OVERLANDING STORAGE SOLUTIONS - PELICAN CARGO vs Decked vs Plano & More - One of these Failed

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over landing storage overland storage overlander storage i'm not really sure what's correct i do know that over lending is not a real word because spell check tells me every time i type it up i'm pretty sure it was created online for them to group products and more easily sell us stuff that we may or may not need anyhow today we are talking storage solutions we will be covering the new pelican cargo cases so if you're interested in over lending storage ding ding ding not a real word this video is for you [Music] okay as we talk about storage let's remember that not everybody's needs are the same some people are weak in warriors some people are going on week long adventures some people are permanently on the road and there's other people that are running expeditions within our country and and even international expeditions so we're going to be going through and talking about cases in terms of how weatherproof they are um the size durability security and convenience so we'll give them individual scores on that let's jump into some of the different types of cases that we've tested and start covering some of those strengths and weaknesses okay real quick interruption this video's giveaway was sent to us from bfgoodrich they actually watched our video on wheels and tires and apparently they liked it enough that they decided to send us something to give to you guys uh when it showed up at my door i will tell you this my nine-year-old wanted us to keep it really bad um so you know they kind of sent us the stuff that you'd expect a hat um a keychain some stickers and then a hammock bag but then all of a sudden this other box showed up it was this it's a 19 either 82 or 83 toyota pickup with uh bfg mudders on it of course it's a four wheel drive rc car so it's ready to go off-roading it's literally a 500 rc car honestly we may give away better more expensive things someday but i doubt we will ever give away something that is going to be this much fun so anyhow the way you enter watch the rest of the video and see the little boredom bombs logo pop up kind of in a hidden way just comment in the comments the time stamp for when that happens and after we get a hundred of those we will just draw one name and uh we'll ship it out to you okay let's talk about the plano sportsman's trunk these are your lightweight bargain price um storage solution for over lending now just so you know i got by with just these for uh years honestly they work great i really don't have a lot of complaints about them um they're obviously when you start spending money and getting into more advanced solutions you can get a lot more things are a lot more convenient things can become more secure but as far as like a cheap solution that will just work for you without wasting a lot of time and having to build drawers and things like that these things are great actually um as you can see they have you know they have a little latch on the side it's kind of loose it doesn't lock exactly tight but it does lock tight enough that when you're talking about are these weatherproof or not i have never really had problems with lots of dust and water getting in them even when i'm driving in a rainstorm i wouldn't trust them so much as to put my camera equipment inside of one even though i actually have to this day never really had one of them fail i do however tend to have my tent mounted pretty low over the back of my truck bed and that kind of even in a downpour rainstorm everything in the back of my truck does get wet but the tent i think still channels a lot of the water away from them so i wouldn't necessarily run these on the top of my roof rack going 85 miles per hour in a rainstorm with my camera equipment in them but if you've ever done that let me know if they actually get water in them because so far i've never really had them fail um they don't have any kind of weather stripping there's just a pretty good design on how it locks down to keep the moisture and dust out so anyhow yeah for what they are for 19 bucks for a case pretty darn waterproof when it comes to size i love the size i hate small cases because there's certain things like my kitchen tub you know you've got to bring some pots and pans i usually have to cook for a lot of people so i got to bring larger pots and skillets and stuff than than probably some people are used to you know i've had people so many people tell me they love like the front runner wolf packs the thing about them that i hate is they come in that's that that one size that's just not very friendly for packing unruly and semi-large stuff um i like these ones because they're big enough where i can pack my big stuff in and then i can pack small stuff around it um they don't have any dividers or anything like that so it's you know they are what they are they're what you would expect for uh 18 to 24 dollars i guess depending on the different sizes that you're looking at um durability wise they're you know they've got that reinforced lid that kind of has that checker um pattern on there um and that you can stand on it a couple hundred pound adult can stand on one of these no problem and they don't cave in they don't crack they don't break um i've actually used one for my chainsaw where i cut a hole in the side and i promise i didn't really do that with a lot of thought i literally just kind of sought a hole in the side um and i've never really had any problems with it cracking off of where it already is cracked because i cut it um and it seems to handle it i used it for my chainsaw case because i i couldn't seem to find a good solution for hauling my chainsaw in the bed of my truck and being able to tie it down quickly i did try two different companies chainsaw mounts uh for my rack and both of those hopelessly fell apart after only a couple trips so apparently nobody or at least nobody i've found so far makes a really great chainsaw rack for an actual real chainsaw in idaho when trees go down we have big trees that go down and if you want to get home you need a big chainsaw or you're going to be out there for a week