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did you know that today well the day that I'm launching this video anyway is the 10th anniversary of Pacific Rims k-day today the breach of first reared his ugly head and attacked San Francisco ushering in the era of the Kaiju Wars I think that needs to be commemorated don't you when I think that the original Pacific Rim came out 10 years ago I often have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not having some kind of psychotic episode but nope a Whole Decade now you guys know how much I love Monster and Robot stuff and no movie has brought Kaiju and mechs together in the way that the original PR did so to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Pacific Rim I thought I'd take a look at every single Jaeger in the franchise or at least try to because there are a lot of them and if this video does well I'll do something similar for every single Kaiju but you know let's see how it goes so here I'm gonna cover the comics and the games too which I will be honest I have never played before so I toyed with the idea of doing a power ranking as those videos tend to do quite well but there's quite a few of those videos out there already so I think I'm gonna organize Mine by Mark as you'd expect each different generation of Jaeger is a different Mark with the technology increasing sometimes quite rapidly between the generation there's quite a few that don't have a mark for whatever reason and I'm gonna tackle those as I go this one might be quite a long one guys so make yourselves comfortable hit like on the video subscribe if you're new and make sure you've checked out the giveaway that I'm doing there's a whole lot of stuff you can win and there's some Pacific Rim bits involved in there as well just a little thank you for 50k subscribers all right let's start with the one that started it all and the first ever working Jaeger prototype brawler Yukon this one was featured mostly in the comic Tales From year zero a story about Dr Jasper schoonfeld and Caitlyn lightcap who build this prototype before realizing that the neural load is too much for just one person so they come up with the drift launched in 2015 brawler Yukon looks a lot less humanoid than the Yeagers that followed with its short stubby legs and bladed arms to me it's part of the evolutionary chain from tanks to say like armored Core walking mechs to this to then humanoid Jaegers and of course it's fairly basic compared to the Future Generations it can claim the credit for the first ever Kaiju kill and took down two Kaiju that we know of first Karloff then kamisan before being destroyed some unknown point in time during its test run it was piloted by Adam Casey who had a seizure because of the mental load and throughout its service it was piloted by Caitlyn lightcap and her lover band Sergio donofrio foreign later in the same year the Russian Cherno Alpha was featured pretty heavily in the movie well I mean compared to some of the other Jaegers on this list at least it was one of the most distinctive Jaegers ever this sort of Buckethead that it's got is actually a thick layer of armor that protects its most vital component and actually isn't its head at all when you consider that it's con part is right here in its chest when you think of it that way it really looks like just a robot with a nuclear chimney stack on its head it was one of the most heavily armored Jaegers ever which also contributed to it being one of the slowest its con pod was located in its chest and didn't have any ejection or Escape systems meaning that this Jaeger either won the battle or died fighting it packed a wallop too with it being equipped with these devices called roll of nickel cylinders which spooled up to increase the pressure behind its massive punches and released so much power that its punches would shake the surrounding environment this is as well as his arms being spring-loaded as we saw in the movie when he blamed Otachi in the kisser another thing I didn't know was that his arms were armed with Tesla cells meaning that he could discharge a huge electric glass as its punches make contact with a Kaiju so it would try to get both fists on either side of a kaiju's head to fry its brain it's also equipped with shoulder mounted turbines that can double up as flamethrowers to belch searing pain onto enemies across short and medium distances it also must have had a decent sound system in the con part because according to the modernization the crew would listen to Ukrainian hard house in there China was deployed to protect the Siberian section of the Kaiju defense wall and was the reason the wall went unbreached for six years it killed at least six Kaiju too some of them being Rave a beast called km 24 tyrannus and aticon which all featured in the Pacific Rim novel before the last of the t90s was eventually killed in the movie by leatherback and Otachi outmatching every other mark one you could argue that this guy was even more powerful than some of its successes Coyote Tango stack of pentecost's faithful Juggernaut that he piloted with tasman's Xavier who would later die from radiation poisoning you see they didn't realize at the time that the nuclear cores that powered these Giants leaked harmful radiation that probably would have killed stacker as well had he not died in the Battle of the breach anyway coyote was a Japanese Jaeger launched in 2015 and killed only Baba and itac and during the fight with Oni Baba Tasman blacked out forcing stacker to become the first pilot to ever control a Jaeger solo after the battle with onibaba coyote was retired because of