Lab - Configuring IPv6 Static and Default Routes

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- sir welcome to all in this video we are going to see the lab activity configuring ipv6 static and default roads sure we can see our topology also our addressing table first before coming to the objectives we will have a lot of technical videos in future so for getting these informations considered subscribing well now we will go through the objectives of this lab activity in part two one built the network and the configure basic device settings they are enable ipv6 unicast routing and the configure ipv6 addressing on the routers then disable ipv4 addressing and the enable ipv6 s la SC for the PC network interfaces use IP config and the ping to verify LAN connectivity then use show commands to verify ipv6 settings and in Part II to configure ipv6 static and default routes in that configure it directly attach the ipv6 static route configure a recursive ipv6 static route configure a default ipv6 static route will go through the background in this lab activity we will configure the entire network to communicate using only ipv6 addressing including configuring the rotors and PCs we will use stateless address auto-configuration that is SEL a ac for configuring the ipv6 addresses for the house we will also configure ipv6 static and default routes on the rotors to enable communication - or remote networks that are not directly connected here we can see the recorded resources for this lab activity we recorded two routers of online for one series then to see switches a tuner and 6 0 series then 2 pcs also we required all the cables of our connecting these devices now we will come to part 1 build the network and configure basic device settings in part one we will cabl and configure the network to communicate using ipv6 addressing step one cable the network as shown in the topology diagram well so if we are going to a build and connect all these devices into this cisco packet tracer well here we require the two rotor one and four one series also we record it to sutures two nine six zero and two pcs and you know we are going to connect these devices coming to connections copper state through facet Aaron zero star six to this PC faster and zeros Nash eighteen to this PC then from this router G 0 / 1 to F 0 / 5 from this router G 0 / 1 to F 0 / 5 also we are going to connect these two routers using serial so here we can see the serial side on R 3 so here we are going to start here we cannot see the serial port so we have to add this serial port coming to this router and in physical we are going to switch it off and we are going to add this module we can see it's a 2 port a serial high speed of an interface card right so we are going to add this and we are going to switch it on coming to this router switch it off and we are going to add this serial high speed of an interface card and then we are going to switch it on now we are going to connect this serial and this ID is a DC e here we are going to connect to serial 0 / 0 / 0 to serial 0 / 0 / 1 we will rename all these devices as per our topology for the better identification here we can see this is our one and the disease are three or so this is a yes one and this is s3 and here is PC a PC - a and this is B C - C also we will label all the port names on this packet race or this is a serial 0 / 0 / 1 and here we have a serial surah / 0 / 0 and that this ID is a DC e and here we connected to G 0 / 1 and here also we have G 0 / 1 and on s1 is connected to first return 0 / 5 here also this port Pasha tyrant 0 / 5 and here it's faster third 0 / 6 and here it's connected to faster Turner 0 / 18 no we will come to step to initialize under a load the routers and switches right coming to step 3 enable ipv6 unicast routing and to configure ipv6 addressing on the rotors coming to a using Tara Tim in a we are going to do this directly on this r1 using the CLI console into the rotor labeled r1 in the topology diagram and asain the router the name r1 also within global configuration mode enable ipv6 routing on r1 using this command ipv6 unicast routing so we will do that on this router r1 coming to the router r1 CLI enable configure terminal hostname as r1 also we will set ipv6 unicast routing now we will come to see configure the network interfaces on our one with the ipv6 addresses notice that ipv6 is enabled on each interface the G 0/1 interface has a globally routable unicast address and to EU I - 64 that is extended unique identifier is used to create the interface identifier portion of the address the 0 0 / 0 / 1 interface has a privately root of all unique local address which is recommended for a point-to-point serial connections here we can see the commands that we have to use it on our 1a for these interfaces Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and also for the serial 0 / 0 / 1 so we will give this in 1 r1 coming to the router r1 and you know we will go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and here we will set the ipv6 address to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : a CA D : a then W : smart 64 and here we are going to give e UI - 64 no shut no we will go to the next interface serials rostov 0 / 1 and here we will set the ipv6 address FC 0 0 double : 1-star 64 no shut copy running-config startup-config coming to d assign a device name to rotor r3 also within global configuration mode enable ipv6 routing on r3 by giving this command ipv6 unicast routing so this is already we have done on r1 now we are going to do it on our three coming to the router r3 CLI enable configure terminal and also we will set the hostname as r3 and here you are going to enable ipv6 unicast routing now coming to if configure the network interfaces on r3 with ipv6 addresses notice that ipv6 is enabled on each interface then