so long story short these guys actually work great for a chainsaw case but that also kind of tested the durability of them and no problems there security wise you know they've got this little hole here where you can put a lock to keep the lid closed i think that like many security measures it's basically just advertising an appearance of security or a slight deterrent where it might just scare somebody that's really lazy away but uh i would not use these as you know outdoor secure storage when you're passing through a big city or anything like that convenience wise these are convenience for price they're very convenient um convenience for for packing for a multi-week trip i actually am not a fan in some ways um i always found that i fill my whole bed of my truck up with these and then i strap them down and you can't get into them when they're strapped down so you have to unstrap them to be able to get into them and then especially if you have a rack and a tent over the back you're constantly shuffling the ones from the front to the back to try to get to them and trying to remember even if you put labels on them it's like the one that you want is always in the wrong spot so there is more convenient and easier to work with storage but if but nothing can be beat these on bargain for money they are a great price point and they work great and they're very durable okay so really quick a lot of you guys are familiar with this as well but let's talk the deck drawer system really fast in a lot of ways a deck drawer system paired with those plano cases is an amazing solution because everything that you need to access really really fast you just keep in the drawers underneath the plano cases and then you have the plano cases on top that are strapped in that are a little bit harder to get in and out of on a regular basis but um that's where you can put stuff that you aren't getting into that often um so in a lot of ways they they work in tandem really well my favorite thing about the deck drawer system is that it is high it's very easy to modify inside of it and organize it so there's lots of divider options they have these blue cases that you can put in there that are completely weather sealed and yet the drawer itself is is dust and and water resistant as well so you can definitely put camera equipment in these i have stored camera equipment and drones and things like that in there and never had any issues um my favorite things to store in a deck drawer system is essentially on one side is my tools and then on the other side is where i tend to store my whole entire kitchen from my stove to the all the dishes and everything like that and that makes it really easy to just pull in the cam drop the tailgate and immediately deploy the kitchen and start cooking uh we we i have kids so we have that habit of leaving at night and driving through the night um so we usually don't set up camp during the day uh so to be able to drive in pull in super late at night hop into your rooftop tent and then get out in the morning and deploy uh breakfast cooking breakfast really fast just by pulling out one drawer is awesome so big fan of the deck system i do think the deck system also scores the highest i mean so it scores the highest highest score i think of anything i've tested for secured because by the time you have that in the tailgate and then i mean in the back of your truck and then you close the tailgate and you lock the tailgate first of all almost nobody that walks past my truck actually notices that there is even a deck system in it so you got to notice something before you plan on stealing from it right then on top of that they're going to have to be able to get the thing unlocked or they're going to be cutting through some very very thick plastic on top to be able to get into those drawers so by far this is the most secure system um out of all the ones that we've looked at um like we i already hit on what weather proofing it's it's definitely scores good there size the only complaint i have that obviously makes sense why it's designed the way that it's designed is sometimes i really want to put stuff in it that's a little taller but these drawers are pretty thin so you can't put tall stuff in them and then the way the drawers are designed where they kind of slot and get narrower at the bottom makes it even harder to put a large item that is tall um i kind of wish the drawers could be squared off a little bit more but i'm sure they have to be that way for the sliders or some manner of engineering um but yeah if they were perfectly straight on the sides that would be uh that would be awesome um and then convenience these things win so many points on convenience because opening that tailgate rolling it out you could have the whole bed of your truck completely full of junk and yet you can still access everything in your drawers super easily so huge huge convenience factor what i think is the cool thing about the deck system is it essentially can be used with any other storage system like the pelican cargo cases it can even be used with those can be used with the sportsman's totes um it can be used with all the other things and it's and it's very complimentary the one downfall of the deck system is it can't be removed so if you're ever trying to run a really light truck um you want to be able to pull into camp unload most your weight and then go run trails and stuff um the deck system's in there and it's pretty much it's not in there for good yeah you can remove it but like you're not going to be removing this while you're on the road in that camp okay so that's the only thing where convenience wise and everything it's amazing um but if you're going to try to run a super light truck and go run some really crazy trails there's not really a way to get that weight out of your truck i'm not going to waste a bunch of time on this this is a yeti case um you know for comparing pelican they're right up there as far as being very expensive this is a genius case but really the main point of this one is this is a dry box we use this for rafting i guess you could buy a whole bunch of these and use them for over landing but they only come in one size which is not actually that