If You're Tired of Flimsy Budget Campers!

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well they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease well you guys screamed you said Bean makes a great trailer but the average working man can't afford it they got sick of your screaming and they came out with not only a budget model this is like 40 to 50% less than their last budget model and on paper it just makes no sense this is a trailer I typically can't get behind but there's a new piece of technology put on this that's changing the game not only does it live simple in the way we want to live it lives bigger than all of the other beans we've used so far up here in the front you can already see an obvious difference so instead of that tongue box that you see on most the bean models they've switched that out with a tongue platform now obviously I think that's to save costs but what it's also doing is saving weight so unlike most of the teardrops of this size that at minimum are 1,600 lb up to about 2200 lb I believe this is coming in about 12200 lb and and not only is this saving you weight it's opening this up for just more storage so instead of being forced into the capacity of the Box you now have this entire platform to work with widthwise and you know all the way up to here you could stack it without impacting the arrow performance of this trailer you can see over here I have two large cases stacked on top of each other this is a weather sealed fridge so ice go makes one ARB if you're an ARB person probably twice the price but they make one too so you can keep this out here and expose it to the Els one of the suggestions I'd have is to just extend this tongue platform just a little bit because if they added 5 to 6 in on there you could put small motorcycles let me show you one other thing remember that propane issue I talked about on the bean stalker and saying how hard it was to bring it in and out either these guys took our feedback really quickly or they were one step ahead of me they've designed this new one in and out and it's just one snap here and one snap here coming back to this side of the trailer this is kind of where it all happens so right here below the door I'm going to take off this cover engage these locks and there is a actual key lock and then this nice roller is going to slide this out then on this Edge are some teas I'm just going to put them into the te slots I have two choices I can put them up top here to get a higher table or put them down low so here just like the bean squared you have options so if you want to do dual sinks to do your dishes you have that you can throw in one cutting board uh like yesterday we were flaying fish so we used this entire thing we also keep this in and just use it as a storage area while prepping other food so this is a large surface so I want to show you it from both sides so this is one of the first things besides the platform that I really loved about this even maybe over my standard galy kitchen and that's just how much space this has so I said showing you both sides so to give you some perspective this is 20 trash bags a box to just show you how large this space is so I'm working over here prepping food May's over here with me the kids are kind of hanging out on the end this functions more like an island and it gives us more opportunities The Galley I never thought of this till I was using this I only get one place to look in the galley and that is into my cupboards with this I can be anywhere I want if this is the view I'm looking out there if the sun's in my eyes or whatever I can keep rotating around this in my standard Galley I don't have very many options and then I also have the option here of a discata as well and like I mentioned in a previous video because the camper has to be leveled once it's leveled this discata is automatically leveled so it's as quick as just putting in the propane now I bet in that last shot you saw that big beautiful window back there and you thought man that has no Galley and Drew hates these Gess kitchens and you'd be absolutely right but it's that new technology I was talking about earlier that makes it work for this makes it work for slide out kitchens makes it work for a lot of campers that I really wasn't a believer in so before showing you that I want to show you one more item that replaces The Galley it till I got it when I take you inside the camper you're going to see no storage space was sacrificed inside if anything it actually grew but outside you've lost your entire kitchen so what's the work around well the first solution before the big one I'm about to show you is this kitchen bag so this is pretty much everything that was in my original Galley for plates and Cutlery and everything cookware and I'm just going to place it up on this hook that thing mounted here and it's just going to hang out here as I do my work okay Drew so what's the big secret what is this technology that's going to change everything well you know I don't like a camper without a galley because that means I have no coverage with the Galley Hatch and you know I don't like an awning they're ridiculously tough in the wind putting them up taking them down if it rains the night before you leave you're now stuffing back a wet awning and you have to pull it out later and the stuff sacks are just a pain pain but then comes [Applause] this I set it up I do my dishes I am ready to go and hit the road again and unlike an awning that I have to stuff back into the sack and I have to dry out it came back in as quick as I pulled it out the wind was just ripping through here last night so I just took this big old awning and folded it really fast on top of it itself put the bcro up and then just jump back in the trailer so that's what this ugly mess is yes this has poles and tie downs and you can make this secure but that is not how I would use this it's coming out when I need it and it's going back when I don't now you're going to say this awning has got to be expensive and it's crazy this is like $850 to $1,000 