the G 0/1 interface has a globally routable unicast address and EU I - 64 is used to create the interface identifier portion of the actress then the serial 0 / 0 / 0 interface has a privately root of all unique local actress which is recommended for point-to-point the serial connections the clock rate is set to because it is the DCE end of the serial cable so we are going to do these configurations on these interfaces on the router artery coming to the router r3 we have to go to the interface G 0 / 1 and here we are going to set the ipv6 address to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : AC ad : b double : star 64 EU i - 64 no showdown no we will go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and here we are going to set the ipv6 address UFC is 0 0 double : - snart 64 also we have to set the clock rate one to eight zero zero zero nor shut down command copy running-config startup-config now we will come to step before disable ipv4 addressing anti enable ipv6 SLA AC for the pc network interfaces coming to a on both the pc - a and e pc - see navigate to the stat menu control panel click the network and sharing center link valuing with the icons in the network and sharing center window click the change adapter settings link on the left side of the window to open the network connections window so this is actually we have to do on the oriole pcs but here we are using the packet tracer anyways we will go through all the steps here be in the network connections window you see the icons for your network interface adapters double click the local area connection icon for the pc network interface that is connected to the switch click the properties to open the local area connection properties dialog window coming to see if the local area connection properties window open scroll down through the items and uncheck the item Internet Protocol version 4 TCP bar ipv4 check box to disable the ipv4 protocol on the network interface then with the local area connection properties window still open click the Internet Protocol version 6 TCP bar ipv6 check box and then click properties with the Internet Protocol version 6 properties window open check to see if the radio buttons for obtain an ipv6 address automatically and obtain DNS server and trust automatically are selected if not select them right and finally with the PCs configured to obtain an IP ipv6 address automatically they will contact the rotors to obtain the network subnet and Gateway information and auto-configure they're ipv6 address information in the next step we will verify the settings so I would like to show Addison in this PC how to disable this ipv4 addressing anti enable ipv6 SLA AC so we have to go to the control panel here is that and here we have to click on network and sharing center and here we have at change adapter settings we have to click on that and here we can see the icons here we are going to double click on this Ethernet you will go to the properties and here we can see options Internet Protocol version 4 TCP bar ipv4 we are going to disable this then here we can see Internet Protocol version 6 at TCP by IP v6 we are going to click on that and we will go to the properties and here we can see obtain and ipv6 and trust automatically and obtain DNS server address automatically then we have to click on this ok then we have to close it anyways here we are using a cisco packet tracer so we will come to this PC a then desktop IP configuration and here we are going to give the option auto can fake and we will come to PCC desktop IP configuration Auto config now we will go to step of 5 use IP config and the ping to verify LAN connectivity coming to a from PC a open a command prompt type ipconfig space slash all and press Enter the output should look similar to that shown below here we can see that the ipconfig /all windows IP configuration and here we can see the output in the output you should see that the PC now has an ipv6 global unicast etre a link-local ipv6 address and a link-local ipv6 default gateway actress we may also see a temporary ipv6 address and enter the DNS server addresses through site local addresses that start with the FEC 0 site local addresses are private addresses that were mean to be backwards compatible with the nach however they are not supported in ipv6 and are replaced by unique local atras so here we are going to give this command on PC a and we will verify this ipv6 address coming to our PC a command prompt and assure we are going to give ipconfig/all but here we can see ipv4 they're given so we will give the command here ipv6 config space all and here we can see the details physical address this is the MAC address and we can see Ling local ipv6 address ipv6 address default gateway and also DNS server address dhcpv6 a client DUID now we have a number of questions here a based on your network implementation and the output of the ipconfig /all command did pca rocĂ­o ipv6 accessing information from r1 yes it's received we have seen here then what is the pca global unicast ipv6 atras so according to our PR a pca here we can see that ipv6 address here is that then what is the pc a default gateway before that we have one more question what is the pc a link local ipv6 atras that also we can see here a link local ipv6 address which is standing by fe80 next Easter coming to D what is the PC - a default gateway ipv6 atras here we can see that default gateway now we will come to eat from PCA use the ping space - 6 command to issue an ipv6 map into the link local default gateway address you should see replies from the Arvind rotor so we have to give this command a ping space - 6 than the default gateway address coming to our PC - a here we are going to give that command before that we can see the default gateway address here we will copy this address and coming to ping space minus 6 