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if there's a spirit here turn on the light right now my god the fact that you're actually gonna play with a Ouija board in the end burial ground that's the stupidest thing hello everybody so we right now are in old town San Diego which is home to the Whaley House which is the number one haunted house in America it's also home to the El Campo Santo Cemetery which is one of the most haunted way today it's changing colors - thank you it's good well okay why is it right no it's good see really bright like if anything it's gonna break Oh none of the other lights are doing that okay so I'm literally trying to explain right now that we are in what is considered the most haunted city in America yo and now it's completely it's goin out completely okay so we're gonna start cold oh crap we're gonna start at the park you have scheduled to go over to the Whaley House to go in there and investigate and after that we're gonna go finish and go over to the cemetery and spend the night in the cemetery so there's three pieces to this video tonight it's really weird lights don't do I told I told the light to do something weird if there was I know if there was something weird here and it's doing lots of weird stuff and we've been standing there for like five minutes and the light hasn't been changing at all no yeah it was right when we started filming like as we walked weird that's that's so weird that's weird yeah we'll be say it tell it to do it right now come on Colby alright it's talking to you obviously but there's a spirit here turn on the light right now oh my god oh my god oh my god oh he's gone holy [ __ ] oh my I'm scared I'm very I have chills bro I have never listened to me bro dude I'm freaking out holy crap I cannot believe that just happened this is gonna be a fun night boys what is going on don't know okay that blew my mind pulling the snap it turned on yeah that's no coincidence there's no way still I can shock that was that was insane yeah and you got that oh I guess I have every that's amazing it was one of the first established like cities that really like dominated the full territory Oh a lot of people have died in these streets I light that was like pointing straight at me and then then walk the hole on it no you did it no you defended this is like all at the same time there's a there's a skinny tall guy just walking like this and then I looked at y'all and then three seconds go by and he's there anymore gonna be an interesting night this is one of those nights where I can't turn my camera off cuz every time I turn my camera off I keep missing things something you don't really not see the guy walk directly I have no idea what you're talking about what what the little girl bold voice hold on the screen I thought I heard like a whistle okay know what turning camera off I literally said I wouldn't do it and then I did you're gonna get the whistle Wow I'm not joking I didn't get the whistle no I turned off the camera I don't really want to turn our back like this is weird this place is haunted guys all right well let's walk around space a little bit and then get to the Whaley House you our little finale with a Ouija board in the cemetery no what no would you wear in the Whaley House no no Wade you ward at all listen [Music] you don't hear that it sounds like conversations I'm not hearing anything dude people like I believe that it's a hotel no it's locked it looks creepy hella know for sure that I was all weeping why you see him oh yes there's multiple people running towards demons why are we running towards demons we're all in black what should we do I don't know I know I did too all right well let's go to the Whaley House it's get on you here talking to you right yeah coming from like that house Oh weird Jesus please just [ __ ] creepy yeah a little bit this is so oh hello well listen closely because before you hear the man's boys say hello what you're hearing or children talking up on the second I thought I heard it before I was like I heard a little kids talking right before the hello there's the total yes wow that was all felting it in here okay then this whole block and everything in the state park so everything here including the cemetery is haunted yes yep right the graveyard by the way is always open way past 3:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. channel and happy hawk - hey thank you very much thank you so much yeah thank you for all the information so we just drove all the way to San Diego to go to the Whaley House and then we actually found out that we needed permission to film I thought we could just go in but we need a special permission so we will have to come back okay okay so having let's try this again I got chili it will it will not hold focus long all right Cory come look at my camera I've never had my camera do this before look whoa look it won't stop whoa a will not up that's my camera focus on you guys I hear watch we'll try and put it on Colby Oh what is it focusing wait on Colby you come here and cam you go back yes Sam you go back now Colby you come here it's only doing you - Sam it's only possibly doing it's only doing it to you yeah this is do truck Go Go hoorah this is [ __ ] weird go back it's focusing on folks buying on Colby it would not it will not focus on you dude my eyes are watering what the car that's I'm actually really this is like interesting to me yeah hey Colby get a picture is it not that's look look my camera's never done this I filmed five hundred something video for this camera I filmed in suicide fourth with this camera Oh we'll not hope this on you wait what's Greek well we have to come back another time but fortunately for us one of those home at haunted cemeteries in the country is two blocks that way yeah Sam go to write life it works let's go away I've been clip there go out of focus immediately immediately immediately immediately I hope I'm okay no problem look yeah I'm saying no problem I'm I'm not bullshitting I said yes you guys are looking very filming even now even though it won't focus on Sam you're in focus and it won't focus on Sam are you serious yeah it's wrong with me it's cuz you were doing the midterm you know the whole bizarre that is strange even you really