Question Time #1 | Daily Deco

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to the first ever the world's first daily deco qna that is right i'm your host today i did the intro otherwise this video would be a very much well basically if i didn't do something there'd be no point in me being in this video because it's just mark talking so anyway today's episode is of course sponsored by our very own teespring store we've got a lovely juicy offer for you but we'll talk more about that later in the show anyway mark you are looking rather dashing today yeah yeah i'm happy to see that you dressed up for the the world's first inaugural uh simply scuba q a podcast the greatest the greatest scuba diving movie ever and marine conservation movie ever that i have just noticed has holes in it so i look i think i think i wear this t-shirt a bit too much yeah and you brushed your hair at least well you know this is my lockdown 2.0 hair anyway anyway but you're good i can't believe you took the joke about wearing your waistcoat in the previous daily deco and you took it isn't that your wedding suit it could be if we can't go out for lockdown don't say that it'll be all right it'll be all right anyway mark shall we get straight to it obviously there's no news today it is pure q and a so i have eight questions uh all taken majority are from youtube and there's a couple from our other social media platforms but are you ready to answer these questions yes excellent cool so the first one is from ahaha wally i want to say walid yeah yeah i'm not going to pronounce your surname uh anyway he left this question on ai rules the waves so he says how much experience would you recommend for each of the progressive course courses obviously in scuba diving in terms of number of dives i think the minimum requirement for a rescue diver is just the advanced course so you could technically only do six log dives or so and actually i don't think this is not enough what are your thoughts about experiencing how many logs dive logs and all that sort of thing moving forward uh rescue uh i'd have to check the uh the paddy instructor manual but i think rescue has a minimum of uh of 20 dives to start it but whatever um so yeah so obviously for your your introductory course like paddy's open water uh obviously different uh sort of courses are available um because no dives are required but then you can do your advanced open water immediately afterwards um and then you can effectively be advanced open water diver at um what nine dives um which yeah doesn't really make you an advanced diver it just means that you've advanced through and then sort of rescue um dive master is i think what 60 dives and in structure i think it's just a hundred so um yeah it's it would be better to kind of change them but then it makes it uh a little bit harder to sort of uh sort of keep people it's um it's one of those tricky ones that the reasons why those um sort of minimum dive uh requirements are set where they are is i imagine quite a lot of thought went into it um and um yeah it's it it's that age-old question it's tough would i sort of make them sort of much higher makes it a rescue diver up to like 50 and then sort of instruct her up to a thousand or something um it would be like okay so let's say that we did that then yes it would mean that we would have sort of fewer instructors and especially fewer uh sort of novice instructors the kind of the zero to hero that we sort of call it um and that would mean that we would have better instructors in the water um but it would also mean that we have fewer of them um is that necessarily better i don't really know it's it's very much we we need to keep people in the kind of the training uh sort of mindset as much as we can so that we get more experienced divers um instead of just getting sort of brand new divers and they're just diving for the sake of getting their their count up um we need divers sort of experiencing proper dives and then when they get to a certain point they go oh you know what let's do um uh let's let's do my rescue because it's when i was teaching it was never much a matter of uh okay let me check your logbook okay you have exactly 20 dives right now you can start the course that was quite a rare occurrence i think that's more of a um just a uh i can't even think of the word but just just a basic requirement i don't think it's ever been a um that real kind of zero-to-hero um kind of problem so i don't think we need to change them um i don't think it would be necessarily bad if we did but um no i'm i'm not offended by the uh the current guidelines shall we say hopefully that was eloquent yeah i went i went in few quite a few different directions there it's beautiful yeah expand it a lot more clearer than i ever would so it's cool man right i hope that answers your question or at least give you some sort of insight on the thought process of everything anyways yeah it's a tricky one anyway gavin williams uh he this comment is from the r scuba brands in trouble daily deco he says a random thought based on the econo it couldn't i can't even say that word economics of scuba pro you discussed do you think diversification but i can say that word of the diving industry by perhaps establishing brands with a diverse range of leisure slash outdoors activities including dive shops with the same group might be a way of reducing costs improving margins spread an economic wrist and bolster the resilience of the diving industry and diving shops yeah i mean we so what he's basically saying is instead of just having dive centers that just do 100 scuba diving should they also do something else and um quite a few dive centers do this you see quite a lot of um