Overseeding Lawn - Steps, Tips, Tricks For A Successful Overseed /// Cool Season Grass

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let's do it first somebody's already mowing gosh dang it you beat me to it i think that's ryan too ryan he probably spells it with an e too ryan is a little jealous of my lawn so he's been working pretty hard at trying to be better than my lawn but no one's better than my lawn that's not true i mean i don't have that good of a lawn i'm just starting out but he sees how much effort i'm putting into my lawn and he's out here all the time just like pulling weeds by hand and he puts he probably puts more time than i do anyways he's not getting lawn of the year this year let's just say that because by fall time and my new reel mower over seed sand leveling see orion with an e i'll see you later see you long later bud he's gonna be jealous when he hears my lawnmower start up here in a second because step one is always to mow okay sweet so i mowed now this time of year is the perfect time of year to overseed as well as filling in bare spots as well as covering up roots which is the main thing i would be doing today so i mowed a couple clicks down lower than i usually go and i usually like to keep it low down down low no doubt but that way i can see my roots so if you can see right right there got some roots coming out here through there these ones are pretty bad so as you can see i got some pretty exposed roots now when i'm mowing it's like like all over the place and then obviously playing soccer or playing out in the yard they're a paying so i've got some dirt left over i've got some dirt left over from my front project i do wish i screened it first but as you rake it out as i as i rake it flat and everything bark and the roots and stuff that were from up there will come up to the surface and i'll get those up before i seed so make sure you just get as level as possible burying those roots nice and deep i'm going to fill these roots in bury these roots overseed my entire yard front and back and hopefully we're going to be good well established before the first frost which is usually around october 3rd as of right now let's get some dirt down on these [Music] so all right it is overseed time i got kentucky bluegrass from north 40. it is just kentucky bluegrass lawn seed and for overseeding it is one pound per thousand square feet recommended for new lawns it is one pound per 500 square feet of lawn so i've got 20 pounds i got four bags i think four one two i have 12 pounds of grass seed in my spreader so if i was just over seeding 12 pounds would be doing 12 000 square feet i have 8 000 square feet so i know that with my bare areas like i've got some holes i'm filling in i'm going to be doing it heavy on where my dog pees i've got new soil where the roots go and i have new soil up front where i move my edging so i have enough seed to overseed 12 000 square feet but i'm going to be doing those areas obviously as a new lawn which is one pound per 500 square feet that will equal about huh give or take about 8 000 square feet then i've got my peat moss amount of peat moss now normally i would do my entire lawn with it because it is great for putting over the seed for that moisture locked in uh keep away from the birds that sort of thing but i don't have enough to do my entire lawn i'm just going to do the peat moss in the main areas where i do my bear where my bare spots are and uh where i think needs it most so let's get to it [Music] looks pretty good for the most part maybe a little thick in this area but i usually i like to come back through with a rake break it in especially when i put my peat moss back over [Music] otherwise i think it looks pretty good yeah i think i think that'll work you throw your seed down start a fertilizer and then if you have it um put down your weed preventer which i use and tenacity tenacity so throw that all down i'll do that all today and then you cross your fingers for 14 to 21 days sometimes the conditions are right sometimes kentucky bluegrass will pop up in eight days hopefully that's the truth so maybe in a week or so week and a half i'll see some results we'll go from there the other thing is is once you seed make sure you water three times a day for about three weeks uh make sure your lawn gets nice and germinated the lawn starts popping up your grass starts growing and you can back that watering off but fall is this is the perfect time to overseed and establish that lawn before winter up here in the cool season grass pacific northwest [Music] [Applause] [Music] next step fertilize got this fertilizer from north 40 our local uh store and it had a rip in the bag so i asked if there was a discount they said 50 off i said heck yeah it is a triple 16 so when you are seating when you're overseeding you want to get something with a lot of npk you want something higher on all of them you want all the nutrients to go in right when you seed [Music] okay a couple things that i like is that uh my leveler and the rake do a pretty good job of making it nice and smooth here's the thing that i think i need to do better next time more dirt and get a drag and uh a level so next year is my year to get this whole backyard nice and flat i think i fixed all the broken ankles on the roots and everything next year stay tuned for next year and i'll have this whole yard just flat as can be and we're good to go but for now thanks guys for watching get out there hopefully your fall plans are overseeding or fixing bare spots or whatnot get out there get it done before winter and i will see you guys in the next one no no no no you didn't oh well better luck next [Laughter] no year wasn't very nice
Channel: The Lawngest Yard
Views: 18,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overseed, lawn overseed, how to overseed lawn, lawn, grass, grass overseed, kentucky blue grass, how to overseed, overseeding a lawn, lawncare, kentucky blue grass lawn, overseeding with kentucky blue grass, blue grass, pnw, pacific north west, how to, diy overseed, diy overseed lawn
Id: 0TQo-xYD1pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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