Overheated trucks, happy pups, and dead weeds!

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good morning youtube it's been a while it's actually not that early but you see my uh my puppy my dig woke me up every hour last night when i bet totally on uh probably three hours of sleep so he's staying home today because he does not deserve to come out alrighty update my dog has found every button in the in the book and uh pushed it as hard as he can second time he's done that i don't know if i i don't am i doing something wrong this sucks all right well we're on the way got my little poop monster right there i mix some of his uh some different food into the food he's been eating so i guess we'll see if that firms up his stool at all but we're on our way to the shop now you know i i'd be upset if i could uh be there any earlier than 11 30. kind of it would annoy me honestly you know that's not really how i intended to go but see the thing is i got no sleep last night because of my dog and then i go to shower and he just poops in his kettle i'm gone for ten minutes oh he just poops in the counter so we lost bed privileges and he lost loven's privileges he gets no love ins until a long time today we're on our way to the shop now i i you know what i i wouldn't be surprised if dad loaded my truck for me because i was going to be there at 8 8 30 but oh let's see what happens all right so now we're going i got a little bit of allergies a little sniffle action um but i have a co-pilot what he's coming with me you know it's hard to stay mad to have something you know something that's cute you know something that's that cute there you go english but uh on our way to columbus right now with this uh load of corn and the old bill wilson so we'll get it going i'll see you guys when we get there you know what i might uh you know my mind might be changed ah interesting that's interesting yeah that's going to be on the not go not so good side of things i'm going to uh pop the hood and see if we got a leak somewhere what the deal is because yeah it's almost almost in the red that's not where it's supposed to be so well there's no obvious leaks anywhere and the cool level in the tank is fine it's going to take some investigating because i don't see any obvious flaws okay so i think it sort of fixed itself so it was running i mean you saw it was pretty much on the on the edge of the red so it was hot um but then i i opened the hood up let it cool off a little bit which didn't cool off much and once i started moving again the fan really kicked on yeah i don't know you probably can't hear it that much now but i can and i can tell the difference so like the fan clutch engaged so the fan's spinning at a higher rate of speed now oh the turbo just barked that was cool um but uh it i mean it is the first like hot day of the year so i'm just gonna take it and see how this load behaves and if i don't make it all the way i guess i don't i don't make it all the way you know oh that got a little sketchy that's fine we're going to take it and see what happens it gets a you know 10 degrees hot on acceleration once you get coast and it cools back down to below 200 which is where we want it so when the trans isn't running hot we're running where it should be for the temperature outside today so transtemp i don't mean in pickups and this is an automatic housing most time trans temps supposed to be within 10 degrees above or below the outside temperature plus 100 degrees so if it's 90 degrees you want to be at about 200 degrees to 190 to 180 and you'll be fine but now she's acting okay my agts are fine my engine the oil temp's fine so i think we're just going to let her buff and see what happens oh hey how's it going we are now at the ethanol plant i just got a dump you guys have seen before and seeing one of my other videos stay so i weighed out got all that handled got my ticket so now we go home hopefully the truck doesn't overheat again and we reload and then we go do this all over again so we're back in what you would call my semi this is the one that blew a cool hose yesterday and uh the new hose got here today his dad put it on he already loaded the truck and we had the electric company out there do something with a bin they shut off the power she just loaded this truck i just left that other one there which saves me time whatever but uh it's not running hot yet everything looks good i'm hoping something doesn't explode that'd be a little inconvenient you know no come on please chat that'd be bad two days in a row no probably not bad news spares but that's all right you know if it does happen i can't control that that's what happens huh that's not okay hey how you doing all right yeah oh i am not the i never had been the biggest fan of um meeting people loaded in a semi on gravel uh it's worse when it's wet out but like dude your trailer will just start going into the soft gravel and if that goes into the ditch obviously it's going to take the truck with you or with it so that's just not one of my most fond things to think about because they could just like i'd be like you know it's not my favorite thing so honestly i don't know if i ever really showed the process of what i do before i can dump the corn because that's pretty self-explanatory you open the traps you let it fall out into the pit and then you drive away but it's the process pull up to the screens okay and put it in neutral and then this is where i like to open my tarp find it there we go and then it starts to open said tarp you see pretty cool so then i'm going to take my card and i'm going to scan it on that thing so that i didn't show that just because i don't know i don't know if i'm supposed to show it or not but basically you