AMAZING Machine Shop Tour: Berkeley Lab with Tom Lipton!
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Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 318,126
Rating: 4.9238009 out of 5
Keywords: machine shop tour, berkeley lawrence lab, nuclear engineering, particle accelerator, ultimate machine shop, manhattan project, 5 axis CNC, nyc cnc, oxtoolco, tom lipton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I have to say, Youtube's machining community really is fantastic.
I always knew tom was a pretty bright guy, but holy shit some of the stuff he works on over there. He knows quite a bit about each process/product there
Can we get a nsfw tag on this pornography.
I tried to look up the LBL org chart and see where Tom ranked, but they don't have one that detailed. I was wondering if he was a head guy at some level or if even the floor sweepers were as smart as him.
They must pay him pretty good to fund his personal shop like that.
When I was in college as a student work study, I had a job at the engineering department at the physics Cyclotron Center. I helped put together the huge power supply modules for the superconducting magnets. Almost everything was designed in house. It was awesome to walk through, parts were like this video. Had our own huge machine shop too but I wasn't allowed in there to often. Had to wear radiation badges for safety when I walked into the building.