then that atras here we can see we get invalid command so we are going to remove that - 6 and we are going to give ping here we can see we are getting the replay did PC - err receiver replies to the ping from PC - a - R 1 yes we got it coming to F repeat step 5 a from PC - C did PC - C receives ipv6 addressing information from r3 so we will do that now we will come to PCC command prompt and here we are going to give ipv6 config space slash all and here we can see the details link local ipv6 address ipv6 address default gateway DNS servers yes so PC see you received ipv6 addressing information from this router r3 coming to G what is the PCC global unicast ipv6 address so we will come back to PCC again and here we can see that sure is the ipv6 address starting by 2 0 0 1 : d BH : coming to itch what is the PCC link local ipv6 address here we can see that the link local ipv6 address starting by fe80 coming to eye what is the PC - C default gateway ipv6 atras sure we can see that default gateway ipv6 address starting by fe80 coming to j from pc - c use the ping - 6 command to ping the PC - see default gateway I did PC - see you receive a replies to the pings from PC - C to R 3 so we will check that - coming to PCC command prompt here we can see the default gateway we will copy this actress and here we are going to give bring to this default gateway yes we are getting the replay now we will come to K attempt to an ipv6 ping - 6 from PC - a to the PC - C ipv6 actress so here we can see that the ping space - or - 6 then PCC ipv6 atras I was the ping successful why or why not so we will check that obviously - won't be successful we will check it first of all we will get the ipv6 address of this PC see here we can see that we will copy this address and you know we will come to PC - a command prompt and here we are going to give ping - P see see here we can see a destination house to unreachable so here we have seen the ping was not successful obviously the reason we know that these routers that is our one and two are three is not configured with any static or dynamic routing and these routers r1 and r3 only knows the directly connected networks so that's why this PCA unable to ping to PCC now we will come to step 6 use show commands to verify ipv6 settings coming to a check the status of the interfaces on r1 with the show ipv6 interface brief command right so we will give this command to orna r1 enable show ipv6 interface brief and here we can see the details coming to the questions what are the two ipv6 addresses for the G 0/1 interface and to what kind of ipv6 addresses are they right coming to our show output here we can see the interface G 0 / 1 and here we can see those ipv6 address here we can see the ipv6 address which is standing by fe80 this is nothing but a link local access also we can see here one ipv6 v6 address starting with the 2 0 0 1 this is a global unicast address coming to the next question what are the two ipv6 addresses for the serial 0 / 0 / 1 interface and to what kind of ipv6 addresses are they right coming to our show output here we can see the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and here we can see the ipv6 address this is link local address and here we can see FC 0 0 double colon 1 this is a global unicast address now we will come to be to see more detailed information on the ipv6 interfaces type a show ipv6 interface command on r1 and press Enter right so we will give that commander and here we can see the details what are the multicast group addresses for the G 0/1 interface here we can see those addresses coming to the next question what are the multicast group addresses for the serial zeros now 0/1 interface right so here we can see those here a serial 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see all other details link local address already we have seen that also global unicast address we have seen that and here we can see those actresses next ISA Watterson F F 0 2 double colon 1 multicast actress used to form yes so this a multicast actress is used to for multi casting to all nodes on the local network segment next is what is an F F 0 - double colon - multicast actress used to for this multicast address are used to for multi casting - all rotors on the local network segment coming to the next question what kind of multicast actresses are f EF siro - double : 1 : f 0 0 : 1 and TF f 0 2 double : 1 : FF 0 D : 1 a 6-0 and - what are they used to form yes so these addresses are solicited node multicast addresses each interface unicast or any cast actress has to have a solicited node multicast atras for resolving neighbor addresses on the local link coming to see view the ipv6 routing table information for our one using the show IP v6 a root command the ipv6 routing table should have two connected routes one for each interface and three local routes one for each interface and one for multicast traffic to a null 0 interface in what way does the routing table output of our one reveal why you were unable to ping PC - see from PC - yay coming to the router r1 here we are going to give that show command so ipv6 or root and here we can see the result if the observe the output of ipv6 wrote here we cannot see the route to this network that is to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : a CA d : b double : / 64 network that's why we unable to ping to this PC - see from this a PC - a now we will come to party to configure ipv6 static and default routes in party 2 we will configure ipv6 static and default or routes three different ways we will confirm that the routes have been added to the routing table and we will verify successful connectivity between PC - a and B C - C we will configure three types of ipv6 static routes those three static routes are we can see here a directly connected ipv6 static route a directly connected static