Overlanding 4 Ways - 4 Different Overland Rig Builds

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what's up everyone I'm Matt with Ozark Overland adventures and we are right now in the middle of a crazy cool trip through Oregon and the Pacific Northwest uh we're up here for Overland Expo Pacific Northwest but we decided to come up here early we decided to come up here early and really just dive into the area get to know it um and there's four of us now on this trip we got myself and Kara and both of our Rigs and then we've got our friends Danielle and Katie and their rigs Danielle has a Land Rover Defender 110 with a rooftop tent and an awning and some stuff in the back Katie is in a fourth gen 4Runner and she's rocking the ground tent on this trip she's actually been here how many weeks have you been here four already four already she's already had four so she's been here longer than we have and she's just been out and like all by herself and then of course I've got the Gladiator with rooftop tint and all the gear in the back and Kara's rocking the Wrangler with our new off-track Phoenix camper on it so what we're going to do in this video we've got four completely different setups and I'm Gonna Let each one of us talk about why we're we're doing the rig that we are and the setup that we are because they're they're all different I figure I'll start with the Gladiator because it's the only it's the only truck in the group my Gladiator has been well documented on the channel so I'm not going to go into all the Nitty Gritty details but if you've watched the channel at all you know I freaking love the Gladiator it is in for me and for for my point of view it's the best most incredible over Landing rig that you can buy not only does it have the capabilities of a truck to build it out for over landing and gear storage and all that aspect of it but it's also you know pretty much half Wrangler so it's got the incredible off-road capability to go just about anywhere you want to go so far I have not been Limited in this rig especially from an over Landing standpoint I've never been Limited in where I can get to Kara has run some trails in her Wrangler from a rock crawling standpoint that the Gladiator would have struggled on so it's a balance I can't rock crawl as well as Cara Cannon her Wrangler but I can go just about anywhere else from an over Landing standpoint that I want to I'll give you a quick rundown on the specs of the Gladiator it is sitting on a three and a half inch Clayton off-road premium lift kit that is paired with elkas remote Reservoir adjustable shocks which are absolutely that that combination is unbelievable as far as the Comfort level of this thing on roads on the trails 38 inch Milestar Patagonia mt-02s which have proven to be a very solid tire for us cares running the exact same tires but the magic of the Gladiator all happens back here so I've got the Extrusion Overland bed rack this is actually the Ozark Overland Edition they they named this rack after after us and I love this rack because it allows me to easily Mount and access all of my stuff a traditional rack that has regular panels back here you can't access your stuff here so these flip up sides the ability to um do other creative things like my uh recovery gear storage box over there um this is just the most amazing rack ever and it when I got this racket it changed my whole setup right here I've got the shw half width full drawer slide so all of my camping gear even chair all my kitchen stuff is in this drawer as you can see it comes all the way out so I have easy access to all of my gear and it is I mean we've been on some dusty nasty Trails on this trip so far and everything in here is clean so yeah this this has been the real test of how well this drawer seals out the dust and this is honestly my first time looking into it and I'm very happy everything in here is dust free right beside it I've got my iceco APL 55 it's a 55 liter fridge I like this just because of the axis and the Gladiator it opens from this way it has a soft closing lid and it uh this this is a little easier than a side opening um fridge for me uh this is all on a global Road Outdoors kitchen slide so this slides out this one slides out you can still get the fridge to slide out and so this is real Handy for just having great kitchen space and then over here I've got two 100 amp hour anti-gravity batteries that you can see that little box right there with the green light that's my renergie 2000 watt inverter it's over there mounted to the side of the drawer system I've got my morph Lake 10 6 air compressor but the 200 amp hour batteries they are charged you can't see it there's a little red light in there there's a little red light right there that's a red Arc bcdc 1250 that keeps this whole setup charged and I'm never wanting for power I've got this shelf back here from also Extrusion Overland I just kind of diyed this with some front runner boxes so all my tools are in here extra camping gear extra blankets just kind of extra stuff is in that tote over there that front rotor box and this is just the the most amazing over Landing setup I've got Camp lights from Morimoto these are the two bangers one bangers on the back a little cheap Amazon lights here that I mounted to the the top of my eye camper for for Camp lights this The Tint that I'm I'm using now is the new icamper bdv it is a wedge style tent we're not sleeping in my tent tonight so I'm not opening it I'm sleeping in care as I camper but this is the new bdb and so far I'm in love with this tent I'll be doing a full walk around and full review of this tent later but for right now just I I freaking love it then the backseat of the Gladiator it's a hot mess in here right now I've got the shw 60 rear seat delete so it gives me a very nice platform to store all of my gear on top of it and then when I need to I've got storage in there for right now I've just got other type of gear I've got towels and tools jumper