sort of air rifles and things in in some dive centers because they're dealing with compressed gas and of course the the air rifle shooters um they use compressed gas so they need to fill up their um their cylinders so um you do see that kind of diversification you also see it into other water sports there's kind of a big push into stand-up paddleboard because that's quite a sort of popular up and coming thing nowadays so dive centers are kind of um kind of turning and it's it's that catch-22 you either do it like wholeheartedly where you are just a multi-sport center and then you kind of lose that scuba dive center kind of soul um or you focus 100 on just diving um and then just kind of risk uh yeah when when times are bad they're bad but you're kind of relying on the uh the kind of the good like the the summer months or something and um yeah i mean i've i've always been a fan of sort of diversification because it's it's kind of covers all bases so yeah even if you do have a slow quiet period at least in the the scuba side of things at least the uh another side of the business might be sort of doing well so i mean i'm i'm not a huge economic guru or anything but um yeah it's it is a hard decision and i think that's what a lot of dive centers are looking at right now um whether they can diversify because a lot of the brands that we buy from they also sell other things that we don't usually buy in as scuba diving centers um they are available to us but we just figured that the clientele wouldn't be interested in it um it's yeah it's it is a hard question and i think that's what the the industry really seriously needs to look at maybe we do need to diversify but try and keep our um that kind of soul of a dive center um because yeah you don't want a bunch of snowboards and mountain bikes or anything hanging up in the dive center getting in the way no you would that would be the best thing ever that's what you need yeah that's a tricky one yeah because again like you say it depends on how much you don't want to lose that soul you don't want to use that lose that thing you know what i mean and people yeah go to a dive center to go diving they don't want to go there and then next minute they surface and they get smacked in the air with a stand-up paddleboard yeah i think that's why a lot of people they like to buy scuba diving equipment from dive centers instead of places like amazon where it's just like a jumble sale because they they don't really know what they're selling it's just kind of it's just a bar code for them yeah yeah so um yeah it's it's quite nice if you have that uh that kind of the specialist and that's all they deal in so that you know if you go there you're gonna get exactly what you need and um and get a sort of good service so yeah it's it's tough so but um yeah when when the industry is uh is kind of dipping yeah you just kind of have to bite the bullet um and hope that there's um there's light at the end of the tunnel it's it's tough but um it's economics i think the keanu obviously this is your q a but i think the key with that if you go down a multi sport is that you have people that aren't spreads doing three or four sports so like you just have a chat for or a chat for scuba diving and their passion is scuba yeah and then you have someone for stand-up paddle boarding like you don't try and spread them too thin and then yeah then that's when the the seriousness comes into play anyway hope that answers your question if you guys have any more ideas about that question as to say let us know in the comments let's have a discussion so the next question is from a gal uh he commented on the omare cayman et roller spear gun review he wants to buy a spear gun but he's not too sure on either omar or salvama is that how um yeah pronounced uh can anyone help uh you know help him with that basically so i thought i'll throw that out to you marky mark yeah they're both italian brands it's um it's like choosing a brand of a car they both do the same thing just in evers and slightly different ways um i can't specifically say oh no omar is sort of much better or much worse um i can't really comment um and i don't know um i imagine if you ask around in italy you'll get a much more thorough answer because they love their rounds of the spear fishing but um i think either or you'll do fine um they're both pretty good brands from what i've seen so um yes pick your poison cool yeah everyone has their own brands don't know at the end of the day you know and what what what if there's any key difference features yes so just do your research yeah so next one is from javier and he comments on the let's talk about cylinders which is doing ridiculously well considering it took me about a year to edit that thing i saw one person that's like oh surely you didn't film this all in one sitting like yeah yeah and then mark did it bless him so mark scripted it obviously we had to film it all in one sitting i then had to edit it cut it up then watch that then export it then watch the export just to make sure that everything i literally i hate cylinders as much as i hate bolt snaps now i'm joking i don't hate box stamps anyway back to that back to javier's question on that let's talk about some others hey mark thanks for the video why did you say that aluminium cylinders are better for stages side mounts for me it's quite annoying bringing more weight to compensate for their buoyancy variation i understand that in warm salty waters as they use aluminium syndrome they avoid they basically they use aluminium aluminium cylinders to avoid corrosion i don't know why i found that really aluminum i'm just going to say that but in the rest of the cases it doesn't make a lot of