big they've got a cool tray you know they've got a divider all removable um they have this built-in zipper pouch up here so you've got pouches and pouches and then a big big big pouch so we use this on the raft to hold our tool kit for like being able to fix our oars and our frames if we have problems our patch kit and electronics like an inreach for emergencies it's a cool box i mean it's got the stuff built into it to where you can tie it down with and still be able to open it in a raft i mean this thing is incredibly durable and well built but as far as i can tell this is something you buy for rafting it doesn't it doesn't really seem to make sense to me for uh the over landing market okay so let's talk pelican cargo um on in a lot of ways this is going to be what you would expect pelican cargo is of course going to be on the upper end on pricing um but also it'll be on the upper end on quality like any pelican case that you've probably ever seen these things are incredibly durable the way that they're roto molded um means that they've you know it's not just a single side of plastic it's got extra space to absorb hits and things like that so of course it is going to be more durable for example than the plano case that just gives you a single piece of plastic um these things are absolutely 100 weather sealed the hardware that closes them is very well thought out these things really are made to like if you didn't secure it and you forgot and you drove down the road and it flew off your roof it would be fine uh sure it's good the plastic's going to be scratched up it'll have some deep grooves in it but other than that who cares um so it it's absolutely lives up to the other previous pelican products and it lives up to the the pelican name now just to make it really really clear i'm not sponsored by pelican i actually bought these with my own money tried to get them as soon as i could to test them and see what the issues would be and whether they're any good um to try to fill you guys in on the details and figure out if it's actually worth you spending any of your money now there's a really important thing to understand about these are not cheap right this is this is expensive on the level where people love to even make fun of my videos and go like oh you're talking about these cases that cost two thousand dollars nobody can afford that and they tell you're a terrible person for even talking about them and they give you a bunch of thumbs down if you guys haven't figured this out yet my channel is all about testing stuff and getting information out to you guys to actually save you money i've already told you that the plano cases for the first two years of over lending in my career you know they worked great they're an awesome solution are is there more convenient solutions absolutely but what happens is there's that law of diminishing returns when something say is 50 more convenient it ends up costing like a thousand percent more money right so if you have the money to to buy something like this for that extra level of convenience all the more power to you that is awesome um and there is some really amazing things about these cases let's like look at the design here for a second uh like i said completely sealed all the way around um they've got the rubber gasket that seals in really really tight they're made to be able to hook to your vehicle yet still be able to open the top and still be able to access whatever is inside however it's secured the the mounting brackets that they come with to secure to your vehicle for the most part are well thought out we'll be covering those a little bit later um but if you look on the inside they even these are brand new to the market you got to remember that um whenever you're buying something the second that it comes out you got to realize half the time there's still a little bit of testing going on and there is changes probably coming if you look at the inside edge of these cases they actually have pre-drilled holes inside of them that are pretty obviously for future accessories that don't even exist right now if you look at the placement of two of the holes on each side it's pretty obvious that you'll have an option to add gas struts to this someday because there's literally pre-drilled holes on the side exactly where gas struts would go um the other thing is along the top there is a there's pre-drilled um like pilot holes i guess is what i would call them um where you could easily put in like a mole panel or something to be able to attach things to the top which personally i think would be awesome for a kitchen if you use one of these to pack your entire kitchen inside of having your like spatulas and salt and pepper shaker and stuff like that where you could leave them attached to the top right there when it's open and then all your dishes in the bottom would be awesome it would make for a really convenient just flop up quick deploy kitchen so i think there's more accessories coming to the market for these that make them even say even more viable but also probably more expensive so again nobody needs to call me out on it and give me a thumbs down i this isn't a very expensive solution i know this is an expensive solution i know that this isn't right for everyone's budget that's why we literally kicked off the whole entire video with the plano cases where i basically said guys these are good enough these are good enough to be a real over lender and use on a budget they really are um with pelican a couple of other things that you are going to get um the the hardware on it is pretty impressive um for tying down the amount of thought that went into how it ties down and leaving you the ability to open and close it super easily to to not have to run straps there's a company out there called rome that makes cases very similar to the pelican actually um that does have those options like for a mole panel and for a gas strut actually um so in some ways they're actually a little bit ahead of pelican on on deploying their cases and and some of the stuff um but i think one of the downfalls to their design is the only way to tie it down is to actually strap it in and the thing is if i'm going to strap stuff down to a