Revamp Your Home for Summer: TIPS, TRICKS and TOUR with Lainey

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hi everybody we're in lany's house today and she's got some great things to show us hi everyone I'm back it's been a while I was just talking with Ann and I can't remember if it was last fall that we were in my home but I have so many exciting things to show you today and a great piece outside we're going to actually Walk The Garden but today we're actually traveling and I'm going to tour someone else's home today her name's Joanne and she actually works for Country bumpkins and I just love her house I'm in love with it I if I could trade with her I might um and so we're going to see that in a different video okay so we're going to do a two-part um I am not going to change my clothes today I'm going to wear this to Joanne's house because she actually shops at The Loft and I'm wearing this just for Joanne it's got a little bow on the back oh isn't that cute so that's for Miss Joanne if she's watching this okay so we're just going to go over a few things in my home today I want to show you something outside in the garden a great piece that I was able to pick up and then Ann and I are going to to travel over to Joann's house yeah all right so what do you have for us in this gorgeous house all right so the first thing is that one of the last videos we did I talked a lot about baskets I've been in love with baskets all kind sizes and my friend Joanne too has been collecting baskets so uh one of the collections that I've done is up on my beam here and I've kind of gathered some that I've had and some new ones and I didn't hang them with like a a hook because I didn't want to just damage the beam at all and I've just kind of placed them and I'm deciding if I love them I'll continue and Go to the next beam I don't want it to be too cluttery though like overpowering the whole kitchen I just love the look of the beam so for now it was a simple way of putting them up there enjoying the baskets and uh I can just take them down very easily one day Tim came in I actually had a chair on the table and I was placing one up there and he's like what are you doing and I said it's just got to be the right way and I was just yeah I was giving him a heart attack and he's like just get a ladder or I will help you I'm like well you don't know how to tilt it the right way and he's like you got problems so um I did put all those up there myself so I wanted to show you that so right now it is um almost going into um the second week of June and um I didn't have a lot of time for Arana this year because I'm still working on the condos uh but what I did change to do something very simple is I changed out the curtains I went with the star curtains I just added a little simple flag I toned things down as you noticed when you came in today I did um a couple new items is uh a new little butter bucket I love that piece oh I love that piece I think the red one's a new one for me also boy I've been not gonna say spoil but oh so this bucket's new for me this bucket and there's a blue bucket over here which I'll show you in a second and then I I gathered all my bowls and I kind of just stacked them oh on my come on I know you want to be in the video but you can't and then I just added a hint of Americana and the blue wheel in was supposed to make its way down to my Cape house and it never did because I wanted to ask you remember glattus Desmond yes who did she said she painted that oh interesting yep so um I just said I want to hang it up here for the summer very nice so that's that and this is a new blue bowl that I got um from an auction online auction so more color so I figured bring out the blues and reds but keep it simple mhm and then the mantle I kept very I went I don't want to say bare but just very simple I couldn't find a plate holder I'm like you know what I'm just G to throw up the star plate just the way it is very simple yeah no it's it's minimal I love it I love simple cuz you see everything so much more clearly I think I could see the brick better I can see the cabinets right now and of course I'm in cleaning mode we were talking about with all my customers pollen right it's I don't even know how it gets in the the house but it does and never mind the three season porch and out front where we're going to go it's just everywhere right now we've had a lot of rain yeah and then I've cleaned it once and then you just wait and it it just happens to come back I don't know so doing that and then in the for I just cleaned this up a little bit kept it simple with an old quilt and then I'm doing something very different that I've never done before and what's that lady I was doing um Christmas in July okay and up in Vermont and Maine you know they'll keep their Santas out year round and I just I never could pick up on that going how does it feel so after Christmas I decided to keep all my bell snickel out and I just placed them and I did all my little ones in here so it kind of gives me an idea of what I own do I need any more would I part with some so you're going to see this is like my itty bitty collection and some are Valen courts and others are just cuz I like them but I kind of just pulled them forward so you could see them in the video and then in my foure here I took the whole shelf where we had that Village before and I'll have you show them after is my whole Bell knuckle collection and I'm not sure if I would do it again but I know that I at least can see how many I own better than pulling them out right before Christmas right right and then worried did I chip any oh because they you know they're can be expensive and you got to wrap them