cables and stuff like that in there but I've got lots of great space in here to keep all of the stuff all right so that's my Gladiator um in a nutshell like I said I've got full detailed build build videos of this thing so go check those out if you want more info but that's why I will the Gladiator because for an Overland rig it's freaking awesome all right so this is Danielle's Defender 110 it's a 20 23 isn't it yeah yeah so tell us why the defender and then what you've done to it why you like the rooftop tint setup that you have and all those little details because y'all like fixing things yeah like older Land Rovers uh in particular we do have this 2023 Land Rover we got last September um and this thing's this thing's fully loaded like it came snorkel from the factory yeah yeah respected out so it came with a snorkel [Music] um sliders to it of course it did not come with that um Land Rover they come with 20 inch wheels um we did we were able to get it down to 18 inch wheels and we put the Falcon all-terrains on to put the 18 inch wheels on you do have to grind down the calipers because even after you grind down the calibers get the 18 inch wheels on I mean you have a couple of millimeters left gotcha but it works then you're running what 33 inch tires yeah 33s um but yeah I mean whoever we put the roof back on what uh what roof rack is that so that actually okay it's a little roof right yeah we put our eye tamper on top of that um we always you know for 30 years we Tech camped but um I really like being able to get up off the ground especially when I'm solo over Landing I just I like to be off the ground um and so so it's kind of nice having that up there we mounted the the Bush Company 270 Max awning oh I really like that and that's a freestanding you don't have to put poles down that's a big beefy awning that can take the wind right yeah it can take around I really love that that's been excellent so show me what you got in the back we put in the front runner table we have the we have the ARB fridge we have the slide in here the onboard air compressor is over here um is that a factory option Factory wow yeah yeah so we you can see this here so up underneath this we made this board here we took off uh what came with it so up underneath here is where we have our we have 120 amp hour um anti-gravity battery um over here I don't know how well you can see let me get my water out um so over here we have we do have we used to run an inverter off off of it we used to have the gold zero um and so we have we installed this switch ourselves to charge the inverter when we were driving but then we got the anti-gravity battery um so right now currently what this switch does is we have a 110 outlet here um and so if I want to use the 110 outlet I can flip it on and then we also put back here some USB ports 12 volt so are your back seats down or did a seat delete uh back seats so we took out the seats I can open over here um so we took out the seat bottom and then the the back of the seats drop all the way down so we didn't do like a so not a true seat delete but you remove the rear cushion so the back can lay flat and lower I like how you've got the clothing boxes here for yeah I like it for storing um you got a new water system up here that you've used on this trip for the first time so tell us about that so one of our friends sent us this link and said hey I got um I got this thing off walmart.com it's a hundred dollars off regular 150 dollars um I can show you how it works uh and it's a hundred dollars off so it's 49.99 and I was like you know what I'm just gonna buy that because that's where our Goal Zero used to go so I have just this extra space in there um it does run off of 12 volt it also has a battery so I have the battery so it has its own battery and it has a pump in it and it has a pump in it so I just reach around a long hose too yeah it has a long hose that's awesome yeah and so so 50 bucks from Walmart 50 bucks from walmart.com on sale and then it just stays there um the battery charged up it says it will pump uh 38 gallons it holds five but it says One battery charge will hold 38 gallons so yeah I like it because I can actually like wash this hair so that's a big game changer for me to be able to watch them well I know you've take you and your daughter did a six-week trip through the Pacific Northwest last fall now you're on this trip you do a lot of solo stuff and this rig has served you well it's it's done well on this trip yeah well I love it this is our friend Katie she is rocking what year is your Forerunner an o5 fourth gen 4Runner uh it's the V6 okay and Katie's big claim to fame is that she has completed the rebel rally with her teammate Lisa they ran it last year and you're running it again this year here in just a few months and last year this is the Forerunner that completed the rebel rally yeah yeah so um you've been out here for four weeks already um do you sleep in a ground tent yeah so show me yours show me the setup of this Rebel rally completing Forerunner and your personal overlanding rig okay and why you chose to you know why there's not a rooftop tin on top why you sleep with a ground tent give us that seller stuff okay in mind of the rally but when we were outfitting them for the rally we did take into mind that I'd be over Landing with it afterwards um so I reserve all my roof rack space for storage um typically it's items that I may not take out every night or even just a couple items here or there so some of my camping gear lights things like that my shower water all my recovery gear and my tools is in that Pelican case I've got my firewood up on top there's also a bike mount if I would have brought my mountain bike so I like to reserve all that for all the things that I don't need on hand on the inside it's all my food sleeping stuff clothes in the back in the drawers it's mostly like my jetboil quick grab food items things that I'll be making when I'm just sleeping overnight gotcha now