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[Applause] alright guys welcome to the shop excited to have you in here today I want to share something with you that I think is extraordinary I wound up buying five tool boxes from an old retired tool makers family this guy had passed away and the family was left with this stuff they wanted to get rid of it and I offered to buy now this had nothing to do with me with YouTube actually the person didn't know me from anyone so I just got really lucky and I got it a smokin price so I'm gonna bring in and show you guys I haven't had much time this week I have been unreal sick this week I just don't feel good enough to come out here and dig around through this stuff and it's Friday for me so that tells you how sick I got this on Monday and that's it I am so I'm gonna bring you in and show you I'm still feeling crap alright now this is just gonna be a rough video on my phone I do not feel like doing a bunch of editing now I had five toolboxes total and I just dug around through them got all the good stuff and put it in three and I'm gonna share all this with you and I mean look how personal it is I got the guys Keith I mean that's kind of sad but you know that's the way it works this pocketknives so pretty personal deal here digging through this man stuff check stubs and everything so you got some brown and sharp the little micro inside outside and protractors so I thought those were really cool I've got some thread files now this is just the random stuff in the top of this box a bunch of the pieces of carbide and little pieces of N mail just junk that he had saved some Bochum borne bars which everybody's been talking about lately but I don't have the ground in jig some needle files and just random stuff you see it Torche clan ringback I start opening these drawers we'll work through the two small small boxes first I'm go to the big one we're just gonna go quick all these are diamond nibs some are just micro nibs then really neat stuff get a whole bunch of them Dimond burrs bunch of Center drills and stuff some blank carbide got a whole bunch of blank carbide around here I've got some features I thought these were neat I showed my patrons this stuff earlier little pieces of 1/8 of an inch mom axe well that's cool got lots of tool steel in this you know your tweezers extended in or extended Center drills tweezers scissors Center drills carbide Center drills you know uh how cool is that and all the sizes well not all of them but you know solid carbide got even up to the half-inch a thing so that was neat I didn't have any carbide tooling like that go down the drawer we got just some little taper dreamers number Reimers regular Reimers just random stuff here some countersink drills some of these let's go over here stare at wire thing wire gauge bunch more of the I guess these are counter sinks counter sinks a bunch of these even to the really small and these are transfer nuts I believe that's what they are guys and meals those are just all high-speed steel got some really neat slitting so here's a slitting saw Arbor a bigger Arbor and here is a small slitting saw set with all kinds of different little thickness blades they're all labeled of the different thicknesses a bunch of standard pens and stuff that you'd see you know your average machinist box have here is a carbide dyed real big carbide da drill cut a bunch of those in a lot of different sizes some thread wires I didn't have a set of those I thought these were neat expanding punches that you would put in a hole expand it to its tight inside the hole and then center punch so thought that was neat and three different sizes I've never even seen a set of these before so I didn't even know they existed and then just another random draw a bunch of homemade angles just drills and whatnot here's three adjustable starett parallels I get a bunch of these a whole bunch tap extractors hopefully you never have to use these things but I got them in all the sizes if I need that's just one random that's laying around I really haven't had time to dig through this stuff transfer pins transfer screw sets a couple of them now schoolers out-of-the-box alright so in the top of this box just more random stuff some starett screw jacks with the extensions a decent stare stare at level it actually looks really good it's a little dirty but all this stuff is dirty it's sit around you know literally in an unheated building 2/3 unheated buildings I went through and dug and got everything metal related a starett bench block and a bunch of stones use a big round stone some more carbide break those stones more carbide da drills a bunch of wedge stones a brand new square smaller square smaller square smaller wedge you know a bunch of them got even got more in another door there's another wedge these are carbide raised carbide lathe tooling little little wave tooling stuff a box a box full of braised carbide lathe tooling and a box full of just lease smaller bits of high speed steel so decent stuff you know just random stuff here solid carbide big solid carbide end mill this guy had a bunch of carbide and more die drills followed by burrs edge finder I'm not sure what these are they're starett they may be for cutting like shim stock or something not exactly sure haven't had a chance to look just a son insert tooling loose insert tooling pockets I guess that you would make your own bars with this is a really good drawer all this is carbide and carbide end meals on this side and on this side is all carbide drills that's a big solid carbide drill and there's all kinds of them down in here I don't know if there's a whole set but there's a lot in varying sizes a bunch of these you know like showed you before die drills the guy you know prayed drill DeLaughter tool steel run through this stuff real quick you get that a bunch of carbide random end mills some a nip or a scribe for a hike gage some standard random stuff and all end Mills keyway cutter bunch of high speed steel mostly the majority of it is mo max cobalt and well snot mow Beck's cobalt mostly mo max some of