sense to me could you please elaborate more on this topic in the next q a which is this one so why yes why did you say aluminium tanks mark why yeah so with with alley tanks they're more inherently neutrally buoyant um when basically when they're full which just makes them easier to sort of manage in the water whereas with a steel tank as soon as you sort of move it away from your body it's this like huge heavy weight uh no matter whether it's full or empty uh it's always going to make you sink so i did some some side mount drills uh with a uh with a pair of steel tanks and um yeah as soon as you sort of swing that around in front of you your trim just woof you go so the head down because you got all of a lot of this weight um suddenly in front of you and now your trim is like way to the front so um whereas with an alley tank uh because they inherently they're not that um sort of negatively boring in the water it's much easier to uh sort of maneuver them and move them around um so yeah i just prefer so the alley tanks has sort of side mounted um and if if the weight is an issue then you've got the weight of the steel tank that you've got to manage anyway um so that's not so much an issue um and alley tanks still corrode they um they don't rust but they they will corrode um but yeah i think that touched on everything there you go i hope that answers your question well done mark for answering it early tanks all the way anyway today's episode is sponsored or should i say today's episode of daily deco is brought to you by our very own teespring store once you're out of the water it can be hard sometimes to spot a fellow scuba diver but no more our very own teespring store stocks scuba diving teeth socks hoodies phone cases stickers and even face masks now we've got cushions posters basically anything we can kind of stick our logo on we've pretty much got it on there haven't we marks that's pretty cool so yeah go over there and fill up your cart and once you've filled up your cart once you're at checkout you can now get 15 off of your total order all you have to do is add the promo code daily decode that's one word uh daily deco at checkout in the little promo bit that they have at the bottom there and as i say you'll get 15 off that is 15 off when you use the code daily deco and that is off of your total order so yeah go over there use the use that code save yourself 15 percent off of our all our merch and then yeah you're going to look like a you're going to look like a driver you're going to stand out of the crowd unless the entire crowd has bought something from our teespring store and then you're just going to fit straight in so either or it's a win you're going to either stand out or you or you're going to look cool like all the other cool cats on the back yeah so let's save 15 off using the code daily decode you can find the link to our teespring store it's either popped up on our screen or it's going to be pinned down in the comments anyway let's continue with the q a because that is obviously what today's video is all about uh so this next question question five is from i'm not going to pronounce it he left a comment on the iceberg straight ahead daily decoy he goes yep two out of the five dry suits at right now our front entry are you seeing this as a growing trend is the future of dry suits front entry or rather still uh sustainable pros for having you know a zip at the rear i mean i think the main reason why we um why we've transitioned from primarily back entry to primarily front entry at the moment is in uh basically zip technology so um the the dry zip that we used to have uh so the last generation it was that brass zip the one from nasa um so it was very strong very rigid um and yeah it didn't bend very well so having that as a front entry uh was a little bit awkward and quite sort of tough so putting it across the back of your shoulder was was basically the best way and the best place to um to fit that dry suit zip but now that we've come with these uh plastic zippers uh from t-zip and ykk and whatnot they have opened up the uh the front entry dry suits markets and um they're much more practical both for scuba divers and for dive centers as well because in a front entry suit you can get in and out of it all by yourself um which makes it much much easier if you're desperate for the loo you don't need someone else to sort of get you in and um you're less reliant on someone kind of zipping up your dry suit at the beginning at the end of the dive um with front entry you can just do it yourself and um i mean as far as benefits of a back entry suit over a front entry i i can't think of that many benefits um but with a uh with a front entry by the way that they designed them a lot of them are are telescopic which means that the the torso is extendable um just so that you can sort of get into it that much easier but as far as selling suits and getting into the suit yourself uh it just means that it's um it's much more customizable whereas a back entry dry suit if you're a little bit too tall um yeah you have to go up a size which means that your chest and your um sort of stomach area get sort of much bigger so um for sort of tall thin people it's quite hard to get a dry suit that fits them properly but with the front entry because they're telescopic uh it's much much easier so yeah i do see a um i said a progression onto front entry dry suits it's just a kind of natural thing with the progression of zip technology so um yeah i think that's why a majority of the um the dry seas that you see on the website are front entry i don't think we'll ever get rid of back entry completely because they they still do the job and uh people do like them but um but