route is created when specifying the outgoing interface second one is all recursive ipv6 static route a recursive static route is created event specifying the next two hop IP extras this method requires the rotor to execute a recursive lookup in the routing table in order to identify the outgoing interface the third one is a default ipv6 static route similar to a quarter o ipv4 route a default ipv6 static route is created by making the destination ipv6 prefix and prefix length all zeros here we can see that well now we will come to step 1 configure a directly connected ipv6 static float in a directly connected ipv6 static route the route entry specifies the rotor outgoing interface the directly connected static route is typically used with a point-to-point serial interface to configure a directly attached ipv6 static route use the following command format here we can see the command in global configuration mode we have to give this command ipv6 a route then we have to specify ipv6 prefix bar prefix length then outgoing interface type then outgoing interface number coming to a own rotor r1 configure an ipv6 static route a to the network to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : a CA d : b double colons are 64 network on r3 using the are one outgoing serial 0 / 0 / 1 interface here we can see that that command what we have to give on the router r1 coming to topology here we are going to configure ipv6 static route to this network using the outgoing interface of r1 that is a serial a 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see that interface no we will configure it on the router r1 CLI enable configure terminal here we are going to give ipv6 route then we have to specify ipv6 prefix 2 0 0 1 : DB 8 : AC ad : b double : soir 64 or so here we are going to specify serial su ro / ro / 1 now we will come to be do the ipv6 routing table to verify the new static route entry what is the code letter and routing table entry for the newly added route in the routing table we will check that on this router r1 coming to the router r1 here we are going to give the command show IP v six or oat and here we can see the details here we can see the code litter that is yes also we can see the network actress why a serial 0 / 0 / 1 directly connected coming to see now that the static route has been configured on R 1 is it now possible to ping the host PC - C from PC - a obviously not because here we given the route on this router r1 I mean this wrote so when we sent a message from PCA to PCC obviously the message RHS to PCC and this PCC will send a reply back to this PC a but it will it won't reach to PC a it will go till R 3 and this R 3 is unaware of this network and this R 3 will drop the package yes so here we can see that working using this simulation mode Here I am going to show all or none then edit filters coming to ipv6 here we are going to enable icmpv6 then we are going to send a message from pca to pc 6 here we can see that so now we are going to press capture or forward it goes to s1 here we can see it goes to r1 here we can see it goes to r3 because this R 1 is aware of this network capture our forward we can see now it goes to s3 capture our forward we can see it goes to PCC now this PCC will send back an Orangeman through this pca here we can see that send back to s3 and it goes to r3 then we will see what happens see that packet is dropped from our tree because this artery is unaware of this network and here we can see the result it's failed these pings should fail exactly we have seen that if the recursive a static route is correctly configured the ping arrives at PC - see PC - si sends a ping reply back to PC - a however the ping replay is discarded at r3 because r3 does not have a return route to this network that is 2 0 0 1 : DB 8 : a CA D : a double : / 64 network in the routing table exactly so to successfully ping across the network we must also create a static route on this rotor r3 now we will come to D on rotor r3 configure an ipv6 static route to this network that is 2 0 0 1 : d BH : a ca t : a double colons are 64 Network here we can see that network using the r3 outgoing CDLs glossners loss now zero interface sure we can see that interface serial Rosner zeros now zero or an artery here we can see that command now we will configure this ipv6 static route on this router r3 you will come back to a real time coming to r3 CLI enable configure terminal here we are going to give ipv6 root 2 0 0 1 : before that we have to give space to 0 0 1 : d b8 call an AC ad : a double colon star 64 serial sooraj monstroso r0 next I suppose the pink successful why now it should work it will be successful we will check that first of all we will get the IP address of PCC here is that we will copy this address and coming to PC - a the stop command prom - here we are going to give you ping - PC - see here is the ipv6 address and here we can see we are getting to replay it's working because now these rotors are 1 & 2 are 3 are aware of all the networks now we will come to step to configure a recursive ipv6 static route in a recursive ipv6 static route the route entry has the next - hope rotor ipv6 address you configure a recursive ipv6 static route I use the following command format here we can see that in global configuration mode ipv6 route than ipv6 prefix slash prefix length then we have to give a next to hope ipv6 atras know we will come to a on router r1 delete the directly attached to static route and add a recursive static route sure we can see the command what we have to give on r1 so here we have to remove this directly at naturally static route here we can see that no ipv6 route right and we have to add this or recur Co a static route ipv6 route then the network then here we are giving next to hope ipv6 atras coming to a topology here on r1 we are going to