I know you've got Goose gear in the back so we're gonna check that out in a minute you've got a solar panel here on the hood yeah what is this going to so it's going to the manager 30 red vision red Arc okay with what batteries do you have back there I have one of the V2 100 amp hour uh anti-gravity batteries okay you've got one of the batteries that I have yep it's one of the 100. I thought it was the two okay and I was like damn but that's that's plenty to run what you need to run yes because my 200 is honestly Overkill but I don't ever have to worry about power so that's great all right let's uh let's go to the back okay in the back you've got a whole Goose gear system here yep uh so I chose to do the double double drawers and the camp kitchen set up so it has the full fridge slide and then it also has the grill slide on the bottom and then a lot of my quick grab cooking utensils and things are available in the drawers and then underneath my trasharoo when I'm traveling long distances I carry this on the inside I noticed that um it's just a personal preference because now it's on the inside that's smart that's real Handy I never thought about that before um and I also don't typically need my table so I have a little fold down table in here okay but I'll take it off whenever I'm going to be staying somewhere for a longer period of time but most of my bottom drawer is right now it's extra drink carrying stuff but I mean that's important yeah you know beers mixers things trick storage is critical uh but I have a lot of like my spill kit uh my triangles for the road batteries Gaffers tape extra stuff things like that stuff you need to access quick yep and top is more of my my cooking so I've got emergency meals jetboil plates cutting board things like that uh you know Koozies three different types and sizes of Koozies so that's most important fire starters uh glow sticks things like that and my speaker but that way I can just set up my cooking space right here I usually do a lot of my chopping on my bumper and then just cook it up and it's good to go gives me just a couple seconds to it goes back in close it back up I like it yeah and for sleeping you're in a front runner ground tent so is this a quick setup type of tint yeah I like the front runner ground tent because you just fold it into a taco and then it folds on down into itself so setting this up literally took five minutes and the longest part was just airing up my mattress because I used the born Outdoors bed roll yeah I saw that at Expo West last year that's really cool I like it because it has actual sheets and blankets so it's just a little bit more comfy cozy and then this is everything that I that I'd air up so that if I start to get flat in cold environments in the middle of the night I can pump it back up a light and then I'll bring in a power bank for my phone and my earbuds and that's pretty much it awesome simple I love it well I love your Forerunner it is it has served you well okay y'all know my wife Kara and her beautiful Wrangler boo very dirty we're all very dirty right now but Cara is doing something different than what she has done in the past yeah because you have had a rooftop tint on your rig live at certain points at Point yes no why why um I do more technical Trails so I like less weight on my vehicle um now Rhino Rack the backbone system that I have on there it allows me to put a platform on and off real quick it's currently hanging our garage yeah it is it is and it's it's great for that but since I got the trailer it's been perfect for me because that's just it's an ideal setup so we've been on this trip for about two weeks now how's the trailer doing it's doing amazing I mean there's obviously the hills the gas mileage I'm usually in the front of the pack setting the pace um so I mean you're definitely going to have some balance with that but I mean for what I want to do I think it's perfect um I've driven with the trailer all the way to Wisconsin and other places Mayors Adventure Park um so I've gotten pretty used to the setup and I love it so walk us through walk us through the trailer real quick this is not going to be the full-blown walk around video but just why you like having the trailer and just the quick and easy access and drop it to Camp that sort of thing I love being able to have my tent just I deploy that out I have the eye camper Sky Camp 3.0 on here now love the tint and then we have the awning on the other side it's nice to be able to raise that the point over there um and then I can just take off and I don't have the weight that I would have with the rooftop tint so the other day at Camp I wanted to take a shower after hiking boom there's shower in here I could just shower so it's just a One-Stop shop for me everything is super easy to access oh yeah and ready to go you need any gear boom we've got the garage hot water heater if you need a shower and she actually is cooking dinner on the other side you'll see that in a minute so we have the gas set up here Ample Storage for you and Goose so much storage we call this the garage yeah no that's the garage oh that's the garage this is more just storage this is more just storage yeah there's storage up top and then there's storage down below um got plenty of power from the 200 amp hour batteries down here yep and I really like that I can pull it up even whenever I'm up in my tents and I can just see that I'm charged 100 my water tanks are there and if I want to turn on the cabin lights I can do that um all from here work light in the back if I need to ever use a light here there's lights all around this thing but yeah I love having the red Vision yeah it's nice that I can turn it off and then if there's bugs are bad you can just sit there and hold that and it changes it to Amber so that's really nice for whenever there's bugs but we don't have bugs up here so so far so far we don't and I loved when we were in the swell that when it was time for lunch oh yeah we just pop