Packet Tracer - Configuring IPv6 Static and Default Routes - CCNA 2 - Chapter 6

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hello and thank you for watching my video my name is Ezra class Nishi I'm CCNA and CCNP certified instructor on this video I will do a demonstration on configure an ipv6 static and default rates this is back to traces six point two point four point four so if I just going start up a packet tracer so configure an ipv6 static and default fridge okay now the packet tracer I started I'll just close this user profile this is our network topology so I move this right here and then I'll go to our activity so I move to activity to the left okay so objectives for this activity part one it's examine the network and evaluate the need for static return part to configure an ipv6 static and default routes and then part three verify connectivity a small background there it says in this activity you will configure ipv6 static and default rate a static route is a route that is entered manually by the network administrator in order to create a route that is not reliable and safe there are four different static routes used in active in this activity recursive static route a directly attached static route a fully specified static route and default ready so okay part one examine the network invalid the need of the static routing looking at the topology diagrams how networks are there in total so if you look at answer or network topology right so smooth yeah so you can see it so we have a one network routing one has called local area network Ruta two has got local area network as well a root three has got local area network so each router has got his own local area network there are three rooters three local area networks root of one there's a network routine root 2 1 and root 2/2 and there is a network routine root or 2 and root 2 3 but these those are wide area networks or two more networks so five networks in total how many it works are directly connected to route 1 root to 2 and root 2 3 ruta one has got a local area network 1 and the wide area network so rule 2 1 has got to directly connected networks root 2 2 has got one local area network and 2 wide area networks so 3 directly connected networks and root 2 3 has got one local area network and one wide area network so 2 directly connected networks how many static routes are required by each Rooter to reach networks are not directly connected so root of one needs to know how to get to this network so one static route needs new book know how to get to this local area networks are two static routes and the wide area networks of 3 static routes for root 2 1 same goes for root 3 root 2 3 needs to know Brutus - low nap with one map and wide area networks of 3 from 4 root of 1 and 3 static routes root of 3 root 2 in the other half needs only two static route the lands to the one lands and root of 3 dots look to static routes ok so which command is used to configure ipv6 static route it's similar to ipv4 static right so instead of the same IP route or ipv4 and ipv6 we say ipv6 read and that destination network prefix and I'm either exit the interface or the neighbors IP address or both so if we do both is fully specified at static route ok in part 2 it says configure an ipv6 static and the default routes enable ipv6 routers on all rooters ok so by default ipv4 is enabled yet but ipv6 is not enabled so we have to go to each Reuter and enable ipv6 the command it says which command accomplish this so the command first you have to go to a privileged mode then the global configuration mode so first enable configure no so I configure terminal then ipv6 unicast routing so this command will enable ipv6 routing we have to do the same for all three rooters so I just have a little one so if I open route it to see a diaper routed to configure the terminal ipv6 unicast routing okay so I need to give the root of three as well go to the CLI or go to three the neighbor config camera ipv6 unicast okay so we enabled on all three booters unicast ipv6 unifies returned under the command on each return data so we got to step to configure recursive static routes on route 1 configure an ipv6 recursive static route to every network not directly connected to route 1 so recursive static route means you tell in the neighbors IP address not the exit interface or not fully specified neighbours IP address recursive is because the the router once you find out how to get to the destination is faced with the IP address but then it has to do another look up to find out how to get to that IP address so what we need to do in route the one we need to create a recursive lookup for all destination not directly connected so if we have a lot of this so this network is directly connected so we now don't need to do anything this network is directly connected so we don't need to do anything we need to configure how to get to this network this network and the center so the command is ipv6 the network is 2001 tubes at 2001 dv8 1 : sorry DBA 1 : 2 : quarter for worse at 64 that's a network and recursive lookup recursive statically we're gonna do it using a point to the neighbor's IP address right so that's gonna be routed to this address we don't need to put the prefix just address I'll copy this paste it yes excellent ok so IP route to the destination have local area network of root of 2 mm 1 DB a 1 colon 2 colon : 64 prefix and then we're gonna send it to our neighbor 2001 deviate 1 a 0 0 1 colon colon 2 that's honorable person now we need to create another default static routes are not default recursive static route to local area network of routine string so ipv6 route 2001 deviate and the dress is 1 colon 3 4 9 : 64 and again we're gonna send it to our neighbor so 2001 as our neighbor deviate 1 sorry 1 a 0 0 1 colon colon 2 and then we're gonna need another static route that says to get to this network which is to get to this network ipv6 bridge 2001 DB 8 1 a 0 0 2 : format 64 and we're gonna send it to /tphoe we're gonna send it to this neighbor before 2 0 0 1 DB a 1 a 0 0 1 : 4 not you ok DB 8 1 yeah a 0 0 2 : : 4 star 64 that's like I something masking ipv4 yeah prefix things on ipv6 and then you can assign it to our neighbor that's a recursive static right and and show IP route okay nothing why well because so I could route it's 5 in usual so you need to say show ipv6 right to see the static bridge now