33 Travel Hacks (2019)

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hey there today I am sharing 33 travel hacks for you: travel hacks for the airplane, for getting through the airport security, and all that area, for packing tips, for staying in a hotel room all kinds of travel hacks to help you travel more smoothly and efficiently some of them will help you save space in your travel bag the first travel hack that I have is to use a sunglasses case or a readers glasses case to store like your cords for electronics I also store my electronics and little three pouches that I get or pouches that I have laying around but another thing that my husband uses is an old gum container they're hardshell and they store items like that and USB sticks that kind of thing easily this is something by recoil that we are trying from Amazon I bought these for a husband this year he is trying them this week so I cannot recommend them fully but they recoil your cords automatically the thing that I don't like about them is they recoil them immediately and I haven't read the directions enough to know if you can stop them from recoiling but it is storage and what you do is your take your long cord for your computer or your headphones let's say and you fold them in half so that the thick part and the thin pointy part you hold those together at the bottom and then you're gonna stick this in here and it coils it up automatically for you and then when you're ready to use them you just have these both sticking out for your computer and your phone or whatever you need to stick it into but that's another hack that maybe will work for you if you want to try those out I did buy them though if you've been watching my travel tips by Laurie a channel for a while you know that I always carry an empty crossbody bag inside my carry-on backpack or my travel bag that goes under the airplane seat and since it's empty a subscriber told me that she puts her makeup brushes in her travel bag like in her crossbody that's in the backpack and then when she gets to her hotel room she uses a hotel paper cup to store upright her makeup brushes I thought that was brilliant and you can also use a toothbrush holder those that you find in like the Travel section of just your grocery store the long ones that are a 2 or cylinder shape cylindrical shaped those can also hold a few of your eyeshadow brushes makeup brushes I don't use I don't take all of my makeup brushes when I travel just so you know I don't know how you feel about this travel hack but this also came from a fellow subscriber you know how you store like underwear or socks inside tennis shoes or sneakers what this subscriber suggested is that you layer and actually put on each sock and then take them off as a whole and then they will fit inside your shoe like a regular sock would you can also store like a glass bottle of perfume or some kind of item that is fragile inside all of those socks and they act as even a better protectant for that fragile item in your checked suitcase by the way thank you for visiting my travel tips by laurie youtube channel my name is laurie and I've been married to an airline pilot for about 17 years but we have lots of travel tips for you that will help you travel the globe without a worry in the world the next trial tip that I have is to not put on jewelry or a belt until you get to the airport and are through security I just store mine in my little inside pocket right here and that's where I keep my passport just while I'm going through security and your liquids can be in there also it just makes it easy access and then when you get through airport security you put your passport away you put your liquids away in your backpack so they won't go under the belly of the airplane in case you get separated that's in my other travel hacks video but anyway you put your liquids in your under the airplane seat bag and then you will put on your jewelry and your belt that way it saves you time you're getting through and you're not holding up the people behind you you just get to that bench after security and then put everything on another Travel hack that I realized after about 15 years of travel is to store my tennis shoes in that outside inner mesh pocket of your suitcase it has so much room for shoes and hardback books like I said earlier I do not take all of my makeup brushes just first space but I can also recommend that you just use for travel since you don't use them in your house that you use the eyeshadow brushes that come with the makeup palettes that you may use they're great for smudges they're great for putting a little highlighting color like a darker color in the crease of your eye and then you can blend it with your finger or a Kleenex when you get to your hotel room I thought that I had these in my house but I don't but you know those little flat cotton pads some people like will clean their makeup off with or do their finger nail polishes with not a cotton ball but a flat cotton pad you can put those in your makeup palettes and especially the more expensive makeup palettes that are more expensive to help protect those colors and the powders so that they're not jostled too much especially if they're in your carry-on suitcase that all of a sudden got checked at the gate because there was not enough room and the overhead bins this is a travel hack for those of you who live in the Northeast or are traveling to the Northeast the Midwest the northwest the north anywhere where it is super dry you wear moisturizer and then you also use tinted moisturizer like I use tenten moisturizer from Mary Kay they have lots of them in the grocery store as well another travel hack is to use compression sleeves on your calves okay they are footless okay and they we just put them on like a sock but they cover just your calf and that way if you are worried about like I am sometimes your sock or the compression sock being seen through under your jeans these are less or a little more hidden and there are some really really cute ones I will link these below as well when you are packing your curling iron after a location your curling iron might be hot so you can use one sock like a loan sock to store and protect the heated curling iron if it's really that hot and make sure you use the cotton kind of socks another travel hack is to store your money or hide your money in the