think it's because of it like summoning demons and stuff look no problem still in focus go over to Sam out of focus I'm not touching anything on the camera out of focus this is the weirdest [ __ ] going on dad is so [ __ ] bizarre this house this is act by the way if you guys don't know this is the Whaley House right here it is considered the most haunted house and you know we'll have to come back another night I made a mistake I'm sorry what that was behind us I was behind me a female solo yeah divorces from the background I'm possible in the bathroom earth is closed I don't know there's some girl voices right right kidneys literally just tells us where the little girl hung herself yeah back in like the clothesline the fountain in the back yeah I would love to spend the night there I know honestly I'm usually like stoked about this ya know like yo this is you hear footsteps you cannot tell me that you did not hear that yeah leaves just cracking OH footsteps bro you weren't you were apparently like what five or six people have died not do that for people know that girl works you she said 33 peoples died on this property on the runway 33 did I didn't take the race people have died here oh that's significantly higher than when I was told executions suicides sickness holy [ __ ] there's so many angry ghosts in there I heard it I thought you just say you don't believe in them yeah but if there is there's no ghosts but if they are they're gonna kill us all we're not go Foner's we thought like lost the camera for mr. Dhillon video of man yeah I think the weirdest part was the one other employee never talked to us and we've tried to get her attention she just walked and actually your bride she never spoke a single word even when we knock on the door she wouldn't make eye contact with any of us like that house is obviously haunted like yeah it's 32 people and if this whole area is haunted and they're doing this right now yeah like they're really kind of like for exactly ps4 content are those who do doors like there's so many skeletons creepy paintings here it is gentlemen I want to make sure we do the Ouija board like a hundred percent correct this is considered one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country yeah so this cemetery like that we're looking at here ends back there a little bit it apparently goes another half mile that way that way and that way underground yeah so this everything that you're seeing here was built on top of grapes even the i-5 freeway the main freeway over there so having just been walking on bodies yes higher yeah that's why the city is considered so haunted this this cemetery is massive these are only the most important people that they didn't like cover up yeah that's a lot of dead bodies to thousands yeah founded 18-49 this is are you guys talking about we're just saying like playing a Ouija board at a super haunted place is not the most best idea best idea ever if not and here goes my camera again now it's not focusing in any view that's strange and the dude was saying that this was open way past 3:00 in the morning which was a weird so they're like inviting you in here now good double yeah and that's what he was thinking yeah but he fed there's like guys it's open way past 3:00 a.m. yeah just his name or a name what Big B their own mug to bring to Josh what born 1770 that's insane these are all Indian burial grounds right here all these well look at this a little girl and then someone like still leave them candy do you only live 25 days very good play I mean it is a yeah I mean that one's completely destroyed every single house here the freeway everything all the roads are built on top of grades no wonder why there's whole places yeah all right Corinne do we have right yeah mm-hmm you also see where we are well oh oh don't knock over Sam cheese Oh Cory sours all Cory's fault thank god that's all right all right stand right there okay just stay right there yeah I look for a good spot to play the Ouija board okay cool yeah let's do that set that away he y'all can play like I'll hold the camera no I'm gonna set it down I'm gonna set the camera down we're all gonna I'm not touching it how many weed you boys in you been here yeah because if this is like one of the most haunted cemeteries ever I wonder if you tied they're a very large amount or a very low amount I'm really not touching it you mean like I wonder people aren't dumb enough to do it here true you might be so dangerous that like not many people actually know the fact that you're actually gonna play with a Ouija board on like an N do Indian burial ground yeah like that's the stupidest thing yeah alright well I'm gonna set the camera down let's get out the board and see if there's anyone here we can talk to since we are in one of those haunted cemeteries in the country her age is 8 plus and there's about 20 dead children underneath us Sam well he's a weird it's a good catch you started behind me you know like behind me I'll be like honey come talk to you yeah he just pulled up hello now my filming a video damaging anything I read the Whaley House earlier they said it was okay I just want to make sure kids we get a lot of we're really breaking this stuff yes breaking the raves and every up they were desecrating the grave oh okay cool as long as you guys told me make any messes okay thank you thank you have a good night that's crazy actually people come and break this Tami really automatically go on to hell yeah to a cemetery and you like it's just like a weird night yeah I just got the chills hi please gather around like right here Lori you're not gonna do it that is incorrect this is a stupid idea this is a very bad idea we are in a 200 plus year old grave site mm-hmm two blocks away from the loss haunted house India primarily surrounded by children and that guy said this entire place is haunted and he saw Victorian people walking around and earlier you kept saying you guys we're hearing a little girl and I just put two and two together right now I just put two and two together you guys both kept saying before knowing it wasn't wine it was a conversation yeah and oh and remember when we first when we got to Whaley House who signed the recording and there was a detail the kids were little