OX Tool Shop Tour

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welcome back to ox tools I'm tom so you guys have been bugging me about doing a shop tour so I figure it's about time to do it it's a pretty easy video to shoot we're just going to what I'll do is I'll start up on top and look down at the whole place and then we'll kind of cruise around and I'll shoot from some angles that you don't normally see in the videos and then you get an idea of the space I'm working in and some of the other things that that I guess I just haven't highlighted in the videos anyway so I'm going to take the camper I got the camera my little my Steadicam mouth and I'll take it upstairs and we'll shoot down from the top and and do a shop tour ok ok so we start the tour up here we're on the upper level where the my apartment is and so I just step right out of out of my apartment and I can go down into the down into the shop and work anytime I want late at night you know it kind of echoes in here so I don't do a lot of work late at night but I could if I wanted to so from the ground floor here actually this is dock high and to the the ceiling up here that's 17 feet right there just to kind of put things in scale and then you can see the ceiling there it's ribbed concrete and there's another business up above me that you hear dragon crap around up there all the time they do some weird stuff up there but anyway they're they're pretty cool no problem and then so that's kind of looking down the the mill and the lathe the machine bay there and then I'm just going to pan to the left here a little bit okay and then now we're looking back towards the welding area which is back in the back corner back there and this door here leads to my wife's painting studio and where she does oil paint and and printing she has a small etching press in there that I built her and let's see now we're going to pan just a little more and then there's another studio there that goes in there and that's her area also where she does kind of clean clean work framing and matting and stuff like that and just handling larger flat stuff and then you guys don't get to see this but this is a balcony as part of the apartment here that looks out over the shop actually you know what we're going to we're going to go over there and we'll look we'll look down at the shop at that angle too and then we're going to cruise down these stairs here and go onto the shop and we'll look at the look at some more stuff in detail okay so we're over on that the balcony that I was just pointing out over there and we can see down into the welding area and I'm just going to pan around here and you can kind of see where I was there that's where I was shooting from just a minute ago and now there's the main door to get in and out of here alright so and then this wall here on our side here this is the wall too over to my wife's studio area which is where she does painting and stuff so okay so let's crease downstairs and go look at some stuff downstairs I just wanted to show this real quick this is an example of my wife's metal work she built these she built these grates here they were actually for a fireplace originally but we like them so much that when we moved out of that house we took them with us and then we repurposed them here as a you know just just to keep keep the dog from coming up there if we don't want him to come up there I did the hinges but she built the the actual ranch frames and this is painted with that stainless steel skillet paint just for reference anyway that's an example of some of her metal work so okay so first thing we'll look at here this is a my English wheel I built this about I don't know 10 or 15 years ago maybe and there's a blog article on the blog if you want a little more detail about it you can go look at that like a lot of things I never got around to painted it works fine this actually will this wheels wheels kind of interesting anyway to kind of standard English wheel with the table gesture and the bottom adjuster although I just use the top one these are some seismic bracing from some kind of building or something that I ended up with some tube that what else he could talk for hours about English wheels but that's not what this video is about so this this wheel here this is completely fabricated this wheel here my goal was to have a real lightweight low inertia wheel and the reason you want that is you're running the sheet back and forth and this thing's changing directions like that so everything every time you go back and forth you have to stop that inertia and then restart it in the other direction so I wanted a lightweight and strong wheel this is made out of 17 4ph stainless steel I rolled 2 circular rings and then welded this all together then machine the OD and polished it and did all that anyway so that's my lightweight uh excuse me I get the I got the snack burps now my lightweight interpretation of an upper English wheel wheel and lower Ian bull air so this is a my 26 inch it would be 26 - all bandsaw and I get this up Craigslist and the picture that they showed they only had two pictures and it showed these little big wheels right here and then a shot from the other side but I recognized his hand wheels this housing right here is you all so I went to look at it over the scandal - I went to look at it into the buying it and it's been a great saw these raise and lower this guy here and its capital scale I can't see that this cable weighs about a country time here about almost three inches thick and it's it's not hot underneath it's got ribbing basically ribbing and a flat plate all cast into it underneath so this thing is quite quite the Beast here yes I can actually tip the people in this cable only tips this way this way some of them actually fit this way of why you would need that I've never seen anybody do that so a mess and do all saw you saw the front of it in another video recently so we'll just leave it