but think about it if you buy a budget trailer with some sort of slide out kitchen or something like this at $15,000 for $1,000 extra you now have a camper that can do it all everything our last campers can do in more wait till you get inside this for only $116,000 at base so if you want to know more about this awning here's the name I'll put a link in the description but for those of you with trailers that require 270 awnings and require a lot of guidelines and stakes and time and sometimes you just want something quick you can move your old awning back to the other side pick this up and now you have an instant Deployable awning and instant pack away awning I think to me that's pretty Priceless so now you're under this nice covered awning that's set up instantly you've put up this table that took what you saw probably 20 seconds and now I've put out my propane stove here and then I have a second cooking source which is the discata over there I have this big island to work around and now I have this Jerry cam Mount that goes right behind this oh so I put in my Lifesaver Jerry Canon here connected the hose pressurized it you can do your dishes with this we wash off our feet before getting into the cabin it's our hand washing station and what this did is it helped us eliminate one extra table we used to have this table that carried our water and was our handwashing and now everything's here in one place now we had a picnic table at sight but this as you can see like with the flat surface this is big enough if I put in the other cutting board to be a family eating area as well so you can prep on it cook on it use it as the water area and then this is also your dining table so you're leaving a lot at home with this more simple model what you say about cooking and getting water so this right here is allowing me to leave another piece of gear at home actually like three or four pieces of gear so the rear stabilizers I've never really utilize them uh I don't need them actually because we're usually hooked up to our tow vehicle there's not a whole lot of movement when you're just sleeping we don't walk around in a teardrop but what I have never used these for is leveling the trailer but what I'm finding is I can go in really uneven terrain jack up one side of the trailer to the point where the tire is actually coming off the ground and not having to have my ball leveler with me and those chocks and it's so easy you just pull this pin and this is just going to rotate down you've also got another Jerry can mount on this side of the trailer and then these nice Square fenders they're bolted through but they they definitely have a lot more movement than their other ones I would typically jump up on these but I'm kind of afraid to on this one like any other trailers this does come with a nice max air fan up top but because this is a true one piece so when you have a galley on a fiberglass trailer like this you essentially have a two-piece trailer so there's a seam because there's no Galley here there's no seams this is a true one piece fiberglass shell so I think it'd be nice if they offered this without a fan and I'm not sure they do that or move that fan to somewhere where it's more of a vertical surface or maybe even something under the trailer you also have a 2-in receiver here and on a trailer that doesn't have a galley I think this is doubly important because it's it's going to allow you to carry more gear so you can add a tray here you if you don't like that kitchen for some reason you could add one of those Swing Out kitchens you see at the Overland Expo event so picture this as a tailgating trailer at a football game you have the discata the table and your propane over there and running a stove then you have this whole other slide out kitchen here or just carrying bikes I wouldn't suggest it if you're doing this full-time or all summer because of the forces that they're succumb to back here they belong in the front that's the beauty of that tray but if you're only taking your bikes out a few times a year I think this would be a decent spot for them as well look at this huge window and you would think because this is a pair down model it's not going to offer inside what the others do but honestly I know Mark you're probably not going to like this but this lives bigger than the black bean in my opinion it lives better than the black bean for our family and our current situation this fits our family so well welcome to my new Zen home as the boys continue to grow you guys keep asking us are you going to outgrow your teardrop and the answer is no I can still fit in any Bean but this Bean teardrop definitely outlives the other ones in terms of interior space and it's not just space like look around look how clean the lines are this big arctic turn window this big window in the back bringing in it just feels really open now the bed as you probably are aware is the same length as all the other beans but the space inside is bigger because the trailer stayed the same length but what they did is they removed the galley and that Galley space just came into the interior so when I'm laying back here I have just my visual forward is not only bigger but there's actually more space to store things as well going to start off with these dual pane acrylic windows so these are Arctic turns the top of the line and why we're going to start there is they take up a majority of the space so if you're not familiar with them they open up really neat and that you can open them almost all the way up and allow it to rain at night and the rain doesn't come back in the feature many people like you can catch it on the front edge here and get just enough air flow in to stop condensation but not too much that it's making the camper cold at night you have a compl complete blackout screen you have uh a bug screen so they're very multi-use I'm having trouble getting the tripod in here but you can see I didn't pull this up all the way and that's because of an issue we're going to talk about later something in their design that I think