certain extent sometimes i just go well then why not just go with the 20 plano case right if it's going to be inconvenient to to connect it and unconnect it from the vehicle um so if if you're going to pay that much for a case then the quick deploy option like being able to lock it in place and then unlock it rapidly that they did here um is pretty brilliant it's a pretty brilliant design it was well thought out which i i mean are you guys surprised they're literally almost the last guys to the market with a solution and it's because they looked at what everyone else did and said we can do it better and of course you can if it costs more money and you learn from what everyone else did you can do it better and i think that some of these higher end solutions that's kind of the way that they play they learn from everyone else and then they deploy basically an almost perfect solution to the market except for it's out of really really high price premiums now here is a debate that's worth talking about you can really easily get two three different pelican cases that mount in the back of the bed of your truck for about the same price as a deck system the one advantage that i think that they do have over the deck system is they are removable so if you're hauling a ton of extra weight but you're driving mostly on a freeway covering tons of miles and then you get to camps where you're going to go run some really crazy trails off-road and you don't want all that weight in your vehicle because your suspension let's say articulation is is made best to work at x amount of weight in your vehicle the cool thing about the pelican system is you can actually take all those cases out of your vehicle and set them up in camp and leave them there whereas the deck drawer system it's staying in no matter what um convenience wise deck still wins a little bit because the convenience of those drawers just opening up and popping out not having to climb in the back of the truck or anything i mean you can't beat that it's incredibly convenient so there's a case here for pelican versus dect which 100 depends on you and how you're going to use your gear which one is actually right but price wise they're actually pretty competitive with each other um by the time you're buying all the brackets to not to mount the pelican cases you're going to be spending as much as you're spending on a deck system if not maybe a tiny bit more for equal amount of storage you will have more flexibility though because they do have some really large cases that will go on the back of your truck that can that can accommodate taller pieces of equipment um so there is a whole debate i i do think if you're looking at getting a deck you should at least do your research and consider should i get a deck system or should i get a pelican system that's fully removable and a little more flexible on size now that's the funny thing if i wanted to make a controversial video i should have titled this you know decked versus pelican cargo but here's the funny thing too you can actually use them together they have these long cases that were made to mount above the wheel well which is one of the cases that i actually got and tested and you can mount that above your deck system on each side of it for a lot of additional storage secured storage in the back of your truck and then by the time you're adding two cases onto the top of your roof rack and that right there is that's expedition level of storage so i do think that you can argue decked versus cargo and either one can win depending on your use case and then you can also argue dect plus pelican for full-blown expedition vehicle with some really amazing weatherproof storage convenience-wise bring it inside all the stuff that i just said super convenient piece of equipment it's gonna win a ton of points on convenience and that's truly what you're actually paying for there at some point if you overland enough and you start doing this every single weekend of your life or you start going on week-long trips or even month-long trips that's where convenience starts to pile up that's where that's where these cases went that's the niche that they're designed to make they didn't make it to sell a million of them they made it to sell a lower volume at a high price there is one problem with them right now i was able to catch up with pelican and talk to them about this and what it is is the cases of course are made by pelican but the hardware that they use to actually mount it um to the back of your truck or to your roof rack is actually made by front runner no front runner did a pretty ingenious design what they did is instead of having to use tons of hardware and big straps and everything they just did this ingenious design where they've got this little metal bracket it pops into this hole hooks onto this other hook and that's it you have four brackets to secure it to the roof rack now i do think they could have designed this better where there would have been a hook on the back side that when you dropped it in it would automatically hook into that one so then you just had to hook on the front because you do have to figure out how to get somewhere up high on your truck to be able to reach over and secure two latches on the back side on the bed surprisingly the stuff where it mounts into the bed they did do that where like you don't actually hook anything on the bedside because your hands won't fit in there so it actually just hooks in and then you just latch on the front probably should have designed a bracket like that for the the roof um rack anyhow i climb on top my tire and i can secure them and it's not a big deal it's really not hard no complaints it it's just it was the one thing where i was like you're smart enough to do it for the bed but you weren't smart enough to do it for the roof rack that surprises me now the other problem is the type of latch that they used when it's under load and what i mean by that is the way that the brackets are created it kind of tensions down and there's a little bit of give in the plastic case so it actually secures it very tightly to the roof of your truck which is awesome because then it doesn't wiggle around and squeak or anything it's