yeah a lot of the industry is shifting more towards sort of front entry now cool there we go telescopic that's what i got from that next question is from ray on the again let's talk about cylinders that's a rather popular video and he goes what is too fast when tank filling how long should it take to fill a 15 litre tank that's half full already uh wp two three two oh is it is it half full or half empty depends on your fault um so for those who don't know if you fill up a scuba cylinder it gets hot um and then by the time that it cools down the actual internal pressure drops so if someone uh sort of fills up your cylinder really really quickly and then just hands it to you um you're gonna get a really duff fill um so to get a proper fill you should do it as slowly as possible um i mean uh filling up half a 15 liter tank i don't know 15 minutes 20 minutes um it's basically you can literally feel it um if you uh sort of touch your uh your cylinder the body of the cylinder and if it feels warm or hot um then um just sort of wait for that to uh sort of cool down um i've seen some dive centers they do it in um in like a tank of water um which helps to keep the uh the tank cool whilst they're filling it um but um but yeah as as long as possible really um i mean some dive centers they'll overfill it um so that it gets hot and then by the time it cools down it actually cools down to the uh to the like two three two um but yeah give it at least like 15 minutes um i mean half a tank won't take that long to fill up but um but yeah the longer you can give it the better hmm more i remember yeah previous when i used to work in the shop the old scuba shop yeah literally like you you'd get you get customers as well they'll be like no i'm going to come back in three hours and that's when i want you to detach the thing like literally you just do it and it's like a slow creek of air just coming in just so then yeah then you feel very interesting yes yes okay so the next question is from christian so he conscious direct contacted us directly on facebook uh it's a bit controversial the first sentence that he says or the second one is hi mark uh greetings from norway that wasn't the controversial part i just love i just love your channel my channel yeah your channel and i just discovered the podcast you're welcome christian that's me it's all me um anyway i was wondering if you could make another video about twin sets some tips and tricks about lead placement and trim i'm getting into my first twin set dive uh when my equipment is back from service i've never dived with twins before so i want to be as prepared as i can be when going out uh and obviously keep up the good work yeah uh yeah we can definitely do a video on that um yeah waiting on twins you have you have lots of options um and it all depends on your trim so you kind of have to get in the water first and then kind of work it out um yeah you get uh sort of p weights and v weights that go uh sort of between your back plates or um between your uh your cylinders um you can always mount uh sort of a couple uh sort of blocks of lead onto the uh sort of tail end the the bottom of your tanks um if your sort of tail light um yeah there's there's lots of options for um to trim weighting your uh your twin set so yeah we can do a video on that um yeah it's it is tricky and there's a lot to it uh sort of based on sort of where your bands are mounted and how they mount onto your back plates and where your center of buoyancy is so um so yeah we can we can take a closer look at that cool awesome yeah well i can't wait for her to edit that to edit that so much oh this right here goes here understand anyway we have one more question i hope that answers your question that yes we're going to make videos on that anyway the last question is from instagram direct and it's i think this is his official real name by the way uh ghost shadow 36. okay i reckon that's his mum his mom gave him or her that's that's that's why he's christened yeah that is that's if he is christened i don't know if yeah i don't know what the other thing is are for other religions anyway moving smoothly on uh i don't know why he apologizes for asking this don't don't you don't need to apologize it's absolutely fine um but does your company or any other divers at your company know anything about the north american diver free certification program i just want to check to see if it's legit before trying it out and spreading any information about it thank you very much for your time okay um so we actually looked into this beforehand because i hadn't heard of that one specifically um this is a dive center in uh in america and um it's i've seen plenty of like uh sort of training schemes uh sort of around the world where if you um sort of do this it kind of offsets the cost of your training and um and this particular scheme is basically if you um sort of sign up for um for your sort of open water course and um you basically get your open water course for free as long as you buy a full set of sort of scuba equipment from this dive center so basically you turn up you sign up for the course you buy like mask fin snorkel uh as well as bcd regulators uh and i think an exposure suit and maybe a dive computer uh if you buy that all from them they'll basically train you they'll give you your your open water course for free they'll also give you um sort of discounts on uh sort of your nitrates course uh i believe you're you're advanced um and maybe some others so um yeah i i it's from from the dive center's perspective it's uh it's good for them because it means that uh you're buying all of your dive equipment from them uh you're more likely to come back to them uh for any kind