You Can Now Dive The Titanic | Daily Deco

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[Music] you start i'm gonna pour oh dear it's not quite asmr or anything but no hi everybody welcome to daily deco um so what is it today is it thursday yes yes it's thursday um so we're totally on it that's it uh today's episode of um daily decode is sponsored by our very own teespring store but we're going to mention that a little bit later because we've got a special discount code for you so yeah let's let's jump straight into sort of scuba diving and interesting underwater news so the first thing is a we've sort of had a quick inside look at the the submarine tour down to the titanic um titanic obviously sank uh just over a hundred years ago and people have been talking about sort of arranging these um submarine tours for the public to go down and see it because we probably don't have um that much time left because down there where in a lot of places uh sort of shipwrecks they um if the water conditions are just right they are maintained um so they're in like pristine condition unfortunately where titanic is it's actually just corroding away and just kind of falling in on itself um so it's gonna disappear pretty quickly in sort of a generation or two so um obviously people are quite keen to uh sort of see it in the flesh um as uh as much as they can uh the downside is is that it's gonna cost you about 200 000 australian dollars uh which is about 96 000 pounds um so um yeah it's a fairly expensive trip um but that of course includes uh sort of trip over to uh to canada and then from canada you get a boat trip out and then they'll put you in a uh a little submersible i think there's room for about three people on board including the pilot um and uh and yeah they'll take you down to uh titanic uh you get to spend um i think it's about six to eight hours uh sort of down onto that i don't know if that includes like travel time and whatnot getting getting down because it's like a mile under the water or something but um but yeah you get to spend a decent amount of time and they'll just kind of cruise around on the outside obviously i don't think they're gonna go inside they're gonna ram right into it they're gonna they're gonna make the sub they're gonna try and um recreate the ceiling titanic on the you know with that with the arms and stuff leo but they're gonna like ram it down i think that's what they were kind of planning to get the the marconi machine out because um people really wanted the uh it's like a telegraph machine it was like the first of its kind and and people basically wanted to uh to recover it um sort of before yeah it's just lost to the ocean yeah they're like yeah so what we'll do is we'll just send a big like crane down and we'll just kind of like rip open the roof [Music] in all honesty if the wreck is falling apart and that's worth something and it's historical value i don't see why not just like if it's falling apart like maybe give it a year a couple of years but if it's really that dilapidated where they literally just get our rov done they can literally flick this side of it and it just disintegrates yeah take that bit out yeah there's there's a lot of arguments on both sides obviously a lot of people died on it and uh sort of yeah all that kind of stuff um i i quite like sort of leave it where it is um it's sort of final resting places um yeah i i don't know you've always gone down the respectful side haven't you mark you've always got respect follow your mates let's steal stuff no don't i'm okay i'm gonna say this now i'm only joking yeah yeah i think a lot of people don't understand um sort of both of our sense of humor yeah like be respectful yeah british humor as well doesn't always translate to other countries as well um but um but yeah obviously um we've kind of seen the the first because i think the last people that went down there were probably james cameron and his camera crew um so um so yeah so this is um the kind of new thing and uh obviously after uh sort of covered it's all kind of cleared up as much as it can um yeah they're looking to sort of get these tours uh sort of back up and running uh in the meantime uh currently uh sort of the the judging of the ocean photography awards is uh is going on um so i think all of the um uh all of the pictures and photos that have been taken by some real like world-class photographers uh have all been submitted and now they're going through the uh the process um but you can go to the uh the website and take a look at some really stunning shots now obviously i'm going to warn you first a lot of the the shots are to do because they have an actual um uh complete category based on uh sort of conservation so there is a bit of um uh a lot of dead uh wildlife unfortunately with ghost gear and everything um so if you if you don't want to see any of that um then do sort of tread carefully um but there are some real stunning shots um and a lot of information about each of these uh sort of photographers themselves and um yeah it's it's just