just the right way or a lot of women tell me they tuck them under a cabinet somewhere I'm I'm a little rough with things so um they're good but I don't know if I'll keep them out for fall or not they they may go under a cabinet and then come back out I see a change in this room you do well you had something a cabinet under that mirror and that's gone yep I pulled that that and um I've been going outside my front door even for a few minutes a day to just look at the Garden yeah because I feel like I don't go outside this area very often so I'm trying to do different things and use my house a little bit more I love it I love it and and just Another Touch of Americana yep a runner and a little flag this is what Mel has done this year this is what I've done a teeny Touch of Americana in the rooms and it goes a little bit goes a long way it does and even like when I'm standing here looking like this Croc yeah it just has the hint of red just enough right it it'll pull it in and that it picks up from the flags it's probably there all the time but you don't notice it but when you put the flags up then you notice it exactly truly nice so then I'm very excited too about the dining room um I had been talking with you and Al and you know being in your Tavern it just inspired me and I go well I want a little Tavern area so I had this table over here in the corner with a big lamp on it so I just pulled the table out and these are two new chairs for me and I had one fixed down towards Bernette antiques which I know you've been there come on Lyra and I just put the little pair together MH and um I just love it in the corner just reminds me of my my own little Tavern it's it really is a good way to get a little Tavern look without having to have a Tavern in your house exactly yeah just a couple Windsor chairs by a little table and you've got the look especially if you put a sign up there exactly which you have a sign and I also think that the molding really um kind of elevates this look too I love that molding on your dining room thank you I love this color and then I've taken all off the centerpiece which I had before on my kitchen table and I just brought it in here and I'm I kind of put everything together now to say do you have enough and how I talk to Alice sometimes how many can I own is an too many too many and Alice doesn't believe that she goes when you know that you want to part with one you will but this is like one of my favorite right now that I just picked up love that one nice and I did part with one at the um the last live did you did I didn't know you had so many butter Pats is it cuz they never were all together maybe yeah and I just pulled the bigger ones out and just added them over here right but I tend to like the square ones these are probably my favorite wow so I'm assuming everyone has their own favorites sure these are my favorite favorites interesting and then I guess the butter presses that aren't inside of these would be my next favorite so I love this type oh yeah and this one oh oh that's pretty I like that one and then I was able to do an auction and I bid on 12 of them in one lot and I won them okay so um I added the quick little 12 to it right so we'll see if I I part with that here's a different one too what happens though is when you try to get The Collection together some fall to the bottom you can't see them so I mean they're made to be shown they're beautiful yes you're you're paying enough for them right so I kind of just like move them around to pull out different ones to say hey remember you have that one mhm so I don't want to become a hoarder either but I just love these I love this one the best I love that I don't know why I love that it's beautiful but you know wouldn't that even be beautiful to put on some dough and then make some things in this pattern right yeah or an ornament yeah yeah that that's just beautiful so and then I was making up bags at bumpkins for fall already and um I just found I kept a couple for myself and we know these are dried um pomegranates sure so but I had never seen these before oh there is interesting don't know they look like pine cones maybe some of your viewers would know what they are H so I bagged them up and brought them home for myself I'll put them in bowls or do something later on I just didn't have time um so that's something new faini and then I just added a a new um measure so that's a new one and now I'm kind of I got the collection together so now I can say do I have enough right one is enough enough or do I want to part with one I don't know so we go through these Cycles we've talked about this and um I'm just kind of thinking things and seeing how what I have and putting the collections back together when you have fallen Christmas you're putting those decorations on top of your antiques so the Antiques kind of sit back like they take a step back and you're focused on that pumpkin or whatever here they're shining again they're like here I am so and one of the things that I'm in love with right now is we're going to talk about in another video or at Joann's house is board in Baton and shiplap I think about it day and night and I need to get this out of my system so we're going to talk about and people are like Lany you got problems now you're talking about Bor and Baton and what is that so we're going to get into that a little bit today my shut out in the back is Bor and Baton so um I'm collecting wood and doing different things with Bor and Ben so it's all it's all good things so I wish it was a decoration I could just buy but no we got to build it or find antique things right so I was showing you that um I'll just let you look around real quick I know I