its mama cobalt some regular mo max parting blades I mean you name it got a bunch of that stuff in here les Rove Crusader mo max Morris high speed school I'm strong just his collection basically or a lot of it of high speed steel metric and standard drills and taps boring bars like I said there's some corrosion on a lot of this stuff because it was in unheated mo max carbide insert tooling boring bars these are all boring bars somehow made some some bought a bunch of little boring bars some I believe these are gauge blocks I'm not exactly sure what they are they're specifically sized and they have holes in them it's got a varying sizes a nice screen filled tap some center drills and some random taps that I have not even looked at now let's move to the big box here here's a bad base with a 2 inch it's just a cheap indicator all that kind stuff is nice to have all these rules I just went through and dug the rules out I showed this on the Instagram will hook rule little brown and sharp Brown sharp starett the Tamiko you name it general bunch of rules hmm that's an japanese-made I've got a whole box full of nibs a fairly big box bunch of files there's some transfer punches file cards stuff like that I show you in this box turn this drawer excuse me guys I've been unreal sick like in the bed sick now this is a myth to toyou 0 to 12 an already had one of these I wasn't gonna leave it doll caliper and then a 0 to 6 inch they're kind of mixed they get mostly stir it one Brown & Sharpe the big 6 inches round chart I got a zero to one thread mic I'm not sure of its range or its pitch the capabilities but haven't had a chance to look at any of this stuff so it's a 1422 Mako when I got a one to two inch thread light I didn't have any of this stuff guys almost none of this stuff I had it's hard to get this stuff now you just get lucky a little carbide face 2 0 to 1 stare it here is a disc Mike didn't have that really nice you can measure thinners like pliable stuff with these or a ring grooves distance from the end of a shaft to an o-ring groove you can measure with these lots of things that these are good for another set of this is non carbide faced starett get stared yeah zero to one none of this stuff has been cleaned up I mean this is this was full of dirt one of these drawers this drawer was left halfway open I did take an air hose and blow it out but it's left halfway open it's just covered in dust I think this is a precision edge finder I believe Tom Lipton showed one of these I don't remember what it was but it was something to do with I think accurately finding the edge of something another drill Ron let's get you back a little same City the hole so Brown & Sharpe wiggler set sitting on that I didn't own a set of beliefs radius gauges browning sharp and they're all there with the holder and some little kids are drawing that's kind of sad but look at those unfortunately edge finder japanese-made radius gauges with holder large and small that's it starett adjustable parallels they look really good this one's got a little corrosion on the side but he sprayed this stuff with some sort of anti-corrosion stuff or it'd be a lot worse than it was there than it is but that's a nice set I didn't know those I've actually been looking on eBay for a set of these so I'm glad I didn't buy one here is a round sharp 6-inch caliper with paperwork here is the brown and sharp a depth gauge with all the inserts lots more stones some that are paper-thin which are super handy triangle flats some pieces which are nice some flat stones flat mom cuz it just a whole plethora stands a bunch more flat stones be good for scraping translucent Arkansas which is always nice and birth my last one long drill some more outside inside and straight all these are dirty me clean about all this stuff is tool makers clamps here is a set of a tool makers square so that thought that was neat I wanted one of these two and a set starett bore gauges extended taps longer shank steps and then just random you know stuff magnifying glasses the standard stuff you see in boxes there's a little general depth night cooling and all just odds and ends here's a angle thing red thread gages catch Gators parallels a bunch of parallels most of these are shot made I don't think these are there's a few that ain't but the majority of these are made probably by the gentleman whose box this belong to some really short ones there's a twill Matt Brown and shorter always meet cleaned up just a bunch of parallels your eye beam you see there got some corrosion on them so all this stuff is gonna be cleaned up I'm glad I got it when I did and it didn't set for another five years cuz it would been yeah unrepairable probably parallels the steel would have been old it was left it was good you see these are called thin bits which I had never seen before just precision ground slotting bits here's the little too old or these are inserts and they range from ten thousand seven inch all the way up till you know pretty much wherever they stop but they're just precision little tools that are ground that are held into this little tool holder so you can make a precision slot without trying to grind the tool yourself I thought that was really neat I'd never seen those before inserts and insert holder nothing special there some sticky a couple sticky a couple good Dalek L or dial indicators here's some test indicators - brown shark best tests please feel good they're definitely old this guy was 80 something years old when he passed away and he I guess he got through he really couldn't take care of this stuff there's a starett box with the best test in it and all the little hardware that you would find in a you know last word I believe that's random stuff here is a set of 5c called blocks starett protractor head that's like the 196 stare at 196 of a bottom plunger indicator with all the fixin's left feet a bunch of feet and the clamp and all the roller all that stuff here is a 6-inch vernier scale caliper Brown the sharp oh that is a hike gage a cylindrical high stage it's got some corrosion on it so it may be a good