its leaky core but reinstated in emergency circumstances when tacit Ronin was unable to hold its position against the Fearsome itac coyote managed to keep the Kaiju at Bay until tacit's Pilots recovered and got back into the fight had Coyote Not intervened itac would have decimated the shoreline but the damage sustained to Coyote meant that it wasn't able to to take part in tacit's fight against Ragnarok shortly after it was built to be faster and more maneuverable than say Cherno Alpha and unlike its Russian counterpart it can hold its own against the quicker Kaiju and aside from Cherno it was the longest surviving mark 1. it boasts twin long-range ballistic mortar cannons to damage Kaiju from afar these were supported by a forearm mounted retractable energy Caster with five modes of modulation this weapon in particular being considered highly experimental at the time and I'm guessing went on to evolve into the plasma Caster used by Gypsy danger and I think um saber Athena had one right kriyoti Tango was actually repaired and put back into service with a new crew who may have only lasted one battle Coyote Tango met her end at the hands of a Kaiju called saramanda in Hawaii but according to Travis beecham it went down valiantly of course another little known Mark 1 was Tango Tasmania from the Pacific Rim novelization that one was manufactured in Anchorage along with Romeo blue who will talk about next now when Travis beecham was asked about this guy he said that the naming convention didn't allow for two Yeagers to both have the name tango so there was some mistake going on there somewhere beyond all this and the fact that it was destroyed some way somewhere somehow not much is known about Tango Tasmania but let's talk about Romeo blue which could technically be called the first American Jaeger as Yukon brawler was funded by the UN and an International Coalition so it wasn't assigned to one particular country Romeo blue was rolled out to combat hardship when that threatened to make landfall it managed to beat hardship by ripping a part of a bridge out and using it as a melee weapon and as a result of its Victory the pilots and Jaeger became revered and celebrated as the hero worships of Pilots began to spread and the name Romeo blue became legendary it was chalked up as having two Kaiju kills before it was killed when an unknown Kaiju ripped its arm off and smashed through the compod with it he was also involved in the fight against the Kaiju called septid that resulted in nearly 40 000 human deaths but I'll talk more about that later as one of the early Jaegers it was one of the slowest but it still had a fair amount of offensive capability with an emphasis on long-range attack including what's known as a Gatling chest which it would use as its main range weapon the distinctive fear in the middle of its chest is apparently to protect the con pod from damage although that didn't seem to help much in its final battle as I just said it had its arm ripped off was then forced through the compod but you know what that wasn't the end for Romeo blue if you want to know what became of it specifically what became of his head you have to wait till later in the video one that I'd never heard of before having never played the game name is atlas psycho again breaking Travis beecham's rule the two Jaegers couldn't share the same name given that Atlas Destroyer would come along later in Pacific Rim the black so this necklace scuba diver looking guy was in breach Wars and was armed with two shoulder-mounted Gatling guns and two wrist mounted cannons that could fire an energy beam from its reactor next up Horizon Brave a Chinese Jaeger that just oozes old-school character you get a glimpse of him in the movie's opening prologue him being one of the earliest Jaegers built alongside Coyote Tango and Romeo blue it racked up two Kaiju kills before being totaled in 2019 in Lima in Peru its most distinctive feature with these two cryo cannons mounted on his shoulders which could not only blast out a huge Frozen blast but also power its melee attacks notably a Sub-Zero Sucker Punch and what was known as a flash freeze it was also on the cover of tales from year Zero fighting Meathead anyway I wanted to finish the Mark 1 Section with my personal favorite perhaps of all of the Jaegers and that that's the first ever Japanese Jaeger tacit Ronin which took down three Kaiju again this one was shown very briefly in the movie's prologue but was featured more in Tales From The Drift where it was called upon to fight itac and eventually manages to cut that beast in half with these massive retractable blades called fang blades it then had to fight Ragnarok even though it was heavily damaged and although it managed to kill Ragnarok eventually with its signature splitting in half move it leaked enough radiation to kill its Pilots the jessups although the Jaeger itself would be repaired and returned to active duty until it was broken in half in a battle with an unspecified Kaiju following which its chassis was moved to the burial ground for all wrecked Jaegers Oblivion Bay tacit was one of the first Jaegers Built For Speed and maneuverability and as such was fairly lightly armored but it did have a series of jets mounted on its back to thrust it forward in bursts as well as those terrifying blades it also had a chess Cannon for range attacks but its specialty was definitely close range combat and as I said quite probably this one is my favorite Jaeger design ever a lot of the other Mark ones are kind of old school in their design language but this guy is still really futuristic and I really like it before