Top 10 Overland Gear that Makes Camping Easier + Bonus

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hey guys how's it going my name is Jason and today I want to do something a little bit different I am going to be talking to you guys today about some of the stuff that I use and that I've used over the years that has made my camping easier now this isn't to say that this is an Essentials list I will come up with a playlist of some Essentials out there some of this stuff on the list I might consider an essential for me because I don't go camping without this stuff but to each his own some of you guys will find this stuff to be just something that makes it a little bit easier so I have a plethora of stuff here that you guys can check out I will drop the links below I would appreciate it if you guys like this video And subscribe really would mean a lot to me thanks so much let's get started so the first thing on this list is going to be a proper mattress so over the years I've hammock camped I've Cowboy camped just slept in a ditch before in a sleeping bag it is doable and um you can get a good night's sleep however if you really want to make camping easier and more enjoyable I would definitely recommend getting yourself a nice upgraded mattress Now by no means is this mattress a budget mattress of any sort this is by far the most comfortable one I have ever had I've had inflatable mattresses I've had foam memory foam mattresses um this is by far the best one not only is it the best camping mattress I've ever ever had it is by far the best mattress in general I've ever had way more comfortable than even my thick pillow top mattress at home I really do like these because I can put these up inside of my tent at night to add a little bit extra Comfort when I'm in there or what I will be doing in the future is getting a topper and building some sort of bed platform to put this on and sleeping directly on this so this thing is super thick and very much the softest mattress I've ever had and I really do like that it packs down fairly small for the amount of mattress that you're getting this is the Hest Foy wide it is 30 in by I believe 75 or 78 in length which is um the exact length of my bed I have the 6 and 1/2 ft bed so I have a nice little protected soft sleeping area when I'm out camping inside of my topper again you can ALS o use this in your rooftop tint I do that on occasion it adds a lot more comfort so I would definitely recommend upgrading your mattress or just getting a mattress in general if you don't have one already so the reason I recommend specifically the Hest one because this side is going to be resistant to elements and the other side is going to be super soft while also having a very high R rating that is going to be kind of your insulation when it's cold or super hot outside that is going to be your insulation layer and it is also resistant to low temperatures whereas some memory foam mattresses are going to be super compressed and not really go back to their shape especially in the cold weather all right so the next thing on the list is going to be kind of a twof fur here this is having a nice easy kitchen setup I've had a ton of different kitchen setups I've had you know tables on top of drawers I've had um my tailgate here first first of all we're going to talk about this silven sport here this is a foldout kitchen and before I ended up trying it I thought it was going to be super complicated and annoying to open up but realistically all you have to do on this one is unzip two parts pull it apart lock the legs and uh you're basically ready to go right then and there there's a few extra steps but in reality this is the easiest kitchen setup easiest table I've ever had and it also has a lot of storage built in into the table portion of this setup now along with that I would recommend getting yourself an all-in-one system like this jet boil I do have a video I'll try to put it up here or down below talking about this jet boil if you'd like to hear a little bit more but I do like that it has every single thing I need for a kitchen inside of this little container here so essentially what comes with this is a lid with a strainer on it you've got a pan here you've also got a 5 L Pot here a two burer 10,000 BTU stove as well as a wind screen now again this isn't something that I would consider budget by any means it's definitely not an essential thing this is just a thing that I found that makes camping so so much easier and uh makes me want to go out to even more because it's super easy super Compact and uh it's really fast at cooking my food this is really cool because when you open it up it does become about the same size as every other stove that I've ever had um maybe a little bit smaller even but when it's folded up and packed away it takes up hardly any space at all and essentially knowing that I have my stove my pot My Pan my strainer the fuel connect and everything all in this little tiny package just makes everything so so much better all right so the next on the list is going to be getting Proper Storage so that can mean either getting yourself a container like this getting some action Packers from like Walmart or Target or whatever or getting yourself a drawer system now if you've been following the channel for a while you know that I had a 4Runner with a drawer system in it and that has been hands down my absolute favorite way to bring camping gear with me or just kind of have it ready and packed every single time I take off however this is a new build and while I probably will be going to a drawer system in the future I have not yet so if you are looking for a drawer system in your vehicle especially in a truck where it's open you can look at decked you can look at shw and also truck Vault I'm sure there's some other ones out there but if you want to keep