practice to make a reblued this thing overall it's pretty nice but yeah cosmetically it could use some work all the little holders and stuff did it go on it I thought that was neat and I'm there of course never had one that the foots still really good on it so maybe a project and some tool maker made VBox with your lower speed blocks there is his name sound on them these are in perfect condition little dirty but pretty much perfect just wipe them off good and they're good to go I had not tested him of course for the accuracy lay in bed I feel extremely lucky to find something like this I really do there's a nice drawer one two three bucks transfer magnetic transfer blocks or magnetic transfer blocks very angles step dangles magnetic transfer fees a planar gauge a nanny a lot of corrosion on it they clean up you grind it some these that are pretty dirty hmm Brown the sharp bead locks a little sign palate thought that was really neat and another one this it's got quite a bit of craving on it I think it's another one of those edge finder deals and a 12 or 24 inch Brown & Sharpe rule dirty that is I had to blow these boxes out they were full of dirt this stuff had just set forever and the Box still wrapped up protract your head brownie chart all the drill indexes and the reamer index letters or your standard standard drills your number drills your letter drills and a reamer set here is a left-handed Acme tap that's about it man that's you know something like that would cost you a hundred bucks probably nice really nice 18 in ball bearings super chuck 14 in ball bearings super chuck and two standard take is Chuck's Center lathes Center live Center in to call maybe pay your fans this is just a cheap two inch travel dial caliper garita dowel plunger doll and just garbage really this was really neat I thought a really super nice angle finder and that is nice it's adjustable and super sensitive I have to look this up and see what it's all about but I thought that is neat nothing else it looks cool these are just little tapered rules focus of course but they're just rules that are tapered and I'm assuming you slide them down and hole till they stop and then measure the hole size they're all in there from large to small so I thought that was neat I'd never never had a set of those never even seen [Music] I think these are late dogs for the last door which is always almost everybody's box hammers to small vices these are really pressed vices nothing special they look brand new millennium a little ball-peen to glass mallets dead blows some bars whatever and a decent Kennedy box you know the body chest I'm not sure what the brands are on the upper boxes but they're decent but I want to get the matching boxes eventually it's not big deal let me get two back and look at some of this other stuff I got now I just literally went through this place like Russian all metalworking tools out purchased everything that there was metal tools three more brass nuts there's a box of rusty but large drills so that's a lot of us Stephanie cleaned up the unreal load of taps both metric and standard but mostly standard some more long ones these are in minutes which really nice but I'll toss all those your high speed steel some of them are carbide tipped there are some drills in here too some die drills but the vast majority of these are just meals to sleep or flu briefly some resharpen some not most of them are new to be honest they're just a little dirty but they're still pretty sharp I'm happy to have them that's all Center drills just got to Center drills I've never seen a center drill that long this inserts a whole bunch of big small and big in good shape that's brand new that's not a rerun there's a lot of I think it one time this guy must have bought out a factory that was closed down for something there you wouldn't you definitely wouldn't buy all these there's a carbide tipped or carbide bladed bunch of stuff like that I'll have to really go through these that's a Brian block in mill right there so really happy to get this stuff I got one more thing I want to show you I almost just left it behind fitter than one deal but then again I thought it'd be a good because I know some of you guys out there going and they're really not that bad huh a little mini lathe this is a Cummings Cummings industrial tools it is a seven inch swing about 12 between centers it still got literally paint on the ways well it's got some rust on to it nothing that's no pitting or anything like that this thing set in a building I think he's the guy I bought it you know and used it a couple times and that was that I did run it and it does work I got the reversible jaws with it I got all the stuff that comes with the follow the steady rest the change gears I got the whole shebang so I was happy happy to get that too and I also got a like a little Harbor Freight bandsaw I got another one of those Harbor Freight bans offices but I gave that to my dad so he was tickled to get it and and I thought you know he could use it more than me don't need two of them well I think that was a pretty decent look I'm excited about this I think that you know I got extremely lucky I'll just say that and it does have stuff don't happen often and I got chips I'm a beard like potato chips but metal chips try to have a lathe to just beeping around it's something but anyway I appreciate you guys watching if you haven't make sure to subscribe to the channel hopefully I feel better next week click the bell for notifications and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 161,456
Rating: 4.8740587 out of 5
Keywords: TOOLMAKER, TOOLS, SCORE, Machinist, endmills, toolbox, barnfind, shaper, mill, lathe, milling machine, funny, strong, powerful, starrett, mini lathe, carbide, metal, welding, tig, amazing, find, treasure, build, make, cat, dog, scraping, tips, tricks, diy, skilled, machine shop, repair, fix, how to, shop project, motor, custom, modifications, faster, metal shaper, vise, drilling
Id: vOFcawpUFlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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