can be improved but it goes all the way up to here and it goes about the width of the trailer so you can see this one's big this one is even larger so this section back here I can tell this is going to be my favorite part of the trailer once Bean gets it right and so what this is this is a platform where you can Stow everything it's huge it's really deep I I don't know if you can tell it's the depth of the original Galley and cabinets the second feature of this is this is a bunk bed essentially and they have these back pillows from the front you bring these here and your child can sleep up here in theory uh so as you can tell we have a couple of issues it's not very big with these um with these down I can fit up here but it is extremely tight um let me get up here so you can see I don't have much room the depth of it is also causing the child sleeping here to go into this window and ruin this curtain and it's hard to fit and East pillow kept sliding off so for one of the first suggestions this is going to need to come out deeper and I don't think that's an issue it can either be some sort of fold out thing slide out or even just stationary because normally when you sleep in a teardrop trailer this is overriding your feet anyway so I don't find it any issue to bring that further out and then either this needs to come down or this window needs to come up and I don't want to go down with it cuz I'll show you what's below it next and I just love this space it's huge and it's functional Sarah the threeh horn the dreaded sharp teeth hunt it there fellow so drawers are important to us as you know these drawers are held in with a latch steing Transit this is a pretty shallow drawer to allow bigger items under here that I'll show you and then this one is a really deep drawer and originally you had to split this with your kitchen storage but now that you're storing or I would be storing my kitchen items in the front boxes now all this is just for indoor so like I said you're not losing in the indoor space you're probably gaining because you also have this cubby up here as well on this side we have our power station and so that's another way that they kept the price down on this you stick in your own jackery or ecoflow or your Yeti Goal Zero and it plugs into this and so it's really neat the way they've designed it it has a charge controller so when you're running solar it's going to be charging this and keeping it maintained when you're plugged into Shore power it the camp weite or your house it will charge this while at the same time allowing pass through so all your devices can be used and one of the beauties of this box is that you can take this like let's say you have a storage unit and there's no way to plug your camper in there so you can pull this out after every use charge it at home bring it back in and now you're topped off so let's talk about some of those things I didn't like uh one of them was pretty obvious pretty quickly and I'm used to having that Galley light that nice clean light in the back back of a bean and I get to see my food as I'm prepping it as I'm cooking it and it not only helps me see it actually makes the food just look more appealing this has this warm Amber style light so one of the suggestions I have is either adding some sort of Cooking Light there or being doing some research and just knowing good clipon lights that have a good color spectrum for making your food easy to see and tasty so at the time of making this video I don't think they have a specific tootam mount for this trailer and so that meant the desata had to go under the bed and in the car and it was a little awkward so I'd love to see them make some sort of cover for the discata and then like a vertical mount on the edge of the tray this one is both a pro and a con and that's pricing Bean trailers are definitely not made with my family in mine I'd say their target audience is overlanders and that work hard play hard crowd because of this I find the standard items on this camper aren't necessarily what I would choose so for the over Landers for example this comes standard with 2000hd timbran independent suspension that's incredible for a trailer in this price range but I don't need that kind of suspension to go wherever I need to go same with the power station with a paired down Budget Trailer like this I wouldn't expect them to include it their competitors sure don't but at the same time I would expect a prep table however the table is an add-on option so for someone like me who already owns a power station and does just fine with a torsion axle I wish the table was standard but again this trailer isn't built for me it's built for the minimalist off-roader or the Overlander with a lighter tow vehicle like a Subaru and he probably already has a nice light out Kitchen in his Overland rig so you can get two doors in this model that's an upgrade and I typically would say yes that's needed but in this one it just feels so open and Airy I feel that one door is enough on the left I'll have a playlist of our budget affordable trailers and then on the right here I just have a couple fiberglass videos just to help you understand what's a fiberglass trailer what's a budget trailer what's the marriage between the two of those and how will that benefit me but as usual stay safe on the road and we'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Playing with Sticks
Views: 766,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardrop camper, camping trailer, budget camper, affordable camper, small camper trailer, teardrop trailer, bean trailer, beanstock, camper that weighs less than 1200lbs, small camper trailer with bunk beds, small trailer, playing with sticks, alaska, camping, camp, micro camper, tiny home, camper, travel trailer, teardrop camper trailer, escapod, lightweight camper, lightweight trailer, small teardrop trailer, light camper for subaru, light camper for mid-size suv, tour
Id: jXPv4KGsJow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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