we completely move on to the mark twos let's talk about Victory Alpha whose Mark was never actually specified but my suspicion is that it was also a Mark 1 just based off on its look and its spec it's also a chance it was a Mark II but my money is on Mark one it's a Japanese Jaeger that appears in Tales From The Drift and helped in the fight with Ragnarok it was overpowered when Ragnarok brought out its third set of arms and victory's Pilots were forced to eject it had energy weapons under each wrist but not a lot about it is known beyond that all right before we start Mark II just want to just want to make sure you guys have checked out my gaming channel play through Transformers Devastation then war for Cybertron which I've never played before and then I replayed Fall of Cybertron which was probably the best Transformers game ever I'm thinking about doing Titanfall next and then maybe armored Core when that comes out later this month all right okay in the loot over all right Mark twos let's start off with Diablo intercept it's a Mark II from Chile and was launched in 2016 and was tasked with defending the coastline from Medellin to Patagonia from a shatter dome in Lima Peru in the uprising novel called Ascension Diablo is partnered with Romeo blue and Puma real who we'll talk about more in a moment to protect against the Kaiju accepted and all these Jaegers weren't able to stop septed from reaching the shore and killing itself releasing a devastating toxin in the process which kills 20 000 innocent people upon initial contact and then in fact another 15 000 who would slowly die painful deaths over the coming weeks and months Diablo had bulky flamethrowers that could fire these shells called hell bolts that were filled with Napalm and could coat a Kaiju in flaming liquid after exploding upon impact but other than that not a hell of a lot is known about it as I mentioned another Mark II involved in the septed attack was Puma real from Panama and all three of these guys attempted to surround septid to prevent it making landfall Puma real was armed with missile launchers that could fire eight missiles and they were early versions of the anti-kaiju missiles used by Striker Eureka it had retractable arms with two retractable claws on both arms and it could also rotate its waist an entire 360 Degrees another Mark II that we know even less about is solar profit apart from its Mark and the fact that it was stationed in Lima this one is kind of a mystery it was classed as a Vanguard class Jaeger in Pacific Rim breach Wars and was seen to carry this you shall not pass staff reach Wars also featured aftermath Elite dead reckoner EXO Starfall Phantom Excalibur and shock devil and there was also a Russian Mark II called Eden assassin stationed in Vladivostok with Cherno Alpha again not much in the way of detail known about this guy it could be that lucky 7 is a Mark II as we know it was deployed in 2019 to fight a category for Kaiju with Gypsy danger and Horizon Brave it was one of herc Hansen's early assignments let's move on to mark 3. of course you gotta start with Gypsy Danger Don't You whose exploits are the stuff of Legend there's an action figure of this dude included in my giveaway haul so make sure you check out that video launched in 2017 Gypsy was tasked with defending Alaska from Kaiju incursions it first came up against yamarashi further down the coast in Los Angeles which was the first of four kills in four years it then went up against knifehead in 2020 which resulted in catastrophic damage and the death of pilot Yancy Beckett forcing his younger brother rally to become one of the few Pilots to Pilot solo as he manages to discharge a Plasma Blast at point-blank range into the kaiju's face he's then able to get the Jaeger back to shore to facilitate retrieval and eventual repair but Gypsy was actually sent to Oblivion Bay at this stage as the government was about to scrap the Jaeger program in favor of the war but stacker um you know commandeer Gypsy and sent it to be refit a repair program led by macko Mori Nintendo Choi it was here that it was fitted with wrist mounted chainsaws made from a super hardened steel obsidian alloy meaning that they could either be used as whips or pulled taut to be used as swords these added to its existing armaments and Equipment including elbow Rockets foreign plasma casters that would not only blow a hole in Kaiju hide but was also hot enough to instantly cauterize the wound to prevent highly toxic Kaiju blood known as Kaiju Blue from spraying everywhere it also has these cooling vents called 08fs Oceanic cooling vents that channel seawater through gypsy's coolant system now I'm no engineer but I'm thinking these are to keep the temps down whilst the systems are having to push harder against the sea water while Gypsy is wading through I don't know if these are actually needed while Gypsy is on land I personally think that the water in its cooling system probably doesn't need to be constantly replaced as movement is generally easier ah actually this is one of the things on my mind anyway elsewhere as we saw its turbine can release a jet blast which is hot enough to sear through Kaiju hide but of course this is a kind of a measure of Last Resort like like ideally I'm sure the pilots wouldn't allow the Kaiju to get this close but if it ever does like it burn all the way through Category 5 Slaton it's also got jets in its back which allows short leaps and bursts to enhance maneuverability and weight and momentum to its melee attack Gypsy danger has nine confirmed Kaiju killed yamarashi knifehead leatherback Otachi Raiju slaten and of