think that people are going to be like but wait I want to see the house exactly and and I want to say this too because a few people have said to me well we've already been in this house before but I have to tell you this house is never the same since Lany owns a store she's continuously changing it with different Collections and different items and everything changes here everything and some of your viewers are new and they're like who is Laney or what store does she own so I I am Laney and I own country bumpkins uh which is out in mendan and Ann and I do some live YouTube videos and we actually sell things and we have a great time with Alice and sometimes Mel and uh that's and we're doing a live soon that's right in August and I'm very excited too cuz in July I did my home for fall with um Judy Condon oh and the book's coming out and I'll be able to get my hands on them in July so I'm excited cuz that was a year ago I don't even remember what my house looked like for that photo shoot I think that's the last time we were here we came after that photo shoot okay mhm yeah and the house looked great I remember that and people can you can go look at a video see how your house looked but uh I the other live we're doing however how where'd you get the Horseshoe in is that just a that's just a print yes it's just a print looks good though yeah the other thing the live we're doing a live at the um at my house yes is that next week next week Tuesday I think it might be I think it is so next week Tuesday guys at at 6 o' uh or 6:30 to be determined we will be doing a live at the house with Lany and cousin Mel and Alice I'm so excited and that's going to be fun and we're actually going to talk about your YouTube channel a little bit and how we all met and came on to the YouTube channel yeah some of our funny moments and uh and question and answers oh that's right question show up with all your cues because we're going to have A's for those cues I like how you still have your red wear out you had that out in the fall yes that's what we did we did a red wear tour in the fall and I'm still loving it yeah so and I did part with some pieces um trying to think what else well you put the Americana curtain up here in the kitchen too yes I'm loving it it just it's just a simple change from what I had but I just feel like it's a whole new area it is so I get very excited about that it all looks good and it's always different and every every time I come to this house it's such a treat like okay honestly Laney when I oh you steal your chicks up yeah when I come to your house I want to go back and and redecorate I mean that's the ultimate compliment right when you go to someone's house and you want to go back and start messing with your stuff that's how I felt like when I walked in Joanne's house okay and also when we took the tour for the industrial house at unit 7 that I did right she has invited us back into her home that's right and when I went back into see it I almost fell on the floor going oh my God like I just love this house like I just I wanted to look at every little thing she had in it so uh we are invited there I don't have a date on that yet but uh we'll be going in there soon I think condo number 10's almost done I need three more weeks so I think while we're uh filming number condo 10 we'll sneak into um condo number seven that'll be fun got a lot going on oh a lot going going on there's just a lot going on another little touch of Americana I love that this was a new design by Karen who's with us at bumpkins we put it up the night of the live okay and my daughter went to one of her art classes and made that oh that's cute so and she you could pick different ribbons and she just went with the lace so um that's a touch from Becca in the house I love that nice and this is a print of Mary Beth bter and I didn't sell it cuz it's got a couple poke mocks but I said it deserves to be up I love Mary Beth Baxter so um she definitely could go down the cape house but um yeah I just wanted her here with me so quickly before we have to go to I wanted to show something out on my porch we're going to go outside before we go to Joann's but way back when I did a video on herb dryers and after we did the video my husband went out and bought me another one and it's kind of big and I'm not sure what to do with it all the time but I said for the video I just like people to see it because it's a rare piece yes so the first one I'm going to show you the difference these are actually the stacking drawers and you know they could have been another piece at the top but over the year maybe it the years it broke I'm not sure on that but I just love how those slide out yeah that's really cute this one almost reminds me of the old and I don't know if it's a bcap or a be beehive where people would raise the bees so it's kind of made like that how you take it out to get the Honeycombs this is what this reminds me of right right but each piece sits on each other if I could get it back in just like that just with the dowel and then you stack them so you'd lay your flowers in there so maybe I'll try to dry something this year with all the time on my hands I love it your time I love blackeyed Susans I get a lot in the front so maybe I'll snip those dry them out I've done that before I've dried them but I didn't use the dryer so maybe I'm going to lay the blackeyed Susans in here and then I you just kind of crumble them and then you put them in a mason jar and then when they're dried out you just plant them so it's so simple oh you plant them yeah you can use the seeds over and then you're just going to replant them oh and you you might get like 30 just from one little BD so I