some amazing like ocean photography i mean i've got one here and it's uh it's a pair of sharks they're like reef sharks uh sort of in a uh a wave and uh yeah just beautiful shot that's by uh photographer sean scott and uh welcome two sharks surf a a wave at red bluff um in western australia so um yeah a lot of information a lot of very beautiful shots so um you're looking at that and the picture that i've got up there is two two penguins hugging oh he's got his arm over there so if you want um i follow them on instagram and then if there's any updates we'll pin it in our stories yeah if you want to see like the running commentary or the the ongoing you know they have a tendency of doing that on on instagram don't they so social plug don't follow us on instagram at simply scuba i think it's just super scuba so if you simply screw or simply scuba uk i don't know i think it might just be simply scuba yeah but yeah and in our stories yeah we'll we'll just post some updates now and again every day it's a it's a great place for some new desktop backgrounds if you yeah if you want to know now save as yes uh so yeah so um so to check that out okay quick i'll pin the link for that in in the description okay cool um a quick note from today's sponsor so today's sponsor is effectively ourselves um so um it's uh it's our very own teespring store so if you didn't know we actually uh sort of make well the way that teesprings works is that uh sort of shawn myself and other uh kind of designers we we come up with these set of designs and then we put them on t-shirts but they don't actually make the t-shirts until you place an order for one so effectively they they don't really exist so they don't have tangible stocks so they're not sort of wasting any uh materials or anything so if you like a design you kind of pick the design and then you pick the t-shirt and then you pick the color and then the size and then when you hit order they literally print it off onto the t-shirt and then they mail it directly to you so um yeah it's a really sort of amazing way of sort of getting some scuba diving merchandise um everything from t-shirts hoodies uh face masks uh if you want a sort of scuba diving themed uh face mask socks uh i think we've even got like pillows and like curtains or something you can do yeah you name it if you if we can put the scuba dude on it we'll um we'll make it yeah definitely but uh but for a limited time uh we're actually offering 15 off um so all you need to do is use the promo code daily d code that's all one word daily deco in at the checkout stage and that will get 15 off of your order um so that's a limited time so head over to teesprings and uh so they have a quick perusal of our um our teespring store and uh if you like to look at something you can get some money off of it by using the promo code daily decode which is lovely and before you carry on with the next story a couple of people have commented on our teespring store about the shipping charges um we have no control over that yeah yeah yeah yeah are a separate company uh yeah i mean they they have like printing stations uh sort of around the world one in the states one in europe and whatnot depending on what you're ordering if it's a sticker it'll come from one uh if it's a t-shirt it'll come from another um but yeah we we have no control over that so um apologies about that actually yeah that's out of our hands yeah yeah but it is good though i never actually really thought about teesprings from the environmental side you know rather than them bulk bulk printing and then wasting materials that's it you're not because the alternative is is that we come up with the designs we get a t-shirt printer to uh sort of print off these designs but if someone doesn't like a particular color um and then we end up with like a whole crate full of like four triple xl and three triple extra smalls um then yeah those t-shirts just go to waste um whereas this way uh yeah nothing goes to waste because they don't make anything um unless it's to a particular order so yeah it's it's more environmentally friendly it's always good it's cool man which is what it is all about so the next one comes from the bahamas um so basically people are um are like complaining about uh certain regulations and whatnot in uh in their waters and um and they're worried about uh sort of human shark interactions uh basically fishermen have been getting a lot of uh sort of fish sorry shark uh interactions and they're getting a bit worried and they're basically saying hey it's like bahamas um i don't know politicians um you need to um sort of put in some um some restrictions and try and like stop the sharks from doing this and they're kind of like no no [Laughter] so basically basically yeah so so there's two sides to this so there's one side um that's basically saying well we need to put in these certain uh sort of laws and restrictions on people to um to try and get the sharp population back up uh and then you get the flip side of it the uh kind of the fishermen and all that kind of stuff