This Is How Rich People of Dubai Spend Their Money

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Dubai is a land of extremes it's extremely hot it's extremely full of money and it's extremely shiny swear outrageous things exist just because people have enough money to do whatever the heck they like from building ski resorts in the middle of the hottest part of the world to flying cars here are 20 outrageous things you'll only see in Dubai [Music] number 20. abandoned supercars in Dubai it seems that one of the maddest things about having so much money is that you can just leave your stuff wherever you like and simply forget about it even if that stuff happens to be a whole bunch of fancy sports cars apparently in fact it seems that so many people just leave their supercars in airports and car Parks all across the country that it's actually considered an epidemic I mean seriously what is going on here now between two thousand and three thousand luxury vehicles are abandoned every single year so this is an epidemic of forgetfulness I mean we've all done it you know you park your car and you go back several hours later and you just can't remember remember where exactly you left it but frankly the worst that ever really amounts to is looking on a few different levels of a parking structure rather than literally leaving it in a foreign country forever the Mind does Boggle before we go on like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the fancy topic here we have a peek into what we're told is one of the most outrageous things that the uber wealthy of Dubai like to do to pass the time if you were a hedonistic rock star in the 60s and 70s then driving a car usually a Rolls-Royce it must be said into a swimming pool was at the top of your to-do list so perhaps when you have more money than since well this is the thing that you suddenly feel compelled to do if that is what this picture is actually all about are rich people in Dubai visiting a special facility to get that rock star feeling tell me what you think of all this silliness is this how the rich people of Dubai spend their money as always let me know your ideas in the comment section down below using the hashtag fancy topic number 19. Exotic Pets in Dubai like many of the unusual things on this list owning an exotic or unusual pet was considered a status symbol wealthy individuals have had a particular penchant for the expensive and frankly irresponsible ownership of wild animals it was not unusual to see wealthy individuals walking their pet tigers on the beach for example although most of the time they probably employed a professional tiger Walker for the task so while it might be standard practice to Swan around town in your Supercar you could really increase the fancy Factor if you threw in a big cat in the back seat or perhaps a cheetah peeping through the sunroof mercifully back in 2017 it became illegal to own big cats as pets in the UAE so I'm sorry but the days of crocodiles in your convertible are sadly over [Music] 18. gold vending machines you know how it is it's late at night all the Jewelers are closed and you just can't get to your favorite gold bar and take it out of the bank vault until they open at 9am but you just need to get your hands on some lovely Shiny Gold well luckily Abu Dhabi is leading the way in Crazy Lux vending machine items and if you're jonesing for some gold and you can't wait for the shops to open well then they've got you covered this gold dispensing vending machine is located in the lobby of the fancy schmancy five-star Emirates Palace Hotel you'll likely as not need to be generously endowed in the wallet Department to stay here let alone use this crazy vending machine it contains 24 karat gold bars and coins for a price of course but don't despair the company behind it says the prices are very competitive well that's a relief then the goal to go vending machine is the first of its kind in the world and dispenses gold bars weighing 1 5 and 10 grams as well as gold coins the machine accepts cash and credit cards it's about six feet tall depending on how much gold it has inside of it it can weigh anywhere up to a thousand pounds this is all useful info for the heist that you are definitely not planning right now number 17. bus stops with air conditioning Dubai is a gas guzzling land of car lovers there are a thousand ways to express your wealth through the vehicle that you drive so catching the bus is an unlikely scenario for most residents however if you do have to take the bus you know if you're Land Rover or your Lambo are both being polished or something then you don't have to suffer the insane desert heat lucky you that's right even the bus shelters in the UAE are air-conditioned since 2007 public transport users have been able to rest in air-cooled Comfort while awaiting their transportation Dubai has 636 bus stops which are fully equipped with air conditioning Abu Dhabi is hot on their heels with plans for a whole string of their own chili facilities as well so why let a simple thing like the Desert Sun get in the way of your entertainment number 16. an underwater experience the thing with Dubai is that as a country it likes to have the biggest or shiniest or most expensive version of whatever it might happen to be well why not I mean go big or go home right in fact one of their big boasts is that of the world's largest indoor aquarium and yes it has been accredited by the clipboard crew from the Guinness Book of World Records so it is official that size is recorded as having a colossal capacity to hold 10 million liters of water in that Titanic tank there are more than 33 000 aquatic creatures from over 200 different sea dwelling species that's a whole bunch of shark rays and all the fun ones the underwater Zoo aspect of the aquarium is located on the second floor of the center and this is where visitors can expect to find all kinds of fun facts and information about the creatures that they've encountered in the aquarium it's just staffed by Marine experts and has a range of interactive experiences as you would expect from a modern Cutting Edge Educational Center with a massive budget you know so the Dubai Mall aquarium yes it's located at the mall an underwater Zoo are the brainchild of an Australian design company and it turns out that if you're a wacky old interior