Packing Tips (International Trips)

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hey there when you travel to Europe here is what not to forget. When we traveled to Europe this spring specifically Munich Berlin Paris Brussels in the Normandy area I forgot some travel essentials so this video is about what not to forget when you travel to Europe stick around to the end to find out the number one thing not to forget do not forget a converter kit you will get a box and I will link one below but it gives you adapters for different parts of the world and they are specifically numbered or colored according to the country that you'll be visiting and then you also want to make sure it has a dual wattage converter and this is for like a curling iron or something that has a heating element our kit is almost twenty years old so if you don't have one it is a good and wise investment I forgot to pack peanut butter crackers for that day after you arrive because you are so tired at night you go to sleep pretty early but you wake up like three or four in your wide-awake so and you are very hungry most likely so peanut butter crackers do not forget to pack those no sugar sugar packets like equal or Splenda they're not everywhere when you are wanting to drink healthfully do not forget to pack headphone jacks for like your phone which might be a flat one if it's the iPhone or a regular Jack for like the old airplane entertainment system plug most entertainment systems on the airplane now are still that old kind of plug and so I also brought these type of headphones some and I don't like these headphones so because they fall out all the time so my husband gave me some apple headphones and they're like 20 dollars but they're almost like the air buds they do not fall out of your ears so I packed both of those if you want to watch something on your phone and it's not in the seat back of your airplane seat to watch their video entertainment system then you need some type of prop for your phone a pop socket I don't have a pock socket anymore I just have this thing so I need some type of prop to hold up my phone and I don't want to hold up my phone by myself for eight hours several airlines do provide you the headphones that go with their old system but they might be not working correctly or you might need your own that's that's why I just brought mine in case do not forget eyedrops I just packed several of these because it's easy to pack them instead of a bottle of eyedrops depending on your tailwind you may get over to Europe like we did in six hours and 30 minutes but coming back it's like eight hours plus for us because now we have a headwind so it's gonna be a little slower and my eyes were so red by the end of that flight and I was wide awake it was during the daytime now that I was on this time so take eye drops since I was gonna be going for so long and you can see that my liquids bag is so stuffed already I've used the makeup cloths for it to remove my makeup and I use the Mary Kay brand they take off every bit of my eye makeup especially and then I also cut them this time in half because half is plenty big enough for my face I took my basic amount of makeup and just in a makeup bag I also took my toothbrush don't forget that but I did not use a whole lot of makeup but I did find that I wanted to wear it everyday I also pack a hoodie in the bottom on my backpack for the airplane when it gets cold and also by the end of our trip our ten-day trip I was tired of dressing in these outfits and clothes that I had worn everyday so I just had a t-shirt and a hoodie type of day and tennis shoes and I tied the hoodie around my waist when I was warm and that can go with a long t-shirt or a short sleeve shirt in the summer if you feel like you need a hoodie I know the airflow in Europe is much more stagnant or not as strong and not as cold as it is in America especially on the subway and in museums and in restaurants and in trains do not forget to pack tissues when you travel to Europe you will have them in your hotel but also remember that your to be around a lot more dust on the subway system and mold different air quality that kind of thing if you are traveling on your own like not with a bus company who is going to be taking care of your luggage for you make sure you have really really good wheels and you can see that my wheels go into my suitcase a little bit and they are that thick kind of material or fabric whatever metal plastic is that when you travel on your own sometimes the train station is several blocks on cobblestone roads so that's why you need to have such good wheelage I made a video about how to choose the best luggage as I was shopping kind of for you and I will link that in the cards or down below in the description box by the way my name is Laurie and I want to say thank you for visiting my travel tips by laurie youtube channel i am a houston pilot wife who has made lots of mistakes so I'm gonna give you tips to travel the globe without a worry in the world the next thing not to forget to pack when you travel Europe is an empty water bottle now you can take one just for the airplane for being in the airport for your first day of walking around before you can get into your hotel but I just have that in my little crossbody when we travel to Europe we all forgot Purell I didn't think about all the elevator buttons I was going to be pushing all the handrails going down to the subway system that I was going to be touching so just a small little bottle of that also don't forget to pack shoes that can get wet in the summer and the winter spring and fall it rains a lot in Europe as here but I did pack like regular tennis shoes because of comfort but they have a mesh top I saw a lot of like canvas shoes to be worn like in the summer vans and booties those could be worn more in the winter but booties were everywhere and I also saw tons of the bright I know Michael Kors has a pair of tennis shoes that are like fancier looking they're all leather okay so they can withstand rain I wore booties on the airplane because I was wearing leggings compression leggings high-waisted compression leggings which I highly recommend but I wore those also with my skinny jeans and then I also took these mocks from Merrell I saw none that looked like this these are almost 20 years old and they are actually rotting so I donated them when I was in Europe I left them in the hotel room for the hotel staff to give away it was so nice to come back with those shoes missing so that's another thing not to forget when you travel to Europe is take something that you can leave there so you don't have to pack back up all those things on the last day like a toothpaste tube some people like to buy brand new liquid like travel liquid bottles and stuff like that take old ones that you can just trash or leave or donate when you're there and done my husband did wear two different kinds of Merrell shoes but and those were much more modern looking but I also saw a