course it saved the whole of our Dimension by sacrificing itself to destroy the breach the next prominent Mark III would be Atlas Destroyer which was originally launched in 2017 before being retired and repurposed as a training Jaeger a process which sort of stripped of its offensive weaponry and fitted with the training AI known as lower during operation blackout which was the ppdc shutting down of all comms and burying of All Tech considered Expendable Atlas was thought destroyed but remained intact within its hangar in a base known as Shadow Basin it was rediscovered by the Travis siblings and went on to carry the kids across the Australian continent fraught with Roman Kaiju including Copperhead acid quills and many other dangers it's eventually killed when the cultists known as The Sisters of the Kaiju released the category 6 breacher which totally demolishes the training Jaeger and it has to self-destruct to vaporize the Kaiju and Safeguard the kids foreign [Music] armaments wise we know that it was originally fitted with an arsenal of missiles and it was later retrofitted with chaos and nemesis's arm complete with saber chain which was made of a Vanadium steel and a spiked Barb tip and by what we see here it was clearly able to pull the full weight of a Jaeger there was a Mexican Jaeger called Matador Fury and I'm not sure where this guy appeared but apparently he was cut from the movie he was launched in 2017 and piloted by two criminals who could earn their freedom if they piloted the Jaeger one last time he was mentioned in the aftermath graphic novel when they were talking about which wrecked Jaegers were kept at Oblivion Bay so that's obviously where his remains ended up a Mark III called Chrome Brutus from Canada was piloted by cousins of Inuit descent but beyond that and the fact that its status is written up as being destroyed not much else is known about it then we have Shaolin Rogue from China which lined up next to Crimson Typhoon and Horizon Brave both of which we'll get talked about later the same thing launched in 2017 written up as destroyed not much else is known then we have Vulcan Specter which was Australia's first Jaeger this one fought mutavor alongside Echo saber and I guess neither of them were a match for motivore because Echo is ripped from its head to its torso and Vulcan is smashed to the point of Destruction mutavor then went on to destroy a section of the anti-kaiju wall before it was finally stopped by Striker Eureka bulk inspector had three confirmed kills faux face spine Jackal and one called Vermin and used his armaments including an atomic drill to bore into a creature's head and also had an arm mounted Cannon and chest missiles but it mainly used close combat tactics for most of its combat career its remains were seen in the graphic novel aftermath in in the Santa Monica scrapyard when its former pilot washed up Josh Griffin is recruited by maxar to sell the Jager parts right on to mark IV let's start with what I would say is probably the most famous as it did have a fairly prominent role in the original movie the Chinese Crimson Typhoon launched in 2018 Crimson is a unique triple pilot system that uses triplets to sink the movement and weapons of an unparalleled machine that uses 50 diesel engines per muscle strand as stacker puts it and it does this in such a way that it gives an unmatched fluidity somewhat akin to a martial artist its most distinctive feature is of course its third arm which can make its fingers into these saw blades that it uses for its trademark Thundercloud formation attack but it also has these special shock absorbers and dampers that allow for better balance on any kind of terrain as well as a Labyrinth of balance plates in its feet which are constantly calculating thousands of micro adjustments per second to give this Juggernaut the best balance of any Jaeger so far it's pretty flexible too being able to rotate its torso a full 360 Degrees perform high kicks and lift its body to perform flips it has a plasma Caster too although I don't remember seeing that being put to use in the movie and it's racked up seven official kills before being destroyed by Otachi this guy loves Crimson Typhoon so much that he made himself his own cosplay suit and a pretty good one too where he got married in it Horizon Bravo was a mark IV from Pacific Rim the black that was launched in 2018 that participated in the uprising war in a battle that included Balor Omega November Ajax and Titan Redeemer during which Horizon Bravo was presumably destroyed as the Travis siblings stumble across the Boneyard lower freaks out when she identifies and relives the final moments of the Fallen Horizon Bravo not to be confused with Horizon Brave as the two kind of look the same too chaos Nemesis was one that we never found out anything about beyond the arm that it posthumously donated to Atlas Destroyer as well as the fact that it participated in the uprising War I was talking about just now the other Mark IVs are kind of cameos too Hydra Corinthian was an American mark IV piloted by an all-female team of Kennedy LaRue and Stephanie lanifer stationed in Panama City and destroyed amongst unknown circumstances it fought category 4 interactor in the graphic novel Pacific rimamara alongside Striker Eureka Mammoth apostle was another American Jaeger that fought alongside Striker Eureka in kushing Malaysia where it was destroyed again not a whole lot of detail there and Nova Hyperion was a mark IV piloted by two Olympic fences that was stationed in Vladivostok until the shatter Dome was closed in 2024. same for Echo saber which was a Japanese Jaeger