have been um keeping uh what are they paper bags with blackeyed Susans in them and my plants and that has also been drying them and collecting the seeds so I could just crumble them into the ground and plant them so I never thought about that with a seed dryer yeah you just got to make sure that you really do this this motion to get the the dead leave off of it so when it goes in the ground it's going to get the water and it's it's going to bloom interesting and if you're putting I I don't I'll go crazy I'll put 30 in one hole Yeah I mean if we get a couple that bloom it didn't cost you anything and you had fun drying it out and I mean people save seeds in Mason Jaws they look gorgeous it's different textures just beans so um maybe everyone might want to try that or try it with something different or different flour you could almost collect the seeds put them in sell that people can put it in their house for a while and then Bloom their Garden I'd love to hear if if it works with sunflower seeds if you really have to just crack them all open and I know pumpkins a lot of people tell me they'll just take their pumpkins throw it right in the garden and then they're just growing again next year what we're doing okay so okay so if that works it's the same concept okay so we're we're just doing it with our flowers so when you snip them you're just saving them mhm so we even had about 12 pumpkins grow out of our composting pile cuz Tom had thrown the pumpkins in the composting pile and then turned into a big pumpkin patch okay cute it was wonderful yeah perfect oh looks adorable in here so this is just I just keep it simple usually it's cluttered with a lot of children's toys and that's my recycle bin yeah I like that it just hides everything I did get a couple new chairs um they were supposed to go to the cape house but it's a glider and a swivel so I've I've kept them for now where's your other one I I have it outside oh it's really cute thanks it look nice at your cape house too it would it's G to it's eventually going to make its way down there but for now I've been sitting out here and reading and if I lay on the couch to be honest though I fall asleep within five minutes um I just listen to the birds it's almost too peaceful for me and I just conqu right out it's it's just a total Wonderland it really is and you got some new trees yes I'm going to tell everybody about these trees you won't believe this it was my Mother's Day gift um and there's a funny story behind it so we're going to go out and we'll do the garden we'll talk about my new trees that you're not going to believe okay let's go do the garden all right your pups in the backyard is that okay yeah all right okay so while I was getting ready this morning I said what would a bumpkin need for gardening and how much gardening do I actually do um it's a lot as we know gardening is a lot of work and this whole gardening tour came up because we're going to talk about um my new piece on the front porch okay so you want to start with the new piece let's start with a new piece although I want to look at this a minute because I'm really loving this okay I love just what you did with your dough bowl and I this is the first time ever that I've done lights in a bowl I'm hoping that I've done them right cuz a lot of women buy them from me and they said they're putting them in a bowl sure so I just kind of stuck them in there today and then I take the stuff and I just kind of cover it a little bit cuz if you put it in just like that it's hard it doesn't want to stay it gives you a hard time so what I've just done is I go all right let's just and then uncover it a little bit and then I was in love with tulips and Crocs this year and I think you could have tulips year around and I just love these you don't have to water them and I I don't know what it is but I just love tulips and Crocs and we've sold a lot of tulips this year to your viewers really so anyone who's ordered them from me these are the same ones that you've gotten and you can see them now in my Croc and I've had a free giveaway on how to antique real touch tulips that I've been giving away since I don't know March or April on my website okay a lot of people have downloaded that nice yeah everybody likes tulips and this everyone knows is my sitting room we usually don't advertise the TV but this is a new piece for me and it wasn't by choice um everyone I think knows that I had surgery and I had to live on the couch or recliner for five weeks weeks so everyone just set me up in here so I could watch the television and um I I actually sat in this so much that I bruised my tailbone so the tailbone was screaming the shoulders screaming so if you wanted to know why I've been hiding for a long time it's because I've been like living here and then I will sit here and like look through the house going I'd like to decorate that or change this and I couldn't do anything with the Y so that was very frustrated so I'm all reenergized and I'm so happy to be back out and doing things and and is your arm good motion now it's almost there I need like another month I'm still in PT once a week and um he says I just don't stretch enough okay I need to make more time for myself but I'm back sleeping in bed and it's it's very strong it was strong before I had the surgery good so um I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the um the recliner yet but it's like an oversized couch um but the only thing is when we're in here watching a movie it's not a love seat so everybody fights to get it cuz it reclines and then everyone has to go to the angel house or we have to pull in another chair so we're kind of talking about maybe getting a small