this open open the fridge there's not trees over there and then we have my whole Pantry here there was Zero setup time you just opened it up we made sandwiches we had lunch under the awning and it was quick and easy we didn't even use like a lot of my utensils we just had some paper plates and then we just pulled out for some chips then we opened the fridge this is on the other side of this kitchen area so yeah all right now let's talk about the back of your Wrangler because you do still go out yeah so you need storage you need some fridge you need you know all that sort of stuff so how you get the back laid out so I have this it's kind of a little bit different for this trip because me and Danielle are taking four weeks after Expo to hit the road on the west coast so I have everything everywhere right now um so this side um it actually has my toilet you can if I ever go out without my anything here I'll always keep a toilet on me um I'm gonna have my clean white so I have a little chair yeah the shw ultralight drawers are perfect back here because you don't want to add a bunch of weight so they're only 40 pounds and allow you to stay organized yep and then like another thing that I like about it is if ever I'm around a picnic table I can just take it out boom have this as like a little tote actually while you got that out you do have power in here we've got two 50 amp hour batteries that right now is running the little fridge we've got USB ports over there we've got a whole Rock a whole detailed installed video on this but we've got plenty of power in the back of the Wrangler yep and I have a fridge obviously in the trailer but for whenever I am going off I like to have those little small set Power it just holds just like some of my favorite protein shakes and then um fruit snacks and some other things just small little things that I can take with me on the road and Recovery gears up here in the Magellan bags I have recovery gear on this side and then I just have extra stuff over here um oh you got those new bags yes let's show those real quick yeah let's show those real quick all right well we've been on this trip for a while so the back of the Wrangler is kind of a hot mess right now total but uh you got new new kind of saddle bags the side stashers with um David May's amazing life I know you he designed those and did a really cool job so what do you have in that one takes over this whole back panel and then it's attached to my bars and it has a plate in the bottom that would give more structure and this side has a ruffle bag oh gosh I mean I could do I'm gonna keep pulling it out I mean just just tell us because it goes way back like there's like six towels like there's all your towels for the trip yeah at least um lots of towels in there and that yeah and there's one on this side too over there because I do like the hair yep all the hammock set up here I have light covers her amber light covers are right back there but these are incredibly handy yep Molly webbing here for additional storage little Molly panels up here in front hyper flashlights and stuff and they zip up on both sides you can access it here and in the Box yeah uh these are a big step up from those uh cheap Amazon bags that I used to run in my Wrangler yeah and it's exists you can taking and putting the whole like there's a Jeep go Wing out that's available now and I really actually like these a little bit better just because they're more pliable and so you can fit the towels and everything else in them the fact that you've got six thousand there plus other stuff and it's super handy because that's because otherwise you wouldn't be able to stack a bunch of stuff up in here so yeah it's a sweet setup all right well there you go four different over Landing setups no way is the right way no way is the wrong way it's all personal preference and I think everybody's done a really good job of saying why why do we run this different setup there's there's look there's some dude over there with the with the Volkswagen Westie those are the coolest things ever you can I mean you can do that and on the other side of that there's a sprinter van we 've been around a sprinter van recently and that's very tempting so uh but if you have any questions about any of these builds put them in the comments let us know let us know your preference do you like the the rooftop tint so you just always got your stuff and you're ready to go do you like the ground tent because you can leave it behind and it's lightweight and minimalist or do you like the off-road trailer because everything's there it's just all contained and boom ready to deploy so everything has its pros and cons and we we love all these so um thanks for watching like I said if you've got questions put them in the comments like the video if you would subscribe to the channel if you're not help us reach the goal of 100 000 by the end of 2023 check out our patreon if you like what we're doing and you want to support the channel get access to special content special events all of our GPS data like we're all we're going on this trip to campsites and stuff that we found and for Ozark Overland Adventures merchandise go to shop overlandapparel.com all the links are in the description thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Ozark Overland Adventures
Views: 28,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off road trailer, roof top tent, roof top tent camping, toyota 4runner, walk around, roof top tent vs ground tent, overlanding on a budget, camp kitchen, 4runner overland build, Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, Wrangler Overland Build, Jeep Gladiator Rubicon, Land Rover Defender, land rover defender overland build, toyota 4runner off road, toyota 4runner review, toyota 4runner build, 4runner overland setup, 4runner overland camping, jeep gladiator overland setup
Id: 7kmpYHsR2XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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