using the rear of your vehicle or your truck bed and you just want to go on the weekend and have something ready to go I do really like these Ram boxes these are by far the most secure and um just the most well-built ones that I've ever had you certainly can go out there and get yourself you know an action Packer I do have one of those um it's it's held up relatively well there's some you know dents and a little bit of cracking going on but it's certainly cheaper than the Rome boxes if you do want to see a very in-depth review of my Rome boxes I have this one as as well as a larger one um I will drop a link down below to an article I wrote for trail Tundra and I will be writing articles for trail tundra in the future so I'll try to drop links below when applicable but the reason I really do like Rome is I think this is their strongest suit um they have this larger one that has wheels on it so you can wheel this around they also have smaller boxes that will fit on your roof so these do have actual hinges on them I really do like that um I also do like that there are seven different latches here and they are all lockable typically what I do is this one kind of stays at my house it has all of my camping gear ready to go um the little things like stoves stuff like that that I need every single time and then my bigger box stays at my storage facility and I will grab that pretty much every time as well but if I'm just going out for a little day trip or something like that I've got this one at my house ready to go so the next on the list is is going to be these Lone Rock Concepts this is going to be a water dispenser all you're going to do is hit that and the water will crank and same on here essentially these just screw on to either your Roto packs or your scepter or even one of those big blue boxes I forgot the name of them but they basically just go on there and um while you're it Camp you can just have this sitting off the tailgate or sitting on one of your tables something like that and that way you don't have to unscrew this every single time so I'm pretty new to the scepter I got it just for um testing this one out I actually prefer the scepter now to the actual Roto packs here but in the past it's been very annoying to have this hold up so that is why I did end up getting this actual stand this is also from Lone Rock as well and it just sits kind of in there and that way it's not going to fall over anything like that now when you travel you just throw these in a little bag and then when you get to Camp you'll screw them on and there's no leaking or anything like that in these I've been super happy with them um I'm kind of annoyed that it took me this long to try these out so like I said before I will drop a link to everything I talk about in this video below and uh if you have the scepter 10 L like I have or you have the traditional one which is the 20 l this is really really great for that this only takes seconds to put on it's pretty cheap and um it makes everything so so much easier especially with the Roto packs I can't tell you how annoyed I am taking this on and off every single time I want to pull just a little bit of water out you've got this that goes in there um it is just so annoying so if I had this sitting on a stand here takes up almost nothing and then I just turn it on like that um makes camping so much easier it makes me more likely to drink when I need to which is especially important when you're out in the back country or if you're out off-roading now I am fully aware that this one is going to be quite the controversial one but I really don't care because this is the best way to make coffee or espresso at Camp one thing that drives me nuts when I'm out camping with other people is the absolute Rush that everyone tries to do in the morning to get out of there nobody wants to relax and chill so what I usually end up doing is bringing something like this so all I have to do is pop a little espresso pod in there put a little bit of water on the top and then just set it down and then I can break down Camp get everything ready and by the time this is done I can just take a little shot of espresso get my caffeine avoid my caffeine dependent migraine and I can um you know have everything ready now I'm someone that moves pretty slow in the morning but I really still do love using this I am a big espresso guy but I obviously do love coffee the coolest thing I will say about this is not only do you have the ability to have espresso when you're out camping and you don't have to make a big pot of coffee chug it down um the coolest thing about this is that it is a self-contained unit it heats the liquid up in here and it will make your espresso now often my biggest scenario is let's say I'm out camping I cooked the night before I've already put up my stove most of the time in the morning for breakfast I'm just going to eat some yogurt or a bar or something like that I don't want to take my entire stove back out reheat water and make myself coffee so really all I'm going to do is put water in here put the little thing in there set it down and it heats the water up and makes the coffee so you can also put coffee grinds in here and use that if you'd like but but if you want to make it the easiest then you can get a espresso pod and throw that in there so for the most part you would just put some water in here and let it heat it up but if you have a lot of these to make and you have the Nespresso pods or your own coffee you want to boil some water and add it to this so adding the boiling water to this is going to make this usable a ton more if you're going to have it boil it on its own this will last for I believe about four of them and realistically if I wanted to I could make some lattes while I'm out but I am a fancy camper I'm just not that fancy of a camper now you can just let