designer with lofty ideas and the desire for us sky's the limit budget well then Dubai is the place to get your Mattis plans made into reality this particularly bunker scheme is really well liked and has achieved a whole load of awards and accolades as well as the coveted world record number 15. the world's largest man-made Island if you're trying to convince World Travelers to come visit your luxury tourist destination you really have to offer them a selection of beaches unfortunately for Dubai this country is lacking in the natural Beach department but what they lack in Sandy seafronts they make up for with well money lots and lots of money and if there is one thing that we all know about money it's the people with a lot of it can basically do whatever the heck they like so with that in mind it's probably no surprise that Sheikh Mohammed bin Rasheed al-maktoum the dude behind most of Dubai's Transformations put in motion the plans for a massive man-made Island this would not only be the biggest on the planet always a goal in the UAE it would seem but also solve the lack of beaches issue in the process the result of this hair brain scheme is the Palm Trilogy this is a group of three especially twirly palm-shaped Islands which has a mind-boggling surface area of 46.35 million square meters making it bigger than Paris it will be able to house over a million people and not just in regular accommodations this is Dubai after all the spaces will be the most fancy and luxurious with multiple Beach fronts and endless ways to spend more and more money just the way it's all designed to be in the UAE number 14. the tallest building in the world back along there was often a kerfuffle about which building was the world's tallest this seemed to be something that many countries aspire to be achieving within their borders and in recent times however it would appear that like all the other biggest and shiniest things the UAE has this area covered as well the Burj Khalifa is a huge towering structure which has taken the title of world's tallest structure there are some crazy numbers involved in the existence of the Burj Khalifa this building is a staggering 2716 feet and six inches tall so it's no wonder that it's known as a vertical City the structure took a total of 12 000 people from across the globe it's clad with 26 000 hand-cut glass panels and of course that takes a heck of a lot of cleaning three months to complete in fact number 13. world's highest tennis court now if you don't suffer from vertigo but enjoy a spot of tennis well here's a fun one that's just for you and your Posh sport get yourself up to the top of the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai where they have long ago converted an old grass helipad into a much more useful Tennis Court located at 650 feet this is a real challenge for the ball boys and girls who are tasked with retrieving the balls hit out of the Court sucks to be them I should imagine or indeed any unfortunate passerby that might feel the resulting gravity of the situation so in a way these novelty but expensive sorts of sporting things have managed to coax Roger Federer and Andre Agassi out there to knock out a couple of balls thus cementing this place in the guidebooks oh such fun and a legal way to be high on grass in a country where that can actually land you in very hot water number 12. indoor ski resorts well this one makes perfect sense a country that's located smack dab in the middle of the flipping desert seems a super obvious place to locate a ski resort it kind of stands to reason that rich people you know the ones who generally do all the freaking skiing that they would require a ski slope even in the most inappropriate place on Earth the indoor ski slope is called ski Dubai it's 22 500 square meters of Ridiculousness the whole Space has to maintain a temperature of minus one degree to 2 degrees Celsius and this is in the middle of a country where the average annual temperatures range in 20 to 37 Celsius [Music] [Applause] no doubt the energy required to keep these constant freezing conditions would be enough to power a small country this Bonkers Place features such Delights as an 85 meter high indoor mountain which is about the same as a 25-story building and has a total of five slopes of varying difficulties in fact they boast to have the world's first indoor Black Diamond to run if you like that sort of thing and just like an outside ski resort this place is equipped with ski lifts sled and toboggan runs and a few extra things which include giant snowballs climbing towers and an ice cave but don't worry if you forget to pack your ski gear for your Beach holiday you can purchase everything you might require in nearby stores and if all this isn't sufficiently insane enough for you why not Chuck a few penguins in as well that's right there are penguins running around in the middle of the desert number 11. Bugatti Veyron police car I don't know what kind of vehicles the cops drive where you live but likely is not it's something relatively standard even if the souped-up version in the UK they use fast cars from BMW and Mercedes amongst others and then the United States police tend to favor the big American makes like Chevrolet Dodge and Ford the models do vary from state to state and which aspect of policing they're used for this all seems kind of standard really police driving vehicles that are modern and well-equipped with the kind of engine that can generally perform pretty effectively when required to do so but in Dubai well their police cars will literally outperform almost every other vehicle on the entire planet because Dubai just does everything bigger and shinier and with a more lavish show of money than anywhere else on Earth so of course their police cars are not just regular old boring cars they're super cars in fact they boast the Guinness world record for the fastest police car ever that car is the Bugatti Veyron one with an average price of close two million dollars by the way the head of Dubai's police transportation and rescue says that the car was not intended to be for showing off apparently it's just to show tourists how friendly the police in Dubai are yes that's precisely what 253 miles per hour illustrates friendliness number 10. diamond and golden cars this is a country where wealth and luxury are visible