that was stationed in Tokyo until being relocated to Sydney Australia and was involved in the mutavor incident where it was basically ripped in half and following catastrophic damage to the compod sank to the Bottom of the Sea okay I think that about covers the mark IVs let's swiftly move on to mark 5. which for a while was a category of one because Striker Eureka was the last Jaeger to be constructed before the closure of the Jaeger program by the ppdc to that day it was the fastest and strongest of of any Jaeger ever built and reportedly cost the Australian government 100 billion Australian dollars to make it was worth every penny though as Striker would go on to get 11 confirmed Kaiju kills before its destruction in the battle of the breach with a fighting style described as a dirty brawler which it probably got from its Father and Son pilot team Chuck and herc Hanson it has these t-16 angel wings that provide extra aerodynamic stability and help it remain on target should it decide to burst forward for a melee attack it has brass knuckles that strengthen and add weight and ferocity to each and every punch and its enormous sting blades as well as being razor sharp are apparently laced with with carbon nanotubes the channel thermal energy to heat the blades to temps of over 300 degrees which like gypsy's plasma Caster cauterize any Kaiju wounds before it believe that horrific blue poison [ __ ] everywhere Striker has a six-barreled anti-kaiju missile chess launcher with 18K stunner Warheads that can stun and even in some cases kill a Kaiju with a direct hit [Music] foreign you know what I still don't believe that Chuck Hansen was drift compatible with stack of Pentecost right here we should probably talk about Striker Berserker whose Mark is never specified but it's identical in appearance at least to Eureka so chances are it's either a mark 5 or a mark 6. now berserk had a total of 14 sorties and four confirmed kills including tarantulas hammerhorn frightcrawler and at least one acid quill you could add some rippers to that if you wanted but for me they don't really count anyway Berserker takes a beating at the start of the black but manages to hold together long enough for herc to initiate the emergency measure known as the black it's then seen again in the graphic novel blackout which showed the events leading up to the black where Striker Berserker showed that it had a terrifying new weapon a pair of Blaze gauntlets that would super heat its hands to burn through Kaiju flesh and Bone when herk Hansen went rogue to try and locate his family Vanguard Horizon was sent out to bring Striker Berserker in which is when Berserker Unleashed its newest addition a pair of Hermann gottlieb's rocket pods mounted in berserker's feet that were powerful that were powerful enough to lift both Berserker and Vanguard Horizon High into the air next up brace of Phoenix a mark 5 that could still keep up with the mark VI's from the Pacific Rim Uprising era even though by that stage it was an aging veteran it was launched in 2025 and nicknamed the Shanghai Shield so it was probably manufactured and or stationed in China it's a heavily armored squat design built for the maximum protection of its three Pilots or two pilots in one Gunner I'm not sure it was armed with a Vortex Cannon anti-kaiju missile launchers and later an m19 Morningstar which we'll talk more about in a bit but it's Unique in that its Vortex cannons can rotate around to the rear of the Jaeger and unleash major damage not only to an attack in Kaiju but probably half of the [ __ ] city as well we also know of Kronos Berserker an Australian Jaeger constructed after the battle of the breach participating in rebuilding programs and law enforcement it's armed with two Hammerhead missiles one on each arm hammer head missiles being the most powerful non-nuclear Warheads available at the time this guy was also used in the training of cadets with Cadets taking their pilot examinations in it they could even fire the hammerheads apparently although the explosive payloads would have had to have been removed first of course let's take a look at the Mark sixes and of course you have to start with Gypsy Avenger don't you after Gypsy Danger's heroic sacrifice the ppdc immortalized the name by making the next Incarnation the flagship of the Jaeger Fleet launched in 2034 it was built in honor of gypsy danger and therefore closely followed its design template and has upgraded versions of its Weaponry for example a new plasma Caster elbow rocket and the chainsaws are pretty much identical but benefit from Avengers faster and more athletic frame it also has a gravity sling which can manipulate a gravitational field around an object and pick it up and flail it around like crazy and could therefore turn almost anything into a weapon it had a missile launcher and dorsal wings that could also fire Rockets as well as rocket boosters in its feet that are not only allow quicker movement across land but really come into their own underwater where they greatly enhanced speed of movement its power core is also an upgrade on Gypsy dangers as it has a nuclear Vortex turbine as well as a small a secondary turbine it's said that each hour these generate enough electricity to power the city of Chicago for an entire year of course its main battle was against the Fearsome Mega Kaiju that it defeated by supermaning itself into destroying itself in the process the next Mark 6 would be Guardian Bravo which was launched in 2033 and was designed for long range combat with burst foils upon its back which are these jet-like rockets that Aid in the speed of its