What to Carry on a Long Flight

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hey guys welcome to Alex goes coconuts so today's episode is gonna be what's in my carry-on for a long-haul flight my job as an overseas buyer sends me to Asia twice a year and I've been flying to Asia for about 10 years now so my flights are quite long there between 14 and 16 hours long and if I have a stopover it can go even up to 18 hours so these are the things that I carry on to the plane with me that I know I'll need during the flight the first thing you're gonna need is a good bags now there is a debate between bags a lot of people like to carry on like these roll-on bags like roll on little suitcases and those are fine for a short flight where you're packing all your clothes in there but really for a long-haul flight I find those are inefficient you're gonna want a bike that's easily accessible and that you can keep under your seat with you the problem with these roll-on suitcases is that you have to put them in the overhead bin and in these long flights most people sleep on the flight and you don't want to have to bother people to get up and then have to access that overhead bin you're making a lot of noise and then just to unzip and open up the whole suitcase just to get a few items is inefficient and illogical personally I like to bring a backpack like this now this one is a backpack with a laptop compartment inside and I find I can fit everything in my backpack that I need for the flight and at the same time when I'm going through security this one's easy I just put it on my back and it keeps my hands-free to do other stuff while I'm navigating the airport so you can definitely also use a travel tote bag those work the only thing I find with the tote bag is that it it can get pretty big and and sometimes it's just like one strap or like a handle you have to hold and I find those just are cumbersome so now that you have your bag you will definitely need your passport you can either get yourself a passport holder of some kind I just went out and purchased myself a little pencil case like this that I got at Walmart and this has little zippers inside it carries my pens and you will need pens to fill out visas or custom cards and it also carries passports and any other like tickets or papers I might have so this is the practical little one the next thing I bring is my iPad I carry several books on my iPad that I read with my book I also have all my work-related stuff on it and it's also great because I download a few movies from Netflix onto here so I find on the like what's playing on the plane I have a few shows and movies that I can watch on my iPad now another reason why you want to download a couple of movies and some shows on your iPad is because sometimes the screens in on the front of your seat do not work and I've had this happen to me two three times and that's not a big deal when you have like a three four-hour flight but when you're on a flight for 16 hours you definitely want something to watch so it becomes a very long flight if there's no entertainment whatsoever now I also never leave home without my phone and this too can serve you pretty well I do have a few games on this I have my music and it also doubles up as a camera so phones are great I mean everybody owns the phone these days so I don't know why you wouldn't bring it so now that I have my phone on my iPad I actually bring charging wires for it so I'll bring up the iPad lock with my charging wire and this charges both my phone and my iPad so that way I don't have to worry I also bring an external battery pack with the charging wire in case my iPad or my phone dies now most planes have a place where you can plug in your iPhone or your iPad but sometimes they do not work and so why take a chance just bring your ex peer external battery pack and that way you'll be safe you'll definitely need some earphones to watch your movies on your iPad or listen to your music or whatever else you you might need it for so to carry all my electronics I actually purchased myself one of these little grids but these are like travel grids and you can put all your wires in here all your chargers your battery your phone even fits like your glasses so whatever you need so these are really practical they're really thin too so they fit right into my backpack your lightweight and they carry all my stuff in one place you'll also want to bring your prescription glasses you don't want to pack your prescription glasses in your suitcase in case they lose or misplace your suitcase you'll need your glasses which used so another thing I like to bring our sunglasses so I carry this in my backpack too I find often on the drive to the airport it's sunny and once I land I also get into the taxi and I like to have sunglasses especially after a 16-hour flight your eyes do get very sensitive to light so you'll want to wear these sunglasses on the way to the hotel or wherever you're heading now the first thing I do as soon as I get onto the plane is use these little wet wipes and I wipe down all the surfaces that I will be touching in the plane now I don't know how many travelers went through that plane but I'm sure they don't clean every single screen I also like to carry these stain removers now these are shell wipe and go stain removers these are really great they're super practical if you do get any kind of stain or a spill on your shirt they wipe off the stain really well and they're super practical so I bring maybe 3/4 of these on the plane with me in case I do get dirty during the flight you all definitely need some Kleenex with you in case you get a runny nose or you get the sniffles during your flight so these are always practical to have so Kleenex is a must I also suggest bringing some lip I also suggest bringing some lip gloss when I pick a flight I bring extra strength lip gloss so basically I bring this Vaseline cocoa butter lip gloss now this one's nice and thick it really hydrates the lips pretty well and I also travel with my blistex lip med and the reason why I like blistex is if you feel like a cold sore coming on or if your lips are starting to be really chapped or broken up the blistex really works a lot better than regular lip gloss for those reasons the next thing on the list would be a little tool box with some medications so I usually pack a couple of pills of tylenol ibuprofen sinus and cold medication in case you're getting stuffed up that's really really important because the air pressure will make your sinuses feel even more compressed so if you're starting to feel pain the sinus and cold medication will really open up those sinuses and make you breathe better I also carry some ginger gravel so any kind of like anti-nausea medication is fine I just find the ginger gravel really works for me and there's no medication in that it's just basically ginger and it really does take away any kind of nausea you might feel I always carry some of these Dwight now I really love the Marcel makeup removing cleansing cloths and why I love them is because they're ultra gentle and they're great for sensitive skin