sectional so I might switch something up down the road um but this is where I haven't even put anything in the basket uh this is kind of the last room I didn't do much with it's all good it's all good Lany but this is this is me like I'm not I can't change anything this is my favorite jean jacket I wear all the time to switch up my outfits this is me we love you well thank you don't we everybody tell us in the comments how much we love Laney I'm just hoping that uh this makes someone happy today so I'm going to show you the piece that I've been um dying to show you in good I have a question how did your dog get in the house when I closed the door I don't think you closed the slider cuz you were filming so she's good I'll close it before we go I thought she got in I thought no the whole back the whole backyard's fenced in so she can't she can't get out okay all right so everyone we're on my front porch um and what I wanted to show an today and everyone is that this is called the community doble I should have measured it if Alice was here she'd be yelling at me right now where's the tape measure I'm guessing it's it's probably a good four feet M um or maybe even five feet I if I could lay on it it might be my height okay we'll step it off sorry people I'm going to move a little one two three four yeah four okay so I'm definitely taller than this taller as a sunf flower so um all right so what this is this is an original piece late 1800s early 1900s it was made by an Indian tribe in the United States we're going to get to that part why I'm I'm definitely talking about that it's called the community do Bow because they would take this piece from Village to village women would stand around it between four and six women is what they're telling me I mean I'm small enough to to work on the end if I wanted to so you have the women in the tribes they get together they're they're mixing up their dough and that's not to say that they didn't bring two or three of these but we only have one so like you had said um it looked like it was in beautiful condition someone really preserved this and kept good care of it someone from a museum came out and looked at this piece at the home where I went to get it um later the stand was made for this just to display it so it was custom built and you could put Crocs down there or whatever the piece is a little big for my home um so it just it ended up on the porch I love it cuz it's all covered out here it's been fine the only thing I really have to do is just wipe it down with Murphy's Oil Soap to to get the pollen and everything out of it so what they told me about this piece is that it's not smooth inside like you'd see our regular dough Bowls because it's not a piece that they would keep in their house to display that they were proud of this is a working piece that women were just getting together to to do their whatever their do or whatever they were working on that day so you could actually see the lines where they they've taken I don't know the tools that they use to to etch it out but the value on this is what I've just learned has gone down at auction because these bigger dobles as uh Ann knows at Brimfield were being brought in out of India in other countries so it was very hard to tell do you have a real one or I want to say like a Repro but not even a americanmade Repro so this is really hurt years ago at auction this piece might have brought in a, to, 1500 and I don't even know now if it would even go up for auction because they they just there's such a there's not a need for it anymore because you can get a a cheaper version for maybe a 100 or 200 at Brimfield and how do you even tell how do you because I've seen a lot of those old bowls and old pots at Brimfield they have repairs on them they look authentic how do you even tell it's very hard so that's why the woman her name was Joyce who owned this in Connecticut and she is a customer from bumpkins called me and said I have a beautiful piece I know that it's authentic because I had a a gentleman come out from a museum and look at it imagine sturge Village or a Plymouth Plantation having a piece like this so I drove two hours one way to go pick it up I have to admit I thought this was smaller um and it's it's a big piece so I said to her she had it in her dining room I said what did you do with this piece she said I would fill it with gourds in the fall but at Christmas was her favorite time she said she'd put like a bell snickel in the middle or an onette Santa and then she'd fill it with greens and the red berries and that would look beautiful also mhm so um it is here now at my home but it is going to bumpkins and it'll be in one of the Fall rooms and I'm going to do it up with gourds and I don't know what else yet so I love that I love it I love it it's absolutely beautiful but I am looking at it and I'm thinking what on Earth would you do with that in your house you would have to have a big enough house to put that in she had a beautiful dining room with a big farmhouse table and then she just had this one wall and it was just sitting against the wall but someone who has a brand new house that has a a big foyer it would look beautiful there or everyone who comes in says oh my God I love it on the porch um but it's made its home here for now but I I think it will will go to bumpkins it's definitely a conversation piece definitely yeah so and a lot of people call it the bath the bath St um Joanne has a beautiful one it's not a Repro it's on her um dining room table her kitchen table that she bought from bumpkins but it's not as big as this and they call it the boat so we're going to look at that at her house today so I'm just going to um