saying well no we're seeing too many sharks um it's getting scary um and the uh bahamas national trust have effectively kind of said well right to both of you yes we do need uh sort of more uh uh sort of research into shark populations and shark movements in the areas um we don't believe we need any particular um sort of actions to sort of boost up shark numbers because they seem okay at the moment um but also to uh to like the spear fishermen and whatnot it's like well yeah if you're going into their territory and you're catching fish and you're releasing to the blood uh sort of into the water then yeah you're gonna attract sharks so the more you do that the more you're gonna get interactions with sharks so they're kind of well at the moment we don't think there's anything that really needs to be done uh except more research and um i can kind of understand it because yeah from both um sort of sides of the coin yes the the the fishermen still need to do their thing um but they just kind of need to accept that yeah you're going into the sharks territory um and uh and you're catching fish it's it's kind of a a dangerous uh sort of act if you're going into the water um and it kind of comes with the territory and from the conservation side yes we do need to look after sharks and maintain their numbers if not boost their numbers but actually we don't have enough um kind of research to uh to really quantify and uh and analyze um sort of if we introduce something we we need to know whether it's effective or not instead of just introducing these restrictions to um to whatever so it's it's a it's kind of a weird conundrum uh at the moment kind of the best action is to do nothing um although not do nothing it's just just research just count count them see where they are check up on there as an emotion and then going forwards if you make any act then you can tell and make it a bit more quantifiable yes well we did this and the numbers went up by ten percent um this is a good thing um yeah yeah i just thought it was interesting um the fact that they're not just bowing down and just going oh you know what yeah we'll do this um they're they're just kind of like well yeah let's let's not jump to any conclusions let's not do anything silly um let's try and sort this out yeah that's really good that's a good way of more people need to do that especially when it comes to when it comes to sharks because again like with the fishing trade like i come from a fishing town vegetable and everyone's like oh fish fish fish like well actually you know what what effect is that hap is that happening is is it economical for what we're doing as well you know what i mean is that what's your damage doing to the environment obviously we're not going to have sharks in whistleblowers although we have got lots of sharks in the uk they're just not man eaters they're like that big so yeah you get the yeah you get a little poor beagle who they they don't look pretty friendly but um yeah they don't do too much and little dogfish and stuff obviously yeah yeah so who knows yes uh and the final news story is uh one that we've actually mentioned before but about a year or so ago so this is all about a um basically a mansion like almost a castle is um is still up for sale um i'll i'll mention the price um a little bit later because this this is basically what happens when you get a multi-millionaire like energy tycoon um who loves scuba diving um and they get to like build their own mansion and he effectively made a lake with like underground tunnels and um there's like a it looks like an artificial cave system that they've built it doesn't look like real rock um but yeah it's uh it has a flooded section and you can kind of scuba dive through it um his uh his main like study office has like this water feature um it's got waterfalls it's like three-story mansion all this kind of stuff um and um yeah it kind of sits in the city in kansas at the moment um but it's up for what was it 109 million dollars something crazy like that sorry 10.9 million dollars not not quite as bad yeah but still 10 i mean mil cool oh yeah it's beautiful it's a little ostentatious uh as you can imagine from a 10.9 million dollar but um but yeah so the um the chap died um back in 2017 i believe and um funnily enough it's it's still up for sale this property um because no one seems to have 10.9 million dollars um to invest in a um a three-story mansion with like a it has a separate turret just as a library or something um it's um it's beautiful so um so yeah if anybody does have a 10.9 million dollars that they'd like to send myself and sean to go move to kansas um and uh and buy this property um then yeah we'll put details down below um we'll set up a gofundme gofundme page yeah so you have a girlfriend for you know people that have been here lost their jobs we just won a 10 million pound mansion we sean and i want to buy this mansion no no it's fine it will time share it that will be all of the different um sort of grades because you get different things on gofundme if you