on every corner so if there was going to be a car that was made of gold and studded with jewels well this is where you should expect to find it the only thing is it's a teeny weeny one it takes an optimist or perhaps a chancer to attempt to sell a model of a car that's carved from solid gold for almost seven and a half million dollars before the things even been made but I guess that German artist Robert Gulpin has a bit of the opportunist in him as he proposed the creation of a Lamborghini Aventador LP 704 his version though would measure 25 inches long but would actually cost 16 times more than a full-size version so in short although the car would be made of gold you could not technically drive it and if this doesn't sound like some kind of Bonkers I really don't know what is Gulpin created an even smaller prototype version of the golden vehicle that he sent on a tour of wealthy places all in the hopes of enticing a buyer to commission the bigger version this little prototype is so valuable itself that it has to have a record-breakingly secure bulletproof display cabinet wherever it goes let's all just hope that this is one golden Carriage that doesn't turn back into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight number nine golden toilet if there was anywhere in the world that you might expect to find a golden diamond studded toilet then Dubai might be that place or perhaps Trump Tower maybe the world record for the most number of diamonds set on a toilet bowl goes to this crazy creation that was unveiled at Dubai's amazing Museum and art gallery so breaking World Records that's a bit of a mixed bag of skills and just putting a lot of something into one place at the same time this particular world record Falls most firmly into the latter category frankly any one of us could cover a Kazi and golden diamonds if we had a lot of gold and diamonds that is and you would be forgiven for wondering whether or not this is the absolute best use of these resources this diamond encrusted toilet seat is studded with a mind-boggling 40 815 diamonds which total 334 carats that adds up to a cool 1.28 million dollars all for a toilet bowl you know the place where people sit down to take care of business I mean you can't even see the toilet when you're sitting on it so it probably doesn't really matter if it's a shiny and gold or heliotrope for all that actually does for the functionality of this essential item anyways yet again this is one of those crazy things that goes to show that there may in fact be a thing as too much money number eight the Museum of the future in Dubai it seems that the Museum of the future is exactly that it does not exist yet but it remains firmly in the future but when it eventually arrives the general idea behind this Museum appears to be very modern indeed it claims that it will be a place of immersive experiences in which visitors can learn about the potential development of outer space bioengineering Health spirituality ecosystems and many other cultural and social Notions you know stuff for a shiny new future the whole thing is due to include a theater themed stuff and exhibitions and all of it's set to be the biggest and shiniest version of a museum that you could ever imagine naturally I mean it is Dubai after all number seven Dubai to build world's first temperature controlled indoor City I mean why the heck not we've seen ski slopes in the desert and air-conditioned bus stops so obviously an entire indoor climate-controlled City just makes perfect sense there is no plausible reason to consider using less energy these days after all the mall of the world is actually planned to be the world's largest shopping center and is expected to pull in 180 million visitors each year it will be literally the size of a ruddy City so that just goes to figure air conditioning something of that scale seems perfectly sensible I mean nobody goes outside ever anyways and the proposed mall is a 48 million square foot Goliath designed to incorporate some of the cultural elements of other famous places from around the world like New York's Broadway and London's Oxford Street it's designed to house the usual bunch of shops and stuff but also a whole shed load of theaters cultural places and the world's largest indoor amusement park as well as twenty thousand hotel rooms and something known as medical tourism sounds like a party let's sign me up number six the first flying car in Dubai finally some futuristic stuff to get our juices flowing all that money sloshing around has to occasionally hit on something more than dipping everything in gold or making a massive version of something this completely driverless little pod is the latest transport option to Grace the residents and visitors of the UAE the autonomous Air Taxi is generally becoming a reality in Dubai these flying pods are set for General takeoff by the year 2022 and have already been in development and taking flights all over the show for the last few years with some in use already so a future with everyone jetting about midair may be on the horizon in Dubai but until they figure out exactly how to get everyone to stay in their Lane I think it might still be safer to be on the ground if you can avoid all the speeding supercars that perpetually clutter up the streets that is number five Superbus is a 15 meter long super car from Dubai back in 2011 a weird car bus hybrid was designed and prototyped by a team from the delft University of Technology in the Netherlands this particular combo was seen as an ideal solution to the private vehicle requirements of a modern public transport user and Dubai was the place to showcase the possibilities of such a type of Transportation so this thing claims to have as much oomph as a Supercar with all of the luxurious comforts you would expect in such a vehicle as well it also has the speed to a slightly lesser extent given its size but it can still zip about quicker than your average city bus the Super Bus also has the feel of a limousine with its separate two-person seating arrangements its privacy and comfort are no problem this is certainly no Greyhound bus the drawbacks are likely obvious though it can only carry 23 passengers about as many as a minibus but nowhere near the number of regular sort of bus the features in its favor aren't to be sniffed at though it's