuba equipment I also make sure I'm adequately repaired with enough air to do this particular dive now the dive that you're about to watch is from Troy springs of our recent dive trip down to the Florida Springs it was the last trip or last dive of this trip three of us decided to make the dive now from the get-go we had many flaws among us this whole dive trip I'd been diving with a steel 100 with a backup 30 cubic foot pony tank on this particular dive I went with an aluminum 63 another diver that was with us had been diving still 100 doubles the whole trip and decided to go with a steel aluminum 80 the last diver was in still 100's as he had been for the entire length of the trip but they were only half full he was using the steel 100's as a single tank so we were flawed from the very GetGo we did a very thorough briefing between the three of us we did her free dive safety check and we proceeded with a dive at a depth of 20 feet we stopped to review some skills at a depth of 30 feet we can encountered blacked out conditions and once again this is something I'm used to I'm comfortable in the other two divers were not we decided to end the dive however when we signaled to each other we had lost one of our buddies myself and the other sovereign diver decided to do a lost buddy procedure where you search for a minute and come to the surface during this lost buddy procedure we ended up losing each other I also swim into a restriction I went into a cave system unknowingly simply due to the blacked out conditions I could not see where I was going when I finally made the decision the surface to hopefully find my buddies at the surface I found myself inside of a cave or even a cavern if you will in an overhead environment and I was stuck on at least three sides I really did not know how to get out of this environment I started to hyperventilate I started become overly stressed I resorted back to my training I chose not to panic now what you're gonna hear in the video is my breathing increase you're gonna hear these long deep inhales and exhales and you're gonna hear it go into a hyperventilation but I was simply resorted back to my training to get me out of this environment I'd be a liar if I told you I was not spooked extremely spooked or if no downright scared during the staff the overhead environment didn't scare me the blacked-out conditions didn't scare me but being in a new dye site that I had absolutely no information on other than depth I was scared I was also an aluminum 63 I kept trying to calculate my cell correct or my sacker ate my head to determine whether or not I had enough air even to make it out of this restriction even to make it to the surface now I'm here shooting this video for you so you know I made it out but I want you to see what I experienced am i afraid that this video is going to jeopardize my credibility absolutely but I feel more obligated as a diving professional to show you that even us as dive professionals sometimes get ourselves in situations we shouldn't be in and no matter our training and no matter our experience sometimes bad things happen and I hope you learn from this video trust me I know I have now has this stopped me from overhead environment diving note has it stopped me from diving and blacked out conditions no but it hasn't made me more safe and conscious as a diver absolutely as a dive instructor I really hope you learn from this the same way I did so pay close attention to this video and I appreciate you watching [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter]
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 14,091
Rating: 4.9256964 out of 5
Keywords: Lake, Hickory, Scuba, Marina, Taylorsville, North, Carolina, Alexander, County, Diving, Drysuit, Wetsuit, BCD, Regulator, Fins, Mask, Snorkel, Public, Safety, Under, Water, Criminal, Investigations, Mares, OS, Systems, Ocean, Reef, Full, Training, XS, Trident, PDIC, PADI, SEI, CMAS, Educators, International, Boating, Bait, Fishing, Search, Recovery, Specialty, Night, Drift, EFR, First, Aid, CPR, AED, Emergency, Oxygen, Provider, Divemaster, Assistant, Instructor, Trainer, Board, Discussion, SSI, School, Commentary, Treasure, Hunting, Panic, Cave, Cavern
Id: 3j6EwSbB1oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2016
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