if you sort of um donate this much you can have like a week's um sort of stay and this much you can have a weekend yeah in in all honesty it's glorious it's like something out of um uh what's that film uh knives out with like yeah sort of all this like ostentatious artwork everywhere and passages and stuff yeah yeah it looks absolutely stunning but um but yeah it's um it's still on the market um obviously if if you've never heard of it and and you do have 10.9 million dollars lying around we'll put a link to the uh to the realtors um down below and to our plan yeah so just giving people i just want a um a house that has a um a diving lake in the background um just go dig some hole you've got that hole i i do have a large hole in my garden so just dig like a tunnel underneath like from like your living room into that hole i'm sure my dogs would love that yeah yeah i'm sure i'm sure the foundations will love that i say go for it what's the worst that could happen what your house collapses go buy a new house and then i could rent it out yeah exactly yeah a new training site for um for wannabe scuba divers that's a good point you could fill up your um your hole in your garden with just water put a little tarp over it as a roof there you go training center could yeah it could be a confined space um because that's something that i used to do with uh sort of commercial divers at the pool i used to work at and um yeah sort of confined access so if you need to get into an area that's got like a really small yeah yeah we could we could do that in my backyard like that everyone everyone listening has like no idea what we're talking about mark has this huge hole in his backyard he does but i do and um and we don't really know what it's for he's just a small like bunker um with which i didn't know when i bought the place so um hey yeah there's there's these weird chains on the wall a button that one of the one of the wall vibrates weird and and there's no way to get out unless you have a ladder so there's a drain at the bottom but i don't know where the drain drains to that's the thing i don't understand yeah because i've like washed it out to kind of clean it and kind of see what it was because it was just full of um sort of dirt and muck and stuff yeah when i moved in so i was like oh okay well let's see what i can turn this into and uh yeah like sort of spring or down with a hose and yeah all the water just disappears and we're like oh no where does that go oh dude who knows completely off topic now yeah yeah on that on that wonderful night of the the giant hole in my back garden um let us know if you have any uh sort of comments uh or sort of questions that you have tomorrow is gonna be the uh the big sort of weekly q and a uh so if you have any um then um yeah sort of last minute questions pop them down in the comments below and we'll add them to the list if they're interesting um any corrections to uh sort of what we said today uh obviously yeah go for it um because we don't do that much research to be brutally honest when we're sort of reading these stories or at least i don't do you sean well no this is the first time i've read these stories today it's not like daily scuba news where we you know we we both script and stuff we literally because we we can be a bit slack at the moment it's just literally links and yeah we need to mention this we need to mention this yeah i haven't i think i haven't worn a true button-up shirt in weeks so yeah i'm missing missing the waistcoat mark i can yeah i'll bring it back for the uh for the q and a or yeah tomorrow i think you should wear that and your monocle uh the monocle is being serviced at the moment it's um it's it's in for the uh the polisher yeah with with my guy the uh the monocle polisher what about the spinning bow tie that's that's being lubricated oh this this this today's video has gone from it's starting somewhere really good spinning bow ties yeah i love it my my coffee smells a bit alcoholic [Laughter] i'll run out oh no i still got some coffee cool that'll do um anyway yeah any comments questions queries uh corrections let us know down in the comments below if you have any news stories that you want us to cover um pop it down in the comments below but yeah tomorrow is going to be purely q a so stay tuned for that don't forget to subscribe to the simply scuba channel um and hit that little notification bell so you're notified every time we upload a video thank you for watching and of course safe diving stay classy scuba divers you
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 4,454
Rating: 4.8290596 out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, Internet Fusion Group, Scuba Diving, Scuba Advice, Advice Videos, 12/11/2020, You Can Now Dive The Titanic | Daily Deco, You, Can, Now, Dive, The, Titanic, Daily, Deco, Daily Deco, Daily Deco Podcast, DSN, Daily Scuba News, scuba diving news, scuba diving, Scuba Diving - topic
Id: Du8vS-WAa3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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