and they have a micellar solution micellar water if any of you guys have ever used it it's really effective at removing makeup but it's also very soothing for the face so these are my favorite wipes I've tried a whole bunch of them and these are definitely my number ones so I will take these and remove my makeup before I hitting the sack and it's also great after a really long flight you feel kind of like yucky and just wiping your face with a nice fresh cloth feels great I really also like to carry this event thermal spring water now this is a spray and this is great because it's a hydrating spray so you know how it's really really dry in the plane and your skin starts feeling tight after a while now you spray your face with this and it reintroduces moisture into the face and it really does take out that kind of dry tight feeling on the face I absolutely love it and why I use the as N one is that it's specially made for sensitive skin and it's soothing and very very softening so I really love this stuff so when you're traveling you will need to put all your liquids into a small ziploc bag like this now you'll I always carry an extra ziploc in case this wind tears and I need one on the way back when you're taking a long flight you're going to be sleeping on the plane so you will need a couple of toiletries for when you wake up so I like the carrying mouthwash to freshen up my breath right after I slept and I do carry a little tube of toothpaste and my toothbrush and that way if they do lose or misplace my luggage for a while when I arrive at my destination I will have my toothbrush and toothpaste with me at all times I also carry a little tiny travel brush like this just so I can you know brush my hair after I slept on it and they always always an elastic or some kind of tie for the hair it can get pretty hot in the plane so having something to tie your hair with it's gonna be amazing you'll also want to carry some plastics you will eat a meal or two on the plane and in case you get something stuck in your teeth trust me a couple of plastics or some like a little container of floss is always practical to have so I do suggest you bring all your prescription medication onto the plane ways to you now I have food allergies so I always bring my epinephrine with me on the plane I actually bring two of these on the plane to make sure that if I do have an allergy I'm prepared I also carry my asthma pumps so any kind of prescription medication you'll need like think birth control pills cholesterol meds anything that you'll need on your trip you'll want to bring with you in your carry-on you don't want to take a chance of checking that stuff in and like I said if they lose or misplace your luggage you won't have that stuff for several days so it's just not worth it bring everything you'll need that's important with you on your carry-on I don't really travel with very expensive jewelry but if you are planning on bringing like some diamond earrings or any kind of like jewelry that's important to you you'll also want to carry that on your carry-on because I travel first-class I usually get one of these little pouches from the airline and they do include like some ear plugs like this and a little face mask for when you're sleeping and they do include some socks and usually a couple of creams and other things like that now I do end up using the face mask and the ear plugs so if you're not traveling first-class I do suggest you bring that stuff anyway with you you can buy that kind of stuff at Walmart or any kind of drugstore they sell these kind of things I like to also carry a pair of wool socks so it does get pretty chilly and the plane especially when you're at a very high altitude so keeping your feet warm is really gonna help with keeping your whole body temperature up I'd also like to carry this extra little by now this is a foldable batting like this a reusable die it's very lightweight it rolls into a small little ball and this is great when you're traveling because let's say you buy a few items and it doesn't fit in your backpack you have an extra bag in case you need it or if you're flying home and you're bringing gifts back for the kids you will have an extra bag on you so that you can fit everything in it and you're not stuffing everything into your backpack I do like to bring my makeup with me now I only bring the essentials I bring some lip gloss some blush and maybe some mascara with me so that once I arrive at my destination I can actually put my makeup on before I leave especially after a full day of flying you're gonna really you're gonna look like when you get up okay I'm sorry but it's true you've been sleeping on that thing you're all puffy and stuffed up and you're just gonna want to freshen up with some makeup before you head to the hotel the last thing I suggest you pack on your carry-on is a change of clothes so I like to bring leggings and an extra sweater like a super lightweight sweater I I can't tell you how many times I've seen this happen where people spill drinks all over themselves during the flight and they didn't plan ahead and they don't have it that change of clothes with them I mean it's one of the worst things you can do you don't want to be wet on a 16-hour flight the whole time so definitely bring a change of clothes with you you won't regret it and sometimes if it's really cold I will take these extra pieces of clothes and layer them on so it's never bad to have it with you I also like to bring some kind of scarf or a little shawl like this and this doubles up as a blank kid especially if you're flying economy the blankets in first class are nice and big and thick and toasty but the ones they give you in economy or quick thin and you will end up being cold halfway through the flights always practical to have with you I also do suggest you bring an extra pair of undergarments like I said in case they do lose your luggage you will have those to change into the next day and they're also practical in case you do spill I don't know like wine or something on yourself you're also going to want to maybe change your undergarments if it does end up sleeping in that far but yeah so they're always practical to have dice so that's about it that's what I attack in my carry-on so I hope I've helped you figure out what to pack on your trip and let me know in the comments below if I forgot anything or if you have any other suggestions ok guys have a good day bye [Music]
Channel: Alex goes Coconuts
Views: 159,875
Rating: 4.8446226 out of 5
Keywords: what to carry on a long flight, carry on for a long flight, what's in my carry on, in flight essentials, in flight essentials for long flights, what's in my travel bag, what to pack for a long flight, long haul flight, travel, airplane, flying essentials, travel tips, tips for long flights, carry on, packing tips, what's in my travel backpack, airplane travel, long haul flights, travel gear, travel essentials, airplane carry on, travel hacks, survive a long flight, backpack
Id: h93gi6BWIBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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