movements across distances like Gypsy Avenger it has an energy whip called an lx-16 whip which is made up of an unbreakable material and can deliver sustained shocks that may cause considerable damage to multiple objects or surfaces it also has core Salvo charges situated on either of its side and arm mounted guns on each arm including machine gun-like ones on each arm and an energy firing type at least on the left arm it was heavily damaged in the final battle in Uprising but wasn't destroyed that's Titan Redeemer Titan Redeemer was built for brute force and armed with a seismic Morning Star earning it a rep as the walking wrecking ball of the new Fleet part of it lived on after it was destroyed by the hybrid Jaegers as this morning star attack sphere was transplanted over to brighter Phoenix and you can see why after all the whole of Titan Redeemer was designed around this fearsome ball of death as the weapon was so heavy that it created an imbalance so the whole of the chassis had to be counterweighted accordingly by giving it a wide t-shaped frame to spread the load the Morning Star is 60 feet in diameter and is filled with a super dense liquid metal core to give it extra weight and therefore impact when hitting its Target then on top of all of that it has hundreds of spikes that fly out to rip into any armored opponents or to just mince its way into any thick Kaiju Hive Titan's secondary weapons include arm mounted cannons and an EMP Mist grenade which can disrupt electrical signals after its destructions its remains were seen in Pacific Rim the black in the massive Jaeger graveyard alongside November Ajax and Valor Omega speaking of which November Ajax was the coolest Jaeger to never have seen combat restricted to the smallest of cameos at the beginning of Uprising this Mark VI was assigned to law enforcement after the battle of the breach to look out for rogue Yeagers and keep tabs on the growing underground Jaeger fights so it was clearly stripped of any major armaments as you probably shouldn't be apprehending criminals by cutting them with Fang blades or liquefying them with plasma casters within its Knuckles our electrified grappling hooks that can be fired out to pin and send volts of electricity through cables designed to disable Rogue Jaegers who refused to come in quietly and that's about all we see of it according to Steven S tonight there was a scene that was filmed but got cut where Ajax was destroyed by Kaiju drones I wonder if that's out there somewhere like let me know in the comments if you've seen it personally I really like November Ajax I think it's the one that I would have personally chosen to see more of Valor omega's primary function was that of an Emergency Response Unit specializing in evacuation Mission and was designed to be able to entertain dangerous or otherwise hazardous environments and hold up to 150 people it had elaborate medical facilities and emergency supplies too it could even purify seawater into drinking water should the need arise and it also has reinforced shock suspenders for its knees to keep its human cargo as safe and stable as possible its offensive weapons are too arm mounted by 11 Revolution cannons and it's a shame it didn't get fitted with an anti-decapitation device because uh murder Witch is a Mark VI that apparently appeared in Uprising but if you blink you'll miss it all I've ever seen of it was this here in the background of this shot right here but apparently it's one of these that's sent in as reinforcements when obsidian Furious attacks Sydney Harbor it was also involved in the Drone hybrid attack on moyulan shatter Dome where it was destroyed it had two large cannons on its back and a variety of close combat capabilities it was always something that weirded me out about the name you know Murder witch like all the other Jaegers have got heroic names you know like Valiants Superman or courage baby protector I don't know why the Merc like they're not made at McDonald's or anything thank you RX7 saber Athena was the most technologically advanced Jaeger ever produced a design that prioritized Speed and Agility over everything else but you know you've seen the movie so you already know that an experimental ultralight chassis enabled the use of high tensile muscle strands meaning that it was capable of Feats of acrobatics never before seen in a Jaeger it also had rg28 accelerator limbs as well as small jest designed into its arms and legs to Aid with quick movements all this means that it couldn't support the load of extra armor so its Pilots had to be extra quick to make sure the enemy didn't land blow so if the precursor suddenly came up with a super fast kaiji you might as well leave this one at home in bed liberately feminine and appearance it became known as a blade dancer with its pair of ionic blades or laser swords which could be combined into one large weapon as well as an n16 particle charger that's mounted on her forearm her chest design is reminiscent of a Supercar with the Xenon headlights and radiator Grille which earned her the nickname Lambo tits no I just uh made that up and the colors are just a big [ __ ] you to the drab military tones of the other Jaegers saber met her and in the battle with the mega kaijin when An Almighty tail swipe ripped her legs off then she got skewered by its twin Tails which were powered up by kinetic energy and then she got tossed aside like a ragdoll the point thing of the movie didn't seem to be that bothered with like tying up any loose ends or anything so we don't know whether she got repaired or not but the fact that we've never seen any remains in any of the