that cool and um you're ready to go the entire time I was out doing other stuff while that just made it on its own so super easy you got your espresso right there if you bring some milk with you you can mix it up you can either use this as your cup or you can use this as like a uh drip cup for after afterwards um either way I like to just go ahead and use it as the um the actual cup here all right so next up on the list is going to be a light that has some sort of sensor on it now just in general I would recommend getting yourself these lights I highly recommend them and I have a full video I can put up here or put below that talks basically a lot more about these but these are extendable you can add a motion light you can add extra battery up here you can dim them you can have all four lights on just one these things are the best Lights I've ever used at Camp the reason that this is kind of on the list right now is because it actually does have a new motion sensor for Camp I really do like these because occasionally in the middle of the night I'll have to get up and pee and I don't want to have to jump down turn on a light use my phone use a flashlight and then turn off the light afterwards if I'm hopping down in the middle of the night this will be able to sense my movement and go ahead and turn on you can turn up the intensity you can turn up the time and um yeah you can really just kind of make this your own another reason I really like this is because I camp sometimes alone and I'm out there with elk Bears all kinds of stuff so if this senses any movement out there this will turn on and basically alert me that something thing is at my camp now I really do like this because on the off chance that something shows up that wants to cause me harm I would like to be alerted beforehand so that I have time to prepare for the situation while that is not the main function or the reason that I get this more important for me is the ability for this to turn on if I'm just hopping down in the middle of the night or if I'm just moving around camp and I want to conserve power so the next one on the list is going to be a self-contained fire pit it especially a smokeless one now I'm sure you all have seen solo stove before that is a really great one I do really like solo stove but I personally just have one that I got on Amazon I'll drop a link below if you want to check it out but it is almost identical to the solo stove except it has some legs that come out it is really great for home use as well as use while you're out camping because it doesn't pack Down super small but it does kind of fold in nicely it's also great because if you use it correct directly you don't smell like smoke you don't get smoke everywhere and everything is self-contained within this metal unit so if you have to put the fire out it's super easy it's a lot safer for the forest when you're using that all right next on the list is going to be some source of power now I have two different brands here and two very different Power Banks this is a 2,000 WT I believe this is somewhere around 5 or 600 I don't remember exactly but it is a much smaller one so for most people this is probably going to be more than enough so there are a ton of different things that you can power at camp that I would consider for me at least Essentials you've got heated blankets you've got diesel heaters you've got a fridge setup pretty much every single time I go camping I bring a fridge with me um there's just a lot of different things that you can bring I think the easiest way to run any of those is going to be through a power bank there are some things that you can run off of your car or just a little power bank however I would recommend at least getting yourself something of this size so I have a ton of different ones of these I've got a bunch of different Eco flows a couple different bletes um I've got some other brands out there as well when it comes to the brand I'm not so picky as long as it's one of the kind of higher-end ones like the ecoflow the blue Eddie or the anchor some other ones I'm sure work great but I will say if you want to get a good warranty and all that go with one of the bigger Brands so on most of these you've got AC Outlets got 12vt you've got a place to plug in a CPAP machine if that's something you need to bring with you um a place to charge your phone you know charge batteries anything like that I definitely recommend getting yourself something like this even if it is something smaller like this ecoflow River 2 Pro So speaking of power the next thing that I'm going to have on the list is is going to be a fridge you certainly can just bring a little cooler or something like that with you um you know something to keep a few things cool but if you want to bring out some good food you know steak chicken stuff like that then go ahead and get yourself a fridge I really like the set Power stuff I have three fridges of this and I will be testing out another one here in actually a couple days so basically this is going to use 12vt power you can plug into your vehicle or into one of those little power Banks doesn't take up a lot of power this one here is a 35 I have a 45 and the new one I'm trying I think is a 20 or something like that ideally I like having the Dual Zone this one is a freezer and a fridge or you can just make this also a fridge if you don't need the freezer I've made a ton of videos on fridges I've probably got four or so on the channel if you want to hear a little bit more in depth about those I will either drop a video up here or put the links below really what you need to know here is that this can go in your vehicle at all times it hardly takes up any power and uh you don't really need a big power bank to run this and if you really want to you can just run it off of your vehicle and then when you get to Camp uh