give a recursive static route that means so this network we are going to give your and here we can see that next - hope actress that is the IP address of this serial 0/0 star 0 on r3 coming to the configuration on our one enable configure terminal here we will give a do show running config and here we can see the command what be given we will copy this command and to here we are going to give no and we are going to paste that line here right now we remove directly attached to static route now we will add a recursive static route ipv6 wrote to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : AC ad : be double colon star 64 and you know we are going to give a next to hope ipv6 address UFC 0 0 double : - coming to be on rotor r3 delete the directly anti static route and to add a recursive static route here we can see those commands what we have to give on our 3 coming to the router r3 enable configure terminal here we will give a do show running config and here we can see the command to be given copy this and we are going to remove this exactly at added static route by giving no and then that line now we are going to add static route entry here I mean recursive static route ipv6 root 2 0 0 1 : we have a DB 8 : AC ad : a double colon slash 64 then we have a FC 0 0 double colon 1 coming to see review the ipv6 routing table on r1 to verify the new static route entry and what is the core letter and routing table entry for the newly added route in the routing table coming to the router r1 here we are going to give the show command show IP v6 route and to here we can see that letter oh yes also we can see the network why are the next two hop ipv6 atras coming to d verify connectivity by issuing a ping - 6 command from pc - a to pc - c was the ping successful obviously it should work they given a note also it may be necessary to disable the PC firewall all right so this is we are using the ordinal systems we have to disable the PC firewall coming to PC - a command prompt and we will ping to a PC - C and here we can see we are getting the replay now we will come to step 3 configure a default ipv6 static route in a default static route at the destination ipv6 prefix and the prefix length are all zeros here we can see that command what we have to give ipv6 route and here we can see that a default ipv6 static route then we have to give outgoing interface type outgoing interface number or we can give next to hop ipv6 atras coming to a on rotor r1 delete the recursive a static route and add a default static route so here we can see that commands we will do it on r1 coming through the router r1 configure terminal do show running config and we will get that line here is that we will copy this recursive static route and to here we will remove here is that line and now we will add ipv6 route double colons are zero serial 0 / 0 / 1 coming to be a delete the recursive static route and to add a default static route on our tree also right coming to our 3 enable configure terminal do show running config and the here is that recursive static route we will copy this line and here we are going to give know then that line here is that I know we are going to give ipv6 or route double colons now 0 here we can we hope to see the exit interface you're a serial 0 star 0 so R 0 we have to give that serial 0 star 0 slash 0 coming to see do the ipv6 routing table on r1 to verify the new static route entry what is the core letter and routing table entry for the newly added default route in the routing table we will check that coming to the router r1 here we are going to give a show ipv6 route and to here we can see that details here we can see that 2 here the code is yes and here we can see the default route why are serious Rozlyn 0/1 directly an actor coming to D verify connectivity by issuing a ping - six command from PC - a to PC - C was the ping successful obviously it should work we will check that it may be necessary to disable the PC firewall alright so coming to PC - a command prompt under here we are going to ping - PC - see here is that command sure we can see we are getting the replay sure we have two questions first one this lab focuses on configuring ipv6 static and default routes can it think of a situation where you would need to configure both ipv6 and ipv4 static and default routes on a rotor yes mostly because most of the ISPs nowadays are implementing ipv6 networks and in future may recur their clients to connect to their networks using these ipv6 accessing so in this such a situation a network administrators may decide to implement about ipv4 and ipv6 Network and would therefore need to configure this ipv4 and ipv6 routing coming to the second question in practice configuring an ipv6 static and the default route is very similar to configuring an ipv4 static and default route aside from the obvious differences between the ipv6 and ipv4 addressing what are some other differences when configuring and verifying an ipv6 static route as compared to an ipv4 static route yes so while configuring we have seen we used the command ipv6 or route instead of IP route command also while verifying ipv6 routing table we have seen the show command show IP v6 wrote but in the case of ipv4 a routing table we give usually show IP route command only well that's all in this lab activity that is the configuring ipv6 static and default routes France if you have any doubt in this lab activity please comment below also if you liked my video give a thump and share to your friends and to consider subscribing so that you never miss all future uploading technical video info thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 23,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CISCO, Static Routing
Id: N10mg4t_h6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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