Kleenex compartment in between the Kleenex is just some cash or some cash for that country that you may be going to another place that you can store it is in a wet wipes container and those are allowed on the airplane by the way several people asked me if wet wipes are allowed and they totally are and then my friend Chrissy gave me a travel hack for storing your money under the soles the inner soles of your tin shoes or whatever shoes you're wearing now this is a packing cube and I love using packing cubes now but if you do not have a packing cube it just the reason why people use them is it use it puts all of your clothes that you need in one space and you can smush and squish them to fit this container and then this container squishes and smushes to go in your suitcase so that's why people like them you can also use compression bags I have some that are no vacuum needed I don't use those unless I'm carrying like really thick sweaters in my carry-on and I need more space or I need those to suck in some like I need to right now wearing my jeans but this travel hack is to use a pillowcase as your packing cube and then you put heavy sweaters your jeans just put all your clothes in there you can stuff them in there or you can fold them and then slide them in there and fold it over and squish and smush it but when you get to your destination if you need a pillow you can use that pillowcase full of the of clothes to smush and squish around your face so you can get a good night's sleep on your vacation so I have another travel hacks video I think it's 23 travel hacks and then I also have a 19 ish life hacks video but in my life hacks video I had a travel hack for you and that is just also store money in your the padding of your sports bra I thought this trial hack was brilliant you just pack a little thin carabiner hook that would go on a backpack you just pack it in your crossbody bag or somewhere in your suitcase and while you're walking throughout a foreign city or wherever and a sidewalk cafe put the purse or your travel bag on your on the chair and then use the carabiner hook to hook those straps and then if anybody tries to make a scene and make you look away they will have they will be deterred by trying to pull off your bag because it's hooked with the straps I love love love this travel hack that many people told me about in my last travel hacks video and that is by using a pants hanger to close the two curtains in your hotel room so that that blinding sunshine does not get through that crack of the curtains in the morning when you're trying to sleep on your vacation one Travel hack that a subscriber told me was for your zipper if it is broken sometimes it gets stuck you can use lip balm or some Vaseline and you just rub it around where that little stuck part is and it might help your zipper perform correctly and then if it does break one thing if this little handle thing right here breaks off there is still that little loop right there and you can get like a gym clip from the office of the hotel or you can also use like a little souvenir keychain and that will go right in there and it will also help flag your suitcase you'll know that it's yours picking it up from baggage claim as well I do not travel with a luggage tag like this just because it's cute because I don't want all my name and stuff in there and it would fall out of this one and it's cheap but I travel with a luggage tag because it's easily identifiable in the baggage claim you can use a colored scarf just something little to help it I'd be identified in baggage claim this travel hack is for the hotel room before you go to sleep at night just put your tennis shoes in the and point them in the direction of the nearest stairwell that way if you wake up in the middle of the night and the hallway is filled with smoke you will know which way the nearest stairwell is to escape my friend Emily on instagram gave me this awesome idea and that is to carry a fake wallet like in your backpack or in your pocket and that way if you do get stopped and a burglar says give me your money you will have your wallet there and she does suggest putting some like fake cards and just like a small amount of money so that they do think they're getting your real wallet and my friend named Aunt Bea just the letter B suggests it if you are traveling to a beach location what you need to do to get the sand off your feet when you get back to your car is just put baby powder on it pour the baby powder on your heels or on your feet and then the sand just comes right off and she says that if you put it in the floorboard of your car like where the driver would be sitting and you've got sand on your shoes maybe that if you put the little baby powder in the floorboard and then when you shake it out when you get home when you shake it out the sand is gonna come out super easily one of my favorite travel hacks that I did mention on the 23 travel hacks video that I made was to take a picture of your passport and email it to a friend and some people said just send it to yourself but you can send it to yourself but if like you're in jail or incapacitated that friend is going to have the email and your important information and your health insurance information if you can email them a picture of that it's just one little way to have it accessible if you are incapacitated like totally incapacitated another travel hack is to store your money in a feminine-hygiene like baggy kind of thing and then the last travel hack is to not wear anything that is really gonna draw attention like big bling on your blue jean jacket or something like that lots of sequins on your jeans or your boots kind of thing just be smart think about the people behind you in line think about the TSA agents who are there make everybody's day just a little bit better because you planned in advance to be a responsible traveler anyway thanks for visiting don't forget to introduce yourself below happy new year to
Channel: Travel Tips by Laurie
Views: 116,250
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Keywords: travel hacks, 33 travel hacks, hacks, airplane hacks, airport hacks, hotel room hacks, travel tips, packing tips, travel bag, electronics hacks, store cords, packing cube, travel
Id: VS1qckmJf8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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