of maintenance for servicing or sort of any new gear um and they uh and they're training you as well so they're getting new scuba divers in their area uh and of course you're more likely to come back for continuing education as well um so it's it's kind of a win-win for them all they lose out is the um uh sort of the course costs um but they're they're kind of getting that back in their margin the kind of the money that making uh sort of sending you the dive equipment the way that you're benefiting is that um you don't have to pay those court uh course costs um and you have dive equipment that you're probably gonna buy anyway um the only rare um sort of the the only area that i could see where it's uh it's a bad thing for you the student is if they're ridiculously expensive compared to um their competitors so if you're buying all of this dive equipment but you could buy it substantially cheaper elsewhere then it might be worth just paying for the course and then sort of shopping around but if they're competitively priced then it's kind of a win-win for both of you so um i don't think it's a i don't i can't see it's a scam or anything um because it's also posted on their website it's uh something but um yeah i wouldn't worry too much about it just do a little bit of research and also have a good chat with them about the dive equipment that you're investing in because you don't want to buy um sort of stuff that isn't really suitable for you because you haven't learned to dive yet so have a good sort of sit down with them do a bit of soul-searching kind of thinking about what kind of diver you want to become and make sure that you're picking out the the right dive equipment and yeah but become a fully fledged scuba diver i i don't see any um any big problems with it can i can i say something yeah cool the only negative i can see on this i mean it's awesome like you you obviously if you're going to learn to dive you know you've probably done a tri-diving and and you'll dedicate for it but you uh boil the gear you have your tri-dives or you do your certification and then you don't want to do it anymore you don't like it so then you're stuck with all this gear and you yeah i don't know that's that's the only thing i can think of you stuck with all this gear that you don't want because you're not going to use it no yeah but i mean you're just starting out so if if you're willing to invest in all of that dive equipment then chances are yeah you really do enjoy your scuba diving so you're going to be taking it seriously um yeah yeah obviously that that is a risk if you think you're going to um sort of get into snowballing or um i don't know paintballing whatever and you buy all the equipment and then you realize actually this isn't that much fun yeah more for you um so um but yeah if if you're seriously keen on sort of becoming a scuba diver and scuba diving regularly uh yeah i i wouldn't worry about this scheme too much cool there we go then awesome and that's it all the questions for the first ever daily deco q a are done it's going to have the world's most catchy title of q a one that's the title of the video anyway guys so i hope you've enjoyed watching it if you have any responses to what mark said uh any updates anything like that or any disputes so you can have a nice conversation in the comments below as i say let us know down below and if you have any more questions or if you want to ask mark something obviously you can put them in the comments below or i'll cross any other social media so any facebook instagram message directly like the previous the last two questions or any youtube video it doesn't matter we don't specifically go through the videos obviously if you know youtube there's a comments tab so we will find it amongst all our comments in there so yeah just drop a comment on one of the videos um and then yeah hopefully we can answer it directly if it's really important but if we need to elaborate more then yeah then we'll just or if we think the question itself is good for everyone to know the answer to then yeah then we'll we'll put it in the q a yeah hope you've enjoyed the first you know have you enjoyed it mark is it lasted nice to have a bit of more of a q a episode rather than it being tacked on at the end of another episode yeah yeah i used to do something like this um a while back and it's it's quite nice to be able to just elaborate on questions and spend a bit of time on it um because yeah where you'd normally have a conversation with someone at the dive center it's a little bit different now yeah um but um but yeah it's it's nice to uh just answer some questions yeah because you know you did it on safe diving for a bit and we used to do it now and again on cue in the q and a's in scuba in the previous rendition but the only problem we had with that was time we just never really had the time to do it did we yeah um you know we were all busy doing other projects but now we've got more time to do it which is awesome yeah yeah cool that's it all right well we'll end the show there i'm gonna say uh thanks for watching and stay classy scuba divers and mark's gonna say thanks for watching and safe diving oh lovely you
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 1,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, Internet Fusion Group, Scuba Diving, Scuba Advice, Advice Videos, 13/11/2020, Friday the 13th, Q&A #1 | Daily Deco, Question time, Mark Answers Your Questions, Questions and Answers, Question Time #1 | Daily Deco, Daily Deco, scuba diving, Scuba Diving - Topic, top 5, top 10, List, List video
Id: Bts5elU4luo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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