cemeteries plus the fact that she was an experimental Jaeger that probably cost a whole lot of the balloons makes me think that she probably was then we had Vanguard Horizon in Pacific Rim blackout again we didn't get to find out all that much about him but he did save a falling helicopter and Striker berserker's battle against tarantulas before blasting the cat 3 I think he was a cat 3 with what looks like some energy rain [ __ ] tarantulas then seem to get the better of him before Berserker intervene activating his Blaze gauntlets and burning into his skull one thing I would say about Vanguard is that we do see him sprinting and jumping around quite a few times and my suspicion is that he is one of the later marks probably not a seven but I would guess maybe like a six or something like that Paladin tornado was another cameo in blackout which helped strike a Berserker in Vanguard Horizon in the fight against frightcrawler jaw Hyde and hammerhorn again fairly few details about this guy but it does look like he has some serious shoulder weaponry and possibly abdominal mortars or Rockets of some kind then there was Thunder kinetic that had a huge Hammer that was powerful enough to send an acid quill sprawling as well as a concussive array of at least four concussion missiles which he used to keep the acid quill away from a falling helicopter transport he clobbered an acid quill so bad with that hammer that it sprayed Kaiju blue everywhere the the ET into his chassis and rendered him an operative now I'm guessing he was salvageable after this I think it probably threw the con part and killed the pilots rather than completely totaled him obsidian Fury probably named after the rare metal obsidian Chrome that made up its shielding was the original prototype dronager and was armed up to the eyeballs with shoulder Salvo rocket launchers and forearm mounted cannons and God damn twin plasma swords Newton Glazer designed this guy to be a force to be reckoned with it had clawed fingers it had forearm spikes a particle charge in its chest a frequency Jammer in its spine it was strong enough to punch Avenger off of its feet and lift it a few times too so it must have been able to lift at least its own body weight but the most dangerous thing about it was its connection to the precursor hive mind with a kaiju's secondary brain being interwoven with the Drone systems I got into big Deets in this guy in this here video right here which I will also link below so if you want more details about obsidian Fury I've kind of gone over everything right there Hunter vertigo was piloted by husband and wife team Ford and Brian Travis Brina Travis even and assisted in the evacuation of the Australian continent following the triggering of the black it's armed with two shoulder-mounted cryo cannons that can freeze Kaiju to the point of shattering their bodies in addition Hunter vertigo is seemingly powered by two nuclear turbines identical to the ones used by Gypsy Avenger it's also armed with several nuclear missiles even though Jaegers in general were designed to avoid the use of these kind of weapons probably because of the collateral damage evolved just speculating it fought against the bone spur at least one acid quill and fought against Copperhead even though that was eventually killed by Atlas and its saber chain if I was gonna guess I would put Hunter at either a mark IV or possibly a mark 5 Hunter was eventually abandoned but not completely destroyed if my memory serves then we've got Valor Omega 2. oh I mean Zeus Marauder again no Mark available for this guy but my guess would be Mark 4 or 5. although he is identical to Valor Amiga who was Mark VI we saw Zeus marauder or more order Zeus whatever you want to call him aiding Hunter vertigo in the mission to suppress and Kaiju incursions and providing cover for the evacuation of Australia cities he has a mean forearm mounted chain gun on each arm that look like they absolutely decimate but even that can't stop him from being skewered by sneaky acid quill that gets the drop on him and sadly destroys him let's talk about the Drone Jaegers launched in 2035 these remote controlled mechs designed by Xiao Industries designed to safeguard the lives of pilots and manufactured in large numbers so that larger areas of the Pacific could be protected from incursion they had a chest mounted energy beam plus Sidewinder missiles but they got even more dangerous when Newt Geisler used the tech to create a Kaiju Jaeger hybrid oh my God what happened to my hands his first success was obsidian Fury but he also created a number of drones that laid waste to the shatter dome right here and headed out to the ocean to open several further breaches they were eventually destroyed by a feedback loop created in part by Hermann Gottlieb more of them participated in a battle where they fought alongside category 4 and 5 Kaiju where they engaged November Ajax chaos Nemesis Horizon Bravo and a reconstructed Valor Omega and Titan Redeemer in what came to be known as the uprising War drone Jaegers were again seen towards the end of the black insinuating that they had been more widely adopted into the ppdc's defense strategy these ones in particular had been modified to be like these walking artillery cannons Pacific Rim aftermath had a few illegal mini Jaegers built by the mob for their underground Jaeger fighting scene including this one called enforcer that was piloted by form of Vulcan Spector pilot Josh Griffin enforcer had some kind of energy Rave as well as what he referred to as a harpoon but he never got to fire her as well as these nasty looking wrist blades there was