at that okay so I shot a bunch of videos on the repair this machine here this is a automatic auto metric jig more it's it's kind of configured like a lathe but they can do some things that a lady can't do this cable moves here and rotates it on a rotary table and then it has a sub spindle here too in a future project video project coming up is I have a variable frequency drive here motor amount that we're going to build some mounts for this this is an RH spindle and then we'll try this thing out and actually cut some metal on it and see how she does but I fixed it I fixed the hand wheels on this and did a bunch of stuff on this there's a whole bunch of videos on that if you want to go look at okay so this is kind of looking down the main machine bay here gig mill lathe you know normal stuff you guys have seen all that here's the new granite surface plate and and then on the left over here I'm just going to pan over here that's my my toolbox that you see me screwing over to once in a while in the videos to snags I'm outta there anyway I'm used to working out of my box so I'm slowly kind of taking things out of it and putting it near machines that make sense to have the things near and but I'm still kind of like tuned to working out on my box so and then over here we have a small inspection area here and we're going to get in a little closer over there and look at a couple things over there so anyway it's you know it's near the other surface plate I guess nothing nothing remarkable small surface plate and then some gauging and stuff like that so we'll go look at that in a sec alright so this is a kind of small inspection you know we're all my inspection kind of started yeah this is what I wanted to show here this is a tool makers microscope that was built by my friend Charlotte and he gave me this thing and this is one of my I would say prized possessions here that I got from him the things absolutely fantastic he engraved his name and he built it he built the telescope and the microscope and everything and these are commercial optic elements down here but he built all the objective stuff himself and he engraved his name in there and this was built in 1958 before I was born so it's got an XY stage on it and a little small rotary table hopefully you can see that maybe I come in a little closer and look at that and then it's got a little drawer for accessories so you know the drawers built like a damn machinist would build it you know it's way too tight so I don't know if probably measured it with a damn micrometer thank you I need you uh get a little Lube on this thing here I haven't used it for a while actually what I'm gonna come in a little closer the small surface plate where I do lapping and stuff like that hey Giselle different flavors and sizes you know usual stuff and what else can you say about this shock right okay so there's the tool-making microscope that Charlie made and it will spin the will spin the stuff here let's get a it's got little ruler scales here too which are kind of neat I remember having just seven and my maybe stiff oh no that one doesn't move yeah what this knobs for good question time or maybe that no okay I don't remember now but this one has a moveable scale here so you can kind of set it on a whole inch and and then make movements here there are the dials and this goes up and down and I put this on there this is for a little LED ring light to go on there anyway you can see hopefully you can see this where he engraved that anyway that's one of my my favorite all-time tools all right so this is kind of looking back here's a milling machine off to the left here tool boxes over on the right I got a little tech bench over there my lap one of my laptops is on there and it's a internet music coming through it right now and then this is a kind of mill rapid tooling stuff here that you want to just be able to put your hand on real quick I I'm not sure what you guys have seen in that in that particular area maybe we'll go in a little closer and we'll look at some stuff over there too all right so this is a little closer shot of this area here I've segregated all my my end Mills for the milling machine cutters in two different sizes here that way I can get onto them easily lubricants clamps this is this kind of quick grab you need a quick end mill for something most of the time I work right off of this area see can you see that yeah you can see that I work right off of this area if I need something specific then I go in here I new hand I still haven't found a good place for that but I will okay so now we can look at the year we got mill tooling here parallels once you three dogs having stuff angle plates box parallels Friday bodies tilt tables extra jaws boring heads that kind of stuff there's dividing headspin indexer down there we go some taper shank drills that's kind of a disused drawer anyway that is a very well I think there's some clamps in here these are sure form file they didn't have a place for those I ended up over there and spring hang all right so this is kind of um set up tooling and stuff like that in on this shelf unit here and there's a lay then there's the mill you can see that so extra chuck steady rest blocks that riser blocks I got my little die a crow bender there and down there is a little tubing bender so it's just kind of stuff that goes to something else it goes in a vise goes on the table goes on a machine and then you know we got welding blocks set up blocks and stuff like that for doing spacing and stuff so and then I'm just going to pan down here you guys have seen the anvil before I think I talked about that in a previous video that's my arm and hammer or 430 pound anvil there ok so you've probably seen the lower part of this in some videos but this is a jib crane that I built it's mounted to these one of these Keynesian iris my finger concrete column here and it's clamped to the beam vias some heavy duty tie rods that are torque I got some