plug it into power bank to conserve a little bit of power I'll drop links below to this one here this is the pt35 I believe then I also have an RV 45d and a new one coming out that you'll see in a video coming up soon now I have used coolers in the past and you certainly can do that as well but if you are using a cooler and you're going to be uh making chicken please don't feed me any because I don't want to get food poisoning that is why I like something like this because I can keep it at exactly the temperature I set it at um it's not going to deviate but maybe a degree or two from that um the compressor will kick on and make sure that it stays at the right temperature something like this for about the same price as let's say a Yeti is going to be able to be powered it's going to keep your stuff at exactly a certain temperature and you don't have to worry about replenishing ice or anything like that now for some reason this next one is kind of a controversial one seems to really upset people that uh people want to have roof rooftop tents and be comfortable while they're camping that is the next item on my list and that is basically get yourself a rooftop tent I've done Cowboy camping I've done tents I've done rooftop tents I've done sleeping in the bed I've done all kinds of stuff and by far the best way to Camp is going to be a rooftop tent or I guess essentially a slide in camper would be a little bit better but uh this is a little bit more realistic the only reason I'm showing off the James rude right now is because that just happens to be the tint that I have at this moment I'm actually switching this week to another rooftop tint I'm going to be testing out a bunch of different ones going forward I've had maybe five or six on this channel and um they're basically my favorite way of camping you get a mattress built in a frame so that it is sturdy you're protected from Critters you're protected from the elements yeah you can put all of your bedding in there pop it up in a second pop it back down in two and yeah I mean it's just my favorite way of camping now the reason I say that this isn't an essential is because a lot of these are very expensive um I've had some from about $1,000 all the way up to this one here which is I think 6,000 um they are not cheap by any means now if you're someone that camps maybe once or twice a year you don't want to spend a lot of money then you know by all means go with a hammock or a ground ttin uh they will do perfectly fine you won't be as level probably won't be as comfortable and it won't be as easy to set up and break down that is definitely a trade-off and that is why this is on a list of things that make it easier and not a list of Essentials for me a rooftop tent or you know sleeping in the bed something like that something covered and on my vehicle is an absolute essential but if you want the most comfortable sleep you've ever had Outdoors a rooftop tent is definitely something I would recommend but by all means a ground tent will work perfectly fine all right so bonus time guys this is not necessarily something for camping but it is a nice way to get further out to camp and make it so that you can rest a little bit easier knowing that you're less likely to get stuck now the first of which is going to be this Sandy cats recovery rope here this is really great definitely my go-to for Recovery since I don't have a winch right now I did have a winch on my Forerunner I love having a winch I really do like that however in lie of that got the Sandy cats with the breaking strength of 28,000 lb this is 7/8 in by 30 ft it packs down in this little bag here and along with that I also have a shackle here I do really like this because when we are going out in the back country I think a lot of people think about the camping stuff and and they'll say oh you know what I'm not really going too heavy off-roading so I'll just bring my truck bring my tent and I'll be good however if you are going down even a dirt road a forest service road you know something a Subaru could do then I would consider bringing this to make your Camp a little bit easier now if you do any sort of off-roading that's a little bit heavier a little bit tougher on the vehicle this is hands down an absolute no questions asked essential to bring with you something like this and a shackle there's no reason to get stuck out there if you're doing any off-roading it's not that expensive so another thing that's going to make things a lot easier is going to be a four-way Tire deflation and inflation kit I've had a different brand on the channel before it worked okay but it is certainly not as Compact and easy to use as this one this more flate one right here is the one I would recommend going with you basically can inflate and deflate all of your tires at the same time so when you're airing down to go down some dirt roads some uh off-road trails being able to have all four of them air up and air down at the same time is just going to make things a ton easier appreciate you guys stopping by checking out the Channel please check out the patreon if you want some exclusive content subscribe below I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: OXFOOT
Views: 266,377
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Keywords: overlanding, christmas gift guide, gear guy's gift guide, holiday shopping guide, christmas shopping guy, men's gear gifts, gear gift ideas, overland gift guide, christmas gift ideas, overland gifts 2023, Overlanding Gear, Best Overlanding Gear, Overlanding gear checklist, Overlanding gear guide, top camping gear, overland gear, best camping gadgets 2023, camping gear and gadgets, budget overland, budget overlanding, how to overland, camping made easy
Id: al2OySP9sMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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