kids I don't know I want to do this correctly because if we that's what we'll do it correctly if you don't want to play you don't have to play it if we screw it up this is the worst place to screw it up I do not want to break any rules only reason I'm right here because I keep getting chills when I'll standing behind y'all I like like kind of take it so I crouch down next to y'all yeah let's circle it three times [Applause] liji we're hello are there any spirits present with us tonight [Music] nothing's moving but we do are there any children present [Music] all places in the world you would think here would be the most of all of this here instead she knows not okay if there are any spirits around us or that have followed us any point during the night move the planchette - yes Ouija is this a bad time to be asking you questions isn't it almost 3:00 a.m. that's what I was wondering it's almost 3:00 some reason be I'm convinced like it's not moving but for I feel like you are you doing back by that tree okay no you guys keep hearing that now swing from over there you enjoy you haven't asked anything else oh you're the all the weird stuff has been having to you know how to focus don't seem like you're the only one here in the girl for most of it port heard the first one ask them if they want to talk to you temperature change anybody yeah that was really weird 10 degrees colder yeah was that you - he felt like oh it's freezing it just got WAY colder like instantly and I'm we're both wearing hoodies calling City if there are any spirits here that want to talk to me specifically do something to show us that you're here is that what nobody else heard thudding coming from like under the board oh my god didn't no one else hear that it's not moving - guys yo that was moving I won't that was weird that that moved it didn't move much it's kind of moved from like six to five was that one of y'all the stunning no no no the opening very hard if you've been gone for 200 years to come back and that's what the noise was yeah means my hats on why it's taking so long and I barely moved two and a half three centuries old they've been here there's in the 1700s yeah yeah 200 years from here it's a weird no I keep hearing weird like I feel I got like a doors opening or something it just it's weird I mean that of all places you would think that this would work yeah and it's like nothing it's barely doing any of this so should we say goodbye [Applause] [Music] goodbye goodbye Wow I feel like so much lighter doesn't make anyone else just more freaked out the fact that like nothing really just happened but I kind of feel like something happened yeah that's what's strange is like all the other spots like the ug board moves worked perfectly but here it's like that showed us nothing but we all were feeling like temperature changes and comfortable just like I don't know about you but that was the only time that I like felt like the Ouija board like was full saying or something yeah I heard that I heard that what was that Oh check it out could it be back into the that's not the noise no but I just got chills still getting chills why some of these don't have names on them is because they haven't been named yet they're literally children children like a newborn like infant mat and had a name for him yet yeah yeah I mean if he's very I mean this was obviously a child I love that one dude those are completely unmarked this is a really weird City yeah I really want to go into Whaley House tonight did not go as planned no [ __ ] way what I haven't had this problem I haven't had this problem in like an hour just are going it's doing it dude there's something here you know okay wait it's only Sam yeah dude I'm like normal normal 100% normal and I go to Sam and out of focus immediately immediately house want with me instead of black hat that is a black bag Jesus you don't put your ear to the door see if you hear anything because obviously it's coming for you do you want me to do that yeah biggest skeptics it usually goes after put your ear to the door bro just for like five limits or the window if something that kills him you can blame me okay if something scares him you can thank me why are you guys so far away this is scary this is scary you know it's weird it's staying perfectly in focus right now now that you're next and look do it as soon as he stepped away went out that's super bizarre so it's like it wants me closer yeah it wants you in there I'm just going on yeah creepy there's some weird like the lights and the voices yeah the lights the voices you're hearing kids the cameras still going out of focus I still do not understand maybe that's creepy make a promise to come back here and stay the night and I'll make sure it's planned accordingly when we had 75 thousand like the video oh then we'll come back okay let's turn off the freaking camera Colby no problem no problem and go to Sam and completely out of focus its dad there's no there's there's annex there's no explanation for that other than there's an explanation for that which is something wants to kill you all that doesn't make any sense Cory come look at this look it blurred out everything but him but look whoa the background is normal how why is it doing how bizarre is I don't know why is it saying there's something here that wants you inside can we leave yeah bro this house is giving me chills go look through the window how about we look through the window in my car while we drive to our hotel okay that's a great idea let's do that could I go alright really else see you soon I assume [Music] [Music]
Channel: TFIL
Views: 7,447,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, VLOG, ELTON CASTEE, overnight, challenge, haunted, 3am, midnight man, ouija board, overnight challenge, sam and colby, sam golbach, colby brock, corey scherer, brennen taylor, tanner fox, jake paul, tfil overnight, Heath Hussar, Vlogsquad, Travel, 24 hour challenge, adventure, lifestyle, fun, epic, fail, funny, pranks, crazy, stunts, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil mall, overnight challenge tfil, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, trampoline park
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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