lot of black tennis shoes and these people were not Americans these were they did not look like Americans when we are touring Berlin I wore my booties and they were so my feet were hurting so bad so I recommend that you wear whatever shoes are comfortable even if you don't think they're gonna look good with an outfit I also recommend bringing a short sleeve shirt for if it gets hot like in the winter I took a lot of thin layers but I did also take a short sleeve shirt in case it was a warmer day and in the winter the inside of restaurants and the train station it's so hot you want to take off that sweater and also if it is cold in Europe when you are visiting like in the winter maybe remember that when you get back home in America or wherever you live you're and you're having to stop and make another stop in another airport remember that it might be warm like we got home and it was so warm in the Newark Airport that I put on this short sleeve shirt and my shirt jeans and then I was fine but it helps I did forget to take slip on or slide on shoes like the little soccer players shoes or just shoes that you can slip on while you were in the airplane and so nice to just take off your shoes when you're flying all night and not have to tie them or bend over and find them in the dark pack some slip-on shoes don't forget that your county may have a police home safe program you can research that a lot of counties in America have that where the police will randomly check your house like they will drive by and see and maybe walk around your house once or twice while you're gone and then you will receive a text message that says we drove by your house or we did a house check for you I suggest taking tons of lotion because I forgot it is it was winter when we went but I forgot how dry my hands get with hotel soap and restaurant soap over there the airplane soap oh my gosh my hands were so dry this is what I use just to save space in my liquids bag overseas when I travel to Europe and I will link these below I recommend using this on your arms and hands and this lasted me all 10 days I used the last bit the last day that we were coming home but I also recommend using the hotel lotion on your legs like and the reason I say that is because I don't like smells so especially lotion and some of the hotel lotion is a little cheaper so it's okay to put that on my legs I'm not gonna be like oh and the driest legs I'm mostly carried out on my hands also remember to take a pen for customs to fill out the paperwork when you return home I also recommend a hair clip especially in the winter because if you are pulling on and off your hood it's gonna get stringy and wet like I see why so many people have straight hair over there because they can just pull it up in a hair clip and be done with it or help your hair after it becomes straight as a board or either fuzzy as a brush all the way over there I packed my undies in a really slimline packing cube that's an idea for you I also packed a really thick pair of wool socks and I never used that but this is for a carry long carry-on suitcase and you get like full in a kit but this is the only time I would use this kind of packing cube I can't remember if I've said this already but tops that can mix and match with blue denim or black denim I did not see any light gray denim but I am wearing that today but a striped top can be mixed and matched with blue denim black denim kind of thing and they it can be worn on its own or under a sweater and then you may want to pack band-aids for blisters or there's this one product called blistease and I haven't used it yet so if you've used it let me know when you travel to Europe and get euros when you can if you see an ATM use it because when we are on a food tour in Berlin which I highly recommend food tours you get to know so much history and to taste all the cultural foods from that area we had to pay the guy in cash like we made our reservation online and did a deposit down deposit down town deposit anyway we had to pay some online but that one and another history tour we had to pay in cash euros in person and so we were low on cash at that point there were so many ATMs we went by on a Sunday night that were already out of money and it chose that night to pour down rain and it snowed even in Berlin so get like as much cash as you can from your ATM as you go do not forget to pack compression bag I have this one from Ziploc and the reason I like this is because that you do not need a vacuum cleaner so as soon as you start rolling it it is going to compress I am making a video about how to pack in a carry-on for 10 days so I will also try to remember to put that in the cards and down below in the description box and also do not forget packing cubes I bought these about two and a half years ago and I was scared that I wasn't gonna like packing cubes because I only would roll my clothes you used to but so this is a cheap pair that I will link below and it comes and they come in all different sizes but this is all I needed for this trip with the compression bag they do make compression packing cubes and because I was scared that I wasn't gonna like packing cubes I did not even order those and these are fine and I have that one compression bag so I'm not gonna buy the compression packing cubes because they're pretty expensive do not forget to pack a crossbody bag I want a cross crossbody bag that is big enough for my wallet my bottle of water if I'm gonna be touring all day and my reading glasses or my sunglasses so this one's not pretty and I don't have a link for it but you do your research and buy one that you're comfortable with that the strap around your neck is not going to annoy you either one thing that we did not even think about when we traveled to Europe and I am telling you now for the number one tip of what not area when you travel is if you're going for a long trip to Europe halfway through your trip book an Airbnb house or rent a house that has a washing machine then you can just wash all of your tops or all of your undies and you don't have to bring as much but make sure you remember that most houses over there do not have a dryer so you'll need to hang dry them like so spend two nights in an Airbnb or a rental house anyway thank you for watching this video I'm sorry if it's super long I hope it did not waste your time leave me a comment below and introduce yourself happy travels across the pond
Channel: Travel Tips by Laurie
Views: 99,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel to europe not forget to pack, travel tips, packing tips for europe, travel to munich, travel to europe, travel to berlin, travel to normandy, travel to brussels, travel to paris, what to pack, travel essentials for europe, converter kit, adapters for europe, travel bag, headphones for travel, liquids bag, travel compression bag, packing cubes
Id: U_iarklx15E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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