designed to travel along a dedicated speed track which allows the super bus to reach speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour that's a speedy 155 miles per hour so the days of waiting in traffic would be over and so the general idea of the 49-foot long vehicle is to reduce pollution improve congestion problems and offer a greater degree of safety for the Discerning wealthy consumer and of course there's that added benefit that you never have to search for a parking spot again number four hotel has a designated Turtle Hospital well this is nice finally a use for all that money that doesn't involve dipping something in gold or encrusting it with diamonds a turtle Hospital ah the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation project is based at one of the city's iconic hotels and is run by the Dubai Wildlife protection office it's been up and running for over 15 years now and has saved and rehabilitated almost 2 000 turtles in that time hawksbill Turtles and green turtles are the species that nest in the Arabian Gulf so these are the animals that find their way to the sanctuary foreign oftentimes they're injured by being caught in fishing nets or from getting the waste from commercial fishing vessels Tangled around them and other times these creatures can encounter the pleasure boat Hoards out speeding around in their fancy yachts and golden speedboats it's a risky business being any kind of marine animal in the waters these days with pollution Dopey people and garbage at every turn the hazards are many so this hospital is doing important work clearing up some of the masses caused by the over-consumption and under regulated money-making Paradise of the free market economy tough time for Turtles at least there are some people who are willing to Shell out to protect these beautiful creatures number three best Safari now if Dubai is going to do something well or this place will do it properly that much is true it's almost guaranteed that you'll not find a modest or understated version of anything in Dubai it's all about pushing the limits of luxury spending the biggest budgets and overthrowing the ideas of what is possible so why would a safari here be anything less than the best lots of different tours run in this part of the UAE offering a veritable Smorgasbord of desert Safari experiences so if what floats your boat is well an absence of boats or water then this is likely to be right up your alley there are almost certainly not at all exploitative budwan experiences where visitors can hang out and puff on shisha pipes with tribal leaders or if you're more into animals there are camel trekking treats and Falcon refundsies otherwise there's a standard luxury 4x4 and sandboarding Excursion to be had all of this stuff is topped off with outdoor fires and barbecues and all the sunsets and belly dancing that you could hope for if you like that sort of thing you know number two Dubai Miracle Garden the fact that a lush green garden is growing in the middle of the desert is nothing short of a flipping Miracle so this place certainly has an appropriate name just how appropriate it is to divert so much water to a project of this kind in a waterless landscape in a country with just 2.7 inches of rainfall annually well that's a question for the conscience Now isn't it the Dubai Miracle Garden looks like Disneyland except it's basically built out of flowers the place may look pretty but it's certainly no friend to the allergy Afflicted this sneeze Fest has been open since Valentine's day of 2013 and since then is welcomed around one and a half million visitors every year the self-proclaimed world's largest natural flower garden has more than 60 million flowers blooming at any given moment and changes its exhibitions throughout the year guaranteeing an ever-evolving experience for the repeat visitor as much as the stuff available in Dubai seems to be this place is certainly a spectacle they've had such Delights on display as the life-size depiction of an Emirates Airbus A380 made entirely of flowers it was bizarre enough to get our old Pals at Guinness to come out and bestow it with a world record for largest floral installation so you know it was a big one because those guys don't get out of bed for any old gas station flowers you know number one amphibious car all the way back in 2014 it was apparently considered big news when Dubai's Crown Prince went shopping on that particular occasion he was purchasing no less than six high-speed James Bond style amphibious cars as one does of course these cars are not actually unique to Dubai they were actually designed by a california-based company called water car owned by a guy named Dave March he had already secured his place as the inventor of the fastest amphibious car in the hallowed pages of the 2010 Guinness Book of World Records there's basically nowhere higher to go after such an Acclaim as I'm sure you know anyways the model chosen by the Crown Prince was the then new for 2014 python this amphibious vehicle had a 450 horsepower Corvette engine and had a top speed of 60 miles per hour on the water it retailed it for a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a piece now that's a steal at twice the price I just wonder if he got a discount for buying the party pack well there you have it Dubai is full of the shiniest and most expensive stuff what did you think of all these things and which of them seemed most outrageous to you which would you like to see in your hometown as always let me know all about it in the comment section down below check out the other cool things that are showing up on the screen and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Fancy Banana
Views: 4,851,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British TV Shows, Money Kicks, Dubai, Rolls Royce, Expensive cars, billionaire lifestyle motivation, Spend Their Money, richest royal family in the world, richest royals in the world, richest royal family, richest monarchs in the world, richest monarch in the world, the world, people, in the world, facts, mind blowing, This Is How, Rich People, Rich, Rich People of Dubai, People of Dubai, Money, Arab Sheikhs, money and gold, luxurious life, sheikhs spend their millions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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