also a red one called Bruiser that had a cryo cannon that throws a bunch of innocent protesters and then shattered them to bits when those two got put out the game by the human engineered Kaiju called Baby I think it was a mob boss called maxar revealed that she had her own mini Jager called Atomic Queen it also had retractable wrist blades and was destroyed when its power core overloaded exploding before the sexy mob boss could eject there are also a few smaller Jaegers or repurposed Jaegers that appeared in the Pacific Rim Amara miniseries as Amara delved into the underground Jaeger racing scene Headhunter had tracks instead of wheels and could travel at quite some speed considering reaching speeds of up to 74 miles an hour it's clearly made from the head of Romeo blue which in this case is kind of a hindrance as it Tail as the tail fin catches on a bridge and snaps off and the resulting crash winds up with Headhunter being disqualified from the race another feature is arachnaught which as well as reaching surprising speeds considering it's a walker can blast out a Scrambler pulse that sent Headhunter crashing into a nearby house other Jaegers mentioned are scutler and sting blades Apex now I did a whole video on the origins of this guy so it won't go over it too much here but please do check out that video as this guy might well be the most powerful entity in the whole of the Pacific Rim Universe now I wanted to talk about some of the game exclusive Jaegers that were made specifically for breach Wars I've already mentioned a few like Atlas psycho but they were mentioned elsewhere in the continuity so they're considered Canon Atlas psycho for example being mentioned in the novelization so the first one we haven't mentioned yet would be pant The Virtue a Mark III he's got quite a tribal looking forearm Shield don't you think I can't actually think of another one that has a shield like this then there's Hades Counter-Strike he must have the most evil sounding name ever it's up there with murder witch anyway he sometimes looks a lot like Ultraman to me it has these big blades that remind me of gigan's blades we've got iron Horus scorpion Marauder and Shadow Cyclone who has these two Javelin sort of Spike things that come out of his forearms that he stabs into an opponent that then lifts them off the ground we've got tiger Rush that has this really cool electricity sword midnight winter who has these called like wolverines Spike type things look at those brutal there's Marauder Oblivion there's something about his chest that looks really veyron-like to me the mark VI's include Aurora Zeta brute Komodo Quake Meridian then this guy called Tomahawk Blaze who's so Square he looks like he was created in Minecraft apparently this guy's unrestricted but you know having never played the game I'd no idea what that means reach Wars also had a ton of Jaeger Kaiju hybrids and the different varieties had different designations like this guy was the ah1 Renegade this one was the VH1 Destroyer damn look at that color scheme looks really cool and so on and so forth right here I wanted to talk about some of the fan made Jaegers because there were some amazing designs out there again I'm just going to skim over a few of them otherwise you know we'll be here all day if you really want to see me go into some detail on these guys you know let me know in the comments below Sierra Vigilant was a mark 5 Canadian Jaeger built in Winnipeg it had a forearm mounted blade or Spike and was equipped with shoulder missile launchers and a plasma railgun it also seemed to have really large boosters on its back so I wonder if it could fly there was also Mark 5 Ares Harbinger designed by Robert bartling which had a high frequency blade shoulder rack it's energy shroud emitters black meteor was a german-built Mark II with a plasma Caster Titania Wolverine claws and black hole cannons it also had a black hole in its core which allowed the jeg to suck in objects close to its body and fire them back out at its enemy there was brace of Phoenix reforge that clearly had many many many adventures and many many many kills after it was refurbed and it had a T8 extendable short sword added to its Arsenal Sigma Valiant was a Vietnamese Mark II that had two chainsaws a chess Gatling gun and shoulder missiles it was retired in 2023 and later reactivated and upgraded to Mark V for the second Kaiju war and after that again to Mark VI and let's end by bringing the whole thing full circle with brawler Yukon reforged to a spec that would categorize it as a Mark VII it received upgraded scorpion missiles upgrades to its Salvo launchers and those arm blades only got all the more fearsome alright you guys let's leave that there for now let me know about any that I've forgotten I'm bound to have forgotten some enjoy the 10th anniversary of KDAY and I'll see you very soon for the next one thank you very much for watching and Cheerio bye foreign
Channel: MrNormalPerson
Views: 455,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pacifc rim, pacific rim 10 year anniversary, gipsy danger, striker eureka, crimson typhoon, cherno alpha, jaegers, jeagers, kaiju, copperhead, otachi, leatherback, precursors, kaiju vs jaegers full fight, mega kaiju, raijin, slattern, apex, apex hybrid kaiju, pacific rim the black, uprising, biggest kaiju, pacific rim jaegers, jaegers comparison, pacific rim jaegers size, obsidian fury, coyote tango, saber athena, guardian bravo, gipsy avenger teardown, gipsy avenger vs optimus prime
Id: NBVPuqeS-Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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