change up here for a couple things showing you what a bumpkin would do if I was gardening at my house and there's so much pollen and everything um I'm hoping everyone's not seeing it I tried to clean some of it today but I've been busy so anyway this is my old I found this one of my old aprons that says Lane's country bumpkins and before everybody started calling me Laney everyone called me Lane so um I had Lane androed so what would Lan or Lan use if she was gardening well obviously I would get rid of my shoes you know cuz we got to change up all the time and I would put on junk sneakers and you know and fill me in if this is what you would do at home no socks in New England you just throw the sneakers on right right and um are you looking at the brick or I'm looking at your feet oh so okay you had a petty we're good okay and I went with uh Fringe shoes today to go up my Fringe on my dress dude you got to be stylish so then I would have a hat I'd have a cold drink I don't drink coffee so I grabbed an ice water at Duncan scissors we're going to actually use that hammer today bug spray and across um sunscreen not sunscreen I'm going with a bronzer so if you're out here actually working I mean you got to tan those legs up girls so and then I have um my work gloves and the hammer cuz I am a builder so I should have a hammer so come on everyone we're going to go walk through the garden here I have no shape to tell you what really anything is which you've done a video before right but I was spoiled this year so for Mother's Day because of my arm and everything that's going on with the condos Tim hired a company to come in and kind of weed everything and put mulch down and remove a few plants that weren't doing well and then they said I'd have to decide uh what I want wanted to trim back again because everything with all the rain this year is just growing very fast oh and I want to talk about another tool so these are my pockets so this oh these are my notes for over at Joann's these are my favorite scissors they're Cobalts um so I use these all the time I get very upset when I'm missing them but you can just go around and trim things all the time um but you can see how an everything that everything that they've already trimmed for me for Mother's Day it's just growing again like I would think all this needs to be trimmed again mhm so now that I'm talking about board and bat and I'm moving quickly because we we need to be at someone else's house I put a little flag up here nothing big and this is the front door where I've been trying to come out but I need new windows which Joanne just got new windows so I'm very jealous of her and um I need to fix some um this is called clapboard clapboard is another the name for shiplap we're going to get into that but what I've been noticing is that the nails come out because it's real wood so I got my hammer and you just hit them back in so I was just saying hey I'm you know we're just going to do that a little bit get that on video everybody's actually seen me work today so hopefully I get a laugh out of somebody so all right so this is um you saw my scissors so we've cleaned out a lot here that was kind of dying from just over the years yeah and um I got a new Rosa Sharon there nice why can't I think of the Red Berry one here I have male and female um I know everybody who's viewing is going to just be yelling at me it's the one at Christmas yeah I have one of them too yeah it's the red berries and then I get a family of robins that come in every year like Thanksgiving to them they all land on the front lawn and then they just swarm and they eat all the berries like if they're feasting together it's it's so nice I'm sad to see the red berries go but that's that so we're going to walk around so this is the front garden but what I'm sad about Ann is that it doesn't it doesn't exit that well you need to make an exit I would I would have to do that and then this is actually a stream that comes all the way through the front here oh and it goes under here which I call the pit and I put all the grass clippings in the pit but I get a lot of Bittersweet so that growing in my pit is Bittersweet so whatever I take out like this right here is Bittersweet I've already snipped this I got to get in and I try not to throw it in the pit because Bittersweet will grow anywhere yes so I dry it out and I usually burn it out back in my um fire pit so that's that so Lane's got bittersweet people I can't I'm just so excited to show everybody everything I wish I know the names of everything and I don't either I that might be Coline this which we had a bunch of that and it got snuffed out by some purple plant that took over so we have some work to do in our garden and those was and these are called I mean I know these are irises for sure yes and I did very well with those this year purples and yellows I have a lot of those at my Cape house because you don't have to do anything to them you can't kill them no and you can break them apart and replant them and you have a gardinia bush that just passed its peak but they smell so good don't they yes I love walking through the garden and smelling them oh I get sad when things are just dying though and it goes so fast they do yeah and that's why I love the um tulips in the house because they're not going to die they look real oh all right everyone we're back we're taking in through the backyard and I want to talk about my shed um it's Bor and Baton so it's um a rough cut wood and we're going to talk about Bor and Baton today at Joanne's house and what I love at her house that I love so much I'm going to design condo number 11 the inside with bord and Baton are you really yeah CU I