very very secure but in order to do that um it has to come under load a little bit as that latch is getting clicked and what happens is when that latch gets clicked there's a little pin that goes up that is supposed to secure it um and what will happen is that thing's not supposed to be able to wiggle open or get smacked or like if you hit a huge bump on the road it's not supposed to pop open because there's a little thumb uh i don't know a little thumb button that you press on and press down and then that makes it to where you can unlatch it out of the eight latches that came with the roof the roof mounting system six of them wouldn't actually lock so they would lock down they would look like they're closed but if you bump them or even if you just smacked the side of the case really hard with your hand kind of like simulating hitting a like a divot in the road or something they would they'd actually come unpopped and then you you'd have your case fall off your roof probably so what we noticed was i had to there's a tiny little pin that's supposed to pop up and lock it into place and when it was under load they weren't actually locking in place even though they look like they are so i actually had to go and bend those in order to make them work all right to show you a little bit more detail on the problem that we're having with the clasps um this is one of the clasps um what happens here is obviously you're supposed to push down on this to be able to open it right and when you're pushing down on that there's this little guy right here if you can see that i'll use this as my pointer this little guy right here goes up and down and what when it goes up it's supposed to lock in this little spot right here and what's happening is somehow it's either missing the hole or it's not popping all the way up into this hole to actually lock so when i close it when it's not under load you can see clipped into place can't pull it apart but when it's under load it is not when this is hooked in and pulling down just a little bit for some reason it's not allowing it to actually lock and what happened the way that i fixed that is if you see this little gap right here make sure that you can see that yeah so that little gap right there i would take a pliers and i would grab it here and i would bend this that way so bend this into there which moves that down a tiny bit and then by doing that then it will lock so these are the two clasps that i was showing earlier that wouldn't lock so i'm going to bend them down a little bit more and then they should work under load it was about a you know five second fix they took this stuff very very seriously right away they sent out some new clips they said you know it is a brand new product so they are still testing some stuff and dialing some things in so they you know they're aware they'll of course be working with front runner to probably get that fixed uh the only other thing i ran into on these cases is they have different brackets for different types of trucks um some of the sites this is so new they don't have stuff labeled properly so for example the site that i bought my case is off for the bed of my truck um it just said toyota mounting bracket so i bought the toyota mounting bracket well it turns out they actually have a different bracket for the tacoma than the tundra but i think the site that was reselling pelican products you know this system is so new to them i think i don't think that they knew that there was two different ones uh so they labeled it wrong and i ended up with tacoma brackets that of course do not work on a tundra so make sure based on your vehicle that you're getting the right one um i would recommend going and shopping even if you don't buy directly from the pelican site and i'll put a link below in the description to the pelican site where they have all this stuff even if you don't buy from there i would still go there and build out your entire order being and i think it's the same price so it probably doesn't matter where you order from but at least on the pelican site you're gonna have the things properly labeled like the tundra bracket versus the tacoma bracket so even if you want to order from somebody else i'd still go to the pelican site make sure you get the right part numbers and then make sure you're getting the right part numbers from wherever you're ordering from all in all pretty amazing system super convenient i think it's definitely on that like expedition level or you're going on week-long trips on a regular basis or you're like the world's most extreme weekend warrior that literally is getting out every single weekend and pushing the limits of how far you can go in a weekend when you're doing this on that level uh and regularly i think that things like this start to pay off because they're incredibly convenient and they just work so well if you're going less occasionally and you're on a tight budget get those plano cases those things are great i still use them even having the pelican cases and even having the you know the deck system now that i've tested all of those and i i still use those plano cases and throw them in the back of my truck when i have extra stuff that i have to take they are a great solution i hope this helps you decide what's right for you hope it helps you save money so you can get out there with the people that you love doing the things that you love seeing the places that you love because after all that is the point of over landing anyhow see you guys on the next video cheers you
Channel: Outdoor Auto
Views: 129,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pelican cargo, pelican cargo case, pelican cargo case review, pelican cargo case roof mount, overlanding storage, truck storage, camping storage, overlanding storage containers, overlanding storage solutions, best storage boxes for overlanding, overlanding roof storage, pelican cases for camping, truck storage drawers, truck storage system, pelican cases for overlanding, plano case roof rack, plano case review, decked drawer system, decked, overlanding, nathan mueller, overland
Id: 2qm417OBDxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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