chicken bolts concrete anchors going in there too anyway it's just a self supported jib crane I've load tested it well beyond what I have a label for capacity anyway the older I get the more material handling stuff I end up buying because I just can't buck this junk around anymore I used to be able to put a 12-inch chuck on by myself and you know without a crane but now suddenly want to try and probably kill me all right so there's the main welding table it's uh 48 inches by 72 inches it's two inches thick it's blasier brown on the top surface here and anyway it's one of those kind of long deals saved it from the scrapper welding it's a flat cable to the surface plate to if you need it but it's a nice reference plane and there's a pinwheel chorus alright so this is the the forming table so this table is a kind of modeled after a blacksmith's wage block except it's in table form so we got a bunch of different shapes where you can you can hammer around these edges you can you can close something down you can push cones into these circles and close them down so you can you can do some different stuff and just to there was no rhyme or reason to this the holes and where they are was this kind of I wanted to have some flat table area but I also wanted to have a bunch of shapes so I kind of spread them out and I got a dry throat here I spread them out a little bit you know on the computer and then had the thing burned out this is inch and a half a36 steel here and this one is 48 inches by 36 inches and it's lower so that you can get a good lick with a hammer if the table is too high it's hard to get a good swing unless you're standing on a box or something I got a couple of ices and then the railroad track what I do with that is I extend that out and then I can work hollow shapes around a railroad track if I have something like a tube or a cone or something like that I can slide it onto that and use that like a big mandrel alright so this is kind of behind the lathes over here and so I don't think you guys get to see this area very much here maybe I got my as deco single lip breaker back here it uses the same power as the lathe so I just swapped plugs with that's like when I want to use it it didn't need to be hardwired in so I just feel like doing that this is my help hammer here for shaking sheet metal so it's a power hammer fired up and right now and you can count sheet metal on that and then here's a shop bag and post dolly here for working sheet metal so pound sheet back do some hand shaping and then this you seen my hammer collection and I don't know what else I keep my throat wet ok so here we got the grinder alley here carbide grinder here shop built six inch belt sander here so I build that a long time ago now that was a weekend project so we needed a belt sander at work and I decided to go ahead and build one so I go one and it's been going for years pretty happy with it and this is a 5-horse motor that's all I had then and it's just going to pulley this directly couple to the chef and Anabelle tracking adjustment here deeper in reel and wire wheel and down here small bench grinder and some other stuff that you've probably seen already bird master and chops up okay so I'm getting into the into the welding Department over here so we got our Clausing drill press and you guys have seen some videos on that Miller Matic 200 big welder you know when you got a lot of stuff to put together this is a lot faster and then actually I'll bring a camera down here we got the TIG welder and then some cheap metal equipment over here you know I'll come in a little closer on that yeah actually you know what we're gonna do I got the camera on my my Steadicam mount so we're going to just fly you guys in here okay that looks like a good spot let's land it okay so Miller TIG welder here on the right this is a secret wave 300 came from Lawrence Livermore Lab sealed bid sale I got 10 years ago something like that um other guys have asked about the little Rotex punch over here yeah double check and make sure yeah you can see that anyway I'll probably come in a little closer than this little Rotex punch so you you know you can push the release lever and you can a bunch of different punches in one day Beverly shear here I think they handle loft is a clock being the head when I want buy it for something to do and then a small 24 inch of die a grow hand shear I'm looking for a die a crow 24 inch a little box of hand brakes so for a good price what else and I'm gonna come in a little closer here because there's something else to see on the side okay for the guys that haven't seen one of these this is the this is the cat's meow and sheet metal punch this here so you can you can release this and index around and here's all your punches here and this one goes from let's see what does it go down to goes em to 532 and up to two inches so then you match up the lower like that and it has a detent and then katuk you can punch and then it even has a little go around there it's got a little shear here too let's cut a little piece of this up here so it's got a little shear here too you can you can walk lop stuff off of the little shear anyway these are pretty cool die a crow did it right or CB Rotex did it right these punches are very close to the outside edge so you can see what you're doing and let's index to a punch here and the stripper these stripper bars there's enough clearance underneath and they're open so that you can see what you're doing when you put something in there and then I use this as a stripper so if you punch something like that right it sticks on the on the find so you just put that in there and your strip is you get a hole anyway you need to make little washers or whatever you're working on some sheet metal stuff they're wonderful all right it's kind of hard this thing's verdict my clamp collection is kind of vertical so this is all my my clams I finally get serious and organized these I don't know