scan your card so like is this the driver and it says the name but who drives the truck and you say yes and then it asks if it's a contract or a spot hit contract if it's contract spot if it's a spot then if there's no contract number you don't enter but i have to enter the contracts with so then i entered who we have the contract through and then i entered the contract number for this specific amount of sold bushels of corn put in that contract number and now we pull forward and this is where that thing gets put in in that thing and i get probed pet the canine oh yes yes what what i look at those ears floppy boy probing they take the sample of the grain and they tell you if you can put it in or not but wait a second oh yeah get the back hopper oh yeah get her down get her down oh yes ah there we go perfect we love that there's a phone there if you have a problem you can call the guys in that thing give me the green buzz give it to me come on come on come on so it took longer than usual so i didn't get that part on camera but it just the the green light goes damn it lights up it tells you you can go forward so we pull on this fine danny dilly don daler dirtler scale here and uh it'll give us how heavy we are oh up up up oh yeah basically 86 000. we scan the card they'll give us that green arrow and now we go forward so we've ran into a minor inconvenience um he started barking and he woke up and he won't go back to sleep you know what that means oh it means he's got a poop it's probably gonna happen when i'm unloading the truck not excited about that and i don't even have paper towels in here to clean it up but he battered on if you can wait we'll get to dickie doodles and i'll let you do your thing please i'm hoping that's you know we're out of prayer now and uh now is the part of the year and the day where i get to do my favorite job on the farm literally hands down favorite job i had to go out on the four-wheeler and spray some wheat you know you can't beat a little wheat spray in action it's a great time all right well i'm not at the field which we would call terracefu south i think it's always interesting you know watching other you know farm tubers or whatever you want to call them seeing what they call their fields because i i don't know i feel like ours are just very like extravagant and weird and like you know any field they were really happy like how did you think of that and i don't i can't understand i i can't explain it it's just a dry land 80. corn saying hello you okay i think that's v4 if i'm not mistaken counted four leaves i'm not sure if the top one counts or not but i counted it so honestly for the most part all's i'm really spraying here i'm i got a tripod now so i like i don't know show shadows i don't know how i feel about that but awesome spring is just grazing mixed with you know a great great mixing source element water that's all it is if you want like ratios or fancy gallon measurements all i know is i put enough in to probably kill a horse which at least tranquilize it pretty good so bad so obviously i'm staying off the corn spray wise four wheeler might get about it'll be fine uh so i'm just spraying the edge like these the broad leaves is what we call them i mean obviously this is grass brome whatever you want to call it and right on the edge you can see all those broad-leaved plants that's uh that's what i'm spraying that's not our field but uh see there's a problem with that there's a there's no anti-drift in that it's a good thing the wind is about now negative [Music] i want that one to die really bad okay bye love you what was it was it too early in the relationship to say the l word you can say you can tell me in the comments all feelings are open here well i am now going to uh mind my business on the sprayer and actually probably get this done getting the the arms leveled out a little bit you can see there's a there's a little unevenness on that farmer's tan so we're going to uh put a pattern get right at her got that spraying down i don't know what else i'll really do today i need to go home i'll probably edit this video right away probably um but yeah know why i kept my hat on backwards sun's kind of bright oof anyway keeps the shadow off my face but uh i haven't been around yeah i haven't uploaded like dude it's been like a month that's what i saw um that i gotta put my head on the normal way i have to oh yeah so i haven't uploaded because um uh well i i got i i got broken up with i got dumped and that kind of killed me for a week just have much motivation for content or nothing like that and then i got my puppy and i've had him for what two weeks now week and a half two weeks something like that i think two weeks and uh yeah you know that's been a lot of work that's been a journey so far but i'm getting it figured out me and danny are figuring out together uh golden retriever pup he's smart he's getting the hang of stuff pretty quick so easier on me but um so that's why that's where i've been i haven't been m.i.a i mean i've been posting other stuff just youtube takes a little more work a little more time and you know when i want to post farm content it's kind of hard to do when i'm not on the farm as much so yeah that's adam i guess if you liked the video like it and subscribe if you didn't i don't really care i can't make you do anything uh leave comments you know suggestions in the comments leave suggestions in the comments that's what i meant to say come on word zach um but yeah y'all blessed today and until next time
Channel: Zach Richert
Views: 10,511
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YRRDj4ayUkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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