you can see all my rooster even directly connected and the local IP address all the interface and my static route so if you just want to see the standard words show IP route is that it oh sorry so I pv6 so I should six routes stomach yeah let's try then show IP v6 route that ipv6 doesn't last sorry the packet tracer doesn't last just to see the static words okay so we have three static routes to network 2001 DB 8 1 2 which is land of our to 2000 and 2001 deviate 1 3 which is land of root 3 and then that's why they are a network between route 1 and sorry rooty - and register top what activity okay so now contract configure recursive static routes on r1 configure net ipv6 recursive static route so every network not directly connected to our one which we've done three recursive static routes configure directly attached and fully specified static route on Archie configure direct the attached static route from r2 to r1 LAN okay great so we go directly attached we have to go to looking to all right let's just increases it under the tube we have to say ipv6 route the route and then the lamb is 2001 DB 8 : 1 : 1 : : 64 so IP route 2001 DV 8 : 1 : 1 : colon forward slash 64 this is land of Buddha 1 so directly connect the static route is s0 0 0 we are pointing to the exit in the face rather than maybe like a dress and we're going to configure the next step configure fully specified route from r2 to r3 Lam packet race at 6.00 one only checks for directly touched and recursive static route you instruct them I asked you to reviewed and configuration or fully specify static word other if it does accept fully specified okay we tried ipv6 route 2001 deviate : are we doing here so 1 column 1 : 3 : : 64 and exiting the phases 1 s 0 4 5 0 4 - 1 and then the neighbors IP address which is 2001 DB 8 1 a 0 0 2 and the corner : let me just check what's the neighbors I hear us our three disappears so if I copy ctrl C to copy and I go back through to - let me try to pace yeah it works okay great in ipv6 we can configure a fully specify static word so we have a recursive static route which is points in the neighbors IP address we have a directly connected static route where points to your exiting the base or we can have a fully specify which points says are exiting the base and neighbors IP address so we can find out both how to get to the destination Network what is our exit interface and what is our neighbors IP address excellent okay so if I go back to our activity verifies that the route configuration okay sir one was a configure recursive default route on or three to reach all networks not directly connected now the last one the fourth static route is a default static word default static route says any network to any destination right so any network to any destination we have to start with ipv6 route so any network to any destination we can ascend to our neighbors IP address Oh 2001 deviate what was the neighbors like the others I cannot remember the neighbours IP address is this one okay so copy that it's okay so just to explain this so you can see what's happening root of 1 with root 2 2 is 0 0 0 0 so root of 1 s 0 0 0 disappear us it's connected with root 2 2 0 0 0 0 the sequiturs root of 2 and root of 3 it's a bit s 0 0 1 so this address it's connected with this is awesome so that's why I'm putting on root of 3 I'm putting Nath address ok as my exit interface sorry next time packages there we go and show ipv6 rip as you can see that that's our default static route for any destination did any prefix we're just gonna send it to our neighbor excellent do we need to verify anything here let's see we have completed 60 or 62 check results if I go back check results here it's not some items everything tick tick tick I like it all greens right we're just gonna nothing is gonna we need to verify this there is not if it doesn't ask us we're just gonna do it yeah yeah verify static route configuration which command is used to verify pv6 configuration on off a PC from a comment from the command prompt so when I got to PC what commands were use to verify ipv6 convicted that's how that's how I'll verify what is the IP address of PC so ipv6 conflict not just IP contract everything is ipv6 so that's my local address local a local link address that's my IP address and the Gateway is local address local link address of the router fe80 on one sargon think that thing fe80 be in my gateway and i reply all right so if i go to pc say i go to the other pc easy to just stop conflict and in here let me just actually ipv6 conflicted okay so I'm gonna pick this address from pc1 to pc2 so I'm just gonna highlight it and then copy copy ctrl C and then if I go to PC one I don't have to copy this copy so okay I need you I'm sorry I said nothing so I'm pinging that address 2001 deviate 1 : 2 : : f which is that the dress of Sui from pc1 to pc2 yeah I got a reply ex let me just check pc3 and I think all the way to BC 3 over the PC 3 and here on the ipv6 config so I'm gonna ping that address pink 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 : 3 1200 left and yes I have red light so everything is working well all the PCs keep seeing each other anything more to be done in the next area which come on displays ipv6 address configured on router interface ok so if I go to the route or what my show ipv6 route this will display the routing table show IP v6 interface brief it ok these are the interface ok let me just make it 3 or something yeah oh yeah bit Ethernet which is a link local address and that's a global unicast address and that's again our global address and then link local address both status and protocol disappears or which command displays the content of ipv6 routing table okay we've done this so many times on show ipv6 route okay excellent thank you very much for watching my video we'll see you in the next video this has been a strategy demonstrating or in this video was demonstrating how to configure an ipv6 static and the default route see you bye bye
Channel: Astrit Krasniqi
Views: 25,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, default static route, Gateway of Last Resort, more specific match, exit-intf, next hop, recursive static route, recursive lookup, directly connected static route, fully specified static route, ::/0, static route
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2015
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