year and a half ago or two years ago something like that I just was sick of dealing with these in drawers and and whatever and hanging them to the bench so I organized this whole thing see plan my scripts I scripts I got some chain binders up there that I don't use very awesome my bestie clamps in the back so it's right near the welding area and I could just snag and go and then off to the left over here I'm just going to pan so I've got these pallet racks and so I've got excuse me kind of longer-term storage up above and then down below or my kind of use all the time stuff I got materials in here in bins and you know tape and nails and you know all the stuff that a shop collects over the years you know I'm trying to do trying to do a job right or do some work okay oh and then we get the welding filler rod here and those are just you know straight clamps they're you know strapped pipe clamps holding out all that and these are tools that I want to just be able to put my hand on real quick when I'm doing some fab work squares and files and you know dividers and junk like that that I have extras of so now I put them out and I can get my hands on quicker okay so this is looking back and towards the apartment here there's the apartment up above and more storage over here you know bearings and gears and nuts and bolts and supplies and I don't know everybody's got a pile of stuff that they got to deal with so anyway I've just kind of created these double level of kind of storage things so yeah we're just going to cruise down in there a little farther there's some more stuff to look at all right so what we got here is we got my my big Kennedy rollaway here with all my my hand tools in it that used to be in the shop where I worked and my dad pretty much know you guys know I'm a tool bug okay it's not like a secret okay so I pretty much have to have a big toolbox to carry it all this is a mildly interesting here this is a a bar rack that I built and I built it at a unist rut and then and maybe will go in a little closer and look at that so that's all made out of unit strut and yoonah straight clamps it was before I had a MIG welder so I would I had a bunch of unis strut and an EMT and all those are very cheap materials and actually it makes a pretty sturdy rack actually will go in there and we'll take a quick look at it and you guys might might like it all right so I got different bars there's no I don't have that much material here so it's a there's not any really rhyme or reason to the way this is organized it's just just me so it's convenient storage now what I am kind of happy with is what these are here I have these liners you know when you get little thin stuff and you have to reach it through right you and you you want to catch a crossbar it's really nice to have a tray in there right well what these are these are just metal studs from building construction there's a place down the road from us here that sells drywall and in metal metal stud wall supplies anyway I just went down and bought a bunch of it and it's cheap and you just cut it it's already bent into a u-shape I just cut it and then bent the Front's down so they don't push through and now I got these nice trays that the drop that drop in now they don't have a lot of sizes so you're kind of limited on sizes but if you need cheap heat metal channels look at the metal studs for walls alright so this is looking back into the welding area again Johnson horizontal saw here I've had this for about eight months or something like that having taken it off of the pallet yet I'm going to build a little part for it at some point so I can wheeler taken around the shop it needs a little bit of work the motor mounts a little funky and it needs a base and the coolant pump doesn't work but the cuts fine and I got it for 300 bucks so hydraulic cylinder works fine and we just cut this this big chromoly to buff here it works great for that so what what do you say right it's a horizontal drop side how much do so oh yeah listen so I kind of like these as opposed to cold saws and and hot chop saws and the reason is if I could put something like this in there and I could walk away and I could go do something else for the 20 minutes that it takes to go through then okay I don't have to stand here I don't have to pull on the lever I had to fart around right these narrow bands they don't take out much material so you don't need a huge motor to run them and they're so they're pretty efficient that way you know for cutting off large rounds and things like that and I'd only have to do the work so I can go do something else so a parallel process instead of serial process materials and work ok so then this is kind of the front view of the the big do all saw in the inspection area over here I don't know what else what else you guys want to see Speak Up I don't know that's all I'm kind of willing to show that's really the shop my wife stuff that's her stuff so that's kind of off-limits and you don't get to see any of that I don't know what else oh it's my new engine hoist that I bought I'm going to need that to move that big old rotary table and put it on the mill and and I got some other heavy stuff coming my way here so um I don't know guys that's about it I know I can't think of anything else to show you right off the bat if you have questions throw up some comments and I'll try to answer them in any way so that's just a quick eShop tour of ox tools shop and anyway thanks for watching
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 168,674
Rating: 4.9093785 out of 5
Keywords: Shop tour, Machine shop, Fabrication shop, Oxtool, Tom Lipton, Nothing too strong ever broke, Hand Tools, Rotex Punch, Diacro, Miller TIG Welder, Helve Hammer, English Wheel, Post dollie, Burgmaster, Bridgeport Mill, Gap Bed Lathe, Kearney Trecker, Jig Bore, Toolmaking
Id: gikvPsNXZk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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