Packet Tracer 2.2.13 - Point to Point Single Area OSPFv2 Configuration (NET 225)

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hi everyone this video walks through completing packet tracer assignment 2.2.13 point to point single area ospf version 2 configuration this packet tracer assignment is part of the ccna version 7 enterprise networking security and automation cisco networking academy curriculum so in this lab we've got three routers set up and we want to set up ospf version 2. ospf version 2 basically allows us to um set up and configure ipv4 networks ospf version 3 actually sets up and configures ipv6 networks in case you were wondering so some of the things we have to do and take notice of and i'm going to use notepad to do this really quickly it's kind of take inventory of what advertisements we need to make so r1 r2 and r3 are all going to be participating in um basically in ospf advertisement so r1 wants to advertise to r2 every network that's directly connected to it even if it shares it with r2 so we want r1 to say hey i know about three networks if i got three networks directly plugged in remember a router divides a network into separate little subnets or individual networks so they can't communicate with each other unless the router is involved routers also remember only know about what's directly connected to them without involving a dynamic routing protocol so we're going to involve the dynamic routing protocol called ospf and we want to do this this for every single one of these so one of the things we want to do is take inventory so r1 what networks do you know about i know about 192.168.10.c remember we also want to use network statements not individual assigned ip addresses to devices we want to use the whole network advertisement so they've done a nice job of laying that out for us here okay that describes all the devices between here and the subnet mask for that is a slash 24 or slash 24 is okay so the next thing we've got is and i'll put a or here all right one nine or sorry and that is a slash 30 or all right what is the slash 30 that is a okay so that is kind of like one of the smallest subnets that we can have and i just never memorized these from use them so much or you can use a subnetting calculator there the other one is or slash 30 255.255 all right then with r2 here we've got which is also a slash 24 or we've got which is a slash 30. and we've got okay there's also a slash 30. and this will help you out in a minute i promise you i know it seems like a lot of setup but it's going to help you out 30.0 and these are just all the networks that are directly plugged in so this is a slash 24 or that one we've also got uh there or slash 30. then we've got also directly plugged in there dot 252. okay so those are all of our and i'll put i'll take out these slash notations just i don't want to confuse anybody but this is kind of how it's laid out in the network so we got to be able to convert them from the slash notation as you see it there slash 24 is really this okay all right um some other things here you'll notice some other things here you'll notice is that we need what's called a wild card mask so before we even get started what in the world is a wild card mask so to figure out what a wild card mask is let's say that our first advertisement here is a subnet mask of 255.255 okay and i'll put this is my subnet mask all right so how in the world am i going to find out what this wild card mask is so to figure that out what i do is you take the number 255 and put it above each one of your numbers and you are going to subtract so we're going to do 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 and we're going to just subtract each one of these numbers so what do you get when you do that you end up getting 0 because two five five minus two five five is zero zero zero two five five because two five five minus zero is two five five so your wild card mask is that number okay so okay so for our wildcard mask here we actually are going to put because we need it for our advertisement here it would be because again it's 255-252 three that time our wild card mask for this one is makes sense so that is what we actually need when we put in our network advertisements all right that'll be important in a moment okay so let's start with the basics here we're going to go to r1 and it wants me to set these r1r2 and r3 and set these router advertisements they're uh sorry the router ids so let me zoom in here so for this we need to set a router and then a process id of 10 so we do router ospf and then use 10 okay then we're going to set the router id for r1 as router dash id remember you can use your tab key like that that will actually identify r1 to all the other routers it's like what is your name your doesn't have anything to do with connectivity okay so again router id and then that ip address there okay so let's go ahead and do that to all three of them so let's go to r2 enable config t router ospf 10 and then router dash id all right i'm going to leave it right here because we're going to come back in a second and we need to be under the router ospf configurations to do our next thing enable config t router dash id whoops i forgot a whole command router ospf 10 then router dash id there we go now we got those entered in there i'm gonna go back to r1 and it wants us to do our network advertisements again um making sure we advertise the network correctly okay so we're going to do network and then we're going to do the network address our wildcard mask which we figured out and then we're going to do area and the area id everything will be single area here we have not got to multi area where you can have it where routers don't know about other areas everything's going to be in the same area here all right and it wants us to use usually area 0 for that so there's really no need to do any type of other area most likely you'll learn in multi area that area 0 is usually the backbone but again it's just an area id number we're going to use them all the same okay and let's make sure it wants us to sometimes have you configure it crazy ways um for all the attached networks all right so again this is where we can bring our list back out here or you can look at the router itself so we have three networks 192 168 10.0 and that's that wildcard mask of so let me actually make a little smaller bring it up here all right that's better so now we need network again if you didn't know what came next you can do a question mark and it's asking for that wildcard all right next what do i do area what next actual area okay so we put area 0 we hit enter the next one we've got is the next network of 10. but we're going to use this wildcard math that's it's going to be in the same area though so network and again this is the network that's directly plugged into r1 that's the network between r1 and r2 then lastly we're going to do the network that's plugged into r1 that it shares with r3 which is the dot 4 network area 0. all right and hit enter there okay now when it goes to r2 they have you do something a little different okay on router two configure ospf using network commands with the ip addresses of the interfaces and quad zero mask the syntax of the network command is the same as was used above all right so i actually want you to do pretty much the same thing um all right so let's go ahead and do that so we've got three here so you've got 192.168.20 area 0 network which it shares with router 1 and then 10 and you see that will come up there right you can just press enter if it catches you in the military command that means it has formed an adjacency with neighboring router because i typed in that network that it shared so it's like hey we know about the same network so now we can communicate so then we're going to do the that it shares with r3 so network because that's the wildcard mask area zero okay so that's this three advertisements then we're gonna go over to r3 so in r3 when we go back here after we have done the routing updates it wants us to do it a little bit different than we did for router 1 and router 2. so here we're going to go to each interface and advertise it so instead of advertising the entire network we're going to do interface and we need to see which interfaces we got here so to advertise this network we've got g zero zero zero so we do interface g zero zero zero and we are going to do ip ospf the area id is 10 all right and then area zero because that's the area we wanted to be a part of okay then exit out of that then what network does it share with our one so serial zero one one it shares here connects that network so we're going to serial zero one one so interface serial zero one one and we're gonna do ipospftn area zero okay then we exit out and we go into interface s00 [Music] come on s010 s010 and we do ipospf 10 area zero and what that does is it will advertise those statements out for our router so when we look at it we do show run sorry do show run because we're here all right we'll see under each one of these advertise that area all right so that's how we can do it for that instead of our traditional network command so there's two different ways you can see there to advertise the networks now it wants us to set a passive interface on our on all of them so what that does is all right you don't you want routing advertisements sent out between the routers you do not want routing advertisements sent out to the local area networks because it doesn't know what to do with that so right here g000 on r2 g00 on r1 and g000 and r3 all need to be set to passive so they don't get routing updates they'll just take up bandwidth so right here we do passive dash int g000 hit enter then on r2 same thing because it was the same you want to check the port but it is the same passive int g000 and then over here passive int g000 and hit enter
Channel: Anthony Lucas
Views: 323
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Id: 8epm-Qb10Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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