can't stop thinking about it and I'm going to tell you how bord and Baton came to New England and all that good stuff but we're just going to get a close up of this cuz I didn't really notice it until I started thinking about it and well we know my house is clapboard but Bor and Baton comes together they would at the Sawmills rip it and they'd put the two pieces of board together and they were never straight because they were coming off the Sawmill or logs so you'd have almost a gap here back in the 1800s early 1900s so they place the baton board on top to seal it and this is a a perfect example of that and I just noticed it this morning so I said I I have to take you back here so um that's that all right so funny story that I want to share with everybody before we go is over in that corner where that blue chair is there's a shower there and in the fall when the leaves are down this house in the back has been clearing and I I tell Tim I won't shower there because somebody might see me at the house in the back and he's pretty far away but when I'm at the fire pit those people can hear my conversation and they can definitely see me so for Mother's Day not only did he have the mulch put in and everybody the edging and all that he brought me in 10 trees 10 and they came in and looked to see what would grow back there to give me coverage so I could shower or he could shower in that that stall that nobody would see us you could have just put up a screen I I know a wait till you see these so I'm doing a before and after with you um because I'll probably bring Stone up because you know I have my um golf cart that I love to drive around the property and put the grandkids in and they think you know we're looking for dinosaurs back here but they had to come in with an excavator and a BHO well a bobcat and a backhoe and dig these these so these trees could go in I I can't believe it oh and then I I said to him what did these trees cost like these are I don't know 12 14 Footers he goes well I didn't want little it would take years to have them grow but you see how they dug up all the ground so I have I definitely have work to do back here but I I might bring in more of that gray stone so I can drive up here and then when I came out here with the gentlemen that were doing it they H kind of had them lined up and I said I need to get through here with my golf cart and they started laughing so they redog and they kind of scattered them for me but he got them at a discount because he helps these people and they've done all the condos but I almost fell on the ground he paid $700 a tray for one and he brought in 10 I said are you crazy I would have never you could put up a fence yes he said well we want to keep it natural so we're going to walk up here so I have a lot of work to do because now they've kind of like dug up all the The Roots um but my granddaughters love it back here we come back here and we get sticks and the path goes out here right to the chicken Coupe and um to where we have the fire pit and we spend a lot of time at the fire pit but already it's kind of hidden but I'm like sick going what if what if one of these dies yes do I get a warranty I don't know I would hope so yeah so um anyway this is my Mother's Day gift wow yeah Tim doesn't do anything small does he I guess not I think he really wanted them maybe more than he must have yes so I'm going to say this is his father's day gift yes I think so or Mother's Day for maybe the next 10 years yeah but these are these are lany's new trees for Mother's Day I love it Lany so now I can shower and I don't have to worry about the the neighbors I I think well if I stand over here and look at the shower I don't see it anyway because of this underbrush right I suppose in the fall that could go away it does right so that's the story oh that's so funny what a ho I love the smell of this dirt and what they do is what I found out I was talking to the guys when they were bringing them in they wrap these trees in a heavy thick seaweed and the seaweed holds the moisture when you're putting these trees in yeah because I said how am I watering these 10 trees like this is this is big for me I can barely keep up with the front got it but supposedly they're okay and they're made for shade and they're they're going to get big okay so that's my funny story everybody that Laney's going to take care of these trees now yes so you can take a shower so now you better take a shower I'm going to definitely take more showers outside I guess right and it's the perfect season to do it yes I I kind of I love walking back here right now with you I just wish I had more time it's beautiful um it's peaceful for me very peaceful I hosted a birthday party here um I think it was May 5th or May 9th my granddaughter turned five and um we had an a big jumpy and face painting and Sam wanted it here because the whole yard's fenced in okay so three and five year olds we could contain them very well right so that was the only party that I've done this year very nice not a lot of time and now we're going to hey elany now we're going to Joann's and that will be a whole different video yes thank you everyone
Channel: Anne Clay
Views: 2,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design, interior design ideas, interior designer, Anne Clay, home decor, cozy, home decorating ideas, house tour, farmhouse, country home, country decor, primitive, primitive decor, primitive decorating, primitive decorating ideas, summer decor, summer decorating ideas, home tour, home, summer, decorate for summer, home decor ideas
Id: FgDq52Rx2QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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